The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 29, 1910, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 45

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time since she left her natal city. The
assouaoement, then, that Miss Adams
was to appear In "What Every Woman
Knows" In Salt Lake City was heard with
delight. The City Council, In welcoming
her as a guest of the city, presented her
with a copy of resolutions extolling her as
"the highert type of modest womanhood
and idol of the American stage." Miss
Adams will appear at the Bungalow In
this same play June 13, 14 and 15.
An old player recalls some local the
atrical criticisms of an earlier day. On
of them was the limping wheeze, "Mr.
Blank acted Hamlet last night, and acted
It until 11:20 o'clock." In another instance
the implication of the omissions were
even more pointed. The notice ran:
"John F. Ward appeared at the Opera
House last night. The ventilation of the
theater was perfect and the orchestra
rendered several pleasing airs."
Mrs. William El Annls, whose husband
was shot by Peter Hains. Is in vaudeville,
appearing this week: in Boston. .
. ,
Fl 6. Willard, the eminent character
actor, whose annual tours have always
been welcomed by theater-goers all over
this country, has declared that he has
retired from professional life and will not
Appear on the stage for some years at
least. Mr. Willard made this announce
ment at Monte Carlo a few days ago and
It did not cause any surprise among his
Intimate friends, for he had Indicated
eome months past that he wished to take
a long rest.
Maxine Elliott, now In London, went
over to Liverpool to see her sister Ger
trude In "The Dawn of a Tomorrow" dur
ing its trial there at the Shakespeare
Theater. She said afterward, for publica
tion: "I am still palpitating with Joy and
excitement over her success, and am full
of hope for London."
Maxlne, by the way, nays the rumor
that she Is to have a theater built for
her In London is without foundation. "It
Is purely a myth," says she, "and I am
here only on a ' holiday in this beloved
England. I return to America In Sep
tember to play In The Inferior Sex' by
Frank Stayton, all the season, and I go
es far West as California. I hope to play
the piece in London at the Easter of
.3911." . ,
Zoe Blundell, In "Mid-Channel," the
latest of Sir Arthur Wing Pinero's plays
to be presented in this country, is the
14th character role Ethel Barrymore
has portrayed during tb.e 11 years she
has been a star. The following Pinero
isms are Indicative of the dialogue in
the play:
There must come a time, in the Journey
when your pair of horses stop prancing and
fettle down to a trot.
H's got a nice air about him and smells
of soap; that's the kind of man most women
llks to have dangling- about them.
Two things will never change men and
women and the . shape of chickens' eggs.
'Chickens' eggs will never be laid square,
and men and women will never be different.
Women who are flat-chested, stralght
laoed and flat-footed and men who live
on farinaceous food and drink water, o&n
never have real blood In their veins.
Lots of folks have do time for a tingle
married woman.
A favorite pose of husbands to be strong",
cold-blodded men.
Why Is It that the moment a man's mat
rimonial affairs are in a tangle every plati
tude in the language is chewed out to him.
A husband can't be everlastingly praising
his wife's clothes.
Men are the biggest humbugs soln' -especially
to themselves.
It's when the sun's working around to the
west it's when men are 40 and 60. that
they're most liable to get into mischief.
Jane Hading, the famous French ac
tress, has been booked through Marto
elll for the London Hippodrome October
10-29 next. This is her first vaudeville
engagement, but she has been before
the public many years, and created the
leading role In "Les Demi-Vierges."
Lillian Lawrence, formerly a leading
woman with the Baker Stock Com
pany, has entered the ranks of vaude
ville, and will appear next week at
Keith's, in Boston, with a sketch com
pany. Raymond Hitchcock and his wife.
Flora Zabelle. will spend the Bummer
motoring In Norway.
Madame Birgie Arnoldl has recovered
damages through her - attorney, Mr.
Btrassman, In a suit against Olga Neth
ersole for breach of contract. Madame
Arnold! was Toto, the Spanish dancer.
In "Sapho" for 28 weeks, until the at
traction reached New York and played
at the Academy of Music, when another
dancer was substituted. Madame Ar
noldl appeared In her dance during
Miss Nethersole's engagement In Port
land last Winter. Of Interest Is the
announcement, since we are speaking of
the fair Olga. that she will not return
to America next season, as her tour will
Include the, capitals of Europe and
Egypt, Buenos Ayres, and Rio de Ja
neiro, with possibly a short visit to
Australia. Miss Nethersole's next role
will be "La Samaritalne," by Rostand,
which has been played In Paris by
Madame Bernhardt.
Eben- Plympton, the well-known ac
tor, a survivor of the days of Adelaide
Nielsen, for whom he was leading man;
Edwin Booth, John McOullough, Law
rence Barrett and John T. Raymond,
with all of whom he played prominent
roles, was taken to Roosevelt Hospital
In New York last week, where he un
derwent a surgical operation that Is re
ported to be successful. It was at first
thought that Mr. Flympton's c ldltion
was most serious, but later reports In
dicate that his days may be prolonged
Indefinitely. Last season Mr. P'ympton
appeared In "The Man From Home."
He was born In Boston Ink the early
'50s, and, after some experience on the
amateur stage, went to California,
where he made his professional debut
at Stockton.
Edith Ellis, the author of "Mary
Jane's Pa," Is to dramatize a novelette
whioh lately appeared In a popular
magazine called "The Quality of Mercy"
and which will probably be produced
by the Shuberts.
Mile. Polalre, the sensation of the
hour in Parisian vaudeville, who Is
soon to visit the United States, and
It had been announced that she will
be the star attraction at Hammersteln'i
Victoria Roof Garden, which opens to
morrow evening. But the lady of the
wasp-like waist, who rejoices or pre
tends to in the distinction of being
the ugliest woman In the world, is Just
now detained by a fierce controversy
with the well-known author. M. Pierre
Louys, and it is now stated that she
iran't see her way clear to get over
here until June 6. M. Louys wrote a
play called "La Femme et le Pantin,"
and. according to Mile. Polalre, the
chief role therein was promised to her,
and has since been given to Mile,
liadet. She is very, very .wrathy, and
has threatened to shoot the author
and has already started against him a
campaign of defamation for which she
n-ay yet have to pay dearly.
An Emerson, a Trained Nnrse.
Boston Transoript.
Miss Ellen Emerson, granddaughter of
Ralph Waldo Emerson, is a trained nurse
in the Massachusetts General Hospital In
Boston. She also gives health talks be
fore women's clubs and similar groups
of women.
Blessed in Grandparents.
Hartford (Conn.) Dispatch.
Marilla Ricker, 1 year old, of Dover,
N. H., is thought to have more grand
parents' than any other girl In New Eng
land. She has eight grandmothers and
kue grandfathers.,
and Mrs. Elfred Heller Weinstein.
dramatic soprano, were the two soloists
at the last meeting of ' the Monday
Musical Club. The concert was In
every way an artistic and pleasing
success, and the attendance was large
and enthusiastic. It is not often that
Mrs. Dierke favors her many friends
In this city with a public piano recital,
and this is Portland's loss. It Is highly
creditable to musical taste in this city
that we can reckon such a pianist as
Mrs. Dierke as a resident.
Her programme: "The Swan" (Salnt
Saens); valse. (Chopin); "Etude"
(Liszt); "Vogel als Prophet" (Schu
mann); "Poupee Valsante" (Poldini);
"Scherzo" (D' Albert); and - "Isolde's
Liebestod" (Wagner-Liszt). ' All these
f -
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Mrs. Beatrice Barlow Dierke,
Pianist,' Who Played at the
Monday Moslcal Clnb Concert.
selections were rendered with artlstio
grasp of expression, attention to de
tail, and fine sympathy with 'each
tonal mood. The brilliancy displayed
In the closing excerpt was a revelation
of muslcianly treatment of a difficult-to-lnterpret
theme. Mrs. Weinstein
was in excellent voice, and her three
Wagnerian numbers were rendered
with fine declamation and dramatic
action. They were: "Dich Theure
Halle" and "Elisabeth's Prayer" from
"Tannhaeuser," and "Bruennhllde's
Battle Cry" from the "Valkyrie." Mrs.
Weinstein is making a rapid advance
in her vocal art, and the able manner
in which she sang the "Valkyrie" num
ber stamped her singing as excellent.
Both planiste and singer were cordially
received and showered with every mark
of favor.
Mrs. Weinsteln's accompanist was
Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, who played
with fine judgment.
The Enna Amateurs gave a piano re
cital last Thursday night at Eilers
Hall, an event which was largely at
tended and showed that the young peo
ple taking part are steadily reaching
forward to musical excellence In their
studies. Miss Zeta Hollister, soprano,
was to have been the soloist of the oc
casion, but at the last moment she was
called out of town, and her place was
taken by Miss Dagmar Inez Kelly,
mezzo-soprano. The programme:
Variations on the "Schumann Menuet
theme op. 99," for two pianos (Tar
enghl). Miss Anna Basler and Dr. Emil
Enna; two dances, "Dance Sacree" and
"Dance Profane" (Debussy), Miss Elma
Hovedsgaard; "Tocata op. 43, No. 6"
and "La Plccola, Etude op. 43, No. 2"
(Leschetlzky), Miss Gladys Dobson;
songs, selected. Miss Dagmar Ines
Kelly; from "Suite Moderne op. is,"
Prelude, Chansonnete, Danse (Arthur
Whiting). Miss Rose Basler; "Marche
of the Dwarfs" (Grieg). Miss Louise
Wise; "Eine Liebesnovelle op. 6, No. 1,"
(Erich J. Wolff), -1CapriccIo op. 82, No.
6" (Wilhelm Berger), Miss Hazel Mc
Brlde; "Fantasle impromptu op. 66"
(Chopin), "Valse op.' 69, No. 2"
(Schutt), Miss May Merrill; "Para
phrase de Concert sur L'Opera 'Eugen
Onegin' " (Tschalkowsky-Pabst), Miss
Hattie Wise; "Landslghtlng" (Grieg),
Mr. Holmqulst. baritone; United Scan
dinavian chorus, and Frederick W.
Goodrich, organist.
Enjoyable musio was heard at a recep
tion Franoalee recently given by Made
moiselle Paula Spless, at the home of
Mrs. W. Boyd Hamilton, Clackamas
street, corner of Seventeenth. The pro
gramme: Serenade de "Le roi l'a dlt,"
(Leo Delibes), Mme. Kathleen Lawler
Belcber and Mme. Hamilton; "Ballade,"
(Brahms), "Humoresques," (Tschaikow
eky). Mile. Dorothea Nash; "Le trois pre
tendants," (O. Pradels), monologue. Mile.
Paula Spless; "Mignon," (Guy de Harde
lot). Mile. Hausmann; "L'heure exquise,"
(Reynaldo Hahn), Mme. Hamilton; "Le
marl reve," (O. Pradels), monologue.
Mile. Hausman; "Romanoe," (Offenboch),
Mme. Kathleen Lawl ex-Belcher. The lat
ter sang two enoores charmingly. "The
Florian Song" and "Ich Liebe Dich."
Madam Hamilton's encore was "Sans
Toi," and Mile. Hausman, 'The Dainty
Butterfly" song. The "Humoresques" of
Tschaikowsky, played by Mademoiselle
Nash were especially enjoyed.
V '
Officers of the Apollo Club, Portland's
premier male voice organization, for the
ensuing year are as follows: President.
Sidney G. Lathrop; vice-president, John
Gill; secretary, Louis Dammasch; assist
ant secretary, C. E. McCulloch; librarian.
E. L. Bailey; conductor, William H.
Boyer; chairman of advisory committee,
Harry W. Hogue; and accompanists, Wil
liam C McCulloch and Ralph W. Hoyt
Mr. Lathrop's promotion from the posi
tion of secretary to that of president is"
well deserved., He is the "daddy" of the
club, is Its principal organizer, and Ts
a good fellow generally. Last Monday
night, a reception-rehearsal of the club
was held at the residence of J. B. Pttk
lngton. East 16th and Halsey streets, and
one who was present writes me as fol
lows: "It was really worth while at
tending such a pleasant musical recep
tion. The hosts were Clyde B. Aitchi
son, E. L. Bayly, J. B. PUkington and
W. A. Walters, composing the famous
Irvington quartet, and well did they at
tend to their duties. Besides the regular
members of the club, there were a num
ber of invited guests present who were
entertained by the wives of the Irvington
quartet, among whom were: Mesdames
John Gill, W. J. Gill. H. W. Hogue, F.
S. Pierce, Louis Dammasch, Bruce Cur
ry, S. G. Lathrop, J. C. Montelth, C. H.
Parish, and the Misses Effie Seachrest,
Dammasch and Frank. During rehearsal
the women guests enjoyed the rendition
of Die musio from the spacious porch
around the house in the meanwhile
watching the moon's eclipse and comet's
flight. Each guest was presented with a
red carnation, the club's official flower
and upon their retiring to go home,
every one carried large bouquets of choice
and varied peonies with which the whole
house had been decorated. Refreshments
were served. The occasion was one of
the most enjoj'able of the musical season,
and established the fact that anything
undertaken by the Apollo Club Is always
worth attention."
A muslcale at which 60 guests were
present was given last Monday night by
Miss Alicia McElroy at the residence of
Mrs. A. M. Houk, 350 Madison street. A
notable number was a 'cello solo by Ferd
Sorenson, the selection being "O Cara
Memoria," a fantasle by JLjwal. Mr.
Sorenson's technique was good, and his
octaves and double stops were especially
well played. Miss Abby Whiteside's vio
lin playing was also a feature, and her
selections were: "Improvisations" by
MacDonneU; "Marche Humoresque"
(Dohnaniji); and "Galllwoggs Cakewalk"
irom Debussey's suite, "Childern's Cor
ner." Miss Cassle Hiller's violin selec
tions were also well received.
. .
Good musical programmes were given
last Sunday afternoon at both the Young
Men's Christian Association and the
Young Women's Christian Association, by
Bequealth's orchestra of 16 pieces. A half
hour concert was given In the Young
Men's Christian Association auditorium
just previous to the men's meeting, and
the same programme was repeated im
mediately after In the Young Women's
Christian Association auditorium. The
numbers were all well received and an
urgent Invitation extended the orches
tra to appear sgnln, The orchestration
of the instruments was well balanced,
and difficult classics were played with
expression unusual in an amateur organ
ization. The rehearsals of the Portland Fes
tival Chorus have ceased for the sea
son of 1909-10, and will be resumed in
September. The chorus plans to give a
ooncert in the new Heilig Theater
shortly after that building is opened.
A concert w. given last Friday even
ing by the Bequeath orchestra under the
direction of Miss Mary Mackenzie Cahill,
at the Patton Methodist Church, Alberta
street and Michigan avenue. The orches
tra has 16 members and they are all
amateurs. They have been practicing
together for a year and perform with
creditable finish, but play only for the
pleasure of it. One of the hits of the oc
casion was the selection from Gounod's
"Faust." The orchestra was ably assist
ed by Miss Delia M. Bradley, reader, who
was repeatedly encored. Her star selec
tion was "The Mortification of the
Flesh." The programme: Overture, "The
Calif of Bagdad," (Boleldoiu); Peer Gynt
Suite, (a) "Asa's Death" and (b) "Anlt
ra's Dance," (Grieg); reading, "The
Mortification of the Flesh," (Paul L. Dun
bar), Miss Bradley; selection from
"Faust," (Gounod); "The Broken Hearted
Sparrow," (Theo. Bendix); pastoral dance
from "Nell Gwyn" suite (Edward Ger
man); reading, "Sketches," Miss Brad
ley; selection from "The Stubborn Cin
derella," (Howard).
Mlsa Elizabeth Brandon Jones, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. William Jones, played
recently a Very attractive programme
for a few friends at the home of Miss
Elizabeth Sawyers. The programme con
sisted of a concerta by Mozart and se
lections from Bach, Grieg, MacDowell
and Massenet. Miss Jones shows marked
talent as a pianist and plays with bril
liancy. Miss Mary Jessop, pianist, assisted by
the senior music students of St. Mary's
Academy and College, gave an enjoyable
recital at Academy Hall, Fifth and Mill
streets, last Wednesday night. The pro
gramme: Piano duet, op. 12, No. 5
(Moszkowsky), Claire Kremer, Miriam
McDonnell, Alice Autzen, Lillian Hall;
concerto, D Major, first movement (De
Beriot), Mary Jessop; "The Brooklet,"'
harp (Zabel), Carmel Sullivan; aria,
With Verdure Clad," from "The Crea
tion" (Haydn), Myrtle" Johnson; (&)
"Scenes de la Czarda No. 2" (Hubay). (b)
"Beroeuse Slave" (Neruda), Mary Jessop;
"Caprlcclo," cello (Golterman), Ruth Ma
ginnis; "Chorus of Seraphim," from
"Paradise Lost" (Dubois), solo, Mabel
Kingsbury, St. Mary's Treble Triad, first
soprano. Myrtle Johnson, Mable Kings
bury, Helen Bradley, Lillian Hall, second
soprano, Estelle Stewart, Florence
Hughes, Loretta Chapman, Vivien Row
ley, first alto, Sara Bradley, Alice Hughes,
Gertrude Hogan, second alto, Alice Aut
zen, Anna demons, Evelyn Nutting, and
harp accompaniment, Carmel Bullivan,
Vivien Rowley; (a) "Spanish Dance"
(Rehfeld), (b)"Menuett In O" (Beethoven),
Mary Jessop; "Duo Concertant (Tschaik
owsky), first piano Florence Hughes, sec
ond piano Olga Fisher; recitation, "The
Swan Song," Margaret Sullivan; "Souve--nir"
(Drdla), 'Quartet No. 30 (Ernst),
Mary Jessop, with St. Mary's String Quar
tetfirst violin, Mary Jessop, Marie
Mooney Chapman; viola, Grace pennlngs,
Hattie Kelley; second violin, Lorraine
Griffin, Margaret Maglnnls; cello. Ruth
Maglnnis, Anna Clemons. At the planoJ
tarmei sumvan, jj'iorence Hughes and
Ruth Maglnnis.
Mrs. Rose Reed Hanscome gave v a
muslcale at the Young Women's Chris
tian Association auditorium, last Thurs
day night, before an - audience that
taxed the seating accommodation of the
hall. The programme was a most ex
cellent and varied one, and won much
appreciation. All those students who
took part In It deserve credit for good
work done. Novelties were three songs
by Earl Cranston Sharp, a Portland
composer, sung by Miss Clara Howell,
contralto, with fine effect. W. A. Wal
ters, tenor, sang three love songs with
excellent expression, and it would be
an Improvement if his singing were
not marked by so much tremolo. Much
interest was felt in the . commendable
work of the Treble Clef Club and the
Tuesday Afternoon Club, the personnel
being: Soprani Miss jane Irene Burns.
Miss Catharine Covach, Miss Maurene
Campbell. Miss Christina Denholm, Mrs.
Helen Lytle-Ellis, Miss Ethel Eaton,
Miss Laura KorelL Miss Hazel Koontz,
Miss Agnes McLauchlan, Mrs. W. J.
Marshall. Miss Clea Nlckerson. Miss
niONTBS MATX , A 5860
SS SUNDAY KKn MAY 29, 1910
Fourth Week of the Popular Favorites
- Presenting; Anthony Rope's World-Famons Romantic Flay
Dramatized from the Novel Full Strength of the Company Mag
nificent Scenic Effects Thrilling Plot and Action Special Music, ,
Costumes and Stage Settings One of the Greatest Stock Productions;
of All Time Stage Under Direction of "William Dills. .
Evening: Prices 25c, 50c, 75c Sun. and Sat. Matineea 25a, EOo
Wednesday Bargain Matinee, 25c. All Seats Reserved.
Evening Curtain 8 :15 sharp. Matinees 2 :15. Positively no one seated
while curtain is up. No children under 5 except Wednesday Matinee,
; 1
Next Week. EETTA JEWEL and Baker Stock Company in 'Merely Mary Ann"
IL iL sib. I.
eek Starting Monday Matinee, May 30th
The Edw. Armstrong Musical
Comedy Company Present
A Travesty on the Jeffries
Johnson Fight -
The Funniest Musical Comedy Ever Written
Two shows nightly, 7:30 and 9:15.
Matinees daily, 2 :30
Prices Night, 15 cents and 25 cents.
Box seats 50 cent3.
Silvia Oakes, Miss Bernioe Porter, Mrs.
Sanderson Reed, Miss Lillian Rourke,
Miss Mabel Selover, Mrs. Nettla Greer
Taylor and Miss Georgia Wlae. . Altl
Miss Genevieve Butterf ield, Mlsa Delta
Chambreau, Miss Salla Chambreau,
Miss Ellen Driver, Miss Clara Howell,
Mrs. Virginia Hutchinson, Miss Carrol
McCollom, Mrs. J. B. Nelson. Mrs. G. K.
Reed. Miss Kathryn Shannon, -Mlsa
Madeline. Stone, Mrs. R. W. Schmeer.
Mrs. Rose Reed-Hanscome, director.
The programme: (a) "Love's Dream
After the Ball" (Czibulka), (b) "The
Glephant and the Chimpanzee" (Sims),
Treble Clef and Tuesday Afternoon
Clubs; "Canzone-Senza Tetto, Senza
Cuna" (Gomez), from the opera "II
Guarany," H. G. Lettow, baritone;
three songs composed by Earl Cranston
Sharp (a) "The March Wind," (b)
"Japanese Death Sons;," (c) "Come, Kill
the Cup," from the "Rubaiyat," Miss
Clara Howell, and aocompanled by the
composer; "The Legend of Mlana"
(ITontenailles) from the French of
Stephan Bordese, for- soprano solo and
chorus, Mrs. Helen Lytle-Ellis. soloist:
(a) "Since We Parted" (Allltsen), (b)
"You and Love" (d'Hardelot), (o)
"Love, I Have Won You" (Ronald). W.
A. Walters, tenor; duet, "Barcarolle"
(Offenbach), Mrs. Hutchinson, Mr. Let-
tow; cantata, ' ne Lady of Shalott'
(Bendall), for soprano solo and chorus,
soloist. Miss Jane Irene Burns, Treble
Clef and Tuesday Afternoon Clubs.
Mrs. Fred L. Olson, soprano, will sins;
before the Mount Tabor Mothers Cir
cle, at the home of Mrs. J. C Elliot
King, Mount Tabor, Thursday after
noon. V
Miss Florence Gllmore, soprano, as
sisted by Miss Carmel Sullivan, pianist.
Miss Mary Jessop, violinist, and Miss
Charlotte Banfleld, reader, will be pre
sented in recital, Wednesday night, at
153 Sixteenth street North. The pro
gramme: "Spring Has Come (Maud
Valerie White), Miss Florence Gllmore;
reading, "Cherokee Roses" (Anon),
Miss Charlotte Banfleld; Waltz Song
"Parla" (Arditl), Miss Florence Gll
more; piano, "La Campanelja" (Liszt),
Miss Carmel Sullivan; "Ave Maria"
from "Cavalleria Rusttcana" (Mas
cagni), Mis's Florence Qilmore; Sere
nade (Schubert), Miss Florence Gil
more, with violin obllgato by Miss Jes
sop; reading, "The Good Dinner" (Cut
ting), Miss Charlotte Banfield; (a)
"How Yon Clear Brooklet" (Paradles),
(b) "Sweet Inniefallen" (Daly). Miss
Florence Gllmore; "Violin Concerto, No.
New Today
New Monday
Oh Joy
New Today
Formerly National
New Today
Auntie at Boat Race Thrilling.
The Unmailed Letter Yankee Humor
Trust Busters Comedy.
Good Music, View Slides'
and Effects. Oy Confer.
After Many Years A Great Picture.
Tin Wedding Presents Comedy.
A Prince of Worth Romantic.
Mulchachy Farcical.
Laura Johnson,
And Other Features
Brother, Sister and Cowpnncher.
Friends Very Beautiful.
Mirror of the Future Comedy.
Al Sather, Hah a Haba, and
Other Splendid . Numbers.
The Three Wishes A Novelty.
His Wife's Testimony Romance.
Pete's Nine Lives Comic.
. Joe Robinson, Singer.
Views, and other attractions.
I" (De Beriot), MIs Mary Jessop; ga
votte from Mlgnon" (Thomas), Miss
Florence Gllmore.
Miss Carroll McCollom, daughter of Mr.
and Mm J. H. McCollom, will soon be
heard in a vocal recital. ,
The large mixed chorus which la being
formed by Frederick W. Goodrich to elng
at the National convention of the Ancient
Order of Hibernian, will meet for first
rehearsal In Eilers Hall, Park and Wash
ington streets, Tuesday night. May 81,
at 8 P. M. Any who wish to join are
asked to present themselves at that time.
A welcome, addition to the ranks of
Portland pianists was heard last
Wednesday night at a muslcale given
In honor of Miss - Abby Whiteside at
the Irvington home of Mr. and Mrs.
James L. Schultz. Miss Whiteside,
fresh, from study with her European
masters, played a new and interesting
programme in an able manner. Her
Cor. Vaaxha and Twenty-fourth Sta.
MAY 24, 2, 23. 27, 28, 29, SO, 31
JUNE X, 2, 8, , 6.
Gamea Bea-ln Weekdays 8iSO P. "M.
Sundays 2iSO P. M.
Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand
stand. 60c; Boxes, 26c extra. Children:
Bleachers 10c. Grandstand 2 Be
Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers
Phones Main 6 and A 1020.
Monday Matinee, May 30
Introducing the Latest Flying Novelty"
Brown 8 Cooper Warren S Blancnard
The Sorn Writer and the Come- Famous Comedians, in Melody and
dian. Singing Their Own Songs UP
Direot From Europe Hal Merritt
Hp ri, v i l The College -Boy From Ipswich
. tranklin o Standards
"n,e Living Robber Baim" MeeHan's Comedy, Acrobatic
Etnel Alton ft Co Leaping Dogs
Binei Alton O 0. Prettiest and Best Trained
In Their Laughing Success, "Blrda . . Troupe Ever Placed Before
of a Feather," by Fredk. Allen the Public
Evening Prices 15c, 25c, SOc land 75c
Will III I
selections: "Senate B. Minor" (Chopin);
"Children's Corner" Doctor Qradus
ad Parnassum," "Jlmbo's Lullaby,"
"Serenade for the Doll," "The Snow Is
Dancing." "The Little Shepherd." "Gol-
liwogg's Cakewalk" (Debussy); "March.
Humoresque" (Dohnanyl) ; "Melodie"
(G-anz); "Improvisation. Concert Etude"
(MacDowell); polonaise. "Bugenone
gln" (Tschaikowsky-Llsart).
Concert Direction F1TZPATRICK & NORWOOD, San Francisco
the Brilliant Piano Virtuoso
Famous London-Paris Program
Tuesday Evening, May 31
Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2. Seats Now Selling at
Eilers Music House. Checkering Piano U$ed
PARK MONDAY (decoration day) MAY 30th
Admission to Park 10c Cars Every Few Minutes East Morrison and Water Streets