J 18 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND. MAY 22, 1910. BrMXESS OrFOKTCXITIES. DIETZ-MUBLLER CO., 315-16-17 Ablngton Bids. THERE'S? MONEY IX THIS. . DO YOU WANT IT? BR rooms. NEW CORNER BRICK, phones In all rooms; STEAM HEAT, pri vate hatha: HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM; furnished in the best tasto iolble. all oak. furntturej lAxmlnster and Brussels carpets; rent $525 per month, with a 5-YBAR LEASE. This Is a beauty. Better look at it. Located right down town where all the best busi ness !; good terms. FIXES APARTMENT HOUSE. fi5 rooms in 2. 3 and 4-room suites: new and MODERN in every way; STEAM 01BATED. private baths, exceptionally well furnished In golden oak and mahogany, Ax minster and Brussels carpets, brass beds fcest of tableware, linen and china; thus place is making big money, as it is located in the rnost popular part of the city for apart ments; rent only $.tro per month, with a FOUR-YEAR LEASES. See us for price and terms. HERE'S A BEAUTY. 38 ROOMS, MODERN BRICK HOUSE, steam heated, private baths; located with in 1 block of the Portland Hotel; richly furnished in mahogany and quartered oak: vAxminster carpets. brae beds, best of curtains and draperies. This is a popular flace with the high-class transient and outlet trade; makes BIO MONEY; rent : per month and a good lease; price ROOO. ami can be handled on a very small .mount of cash. See us for particulars. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 313-10-1 T Abington Bldg. DO YOU WANT A PAYING HOTEL? If so. we have ' the best bargain in the city; modern fireproof building. new. furni ture new and A No. 1; has 130 rooms; 3 hlocks of the P. O. ; clearing over $1000 per month and always full; on account of part ners agreeing to disagree, will sell or trade for some farm or city property that we can w Ivtde: will let it go for $20,000; deal direct with the owners. For appointment address B nsa. oregonlan. WANTED Business woman with $600 to take half Interest In thoroughly established high-class business: no debts; one for $ 15,000; splendid paying investment to right party; need help: references exchanged; no agents. N PST. Oregonlan. MILLINERY department for sale in largest city outside Portland;- pays well; owner has other business; sell for value of goods; located 'in general drygoods store; fine trade only. Address P. O. box 223. BOARDING-HOUSE I have a good S-room house, located close to new factory in Port land; fine place to keep boarders; I'll rent the house and large grounds for only $12 per month. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. fOR SALE Confectionery, delicatessen, bakery and lunch room in best location on Ka.t Side: doing good business; reason for selling, sickness. Call at 537 Williams ave. JEWELRY store for sale, doing well-paying business; health of my wife compels - me to sell; excellent location: good town. Box 390. Palouse. Wash. ESTABLISHED grocery and confectionery; good cash trade; fine location; will sell cheap on account of other business. Phone East S255. FINE restaurant, doing select business, 2 years' lease, will sell cheap; owner must leave about middle of next month. K 975, Oregonlan. -BEFORE BUYING or BULLING any MIN ING. OIL. WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stock, get our prices. Davidson eg Co.. Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 778. A 1712. CONFECTIONERY, bakery and lunchroom for sal3 In best city in Washington; com plete plant: big bargain on account sick ness. Address X 103. Oregonlan. AUTO delivery, taxlcab and garage busi ness, $3000 cash, take working interest with - the company. A Cleveland, 62T Chamber of Commerce. DRUG STORE. ' First-class proposition. AL 994, Ore gonlan. HALF interest in a good manufacturing business: very easy terms; hundred per cent profit. Room 5, 221 Morrison. FOR SALE A good paying transfer business. For particulars see Alfred A, Baker, 212 Ablngton bldg. YOUNG lawyer can secure good location by addressing W. H. Dobyns. lone. Or. RESTAURANT and coffee house for sale or trade. AF 104. Oregonlan. NICE little milltnei-y stock to sell or trade; rent low. Phone Marshall 86. PARTNER; must be good short order cook. See Paul at Tire's Cafe. 95 Bth. FOR SALE 5-ehair barber shop, 4 bathe1; best locatloB. Ad Busby. Pendleton. Or. MOVING picture theater for sale, clearing $200 monthly. Owner, M 9S7, Oregonlan. ROOMEN-Q-MOUSES. TALE OF THE COMET Realty Co., B02 Swetland bldg. We in vite all those looking for first-class rooming-houses to call and. inspect our ex tensive list. 34 rooms, brick, central, steam heat, newly furnished; $6500; terms; lease. B0 -rooms, transient, rent $150; lease, terms; $3200; a money-maker. 32 rooms, rent $165. (Washington street; $2750; terms; lease; a snap. 20 rooms, housekeeping, rent $73; well patronized; price $1475; would trade for real estate; lease. See this. If we haven't what you want, we will get It for you. - MUST SELL THIS WEEK. " 40 rooms, elegantly furnished; carpets new; running hot and cold water every room; steam heat: owner sick. See it and make an offer: very central. 34 rooms, hot and cold water in every room; steam; heart of city. See this and you will buy. 12 rooms, cheap rent, central, $900. 31 rooms, elegant furniture, cheap. 3 8 rooms, cheapest buy in city. See us before you buy. Main 3877. 319 Board of Trade. 24 ROOMS, FINE PLACE. In most DESIRABLE West Side loca tion, beautifully furnished In quartered and golden oak, heavy iron beds, floss mattresses, steel springs, velvet carpets. STEAM HEAT, JANITOR SERVICE, hot and cold water INCLUDED in RENT, which is very reasonable; long lease; you can make all family expenses and $100 a month clear; $1700 cash, $1500 at $50 a month. O. C R. ELLIS & CO.. "26 Washington St.. Rooms 2O1-202. DO YOU WANT A PAYING HOTEL? If so. we have the best bargain in the city; modern fireproof building, new, furni ture new and A No. 1; has 130 moms; 3 Works of the P. O.; clearing over $1000 per month and Always full;-on account of part ners agreeing to disagree, will sell or trade for some farm or city property that we can divide: will let it go for $20,000; deal direct w-lth the owners. For appointment address B P8S, Oregonlan. NEW HOTEL. $3500, TERMS. 20 ROOMS, HOT AND COLD WATER In each room, private baths, good tran sient trade, good lease, elegantly fur . nished-Oregon Investment Co., 208 Liim bermens1 bldg. A RARE CHANCE. Fine furnished 14-room house 3 large . porches, full quarter block yard fine lawns etc.; Income $150 net; finest location for - first-class boarding-house; 4 blocks from P O. I want to sell, so will jtake part in trafie' T 969, Oregonlan. - ROOMING-HOUSE) BARGAIN 7-room house clearing $26 per month, De sides two rooms for landladv, in 3 blocks of P. O. : will sell at bargain on terms or will exchange for small business or lot 420 Shetland hldg. - ONE 41, one 31. one 20. one 12 and one 10 room lodging-house at such prices as en ables me to defy competition. Terms to suit. Will take real estate as part pav ment on any. John B. Goddard, 615 Board of Trade. CHEAP for cash. 23 rooms, elegantly fur nished: steam heat, open fires, furniture all new; rooms all occupied by permanent room ers: $8oo. See owner today. AG 991 Oregonlan. A SNAP If taken at once; 30-room house mostly housekeeping; house nearly full- will . let it go for SHOO, as I must leave town next week. For particulars address J. E Dunn 82 2d. ' 8-ROOM furnished house: everything for home use piano, sewing and washing machines, etc.; 4 rooms more than pay rent; nice and clean; cheap for cash or trade. S 965, Ore gontan. 10-ROOM rooming and boarding-house, nicely furnished, large, yard, $450, $250 cash, balance easy terms; by owner. Main 3979. SO ROOMS Washington St.: long lease; very well furnished: fine transient patronage; price $2750: terms. Call 286 Washington St.. Room 612. ROOMING-HOUSE of. 27 rooms. $1000; always full. 223 Market, corner of 1st. 11 ROOMS, housekeeping, rent $25: $500 cash. Owner. No agents. 2'j7 Jefferson st. WILL pay cash for apartment or rooming house. Owners only. R 989. Oregonlan. . . 15 ROOMS, cheap rent, lease; modern, $50(f; worth $1000. S19 Board of Trade. HOOMING-HOC8E9. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. Phone Main S50O. A 0475. 286 Washington, rooms 405-6. We have a select list of hotels rooming-houses, all sizes and prices. CAN SUIT YOU and locate you right. and WE JiEW AND MODERN. 74 ROOMS. One. of the hest equipped houses in the city, steam heat, running water in ail rooms, private baths, rent only $450 with 5-year lease, the very best location; will sell half interest or all and accept good real estate; Improved or unimproved for equity, . balance can be assumed by month ly payments. IF YOU WANT A FIRST CLASS PLACE, call and get particulars. $50O MONTHLY PROFIT. 34 ROOMS. t One of the most attractively furnished houses lit the city, first-class equipments, fi-year lease at very reasonable rent; $6000 cash handles this. FINE TORNER. 43 ROOMS. New . brick building, steam heat and running water in every room, only $2500 cash handles, this. Can be sold again at a big profit. 22 ROOMS. Elaborately furnished, with brass heds. Brussels and velvet carpets, specially made mattresses, select furnishings, noth ing better; only $18O0 cash. 14 ROOMS. Arranged for housekeeping. A SWELL PLACE for a home and $80 profit above all running expenses; $600 cash, balance easy terms. UNUSUAL CHANCE ' for a lady with $1500 to get Into old established bath and massage parlors, all the business you can handle, strictly first-olass patronage, 6 furnished rooms, plumbing alone cost more than the price asked; will make terms to reliable parties. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. 53 rooms Corner brick on Washington St.; new furniture and carpets, steam heat, hot and cold water, heat and water furnished by owner of building: long lease, reasonable rent; net income $70O per month. This is elegantly furnished and the best paying house In the city. Terms. 32 rooms Brick. - downtown. elegant new furniture and carpets, steam heat, hot and cold water; everything modern. Only $3600 cash required. See it and you will buy. ' 20 rooms On Washington st., close-In apartments, first-class furniture and car pets; all light rooms; clearing $100 per month. A snap at $1250. 18 rooms 3-year lease, rent only $65; fine location, close in; elegant new furni ture and carpets.. This is a bargain.' Only $1000 cash required. 3 3 rooms Downtown: corner brick: all large light rooms; new carpets and flrst class furniture: 4-year lease, low rent. Special price and terms. 10 rooms Well located; rent $30; fine furniture and carpets. A snap at $450. Owner leaving city. We have 3 00 others, from 7 rooms up. See our list first. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. 313 Henry Bldg. TO LEASE APARTMENT-HOUSE. More than 100 ROOMS.- In 2 and 3-room apartments. BEST WEST 8IDE LOCA TION ; ALL the LATEST and UP-TO-DATE FEATURES, built-in BOOK CASES. BITEFETS. HALL TREES. BEDS. WARD ROBES. CHINA CLOSETS, DUMB WAIT ERS, etc.; window shades, gas ranges, re frigerators and linoleum on kitchen floor furnished by landlord; reception hall and private bath in every apartment. A LONG LEASE can be secured at reasonable rent. O. C R. ELLI8 & CO.. 326 Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. APARTMENT FOR LEASE. Will lease 4-story pressed brick apart ment house of over 300 rooms for 5 or 10 years, in best West Side district, to re sponsible tenant at $675 per month; thor oughly modern in every respect; complete for occupancy June 1. 1910: should EAS ILY net $4t)0 monthly; tenant must pay last 3 months rent in advance; no bond required; several suites now reserved at high rental: fine opportunity for reliable party. S 987. Oregonian. ELEGANT AND NEW. 20 rooms. Nob Hill district, close to Washington st. : MODERN HOUSE. STEAM H EAT. RUNNING HOT and COLD WATER In rooms; BRASS beds, floss mat tresses, QUARTERED and GOLDEN OAK furniture: very reasonable rent; good lease; this is the NEWEST and BEST furnished 20-room house in the city: price $2800; terms. ..- O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 320 Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. ROOMING-HOUSES. 50 rooms. 44 rooms. 30 rooms, long leases, cheap rent, modern and down town locations; handsomely furnished, and can be handled with small amount of cash, liberal terms on balance. 26 rooms, 18 rooms, 34 rooms, all in fine locations; leases, cheap rent and best of terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 84 4th St. 619 Board of Trade Bldg. 56-ROOM HOTEL. New. modern, brick, close In; hot and cold water in every room; 20 private baths: elegantly furnished, doing all the business they can handle. Income, April 3910, $1463.95; expenses. April, 1910, $887. Figure it out. Price, $14,000, only $6600 cash. FRICK-DODDS COMPANY, 310 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. $1700. 80 rooms, centrally located; owing to sick ness forced to sell; 4 years lease. 402 Com mercial Block. $2200. ' Dry goods and gents' furnishing store; one of the best bargains In Portland. Hatch & Slocum, 402 Commercial Block. A SNAP NEAR THIS OFFICE. Nice 9-room place with furnace, etc.; Brussel's carpets and extra good furniture -house always filled with good paying roomers; price only $550; terras if desired. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. . 326 Washington St.. Rooms 201-202 A RARE CHANCE 39 rooms, elegant new furniture. Ax minster rugs and carpets; long lease: low rent; high-class tenants; clearing $200 per month. See this before sold. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 313 Henry bldg. 11 ROOMS 11 " furnished in two-room housekeeping suites: in Al ' downtown location; one apartment rents for $27. Will sell for $700 if taken this week; terms. F 978, Oregonlan. 82-ROOM modern apartment-house, Just completed, and all new furniture and car pets; steam heated. Rent only $400. -with a 5-year lease. Clear! UK $40O ft month win nanaie tnis. Particulars, Board of Trade. 41T IF tired looking at old houses and old fur niture, see this one; new. modern, and plain; 11 rooms; l block from White Tem ple; special price for a few days. Room 15. Washington bldg. ONE GOOD BUY. 89-room apartment, Washington St.. long lease, cheap rent, well furnished. A snap at $4750; easy terms. 617 Board of Trade. 20 ROOMS All large and beautifully fur . nished. cozy, modern conveniences, in fine location; absolutely nothing better to be had in Portland. Price $1200; terms. Call 286 Washington St.. Room 612. A 22-ROOM house, clearing $100 a month, can be bought for $1400. with halt cash; nice residence locality. 417 Board i of Trade. FOR SALE Rooming-house of 42 rooms, long lease, clearing $100 monthly; splen did location. Price $1500. half cash. Call 326 Washington St.. room 814. 30 ROOMS, on one floor, Washington st. corner, 4-year lease, cheap rent; good furniture: $2850 takes this and will give terms. 617 Board of Trade. A 4S-ROOM workingman's hotel with bar, doing good business, for sale cheap by owner; no agents apply. A 13 974, Ore- gonlan. 18 ROOMS Choice location, clearing $90 per month; lease 2 years; option 3 years more price $1500: terms. Call 286 Washington St.. Room 612. SNAP Best rooming-house in the city, ' clear ing $250 a month. J. A. Rlggs Realty Co.; 225 Flledner bldg. ' NOB HILL Beautiful home of 10 rooms, elegant furniture, enough rooms rented to clear $50 a month. Price $750; easy terms. Call 417 Board of Trade. 18 ROOMS, long lease. Washington st., rent only $65; a money-maker; must leave city; must go; $S00, terms. Inquire S8 10th st., near Stark. 16 ROOMS; steam heat; well furnished and long lease; cheap rent; 5 minutes' walk west from Postofflce; $1000 to handle. Room 15 Washington bldg. 70 ROOMS Well located, beautifully fur nished, long lease, a fine opportunity. Price and particulars, call 286 Washington at.. Room 612. FOR SALE Rooming house. 22 rooms, close in. always full, clears $100 every month. I am going away: must sell quick; $1600; terms. Phone Woodlawn 308. 1 ROOMS, near courthouse; always full, cheap rent. Come and see us and get a bargain. 61T Board of Trade. WANTED to buy rooming-house of 10 to 40 rooms for cash from owner; no agents. Call 102 3d street, room 507. SPECIAL 6 rooms, beautiful furniture, and clear over $50 a month. Price $350; easy terms. Call 417 Board of Trade. WANTED Rooming house or small hotel. 30 to 50 rooms. Reply by Monday. F 984, Oregonlan. TEN rooms, close in. rent $30. $275. Call 26 N. Sth st Snap for e ROOMS, a little dandy. $80 rent: close In; $350 for this. 617 Board of Trade. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals In-mea. SALE of timber, Portland, Or.. March 29, 301O. Sealed bids marked outside. '"Bid, Timber Sale Application. March 8. 1910. Oregon," and addressed to the District Forester, Forest Service, Portland Or., will be received up to and Including the 7th day of June, 1910, for all the merchantable dead timber standing or down and all the live timber designated for cutting by the Forest Olticer, located on an area, to be definitely designated by the Forest Officer before cutting begins, of about 73 acres cast of the Santlam River in the S. of 8W. x of Sec 6 and the N. of the NW. of Sec. 7, and in the NW SW. Sec. 37, T. 10 S., R. 6 E.. W. M.. within the Ore gon National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be 2,868,000 feet B. M.. of live and 938.0OO feet B. M. of dead Douglas fir. 40OO feet B. M. of green and 2000 teet B. M. ojt dead Western hemlock, and 29,000 feet B. M. of live Western red cedar, saw timber, log scale, more or less. No bid of less than $2 per thousand feet B. M. for both live and dead timber will be considered, and a de posit of $750, payable to the order of the Flnst National Bank, of Portland. Or., must be sent to that bank for each bid submitted to the District Forester. Timber upon valid claims is exempted from sale. The right to .reject any and all bids is reserved. For further information and regulations gov erning sales, address Forest Supervisor, Oregon National Foreet. Portland, Or. C. S. Chapman. District Forester. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Re corder of the city of Independence, Or. up to June 1, 1910. at 8 P. M. thereof, for contracts to build and complete the proposed sewer system in said city of In dependence according to the plans and specifications thereof now on file in said City Recorder's office in said city of In dependence, which may be seen and ex amined at said Recorder's office. Proposals will be considered for the whole or any . part of the construction of said sewer system. All proposals must be addressed to the City Recorder of said city of Indepen dence, Or., and must, be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid, check payable to the order of the city of Independence, Or., as a guarantee that the contract will be en tered into if the bid should be accepted by the City Council of said city. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved by said City Council. W. S. KUR"RE, Recorder of the City of Independence. By order of the City Council. SEALED proposals will be received at the . office of Bridges & Webber, architects, room 422 Hamilton building. Portland, Oregon, until 32 o'clock noon Wednesday, June 1, 1910, for the erection of a cottage and a barn for Multnomah county, to be located in Section 26. 1 north, 3 east, Multnomah county. Bids for the cottage and barn must be submitted separately. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the architects. No pro posal or bid will be considered unless ac companied by a check payable to the or der of the County Court of Multnomah county, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work in . the event the contract is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. F. S- Fields, County Clerk. Miscellaneous. ROBERT GAMBLE left his home in Peace Dale. R. I., about 36 years ago. His mother has recently died and his sister Is anxious to locate him. Any one knowing his whereabouts will confer a favor by address ing Mrs. Earnest L. Caswell, Jamestown, Rhode Island. HEIRS OF CECILIA BROCK. The heirs of Cecilia. Brock, who lived in Portland many years, and died about the 23d of July, 1909, will learn something to their advantage by communicating with W. C. Alvord, 418 Failing bldg.. Portland, Or. FINANCIAL. FOR SALE $3000 long time guaranteed 8 per cent note, secured by mortgage on 1200 acres farm land. Address T 977, Orego nlan. WANT to sell mortgage of $2500 on city residence property 300x230 on improved streets. Interest 6 per cent: will give fair discount. AE U89, Oregonlan. SMALL investors, will you be satisfied with 12 per cent interest? Real estate ze . curity. 830 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan Heal Estate. MONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELY. We make loans on household goods, pianos, warehouse receipts. real estate, contracts, etc.; liberal time; easy pay ments; strictly confidential. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 Dekum Bldg. Phone Main 23011. I BUY for cash either first or second mort gages or seller's equity in contracts of sale on real estate In Oregon or Washlng ton. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or tor build ing purposes; 3 to 6 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable ttav lngs & Loan Association. 40 Stark st. TO LOAN, large and small amounts on good city real estate at 7 and 8 per cent. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 5 Mulkey bldg.. Second and Morrison sts. MONEY TO LOAN On improved city property at 6 and 7. STRONG c CO., Financial Agents, OOP Concord Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased, on farm and city property, anywhere in Oregon or Washington. E. L. Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. 84 Cth St. $500,000 ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. McKenzle Co.. 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY. 809-10 Ablngton Bldg. MONEY to loan on city or farm property, from one to five years, on easy terms. Room 5. 221 Morrison. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg.. 3rd and Stark. $150,000 WILL be loaned at 5 per cent on .central business .property; one loan or two of $75,000 each. AE 985, Oregonlan. MONEY- to loan at reasonable rates, in sums from $500 up. The .Dunn-Lawrence co 24S Alder st $5000 TO LOAN on income-bearing proper ty for 3 to 0 years at 7 per cent per an num Apply at 722 Electric bldg. MONEY TO LOAN From $1000 to $6000 on improved city property. M. E. Thompson &l Co., Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500. on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Main 802. (200,000 TO LOAN, large l'iana a specialty; tuildlng loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 812 Falling bldg. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thorn as. state agent. Multnomah Co., 400 c. C PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages. Ward. 21Q Allsky bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort. gages, xi. aiuey. room 3U4 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY to loan by private party on real estate. AK 986, Onagonlan. $1500 ON improved city property.; no com mission. Call Main 653. $1000 OR $1500 to loan on real estate. Fletcher. 223 Ablngton bldg. NO commission; $20OO on improved city proo erty; give description. AM 91.Oregonlaiv MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or 'collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 308-9 Fenton. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE KATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY & TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDo WE BUY bank aocounts. securities, foreign money; loans. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bias. MONEY loaned, building purposes, if con suited before building begina 3U Henry bid. WILL loan $2500 or less on real estate. Hitch- cock. 610 Rothchild Bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount, C to 8 per cent. Goodnough A Seltz. 718 Board of Trade. Money to Loan Chattels and 6alriea, $73,000. We want to loan this amouat on pianos, furniture, horses, warehouse receipts, real estate 'mortgages, or any good collateral. A special low rate to get the money out. We want your patronage, and are makiag a rate to get it. The King Loan Invest ment Co.. room 61Q. Buchanan bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, -warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL ES TATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MXG. CO.. 416 Ablngton Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people. house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 08 principal clties: uave yourself money by getting my terms . first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange. LOANS negotiated on good securities. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY. . 722 723 -Electric Bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry, reasonable Interest; long or short time. A. M. Pelovage, 209 JVaahUntoa M. . FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salartea, ARE YOU LOOKLN'Q FOR MONEY T ' If you would know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish the money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate, Furniture and Pieaas (wlth ' out removal), b tor age Receipts, Life In surance Policies. Horses, Jewelry, Dia monds and all kinds of securities, on easy weekly or monthly payments. - We Buy First and ceoond Mortgages. Ail Business Strictly , Confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE 6c BKOEEKAGE CO. 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Main 2o84. $$$$$ $$$$$ MONEY! MONEY I MONEY! -LET US BE YOUR BANKERS. CALL A-ND SEE US. FOR A CONFIDENTIAL LOAM , ON YOliK ALARY. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. . ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. EVERY $1 PAID OFF REDUCES COST. CALL, TELEPHONE, WIUTB. STATE SECURITY CO.. 308 FAILING BLDG. HOURS. 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEDS. AND SATS.. UNTIL 8 P. M. WE loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink, overcoats, trunks, dress suit cases and musical instruments. . UNCLE MYERS. 71 bi.-Uh iL, Between Oak and Pine sts. Main 910. 6ALARY loans, confidential, easy to get. easy to pay. F. A. Newton. 615 Henry bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jowelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 ad st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches and Jewelry. Bernhardt' a Loan Office. 93 6th. Loans Wanted. LOANS WANTED. We wish to set in touch with a man who has money and is willing to invest in property which is a cinch. We do a large amount of trading and have many chances by the Judicious use of money to get proper ties at a great sacrifice. If you have idle capital. In large or small amounts, come and talk with us. RALPH AC K LEY, 603 Corbett Building. DOES YOUR MONEY WORK ? You have heard of great profits from orchards, and wished you owned a right good one. The actual experience of buy ing orchard land with the view of great returns is an oft-repeated failure. Here's the solution, by Investing and be assured of a preferred dividend and a division of the surplus profit from the FINEST and OLDESX producing orchard on the coast, close to Portland, under competent man agement and supervised by business meth ods. 20,000 trees, 19 years old. As many more to plant. Think, think of it. This is strictly a money-earning proposition for the capitalist and small investor, the pro fessional men. the business men, book keepers, clerks, teachers, and the working men. Give me a chance to talk 12 per cent to you, and better. Special induce ment before Jsme lR983zOregonian. $35,000 WANTED. For a five-year lease with option to ouy, we-win pay 1 per cent per month , on the above amount if invested, like we want, in buildings and equipment for sawmill near Portland. We are in a po sition to safely handle the proposition. For further information address X. 979 Oregonlan. $730 WANTED 4 full-size lots; beautiful view, restricted district. Bull Run water; property worth $1600. My client wants $ iSO for 2 year. 8 per cent. I will show the l,ots today (Sunday.) A. N. Searle. lake "M-V " car. get off at E. 76th st. 1 Office on the corner.) $o000 WANTED for three years. Will pay 8 per cent Interest. Improved home property on East Side, nearly two acres of ground, main thoroughfare and new $5000 bungalow. Address AE 988. Ore gonlan. WILL sell two first mortgages of $3000 each drawing 7 per cent, payable quarterly; both secured by first-class homes worth more than double the mortgage. S 980. Oregoniaiu WANTED Loan of $1800; also for $2000. The lots are worth $HX0 and $1250. The houses cost $3000 each. Will pay 7 and 8 per cent, state expense. J 978 Oro gonlan. " WANTED From principal, no agents, a first mortgage loan of $5750 at 6 per cent for 5 years on land worth over $20 -00O. V 97S. Oregonian. ' I WANT $600 from principals; will pay 8 per cent; improved lot with 2 stores on it; gilt edge security: must have it by Wednesday Woodlawn 1979. $4000 AT 8 per cent, 8 years, on highly im proved farm property; 8 miles from Port land. E 977, Oregonlan. WANT $1200. 8 or 5 years, on $5000 close in home; mention charges. J 967. Orego- nlan. : LOAN of $20,000 wanted on city business property at 6 per cent; value $50,000. AD 986. Oregonlan. I WANT to borrow $8000 at 8 per cent on business block worth $20,000. AE OHii, Oregonlan. ' WANTED $7000, 8 years. East Side busi ness property. $1800 revenue. R 984, Ore gonlan. WANTED Loan of $2500 on $5500 home in Irvington; will pay 7 per cent and reason able expense. S 989. Oregonlan. WANT to borrow from lender on lovely Portland home $1000, valued $2500. God dard, 615 Board of Trade. WANTED $1200, 8 per cent, on improved residence property, near Hawthorne ave hue. K 083, Oregonlan. - WANTED A loan of $5000- or $6000 on in--' come bearing city property. . The Amu Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. WANTED $3000. 6 per cent. Portland Heights home; principals only. B 992, Oregonlan. I WANT $850 at 8 per cent on property west of E. 20th St.. near Morrison; must have this quick. K 969. Oregonlan. $1000 2 years, second mortgage, 8 per cent on $12,000; improved residence property; principals only. A 988, Oregonian. WANTED $3500 on good farm loan, farm worth $14.0OO. and well improved. AD 966. Oregonlan. WANTED Loan $500, second mortgage, 10 per rent interest, repayable $40 month. K 978. Oregonlan. $1500 WANTED on city property, 2 or 3 years, at 7 per cent ; no commission. Y 985, Oregonlan. WANTED $1000 loan, 2 years, at 8 - per cent: principals only. Y 979. Oregonlan. $90O ON 10 South Mt. Tabor lots, 8 per cent, 2 years. N 979. Oregonlan. $1500 TO BUILD a $2000 residence on a $1000 lot in Multnomah. - B 994. Oregonian. $500 WANTED at 8 per cent on $2000 worth of property. Phone Olson. Main 6059. WANTED $1500 or $1700 first mortgage on city property. F 973. Oregonlan. WANTED $2000. East Side residence prop erty. value $4500. P 9SO. Oregonlan. $8500: ALSO $2500, ample real estate se curlty; no agents. AD 9S9. Oregonlan. LOAN wanted, $1800. three years, residence property worth $4500. Y 980, Oregonian. PERSONAL. LIQUOR and drug habits permanently cured in three days; no suffering, no hypodermic syringes, harmless; institute or home treat ment; both sexes; splendid accommoda tions. Cardiola Institute. 1627 Peninsula ave.. Portland. Or. HAIR. HAIR. All shades In best quality at cost. Closing out stock; scientlflo face and scalp treatments; , expert hair-dressing and manicuring taught. Aza H. m Rtbbecke. li rand Leader. Sth and Alder. RHEUMATISM, nervous and stomach ailments treated under physician's direction. Westfal Sth and Hall sts. Marshall 1138, A 2602. " YOUNG man, age 23, would like to cor respond with some young lady; Object, matrimony. AL 978. Oregonlan. JAHN, 185 West Park, high-class ladles' Turk ish baths: trained nurses in attendance Phone Main 5174. JAHN 3S4 Y'amhill; reliable -hair store; French hair dyeing: your own shade guaran teed. Phone Main 5174. LAURA G. CHIPMAN, write to Ben, Dufur Or. W I'yJ I ' ST treatment for female ailments la ' postpaid. 405 Rothchild bldg. NEW BOOK Law of Financial Success. 50c Jones' Book Store. 284 Oak st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 428 Flledner bldg. M. 34731 BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 629 Belmont st. East 2498. DR. KETCHUM treats women's maladies. 179U 3d., corner Yamhill. CAMEI.1A SOCIAL. O. R. S.. 500 CLUB Monday evening. All friends Invited. ;6c. D00 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if ynu bring this ad -Rose City Printery, 192 3d, near Taylor. rEKSONAJU ASTHMA sufferers can get quick relief by using Wyatt's Asthma and Hay Fever Remedy, an internal medicine, guaran teed to relieve or money refunded, cut out this notice and mail it to J. C. Wyatt. druggist. Vancouver, Wash., - and Inclose 5c postage for a free sample. For sale by A. W. Allen, Plummer Drug Co., Watts c Matthleu. Jancke Drug Co., Love's Pharmacy. J. A. Clemenson and B. F. Jones. Portland and leading druggists in Northwest. Ask your druggist for it. RADIUM. People afflicted with cancer, lupus, ro dent ulcers, ecxema. touberculous Joints, tumors or glands. X-Bay burnt, scar tis sue, keloids, nevus, port wine stains moth-er marks), moles of every kind, warts, bladder or kidney ailments, gran ulated eyelids and many other diseases have been permanently cured with radium light. I have the only radium, on the Faclfio Coast. Address or call at $12 Rothchild bldg., Portland. Or. Or. W. E. Mallory. radium specialist. PERSONAL Foi more than 20 years my husband was a hard drinker. Over eight years ago 1 stopped his drinking by a simple method which anyone can use quietly at home. To everyone who truly wishes to save a dear one from drink, this method will ' be fully explained without charge; as soon as you read this, write me with confidence. Mrs. Margaret Anderson. 576 Oak St.. Hillburn, New York. LADIES, now is the time to attend to your furs. - Remodeled, repaired and stored, free of charge, when work is ordered. Ke-dyelng sealskin garments a specialty. Get my esti mates. Have large assortment of fine skins to select from. Ladles placing orders now will get the "pick." also save money, sat isfaction assured. Adolph Reiner, practical furrier and expert fitter, 129 11th st. Phones A 3553. M S610. xR. ALICE A- GRIFlF Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for: consultation free. Room 10, Grand Thea- ter bldg attain j-j-o, a poo. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helalngfora graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's directloner baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260. B 1803. ' WIDOWER 48. no children, some property, desires acquaintance of refined widow with no children; or maiden lady of suitable age with about equal property lights; object matrimony. AE 9t4, Ore- gonian. WHEN you are sleepy or nervous in the daytime, Sexine Pills will do wonders for you; $1 a box. 6 boxes for $5. Address or call The J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., corner Front and Morrison sts., Portland, Or. WOULD you marry If suited? Matrimonial paper, containing hundreds advertisements marriageable people from all sections, rich, poor, young, old. Protestants, Catholics, mailed sealed free. G. Gunnels. Toledo, O. SWITCHES from combings made. $1.2.1; wigs and front pieces of my system defy detection; toupees from $10 up; none bet ter; very lowest prises in town; old hair dyed. 355 Salmon St. DR. D. -L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children; electrlo treatment of nervous ailments; private hos pital. Rooms 505-306 Commonwealth bldg Bth and Ankeny. Phones Main 4047. A 2411 WE cure cancer and all kinds of eczema, ul cers in itomach.atc. Mr. and Mrs. Jurva. Finmsh masseurs. 195 Union ave. North East 042. C 1768. ATTENTION Oldest and most reliable place in the city for the removal of superfluous hair, moles, etc.: electric needle process 170 Tenth St. Phone M. 6267. CUT this out for luck. Send birth date and 10c for wonderful horoscope of your entire life. Professor Raphael. 499 Lexington ave New York. A MIDDLE-AGED workingman would like to correspond with or meet a plain, well meaning woman; object matrimony. M 984. Oregonlan. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly . cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation Xrea. lal 1st St.. Portland. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. Mental Scientist, moved to Selling-Hirsch bldg., Washing ton and loth. Sunday and Wednesday meetings. 8 P. M.. Main 6824. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles re moved by electrolysis; expert dermatolo gist; guaranteed no scar, no pain; sittings, $1.50 per hour. 355Salmon st. Main 3901. YOUNG man of good appearance and some means wishes acquaintance of working girl or widow; object matrimony. J 9&3. Ore gonian. DRESS suits for rent. $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned. pressed. buttons sewed on. rips repaired, prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3oo Stark. LADY of 32 wishes to make the acquaint ance of an honorable gentleman between 35 and 40. of some means; object, matri mony. P 934. Oregonian. TAPEWORMS removed without fail. The John Wilhelm famous German remedies; also pile remedy. Sure cure. J. Wilhelm, 490 Burnslde. MARRIAGE paper, highest character. In corporated, 14lh year, 5000 members, pa per sealed, send 10c. R. E. Love, box ItiOO. Denver. Colo. LEARN hairdressing and scalp treatment for $6; manicuring, $5; face treatment for $10; all in one week. 575 Everett st. A 3952. DR. WHEATLEY HOWE, ladles' herbal physician, Indian herbal baths; all dis eases; needy treated free. 293 Weidler St. Phone C 1963. MRS. STEVENS, 1 years Portland; leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy,'- on sale at 243 1 Y'amhill St.. corner 7th. REFINED lady. 38, lonely, wishes to meet cultured gentleman over 40: no fritters; object matrimony: no general delivery an swers. O 988, Oregonian. WIDOWER, carpenter, wishes to meet lady of intelligence and refinement, about 30; object matrimony. O 9S7, Oregonian. SHIRTWAIST suits, ladies' and gentlemen's pajamas, made reasonabto until August 1. 227. Washington, room 26. The Labbe. HEALTH treatments given by graduate nurse. 253 Alder; room 18; formerly 410 Washington Mme courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tlc sur-rerv. 311 Flledner bldg. M. 6042. MARRY RICH Big list of descriptions and photos sent free, sealed. Address Standard Cor. Club. Box 607. Grayslake. 111. DIVORCE laws of Nevada; full information free on request. H. B. Fuller, attorney, Ooldfleld. Nevada. LABORER. Danish, 40, wishes to hear from lady matrimonially inclined. D 976, Ore gonlan. BLOOD POISON permanently cured. Send for free trial Bottle. 510 Pacific bldg., Seattle, Wash. WIDOW, 38, wishes to meet refined gentle man between 45 and 3d with means matri monlally Inclined. P 983. Oregonian. DR. LORENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 25c box, restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay lor Drug Company, 289 Morrison st. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail, at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger, 228 Front Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST Brooch, diamonds and pearls, be tween Orpheum and 9th and Broadway. Return to Frank Bruhn, 341 E. 9lh. N. Reward. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and Jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month's Interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Bank. 71 6th at., near Oak st. TEN DOLLARS reward for return of English setter pup strayed or stolen from 175 Ford st.; white haired with blue spots; black ears. LOST Scotch collie dog. sheared from white ring around neck to end tall: notify G. W. Sullivan, 313-315 Front st. Main 3346. Re ward. LOST -'At Masonic Temple, or en route, a small gold necklace with $2.50 gold charm. Reward. Mrs. D. Robertson, 875 Ganten beln ave. Woodlawn 135. LOST 3 Ivory-handled carving knives, one 9-lnch blade and two 7-inch blades; Initials E. F. M. on handles of two. Return 187 3d. Reward. Main 413. LOST Near 29th and Thurman sts.. a diamond-studded crescent pin. Finder will be liberally rewarded If returned to 349 N. 29th st. LOST English bulldog; color white. with large black spots under sharp Jaw; shrew tail. Phone Main 4594. Reward. LOST Fox terrier dog; has one black eye. black spot on bark. Reward. 353 Union ave. Broadway Dye Works. LOST Lady's watch, gunmetal case, black ribbon fob: engraved C. T. Finder please phone Main 6694. LOST, or left on Vancouver car. handbag containing valuable papers; hat and silk umbrella. Return to Oregonian. Reward. LOST A large cameo pin; very liberal reward for its return to Etta M. Hankinson, Beaver ton. Or.. Route 3. LOST At 10th and Jackson sts., sultbox con taining silk dresses and other apparel. Telephone Main 2VKi or Main 359. Reward. LOST Gorden setter: black with brown spots on side of head and feet; name "Pedro." Reward $35. o 977. Oregonian, LOST AND FOUND. LOST Scotch Phone Main collie pup. license 2901. 2816. Reward. 201 16th. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating aud bystematizing. 824 Worcester Block. Phone Main 65di. Attorneys at Law. H. R. RIDDELL. attorney-at-law. 735 Cbam ber of Commerce. Main 4764. A S531. Assayer and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 180 Morrison st. K Wells &. Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 Washington st. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents, awnings and sails. 27 N. 1st. Main and A 19S1. Bicycles and Motorcycles. We buy. sell, exchange or repair. Hammer Bicycle Ex.. 133 loth st- Main 7058. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work. 106 N. Sth. Main 37o2. Cement Contractors. CHAS. H. CARTER, cement contractor. Foundations, sidewalks, floors. 217 Ab lngton. Main 5697. CALL Sellwood 1309 to figure on cement walks, floors, foundations, steps, etc. Chiropractors. . DR. TICKNER. suite BOO Columbia bldg. Chronic and nervous diseases. Hours 12-J. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder.' Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 649 Washington. Marshall 1329. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 84i3. Civil Engineers. R. F. SCOTT, civil engineer and surveyor, 217 Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 1449. Collections and Law. NETH & CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Collectton Specialist. PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Plnckney White. Main 5074: A 7026. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE. CHINESE GOODS. MAT TING. SILK AND CURIOS. 70 BTH ST. Dancing. PRIVATE lessons given In fancy stage dancing. ALMA BAILEY PAUL, I 299 Hamilton ave. WALTZ, two-step, three-step, etc.. 25o les son. Frof. W'illson'a School. 386 N ashlng ton St.. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S.. D. C. M. Office 324 Flanders st. Main 4086. A 4086. EducatlonaL ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanic-, al. survey, assay, cyanide; established 1S64. Van der Nalllon School. 61st and Telegraph. Oakland. CaL Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Feed Store. ZIGLEH MISNER. hay. grain, feed ce ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 432. . Fur-. ORDERS taken for curing season. Furs ar tistically remodeled, repaired and stored at reasonable rates now. N. M. Ungar. 408 Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Marshall 733. 4'laes and Glazing. United Glass & Glazing Co. Auto wind shields and showcases repaired. Glazing any part of city. Damaged mirrors resil- - vercd. 4 X. 14th St. Main 4431. Launches. 16-FT. 3-H. P.. $150; 18-FT.. 8-H. P.. $200. Relerson Mach. Co.. 182 Morrison st- Leather and Findings. CHAS. I. MASTIC & CO.. 74 Front, leather - j ......... . .. . . - mfr-m flnrltnsrs. or every bebuivuuui w-. .... J A. bTROWBRlDGB LEATHER CO. Es- ' tabllshed 1S58. 189 Front st- Machinery. B TRENKMAN CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, logging, mining ma chlnery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Mot ton Picture Supplies. WF start you in business on easy terms. Newman Motion Picture Co.. 526 Wash. Musical. . VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Fred W. Smith, or- chestral director, 291 11th at., near Co lumbia EMIL .THIELHORN violin teacher pupil ceVClK. trvv ... o. " Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH RUP, 413-16-17 Dekum uiag. Phone, office, M. 349; res. East or B 1028. Dr Arnold Llndsey. specialist on rheuma tism stomach troubles and all female diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 7193. DR. LE ROY SMITH, graduate Kirksville, M0..189Q- P0t grad. 1907. 318 Swetland bldg. paints. Oils and Ulass. rasmussen & O.. Jobbers paints, oils, glass, sasn and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. patent Attorneys. INVENTORS of the West obtain best serv ice from their home office. NORTH PACIFIC PATENT BUREAU. Lumbermens bldg., Portland. Or. -Patents trade-marks, etc.. all countries, i, I KELLOND. pres., 30 yrs.' practice. GEO TAZWELL F. S. BENN ETT. patent secured 01 tee returned; illus trated guide book and list of inventions rnailed free to any address; patents se ared for us advertised free In World's t,-t.resi sample copy free. Victor J. Wvhiis ft Co.. Washington, P. C r WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ms. infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Paving. thr Barber Asphalt paving Company. 605 , 8 EUctrlc bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. war HEN Construction Co. Street paving, WR.1i.iics and crosswalks. 817 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. INCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years in Portland. 71 6th st. Main 910. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and POryi!.. near 24th N. and York St.. M. 8489. - ' ' tlUntsBS X linitisj ruii-ssE-PRUDHOMME CO. Book Cat a aLi l commercial. 14 4tix .u Mtn ct A 1 S55. WHITE & CO-, commercial printers; work guaranteed. 102 m st- --. " -w-io. rr. , v- printing Company; letter and bill M.L, f MS Goodnough bldg. Main 4121. WATSON printing Co., fine commercial and WA,7"pHnting. Goodnough bldg. Main 7743. 1 P.nra. public Stenographer, ' ,..-. 204 Cham, of Com. Phone dlc-E-.8;ionQP"" evenings. Main 3143. A 2462. on , op-- - - - 7- ..mmer & Co., estaousneo JlBo; general C. bommer 247 5th. Marshall 1.171 reyair T Rubber Stamps. -. , cri .-a, is. stencils, office stationery, etc. -,rn"hanV. 31 Stark. Main 1407. " bafes. -rT-F- MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes fy-""--v prices. Second-hand safes. " Hhowcases. Bank and Store Ilxtures. -rrrs LUTKB MFG. CO.. branch Grand THE , Vu i7wcasa Co.. th and Uovl h rlapiu 1 ..ike. J. Cww and second-hand J. L M. Mfg. Co.. Ath and couch. Main 2703. Cabinetwork. wtorage andTransfers. . - - . . VAN siunjL(,u iX.. POR I LA i ",-, .is. Just oninad , . ihd most modern storage warehouse In jTitv- every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate kR Northwest; free trackage; van. for rHn-r Main or A 1520. O PICK. Transfer at Storage Co.. office and commodious four-story brick ware house separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and i,, .ts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596. A 1996. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment- 209 Oak St., bet. Front and t": rr.ior.hone Main 547 or A 224T " isi- REOON TRANSFER CO., established OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Office 310 Hoyt St.. between Bth and 6th. phones Main 69. A 1169. WHEN moving, call up Van Horn Transfer Co Main 1618. A 1984. All wagons, all experienced men. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front Thrrapegtlc Physleisns. DR. FOSTER, master mechanic of the human machine; chiropractic. vibration, ma-rsare lBctrical and. otlxra combined. 1S Flledner' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Rug Weavers. KORTHWEST old can-eta RUG WORKS Rugs from colonial rag rugs iik r- tleres. 153 Union ave. E. Morrison. Typewriters. WE ARE the exchange for the largest tvotZ writer concern on this coast; Inveatl-cate-' all makes, all prices. The Typewriter ti change. 27 Washington St. i'X NEW. rebuilts. second-hand, rentals at rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 stark. M i"-CUt Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. full futranteed; easy payments; rentals $J per month, pacific Stationery & Print ins Co.. 203 2d st. 1 W all Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. I.e-ivine. J i .... ,1 Ashland passenger .... 1 8:30 a. m. I 4 : 1 5 p. nu 6:O0 p. nu I 6:2o p. ni. 1 7 :45 p. m. I 1.3J a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4 Ai) p. m. 8 :5o a. m. 1 :0 p. m. 3:40 p. m. 7:30 a. m. lo:0'J p. m. 5 :.'lo p. m. I I :uo a. m. 2.3D p. m. 9:30 a. in. 6:20 p. m. (10:30 a. nu I 8 : 00 a. m. III :50 a. m. I 4:40 p. m. no-fours rassenger .... Shasta Limited Sllverton Passenger California Express ban Francisco Express West .Side Corvallls passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger .1""" Forest Grove Passenger . .'. Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger ") Roseburg Passenger Poitland Express ........ Shasta Limited ' bllverton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger '. Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger .. '. . Forest Grove Passenger . . . . " 1 Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland North Coast Limited Sound North Coast Limited Bank via Pugetl via North! 10 :00 p. :13 a. :O0 a. Atlantic Express via Tuget Sound Atlantic Express via North Bark Twin City Express via 1'uget Sound . .1 T'Jn . cit Express via" North Bank Eastern Express via Puget Sound Eastern Express via North Bank Missouri River Express via Puget bound 7. . Missouri River Express via North Bank Portland. Tacoma' and Seattle Ex press. ray Harbor. Olympla and South Bend- branches Portland-Vancouver Special Puget Sound Limited. Gravs Har bor and South Bend Branches. . Yacolt Passenger Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank North Coast Limited via Puget Sound nu m, 111. 1 3:30 p. m. no p. :15 a. :00 a. :00 a. :00 p. tu rn. m. m. 45 a. 00 a. ru in. :30 p. :00 p. 15 p. 30 a. 00 a. 35 p. 15 p. Northern Pacific North Bank . . . Express via .Northern Pacific Express via i-uget sound m. rru pacinc Coast Express via North Bank Pacific Coast Express via Puget :30 a. :15 p. :30 p. :00 a. :00 p. :O0 p. .35 p. :3o p. Western Express via" North Bank Western Exoress via Piit Mnnnrl Missouri River Express via North Bank Missouri. River Express via Puget Sound Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express ana irom uiympla, youth Bend ana urays Harbor Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special . . Oregon Railroad a Navigation Co. Leaving Portland 4 Pendleton Passenger 7:40a.m. Oregon-Washington Limited 10:Oa. m. The Dalles Local 4:OOp. m. Soo-Spokane Portland 7:00 p.m. Fast Mail tcoach Portland to The Dalles 7:01p.m. Oregon Express 8:00 p. nu Arriving Portland Fast Mail (no passengers) 7:00 a.m. The Dalies Ixcal 10:15 a.m. Oregon Fxpress 10:3: a. m. Soo-Spokane-Portland 9:00 a. rru Pendleton Local Passenger........ 6:.'to p. m. Oregon-Washington Limited 8:00 p.m. Astoria Ar Colignhia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express ................. 8:00a.m. Astoria Express 6:30 p. m. Rainier Passenger ............... 1:15 p.m. Rainier Passenger 6:10 p. m. Arriving Portland Portland Express ............... 12:15 p.m. Portland Express 1O:0O p. in. Rainier and Portland Passenger. . 10:2S av m. Rainier and Portland Passenger. , 5:20 p. m. a Canadian I-aclflc Railway Co. Leaving Portland I C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 7:00 p.m. Via Seattle 12:15 a.m. Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokanel n-.oo a. m. Via Seattle I 7:0" a. m. Oregon Washington Rallrond Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger P:01 a. m. Shasta Limited S:O0 p. m. Owl 11:45 p. m. Arriving . portlanO Owl ......... '. ................. . 7:15a.m. Shasta Limited i ............... . 5:20p. ni. Portland Passenger 2:45 p. in. JEFFEKSON-STREET STATION. Southern PavJHc. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger ............... 7:40a.m. Dallas Passenger ............... 4:30 p. m. Arriving Portland , e Dallas Passenger 10:15 a.m. Dallas Passenger 5:55 p. m. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS SENHER STATION. Spokane, Portland Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont. Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Goldendale. Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia River Local 4:30 p.m. North Bank Limited 7:OOp. m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lamont. ' Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles, Lyle. White Saimon. Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate sta tions. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a. m. From Chieago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louts. Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco. Roose velt. Granddalles, Lyle, White Salmon, Ste venson, Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. Columbia River Local ......12:25p.m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p.m. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City," St. Louis, Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lamont. Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco. Roose velt. Granddalles. Lyle. White Salmon, Ste-versotu- Vancouver and Intermediate sta tlons. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stations 6:30. 7:50. 11:00 A. M. : 2:o0. 3:0. 6:30. 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 9:15 A. M. Local for Wllsonvllle and Int. stations 5:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday for points on the Salem. Falls City & Western Ry. via Salem, 6:30 A. M.. 2:00 P. M. Sunday only. 11:00 A. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:05. 8:80, 10:20 A. M. : 12:10. 2:16. 3:30. 5:30, 8:25 P. M. Saturday only, 11:30 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations 8:40. 11:00 A. M. ; 1:15. 4:00, 6:O0, 8:20. 10:50 P. M. Local from Wllsonvllle and Int. stations 6:40 A. M. Dally except Sunday, 7:35 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 8:00, 9:50. 11:40 A. M. ; 1:30. 2:50. 5:20, 8:10 P. M. Saturday only, 11:00 P. M. Sunday only. 4:40 P. M. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waltlng-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. ' Oregon City t :Oo. 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes to and Including 9 P. M.. then 10:UO. 11:00 P. M. ; last car midnight. Gresham and Intermediate points 6:55. 7:45. 8:45. 9:43. 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 8:45. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 11:33 P. M. Fairvlew and Troutdale 6:35. 7:45, 8:4"f. 9:43. 10:45 A. M.. 12:43. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45 P. M. Cazadero and Intermediate points 6:33. 8:45. 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 4:43. 6:45 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and waiting-room. Second and Washington streets. A. M. 6:15. 6:50. 7:23. 8:00. 8:35. 9:10, 9:50. 10:3d. 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 12:30, 1:10. 1 :5n, 2:30. 3:10. 3:50. 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30, 7:05, 7:40. 8:15. 9:23. 10:35. 11:45. On third Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. "Daily except Monday. BANKS. GEf.MAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STP. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ISSUES ORAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OP THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAI D ON PAV INGS ACCOUNTS. SAFETY DEPOSIT .vauiiiB,