The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 22, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 31

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There are customers waiting for itood
securities earning only 6 per cent; money
invested In unit ownership bonds earn 15
per cent up.
We want salesmen who can show the
opportunities in such realty bonds se
cured by double the value.
How does fSO per week up look to youT
Call for MV. Webb, bond department,
, 148 Fifth St.. Portland. Or. t
An old-established manufacturing com
pany wants the services of a few first
class specialty salesmen to put out a new
advertising novelty, for which we ane
creating & strong demand. Bankers, mer
chants, manufacturers. In fact all flrst
. class houses are ready buyers. Write us
for terms, which will surely satisfy flrst
.class men.
B. T. CASS A CO.. Chicago. lit
IF you are person we want as district man
ager, send 10c now for mailing outfit of
our latest book. "Roosevelt and Africa,"
and show us what you can do; $25 weekly
and expenses easily earned; experience un
necessary; premiums and credit given; in
vestigate us; we are one of the largest and
most reliable publishing houses In the
world. M. A. Donohue & Co.. Chicago.
WE want men to represent us In very city.
We fler you a big opportunity to make
money; no competition, quick sales, ex
' elusive territory, new selling plan, new
Patented low-prloed office device that will
e used In every business office within a
year. Write now for booklet and full
particulars. Saunders Sealer Co., Dept..
14. 40th and Kelly ave.. Cleveland. O.
SALESMEN No experience required; hun
dreds positions open paying from $100 to
$t00 monthly; our free book. "A Knight
of the Grip," will show you how to get
one; write for it, nearest office, National
Salesmen's Training Association, dept 71S,
New York. Chicago, Kansas City. Minne
apolls. San Francisco, Atlanta.
I have the best value in city lots now
on the market, and I want four red
blooded salesmen who can close their
own sales. Apply Monday.
3u3 Oerilnger Bldg.
.000 MEN wanted to buy genuine bargains
in manufacturer's sample suits; all New
York models; $35 to $40 values. $18.75;
$18 to $22.50 values, $12.75. How do 1 do
it? That's easy. My office rent is one
eighth of a ground floor store. Jlmmla
. Dunn, room 315 Oregonian bldg.
10.000 POSITIONS lor graduates last year;
men and women to learn bai ber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $10 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata-
, . logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 33
North 4th St.. Portland. Or.
)1EN wanted for firemen and brakemea on
nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience
unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ
ment; Bremen $100 monthly, brakemen $75;
promotion to engineers, conductors; 400 men
. sent to positions monthly. Stale age; seal
.. stamp. Railway Association, car Oregonian.
services of $0 salesmen to handle our line
. of laces, embroideries and veilings on co re
mission basis. State experience and terri
tory preferred. Goldwater Bros., ' 484
. Broadway, N. Y.
ers. Boston, have opened their Northwestern
office at l&U Arcade Annex. Seattle, and
want good salesmen who can call on select
class of people and solicit orders for their
popular publications.
HUSTLERS everywhere; profits $5 to $25
daily; it's cash; all yours; own the busi
ness yourself; work from your home; no
capital required; no canvassing; ikw
thing. Particular free. F. E. Abbott,
. desk AX. Omaha. Neb.
KEMPER-THOMAS CO.. Cincinnati, want
first-class, experienced salesmen. Oregon,
to handle line advertising calendars (im
ported and exclusive domestic) novelties
and leather goods; commissions liberal.
Calendar dopt.
WANTED Steady man Will pay you $125
monthly, half interest fine" paying 3d st
cash business; experience not necessary;
clean, agreeable work: easy to learn;
hours 8 to 6; only requires an investment
of $250. Call 102 V, 3d St.. room 507.
$15 A DAY earned adjusting FIRE Insm
ance losses; complete course by EXPERT
adjuster for the BIG companies. Write
St.. San Francisco. Cal.
Wanted at once.
WANTED Middle-aged man as night porter
lor first-class hotel In Central Oregon;
duties light; good home and fair wages;
traveling expenses paid; reference re
quired. M USU. Oregonian.
1 WANTED Man. willing to learn and capa
ble of acting as representative; no can
vassing or soliciting: good Income an-
sured. National Co-Operative Realty Co.,
Marrien bldg.. Washington. D. C.
SALESMEN wanted; strongest line special
ties and advertising novelties on the mar
ket; one man made $100O in two months.
Metal Specialties Mfg. Co., 427 W. Ran-
dph st.. Chicago'.
SUBSCRIPTION solicitors. Western Canada
magazine; everybody wants information
monthly about Western Canada; big
commissions; trial magazine. Reglna,
COOKS $15 to $40, waitresses $10.50. wait
ers $17.50. pantrymen $10 to $13 weekly;
union scales; dishwashers $10. Spokane
Hotel and Restaurant Keepers' Assn., 216
...le utft, c-jjima-ne. y asn.
SALESMEN for manufacturers' lace and
embroidery line; must have trade among
general store merchants; liberal proposi
tion. Hnriunn Rlva. T TT i , ,
" " -...v. -V-tJ II UI&B, 11V
Droaaway, .New lorK.
WANTED Boy 15 or 16 years old for posi
tion of junior clerk. Good chance for ad
vancement for right boy. Address in own
handwriting. AG 085. Oregonian.
MEN (or women), $4 & day, sure all year
...... ..-.."...,. ... ..Enaio, ulcus, uuxes
etc.; big market: free illustrated booklet.
Hiram Barton. West 4Sth St.. New York.
$2." WEEKLY and expenses, trustworthy
people, to travel, distribute samples for
wholesale house. C. H. Emery, B 43. Chi
cago. .
SALESMEN for card writer; appeals to
every merchant: makes expert sign writer
one day; good pay. Self Sign Painting
I o.. 229 E. Jackson blvd.. Chicago.
$80 MONTHLY and expenses to men, post
signs, distribute samples for wholesale
house; steady work. M. Monroe, President,
R. 63. Chicago.
SALESMAN 3ll staple line to dealers: per
manent place for producer: commission
proposition with $35 advanced weekly. E
L. Rice & Co.. Detroit. Mich.
WANT to start you silvering mirrors home
spare time; anyone can easily make $4
dally; free booklet, sample. G. F. Red
mohd. 66 Wainwright bldg.. Boston. Mass.
VANTED All around machinist who un
derstands automobile work. The Dalles
Iron Works. The Dalles, Or.
EXPERIENCED savings bank bookkeeper,
one familiar with card system preferred.
K 979. Oregonian.
1100 MONTHLY and expenses, travel, dis
tribute samples for manufacturer. S
Scheffer. treasurer. C ES. Chicago.
WANTED A young man 17 to 18 years of age
lur cuei:il , ui n.. AlJyijf uia 44 ntn St.
S. E. cor. Ankeny.
WANTED Experienced cook, family of 4;
ages $40. Call morning at 445 Morrison
$90 MONTH salary and expenses to intro
duce stock and poultry powders; steady
, work. The Grant Co.. 36. Springfield. 111.
GOOD, live salesmen to handle the new
Richmond Suction Cleaner. Apply 61 6th
t jit. Afternoons.
WANTED 2 experienced mandolin agents
to go out of town. Address T. M. SamD-
WANTED Two solicitors; must understand
business. Call Western Decorating Co.,
room 304 Merchants' Trust bldg.
REGISTERED drug clerk, at once; city
work; state age. experience and name of
last employer. W 97. Oregonian.
WAN! ED Young man stenographer, with
lumter experience preferred. Apply Clark
4r Wilson Lumber Co.. Linton. Or.
DENTIST wanted; good operator; best
wages and permanent position to a regis
tered man. AK 975. Oregonian.
WANTED Japanese boy for general house
work. 883 Myrtle st., cor. lath., Portland
Heights. '
WANTED At once, 2 graders and i feed
ers, for planing mill; good wages. Clark
V tk Wilson Lumber Co.. LInnton. Or.
WANTED Harness maker; good wages to
good man. Address H. D. Still. Prineville,
. Or.
WANTED A bright, neat office boy. about
16. 353 Washington, Ellers.
RUG ' weavers wanted. Portland Fluff Rug
Co.. 790 Washington st.
WANTED Laborers; $2.60 nine hours. Bast
12th and Irving sis.
WANTED Water boy. East 12th and Irving
BOY wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and
FIRST-CLASS ornamental plaster caster
wanted at once. 161 Union ave. north.
HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman wanted.
215 Commercial bldg.
YOUNG man for Janitor and kitchen work at
654 Conch st.
PEESSEB, alteration room. Grand Lead or.
AT C. R. Hansen & Co.. 26 North Sd su
Phones Main 1526; A 1526.
We are headquarters for railroad and
notel and restaurant help. We are agentB
for the Utah Construction Company's work
at Natron and Eugene, for the Klamath
Falls work (Erlckson & Patterson Com
pany), for Twohy Bros., on the Deschutes,
and a number of other big contractors.
We ship daily to these contractors drillers,
tunnel men, laborers, teamsters, etc. The
fare on this work Is free. They pay cood
For Katron and Eugene.
Teamsters, $2.50.
Muckers. $2-75.
4 trapmen, $2.75.
Laborers, $2.50 up.
Camp flunkey. $35.
Deschutes (Twohy Bros., Porter Bros, Etc.)
Laborers, $2.50 up.
Tunnel men. $2.75. $3.
Rock men. $2.75,. $3.
Klamath Falls.
600 laborers. $2 up.
3 blacksmiths. $90.
Remember that the far on railroad
. work Is FREE.
Man and wife at sawmill boarding-house
as cook and helper, $90.
Fos Coos Bay; Free Fare.
Buckers, $2.75.
Fallers. $3.
All kinds of woodmen, $2.50 up.
6 mill hands, $2.50 up, near Portland.
2 carriage men. $2.50 .up.
Deckmen. $2.50 up.
Grader. $2.50. .
2 doggers, $2.50.
Cut-off man, $2.50.
Band offbearer, $3.50.
Blacksmiths. $90.
Bridge carpenter foreman. $4.
Pipefitters' helpers. $2.50.
Cook and helper, country hotel. $100;
fare paid.
Fry cook. $75.
2 young men. cooks' helpers, city. $12
Man and wife, cook and helper, road
. house. $70.
Man and wife, cook and helper, sawmill
boarding-house,. $90.
Dishwashers. $9. $10 up per week.
Cafa cook. $60.
Cook. $50. -
Cook. S75.
Man and wife, cook and, helper, $90.,
Second cook, $45. board and room.
Walter. $10.
Concrete laborers. $2.75.
6 boys to plant trees. $2 day.
Teamsters, $2.50 up.
Deckhands. $35. $40, found.
Farm hands. $33, $40.
New Jobs coming In sll the. Urns.
Established 1876.
Offices In Portland, Spokane, Ean Fran
cisco and Los Angeles.
Main office. 12 North Second St.
Open Sunday, 10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Sawmills, box factories, etc
Cabinet-makers, city, $3.60. ,
Millwrights, new work. $4.
Ratchet-setter, large mill. S3.
Carriage-riders, $2.60 and $2.76.
Gang trimmerman. city. $3.25.
Rand resawyer, city, $3.60.
Mill tallymanr $3.
Marker on sorting table, $3.
Mill hands, $2.50, $2.76 and $3.
Yardmen. $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75.
We ship to McCloud River Lumber Co.,
McCloud. Cal., every day. Free fare.
Ten boys for box factory and planing mill,
wages $2 up.
Cross cut eaw-fller. $3.50.
Two shingle bolt cutters. $1 cord.
Flunkeys, camp, $35 up.
Dishwasher, country hotel, $30.
Donkey fireman. $2.50.
Night watchman, $50.
Two stonemasons, $5.
Man and wife cooks, river boat, $70.
Farmhands. $30 to $40.
Milker, $40.
Man and wife on stock ranch, $600.
Six boys to work In nursery. $1.25 day and
board, 5c fare.
Hundreds of other Jobs.
New work coming In all the time.
We give a written guarantee, with every
application ticket, to pay the fare both
ways if there is not work where we send
. you. .....
. Open Sunday, 10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Main Office 12 N. 2d st.
Labor Agents. 28 H North Second St.
Phones: Main 727. A 2290.
1 cook, R. R. camp, $75.
1 cook, R. R., small camp, $65.
6 right-of-way men, $2.76.
6 buckers, $3.
1 bull cook. $35 and board.
1 dump foreman. $75 and board.
1 craneman, $100 and board.
2 rlgging-sllngers, $3.
1 donkey fireman. $2.50.
5 Scandinavians (R. R. work). $3.
Laborers, teamsters, drillers, etc.. for
Porter Bros., east, on the Deschutes;
Twohy Bros., east, on the O. R. & N; J.
W. Sweeney, west, on the Tillamook; Win
ston Bros., north, on the U. P.; U. C Co.,
south, on the S. P.
machinist for the German steamer
Augustus, which leaves Tuesday for a
European port. For particulars apply
German Consulate, room 202 Hamilton
bldg. Office open Sunday morning .from
11 to 12.
TALKING-MACHINE business is lucrative
and pleasant. We have three locations
In thriving, rapidly growing towns, where
business-like, wideawake young man or
woman with limited capital can become
successful. Apply Publicity Department,
Ellers Piano House.
Shoe man wanted in. out of Portland
City, take charge of women's and chil
dren's Bhoes for both buying and selling;
good, permanent position for right man.
Address N 989. Oregonian.
Wants 50 boys. 16 to 18 years of age.
Rapid advancement for boys who are
quick to learn the business. Call at em
ployment bureau, 6th floor, annex.
INCORPORATED CO. has pat. gold and sil
ver separating machine in operation; wants
first-class stock salesmen; good commis
sion. Call Monday after 9 A. M. 2S3V4 E.
Morrison. Room 1.
WANTED Live, experienced man to sell
the best 10-acre tracts on the market;
liberal commission and traveling ex
penses to right party. Address P. O. Box
347, Portland.
EXPERIENCED salesman in hardware, etc.,
having traveled ten years in Oregon and
Washington, desires a position as traveling
salesman In Oregon or California; best of
references. AJ 987. Oregonian.
PAINTERS wanted; first-class men only;
$4 per day minimum scale; come ready
for work. Acme Paint Co., 209 West 6th,
Vancouver, Wash.
Want competent salesmen for boys'
clothing. Apply 8 A. M., employment bur
eau. 6th floor, annex.
YOUNG man of good address as partner to
travel Coast states with advertising cam
paign; can clear $2000 on investment $200.
Call or write J. Burns, Princess HoteL
WANTED Waitress in boarding-house. 350
Gllsan st.
404 Madison, corner 10th St.
WANTED, in dressmaking, apprentices and
helpers. Room 414 Fliedner bid g.
YOUNG girl for housework. 174 East 16th,
near Belmont.
WOMEN wanted to finish men's neckwear.
Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 291 H Stark.
WANTED Young girl as waitress at Ice
cream store. 266 Everett St.
GIRL for general housework. 425 Tillamook.
C 1416. East 1771.
LADY partner to assist In office; paying;
business; $150 required. Y 984. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED second girl; wages $30.Ap
Ply 215 Ford St. Telephone Main 759. .
GERMAN girl between 2s and 30 to go on
farm. E 980. Oregonian.
GIRL for second work: good wages. 389
Montgomery St.. corner West Park.
WANTED Waitress. Apply at once. Union
Depot restaurant.
GIRL for cashier in meat market, D 990,
FIRST-CLASS collar girls. American Laun
dry, 12th and Flanders.
THE WALDORF. 147 13th.
ALTERATION hands. Grand Leader.
GIRL for housework. 702 Northrup at.
WAN TED Girl for housework. 547 3d St.
FIRST-CLASS waitress. Moves. 105 6th St.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Meves, 105 6th at. J
AN ambitious, energetic woman of good ad
dress, wanted to represent high-grade cor
set awarded gold m?dal by the famous
Paris and London dress exhibition; state
age, experience, if any, and compensation
desired; rapid advancement if competent;
this is an exceptional opportunity for the
right woman to obtain a most desirable
Sositlon with a high-grade Paris and
ew York corset house, but do not apply
unless you mean business and are not
afraid of work. Address To-Kalon Cor
set Company, suite 1021 D. 2$ West 88th
St.. New York.
GIRLS. 18 years of age and over, to work
in factory. Apply at once. Ames-Harrls-Nevlllo
Co., 6th and Davis sts.
WANTED Several bright young women to
learn telephone operating; students paid
$20 per month while learning; a thor
ough training given each student before
assignment to position; this Is an excep
tional opportunity for such applicants that
Qualify. Apply to school principal at our
east office. East Ankeny and 6th St., be
tween 8 A. M. and 5 P. M., week-days.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
EXPERIENCED shirt operators and girls to
learn shirtmaklng. Good wages. Begin
ners paid while learning. Neustadter Bros..
5,tahdard Factory No. 2,' Grand ave. and
E. Taylor.
SALESWOMEN, first-class, in a number
of our departments.
ERS, thoroughly experienced hands.
GIRLS, 16 years of age and ever, who
will have an opportunity to learn the
business if bright and energetic.
LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. want experienced
help in their alteration and suit depart
"ments. Apply to manager, in suit depart
ment; good position and good salary.
WANTED Several bright yonng women to
learn telephone operating; students paid
$20 per month while learning; a thor
ough training given each student before
assignment to position; this is an excep
tional opportunity for such applicants that
qualify Apply to school principal at our
east office. East Ankeny and 6th sts., be
tween 8 A. M. and a P. M., week-days.
. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooking; wages $25. Call 736 Irvingst.,
&ear22d .
WANTED Girls to make shirts and over
alls. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch. In
experienced girls paid while learning.
HAVINO more calls than we can fill for ex
perienced Remington stenographers and
billing clerks at good salaries. Register
with us and we will place you in a good
position free of charge. Remington Type
writer Co.
MUNICIPAL Department or Public Safetr
for Young Women. Advice or assistance
gladly given to all youn women. Mrs.
Lola G. Baldwin, Supt., room 57 Y. W. C.
A. bldg.. 7th and Taylor sts.
FIVE bright, active girls for our marking,
sorting and shipping departments. Also
can rse machine operators and good hand
1 ronors. Yale Laundry, corner E. 10th and
Morrison stB.
VB teach ladies either millinery or dress
making in a few weeks. For particulars ap
ply to Boston School of Millinery and Dress
making, 274 Williams ave., Portland. Phone
East 345.
WANTED Capable girl for general house
work and cooking, family of 2; small
home. 927 East Ankeny, cor. 30th.
after 9 A. M. Take E. A. car.
WANTED Gtrls to make strawberry boxes,
piece work; can make from $1.50 to $3
per day. Standard Box and Lumber Co.,
East Water and East Pine sts.
"WANTED Neat woman for general house
work in family of five; must be good cook;
wages $35. Apply 333 N. 29th St., cor. Ra
leigh. Monday morning, between 9 and 11.
WANTED Lady of wide city acquaintance to
eecure prospective Investors for resident lota
In one of the best additions of Portland.
Phone T. Scoville, M. 15o3.
ANYONE can make money writing short
stories; big pay ; send for free booklet,
tell, how. Press Syndicate. San Fran
cisco. WANTED A young lady as companion to a.
lady living- in the country for. a few
weeks; pleasant home; references ex
changed. J 970. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced cook, family of 4:
wages $40. Call morning at 445 Morrison
826M Washington SU. Room $07.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
S43V Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
Phone Main 2692,
WANTED Experienced cook, also girl for
second work. 614 Jackson st., Portland
Heights. Phone Main 1956.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work; 2 in family; Portland Heights.
Phone Main 715. A 4258.
WANTED Experienced machine lroner.
Apply Star Laundry Co., Union ave. and
East Ankeny.
EXPERIENCED nursery governess; German
Protestant preferred. Phone forenoons.
A 2528,
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house
work: $30. 399' Hancock. Phones East
16S5. C 1401.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to cook on farm
near city; references required. Room 206
Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
small family. Call 775 Schuyler su Phone
C 2372.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must be good cook; famiiy 2; wages $30
to start. Call forenoons 1S5 N. 25th st.
A RELIABLE woman for household work;
2 In family; no children; liberal wages.
Inquire 680 Elliott ave. Phone E 2483.
YOUNG woman to assist at housework; good
home, good wages, no chlldrjn. 773 Jobn-
son St.
WANTED Girl for - general housework;
must be competent; two in family; best
wages. Phone A 4566.
GIRL or youngs woman to assist with general
housework; good home and good wages. Ta
ber 331.
WANTED Saleslady familiar with ham
mered brass work. Apply to Supt.. Wood-ard-CIarke
& Co.
WANTED A girl for general housework at
Clark's .Station. MU Scott car. Phone
Tabor 716.
STRAWBERRY pickers wanted 40 straw
berry pickers wanted by May 25. A- T
Fuller. Hood River. Or.
GIRL for general housework; no washing. Call
afternoons, 644 B. Ankeny.
GOOD lroners wanted at State Laundry
piece work or by the day. 395 Broadway!
TWO power sewing machine operators'
steady v ork. The Auto Top Co.. 125 Idth'
WOMAN cook. Phone Jersey 86. Call be
tween 9 and 11 A. M. and 7 and 9 p. M.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
small family. 347 Montgomery t.
GOOD girl for general housework.
15th. North.
D03 E.
CHAMBERMAIDS, new Hotel Dalles, Thi
Dalles. Or.
GIRL to assist in housework, small family.
LADY canvar. city and country. Phone
Sun'day. B 2814.
WANTED Experienced vest maker. Nlcoll
ti Tailor. 108 Sd st. rwcoll
WANTED Girl to go general housework
601 Schuyler at.
HOUSEKEEPER for widower's family, call
after 6 P. M. or Sunday. 641 Thurman.
FAMILY cook. $35; second girl, $30. St.
Louis. 303 Vi Wash, st. Main 2029.
DEMONSTRATORS nd agents; good selling
article; big profits. 521 Fliedner bide.
FOR SALE 4 ladies' suits. 2 'gownsT cheari
Titt's stock. 1012 East Main. -
WANTED Girl for general housework
Phone Marshall 1335. 224 N. 18th. "
APPRENTICE wanted, hairdresslng and msnl
curing. Call 286 Wash, at., room 207.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and
T.jre:f"lr'a In Bborthand uirf tvu. . i .
expert; $5 a month. 269 14th, ilala 3S33.
Cooks for hotels. $40 to $45.
. Cooks for restaurants, $10 up.
Cook, waitress and chambermaid for same
place (boarding house in city); good pay.
Hotel waitresses, $25 and $30.
Restaurant waitresses, $8 up.
Chambermaids, $20 to $30.
Two clerks, city, $8 week.
Clerk for Sunday work. $2.
Girls for general housework, 2o to $35.
Housekeeper, $20.
"Large number of new places every day.
Ladles' Dept. 2t514 Morrison St. .
MAN and wife, ranch. $60.
Hotel cooks (man and wife). $93.
.2 cooks, country hotel. $40.
Pastry cook (country). $50.
3 'camp waitresses, $30.
Second cook (camp). $30.
Waitress, country hotel, $30; fare paid.
Chambermaids. $35. $25. $20.
2 family cooks (coast), $40.
2 second girls, $30.
Girls for general housework. In and out
of city. $25 to $40.
4o Washington St., Room 7.
Require a number of salesgirls for var
ious departments; also 25 girls from 16
to 18 years of age, to learn the business.
Rapid advancement for girls who art
. quick to learn. Apply at 8 A. M. employ
ment bureau. 6th floor, annex,
TALKING-MACHINE "business Is lucrative
and pleasant. We have three locations
in thriving, rapidly growing towns, where
business-like, wideawake young man or
woman with limited capital can become
successful. Apply Publicity Department,
Eilers Piano House.
WANTED Attractive, refined young lady of
good character to make long sleeps with
hypnotic show; splendid salary, long en
gagement and absolutely no harmful ef
fects. Previous experience unnecessary.
Call today, 626 Fifth st-
WAMED-Girl for general housework,
reasonable hours, good treatment, good
wages. Call at residence, 296 Poplar St.,
Ladd's Addition or phone East 6623.
THOROUGHLY experienced lady canvasser
can make $3 to $10 dally traveling out of
Portland; steady employment.- Phone B
HEALTHY young woman, over 21, to learn
massage and electric treatments, room
and board furnished, also salary to start
with. Address P 9S7. Oregonian.
GIRL or woman wanted to take care of
small- apartment and do cooking; two In
family. Call afternoons, 670 Couch St..
Apartment 3.
WANTED Lady to assist with vaudeville
act, experience unnecessary. Call at 232 H
First st., room 3. from 6:30 to T P. M.
all week.
COOK, will pay $50 per month; middle
aged woman preferred. Call at 295 lath
st, for particulars Monday morning.
WANTED Competent - girl for general
housework, g in family; wages $20. 753
East Burnslde.
WANTED Ladies to sell Excelsior burglar
alarm; easy to sell and adjust. Call and
. examine It. Hummer Cycle Co., 133 10th.
WANTED Three stenographers, one who
understands bookkeeping; give age, experi
ence and salary. N 9fcO. Oregonian.
YOUNG girl wanted to assist In housework
. and care for baby; top flat, 6244 20th, near
WANTED First-class trimmer tor mll
llnery. Apply Monday noon 142 6th st,
opposite Meier & Frank.
BUSINESS firm desires woman over 25 who
Is trustworthy and energetio; experience un
necessary. O 9oL', Oregonian
20 INEXPERIENCED women or girls . to
make fruit baskets; good wages. Phone
Exchange 80.
WANTED Girl to help with housework; good
home to right party; $20 month. 482 21t st.
Phone Main 2257.
RELIABLE! women with some knowledge of
nursing to finish training in hospital in the
city. A 990, Oregonian.
WANTED -Capable, Intelligent woman for
general hotxsework; rro washing; small fam
iiy, new house; good wages. Call Main 3959.
WANTED Girls to label bottles. Eureka
Chemical Co., 434 East Washington.
Phone East 464.
WANTED Young girl or middle-aged wo
man to 'assist in general housework. Call
Monday. 394 East Burnslde.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
small family, no chllaren. Call today.
749 Overton, corner 23d.
WANTED Young woman to cook on fruit
farm. Apply between 8 and 9 o'clock,
Monday morning. 20S McKay bldg.
WANTED A practical nurse for out of
town hospital; wages $25. Call 81 N. 16th
WANTED Girl for trays and help in laun
dry for out of town hospital. Call 31 N.
16th street.
PRIVA1B lessons given in shorthand, tvpe
writing. day or evening. 304 12th st. Main
YOUNG lady to work few hours daily, in ex
change for lessons in shorthand. Call
mornings. 304 12th St.
A YOUNG lady wanted, about 18 or 19
years, that knows about cigar store. Ap
ply at 201 Morrison st-. corner First.
WANTED Man and wife to take care of
small rooming-house for use of two rooms.
AK 988,Oregonlan.
WANTED Experienced hands for-alteration
room. Inquire cloak and suit dept.
-1.U11 4K UJUUB, inC
WANTED A - middle-aged lady for gen
eral work in a 3-room apartment. Phone
Sunday A.' M. to A 7549.
GIRLS to work in paper box factory; steady
employment. Apply F. C. Stettler, 10th
and Gllsan.
GIRL, past 16, can have position in office
at fair wages and stay with respectable
family If desired. X 984, Oregonian.
I OWN 4 lots and will pay anyone $50 per
lot to sell them for m; can give terms.
W 980. Oregonian.
WANTED Stenographer in law and real
estate office; state experience, salary and
phone number. P. Q. Box 347, Portland.
WANTED Immediately, neat woman house
keeper, widower's family, out of town. St.
Loui8. 303 Wash. Main 2Q39. A 4775.
WANTED A woman , to cook , on fruit
ranch, $25 a month. Call 410 Broadway
or phone EaBt 4 90!
YOUNG lady of good appearance as cashier
for moving-picture theater. W 989, Ore-
WANTED Competent second girl; good
wages: 8 in family. Apply 819 Johnson
st. Phone Marshall 1229.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanted. 661
Washington st. Main 4dCS.
GIRL for general housework. 81$ John-
son St.
GIRL for general housework; wages $30.
Phone 8112 or A 3112.
HOOD RIVER requires large number berry
pickers immediately. Bring complete
camping outfits. Free fuel furnished.
Parties will be met at Hood River depot
or steamboat landing by growers. Good
wages. Berry crop very promising. Long
season. Apply Growers' Union.
WANTED Competent bookkeeper for lum
ber of Hoe at Cascade Locks; must be ac
curate and thoroughly familiar with lum
ber figuring and lumber price lists; sal
ary $75 per month; position must be filled
immediately. Wind River Lumber Co.,
Cascade Locks. Or.
2 OR 3 families to thin apple orchard, or
will take 15 or 20 men or women, work
to commence Juno 1 (2 or 8 weeks' work).
Write or apply E. W. Thompson. Hubbard,
r Or.
WANTED Women and boys for general
woolen mill help. Multnomah Mohair
Mills. Sellwood-
PARTIES to camp and pick strawberries.
Tel. Milwaukle. black 612.
I'l.Sk TEACHERS' XOE.NCT offers good
positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swstland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
RELIABLE and steady bookkeeper and of
fice man desires position in or out of the
city. Own and operate Remington type
writer; familiar with retail lumber busl
ness. A K 951. Oregonian. .
A GENERAL merchandise salesman wants
work; good references. Harry Funnell,
Port Blakely. Wash.
BY registered druggist as clerk or manager in
town along S. P. R. R. ; experienced; best
references. AL 991. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, five years' experi
ence, desires position; best references from
former employers. AL 967, Oregonian.
GENERAL office work by young man; knowi
rtire of bookkeeping and typewriting. J 984.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, with knowl
edge of bookkeeping, desires position. S
977, Oregonian.
YOCNG man wishes position as hotel clerk
AX WRITER wants posrtloa; merchandise and
prospectus specialist. 2 9&2 Oregonian.
, Bookkeepers and Clerks.
ENERGETIC lawyer, admitted 1893. sged 36,
with Eastern college education, experienced
business . Judgment and knowledge of
credits, wishes a position; experienced in
correspondence, wholesale and retail collec
tions end handling of men; capable of tak
ing charge of financial department and of
being arm or branch manager; will invest
in my own home in Portland if I obtain
high-class, permanent position; Portland.
Minneapolis, Chicago references as to abil
ity and financial responsibility. V 973, Ore-
EXPERIENCED merchandise man would like
to establish agency for some good line; 10
years' experience as window decorator and
ad man; best reference. AF 988, Ore-
LAWYER Aged 28, desires position with
title company or corporation where legal
training will be appreciated. In Portland
in July, a, W. Hendrlckson. Jr., Ossinlng.
N. Y.
YOUNG man (German), speaks and writes
good English. German. Polish, wishes po
sition as clerk or office work to do; some
experience; small salary to start. 'Y 973,
YOUNG man 25 years of age. lO years' ex
perience in dry goods, furnishings, fancy
goods and notions, desires position on the
road with wholesale dry goods house. B
985. Oregonian.
INDUSTRIOUS young man, business college
graduate, with best recommendations,
wants bookkeeping or clerical position. AJT
BS5. Oregonian.
Al THOROUGHLY experienced, competent
dry goods man desires position. Eastern
Oregon. Washington or Idaho. Y 976.
POSITION by first-class bookkeeper, 27
years of age, wholesale and retail experi
ence; best of references. . AJ 986. Orego-
. nlan.
M Iwcelianeove-
PARTY whose business brings him in contact
with the leading architects and' contractors
on the Coast would like to represent some
reputable concern handling building ma
terial or contractors' equipment; commission
or salary. F 974, Oregonian.
A JOB as superintendent or foreman of
building construction; 80 years' experi
ence. Reference.. O. F. Carter, 1187 Mis
sourl ave.. city.
CARPENTER and finisher; can work from
blue prints, figure contracts, etc. ; can fur
nish references; a stranger in city. AC 9S0.
A MAN with a large family, from the East,
wants a home on a farm or ranch; havi
plenty help; experienced with stock. Ad J. E. Hendricks. Gen. Del.. Portland.
WANTED A position as a nurse for hos
pital work or private nursing: mental and
nervous diseases a specialty: can gie best
m tetciciiwa. .v vi t. oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS riding instructor and horse
trainer, for many years, experienced, wishes
connection with a nice boarding stable at
the East Side. AH 981. Oregonian.
COMPETENT gardener and florist wants
situation In private or commercial place.
Can furnish first-class city references. . P
963. Oregonlfcn.
JANITOR and wife want position, take cars
apartment-house; thoroughly experienced;
ew igmrencea, u yap, uregonian.
WANTED Janitor position in first-class flat
or apartment; have my own carpet-cleaning
machine. AO 980. Oregon lan.
MICROSCOPIST ai scientific draughtsman
desires laboratory ttnltinn. rhnri., r.
Durkee. 556 E. Alder st. Phone East 2248.
MAN wishes position as Janitor part of day
or whole day; housework and lawn work.
AM 990. Oregonian.
WANTED To do some Janitor work morn
ings and enlngs. John Sehoger P. O. box
310. city.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese pastry cook; ex-
gerlenced baker pastry, meat; $60 over.
S7R rtt-AO-nnlon
A. PORTLAND Business College student
would like a place to work for room and
. board, or part. B 976. Oregunlan.
EXPERT window cleaners. A 4763. 272
Burr side st,; janitor- work and window
. cleaning by contract; White help only.
YOUNG man (German), little experience
saloon business, wishes position as bar
helper or porter.- AG 995. Oregonian.
vrvi-vrrs o- . , . .
........ . nniiio wvfk u l some Kina;
experienced in groceries and bartendlngr
jim.cpt ana sooer. a yio, oregonian.
BY all-around farm hand, middle-aged Ger
man, wants work on ranch or dairy. D
975. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as timekeeper! teara
ster or any other legitimate work. AM
994. Oregonian.
YOUNG Korean boy wants position in pri
vate family; general do everything; speaks
English well, y. p. Box 2028. Station A.
AS manager or salesman for roofing com
pany; several years' experience In all kinds
roofing. AC 981. Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND blacksmith and horseshoer
wants position in city. Address C. Y-. 490
Market st.
BUILDING superintendent or foreman; com
petent man with local experience, good on
-TuiiitL.iijs. ad .n, oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cook wants position in country
hotel or resort; European or American plan.
AG 987. Oregonian.
WELL-EDUCATED Japanese, any work, in
country home, for Summer. AS 980. Oro
gonlan. JAPANESE boy wants work, morning, even
ing or as schoolboy, on West Side. AH
985. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, sober and reliable, wants
position in or out of city; the best bf ref
erences. AJ 98. Oregonian.
JOLLY Japanese, waiter, bellboy, out of
town preferred. AF 984. Oregonian.
SITUATION by man cook, country hotel or
resort preferred. N 982. Oregon lan
I. C. S. STUDENT wants to work for board
and room. B 9S1, Oregonian.
SITUATION by a first-class all-around baker;
country preferred. AF 989. Oregonian.
ELECTRICIAN wants position? handy with
all kinds of tools. P 975. Oregonian.
GOOD, steady cook wants Job in small ho-
tel or camp. O 978. Oregonian.
ENGINEER wants work running any kind of
engine. A J 983. Oregonian.
NEW and old window cleaning: floors and
rugs a specialty. Main 6573. evening. Green.
SITUATION wanted by a plumber in city. Ad
dress S 980, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants steady work.
R 987. Oregonian.
GARDENER, single, competent lawn, -flowers
shrubs and sober, reliable. K 9S4. Oregonian.
NEW and old house and window-cleaning. D.
J. Henderson. Main 3910.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, typewriter and
office assistant, wants position for the first
of June; references furnished. Write 1 97o,
bookkeeper, seeks position; long experi
ence; first-class references. Write N 975,
2 EXPERIENCED stenographers want
permanent positions, accurate, references,
salary reasonable; speaks German. AC
984. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer. 6 years' expe
rience; references; reasonable salary. AG
9S9. Oregonian.
LADY will do bookkeeping and stenog
raphic work part of each day, reasonable.
M 982. Oregonian.
BY stenographer: can assist with books; 5
years' experience: can furnish good recom
mendations. O 979. Oregonian.
WANTED Sewing by day, or will take
home children's dressmaking; wash suits a
specialty. Phone Main 5173.
BEGINNER stenographer wants position;
business and high school education. Phone
Sunday E. 1SU0.
WANTED Position by experienced demon
strator; traveling preferred. M 978. Ore-
POSITION as stenographer and office assist
ant; experienced and competent; no objeo
tlon to leaving city. V 976. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants position; some n
perlence; good education. Phone East 46o6.
COMPETENT stenographer with experience de
slres permanent position. AL 968, Oregonian.
OFFICE girl wants position, can, operate
typewriter. AB 961. Oregonian.
Dress makers.
FINE dressmaker from the East wishes
sewing for dressmaker or sewing at home
Phone Main 8643.
LADIES get your gowns and suits altered
at home by a first-class Eastern tailoress
$2.50 a day. 61 ts E. 6th st. N. '
Alterations, specialty on ladles' suits. Mrs.
Muckler. 430 Columbia, Apt. 21. A 4708
ANGELES Dressmak'.ng Parlors. 826 H Wash
ington St.. suite 216. Main 6H. A 6381.
PLAIN sewing, children's clothes, nniler
wear. by the day; reasonable. Main 2356.
WELL educated and refined widow, age ST.
wishes position as housekeeper in widow
er's family; highest references; give full
particulars In letter. AL 990. Oregonian.
NEAT, respectable lady with child 5 years
wishes position as housekeeper In small am
Uy: references. T 9S0. Oregonian.
WIDOW lady would like to keep house for
baohelor. X 978, Oregonian.
. WIDOW with 2 little children wants po
sition as housekeeper to widower o&rbach
elor. good home considered, more than
wages. By letter to Mrs. C. A. Adkins.
Jacksonville, Or.
NURSE, thoroughly understanding massaga
and scalp treatment, wishes engagements
to treat at parties' homes; highest doctors'
references. AL 992. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced nurse wishes
position to care for nervous or insane pa
tients; highest references. AM 995. Ore
gonlan. REFINED middle-aged lady, no children.
wishes care of invalid or practical nurs-.-
lng; would leave city. E 9S2. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED person wishes the care of
infant or small child. 464 Miller ave.
A CAPABLE practical nurse wants position
at $12.50 per week. Phone Main 4461.
TRAINED nurse from the East wants work;
moderate terms; references. Main 2856.
Miscellaneous. '
A GOOD private teacher will help you in
any line you may wish for summer study;
Eastern college woman with excellent
training; best reference. A E 977. Ore
gonlan. EDUCATED and refined young woman
wishes position to care for children; some
experience. Abble M. Henry, Oregon City,
LADY repairs, alters and cleans (French
cleaning), fine suits and gowns at your own
home; $2 per day; references. O 962. Ore-
g on lan.
A REFINED woman of good executive- abll
lty, desires position as assistant or full
charge of Summer hotel. mountains or
beach. Answer all week D 9S2, Oregonian.
BY middle-aged well-educated French wom
an, as companion. Address T S, Orego
nian. Phone Sellwood 883.
PERSON of experience wishes care of small
children of respectable and well-to-do par
entage. Phone Main 6644.
WANTED Work by the day; colored wom
an. Phone M 8360 between lO and 12
and 2 and 4.
COLORED woman wanted. day's work.
Phone East 2705.
YOUNG woman wants work by ths day,
northwest side. 488 Everett-
LADY with references desires - position as
presser in dye works. Phone Main 8750.
WOMAN wants work by day. Phone Main
. 6427. Room 10.
LACE CURTAINS hand laundered; first-class
work. Phone Main I486.
LADY pianist wishes position with an or
. chestra. Box 431. Arleta. Or.
LADY wishes - general housework by day.
A 7320. References.
GIRL wants position to play piano In a
theater. AB 980, Oregonian.
WANTED Day work by capable woman.
Phone Main 4394.
GERMAN lady wants to do washing, good
laundress. 561 Lake st. Alma Klein.
LESSONS given in china, oil or water color
painting: references. Main 81S3.
YOUNG lady gives piano lessons, 50c per
lesson; references given. Main 81S3.
CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40c pair,
called for and delivered. Phone Tabor 55.
LADY gives two piano or mandolin les
sons for 75c N 9S5. Onegonlan.
WOMAN wants day work Tuesdays and
Wednesdays. Phone Tabor 701.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work for
Monday and Tuesday. Phone A 5092.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40o
a pair. Phone Sellwood 1391. A 2770.
WOMAN wishes laundry work and clean
ing. Main 9207.
WANTED County and district agents to sell
Mexico tropical lands at $6.50 per acre,
on easy paymonts. Wonderfully fertile.
Safe investment. Liberal commissions.
Write for booklet. Mexico International
Land Co.. 920 Commerce bldg.. Kansas
Cltv. Mo.
velt badges, pennants, souvenirs. Largest
line of Firemen's, Old Home. Decoration
day. Fourth of July, celebration, carnival
and Summer resort novelties of all kinds
in the country. Postcards of every de
scription. Send for catalogue. W. F.
Miller. 158 Park Row. New York City.
AGENTS Send for copy of "The Thomas
Ag-snt." Greatest agents paper published;
filled with money-making plans. "No
license tax" decision of Supreme Court:
pointers to agents; every ag-snt in U. S.
should have copy at once. Address to
day, Thomas Co., 7103 State su, Dayton,
AGENTS- -If you are making less than $.15
weekly, writ-a today; new office specialty,
sells at sight: not for sale In stores; every
business house a customer; cash busi
ness; big future: only one man in " each
city; sample and particulars free. Cam
eron Corporation, 39 Cortlandt st,, New
York. '
I'LL start you In big business; give you
- credit; fascinating work; even amateurs
make $8 to $12 day; Chapman, Mich.,
made $18 first day; Lee, Oklahoma, made
$3000, built home In year. Our new sales
plan creating sensation. Men. women,
write today for particulars. C. E. Swartz
baugh. box 9, Toledo. O.
STANDARD table necessity; sgents sell
homes, hotels, restaurants, bakers, con
fectioners, grocers, etc. ; protected ter
ritory free from sole makers. Write to
day. Shepard's, 67 W. Houston St., New
EVERY merchant buys our 1910 air brush
show and window display cards; nothing
like them; latest hit; sensational sales;
no competition; samples free. People's
Show Card, 710 W. Madison st, Chicago.
WE manufacture 18 specialties needed In
every family; make big money and build
up permanent business quickly. Samples
furnished. Edwards Mfg. Co., Buffalo.
- N. Y.
EARN $25 to $50 weekly selling new styles
Mexican. Swiss embroidery, waist pat
terns, princess dresses, various novelties.
Catalogue free. National Importing Co..
desk D, 599 Broadway. New York.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is in demand: sales this
season will be Immense; a flattering op
portunity: cash paid weekly; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
AXiBNTS. canvasssers, crew managers: get in
business yourself; big profits; patented en
ameled kitchen outfits direct from factory;
write quick; territory. National Specialty
Mfg. Company. Pittsburg, Pa.
LADY canvassers in every town and city in
Oregon; an unusual opportunity; steady em
ployment; large and -easy profits. F. A
Weyers, Box 253, Portland, Or. Phone Sun
day. B 2814.
SEND for free catalogue of Thomas guar
anteed hosiery for men, women, children.
Agents make $1.33 per hour; free sam
ples. Thomas Company, 9103 State st.,
Dayton, Ohio.
BRAND new, quick-selling specialty needed
every home, office, bank, public institution,
etc No competition, large profits, exclu
sive territory, sample free. The Planet
o.. lta .Monroe. t;nicago.
LIVE- real estate agents make big commis
sions selling Western Canada land In
portunitlcs. Alliance Land & Investment
Co.. T.trl.. Winntni'i. fftnarin
PORTRAIT, real frame. In case that fits
pocket, is my new sample outfit. Write
for free proposition; 12x20 bromide olletts,
35c. M. A- Beall, artist. Chicago, 111.
134 PER CENT profit; safety holdback;
something new; Insures safety to every ve
hicle; free sample. Thomas Co.. 939
Mathews bldg.. Dayton. Ohio.
BOY and girl agents; sell 12 thimbles. 12
papers needles at 10c each and receive
camera free. Richard Horsley, dept 20,
Ordway. Colo.
AGENTS Our Vegetable Soap Is the fastest
seller on earth; big money, permanent busi
ness; exclusive territory, sample free. Mor
gan Supply Co., St. Louis. Mo.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co., Salem, Oi
COME In. the water's fine. Customers crary
to buy; agents telegraphing orders: new
est, blggeat money making combination.
Parker Chemical Co.. Chicago.
GENERAL and special, by large old-line
health and accident company: liberal,
easy-selling policies: choice territory: big
no v. Royal Casualty Co.. St. Louis.
EXCLUSIVE territory; Doran self-heating
iron: triumph mechanical genius: money
maker; labor and fuel saver. Doran Sales
Co.. 1274 Washington blvd.. Chicago.
FREE samples: agents; faucet strainer;
splash preventer: 2c stamp (mailing cost);
$5 profit dally and upward: let us prove
It Seed. 93 Readg. New York.
SELL royal flreless cooker; retails $1.50:
handsome profit to agents; light, easy to
carry: sample free. C. Thomas Co., 1239
Mathews. Dayton. Ohio. '
IN Astoria, 2 A-l solicitors on monopoly
customers reorder indefinitely; good pay'
Address Dr. Worthley, gen. del.. Astoria!
WE positively have the fastest selling house
hold patent on the market.. Wolferean
Co., Pittsburg. Pa.
SEVERAL good agents wanted to sell
high-grade articles. Room 4, 141! 24 st.
ALL kinds of coins at all kinds of prices
"Hub Coin Book" shows what they look
like and what we pay for them: fasci
nating and profitable work for men and.
women to sell this useful book; every
body needs It: looo illustrations: send
dime at once for sample copy of this 10
page 25o book. Alexander Jit Co., 33 Da
vonshlre st,. Boston. Mass. (Est. 1S7S )
TO handle biggest money-making fire ex
tinguishers: special starting offer, exclusive
territory; $75 to $300 per month. Badgar
Chemical Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee. Wis.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent.
PST taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank la
245H Stark St.
Phones A 3500. Main 85.
WANTED About 6-room furnished house,
in good location, for 3 adults; will talcs
excellent care; reference if required.
Phone Main 6465. A 3229. between 11 A.
M. and 2 P. M. Monday or Tuesday
WANTED For family of two. a completely
furnished apartment, flat or house, not
less than 4 rooms, for summer or longer.
State location, . conveniences and price.
V88. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent a small house, or will
take care of large home for tht summer
months for party leaving town; best of
references furnished; young couple; no
children. K 907. Oregonian.
FIVE or six-room furnished bunsalow or
modern cottage by responsible parties- no
children: two in family; will take place
for Summer. Q BS1. Oregonian.
6-ROOM furnished house, neat and clean;
W'est Side preferred; best care taken;
adults; state location and price. X 983,
WANTED Nicely furnished home for Sum
mer by responsible people: rent must ba
reasonable; West Side preferred; two
. adults. Phones Marshall 1285. A atWO.
WANTED, by mother and daughter? modern
6 to S-room furnished house for the Suru
mer. M 975. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent, furnished 5 or 6-roonk
cottage for Summer, 2 adults. J2-A
S-S line preferred. AB 986, Oregonian.
WANTED Five or six-room modern house,
near Union ave. or Mississippi ave. not too
far out. D 963, Oregonian.
6-7-ROOM house, modern. West Slue, by
small family. Call Monday. Phone Main
or A 30 53.
WANTED 5 or 6-room flat or house, fur
nlshed. close In. W 976. Oregonian.
WANTED Small house; must be modern.
State rent and location. B 034, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished houseboat;
family of 2. Address J 977. Oregonian.
WANTED House. 5 or 6 rooms, and stable
for 2 horses and carriage. Sellwood 911.
TWO or 8 unfurnished rooms in modern
house; porch, garden; Irvington or Haw
thorne Park preferred. Statu price. Y 951,
FURNISHED rooms wanted 2 orl fur
nished housekeeping rooms, district pre
ferred north of Washington and west of
16th. AK 985. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished rooms for light house
keeping or small house near E. 28th and
Belmont. Address 101 E. 28th st.
YOUNG man desires outside furnished room;
must have hot running water daily; near
postoffice. E 975. Oregonian.
THREE clean, light, unfurnished rooms;
adults; reasonable to permanent paxties.
E I'Sl. Oregonian.
BL'SINESS woman wants room with private
family. Y 987 Oregonian.
Kooms With Hoard.
A LADY with helpless arm would like room
and board, vicinity of Tenth and Yamhill;
rates $1 per day. Phone East 2841 or
add 891 Last Pine st,
A YOUNG lady, employed in office, desires
board and room in nice private famiiy.
West Side, easy walking distance. AK
9S7. Oregonian.
WANTED Board and room by young cou
ple: must be reasonable. West SiUu. No
children. AL Oregonian.
LADY employed, room and two meals in
private- family: walking distance; re
erences exchanged. AH 977. ureguuian.
YOUNG couple wishes modern room, with
board. Phone mornings. Room 335 lru
perial Hotel.
BY LADY, room and board in refined fam
ily modern conveniences, near carline.
Give phone number. AF 980, Oregonian.
YOUNO man desires room and board, pri
vate family; walking distance. X 91,
YOL'NG lady, employed, desires home tn
private home; West bide. IJ US5, urego
nian. '
ROOM and board in refined private family j
West aide. I 9S6. Oregonian.
BY workingman. first of month, clean roora
and board; state terms. O 96, Ore&oniaii,
FurnishoU Kooms.
268 3d st-. cor. Jefferson.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout. Desirable neighborhood, cioms
to business section. Kooms large. liUL
and airy; hot and cold water, steuin beat.
gL and electrio lights; call bells; tree
phones. Rate $3 to 46 per week. Phones,
A 7731; M 8639.
14th and Washington sts.
Everything new. lare. airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath, telephone in evetj
room, service free; rates by the day, wee
or month; also muurmshed rooms.
MRS. JOS1E &A11TU. .Manager.
88 North 6th su, S. Cor. Flandera
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain bams, line large oihee on ground
floor, elegaut beds, everyiumg aosuluteiy
new and clean; lates only $.50 and uj
per TueJt; 6oo and 7dc pur uy. a bluca
Irota Union Depot.
131 Eleventh SLreet,
NEW. modern brick buiiaiug; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
. In all rooms; TELEPriuNKS IN EACH
ROOM.; spectul rates by the week and
montn; TRANSIENT TRADE soliciteq.
HOTEL SARGENT Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone Easl
291, connecting every room. Private batixj,
elevator, lirst-clas grill. Special rates by
- week or month. American or Kuropeau.
Transients solicited.
I'HE BARTON. 13th and Alder. Is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 7Ui
SLam heated, electric-llghteu rooms, alt
outside. Ku.les 7ic day; $lo tuouui ui.
bultws wim running water 120 luouui
raoiiea and bath tree.
Fifth bt., opposite city HalL
New, beautifully furuisueu; steam heat;
hot. cold water in every room; public
ana private baths. Permanent; Lraiient.
Grand ave. and Lat ,-iuii. in:it rooms
anu suites fur lint housekeeping; sieutu
heat; not and cold water in eocn room;
winking distance.
THE GLEN DORA, lath and Couch Niovily
furmsned rooms, $.oi per week up; laitu
parlor, piano, bn4iard and pool
nee to guests; large lawn and verauua;
finest location on "West Side.
MOTEL LENOX, cor. sd and Main sta
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modyru conveniences. Jp
pobite the Plaza.
Rooms, Rooms, Rooms.
Central location, otfu Morrison st. "
Moderate prices, $3.50 to$5per week.
Washington and 17th. Urst-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern coo,
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2d47. Ai. itw;
Modern furmahed or unfurnished apart
ments, sing.e or ea suite, n-aaooaoie rental,
MILNEit BLDG.. 35Q"? Morrison St.
PRIVATE boarding-house, rooms en sulteor
single; all modern conveniences. 2u4 v
22d st. Phone A 7230. '
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished. roomT
very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bld"
1st and Pine sts.
l'UK ES1ES Good rooms, reasonaole- nsa
furniture, telephone and batns frets, "sy
fetar.. corner oth. Mrs. Maud J. fistca.
THE Manrlon; large elegant room, hot an.
cold water; single room. Filth and Jef
ferson. rlH LEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
well furnished sleeping roums .0 pwj
week; electrio lights, hotbatha free.
The Mercedes, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
nlng water, modern conveniences: $12 up.
THE LANDORE, 298 Tenth. St.. near Jeff
erson. Newly furnished room in modem
hullding; close In.
NICE furnished rooms, walking d. stance,
for rent. 346 Columbia St.. near Park sl,
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, turmer.j
Elton court Annex. 414 Yamhill and nth.
thS REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $$ pal
wek 548 Washington st.
NICE room, bath and privilege of botl
phones. 40 Ella st. Phone M 9029,