THE.. SUNDAY OREGOXIAX- PORTLAND, MAT 22, 1910. 7 G1TY NEWS IN BRIEF OBEGOXUJf TELEPHONES. " ' - Pacific State. Home. Counting-room Main 7070 A S095 City Circulation Main 7070 A. 098 Manarlns Editor Main "070 A 60V5 Sunday Editor Main 7070 A 6095 Composing-room Main 7070 A 095 City Editor .Main 7070 A 6095 Bupt. Buildings. .. .Main 7070 A 6085 AMCSKMENTS. ORTtNt THEATER fFourteenth an Washington) National Opera Company In "Tt rlavolo." This afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15.. ORPHBUM THEATER (Morrison, between Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15. and tonight at 8:15. BAKER THEATER Thlrd. between Yamhill and Taylor) Baker Block Company In "Under Southern Skies." ThLe afternoon at 8:15 and tonlcht at 8:18. GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15; to night at 7:30 and 8. sTTAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1:80 to 10:30 P. it. Okkoovian-s Meet Abroad. The follow ing Portland women have chanced to meet In Florence. Italy, and have had several very airreeable reunions: Mrs. C. C. Strong-, Miss Alice Strong. Miss Oeorgiana Burns, Miss Martha Hoyt. Mrs. Clara H. Waldo. Miss Waldo, Miss Klva Humason. Mrs. Nicholls, Miss Fays Nlcholls, Mrs. S. W. Church and the Misses Ruth and Genevieve Church. Mrs. Waldo gave an "Oregon" tea on the eve of her departure for Venice, May 6. at which clippings from The Oregonlan were as much enjoyed as the repast.. Mrs. Waldo, who Is one of the regents of the Oregon Agricul tural College, has been traveling In Europe for over a year, visiting schools of agriculture and household economy, but expects to return to Oregon In July. Central Obeoon in Mat Bollktik. Central Oregon is voluminously and ac curately described In the Chamber of Commerce Bulletin for May. This Issue contains 84 pages devoted to activities In the new center of Oregon. Among the authorities who cover subjects such as "Irrigation In Central Oregon." "The Central Oregon Country Past and Present," 'Eastern Oregon Lands: How to Secure Them," "Central Oregon by Counties," and "Fortunes Along the Deschutes," are Fred S. Stanley, Don Pierce Rae, Edward A. Beals, Colonel Robert A. Miller and H. C. Grifflng. A splendid large map of the entire Cen tral Oregon region, with the latest data available. Is a feature of the Issue. The regular departments of the Bulletin are not lost sight of and much that la of Interest is found therein. Olt Resident Dibs Mrs. Katie Pick, wife of Paul W. Pick, died Thursday at her home, 127 Bast Nineteenth street, at the age of 48 years. She had' lived In Portland for the past 25 years and she was married in this city. Her par ent'! formerly lived in Sherwood. She is survived by her husband and a daughter. Mrs. J. F. Wlebusch. The funeral will be held today from the family residence at 1 P. M. and thence to the German Lutheran Church, corner Salmon and Chapman streets, where the services will be concluded. Interment will be In Rlverview Cemetery. Xoticb. The Steel Bridge and Alblna Fuel Companies have consolidated and In future will do business as the Alblna Fuel Company, Inc.; establishing a branch In eastern part of the city, mak ing a specialty of slabwood and coal at reduced prices in Broadway addi tion. Rose City Park and adjacent lo calities. The above firms wish to thank the people of Portland for liberal patronage the past five years and will endeavor to merit their future support, as the management and general policy of fair dealing and prompt service will continue. Phone E 182, C 1117, C 1773. F. P. Waring, President; Henry Baren derick. General Manager. Professor Buchanan to Speak on In vention. "Philosophy of Invention" will be the subject of an address to be delivered by Professor Davidson Bu chanan at the People's Forum in Selling-Hlrsch Hall, Tenth and Wash ington streets, this evening. This will be the fourth lecture of a series on "Evolution of Economic Justice," and the admittance will be free. Ijbrirt Vacation Cards. Vacation cards will be ready for issue June 1. The same plan used last year will be repeated and ten books will be Issued on one card, provided only four are flotlon. These books may be kept with out renewal until the 1st of October. Books will be sent by mail or express to library members paying the charges both ways. Widow's ArrontTitEWT Asked. Friends tn Marlon County and throughout The Itate of the late H. A. Snyder, who was postmaster at Aurora, are petitioning Congressman Hawley. asking blm to appoint the widow as hlai successor. Mrs. Snyder is said to be amply quali fied for the position, being familiar with the duties. An entertaining programme, rendered by children, under the auspices of the Berean Class, for benefit of building fund. - will be given next Wednesday night at Central Christian Church. Kast 20th and Salmon. Direction of Miss Flold Wood; Misa Ella Williams, pianiste. Admission free. Oriental Rtjqs. We have furnished hundreds of the most luxurious homes in Portland with these exquisite floor coverings. There is a reason. Our rugs and prices must be right. We are direct Importers and guarantee every rug we sell. Cartozlan Bros., 473 Washington street. e Ladies are respectfully invited to at tend the "Custom-House" sale of ele gant silk and eatin gowns and silk handkerchiefs, Wednesday next, 10 A. M.. at 126 Second street, near Washing ton. Goods can be Inspected prior to sale. S. L. N. Gilman, auctioneer. ' The Associated British Societies will hold memorial services in honor of the late King Edward VII In the, White Temple, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Members of the societies please note. The e-rvicee are open to all. Mrs. N. I Hidden will speak at the Commons Hall, 22 North Front street. Tuesday, 2:80 P. M. Subject, "Commons Work." All ladles interested in reform and prison work specially invited. For Sale. 225-volt, 160-K. W. General Electric Gen erator, belt type; complete, with panel and rail base. Address room 201 Orego nlan bldg. Rate War. Steamer Yosemlte sails direct Monday for San Francisco; cabin 310, steerage 6, berth and meals Included. Frank Bollam, agent, 128 Third street. Colombia Wire & Iron Works have moved to their new home. East Eighth and Market sts. Phones: East 702, B 2027. Mrs. Fenton has removed her millinery parlors from 414 Stearns building to 361 Alder et.. Hotel Cornelius. Dr. A. A. Lindsay. Hotel Seward Sat urday, Sunday and Monday, welcoming his friends. A. DeBluichi, ladies' tailor, 8464 Washington St., at Seventh, second floor. Real. Bargains in monumental work. Otto Schumann, Tliird and East Pine. Oriental. Rugs repaired and wash cleaned. Cartozlan Bros. 473 Wash. Rhododendron Tavern, on Mount Hood road is now open for season 1910. Elegant Spring chicken dinners served at Brandes Grill, 103 Sixth st. Special. Sunday dinner at Richards', 11 per cover; 4 to :S0 P. M. Jack Kino's Turkish baths. Imperial Hotel Annex. Screens. Measured and hung." Marshall 145. Electric Cleaners rented. Main 12S3. Gowns. Max. 608 Dekum bldg. M. 4903. Dr. Wendt, electricity. Rothchild bldg. ' Think: about Eaglecrest Orchards. ' Da, Fletcher and foot authority. I. . HI . I IIS ,1 IMS II l IIJIII II II IS J..: ? ' . r- ti TROPHY CUPS The largest stock on the Pacific Coast. Don't take our word for it, but See for yourself. STERLING SILVER CTJPS " TTP, They are just what you will want for the Rose Festival trophies. Sliver-Plated and Copper Clip make a splendid showing at small cost. We have all sizes and prices. JAEGER BROS. JFTWELERS, OPTICIANS, The Large Store. M Morrison St., Bet. 3d anal 4th. Baths! Baths! Baths! Hill's Sani tarium, Russian and Turkish Baths. Has the only Russian Bath Furnace of Its kind In existence, jatented by Mr. Hill, and with other unique improve ments makes It the most uD-to-date bath establishment in the city.. That's why Hills Baths are far superior to others. Tour patronage is solicited and everything is guaranteed to be just as represented or money refunded. There are two distinct apartments, one for ladles and one for gents. A fine swimming plunge in connection. An experienced, lady and gent masseur in attendance. Open day and night. E9S Front street, cor. Sherman. George Hill, proprietor. Oddfellows to Dedicate Hall. The handsome new building of Harmony Lodge, I. O. O. F-, Williams avenue, near Skldmore street, wtTT be dedicated June 16 with appropriate exercises. At present the building is being oompleted and will be occupied fcy the lodge by June 1. In connection with the dedica tion of the hall a banquet will be served. The hall is a two-story frame building. It has a fine large hall on the second floor. Cost of the new building will be about 8,16,000. Museum or Art. The exhibition of work of the classes of 'he Art School is attracting many visitors. The large number of excellent designs, drawings and paintings shown are very- satisfac tory evidences of the first year's ac complishment in the school. This ex hibit ends on Monday, May 23. The galleries of the Museum will then be closed for the preparation of the Ar chitectural Club exhibition, which opens June J. Tri-Citt Lbaqlto. Baseball Todat. 34th and Vauohn Streets. . Dtlworth Derbies vs. Vancouver Admjsbiok. 26 Cents. Grandstand Frkb. Baseball Todat,. Tri-Oitt League. We Sell -hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 80-pound beds from 87.50 and up. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger, pro prietor, 226-228 Front et.. Main 474, A 1374. Commencement Exercises of the North Pacific College will be held at the White Temple Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Friends of the college are cordially in vited to witness conferring of degrees in dentistry and pharmacy. Mrs. Guilliaumb has Instructed Baker & Son, auctioneers, to sell oft the costly and extensive furnishings of her pri vate hotel, commencing on Tuesday-: next. Full particulars under New To day, Section Two. Bible Studt Class to Meet. The Bible study class of the Council of Jewish Women will meet in the vestry room. Temple Beth Israel, Wednesday at 2:80 P. M. Garage for Rent. AKrer St., bet. Wth and 17th, extending through block to Washington St., 60x140. E. J. Daly, 222 Failing bldg. For Rent, for Three Months. Fur nished house, 718 King's Court. Apply to K. Livingstone, Wells-Fargo- build ing. ' , Dr. J. IC Lockh baa returned to the city from his Eastern trip. and. will be tn his office between 3 and. 6 P. ML daily." I Want to lease a house for about two years; will pay 8126 per month; must be good. Address AK 984, Oregonlan. Warehouse for Rent. 20,000 square feet floor space, brick building, on track 13th and Irving. Main 6351. Hotel. Men, Attention. Good opening is advertised under "Business Chances" in today's Oregonlan. Swiss watch repairing. C Chrlstensen. second floor Corbott bldg., take elevator. Stbawberrtss today, 345 Morrison st. open all the time. Also ice cream. lea Crbajc delivered to all parts of the city, Washington Cream Company. Duntlet Pneumatic Carpet Cleaners, 473 Wash. Main 8582. A 2696. Selling. Physician's ofHce equipment. Call 401 Dekum. Printing? Ansley, cheapest, best, 250 Oak Woo stir's for Havana cigars. Dr. Fletcher and your foot. TWENTY - THIRD - ST. LOX ' Near Washington, prospective busi ness property, and now one of the best apartment-house sites in the city. This cannot be equalled in the city at the price. 812.600. See us for particulars. CHAS. K. HENRY CO., HENRY BLDG., Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Or. IRVINGTON. We have a few of the 81600 lots left between Thompson and Braces streets. All improvements in and paid. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. Cor. 22d and Brazes Sts. PLATTING PROPOSITION. We have for sale Ave acres In the southeast part of the city. Ground lies level and every foot can be built UDon. This is a bargain at the prloe, only jbuuo. (jan upon us ror particulars. CHAS. K. HENRY CO HENRY BLDG., Fourth, and Oak streets, Portland, On GLEAN HARBOR PLAN Mayor Would Set Time for Re moval of AH Frames. BELDING ORDINANCE IS UP Slinou Would Go Even Further Than Proposed law Which Is Drawn to Prevent Erection or Oth?r Than Fireproof Buildings. A clean harbor for Portland, with modern docks and every possible dan ger from Are eliminated such is the policy of Mayor Simon and of his ad ministrative family. The Beldlng or dinance, now in a committee of the Conn cil for consideration, will have the sup port of the Executive Board. It pro vides for the extension of the fire lim its to the waterfront, and will, in time, transform the entire situation there. That frame docks and sawmills and all such institutions must sooner 6r laer give place to fireproof, modern structures, is recognized by Mayor fcimon and the members of the Execu tive Board, several of whom have large property holdings on the river. Harbor Greatest Asset. Portland's waterfront, they declare, is the greatest asset of the city, and must be Improved and made modern In every respect. Therefore, they say. it Is necessary that an ordinance should pass, setting a time when all frame structures along the river must be re placed by fireproof buildings. Mr. Belding's ordinance, however. Is milder than this. It provides merely for the extension of the fire limits to the harbor line, and makes it the law of the city that the old frame structures now on the waterfront shall not be re built of frame, but that they must be of fire-proof construction if rebuilt. In cats of fire, which would destroy' any irams(uuaing there, the ordinance w-auld not permit of Its being replaced, except by fireproof materials. This would, in the course of time, work out a system of modern docks and build ings along the river, but it would re quire many years. Some are in favor of a more radical ordinance one that will fix a reasonable time in which all frame buildings must be removed. This, however, would be a most difficult measure to pass, as it would probably mean that some pf the property own ers along the river would suffer much financial loss. Mayor Has Been Active. Mayor Simon, from the outset of his administration, has taken a very active interest in the waterfront, and it was he who gave the order to Harbormaster Speler to drive out the scow-dwellers. When the Mayor came Into office last July, the river was lined on both sides with small floating houses, constitut ing a grave menace to the industries located there. Realizing that the waterfront must be Improved, and made modern, the Mayor now stands ready to give his suppoTt to a reasonable ordinance hav ing for its object the cleaning up of the harbor along the lines laid down in the Belding measure. John F. O'Shea, chairman of the fire oommlttee of the Executive Board, also strongly supports the Belding ordi nance, but he favors making a' time limit for frame buildings there. He thinks that a term of years should be fixed, and that all frame structures should be removed in that period. He believes that sawmills and such estab lishments should be removed from along the upper harbor so as to give oppor tunity for the opening of streets to the river and to make fire risks less haz ardous. The Belding ordinance will be up for action at next Wednesday's session of the Council. It will be considered by the Committee on Health and Police to morrow or Tuesday. IRVINGTONJBARGAINS. 81460 E. 20th st., near Stanton. 81500 E. 23d St., near Knott. 11800 E. 20th St., near Brazee. 2600- E. 21st St.. near Tillamook. 83300 Cor. 17th st. and Stanton. 83600 100x100, cor. 20th and Stanton. 83200 90x100, near Knott. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., Cor. 22d and Brazee Sts. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bldg., Main, A 1S3&. Southern Pacific Hearing June S. SALEM. Or., May 21. The hearing of the Railroad Commission ordered to ascertain the fairness of rates charged by the Southern Pacific Company on its lines in Oregon and set by adjournment HOLEPROOF HOSE Guaranteed to Wear Six Months - for May 28, was postponed today until June 3. at 11 o'clock, in the offices of the commission. HOLLADAY ADDITION HOME Fine modern ID-room residence,' built within the past three years, on a choice corner, facing south and - east, - close in, fully paved streets, concrete side walks, hot water heat, garage, every modern convenience; the best home in city at the price asked, 810,500. CHAS. K. HENRY CO., HENRY BLDG.. Fourth and Oak streets., Portland, Or. WHERE T0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. 805 Wash.,, near 5th st. Special Sunday chicken dinner, with ice cream or strawberry short-cake, 60 cents. Merchants lunch daily, 2a cents. A No. 1 noodles and chop suey served at all hours. Imperial Kantong Cafe, 462 Wash ington st.. bet. 13th and. IStn. The Royal Canton Grill, 252-354 Alder st.,' serves a special Sunday chicken din ner, with ice cream or strawberry short cake for 50 cents. Merchants' lunch dally, 25 cents. Noodles and chop suey. James M. Kan, manager. A special 60c ohlcken dinner today at Hall's restaurant. 830 Washington sU Chicken dinner. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 Fifth, near Washington. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME New, modern, well-built, handsome residence on Portland Heights; com manding the best view to be had. in the best of neighborhoods. Any per son wanting a handsome, convenient home, commanding one of the finest views on the Coast, should Inspect this, as it is a bargain. CHAS. K. HENRY CO., ' HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak streets., Portland, Or. IRVINGTON. We have completed and are ready for sale three modern houses in this desirable location. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. Cor. 22d and Brazee ts. D0WN-T0WNPR0PERTY. We have several first-class invest ments in inside properties. . , Plant Slbson's Roses. Phone Sellwood 930. J ANNOUNCES TTIS CANDIDACY FOU CORONER. of;- J C. H. Skcwes. J C. H. Skewes, for ten years funeral director for J. P. Finley s & Sons, has announced his can- o dldacy for the Republican nom- o lnatlon" as' Coroner for Multno- o mah County.. Mr. Skewes is mak- o lng an Independent canvass for o o the nomination and has made no o affiliations or alliances with, or pledges to any firm of Portland o undertakers. If nominated and e o elected he will conduct the office o solely In the Interests of the pub- o o lie. - Adv. o .... r .Bli! zm fiiiii e' .." i e as-'-, o i - o U O ii i r tmmAliljJLmmliLitad HOUSE OF I Clothes Btay the , That's our advice to every clothes buyer in Portland; the best is always the cheapest; inferior goods are not cheap at any price; if you are not a judge you must rely upon the judgment of .others. L built up the largest r . Z-P cloth ing business in Oregon by selling only merchan dise of the highest character, and never abus ing the confidence of those placing reliance in our judgment. For real genuine values that are sure to interest you- see the Suits and Overcoats we are offering at $15.00, $20, $25 and $30 Our Mail Order Department Insures You Careful Attention SIXTH -STREET PROPERTY A thirty-foot lot, facing on Sixth, near Burnslde, next to a new building, a very desirable Inside piece of property, sure to make money, for the buyer, as it is being sold to settle an estate; if im proved at once will pay good interest. See us for particulars. - CHAS. K. HENRT CO., HENRY BLDG., Fourth and Oak streets, Portland, Or. Portland Heights Residence Site. We have the most sightly, command ing residence site and residence on Portland Heights.- Any person wanting a good, elegant home site, with the best view to be had in the city, should Inspect this, as it is really a bargain at the price It is offered. For particulars inquire of CHAS. K. HENRY CO.. HENRY BLDG. Fourth and Oak streets., Portland, Or. CARD OF THANKS. We. the undersigned, herewith ex press our heartfelt thauks for the many favors shown us during recent bereavement of our ' son and brother, Robert Newberg. MRS. wjLTAMS AND CHILDREN. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Baker. 935 Ellsworth street, desire to thank their many friends sfor the assistance and sympathy extended during the illness and death of their daughter. Helen. A CERTAINTY The Jacobs -Stine Co. Larf est Realty Operators n the Pacific Coast COR. FIFTH AND ALDER PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, Founders. M cfclmlarta and Boilermakers, Baildlnsr anal Structural Work. WIS MAKE Ftre Hydrants, Los; Hauls, Cast Gears, Hydraulic Giants, Water Grates Lumber Tracks, Etc. HAWTHORNE AVE. AND EAST THIRD PORTLAND, OR. SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew steel and brick structure. Tarnished at cost of 9200,000. Every comfort and con vcmencs. On cariines transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains aad teamen. Scad tor Booklet with map ot Saa Frs ncisco IF YOU STAMMER My book "How to- Stop Stammering" s. treatise on "Scientific Talking direct 10 the point for "Home Treatment Write M. ' KATI1EU), Prlnelpml of Tfce Parlfla Bohool for Stammerers, 1 462 Grave Street, Oakland. California. " (RlDGEMCOTn T"'" li nil J ( HOTEL I STEWART QUALITY IBniyiirig nh i'-i' t x t iff 0J KILHAM B. E. Walker, LL.D, President. A. Laird, General Manager. Established 186T. The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. London Office, 2 Lombard Street, E. C Branches Throughout the Dominion of Canada; Also at San Francisco. Seattle and Skagway. Canadian Collections. This bank, having over 180-branches, distributed throughout the Do minion, is enabled to offer unsurpassed facilities for making collections tn any part of Canada. Portland Branch, Cor. Second aad For Hot Weather i an Electric Fan or Electric Iron Remember we have the largest stock in town and our prices are the lowest. O.B.STUBDS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. Mo. 61 Sixth Street, Portland. Or. Pbone Main 1696, A 1698. THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St. OBl Borcn Ave. SEATTLE Absolutely Flre-froex ?I?g nil Esrenoan rua inn ATn&.' 1 CnlteJWtrelMt Station The Hlfifcest Grade Brery MeJsra Ooarealeac Centrally located and commanding a view of h Olympics. Cascade Mountains, Mt. Rainier one Taset Sound. Auto-'Bus meats trains sad hosts SEATTLE OB EE EE EE EW j-oid com fori" Ml rCM t-r-T I II 55 EE UB EE EBEE-ffBEH nr.rar nn , LDNI CNlKLILSTEEL ittiFBlT BROOK Peer of All $3.00 Hats Best TJ-NETTES are small filing cabinets made in sections, entirely. of steel. They cost less than wood, save 15 per cent floor - space, last forever, the drawers will not stick and bind in damp weather or shrink in dry weather. They' are dust and vermin proof. ' Mahogany, oak and olive finish. Which will YOU buy? STATIONERY AND PRINTING COMPANY FIFTH AND OAK STS. New Tork Office, IS Exchange Place. Stark Streets, F. C. Malpas, Manager. OCCASIONALLY YOU BREAK YOUR GLASSES You need .them all the time. Bring the pieces to us.. We will duplicate the broken lens, no matter where the glasses came from. We make the new' lens exactly like the old, with only the old pieces to go by. Many times the work can be done while you wait. B"t you ci.n always have them the same day. This is a point worth remembering if you wear glasses. . DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS 218-219 FAILIVG BI.Dfi Cor. Third nnd Waabtnsrton Streets. Second Floor. Take Elevator. CCHWAB PRINTING CO. OS0LICITS YOUR PATRONAGE LQ.g.y STARK STREET