14 THE SrnSTAY OBEGOXIAX. PORTXAND, UJLY 22, 1910. WAYIED REAL ESTATE. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a. burden into Income property? You furnish the lot, -we put up building, share profits equally. If you own lot suitable for apartment or for house, tt will pay to Bee us. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUC TION" COMPANY. 01-902-903 Lewis bid. ACREAGE WANTED Ten to forty acre, partially Improved, within SO miles of Port land. Running- water or tprings. I prefer to deal direct with owner. I am the buyer and not an agent. Must be a bargain. Give full particulars as to location, kind of land, improvements, lowest cash price, etc., in fir.- letter, or no attention given. AB 9S4, Oregonlan. WANTED ACREAGE. I have a client who has $looO in cash to pay cn a piece of land close to the city; desires time on balance. About 10 acres is what ia desired. If you wish to sell and have something good that you will sell reasonable write me a full description. Please give phone numbers. No attention paid to agents. V 079. Oregonian. YOU CAN MAKE A GOOD DEAL With me If you have a well located mod ern 6 or 7-room home worth $4000 to 000 and will take part cash and other good property for part. Box A 65, R. F D. No. 1. Hillsdale, Or. XF you were a baseball fan you would be reading the sporting page. You are read ing this because you have something to sell. Let us do it for you. We can han dle some East Side property to advantage UNION BANC & TRUST CO. 2d and Stark. WANTED -At once, for customers', a small bungalow, a two-story residence. Fix to eight rooms, also an apartment-house paying 10 per cent net or better; if your price and terms are right we can give you a quick sale. George Curtis & Co., M2 Couch bMg. WANTED West or close In EaM Fide, vacant or improved property up to $25.00O; don't answer unless you have Kme extra good values to offer and give full particulars and location; no agents. Address A 84, Ore gonian A IV l ilzu ax. rt- rj. I have buyer for 10 to 2o acres close to Portland; give me a description of what you have to sell; also phone number; land must be good ; prefer some thing well i mpro ved. AF 97ft, Orpgonisn. I WILL pay cash for quarter-block in Holladav' Park Addition or Irvington; also wish to buy property on Williams ave., between Broadway and Russell. B 990. Oregonlan. WE have buyers for income or residence property. West Side or East Side. It will pav you to deal with us if you want re sults. Walker A Reed, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8.35. WE have inquiries for desirable residences in Hdlladay and Irvington Additions. If you have such property for sale we can And you a buyer. McCargar, Bates & IA vely, 315 Failing bidg. REAL ESTATE or equities in same bought and so Id. List with us. GRAY-CUNNING HAM-GRAY. 722-723 Electric Bidg. FARM WANTED. We have purchaser for & good farm. Please give full description. Howard Land Co., 4 IN Swetland Bidg. 2 WANT to buy a lot in Piedmont. If you have one for sale, give lowest price and terms. Would consider two lots together 1 f -well' located. A K 989. Ore gonla n . WANTED To buy home, close In, corner preferred, cost from $.hj0O to $7000, must be good, modern, house and good terms, from owners only. P 978, Oregonlan. 2 WANT a lot, 50 to 100 feet front, suitable f jr nice home; must be on West Side and in good residence section. Price about $S0OO. 8 085. Oregonian. APARTMENT SITE WANTED. Will buy apartment site sjputh of Mor rison If price is right. Owners preferred. T 90. Oregonian. WANTED tt-room modern house, about $45f0, on improved street in Irvington or Wil lamette heig-hts; $2500 cash; no agents. O fts., Oregonian. REAL estate agent has party who wishes to buy suburban house with sufficient land for garden, chickens, etc.; 5c fare;- quick sale. T 079. Oregonlan. WANTED A good residence lot, near school, Mount labor district: will pay all cash. Write AG 088. Oregonian. WANTED About 20 acres, well located, suitable to plat into lots. Address AG 992, Oregonlan. WANTED Modern 6 or 7-room house in Hawthorne ave. district; state price, loca tlon and terms. AH 984. Oregonlan. 6-ROOM house In Irvington. north of Tilla mook; not over $7000: facing east; will trade Irvln g ton lots. A 982, Oregonlan. ' WA N TED Cotta ge, 5 or 8 rooms ; no agents; call 320 ft Washington st., room 314. Phono A 30HL ; WANTED To buy cottage. 4 to 8 rooms, for cash. Owner. No agents. Call 102 ft 3d St., room 507. ,"".. ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold. X have buyers for your property. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bidg. FRM " owner, 6-room modern house; can pay $2.10 cash and $35 month. What have von got? O 070. Oregonlan. WANTED Cheap land near Portland in large tracts to subdivide. Give price and terms. AD 082, Oregonlan. CITY lot wanted in exchange for office fur niture, including typewriter and dupll cator. AH 087. Oregonian. WANTED Grocery store, give full particu lars. T. A. Rlggs Realty Co., 225 Flied ncar bidg. FROM owner, C to 8-room house on West Sldo; must be full lot and good location. Address AD 083, Oregonian. 160 ACRES or more choice fruit land; con venient to transportation; give price and location. Y 9S3, Oregonian. WHiTj buy aAy lot that is a snap and pay cash. Call or write. Room 400 Board of Trade bidg. WANT Irvington lot; no delay; will pay cash; must be cheap; between 14th and 24th. Address V OSS. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. MODERN up-to-date 5-room bungalow; large attic, arranged for room, and sleep ing porch; paneled dining-room, fcullt-in t Jiina closet, window seats, fireplace, wash, trays; double walls, floors finished, full ce ment basement; gas and electric fixtures. Price 53400. Kast 33d and Franklin. Phone Sellwood 14S5. Or wILl build on corner lot to suit purchaser. Easy terms. A M 903, Oregonlan. " FOR CITY PROPERTY. 240 acres of timber land mostly second growth), 2 ft miles from railroad, near Scappoose; value $20 per acre. FRED A. KING, 506 Commercial Blk 2d and Wash. Sts. SELL OR TRADE Income property in live town; full block. 12 lots, in that beautiful Summer resort, Newport, overlooking the Ocean; also acreage; beautiful home, full corner, 15 minutes walk. 30T Morrison St. Main 20T4. FOR EXCHANGE Portland and other va cant property for house and lot or room ing house; valuation $1000 to $5000. C S. Elton. 133 loth St. Pho e 705S- WHEAT land to exchange for property in or near Portlund; will assume, if necessary; S acres) near Tualatin for sale or exchange. M. Armstrong. A 1215. WILL trade -my house and lot, 50x100. Love Joy st., near 23d. value $0000, for a farm close In; no agents need apply, but prin cipals only. Q O80. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange, 160-acna wheat farm In Morrow County, near lone, Gold schmldt's Agency, 253 ft Washington, Cor. Third. WILL trade lot for a No. 1 runabout. Hup mobile or Buick preferred. Phone Main 1346. 3 82 Morrison st. LOIS In Newport to exchange for city or farm property. Howard Land Co., 420 Swetland- Bidg. WANTED To trade equity in three lots for 5o00 shares of Fidelity Copper. F 983, Oregonian. MODERN fc-room house within walking dis tance, for city lots or acreage. f 9S9, Oregonlon. LOTS in Newport, or., value $500, for dia mond; lots are clear of all encumbrance. B 2120. East 1622. $2500 EQUITY in sightly corner, Eawt 22d, near Ankeny, for mortgage or other good securities. K 9S0. Oregonian. X.AURELHURST business- lots to trade for Portland Home Telephone bonds, li 984, Oregonlan. WANT to trade for real estate 1010 toy toneau 00-H. P. automobile, in first-class condition. A M 902. Oregonlan. A PAYING little rooming-house to exchange for real estate. 231 E. 6th st. WILL exchange my beautiful Laurelhurst lot for tailoring. F 080. Oregonlan. TOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trad. GROCERY Will exchange for city property value 11700. Call 248ft Stark st. FINE residence lots in city for A. P. & C. stock. F 088. Oregonlan. FIXE lot to trade for contract In Ross mere Addition. AG 993.. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. WE want a bouse and lot, price not over $4000, and an automobile, price not over $2000. to exchange for a tract of 240 acres In Grand Ronde. 16 miles west of Sheridan. This is mostly fine bottom land and worth $50 an acre. Price $25 an acre. If you have a brick building or a busi ness lot. worth not more than $50,000, we can trade It In on a fine dairy farm of 650 acres in Clark County, Washington. This ranch has the best of improvements, plenty of stock. 400 acres fine bottom land above the overflow; price $30,000. We have a well improved 52-acre farm, i mile from the railroad station at New berg, with a fine house and 36 acres of bearing orchard, mostly Winter apples. Price $13, 65. If you have a business property, worth not more than $12,Oot, which will show a good income, we can trade. We want a city residence worth not over $3500, clear of incumbrance. We can trade this In on one of the best 60-acre farms within 6 miles of McMinnville. Price $650o. A mort gage m ay be taken back on the farm for the difference. RALPH ACKLEY, 605 Corbett Building. WHAT have you to trade for apartment house in ?attle? Lease and furniture. 19 two and three-room apartments, netting above exoenees 220 ner month: f-triotlv first-clasw building, in good residence dls- trict; wni traae tor nou or equal mz in Portland. or will assume difference on larger one, or will sell at reasonable price; everything new and first class; will trade for fruit land or ranch near Portland or Roseburg. Or.; $.1000 equity about $3800; can refer to several parties in Portland who have lived in my building. If you desire to live in Seattle I w-ill exchange places with you. H. K. Slauter, the Corona, 715 Second ave. North, Seattle, Wash, HAVE comfortable home in Portland worth $2800, and couple thousand dollars, for good small farm near Hillsboro or Forest Groves. Good money-making country stores from $700 0 up to $30,000, for good farms or fiootl Portland property. Also farms, city property and business chances to exchange one for the other. No inflated values considered. Trading done in a fair way only. F. FUCHS, 2?lft Morrison s t. GASOLINE LAUNCH, 23 ft. by 5-ft. beam, canopy top, magneto, storage battery, electric lights and searchlight; 8 H. P. Smalley engine; all in first-class running order. Including launch house, for $650 ; cpst $1000 2 years ago; would trade for Portland lots or acreage near Portland of equal value. Call 90 5th st. 0-ACRE TRACT AND 2 LOTS FOR EXCHANGE. 2 lots In Net arts Bay Park. 6 miles from Tillamook, Or.; also 5-acre tract ad joining the town; will exchange or take part payment in good diamonds. Mrs. S. - S. Phelps. owner. Hotel Columbia. Phone 021, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Or will trade for Portland property, 100-acre wheat ranch; 80 acres broke, 60 acres In crop, 155 acres plow able ; no rock ; good house and well ; r.ew $00 barn; .3 ini.ro to town. Price, $3600. No agents. V 98Q. Oregonian. TWO store rooms, large dance hall, good dwelling and ground 82x112. In Monta vllla. Especially attractive lease or will trade for anything of value. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 245 ft Stark St. A 3500. 20 ACRES on Salem Electric R. R-. 10 min utes walk from station; 13 acres clear, 1 ft acres beaverdam, balance small tlmbor and brush. Trade for lots or house lot. E. R. MAKKHAM, 205 Gerllt.ger Bidg.. 2d and Alder. WHEAT land In Sherman County, Oregon, that will rent and pay from S to 15 per cent on Investment. This Is fact, not fic tion; will take xart in trade. Will trade for Portland income property, small tracts of fruit land or merchandise. 810 Washington at., Vancouver, Wash. A FINE suburban home In Los Angeles, close to car, college and school, finest residence section of city, 20 minutes ride from center; want nice cottage or bungalow in Portland In good district. Crawford & Babcock, 502 Swetland bidg. FOR sale cr exchange Contract on lots 17 and 18, blk. S, Westmoreland, Portland. worth $1500; bal. to pay $950, for wild land or gasoline launch. Box 108, New port. Or. 160 ACRES near .Toledo, Or., acres clear, house, second growth fir timber, $1000. Will trade for city property or au tomobile. What have you to trade ? T. A, . Riggs Realty Co., 225 Fltedner b Id g. WILL trade a good 5-room hou with 2 lots gOxlOO feet. 3O0 feet from Tremont station (Mount Scott carline) for small farm or acre age. Apply Thomson, Macleod & Neill, 429 Henry bidg. SOUTH PORTLAND PROPERTY. A few choice lots close to carline and only 12 minutes from the city, to trade for a good 5 or 7-passenger car. David Lewis, 83 5th st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Fireproof hotel, 120 rooms; best corner location In Seattle; choice lobby; abso lutely modern. P. Q. Box 1623. Seattle. lO ACRES The Dalles, in fruit. 10 acres, Goodnoe Hills, all cleared. 4oxl00, Waverly Woodstock, sightly; What have you. O 084. Oregonian. $8000 LONG time guaranteed $ per cent note, secured by mortgage on 1200 acres farm land for improved Portland property. Address T 97,. Oresonian. SMITH Premier typerwrltcr, roll-top type writer desk and circular letter duplicator, bargain for cash, or might consider good city lot. A B QgS, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE. A cottage at seaside and two lots for Portland real estate. Call M 309 or in quire at 502 Fenton bidg. 666 2-3 ACRES in Lane County. valuedat $75 per acre, for Middle West property, CHESTER H. STARR. 1022 Board of Trade bidg. 5-ACRE irrigated tract good water right), set to fruit. In Umatilla county, to trade for rooming house or suburban home or tract. T 087, Osegonian. WILL take Hood River fruit land or Port land lots to value of $1200 as first payment on residence, 04 E. Glisan. Address Marion MacRae. Hood River. Or. TWO choice lots on E. 2 2d st., near Ankeny; $3500, for residence property. 718 Chamber of Commerce. A FIVE and 7 passe iger automobile to trade for real estate; several good second-hand cars for sale. 405 Alder st. WILL exchange first-class grocery for good city property, or a good farm near Portland. 402 Commercial block. SECOND mortgage, $2500 payable $500 every six month?, to trade for choice lots. 718 Chamber of Co m merce . SMALL farm, all in cultivation; sell or trade; other farms, little and big. S. M. Venard, 601 McKay bidg. A SMALL cash grocary for real estate; owner muft give up business on account of Illness. T 982. Oregonian. 30 SHARES U. Wireless stock for acreage, lots or five-passenger automobile, if in good shape. B 0S2, Oregonian. 215 ACRES of land, will accept mortgages in exchange for large amount; land on Q. W. P. Owner. 307 Lumbe rrnen a bidg. FOR SALE or trade, launch for Portland real estate or team, wagon and harness. A. Kane, 480 Lorlng st,, Alblna. EXCHANGE business property, on Going st., 70 feet west of Williams ave., price $4000, t or acreage. H. Gordon, 210 He n ry bidg. WILL trade equity in Sunnyslde res-ldence for desirable city lots. Owner, AB 89. Ore- gonlan. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, 19th and Al berta sts.; price $3600; lots or acreage for part. 718 C ha mber of Commerce. 6-PASSENGER Studebaker bus, used 1 month, for sale cheap, or trade for real estate. 870 Garfield ave. 320 ACRES, 30 miles from Portland. $10 per acre ; trade. D. W. Wolcott, 111 E 47th st. FOR SALE or exchange Barber shop, con fectionery, cigar and poolroom receipts $0Q to $110 per week. AC 076, Oregonlan I WILL exchange my equity In a Laurel hurst lot for a diamond ring. Address AC 087. Oregonlan. FINE paying investment, consisting of large store building and about 15 acres, on car. line. B 083. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON 6-room house, equity $3100. to exchange for acreage la or near city. V B0. FOB SALE or trade for city property, house and lot- $1SOO cash, $2000 terms. Phone yeilwood I2Q3. FIRST-CLASS 8x10 camera tor shotgun or rifle. Box 422. Arleta. Or. FOR SALE or trade, launch and boathouse. Inquire 44 Frost st. 20 ROOM house, value $1000, for acreag e , with house. 402 Commercial block. FIVE lots. Waverlelgh Heights-. $2000, for houfg. 718 Chamber of Commerce. BRAND new high-grade piano to exchange for room and board. AJ 976, Oregonlan. TWO houses. 5 rooms each, for lots or acre age. 718 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade Equity in Westmore- land lot, cheap. Phone B 1928. EXCHANGED, no matter what you have. Call and see us. 417 Board of Trade. TO EXCHANGE. GOOD house 0 rms. cor- 41st and Madison, take lot up to $1000 first payment, bal. monthly. 2ft acres Courtney Sta. part onion land. Want home. lots, or would traae to con tractor for building house. One sood lot for automobile. 20 acres 11 miles out on United Elec. tine road, all big timber nearly level $250 per A. Want home or any city property. 160 acres wheat land, improved, Alberta, Can. and some cash for good apartment house or city property. 160 acres good wheat land Eastern Ore. with $80O mortgage nearly due, sold last year for $320O. What have you around the city for his equity? CLODFELTER BROS. 414 Couch Bid. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. TO EXCHANGE. Equity In 6-room bungalow for lot; equity in 6-room residence for land; two Los Angeles bungalows- for Portland; equity two Westmoreland lots at bargain; 16f acres land for Portland property; 20 acres zi-ear Beaver ton for Portland or California property; 1ft aces, greenhouse. 35x100 ft., modern bouse; fruit and vegetables for dos-ln property; dividend-paying industrial stocks for Port land lots or acreage. W. B. HARTLEY, . 411 Swetland Bidg. DESCHUTES VALLEY WHEAT LAND. 520 acres in Deschutes Valley, 4 miles from new railroads; 250 acres in cultiva tion. 106 acres in crop; all fenced: house and barn; creek on place, with living wa ter; good well. Price is $12,000, and will take $50or in Portland property; $2oo5 cash and balance on 3 years time at 6 per cent interest. Must be taken before June 6 if taken on these terms. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND A INVESTMENT CO.. 801-302 Buchanan Bidg., . On Washington near 5th St. -WILL TRADE. Three strictly modern houses and two lots, valued at $10,000; four lots, valued at $5000; cash value total $15,000. and 150 acres In Yamhill county, 100 acres In hops, fruit, etc, 60 acres in fine timber; price $12,000. Will trade either or both, for Portland business property. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, i 243 Stark St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED At once, the following eecond hand motors: 1 40-h. p., 220 v., 3-phase, A. C. 1 SO-h. p., 220 v., 3-phase, A- C. 2 15-h. p., 220 v., 3-phase, A. C. ' 3 25-h. p. 500-v. Also all kinds of second-hand motors and generators. Robt. Skeen EJectrio Works. Pa ciflc 9120, Jt 1474. AM in market for 2ft H. P. general elec tric and ft H. P. general electric mo tors. Write to Chas. E. Hicks. Inde pendence, Or., stating price and con dltlon of same. WANTED, CLOTHING, Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes. The Globe Second hand stcre, 290 First. Main 2080. We also buy ladies' clothing. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," C2. N. 3d st. Main 9272. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones: A 2445; Main 851. WANTED Second-hand typewriter; must be in good shape. Address Box 11, Rose burg, Or. WANTED Squabs; will contract for your out-,- put. Address Clackamas Health Resort, , R. F. D. 2, Box 5. Oregon City, Or. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Pht-ne East 1067. WANTED Second-hand Craton popcorn popper. B 080, Oregonlan. RCOMY fruit wagon, Mitchell preferred. Tel. Mllwaukle. black 612. WOMAN would give good care to small cnnq. ri aroaaway, city. WANTED To buy man's second-hand trunk, 32 or 34-inch. Address J 081, Oregonlan. DIAMOND, white or blue, about 1 kt. ; must be cheap. M 081, Oregonian. WANTED Baby buggy; state price. R 086, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses Vehicles and Harness. ROAN mare, 9 years old, sound and gentle; weight 1000; just a little thin from hard work; with buggy and harness; $100 takes all. Ask lor Mrs. Cook's rig, 14 Union ave. TEAM weighing 2100. harness and 3-spring wagon, 1ft tons capacity; no reasonable offer refuwd. Call Monday bet. 10 and 12, Paciflo Stahlra, Front and Salmon. JUST arrived, 16 head well-broke horses and mares, weight 100O to 1400 lb., age 4 to 9 years old, and will be guaranteed as repre sented. C. W. McClaln, 204 Montgomery . A BLACK Percheron, stallion, a fine stock horse; we guarantee him any way and to be sound; for sale or to trade for real estate, cor, llth and Hoyt. FOR SALE Bay horse, 6 years old; weight, 940 pounds; sound, gentle, ride, drive, single or double. 634 E. 14th st.. corner of Beacon. Brooklyn car. WANTED To trade for good team and harness the exclusiveTjght to manufac ture and sell the best cold cream made. Call 302 E. 50th st. GOOSENECK wagon, 3ft tons capacity, new, very reasonable; terms; also dump wagon. Columbia Carriage & Wagon Works, 330 Water st. Main 2892. SPLENDID driving horse, guaranteed per fectly gentle; good traveler; harness and rubber-tired rig; $175. E. B. Hyatt, 350 Alder st. PAIR of gray mares, weigh $29; good, true pullers, heavy team harness; owner leav ing city, must sell, .bargain. Call down stairs at 334 Front St., Mr. Hauk. IF TAKEN Monday $110 buys 6-year-old sorrel mare, with foal. This animal weighs 1100 and perfectly sound. Call for bakery mare, 14 Union ave. GOOD traveling outfit for sale cheap, 2100 team, nearly new wagon and harness. 181 Hazel st.. Mount Scott car to Kern Park, then go north 7 blocks and East 2 blocks A THOROUGHBRED saddle horse, nicely galted and city broke; also broke to har ness. For particulars call up Tabor 1643. Address 1350 E. 47th and Hawthorne ave, $200 BUYS 2500-pound team with good har ness; been used on grade all Spring. Will give any reliable party 30 days' trial. Ask for Mr. Smart, at 14 Union ave. YOUNG team, sound and true, now doing heavy work; 200O; new harness, too. got to go; only $450. 27th and Mason sts., 6 to 12 A. M. A SOUND 2000-pound team, mare and horse; mare has a fine colt. Will exchange for big horse or cattle. 809 E. 28th st. W. W, t-ar to Gladstone ave. A FINE new $125 rubber-tired runabout Will exchange for horse or cows. 809 E. 28th st. W. W. car to Gladstone ave. 1100-POUND chestnut sorrel, true and sound, single or double, single harness, covered hack. 95 E 30t h S unnyeide. GOOD team of work mares and new har ness, $175; also brown mare, 1300 lbs., 7 years old. $125. Call 334 Front st. $95 BUYS good brown horse; weighs 1125 lbs., sound, gentle, good any place, with top buggy and harness. 334 Front st. A - BAY mare, 6 years old, drive and ride, and sound; price $125. Cor. llth. and Hoyt. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand; sold with guarantee a represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers; ladies' waiting-room; prices moderate. 248 Front. TEAM, horse and mare. 2400 pounds, farm wagon, harness; also big mare, weighs 1400 pounds. 242 E. Grand ave. FOR SALE A-l delivery horse, wagon and harness, nearly new; must be sold. Co lumbla Fish Co., 3d and Ankeny. $50 takes good true brown mare; little thin but good farm or brood mare. Call Cot tage, 26th and Savior sts. WANTED Teams for scraper work, $6 a day. free barn. 407 Lumbermens bidg. Main 2Q18. East 813, evenings East 291. FOR SALE 1 team well-matched horses. 6 and 7 years old, weighing 280O. 216 Rus sellst: WANTED small or medium-sized team for farm work; must be sound and true; cheap for cash. AE OSl, Oregonian. TO TRADE Two lots in Le Bow park Add., 30 minutes' ride, value $500, for team, wagon and harness. AE 082, Oregonian. WANTED Good old horse, good home, light farm work; must be cheap. - Address J as. N'. Yaurhan, Oswego, Or. TEAM wagon and harness, $300. 1638 Mac- cadam Road. HIGH-GRADE piano or lots for good horse and rig. Box 422. Arleta, Or. SADDLE horse, also good driver, for sale; 300. M 979. Oregonian. FIVE heavy teams at the transfer barns. Flemmlng & Thompson. Gresham. FOR SALE Two large furniture vans. In qulre 02 E. 7Sth North. GROCERY wagon. East 287. 74 Clarke st. WANTED Horse and buggy to keep dur Ing Summer for use. Woodlawn 1405. TEAM of ponies cheap. Call Monday. 1134 Hawthorne ave, . FOR SALE. Horses Yefa teles and Harness. Why buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost t We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Ba sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO., 822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. SALE OR TRADE. A beautiful bay stallion, standard bred; bas a large mane and tail, weighs about 1150 lbs.. 9 years old, has no mark but can go as fast as he wants to; is being used as a family driving horse; sensible and kind; name Mohe. No. 3SS76. by Mohegan 14329. from Lena McAllister; he is worth $1500 to $2000; want to trade for high-grade automobile; also have 2 seated surrey and harness with him. See Staples, the Jeweler. $18 NEW single harness.... $13.50 $30 new double driving harness...... 23.50 t40 new team harnesn 31.50 45 naw team harness 5.50 New, guaranteed, wall-known buggies with leather trimmings, fine leather quarter tops, for $5&50. Big sales and email profits. The eecond largest stock of vehicles and wagons In the city to select from. C. L. BOSS & CO., t 320-328 BAST MORRISON STREET. 6 SET young horses, well broke. Ask for Washington Creamery horses. Two span of young mules, also one odd mule; goose neck furniture wagon, good 3ft-inch wagon, also 3ft-inch wagon rigged for hauling pipe or coal, good as new ; cov ered and open delivery wagons, stock saddles, harness, rubber and steel tire surreys; also some small odd horses. 1 Hubert A Hall, 380 Front st. FOR SALE $150; a bargain; just the) wagon for homeseekers or campers ; a complete covered camp wagon, almost new, running gear 2 ft -inch tires. 2ft inch 14 lear springs, top housed and measures inside 6x11 feet; fitted with bunks, tables, shelves and 6 large lockra. Call at 774 East Main St., cor. of East 24th. SET heavy double harness, box loop sewed trace. heavy breeching. with collars. Price $32.50, cost $65; nice speeding cart and harness, cost $85, sell $40; fine rub ber tire runabout, first-class, very cheap. All the above are new and were taken on a debt; are useless to owner. Call at my residence, 874 Savier st. FOR SALE 26 North 15th st. 6-year-old team and new handsewed harness, weight 2400 lbs.; 6-year-old team and new hand sewed harness, weight 270O lbs. These horses sold with a written guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded. R. L. Evans. LEAVING the city and will sell my driving horse Alkinney, 15ft. hands high, safe and sound, with Studeoaker phaeton, basket-seat surrey, good set of harness, lor $i?tK. or will sell horse separately. O. R- C. . Stables. 14th and Yamhill sts. Mrs. Beck er's outfit. MUST sell, quit my business; one span of horses that welsh 2800 lbs. and two teams that weigh i:20O a team; 2 farm wagons and 1 spring wagon; 2 sets of double harness; barn, llth and East Taylor; if you want ahorse It will pay you to call and see this stuff. MULES FOR SALE. Murphy Horse & Mule Co. will have a load of heavy Missouri mules at Model Stables, 295 Davis St., Portland, Or., by May 23, 1910. It will pay you to wait if you are In the market. H. M. Billings, salesman. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-ave. Stables, .420 Hawthorne ave. NICE bay team, mare and horse, 5 and 7, weigh 260; broke single and double,- bay horse, 4 years old. 1375; gray mare, S years old, weighs 1400; black mare, 8 years old, weighs 1600 lbs. Call 334 Front st. TEAM of geldings, weighs 2340 lbs.; are sound and true to pull ; fine travelers; nearly new breeching harness and express truck with top. Sell separately. Call "at my residence, 874 Savier st. W-, or 16th st. car. Part time to right paVty. THE PRETTIEST SHETLAND PONY On the Pacific Coast; thoroughbred and reg istered; winner of two first prizes last year; broke to ride and drive; gentle for children; new rubber-tire cart and harness. Phone Main I860. 3200-POUND team, Percheron mare and horse, 4 and 5 years old, sound and true; also a 1400-pound mare, sound and true. A barsiain if taken at once. 242 East Grand ave. L I G H T team" 8 and 9 yearsl weight 90 0 each; gentle to drive and ride; been used in city as delivery team; $125 cash takes both if taken at once. Can be seen at 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. BAY colt, 3 years old, gentle to ride and drive; $65 if taken at once. 334 Front st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE: Two Mahlllor-PupeschI high pitch clarinets, 17 keys, 6 rings, in per fect condition every way and fully war wanted. F. W, Van Dyke, Grants Pass, Or. WANTED By responsible person, the use of good upright piano in exchange for storing same; no small children. Phone Main 2213. INSIDE SS-note piano player, in fine order, at half the price of a new one; high grade; must be sold. 250 Third st. HAVE some good lots to trade for vlctrola or similar machine, launch or diamond. Box 1 72. Vancouver. Wash. SQUARE Chickering piano at bargain; install ment plan If desired. Phone Sell wood 1351. FOR SALE Band organ for skating rink. Inquire C. E. Olson. St. Helen s, O r. WANTED To rent or buy piano. 924 Bel mont. AG 981, Oregonian. PIANO, almost new, cost $25; must have money. Price $34 0. SS 10th st. Automobiles. . AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. If you are contemplating buying- an au tomobile, runabout or touring car, now Is your time to secure It at a bargain. We . have a limited number of excep tionally good cars of late models,- all fully guaranteed. '"Cadillac" 3u, good as new; 1009 "Overland," 1900 "Studebaker," 7 pass.; 1900 Speedwell, CO; 1 "Reo," 1 "Brush," 1 Oldsmoblle, 4-passenger; "Au tocar" runabout, "Mitchell," 1009 "Peer less," 5 pass. ; "Maxwell," 1009 runabout. A few of these cars have only been run for testing and demonstrating purposes, and have had only enough use to make them run nice. To appreciate the real values and advantages we have to offer you will have to call and investigate. PACIFIC AUTO CO., 266 Eleventh St., cor. Jefferson. Phone Main 8J12. Open Sunday. i IF YOU are looking for a classy runabout, call and see the OAKLAND 30-H.-P. JACKRABBIT. Its appearance in general lines repre sents a car that costs double its price. It is a 4-cylinder, 30-horsepower car, and the best $1000 value on the market. A demon stration will convince you of Its merits. The factory guarantee will protect for the rest. See this car before buying. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND. 2C6 Eleventh &t., cor. Jefferson. I BUICK. three-paeenger, factory condition; driven about 5000 miles; $800; would ac cept $500 caeh, balance equal payments for three months; owner in city Wednesday. A 0g3.Oregonlan. LEAVING city, must sell my 60-H.P. Thomas, guaranteed in good shape; no reasonable offer refused. Apply Belmore, McDougall & Moore, 17th and Alder. 7-PASSENGER 60-H. P. Thomas Flyer, in good condition ; Just the car for stage line or livery; $1500 cash; no trades nor terms. H 075. Oregonlan. FORD 5-passenger, top. oil lights and tires good. Price $:iOO. Room 417, 326ft Wash- lngton st-. Main 53S1. FOR SALE Bargains In second-hand auto mobiles. O. K. MOTOR MACHINE CO., 88 N. 6th st. ; upstairs. 4-CYLINDER Cadillac model G. in first class condition; Just overhauled and paint ed. yooo. Western Auto Co.. 531 Alder st. WANTED One 5-passenger. first-class, medium-priced second-hand auto. 403 Cor bet.t bidg. WANTED 4-cylinder runabout: cash ; must be cheap: state price. AB 973. Oregonlan. Will take auto for $1000 as part payment on $1500 real estate. X 987, Oregonian. FOB SAX. Automobiles. WANTED By the Y. M. C A. Automobile School at Metropolitan Garage, 190 Chap man st., automobiles for repair; no charges except for parts supplied; skillful mechanical supervision of all work, phones Private Ex. 65. Educational Director Y. M. C. A. bidg., room 416. AUTO WRECK FOR SALE' CHEAP. 45-H. P. engine and frame slightly dam aged by fire. Could be rebuilt into deliv ery truck or engine installed in launch. Address Columbia Block & Ram Co., northeast corner 10th and Johnson sts., city. - BUICK, model 10, four-cylinder, for sale; A-l condition; equipped with new nobby tread, oft tires rear and 3ft front. E. N. Howe, White garage, 6th and Madison. Phone M, 603. Birds. Dogs, Pet Stock. BOSTON TERRIERS, pedigreed, male puppy from prize winning stock, $25 for quick sale also a handsome brood matron, rea sonable. F. A. Weyers. 205 E. 40th, st. Phone B 2814. COLLIE puppies. 5 weeks old. thorough bred. J. T. Gray, river road, 1 mile south of Milwaukie. Phone Oak Grove. black, 113. FOR SALE 1 male collie pups, eligible to register; pedigrees furnished. 131 Lowns dale. Main TVS4L A 42S7. THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie puppies, male. 8 weeks old; pPice $20. Phone Sell wood 125 or address Box 53,Woodstock. CHICKENS (laying), rooster, also 36 pigeons; c heap; haven't room, 252 Em 30th. b THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn egg- $L O. L. Klinger. 764 E. Salmon st. EGGS from Mammoth Pekin and Rouen ducks-. Woodlawn 837. THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Rock, $1 set ting, $5 per 100. Phone Sellwood 1335. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. 125-volt, 150-K. W. Geaeral Ettectria generator; belt type, complete with, panel and rail base. Address Ruom 201, Ore gonlan RAISED deck cruising launch. 40x10; in flrt class condition; fully equipped; sleeps six adults: has galley, toilet and tender; a safe, comfortable boat; large enough to live on for the glimmer. D 018, Oregonian. HOUSE-BOAT, 5 rooms, elegantly fur nished; electric lights, phone, bath. Bull Run water piped Into house. Call Sun day afternoon Oregon .Yacht Club, Dr. J. M. Yates. 4-H. P. motorcycle, brand new; must sell Mndav; fully equipped with lamp, horn and license; $175 cash takes it; a real, genuine snap. Call quick; too good to miss. Ralph R. Ruffner, 124 3d st. OFFICE) RUG 9x12, used 2 months, for sale cheap, and White drophead sewing machine never used, cost $48, will eell for $35. 321 Bard of Trade, corner 4th and Oak sts. FOR le A LE Temporary house, well built and ready for housekeeping; may be moved anywhere. . Call quickly". Half a blojcknorth qf Sandy roadon 65th st. FOR SALE Oak hull, launch Hattle. length 30 ft., copper gasoline tank, cushions, steering gear, etc., ready fr engine; will sell cheap. Phone East 643. " FOR SALE or trade, 2-cylinder 6-H. P. motor cycle; will trade on auto; rode 2 montha. 5-H. F. 2-cylinder marine engine, $00. In quire 354 E. 6th St. fcJ. g&u. FOR SALE At half price, practically new No. 3 Oliver typewriter that cost me $tM. Need the money. Phone A 1015. 325 12 th st. I, C. SMITH Typewriter, new machine; will sacrifice for cash; B flat clarinet, Al con dition, at your own price, r . J. -wiebei, 261 Morris st. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co., M 8370. ' 222 Abington bidg. FOR SALE Hoover electric sweeper; first class condition. Phone E 3646 forenoons. Price $50. NOTES AND MORTGAGED BOUGHT AND SOLD NATIONAL CREDIT ASSN.. 601 WORCESTER BLDG-, 3d and Oak. ONE gasoline launch and boathouse for sale cheap; party leaving city. B 075. Orego nian. S SHOE benches, 4 footstools and one Bmall safe for sale. Inquire Baron's Shoe Store, 230 Morrison st. STRICTLY A-l mahogany upright piano, only $-15; $15 down, $3.75 monthly. 350 Alder. SAFES, new and second-har.d, all sizes, cheap for cash or easy terms. Portland Safe Co., 87 5th st. TWO good cottages. N. E. cor. Park and Harrison sts. to make way for new build Ing. Inquire 801 Board o f Trad e bidg. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $40 $50. Ask for catalog. Rebullts $15 up. IS. M. Hayter Co.. OO 5th st. Main 5526. VACUUM carpet cleaner with electric .motor only $50. Corner Kaat Yamhill and Union avenue. FOR SALI5 Office furniture; 2 desks, good carpet, chairs, rugs and safe; at a snap. 0 97 5, Oregonlan. STOVER gasoline woodsaw; first-class; year's time; no money required. F. L. Newell, E. 76th st. 14-FOOT sailboat; center-board and rud der; complete. $10; must sell at once. AG 994, Oregonian. NICE oak dressers, bookcase, sanitary couch, massage table. Call Sunday or evenings, 30 ft Morrison St., room 49. CARPET 86 yards In 1 piece, with bor der, Turkish design ; Wilton velvet, 16 ft. by 31 ft. Inquire Wells-Fargo bidg. FOR SALE New butchers' refrigerator, 0x11. Inquire Wascher Bros., 15th and Broadway. Eact 271. FOR BALE Showcase, wallca-vs, counters, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 533. FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 2ooft 3d sc. Portland. Or. LAUNCH New. 19ft ft. boat, 3ft h.-p. engine for sale at sacrifice. Ask Prehn, foot E. Washington, for Knight's launch. SEVERAL slightly used machines early Monday morning. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 4o2 Washington st, MOTOR BOAT 23x56-ln. ; govt, equipment, 6-h. p., 9 miles. Call Tabor 439 and arrange f - r d e mo nst ra 1 1 on . FIND walnut bedroom suite and new stand ard range. 244 Montgomery. Inquire Frank lin. BARGAINS in sawmills and machinery; write for pricelist. Millwright & Mfg. Co., 12 N. Front st. Main 763o. FOR SALE 4-room houseboat, furnished com plete; $125. H. K. Yeomans, 514 Bu chanan bidg. Phone M. 7563. SMITH PREMIER typewriter in perfect condition; very reasonable. X 988, . Ore gon! an. FOR SALE Canvas canoe, 16 feet; $10. Call evenings. S10 Crosby, east end Steel bridge. SNAP Solid oak dining table, six leather seated chairs, rocker. A "4730. WINDMILL and Deering grass mower; good condition. Inquire 732 E. Ankeny. HOUSEBOAT, lighted by electricity, for sale cheap. Yacht Club, port captain, at the Oaks. NEW office furniture at ft price, if taken at once. Call today, room 25, 165ft 4th st.. Main 9327. FURNITURE of 10-room house, cheap if taken at on eg. 2 0 74 1 h. $1225 Gasoline wood saw. nearly new. Phone East 1181. TROUT and 11 v, 12xl44-ft. wall, 12.50. Woodlawn 1935, after 0:30 P. M. $11 SMALL boy's bicycle, gent's Rambler, 1 a d y'tt Rambler; bargains. 2 00 Fi rst st. ANGORA goats for sale near Portland. 339 Sherlock bidg. POSTAGE stamp collection, catalogues, $S00; make me an offer. Evenings. Main 5708. VIOLINS, banjoc, mandolins, guitars at halt regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 tth au NEW Remington No. 10 visible typewriter for sale; a snap. P. O. Box 141, city. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 14Q7. BOO BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 192ft 3d. near Taylor. A $450 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap. Call up Main 1SG9 or A 4869. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand, 312 Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures. jr"ix lnulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex Friedman. 205 1st. FOR SALE R. S. Motorcycle, 3ft h. p., good order, for $125; bicycle for $8. D 077. Ore gon ia n. FOR S A LB CHEAP FIemUh oak bookcase. Call Marshall 1400. LAUNCH 20 feet, holds 11 people; snap; $150 cash. X 985, Oregonlan. TENT, 12x14. and camp stove, used one sea son; bargain. P 0S2, Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP 6 snlmon "nets, goodcon riltlon. Kafka Bros.. 272 Frmu. CIGAR and confectionery fixtures cheap; must sell by June 1. 361 Morrison wt. FINE new 3-room houneboat, well built; rmat. 21x40. Mrs. Johnson, Yacht Club. FIRST-CLASS AC 1-g -horsepower Emer son motor $12. 350 Ald- FOR SATE. Miscellaneous. ROLL TOP DESK. 54 Inches, $25; roll top desk. 60 inches, $2i.50; roll top desk. 48 inches, $22.50; revolving office chair, $3.R0; office tables, $3 to $7.E0 ; $50 Universal steel range, with watercoll, $22.60; Re liable gas ranges. $7.50 to $10; kitchen treasures, $1.50 to $4.50; wardrobes. $4 to $10; oak sideboards. $7.50 to $30; buffets, $12 to $30; extension tables. $4 to $2 0; rockers. 75c to $10; folding beds. $5 to $25; dressers, $5 to $25; tents. $3.50 to $10; camp furniture of all kinds, carpets, rugs and linoleum; 9x12 Brussels rug, $3.50; center tables. $1 to $12 ; library tables. $3 to $10; $50 hall rack, $25. All kinds of garden tools; garden hose, $3.75 to $7. We can furnish your office or house com plete with new or fine second-hand goods and on the installment plan, too. Get our terms and prices first. Western Salvage Co., 627, 629, 631, 633 and 635 Washington sc. Corner of 20th st. Both phones. LAUNCH FOR SALE New. powerful, high-class, perfect cabin cruising launch; 30 feet over all. 7-foot beam; built from special selected mate rial; equipped with 4-eycle 12-H. P. auto matic engine with reverse gear; pilot house control: whistle, bell, lights, fog horn, etc. Will sacrifice at less than cost of material. REIERSON MACHIN- ERY CO., 184 Morrison st.. Portland. Or. SEWING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all leading ma kef. Singer. Wheeler & Wil son, New Home, White. Domestic, House hold and others, to make room for new Finger 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store. S. S. Sigel. agent. 35 Morrison st. Phone Main 2183. A 4509. LAUNCH. 22 ft., 8 H. p., Smalley engine, magneto, canopy top, equipped with all conveniences, oak deck, cedar hull; a fine boat Id A-l condition; also boathouse for sale, -price $600 for the outfit. Look it over, it's a bargain. Boat without the house. $500- Inquire No. 90 Fifth st. 40-FOOT MOTOR BOAT AND 60-FOOT BOATHOUSE. Bath as good as new; boat wUl seat 10 comfortably and the speed is 16 mil sn hour; will trade for city property or sell for cash. David Lewis. S3 oth st. OFFICE FURNITURE. Extra quality, flat top, sanitary oak desk, revolving desk chair, several other oak chairs, Axmlnster rug, 6x9 ft ; all In use only 60 days. Phone A 2S4 for ap pointment. FOR SALE Orw-third Interest in sawmill. Capacity 15.000 feet per day. 8,000,000 feet of red and yellow fir timber located on United Railway in Washington County, Oregon, good local and railroad tie and .timber orders. X 960, Oregonian. A GOOD 30-foot gasoline launch with cabin, 8-Horsepower, 2-cylinder Palmer Bros, engine complete with whistle, tank, reverse gear, electric lights; will ex change on an automobile. Staples, the Jeweler. ONE very fine china closet, with 2 mirrors; 1 sideboard; 1 Turkish laathr rocker; 1 leather couch; 1 54-inch extension table; 2 parlor tables; 1 birdseye maple dresser; 2 chiffoniers, and other furniture 23 E. Ah. Phone East 377. FOR one week only I will sell good first class line 4-foot fir wood, delivered, at $5.5 per cord, barring the Heights. Kirk Hoover. S13 Water st. Phones Main 7451, A 5445. SUMMER cabin. 12x18. on banks of Willam ette, in shade of large oak tree. 25 min utes ride from 2d and Morrison sts.; partly furnished; for sale, $40. p 082, Oregonlan. STAR iron lathe, 30x3, cuts irrewfl from 3 to 64 to Inch; practically new; new chuck suitable for auto work tpowar), with counter shaft. Price $100. F. Ketcham, Camas, Wash. A CHANCE to get a good leather suitcase at one-third to one-half the regular price; a carload on sale, commencing Monday morning. May 23. at 9 A. M. Barr Loan Office, 40ft N. 6th. 150 RUSTIC hanging baskets, 50 window boxes with assorted plants, special rate for May only. Phone Marshall 423. 93 North 13th st. 25 PER CENT off; plumes, wings, flowers, ribbons, etc., for this week only; all highest grade goods. Miss Morrow's Mil linery Parlors, 36 Washington bidg. FOR SALE Shelving and counter and showcase suitable for ice cream and con fectionery store for rent. Address M 3S9, Oregonian. SEVERAL sizes second-hand skylights, win dows and good 3x7 store doors. United Glass & Glazing Co., 94 North 14th St. Phone Main 4431. 21-FOOT launch, 3 ft -horsepower F. M. re versible engine; speed 8 to 0 miles; com plete equipment, complying with ordi nances; a snap. Main 7274. ARMSTRONG pipe threader. 1 to 2 in.. $s.50 ; pipe cutter, $1.25; mercury tester and pump for testing gas pipe, $8.50. vuao. ere gonian. OxlO Flary and OxlO Phoenix logging engines; also suitable for land clearing. Cheap for cash or on terms. F. B. Mallory Company, 231-5 Pine et. NEW vacuum carpet-cleanins: machine at fac tory price if taken soon ; not a toy, but a dependable machine; gasoline power. AF POo, Oregonian. ONE 5x7 Century Grand Sr. camera, with either stock lens or volute shutter and Vol glaender Series 1 1., F 6.6. Call even Ings for Campbell, 207 Park st. COW and calf for sale. ,608 Milwaukie ave. Price $50. ' BLOCK books, $35; good as new. T 985, Or gonian. $25 go-cart for sale cheap. Phone Main 9259. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man and wife for work In sub- urban home, white, colored or Japanese, Phone Main 3598. A 7734. WANTED By wholesak house, shipping clerk; one with experience; state all in one letter; experience, references and last employer. W 9S5. Oregonlan. SALESMAN wanted by European lace and embroidery trust to selt from Import and stock on 5 months to retail trade. Gro mann, 491 Broadway, New York. TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi dence real estate. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M., 322 Corbett bidg. $18 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watt.hmaking-En-gravlng School. Box 182. Ashland. Or. ONE stenographer. 1 bookkeeper. 1 stenog rapher with lumber experience, 1 man ager country Btore. 313 3 .Wa sh., room 1 8 . A HIGH-GRADE advertlsinff novelty sales man; must have first-class references. Room 2. 142ft 2d st. MEN of ideas with some inventive ability. Greely & Mclntyre, patent attorneys, Washington. D. C. MKAT cutter to travel with circus; must be fast. Apply Sells-Floto dining depart ment Sunday morning, ready for work. A GROCERY salesman for an interior town; must be a thoroughly competent man; wages $75. D 083, Oregonlan. PHOTO coupon and portrait agents, new w inning offer. Cutberth. Dekum bidg. MEN for factory near Portland; married men preferred. 339 Sherlock bidg. TELEGRAPHY taught, operators in demand, good pay, telegraph school. 290 3d ut. WANTED Experienced lumber bookkeeper. Address in own handwriting, stating sal- ary wanted. W oregonian. DENTIST Must be A-l operator with IP cense, no others need apply. Rex Dental Co.. Abington bidg. WANTED Men to take homesteads. Central Oregon. Haw ley, 204 Chamber Commerce bidg. CARRIAGE painter wanted, Oregon Paint ing Co., Oth and Madison, White Motor Co. bidg.. top floor. BOY to learn grocery business; must have wheel and live on East Side. D. Kellaher & Co.. 133 Grand ave. WANTED A baker; good all around man on cakes. Apply before 10 A. M.- today. Royal Bakery, llth & Everett. FIRST-CLASS inside painters wanted.' Ap ply 3S7ft E. Burnslde, room 31. Call Sunday 10 A. M. or Monday morning. ASSISTANT yard foreman for mill cut ting S0.00O daily. F. R. Stokes, 16 Board of Trade. WANTED A stout boy to work at plumb ing. Apply to S. E. cor. of Alberta and Michigan ave. WANTED Two experienced grocery clerks. Corner Hassato st. and Grand ave. HARNESSMAKER to work In stock room. P. J. Cronin. 129 1st. SOLICITOR of neat appearance. good vages. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. WANTED Weavers for spring beds. Ore con r urniture jtig. fo .Macadam Road. PROOFPASSER on portraits; bond required; steady position for right man. 127 llth st. Vt O V with wheel to deliver rr con furniture irg. Co.. Macadam Road BOY: with wheel to deliver; $6 per week to Tart. 4n l nion, ."sonn. FIRST-CLASS sklrtmaker wanted. 405 Fleldner. . FI RST-CLASS harness-makers. P. J. Cro- nin Co. WANTED 12 men for sawmill. Apply 511 Board cf Trad e bldg. . Sun day. WA NT ED Physician, contract work out of city. Dr. Thornton. Electric bidg. WANTED Cabinetmakers. The planing Mills, 19th and Vaughn. Oregon WANTED Men to smoke NEW YORK BOND five-cent cigars). HELP WANTED MAJLB. YOUNG MAN!!! If you can do anything well or are qualified for better work than you are at present doing, get in touch with tha secretary of the Advisory and Employ ment Department of the Y. M. C. A. Great demand for brains In this city and state. .During the week ending May 21 we received 75 calls for employes; placed 51 men in permanent positions at sal aries ranging from $40 to $150 per month. v Have demand now for at least 40 men at salaries of from $40 to $150. The only cost to you is membership In the association, which. If you are a non-member, can be secured at a nominal figure. Strangers our specialty. Good" fellow ship, good advice, good position await you. Think twice and then some, before you invest money. We can tell you where not - to put it. EVERY young man locking for employment or qualified for a better position should get in quick touch with the secretary of the advisory and employment department of the Y. M. C- A. During April we placed 98 men. In permanent and 07 men in tem porary positions. Cultivated brains and skilled fingers at a premium; 25 calls from ,.. employers on Saturday, at salaries rang ing from $40 to $100 per month. strangers our specialty. Good fellow Rtp good advice and good osiUon await you. Think twice and then some before yoti invest money. We can tell you where not to put it. SALESMEN. WAKE UP! You should be alive to the opportunity i Y.??S own dor; shake off that lethargy of I K try." or "Maj-ha 7 can." Get away from the Ordinary class STAND OUT and be a leader among men. Then we want you. We will furnish the proposition, ad vertising and expenses of all kinds and pay you well for your effort, too. Isn't fhat fair? Call upon Mr. Webb, bond department, THE JACOBS-STINE CO., 146 Fifth St., Portland. FOR THE COPPER RIVER ft- N. W. R. 1 CORDOVA. ALASKA. lono white laborer. for surfacing and genera railroad construction work. Wages $3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the work $15. Weekly shipments begin about June 1. M. J. HENEY. Pier 2, Seattle. Wash. i WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $15 to $69; additional compen sation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medicinal attendance free; after 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of par and allowances; service on board ship and ahore In all parts of the world. Appiy at 4 and 10 Breed en bidg., 3d and Washington sts.. Portland. Or. YOUNG MAN. over 30 years of age, single, sober, to travel, well dressed: capable of approaching every class of business men in a quick talk yes or no; mentallv eharp and tactful; fiix hours hard mental work daily; if you haven't unlimited nerve and polite personal approach don't answer; straight salary $7 month and expenses; no commission. Call bet. 2 and 3 P. M. today at 23S E. 32d St.; Haw- thorne car to 32d st. SALESMEN, do you sell this trade? Live stock remedies. stock food. incubator mfgrs., seed houtos, farmer's supplies, etc ? We have an excellent side line on which you can make good mone . Senln your name and address today for very special proposition, stating what you are now selling and territory covered; everything confidential. Write today. H. B. Reynolds. Mfg. Co.. Fred erlcktown , O. GOVERNMENT positions; chances never better; secure one of thousands of ap pointments made; particulars an to sal aries, positions, dates of examinations In Portland, sample questions, etc., sent free in circular 161. National Cor. Institute, Washington. r. C. WANTED Man to sell real estate; prop erty to be sold selling very fast; help will be given until confidence is gained. Call 522 Corbett block, between 7 and 8 P. M. WANTED Men by large contracting com pany; can learn trade of plumbing, alec tricHy, bricklaying, automobiles In few months; no apprentice or helpers work and no expense; $20,000 contract work go ing; catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Company, Los Angeles. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for salesman", permanent, no capital needed, small bond required; want $250-month man; ex penses advanced ; no samples to carry. Address promptly with references. Inter national Co., 114 Mclntyre bidg.. Day- ton. Ohio. WANTED Single man or man without fam- j ny 10 iaw care 01 a "-acre appie orcnara I with young trees; must be thoroughly fa miliar with pruning, of trees and general garden work. Address all communications to T 981 . Oregonian. SALESMAN Experienced any line, to sell general trade. Pacific Coast. specialty" proposition ; brand new feature; commis sion, witn $35 weekly for expenses. Tha Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. CARPENTERS WANTED TACOMA. 10-story building; long job; rate 45a per hour. R. BARBER. National Realty Bidg.. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Reliable man; $2000 required; who can take charge of sash, door and glass dept. in connection with planing mill. Address Richard Itinne, South 23d and Baily sts., Tacoma. Wash. WANTED 2 salesmen to handle good propo sition; we pay all expenses and commission; steady work for capable men. Call at 334 Front St., from 9 to 4, and call for H. M. Todd. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line ; high commissions, with $1im monthly advance ; parmanont position to right man. Jes 11. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. LUMBERMAN WANTED Want retail lumber-yard manager in town of 20,000, east of mountains. Salary, $150, on yearly con tract, to competent man. AU correspondence confidential. Address Y 962. Oregonlan. TO SOLICITORS No names will be re ceived for Multnomah-Clackamas annex ation or for Orchard County petitions after 10 A. M. Monday, May 23. C. S. MrDuffee, 520 Abington bidg. PHYSICIAN, registered In Oregon, experi ence in ear, nose and throat practice de sirable. Good Portland office position to right man. Salary or Interest. Box AC 97'.', Oregonian. WANTED A dentist who has a State Board license to run office for the Summer; per manent place for good operator If desired ; must give references as to honesty, ability and personal habits; position amres best clasa patronage and good wages. M 9!5, Oregonian. WANTED First-class men to sell health, and accident insurance; most up-to-date policies; strong company. C. H. Weston, 322 Board of Trade bidg. LEDGER man, permanent position and pro motion for competent young man. Com mercial Abstract Co., 4Utt Commercial Club bidg. WANTED A cood, live real estate man that can deliver the goods; have good proposition and the right man can make good money. Room. 10, Washln gton bidg. WANTED 3 cut-off sawyers. 3 rip sawyers. 2 tiers, for box shook factory; steady work and good wages to experienced men. Pot--lach Lumber Company, Potlach, Idaho. WANTED A teacher of mandolin, guitar and violin for out-of-town work ; position permanent. Address T. M. Sampson. P. O. Box 17S4, Spokane, Wash. ANYONE can make money writing short ercoriea; big pay ; send for free booklet, tells how. Press Syndicate. San Fran cisco. WANTED Experienced ornamental Iron workers. Write to Spokane Ornamental Iron Works, Spokane, Wash., giving ex perience, age and wages wanted. WANTED Carpet cutter, sewer and layer; all-around man in carpet room; steady po sition for steady man. Apply Queen City Furniture Co. Baker City. Or. WANTED Boy to work in mechanical es tablishment; work light and clean. Don't apply unless looking for. steady employ meat. T 'J0. Oregonian. WANTED A thoroughly qualified foreman for a tent and awning factory. Reply stating experience to C. H. Jones Sc. Son Vancouver, B. C. GOVERNMENT employes wanted Write for Portland examination schedule. Prepara tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept.. 990, P.cchcster, N. Y. YOUNG MSN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, postofTlce clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Bcok 30, it's free. Paciflo States School. McKay bidg.. Portland, Or WANTED Boys to learn bolt making, and men recently from the East experienced in manufacture of bolts and nuts. Apply 2U9 N. 13th. SALESMEN wanted to take orders selling fine nursery -stock; cash advances; fine territory; big money; outfit free. Carlton Nursery Co.,. Carlton, Oregon.