THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND, MAY 29, 1910. 9 PEASE IS LARGE Building Permit Totals Already Show Gain of 51 Per Cent. WEEK'S MARK IS $398,215 Few Large Buildings and Xone to Cost More Than $50,000 In cluded In 1.1st Many Costly Residences Swell Figures. Bulldifig permits for' last week reached a. total of $308,215. bringing the total for th month up to $1,733,245. The total for May. 1909, was J1.H2.400. showing an In crease of over 51 per cent with the per mits of-Saturday afterpoon and next Tuesday to add further to this Increase. The figure for the month Is the second largest ever attained In Portland, being bettered. only by the mark of last month, when the totals were a shade over $2. 000,000. , The largest single permit of the week was for a building to cost $50,000. issued to Sinnott & Slnnott, for a three-etory store and apartment building on Alblna and KilUngsworth avenues. There were four other permits ranging from $20.000 to dwelling, 443 Farragut street, between Wa bash and Washburn, builder same; $350. S. S. Kingery Erect one-story frame dwell ing, Corbett street between Iowa and Pendle ton, builder J. W. Cwibll: $1200. Kicolal & Neppach Repair three-story brick building. 205 Burnslde Btreet be tween Third and Fourth; builder, C. Car mlchael; $50. Mr. Hawley Repair one-story frame ga rage, 445 Holliday between Sixth and Sev enth streets; builder, C. Carmichael; $250. Gregory Investment Company Erect one story frame dwelling. Seventy-third street between Freemont and Klickitat; builder, same: $250. Gregory Investment Company Erect one story frame dwelling. Seventy-fourth street between Freemont and K.ickitat; builder, bzt-.k; 160a Dunnavant Construction Company Erect one-story frame dwelling. East Twenty-first street between Holniaa and Yukon; builder, E. R. Clanson; $170u. Mrs. M. Arewller Erect one and one-half story frame dwelling. Rayburn street; build er. M. Arewller: $1000. Beno & Ballis Erect one-storv frame ga rage. Northrup street between Twelfth and Thirteenth: builder. E. Melton: 150. Dunnavant Construction Company Erect one-story frame dwelling. East Twenty-first street between Holman and- Yukon; builder, E. R. Clanson; $1800. J. Enkells Repair two-story frame dwell ing. Hooker street between First and Second, builder E. Barrett; $1200. Ed Villa Repair two-story frame dwell ing. 311. Davis street between Sixth and Fifth: builder. P. Ademson: $125. R. E. Blaco Erect one-story frame dwell ing. East Twenty-ninth street between Car uthers and Division; builder, same; $1800. R. E. Blaco Erect one-story frame dwell ing. East Twenty-ninth street between Car uthers and Division; builder, same: $1800. W. P. Finley Repair one-story frame dwelling. East Fourteenth street between Klllingsworth and Ainsworth; builder, same; $40 A. B. -Castor Erect two-story trann dwelling, East Oak street between Twenty eighth and Twenty-ninth; builder, same; $2000. . Wednesday, May 85. B. I. and W. E. Dunford Erect one-story frame dwelling, Firland avenue between Lin coln and Lewis, builder same; $1600. Allan R. Mann Erect one-story frame dwell ing. East Yamhill street between Twentieth and Twenty-first, builder same; $1800. H. M. Harper Erect one-story frame dwell ing. East Twenty-seventh street between AI story frame dwelling. 431 Marguerite ave nue between Division and Sherman; build er, same; $2000. W. B. Jameson Repair two-story frame dwelling, 815 Clackamas street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth; builder. C. W. Ross; $000. P. L. Reed Erect one-story frame dwell ing. East Fortv-flfth street between-. Haw thorne and Madison: builder, same; $1600. W. C. Norton Erect two-story frame dwelling. East Alder street between Seventy-ninth and Eightieth; builder, same; $2500. P. L. Reed Repal one-storly frame dwelling. East Forty-eighth street between Grant and Lincoln; builder, same; $500. P. A. Carlandcr Erect one and one-half story frame dwelling. Mallory and Killings worth avenue: builder same; $4500. T. H. Powell Erect one and one-half-story frame dwelling, Ivon street between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth; builder, same; $1900. T. H. Powell Erect one and one-half-story frame- dwelling, Ivon street between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth; builder, same; $1900. T. H. Powell Erect one and one-half-story frame dwelling. Ivon street between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth; builder, same; $1000. Madeline St. Clair Erect two-story frame dwelling. East Forty-third street between Sandy road and Tillamook; builder, J. F. Miller: $2000. Dr. Dunlap Erect two-story frame dwell ing. Union avenue between Alberta and Sumner : builder, A. A. Arend ; $1050. Thursday, May 26. Plttock & Leadbetter Repair three-story brick store, 189 Madison street, between riv er and Front; builder. P. A. Bryant; $25. Mrs. W. J. Campbell Repair H4 -story frame dwelling. 142 East Sixty-seventh street, between Flanders and Glisan; builder, W. J. Campbell: $200. R. F. Robson ect two-story frame dwelling. 137 East Sixty-third street, be tween Hoyt and GUsan; builder, same; $1000. Lydla Irons Erect one-story frame dwell ing. Lewis street, between Bebee and Duke; builder. J. F. Irons: $300. H. B. Keene Erect one-story frame dwell ing. Cully street, between Fifty-seventh and Fifty-eighth; builder, same; $1600. J. Megeley Repair two-story frame dwell ing. Jefferson street, between Third and Fourth; builder, K. D. Alexander: $50. J. J. Scheurer Erect one-story frame greenhouse. East Fifty-seventh street, be tween Hoyt and Irving: builder, same; $250. Whitney & Gray Repair two-story frame the Boardwalk at Asbury Park, the Widest One in the World? Have You Ever Seen