The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 22, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Each Wing in Congress Sure
It's Right and Defends
Stand Taken.
I-ojalt.y to Principles and Need ot
Organization Are Advanced by
One Side; Individual Freedom
Is Slogan of Other.
(Continued From First Fage.
Republican now. No man is greater
than his party. When he thinks that
he is, and parts from it, he stands
alone and powerless. I can accomplish
most by standing firmiy for the ma
jority rule of the Republican party,
even if some of my own views are not
always accepted as authority. I'm a
regular Republican because it's , right
to be.
William Warner (Mo.) I believe the
Republican party at this time is ad
vocating Governmental policies as cor
rect in principle and as safe in appli
cation to advance the welfare of the
people of the entire Ration as those
it has written into the statutes in the
past which have been attested by the
growth of the Nation in resources and
prosperity, evidencing their wisdom
and efficiency. I find in the criticisms
of my party's policies by the opposi
tion and the "near" opposition no sug
gestion that would weaken mo in this
conviction. In other words, we are
right now on all public questions as
we have been in the past, and I am
therefore now, as. in the past, a Re
publican. Regular Representatives gave the fol
lowing answers to the Tribune's question:
Majority Kule Effective.
D... R. Anthony, Jr., (Kan.) I am a
regular Republican becausa 1 thoroughly
believe In the principles of the Repub
lican party. Ours is a government by
political parties, through which the ma
jority of the people give expression to
their ideas as to the way the govern
ment should be administered. The only
manner in which the expressions of
the majority of the people can be put
into force is by majority rule, and the
Republican or Democrat who does not
abide by the majority rule of his party
cannot truthfully say he believes In
the principles of either party, but is.
In fact, a traitor to the party with
which he pretends to affiliate. I am a
regular Republican because I believe
that my party Is the only party which
lias the capacity at the present day to
solve satisfactorily every problem of
government before the people of the
United States. -
William S. Bennett (N. Y.) I dislike
the term "regular Republican." I make
no claim to be anything but a Repub
lican. I am that because reading and
.experience lead me to the conviction
that the Republican party is the best
governmental agency in existence and
has been such for nearly half a century.
Elected a Republican, I naturally go
Into Republican caucuses and abide by
the result, because the experience of
time demonstrates that no cause can
be advanced except by the combined ef
forts of many men.
James Francis Burke (Pa.) I beg
leave to state that I am a regular Re
publican because Republican principles
are more apt than any others that I
know of to promote the general welfare
If enforced.
Henry 8. Boutell (111.) I a m a Re
publican by education, inheritance and
conviction. My father was a Republi
can, a soldier in the Civil War. My
ancestors were Whigs or Federalists.
My great-great-grandfather, Roger
Sherman, signed the Declaration of In
dependence, Articles of Confederation
nd Constitution. Like him, I believe in
broadly interpreting the constitutional
powers of the Federal Government.
This fundamental principle of the Re
publican party makes the Constitution
a living force and National legislation
responsive to the spirit of the times. I
am a regular because regularity means
loyalty. Change of party may be hon
orable. Disloyalty to party associates
violates the lex majoris partis on which
society rests, and, like any other breach
nf faith, is held among gentlemen to
be dishonorable.
Campbell Not Faultfinder.
P. P. Campbell (Kan.) Answering
your question as to why I am a regular
Republican: Because I am a Republi
can ; because 1 can do more to promote
the general welfare by constant and
regular action with men who work
along the same general lines than by
alternating In action between men who
work along different lines; because for
half a century the Republican party
has been the only party with a cohesive
organization, capable of keeping the
laws abreast with the country's prog
ress; became by a majority rule in the
House in the last seven years it has
enacted 17.954 laws, including the
Roosevelt policies, and all so good that
no party would repeal any of them but
one; because I am not attracted to
cither a regular organization or a tem
porary coalition of mere faultfinders. I
do not look upon a man as a useful
member who is enrolled in one church
and teaches a Sunday school class in
another and Is always in doubt as to
which has the best festivals.
K. D. Crumpacker (Ind.) You ask
me why T am a regular Republican.
My answer Is that I know of only one
standard of regularity for Republicans
upon National questions, and that is
the Republican platform dopted at
the National Convention in 1908. I be
lieve in carrying into effect in good
faith the pledges contained in that
platform, and have labored diligently
to this end, and I expect to continue
my efforts along that line until everv
pledge has been fulfilled. If this makes
me a regular Republican I am one.
VT. S. Fasyett (N. Y.) I am a regular
Republican because better work can be
clone ror tne country by majority heed
ing cohesive party rule than bv mi
nority irregulars. Majorities are re
sponsible, minorities irresponsible. It
is a mistake to get away from repre
sentative government. Representative
government means government by par
ties. Party government implies rule
by majorities, not by minorities. Reg
ularity means majoritj-. Regulars now
control, the Republican party, as they
have done for BO years. Majority opin
ions afford a safer basis for sound gov
ernment tnan minontv opinions.
Charles E. Fuller (111.) I suppose I
am designated a regular Republican be
cause I am a Republican all the time.
Trlnclples Believed In.
J. Warren Kelfer (O.)-Why should
I not be a regular Republican? What
character and influence would a party
possess composed of irregulars? I may
add that I have been a regular Repul
oa ever since and before I became '21
years of age ever since the party was
organized. I have fought in peace and
war for its moral and material prin
ciples that have brought so much lib
erty, justice and prosperity to our peo
ple, and which has spread its' influ
ence throughout the world. I think
they are as important to be firmly ad
hered to now as in the past, and I
therefore know no reason why I should
not continue to adhere to them. In
saying this much I should add that - I
have always acted in my party with
that independence of judgment that I
deemed best for its interests.
Martin B. Madden (111.) I beg to say
that I am a regular Republican because
I believe the fundamental principles of
the Republican party are better calcu
lated to develop the industries of the
country than those of any .other party,
and because the Republican party has
stood for all legislation calculated to
produce prosperity, advance the well
being of the Nation, build up a higher
moral standard, give employment to la
bor, encourage individual effort, devel
op freedom of thought, bring happi
ness to the home, protect the industries
of the United States, encourage patriot
ism, place the citizenship of the coun
try on an equality, insist that all men
are equal before the law, protect prop
erty and the right of every man in the
enjoyment of the honest accumulation
of his toil, encourage the masses to
protect the wealth of the Nation on the
theory that the poor man of today may
be the rich man of tomorrow.
William Bv. McKinley (111.) I am a
regular Republican because: (1) Popu
lar government has been and is main
tained only by the acquiescence of the
minority in the will of the majority.
(2) Because the American people be
lieve In party government. (3) To have
a responsible party the minority with
in it must abide by the will of the
majority. In the Central American re
publics an ideal insurgent form of gov
ernment prevails. The party elected by
the majority of voters Is installed in
office and proceeds to administer the
government. Thereupon the insurgent
minority starts a revolution. (4) Be
cause I agree with President Taft that
personal predilections should give way
to party solidarity to accomplish the
good which united action on Important
principles secures.
Samuel W. McCall (Mass.) In the
first place. I don't like to be called a
"regular" Republican. I insurge myself
occasionally when I think the circum
stances warrant It.
Party Best for Nation.
Charles F. Scott (Kan.) I am a Re
publican because I am in acccrrd with
the principles and policies of that party
as laid down in its National platforms
and because I believe it better qualified
than any other party to conduct the
government of the United States.
John A. Sterling (111.) In the last
National campaign the several political
parties announced their principles and
promises in their respective platforms.
The people, on the issues thus made,
elected a Republican President and a
Republican Congress. The people ex
pect, and they have a right to ex
pect this Administration to fulfill the
declarations of the Republican plat
form. This can be done and Is being
done through the regular Republican
organization. It can be done in no
other way. Nobody else is charged
with the responsibility of making good
these promises. I was a candidate on
that platform. The people of the Sev
enteenth district of Illinois knew' my
position. They elected me by a ma
jority of more than 5000. They ex
pect me to "make good," and I have
no inclination to disappoint them. That
is why I am a regular Republican.
F. C. Stevens (Minn.) I am a regular
Republican because as citizen and pub
lic official in that way I help most
toward the successful goveriinen' of
our country. The United States Is confronting-most
important and complex
governmental problems and the prin
ciples and policies f the Republican
party seem to me will best meet them.
N. B. Thlstlewood (111.) I beg to say
that I am a Republican because the
Republican party was born Just before
I became entitled to a vote. I early
imbibed the teachings of Lincoln, Se
ward, and other noted Republican
leaders. I have seen the country grow
and prosper under government by the
Republican party and Republican rule.
I have seen the greatest rebellion of
the world's history suppressed throu h
the regular organization of the Repub
lican party. I have seen -uch tariff
legislation by the regular organization
of the Republican party as has had, in
my judgment, more to do with the
rapid development of this country than
any other one thing.
"Why Senators 'Insurge."
The following replies were received
from insurgent Senators:
Moses E. Clapp (Minn.) With such
light as I am able to get, based upon
my knowledge of the history of the Re
publican party, its achievements, tra
ditions and policies, and my interpre
tation of its platform, coupled with an
overwhelming assurance from every
section of the country that this inter
pretation is correct, I am trying to be
in harmony with party.
Knute Nelson (Minn.) Why do you
call me an "insurgent Republican?"
Joseph Bristow (Kans.) I am styled
an "insurgent Rpublican," I suppose,
because I voted against the Payne-Aid-rich
tariff bill. I voted against that
bill because it was framed more with
a view to benefiting certain manufac
turing Interests and monopolies than
ot contributing to the general welfare
of the American people. I am opposed
to all legislation of that character,
whether it be a railroad bill, a currency
measure or a tariff bill. Upon such leg
islation I usually disagree with Mr. Aid
rich and a number of Republican leaders
of the Senate and therefore vote indepen
dently; that is, I endavor to determine
for myself, from .my own investigation,
how I ought to vote upon important
measures affecting the Interests of my
constituents. Instead of allowing some
one else to determine that for me. I
am a Republican and am adhering
faithfully to the fundamental princi
ples and policies of the party to which
I -belong, and I protest against that
great party being made by any con
gressional oligarchy the handmaiden
of the special interests of the country.
Because of this independence, on the
part of a number of Republican Sena
tors they are styled "insurgents."
Term Is Objected To.
Insurgent Representatives made the
following replies:
Butler Ames (Mass.l I'm a Repub
lican. Isn't that enough? Why must
my Republicanism be qualified with
strange terms of "insurgency" or "reg
ularity?" If the old guard lingers be
hind the thought of the day, let the
qualification rest upon them, where the
responsibility rests.- The conservatism
of old age has not permeated my being.
I voted that the Speaker ought not to
appoint the members of the Ballinger
Pinchot investigating committee. Some
persons would call that an insurgent
vote. I did It because I thought the
people, rightly or wrongly, regarded
the Speaker, as wearing horns on his
head and a hoof on his leg, and for
that reason would have no confidence
in the verdict should an antl-Plnchot
report be made. I voted for a larger
committee on rules. Some persons
would call that an insurgent vote. If
it was, the majority of Republicans in
my district and In .the country are in
surgents, for I believe that the over
whelming sentiment of . the country
was for such a change in the rules com
mittee. William J. Cary (Wis.) I have no
personal grievance against Speaker
Cannon. My grievance is against the
special interests that are behind him
and that have controlled Ills conduct of
affairs in the House in the formation
of committees and the powers that the
committees have exercised.
J. H. Davidson (Wis.) I am an in
surgent because I am opposed to a sys
tem of rules' of the House of Represen
tatives which permits one man to be
come the dictator of the legislative
conduct of every other member of the
House. I am fighting for such changes
in the rules as will enable each mem
ber to have an equal opportunity with
every other member in the enactment
of laws desired by and in the interests
of the people he represents.
C1. R. Davis fMlniu) I am an insurgent
Republican within the Republican party
because I am opposed to a system which
has been perfected whereby a few Re
publican leaders undertake to dominate
legislation and control Republican poli
cies. A. F. Dawson (Iowa) Let me empha
size the fact that I am a Republican
without any qualifying adjective. I would
exalt that Republicanism which is fear
less and independent enough to maintain
party virility and keep it abreast of the
times, which exercises toleration of the
differing views of equally honent and pat
riotic men, which displays the good sense
to regulate factional strife to the limbo
of yesterday and which would substitute
for dogmatism and criticisms a steady
and sincere helpfulness in vitalizing Re
publican principles into law, because the
supremacy of those principles spells the
largest prosperity, progress and glory for
the Republic
Hamilton Fish (jr. T.) I am an Insur
gent only against the reactionary House
organization and rules they seek to
throttle legislation in the interest of the
Otto G. Foelker (N. Y.) Your question
"Why are you an insurgent Republican?"
assumes that which I earnestly deny
namely: that I am an Insurgent. When
I entered upon my duties I found, not a
deliberative body consisting of nearly 400
meniDers, eacn navlng equal rights with
the others, but conditions which took the
control of legislation out of the hands of
Congress and placed It in the hands of
one man. I knew this was not right: I
knew that it was contrary to the spirit
of our institutions, and I set to work
to get back into the hands of Congress,
and of the entire Congress, the rights and
powers which had been negligently del
egated away, contrary to all conceived
notions of popular government.
Gilbert N. Haugen (Iowa I am an in
surgent because I believe in the principles
for which our forefathers fought free
dom of thought and action and personal
independence. I would rather vote my
own views than to take orders.
B. A. Hayes (Cal.) I am an Insurgent
Republican because I object to the arbi
trary and un-American methods by which
in recent years the House of Represen
tatives has been controlled by the Speak
er and his immediate lieutenants.
E. H. Hinshaw (Neb.) I am an Insur
gent in the House because I believe in a
lessening of the one-man power and a
conversion of that body into a gathering
of free representatives of the people.
insurgency in tne House is only one
manifestation of progressive Republican
ism. The latter looks to a separation of
business and politics and a driving out of
power those leaders who have shown
themselves to be more interested in the
welfare of certain classes of special in
terests than In that of the general public.
Elbert H. Hubbard (Iowa) I came to
Congress as a most regular Republican.
In a short time I saw that the house was
under the control of the Speaker and his
lieutenants. To rebel against the will of
the Speaker was party treason. He and
his little group of lieutenants said what
was to be done, and if any ventured to
oppose, the eye of disfavor was turned
upon them. I became hostile to such rule.
When It came time to revise the tariff
I found that the" little groim was set
against downward revision. My constit
uents were for lower rates, and rightly,
as I believe. The attitude of the so-called
leaders Intensified my insurgency. I be
lieve that the . insurgents represent the
true conviction of the party, and that the
leaders do not represent, it.
N. E. Kendall (Iowa) I am an in
surgent Republican because I favor: (a)
The retirement of Mr. Cannon from the
Speakership: (b) Such further revision
of the rules of the house as shall deprive
the chair of the power over committee
appointments; (c) The immediate enact
ment into law of the progressive policies
advocated by President Roosevelt and ap
proved by the American people.
Gustav Kustermann (Wis.) I am an
independent Republican for the reason
that I am in Congress to represent the
whole people, not merely one faction or
one party, but the people of all factions.
My vote is cast for a meritorious Demo
cratic measure Just as quickly as for a
Republican measure. I follow my judg
ment and the dictates of my conscience
in my duties as a member of Congress.
If being an independent Republican is
characterized as insurgency, then I say
make the most of it.
C. A. LInbergh (Minn.) I beg to state
that I am an Insurgent Republican be
cause I have been designated such by rea
son of the fact that I have not accepted
Cannon. Aldrich, and other bosses as
my guide in official action. I consider
that as a representative of a sovereign
people, I must act for and bo responsible
to my constituency, and do what seems
to me for the common welfare. That, I
believe is called insurgency.
Eben W. Martin (S. D.) It would hard
ly be a correct Btatement of the case to
say that I am an Insurgent. I should
class myself as an Independent regular.
I united with the insurgents in the recent
movement to change the organization of
the committee on rules, because I be
lieved In the measure and have consider
ed for years that some changes ought to
be made in the direction of restoring to
the individual representatives some of
the power which has by the growth and
development of custom been lodged in
the Speaker of the House.
G- W. Norrls (Neb.) I am an Insur
gent because I believe In the right of in
dividual action and freedom of repre
sentation in the House of Represent
atives, and in no other way can I voice
my opposition to one man domination
and machine control.
Herbert Parsons (N. Y.) Whether I am
to be classed 'as an "insurgent Republi
can" depends upon the definition of that
word. I have attended all party caucuses
and have abided by their results. I voted
as I have because of what seemed to me
the merits of each proposition. In my
mind the House of Representatives would
be- a more useful body and made up of
men feeling their responsibility more if
the power was distributed, rather than
so much concentrated in the Speaker.
Miles Poindexter (Wash.) I am an in
surgent becatise I am opposed to the boss
system in politics. I am a progressive Re
publican because the special interests, by
means of the boss and the machine, have
degraded American politics in municipal,
state, and national affairs. So general
has this condition become that unless it
is attacked 'persistently it will destroy
the freedom and equality under the law
which have been the especial character
istics of our government. It is an issue
between the reign of law and the reign
of force and crime. In the House of Rep
resentatives the boss system has been
developed to such an extent that opposi
tion to it is deemed political heresy.
Ross Appeal Is Drawn T.'p.
SALEM, Or., May 21. The Supreme
Court is now. drawing up the prelim
inary papers for an appeal to the Uni
ted States Supreme Court in the Ross
case. The transcript contains assign
ments of errors and will be prepared
for the clerk of the Federal Court
some time . next week. On account of
Ross being compelled to remain at his
home in Portland under quarantine, his
family having scarlet fever at present.
Chief Justice Moore issued an order
today directing that the defendant ap
pear before the Federal Court in Port
land and justify the new bond of $6000.
The Chinese deeltnft -having
black trumpll
Our Juvenile Department
The largest and best in Portland, is just now at its best
Complete lines of RUSSIAN BLOUSE suits
STRAW HATS in all the newest shapes. . . '
Chief Counsel of Harrlman Lines
Will Attend Jubilee Graduat
ing Exercises Planned.
LEGE, Corvallis, May 21. (Special.)
James M. Hamilton, president of the
Montana State College: V. F. Herrin,
chief counsel of the Harrlman railway
lines, and Rev. Dr. F. W. Clampett, rec
tor of Trinity Church, San Francisco,
will deliver the principal addresses at
the quarto-centennial celebration at the
Oregon Agricultural College. President
Hamilton will give the commencement
address. Rev. Dr. Clampett will preach
the baccalaureate sermon and Mr. Her
rin will deliver the principal address
of the Jubilee exercises.: Mr. Herrin is
an alumnus of this college, having been
graduated with the class of 1873.
A sham battle, in which the cadet
regiment will participate, and a fancy
drill and dance in which the entire
student body will take part, are spec
tacular features which the students
have planned to present at the jubilee
exercises. The sham battle, Monday
afternoon, will last two hours.
The exercises at night will begin with
a fancy drill by the men. At the close
of their drill they will form a hollow
square on the campus and within this
enclosure the girls will present fancy
drills and dances.
The three buildings which face the
long stretch of campus will be outlined
with lights and will present in large
characters the words "1885. Welcome.
1910." ' -
The local and state alumni associa
tion have made extensive plans for the
entertainment of the returning gradu
ates. Headquarters will be established
on the campus for each of the classes.
Monday, June 13, will be devoted large
ly to alumni affairs. The class reunions
will be held in the forenoon; an alumni
lunch will be served at noon; the his
torical exercises and the president's re
ception will be held in the afternoon,
and the alumni reception and ball in
the evening.
The climax of the celebration will fall
on Tuesday, June 14. On this day the
main anniversary exercises and the
commencement programme will be held.
Latter Represents Only Self in Ask
ing for Franchise.
MEDFORD, Or., May 21. (Special.)
John R. Allen, president of the Pacific
& Eastern Railroad, who is securing
right of way for an electric road
through the valley and is at present
applying for a franchise for a trolley
line In Ashland, announced this after
noon that the Hill interests were not
behind the electric road, but that it
was a private enterprise of his.
The question arose In connection
with a statement made by Louis W.
Hill, while in Ashland. Thursday, when
he informed the people of that place
that he knew nothing of his father
being behind a proposed trolley lino
in that city, but that he would find
out and let them know.
" i have stated on numerous occa
sions," said Mr. Allen today, "that I
did not represent the Great Northern
P.ailroad nor James J. Hill. In fact
for some time past I. have been en
deavoring to be relieved of. the presi
dency of the Pacific & Eastern in or
der to devote all my time to my other
interests, including the electric' line.
the franchises for which I hold in
Medford and Grants . Pass, anff for
which application is now on file with
the City Council of Ashland. I be
lieve that the francTilse in Ashland
will be granted."
Service at Mount Angel Most Ira
' pressive of Whole School Year.
21.(Special.) The ceremony of first holy
communion, the most impressive and im
portant event in the whole school year at
Mount Angel, will take place tomorrow
when a class of young students, under
the direction of Father Benedict. O. S.
B., will partake of the Lord's Supper
for the first time. Solemn high mass
will be celebrated in the abbey chapel
in the morning. All the monks will be
in the sanctuary chanting in slow meas
ures the Gregorian chant, and hundreds
of incandescent lights will illuminate
decorated altars and shrines in the
chapel. A sermon will be delivered by
Father Benedict, O. S. B.
After the high mass the college band
will greet the communicants from the
balcony of the seminary building as
they file out of the abbey chapel, and a
big banquet will be held later in the
dining-room of the college. The re
mainder of the day will be given over
to tilting celebrations, music being fur
nished on the college campus by the
band throughout the day.
A large crowd of visitors will be
present to witness the solemn cere
monies for which Mount Angel College
has always been noted in celebrating
this event. The following is the class,
of which most of the members come
from Portland: Joseph Schamberger.
Alfred Dean, Joseph Froelich, James
Beaky, Fred Boyington, Victor Greup
ner, Raymond Sieber, Pierre Miller, Ru
dolph Schultz, William Kaiser.
Paving Ordinance Rescinded.
ASiXAND, Or., May 21. (Special.)
The Ashland City Council has rescinded
a resolution adopting asphalt for
about four miles of street improve- !
ments. and it is expected the Council !
will adopt bitullthic pavement. It la
generally believed Mayor Snell has re
ceived a guarantee from the bithulithlc !
contractors as to the price they will
charge. ,
Choral Club Gives Concert.
. WAPRlcmTTRC Or V 21. rSSnpcial.'k
The Eugene Choral Club, an organiza-
tlon of 30 members, gave a concert here
last evening to a packed house. Other .
concerts will be given in neighboring
towns In the next few weeks. Except
for giving a first-class concert the club
does not make any attempt at advertising
Kugene in any way. C. B. Glass is con- !
d ue tor. !
Toothache Gum
P The only remedy that atope toothache
The only toothache gnm that clean
E the carity and prerents decay.-
Imitations do hot do the work. Bee that
yon (ret Dcat'a Tooth na At all
druggist, lfi cent, or by mail.
Dent's Corn Gum 'ffifiji!?
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A . j JsSL
Affair j
Little Women's, Misses' and
Girls' Wash Suits
and Dresses
Entirely DIFFERENT from those
sold in department stores.
That an unobstructed view of the
Can best be had from the Ocean's Shore, and that it trill be
of particular advantage to view the comet over the open sea
away from the city's electric lights and other atmospheric
From May 20th to May 30th the phenomenon will present
views of magnificent grandeur. It can be seen but once in
a lifetime.
Leave Grand Central Station 8 A. M. daily for Seaside and
Clatsop Beach points. Special train each Saturday at 6:30
P. M.
Third and Morrison Streets. ' . 122 Third Street.
Number 27.
PLACE Sixteenth and Going Streets.
HOUSE Eight-Room Bungalow.
LOT 50x100.
Take the Alberta ear today and go out and see the place. If it is
not to your liking, call on us and let us show you Number 1A, of last
week's listing a property a little cheaper, but as good a buy.
$1200 DOWN
$25 per Month