TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, MAT 22, 1910. 13 RKAL KSTA TE. For Sale Fruit Lands. FRUIT RANCH. AN EXC ELLENT BUY. M'MINNVILLB, OR. 20 acres planted to fruit and wal suuf, 2H0 finest grafted Franquette Tvainut. SO seedlings planted in IW08. 46 eet In lJHy. ISO fine early apples of best adapted to this locality, planted la the Spring of I5u set in Fail of and fcpring of 2910. Five hundred peaches planted In and loot, all beat standard va rieties: 50 cherry trees planted In 1908 and 19o&. all trees have been .well cul tivated and pprayed; land r.ever cropp ed until planted to orchard; soil very best; this tract lies about 1 j miles from P. O. and same diirtance from Court house, is an elegant stte for a subur ban home. If interested, call early. Will soon raise price ; present price $8viu0. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bids., 4 Fourth, st. feOME CHOICK FRUIT FARMS. Income-bearing. All located in the heart of the fruit orchards of Yamhill County. $83oO 30 acres; 17 acres In full-bearing prunes, in acres full-bearing apples. Northern Spies. Ben -Davis and Ppltzen berss ; house, barn, etc. -, water piped to house and through garden for irrigation; 1 mile of railway station; high and sighly location. This price includes a $200 power spray outfit. $4200 in acres, all in cultivation; 8 acres in bearing cherries, 2 acres around the house in garden and small fruits and family orchard ; large spring on place ; water piped to the house and used for ir rigation in garden. $1700 10 acres, all In bearing fruit on county road; high and sightly location ; 1 mile from station ; good roads; R. F. D. and telephone. $730 10 acres, finest walnut and appl land; partly cleared, balance has timber enough to pay for clearing land ; has spring and running wator; clwe to town and electric survey ; fine, sightly location. 475 down, balance easy pa vmcnts. THE Dt'NX-LAWRKNl'B CO. 24S Alder st. $10,000. FIRST PAYMENT. Balance four annual payments will buy 173 acres orchard land, 22 acres in 3-year-okl trees and balance all .under cultiva tion; one of the choicest farms in the WILL-AM KTTB VALLEY. A snap; chance to doublo the money by sub-dividing; all conditions ideal; must sell at once. Only 5 miles from EUOK X K, O R EGO X', The best 12,000 town in the Northwest Write direct to owner, E. P. LYON, . Cherry Block, Eugene, Or. DOES YOUR MONEY WORK? You know the great profitB from pro ducing orchards. You know you wish you could own a right good one. The ACTUAL experience " of buying orchard land with the idea of great returns more often spells failure. Here's the solution whereby your money brings immediate returns by Investing and ha assured of a preferred dividend plus the division of profit from the finest and olldest apple-producing orchard on t he Coast near Portland un der competent management and super yised by business methods. 20,000 fives 19 years old and as many more to be planted. Think, think of it. This is strictly a money-earning proposition for the capi talist and small investor, business man, bookkeeper, clerk. teacher or working man. Special Inducement before June 1. Give me a chance to talk 12 per cent and better to you. R 982, Oregonlan. WE WILL FAY YOU $1 PER DAY FOR YOUR TIME Spent Investigating our lands in the Highlands of Yamhill if you, do not find them firat-class fruit and farm lands. OUR OFFER: 30 ACRES, $750. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. 10 ACRES FREE WITH EVERY 10 PUR - CHASES. Hundreds of acres now in fruit joining thepe lands. All the requirements of fruit land Elevation, slope, soil and drainage. Deep, rich, red loam soil. Have you the : time to investigate? We are at your dis posal to answer questions and show the land. CHAPIN & HERLOW, S32 Chamber of Commerce. FRUIT OR GENERAL FARM IX G. SO acres. ;t5 miles from Portland. 44 miles from good live town: fine spring ; very best of soil, no waste. Price. $20 per acre; l casn. ALSO SO acres adjoining above: 10 acres cleared. small house and barn, 20 apple trees, very best of soil, no waste; fine spring; $22.50 per acre; casn. IN" CROP. 38 acres, all cleared; 26 acres In crop 7-rooni house, good barn, family orchard 4 years old, 2 good springs; VERY BEST OF SOIL; crop and implements included. Price, $45 per acre- This farm is IJ5 miles from Portland. 3 miles from good town. INVESTMENT CORPORATION. LTD., 20 u. Washington St. Room 613. YOUNG BEARING ORCHARD. 99 acres, 75 acres In apples, 6 acres in pears, 6 acres in cherries, 12 acres in walnuts. Trees are 4-year-old tops. Pro nounced by authorities from the State Agricultural College to be tha 'finest young commercial orchard in Orecon. Adjoins city limits of good town, with .good schools and churches.. Price only $350 per acre, which includes $2200 worth or improvements. . CHESTER H. STARR. 1022 Board of Trade bldg. OREGON OFFERS. No better Investment than Jackson County's famous fruit belt. I have for sale several tracts there, ranging from 310 to b4u acres, price siu to so per acre attractive terms given; much of this land lies within the zone of Hill's proposed road i which is assured ; some is under water, some not far from "the famous apple tree," at price and terms you can make no mistake in buying this land. ZIMMERMAN, w21 Board of Trade bldg. KLICKITAT APPLHJ LAND. 320 acres, near Goldenoale; 15 acres bear ing .Spltttenberga and Xewtowns; Ai acres more planted this fapring; all fine land; all platted In 20-acre tracts; this can be sold at $150 to $200 an acre; a fine buy for M parties to pool and make a large profit; thia is as rom as anytmng st iHni Kiver and will produce .lust as good fruit, and the price Is only $50 an acre, on easy terms. Call and let xia ten you more anout tnis. HAAS A RINGLER, 211 Lewis Bldg.. Phone Marshall t47. APPLE ORCHARD SNAP. 10 acres apple land cleared, planted and cared for- in the most approved commer cial varieties; 50 trees to the acre; all guaranteed to be in good growing condi tion on delivery. Every tree will be worth $25 at least calculation In five years. Price for the 10 acivs $2500; one-fifth cash. Would sell half. For further information see Mr. Carr. S04 Lewis Bldg. 15 ACRES. 13 acres, all In cultivation; good, new house, barn, well; on main macadamized road, close to carline and steam line. 11 miles to Portland; all kinds of fruit and berries. Price, $730; $1230 cash, balance to suit. MOUNT HOOD LAND CO.. 712 Rothchlld Bldg. FOR SALS. 60 acres of the finest apple land in Oregon, in the famous Willamette Val ley, on Southern Pacific R. R.. Hi miles from Creswell. all cultivated and laid out In lO and 40 acre tracts. Why go tc Hood River and pay $10oo per acre when you can get as good if not better for from $70 to $S0 per acre on easy terms? For particulars call or write Alex Shives, SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland. Or. MOSIER APPL E UND. Buy now ana secure benefit of improve ments and advance in values; 10, 20, 40 acre tracts, $30 to $100 per acre; 20 per cent cash, monthly "payments. THOS. M'CUSKER, 39 LumbeVmens Bldg. FRUIT LANDS in famous Mosier and East Hood River districts. "We have some choice tracts, 10 to SO acres and larger, for sale very cheap. ll you are looking for orchard lands, see McCargar, Bates &. Lively. 315 Falling btng. 20 ACRES splendid fruit land. 3 acres cleared ; half balance slashed ; balance timber; small house and barn; running water; 1 hk miles from good town and R. R ; $1000. Terms. T. E. PWIER, 206Vs First st.-Room 3. 10-aCRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 23 miles from Portland; best oil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make selection; round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Fruit Lands. WRST MOUNT HOOD. PORTLAND'S SUBURBAN FRUIT DISTRICT. A section destined to be equally famous with any of the moet favored fruit beluu of Oregon. Pronounced by the State Hor ticultural Department and other fruit growing experts as ideal in every respect for anrles. pears and all small fruits. This magnificent, fertile country has lacked transportation, but we now have one elec tric road (the O. W. P.) within six miles of our land and the proposed Ml. Hood Roai, which will pass directly through the entire section; also the Mt. Hood auto mobile road, which is now under construc tion, and, when completed, will be one of the finest scenic "auto roads" in the world. all or write for illustrated booklet. It will explain why this section is so eagerly sought by careful buyers. The entire dis trict Is being i apicily settled by an Intel ligent, cultured class of people. - If you act promptly, we can offer you a choice selection of 10 and 2n-acre tracts at prices ranging from $40 to $UK per acre. Prices are advancing rapidly and It will pay you to Investigate this section at your earliest opportunity. If you are looking for fruit land or a site' for a country home. Just say the word we do the rest. CHAPJN . & HERLOW, W2 C ha m ber of Commerce. NO BETTER INVESTMENT. 3 and 30-acre fruit orchards, with 2 and 3-year-old trees, in the famous H'd River district, between Mosier and The Dalles, on the O. K. & N. main line; station and boat landing on the ground. Price $150 per acre up: one-third cash, balance u years. 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts garden land, all in cultivation; only 7 miles from a town with 20,4(00 population, with station and boat landing on the ground. Price $too per acre up: one-third cash, balance 5 yearly installments. Real Estate Department. K UNION BANK & TRUST CO., 235 Stark St., Portland, Or. MOSIER FRUIT LANDS. Ten-acre tracts at from $100 to $--" per acre, also larger tracts at from $100 per acre up In Oregon's choicest fruit belt. Full particulars on application. H! P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8000, A 2033. 12 ACRES in fruit, good house and barn, on canine, can be handled on $luoo casn. u. A. Riggs Realty Co.. 225 Fliedncr bldg. Miscellaneous. POWELL STREET, First-class business lot, 50 i feet from corner and carline, only $025; very easy terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. . $700. . Two lots. 40x100. on East 23d st., near Ladds Addition, for $700 each; $20 down, $ 10 per month. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. $600. Two lots on East 22d. near Ladd's Ad dition, for $0OO each ; ?20 down, $10 per month. No not es or mortgage. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. WESTERN CANADA people have risen to arnuence in the snort space of 3 or 4 years by investing their savings In th3 growing towns of Western Canada. Let me Invest some for you. I will make a careful selection. R. C. Bueknall. real estate broker. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage,- a wheat ranch or small, well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. 1. O. ELROD. S20 Corbett Bldg. : 60 ACRES of land right on the United KaiiwayB track ; tn is side or Cornelius Pass tunnel; a grand proposition for sub dividing; only $175 per acre. C. F. Pfiuger & Co., room 5 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. ICOxloo feet In Wellington; $100. $lo5 down. oaiance $i, per monin; a good investment. AF 979, Oregonlan. MADRAS CITY" property for sale by owner; nest investment in t.entrai, or. Aaaress Harry G. Key. Redmond. Or. For Sale -Farms. NEAR ESTACADA AND O. W. P. RY. 65 a c res ; 45 ac res in cultivation. 37 acres set to apples; land all comparative ly level, a gradual east slope; some bear ing fruit; good tt-room house; good large barn; 2 very fine springs; county road on two sides of place ; H mile to school ; 4, mile to church: 114 miles to O. W. P.; R. F. D. ; phone In house. Price $200 per acre; gooa terms. 49 acres; 1100 apple trees 3 years old ; some bearing orchard; 3 miles from Esca tada; R. F. D. ; 4 mile school; phone In house; large new barn ; large new 2-story house, 8 rooms; hot and cold water; bath, etc. Price $15,00O, with terms. We have some very desirable tracts or land close in to Eatacada, from one acre un to so. that are priced richt. In bu ying land in this district you are in a country where the soil is. the best on earth : rood roads. R. F. D.. telephone. excellent car service. Take a dav off and go with us to Inspect a few of these good xarm ouys. . so. CHAPIN & HERLOW. I 33i Chamber of Commerce. XjA A L iJAttjAl.&. 140 acres partly improved 4 miles from Dallas, per acre. 225 acres, near White Salmon; the best fruit land in Klickitat County, $55 per acre; -easy terms; might consider good city property. 35 acres of the best land in Clark County; well located, near school and not far from boatlanding and R. R. station; easy terms. 40 acres; a very choice little farm, half of which is thorough ly cleaned and in cultivation, balance easy to clear; this Is a dandy bargain: $4000. Last but not least Is an 11-acre tract close to the city limits, very hie h I v im proved, " 10 acres in walnuts 7 years old tnis boring, tne nneat young walnut or chard in the state; a splendid new house, cost $9500; modern in every respect: fine barn and other outbuildings; this Is one of the most beautiful suburban homes near Portland and !s complete In every respect; price zn.wu; terms, nan casn. ALFRED A. BAKER. 212 Abington Bldg.. 106 fr. Third St. FOR SALE SOME OF THE BEST farms In Clark County. Washington ; any size and terms desired. 70 acres, half in growing crop, balance easily cleared. 3 mues trom Kuigeneld on good county road; $400O will handle this. 35 acres, 12 acres in growing crop; new IS-room house : on Rood count v road. 3i miles from Ridgefield; can be had for $1500 cash, balance five years. $3500. We handle everything in the real estate line and nusiness cnances. VANCOUVER REALTY CO.. 810 Washington St.. Vancouver, wash. 200 ACRES 10 miles south of Kiilsboro and 8 miles from new E. R. R. 60 acres in a high state of cultivation; 130 acres in stump; good new 7-room house, 3 barns, about 3 acres of - bearing orchard, all newly fenced and cross-fenced, close to milk route: an Ideal stock or dairv m n, - plenty of outside range; this place, if taken the next 10 days can be bought I or t.nv a --, ii an. casn. VALLEY REALTY CO., 41 N". eth St. ao-ACRB tracts, unimproved, 2ft mile by lar and ohlcken ranches: well w&tri plenty of timber for all purposes, best ot on, do roc. ur b 1 tia 10 aa acre; aay terms. a nese are iqb cneapest tracts on the market and will bear Inspection. Call and arrange to go and see thenx. 31 1 ana si i .orDett oiog. 14 ACRES, half in cultivation, good fences. new -story residence, new barn, and other goon outoui lcungs. J fine cows, 2 dozen chickens, ikw buggy, farming tools and implements, on excellent graveled road and just two miles to station, close to Portland. Price $2150. Call or write J. smitn. &ij fnampcr or commerce. 10 ACRES In high state of cultivation good buildings of all kinds, fine friut and berries, all personal property goes with the place, on a fine road right close to Portland. On this place there is a run ning stream which affords good fishing. Price $5000. Call or write J. E. Smith, 513 cnamoer ot commerce. WALKING distance; new S-room. thorough ly modern residence, beautiful lawn, flow ers ana snruooery, aiso a numDer or bear ing fruit trees; full lot and fronts east. This Is within easy walking distance of th.i main- business part. Prke SUnOO. This is something unusually good for the money. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES in Yamhill County, near aston,' 9 acres in cultivation, small house and barn; good orchard; good soil; a snap at $1900: $000 cash. Call 191 4th st. LINCOLN County farm, 360 acre, at $6500. including stock; $25o0 cash, balance on time, 6 per cent. Addree O. G. Dalaba. Elk City, Or. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms- before buying; land shown tree. Olmstead Land Co., Salem, Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. CLARK COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. 21 acres, all fine soil, ro gravel, all level 12 acres in hlsrh state of cultivation. 5 acres slashed and seeded. 4 acres fine preen tim ber: 30 assorted fruit trees, in good con dition; strawberries. grapes. etc.; all fenced and cross-fenced : fine 6-room house, cot $1HK; barn 24 hv 40. 10-ft. posts; fine well and all outbuildings; one team young horses and harness, '1 cow, chickens. 2-horse wagon, spring wagon, mower and rake, cultivators, disc har row, plows, hay fork, all smalt tools; 6 miles from Vancouver, on good road, near school, sma.lt town and car line. Price $5K0; Half caMi. Or will sell lo acres of this place, with buildings, for $3000. 10 acres. all fine soil, no gravel. -all level: 4 acres cleared, balance very easily cleared; 3-room house; new large barn. 2 wells and all outbuildings; 1 cow. 2 young heifers, chickens, cream separator, wagon, harness and all small tools: 0 mi les from Vancouver, in good locality ; mile from car line. This is & snap at $1550; $S00 cash. 10 acres, all excellent soil, no gravel; 35 acres cleared and in cultivation. bI ance. except 7 acres, slashed and seeded to pasture; :0o cords of wood. 22 fruit trees, in full bearing; all fenced and cross-fenced ; 2 good houses, on 4-rcom and one S-room, cost about $1200; fine, large dairy barn, cost over $20imi; spring piped to house ; good stream and all OUt l u! Utlngs : personal property consists of lO cows. 1 hull, 120 chickens. 2 fine horses (weight 3fiOO. 1 colt. 8 hogs, cream sepa rator, hay baler, hay fork, plows, culti vator, harrows,' new buggy, wagons, har nesses and alt small tools; 7 niibs from Vancouver, on good road and mile from school. Price $:U00; terms on part. STEWARD & THOMPSON. Lobby Hotel St. EIrro. Phone P33. Vancouver. Wash. FARMS FOR SALE. 20 acres close to Portland. y mile from station on Southern Pacific; lies along county road, all cleared. 5 acres rich cel ery land, some fruit, balance in grass, 3 good springs; new 6-room house and barn. Price $4500; good terms. 157 acres on Clackamas River, not far from electric line, lots of river front for water power; 3 4 ncs cultivated. 6 acres orchard. Good 10-room house and 4-room house, barns, etc. Acreage near this selling for $2 50 per acre. Price $1 25 per acre. Terms. Fine dairy ranch. Level. 1 5 acres in clover and grain, east f ao along good county road close to station on Oregon Electric, near Portland ; rich soil, lies level; will make fine chicken ranch or fruit and truck farm. Price for a quick sale $275 per acne. Will sell part or all anyway to suit. 10 acres, all planted to cherries, pears, apples, small fruits between rows, several acres strawberries, trees are 2 years old. On Oregon Electric, only 15 miles from city, IS trains dally, $50 per acre cash will handle this, balance Ions terms. Fine soil, beautiful location. When half paid will give mortgage and 5 years to pay up balance. This will allow the crops to pay for the land. 3 20 acres Chehalem Valley region, fine redshot soli, only 3 miles from station, about 20 miles from Portland. Good im provements, lots of fruits, about half cleared. Fruit land nar thi3 farm selling for $400 per acre. All kinds of tools and stock go with this place. Price $117 per acre. MOSSM AN-MNAIR COMPANY, 408 Commercial Club bldg. ' FINE 20-acre tract near Re?d Institute. overlooking city and near carline; only $2000 per acre. Fine 11-acre tract near Laurelhurst Park, where lots sell for $1500 to $3000 p-ar lot. If taken at once this tract can be had for $4 5.000; good terms. Fine lS5-acre tract on carline. 15c fare; lies well for platting; K0 acres in cultiva tion; good house and barn, running water. 320 acres, well located and platted in 5 acre tracts; lies fine, near 2 callings; 10. 000 or 12,000 cords of wood; only 12 miles from Portland; $135 an acre; good terms. We have a fine tract just planted to or chard " in that great apple belt between here and Mount Hood, near carline. We offer this land in 5 and 10-acre tracts at $300 per acre, and will cultivate the trees for three years and turn it over to you In fine shape ; one-third cash, balance 6 per oent. Fine 10-acre tract, well located, no stone or gravel; 300 "feet from carline station; wood enough to pay for place; $200 per acre ; J4 cash. Fine M block, E. 2fith. near carline, fine for business, fiats. $3 7 50; easy terms. Fine corner lot, E. Alder and 27th, $2250. 3 fine-lots, E. 23d and Pine; $1500 each. $250 cash each. CHARLESON & CO., Corner 2d and Washington. FLORIDA LANDS CHEAP. Would you Invest in a 5, 10, 0 or 40 acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, pecan or truck farm In Florida's best agricultural district if you could get it for $7-50 per acre under market price 7 We are just opening new tract in Columbia County, and while constructing the campaign will sell a few tracts on cash or easy pay ments of $5 per month. We have Just is sued a beautiful 20-page book, showing pictures of fields and dwellings in our lo cality, all in artistic colors. We will mall you this book free, and send you such other advertising matter as will give you a good idea of our proposition. Our land is convenient to three railroads, and we have Lake City, a modern county seat of 6000 people in our midst. People who know Florida consider our tract one of the Very best. It Is indorsed, by bankers. Congressmen, farmers and the Board of Trade. Prices very low; easy buying plan. Write for maps and book giving truthful description. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 450 Times bldg., St. Louis, Mo. BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha, Ala., first to be opened on the Washington & Choctaw Railway, in midst of thousands of acres - of magnolia landst, recently eold, now thrown open; settlers now fomii.s In; development will advance prices wonderfully; climate ideal; whole blocks In town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating buy ing Southern lands should Investigate this; the opportunity of living in town and trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beatd any small farm proposition any one could offer; early purchasers get In at haif price; easy terms, small payments; big op portunity for agents; write for plat and complete details. Washington & Choctaw Lan d Co., 600 Times bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. 160 ACRES. 9 miles northwest of city, near the United Railways. Cut this into 5-acre tracts and double your money. Price only $1 25 per acre. If taken soon. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Vi Stark st. Main 35. A 3500. 130-ACRE VALLEY AND HILL FARM. On Lewis River. 24 miles from Wood land. Wash.. 20 miles north of Vancouver and on N. Y. Ry. ; about half rich bottom land that never overflows and will please farmer, gardener or fruit man : splendid v ater-fall. 20 feet, ample for power; fine stream flows across the place; bottom land could all be irrigated if needed; poor 2 storv house, commodious barn, nearlv new? some good hill land for cultivation, some ror pasture ana an extensive stone quarry; the quarry and water power will, in the near future, sell for more than I nsk for the entire place; $ 7,100 buys the farm If taken soon; halt casn, balance easy terms. P. G. Lane. Woodland. Wash. WHEAT LANDS. 25,000 acres in Eastern Washington and Oregon; $20 an acre. We have others. One acre or thousands. 'It will pay you to see our list." HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 5 ACRES. Tehema Co., Cel.. all cultivated peaches, pears, figs; price $1000. ft40 a. Man. 550 a. cultivated, good births.; $37. .U an acre. Brick store bldg.. Barnesville. O., $7200 IfiO acres, Roberts Co., S. D., improved, r,fioo. IfiO acres. Ward Co., N. D.. relinquish-: ment for sale. 200 acres on Kootenay Lake. B. C, easv terms. For large list send for Investors Guide, N. W. tBusiness A g enc y. Min nea poll s. Minn. SO-ACRE FARM. 14 miles from Vancouver on N. P. R. R., 14 mile from station. 3' miles from elec tric road under construction; half clear; nil No. 1 black soil: balance easv cleared: few acres good timber; improvements burned out; living stream on place; on count v road. Sell or trade for Portland real estate. Price $50 per acre. Bv own er. Call 222 Alnsworth ave. Phone Wooo la wn 2otM. FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS! If you are looking for a good farm of anv size or Kina in urecon, wu nave it, and will give you the best value for your money and a square deal. Large list of choicest farms to select from. Write what you want to buy and how much you Intend to invest, and we will pick you out the best for the money. F. FUCHS. 21a Morrison st. REAL ESTATE. For Bali -Farms. CHEAP CH E AP. t 40 acres, 20 in cultivation, balance fenced for pasture, watered by fine creek,. l-i miles to goosl R. R. town. 30 miles to Portland; fair house, fair barn, 3 horses, 6 cows, double harness, wagon, separator, 1O0 bearing fruit trees, plenty farm tools. Price only $4000; $1000 cash will handle this place. JUST THINK. f0 acres. 3.1 cleared, balance pasture and timber, close to school, close to cheese factory, on county road, with R. F. D.; fine living springs on the place; well fenced and cross fenced; 4-room house, barn and other outbuildings; in Tillamook County; good neighborhood. Price $2000; $1400 cash, balance easy terms., LOOKING FOR A SNAP T Here it is. 20O acres, 3 4 acres In fine meadow, balance pasture and timber; about 50 acres level land, balance rolling: on main county road, with R. F. D. at door: phone line past place; good living water. small family orchard. 3-room house, large barn and other outbuildings. Only $325o and half cash will handle. This is in the famous Tillamook dairy region and will make someone a barrel of money. Bound to double in price In the next 2 years. - DAIRY RANCH. 13R acres. 4 miles to Woodland. Wash., on tine level road, faces on road ; 2O0 yards to school, milo to store and P. O.. U. F. D. past door; all bottom land : 5 acres in cultivation, balance fine pasture; orchard, 400 bearing apples; 'A acres prunes; cleared lands all fenced and cross fenced; good 10-room house, barn, fruit drier, wagon shed, workshop and other outbuild ings; 0 good cows, bull, span good mares, Brian drivinar hnniM. 2-var-old colt, hunch chickens, wagon, buggy, hack, 2 sets of double harness, single harness, 2 plows. 2 harrows, roller, 2-horse cultivator, mower, rake, root cutter, apple paring machine for dryer, beam scales, half Interest in spray outfit, cream separator, Babcock test; milk cans and all small tools and all crops included. Price $12,500. and half cash will handle this. If you have looked around until you are tired, let us . show vou what you have been looking for in this. CHITTENDEN, OTTO NETLL, Both Phones. 310 Oak St. CHOICE FARM BUY IN BENTON CO. Consisting of 672 acres. 90 acres In crop (wheat, clover, timothy, vetch and pota toes, about 150 acres of open pasture; the Marvs River and the C. & E. R. R- run through the place ; also several good liv ing springs. There are about 1. 500.000 feet of good saw timber besides $1000 worth of Al piling tlmr-r. There are two sets of buildings on the place. 17-room house and one 4-room house. 3 barns, 2 chicken houses, 2 woodhouses. fruit and storage room; the two sets of buildings lie separatelv, so that the farm could easily be divided into two places. There are two good family orchards, and with the place goes the following personal property: 1 team of mules, worth $600; 1 driving maw, 12 milk cows, 1 male Jersey. 60 head of sheep. 23 lambs, 2 sows. 1 male hog. 11 pltrs. 1 dozen chickens. 1 set of double harness. 2 wagons. 1 disc harrow, 2 plnws.l harrow (new). 1 mower. 1 rake, 1 self-hinder, half Interest in a thnsshing machine. 1 cream separator, and small tools too numerous to mention. This place is located, a mile and a half from 2 good railroad towns and Is the best buy in the localltv. Can be bought for $1.. 000. half cash, and the balance in fivo years at 6 per cent. It Is without doubt the cheapest place in Benton County. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133 1st st. 6:;r. ACRES in Yamhill County near M" Minnvllle; 320 acres rolling land. 3o0 acres are under cultivation lo hay and grain. ISO acres are In oak and fir. which is part of the rolling land. There is a house and 3 lirge barns on this place. All fenced with cross-woven wire, and $50 an acre will take it. with good terms. . r T t: A T V T I.4M4TH FALLS. 000 acres, a mile f rentage on Lost River- will ALL come under the east branch canal to be constructed this ni mer; 300 acres in grain, barley and oats, r.r.o acres cleared, thoroughly plowed, fenced, cross-fenced : house, barn and wluomlll. It has averaged as a ?ry fru better than 20 bushels to the acre. The crop goes with the place. Price $-0 per acre one-third down, balance one-third in two 'years, one-third in four years. Large list of improved and vacant -property in and around Klamath Falls. Farm property nd timber lands. Speculation and Investment. Give us a call- Branch office at Klamath. v SHEFFIELD R1ELY. 23 Russel B ldg..lfl2Vj 4th St. m ' LOOK AT THIS. 70 acres, onlv $900; very easy terms; 7 miles from good town, 4 miles from railroad, 35 miles from Portland: 10 acres cleared, old house, good soil, fine fruit land SEE THIS BARGAIN. ' 51 acres first-class soil, 20 acres under cultivation. 15 acres heavy timber, good family orchard. fenced. spring. phone. R F. D-. M mile to school. 6 miles from Carlton; good 7-room house, large barn, other buildings. Price only $2000. cash. HOW TS THIS? 157H acres. Clark County. Washington. t. mile from railroad station, good frame houw. other outbuildings, family orchard ; this Is in the fruit belt, near Portland. Price $5500. r GOOD TERMS. We have good farms at low prices. Call at our office. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Room 3. Washington Bldg. CMPQUA VALLEY LAND. 7300 acres, 1000 acres Immediately 1 11- . .'. .. .. o ,1 alfalfa lftnrl j a me ; ou muie - ---- - remainder fruit and grazing land; of outrange; some iihiui..v, . . a 1 1 rm CAiithorn Pacific waieren ; o im . . - and 15 from Rosehurg. Could be sub divided at profit ; $1 an acre, spread over 1U years w t We have others. One acre or thousands. "It will pay you to see our list. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LEWISTON IRRIGATION LANDS, con RO0 acres in the famous Lewlston fruit belt Four miles from Lewlston, Idaho; adjoining land that was platted in., and 10-acre tracts four years ago. at $200 per acre Cheap power can be developed rlcht on the place, which will pump all n,parv for irrigation purposes. Lend all cleared and In cultivation. Pro duced 48 bushels of wheat to acre last vear This land comprises an estate and the heirs authorise us to close same out at once for $S0 per acre. Cash required. $20,000. Buy now and get this year s WheatFR?CK-nOCDS COMPANY, 310 Lewia blrtg.. 4th and Pali ets. r.i.iiTu ivr. RPKCIAL FOR FARMERS. 10O ner acre for one of the best farms of "71 acres around Portland. There is about worth of personal property coin with, and as a money-maker It can r.ot be beat. $1 0(X cash, balance 6 per cent S years. Fine running water and fine 'buildings: bist of Boil; clears about $5000 a year. Oet particulars at F. FITCHS. -1 Me Morrison st. n ippe; Una land. 40 minutes from city by Oregon etectrlc. 18 trains dally, reached i also ny c-uumi. ' ...... switch on land; house, fine barn, young apple orchard and small fruit: 50 acres cultivated, half of which is beaverdam. good to farm or plat; can be bought at price of unimproved land from owners. 201 Swetland bldg. "" " SMALL FARM CHEAP. On Oregon Electric, 20 acres; fine soil; 10 acres seeded to oats; fenced and cross fenced 4-room good cottage; good barn and outhouses; family orchard, big well arid spring: adjoining school; can give im. med'at- possession: owner going away: will sell at sacrifice: price, 3000. Call room MS Abington bldg. THE big land show to be held next No vember tn Chicago, under the auspices of the Chicago Tribune, will have ex hibits of land products from every state in the United States: every responsible land compiny will have an exhibit; space in this show Is not sold to wildcat com pantes. If you want land, visit this show. BASE LINE ROAD. ' Ten acres, 6 acre in cultivation; 3-room houee. small bam; fSOOO; 10o0 cash, bal ance 3 years. A6 Pernt- 618 Board of Trade Bids., Fourth and Oak Stw. 22 ACHliS, all In cultivation; 6-room house, (food barn, all machinery on place, on Section T,Ine Road; half cash, balance 3 years. 6 per cent. y A. J. GANTNHJR, 61S Board of Trade Bldg., KourTh and Oak Pis. 10-ACBE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad, 5 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock: $44 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to (to and make selection; round trip same day. 330-311 Corbett bldg. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. IrtO-acre farm. 35 acres In cultivation, pood house and barn, about 8000 cords of wood on place, 3 miles from Kalama. $40 per acre. Imus & Klndorf . Kalama, "Wash. HERE'S A DANDY FARM. CLOSE IN. close to station, and the finest soil in the world. Raise anything. $13 per acre. Can't tell it all here. Come and see me about It. S. T. WAI.KRR, 5Q4 Corbett bid?. FARMERS are headed for Missouri In corn, blue irrass farms: Rood cheap land for home-makers. Missouri State Board Im migration, Springfield, Mo. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. SALEM REAL. ESTATE. 82 3s acre U miles from Salem In the I.lbertv and Rosedalo fruit districts, on the best rock road In Marlon county; 250 acres cleared. 130 acres fine piling and telephone pole limber, conservatively estimated O.OOO cords of wood: 100 acres fine peach land, srray sandy loam; land stllinu all around this piece from i5 to tl-Jit per acre with nothing on it; land is hiRli and all rolling, no tiner fruit land in Oregon: Oregon Electric survey to Eu gene passes within hi mile of tho place, with elrong chance of passing through it. Price Sr per acre; terms, half down, balance 0 per cent. 170 84 acres 4V, miles from Salem; 1 level. 63 rolling; U7 acres under cultiva tion, balance oak and fir timber; 500 ap ' pie trees; 110O prune trees, set out this year: good 6-room house, cost $120O; barn 4ox60; family orchard In full beariiiR; '2. acres timber and pasture; $7600; 4o00 down, balance 6 percent. 76 07 acres near Independence; 2.") In cultivation. lO in young apple orchard tycllow Newtowns and Pippins); 30o cords of oak wood. 25 acres cut oft. Price $31 per acre: half cash, balance on time. tr l:io a, res in Marion county, dlrect lv across the Willamette from lndepen-ffn,.- j.-. airM iti 1iot.s. 70 acres clear: 2 hop houses 24x24. 1 hop house 2x2: cooling house. :l"xr0; hops all trelliscd. Price 1 11,000; 0O0o down, balance 6 per cent. 1H9 202 acres at Independence; 20 acres trcllised hops; land all clear; one-third is In grain; house and barn. Prico io per acre; half down, balance 6 per cent. 147 2S0 acres 15 miles from Alsea, Lin coln county: "0 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture, which can he easily cleared; 5-room house. In good con dition; 2 barns, one Is 6Ox0. the other 28x70, will accommodate 42 cows: all bot tom and bench land; 7 miles from tide water on Alsea bav: a fine dairy ranch. Price JSOOO; half cash, balance 7 per cent. 200 2."i0 acres, all fenced. 3 'A miles from McMinnvllle: half cleared. 60 acres in grain, balance good oak and ash tim ber; 100 acres of level and bottom land, balance rolling red soil. Price :i0 per acre for a short time only. 201 311 acres, 200 under cultivation; fine house and outbuildings: 40 acres pas ture, balance good nr and oak timber: no waste land rich red loam soil good either for orchard or grain raising; 1 miles from Salem, 4 miles from R. K station: land In this vicinity sells for and 100 per acre. One of the finest farms in Waldo Hills. Price $70 per acre. D. H. RABB & CO.. 1G8-170 North Commercial St.. Salom. Or. . LA1DI.AW ON THE MAP. When Louis W. Hill visited Laldlaw on his recent tour through the Deschutes Valley, among other things he said: "I did not know you people had such a good country in this section contiguous to the Oregon Trunk Line. T have heard a great deal, of knocking against Laldlaw and the Laldlaw District on my trip and wondered why it was. Now I understand, for other sections are jealous of your country. You mav rest assured that in the future the Laldlaw District will receive due recog nition from thi Oregon Trunk Line." It Is said "every knock la a boost, which proves true concerning the wonder ful resources of the Laldlaw District. The Laldlaw Development League Informed Ilr. Hill that tho Laldlaw District raises 110 per cent of the agricultural products grown in the western part of the county. The greatest opportunities to be had In the Deschutes country are In the Laid law and Cloverdale sections. Rich soil, ideal climate, and abundance of water for irrigation makes this the "irrigated garden spot of Central Oregon." We sell improved and Irrigated lands In this district at from ?:(." to 75 per acre in tracts of from lO to 640 acres. This is for deeded. improved, irrigated land. Deschutes Valley Land & Investment Co., ;iol-:io2 Buchanan bldg., on Washington nenr r.th st. Local office. Laldlaw. Oregon. 10-ACRE FARM. This 10-acre farm will bring you larger returns than many mil-acre .farms will; 15 miles from Portland, adjoins good country town, school, church and store. In a thickly settled neighborhood two miles from electric carline; same line has been surveyed close to this farm: good graveled road: heavy sediment soli, us ually called beaverdam. all clear and In a high state of cultivation. You can be gin at once to get the largest returns In growing onions, asparagus, celery. etc. Similar tracts have yielded up to SS0O an acre: cost $l.Tp per acre tirst cost to clear this land; sawmill mile from this tract; one acre of timber for fuel and a town lot SOxloO go with this farm, giving you 11 acres In all; spring water can be piped for house use. Price $l!loo, half cash, bal ance 6 per cent; easy payments. M E. THOMPSON & CO.. Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. .Main wm. .-i 50 CRES. 20ln cultivation, all level and gentlv rolling. 15 good heavy timber, black soil "all fenced. 7-room house, good, fair barns; ti-mile to school, R- F. D-. Phone: 6 miles to fine town; only $1000. half CS$tii00 for 175 acres. 60 In cultl.. fine orchard, creek and springs, lies fine, black soil 7-room house and large barn, phone and R. F. D. : $310O cash, balance to suit. 20 acres, 4-vear-old walnuts, $250 per acre fine condition, good location, best of soil: must sell quick, need all cash. CHAPMAN, 5i72harnberofCommerce as MILES FROM PORTLAND. 100 acres, flue land: SO ACRES LEVEL and 80 acres gently rolling; 40 acres fenced. 25 acres cleared and In crop. Z acres orchard. K-year-old. fine condition: 8-room house 2 barns. zooA well and splendid springs; on county road; postof flce :t mile-s; deep black soil. Price. 20 iXt acre! crop included. THERE IS AB SOLUTELY NO BETTER BARGAIN THAN THIS FARM TO BE FOUND IN lXVErtTMENT CORPORATION. LTD.. Ml'i. nMMlnutu'" FOR SALE Highly Improved farm of 14 acres, located 1V mil of Jefferson on county road; land slightly rolling, all good fruit and grain land: joins the bantlam River- electric line survey from Salem to Albany through place; line house and barn, water system; 20 acres of orchard, apples, pear peaches and prunes: about SO acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber. Price $8) pt acre; would accept sime de sirable Portland property a part pay. Ad dreas owner. J. J. Kur.tx. Jefferson. Or. -. ACRKS 40 in cultivation; a perfect garden- satdy loam soil, bordering river, new cottage large barn. fine water, good fences, cream route. R. F. D. 3 to town o mi es Portland. 20 -ons hay. car line soon to run past place. 7 miles now com peted and in operation. This soil is a wonder and land Ilea beautifully. I will put ths land against anything in this Country. Price $4250; 3oo0 cash, balance CHAPMAX. 517 Chamber of Commerce. ' BIG SNAP. S40 PF.R ACRE. Improved Willamette Valley farm, near lively R. R- town ot 4O0O people and on jnairi county road: good soil;. 120 acres and all the crop at $40. This Is going rjulrk. Come In tomorrow and get de tails. , A. K. HILL. 41'J Henry Bldg. A CHOICE mock and dairy farm consisting of 440 acres-, well watered, fenced and equipped with superb building-. Is offered for sale the first time; price 2 per acre; this old homestead is a fine proposition for man with family; la situated in L.inn Co., near Lebanon; investigate it and buy of owner. For particulars call for D. G. Crow at the St. Charles- Hotl. from 9 to 12 A. M. 200 CRES. all cultivated but 25 acres tim ber 2 sets buildings. 30 miles from Port land, right adjoining fine -town on R. R. with warehouse, fine stores, .schools, etc.; 173 acres wheat, oats, vetch and clover, 80 acres heavy bottom land can be irri gated; $ir;o per acre; easy terms; 1-3 of croo oes. A beautiful place, f HAPMAN, MT Chamber of Commerce. A REAL snap If taken at once, 15-acre fruit farm near Rosehurg; am a widow and alone and can't take care of it. All crop and garden in and producing; everything In good condition; well worth $9000, but If sold now will take $7300, which In cludes all crops and farming implements; terms. For particulars address L. B., 411 S. Kane st.. Rosoburg. Or. 4-o ACRES, clone to Forest Orove, mostly all bottom land, 230 acres In cultivation, closo to station on railroad, fine for sub dividing; fr next 30 days crops go with the place, except 20 acres hops; price $110 ner acre; terms; will tako city property for part pav. Mossman-McNalr Invest ment jCoJOSJojrnmerch Club bldg. 10 ACRES, only 45 minutes' ride from Port land and 5 minutes walk from station, all seeded, and buyer takos one-third of the crop; partly fenced ; $00 per acre; easy terms. J. G. S A N DE RS, J 2 7Lumbermen8 Bldg, THE COMET LEFT THIS 4 W acres with about :.O0 12-y'ear-old trees: apples, pears, cherries and prunes, strawberries, loganberries and raspberries; fine 7-room house, good barn, fruit dryer, all for $."tSQQ': a cash. AJ 91. Oregonlan. BEST 80-acre farm In Willamette Valley; r R Matlon In center of tract, all In cul tivation; will sll cheap or trade for Port land property. J. H. Johnson, owner, 415 Board of Trade bldg. GREAT BARGAIN'. Washington wheat land. 3200 acres, $6.50 per acre; your last opportunity to buy at this low figure. Address G. F. Peek. 506 Lumber Exchange. 18 ACRES, all In crop. 5 acres of hops. 4 acres clover. 9 acres timothy, well fenced, only li mile from town; $100 per acre. Including the crop. j j. SANDERS. 427 Lumhermens Bldg. A BARGAIN. 120-acre farm, house and barn, on Base Line road. lO acres cleared. Inquire own ers. Baron's Shoe Store, 230 Morrison su REAL. ESTATK. For Sale Farms. A IJST OF FARM RVYS WORTH INVESTIGATING. 75 acres, well improved, 20 mllca north of Portland, on the Columbia River; in cludes stock and machinery; (7o0o; good terms. 40 acres, fine farm land summer home, on the Sandy River; considerable commercial orchard: worth your while investigating; 22 miles cam of Portland. Price, $0wo. Terms. SO acres. 2" miles south of Portland, on the Willamette River; 12 acres GBNUINB BEAVER DAM; half cleared; fair build ings; no better valley land; three-quarters of a mile to electric railway. Price. $lo.o.H, Including stock and machinery. Good terms. HO acre, 55 miles south of Portland, half mile to s. P. Railway; fH acres in fruit, 20 acres bearing, 20 acrej. In Vetch, 12 acres oats, 2o acres pasture:, no waate land: a creat farm and dirt cheap at tl,5oo. Good terms. 5o0 acres on the Clackamaj". 22 miles southeast of Portland; l.'rtl acres cleared; land lays on two benches and practically level. Trice, $75 per acre. 2'U acres. 17 miles wwt of Portland. .!1 In cultivation except 25 acres in fairiy good timber; good 7-room . houise, 2 barns, numerous springs. You had better . look this over. Price, $150 per acre. 28 acres: 117 acres in cultivation. 19 acres in orchard; 3 wells. numerous springs; 2 houses, 1 hop house. 1 barn: one mile from depot; R. R. through place; half mile from Willamette River; 10 mile south of Portland; 60 acres in vetch. fi acres wheat, 15 acres barley, all kinds of fruit, good commercial orchard. 8 acres hops. The orchard on this farm will soon be worth $MH per acre. AH crops go with place except hops. Price, $lo per acre. Will accept good Income Portland prop erty to the value of $2o,oo0. Preserve this list and call at our office for full information. We make a specialty of good wheat farms in Eastern Oregon. CHAPIN & HERLOW. JI 332 Chamber of Commerce. FIN E DAI K Y FAR M . S10O PER ACRE: TERMS. 27I acres 4 miles from Oregon City and. 1 inlie from boat lanmnir and b. I. oepoi 175 acres in high state of cultivation; crop all In, including clover, wheat, oats. :to acres not a toes. etc. The sou is ail ricn black sandy loam; not a rock or bit of gravel on it : lies fine, just rolling enough to be well drained, and every foot is potato land. Five acres more tan be cleared at little expense. All place is fenced with eood fence. nartlv woven wire. New red barn. 80x150. with full concrete floor. 25 head thoroughbred Jersev cows: Jersey bull: five head nnc. big. young horses; 230 chickens; 20 head of hogs; all farming machinery new. in cluding wagons, ouggies, piows, mowers, rakes, etc.: 0ou0 worth of stock and im plements on nlace. Living- water; spring piped to house: good 7-room house; grain and. hay enough to last ror year; miut house. cream separator, phone, R. F. etc. This Is a complete dairy farm one of the best in Oregon. Has income of Jj30oo to 5UOOO per year, ana couia De increased. Call and let us talk with you about it. BLRK-MAIDBK CO.. 3ort-:iuS Board of Trade. CLARK COUNTY FRUIT AND DAIRY FARMS. 40 acres 30 under the plow; 3 wells. gcod family orchard, 8-room house, barn ;oxM, schoolhouse on place; l mne: of Brush Prairie, 9 miles out from Van couvtr; electric car line surveyed past -nlace. built within 2 miles of nlace now; 10 head of Jersey cows, all farm tools. all crops go with place. j-riee oniy ..tm, half cash- balance to suit at 7 ner cent. 1 his place is very cheap at the price of fered and will sell for $1000 more in less than S months. 15 acres All cleared, and finn fence; 4 acres in good orchard ; fine 8-room house fine barn, a good anDle house, root cellar. fruit cellar, well and pump. This place is well Improved, only 4 mile from electric car line, nair a none ot graaea scnooi, o -j miles from Vancouver. A snap at S430O. The owners must have money and offer this fine nlace at y:JSOO: S2.00 raoh. bal ance in 4 years at 6 per cent. This price for a few days. We have a fine farm list. See us before buying. D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO.. 510 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash A PARADISE FOR STOCKMEN. 2881 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced well watered with running water ami springs on each section: 2u acres in crop aood house, barns, corrals, etc.: convenkin to nostof flee, schoolhouse and store: an ideal ranch ; can easily cut 1000 tons of wild hay per annum; only $12. O an acre 300 head of high-grade cattle at $25 per Ik ad and a few good horses cheap. Thi price includes all farm machinery, sad dles ana otner rancn equipment; tnis is an ideal place for a stock ranch and Is a great snap for anyone wishing a stock ranch ; over 50 per cent of the land is nrst-ciass wneat iana. IDE-M'CA RTHY LAND COMPANY. 425-426-427-429 Lumbermons Bldg. SELL OR EXCHANGE. 373 acres. 22 miles north of Portland a arand dairy farm ; 32n acres cleared '6-room house, new barn for 0 head cat tle, good outbuildings. 2U acres orchard 3 horses. 60 cows. 2 0 calves and heifers 1 bull. R. R- through farm, 2 miles to good town, cheese factory; on main coun ty road ana miiK route : j. wagons, nar ness. plows, harrows, cultivators, mowing mar nines, etc. -ruv inciuning siock $3 4,000: $5000 as first payment; wll accept good city or farm property; re markably easy terms cart be had on bal ance. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT RANCH RF IN GILLIAM COUNTY. 640 acre. 4rtO acres in wheat; abundance o: good water. Price $12.50 wr acre, half cash The cron should pay ror mis place. 800 acres, half wheat, half Summer fal low, fair houae, water system, gaj engine, Price $25 per acre. ;:20 acres. 120 acres barley, lfo acre wheat, 6-room house, good prospects for 2500 stacks or grain. Price $ls.oO per acre. We have all kinds of wheat ranches. CHAPIN & HERLOW. M 332 Chamber of Commerce. THIS LAND IS TRUE VALUE. 160 acres. 16 miles Portland. ' MILES FROM ELECTRIC LINE and good town 8 acres cleared, 100 acres VERY EASILY CLEARED. NO LNUKKbttlSH; nnc springs; splendid deep black soil. Price $4000; only $1500 cash, balance to suit, WH l exenange ror foriiana property. AS A SPECULATION OR FOR DAIRY. I NO THERE IS NO BETTER LAND BARGAIN OFFERED. INVESTMENT CORPORATION. LTD. 280 H Washington St. Room 612. $40 PER ACRE. fiOO acres, near railroad : 433 in crop, Smr.mpr fallow. 5 orchard, no pas ture; unlimited spring water; large house and barn; crop goes o purcnaer. vn tdkA $12,000 in Portland improved prop erty or some good business; balance on terms to suit purcner. HATCH & S LOCUM. 402 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. 10 ACRES, about 1 i miies from Hood River, 8 Vi acres set to troes and a good many in oearing; some young trees; i acres good pasture with running water ; 1 acre strawberries between' tre?s, also a few cherries, pears and other small fruit; plenty of water with place, also farm tools, such as cultivators, plow, etc. this is a good buy: terms. .1. O. SANDERS. 427 Lumbvrmens Bldg. 65 ACRES right at station on OREGON ELECTRI LINE, well improved and all under cult: vation. If you want Something good at reasonable or ice see us about this tomor row. Easy terms. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. TEXAS school lands; the state of Texa has millions of acres for sale : $1 to $ per acne ; only one-fortieth cash. 40 year: on balance ; 3 per cent interest ; good farming land; some (ion t require resi dence. Send 6c postage for further in formation. Journal Publishing Co., box 225. Houston. Texas. MOLALLA VALLEY FARM. 20 miles from Portland; 120 acres sandy loam aoil, 45 acres in crop. ;$ acres in or chard, balance pasture: best of improve ments; near Canhy. Only $0500. Hed- rick & Co.. 40B Board of Trade bldg. 12 H -ACRE - chicken ranch at station of Barton, Cazadero - carline, fiOO chickens, cow and team, horses, terms If desired. Address or call on Geo. Warfield. Bar- ton. Ore. DAIRY RANCH. On Columbia River and R. R., fully stocked and on terms to suit. A. L. DUXDAS, 224 Lumber Exchange. Main 5fl4n. CLOSE to Portland; 70 acres of finest land, 30 acres clear, balance In fine timber; land Is all level; 2 nice clear springs; only $300 per acre. See C. F. Pflugor & Co., room 5 Mulkeybldg., 2d and Morrison sts. ACREAGE SNAP. On Salem Electric, close In, partiallv Improved, and running water; only $200 per acre. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Cham ber of Commerce. 1000-ACRE Wheeler Co. ranch, complete; $10 per acre. J. W. Curran, Failing bldg. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale FARMS. WE ARE PORTLAND'S headquarters for FARMS, of which WE MAKE A SPK rialty. Before, buying that FA KM come in and bee our Lli-T. Blow are a few of our rpeciaities which we submit for your appro a I : 6 ACRES. 5 acres under cultivation. 1 acre of or chard, ail tended. lis level, tine sprint, black soil, new jrottage, near trout stream, Vs mile from school, close to store. R. I" D. and telephone service; ail . lor $125). Terms to suit. 16 ACRES. This elegant iarin home, .with a new modern 5-room c-oiag. barn ;ox4S. good chicken-house and pirk. line r..'sor;ed or chard of apples and other fruit and ber ries, land lies tine. 7 acres of first-class beaverdam land, part of which is in crop; 2 good wells; s -arrcs in oats, timotny and clover; bouio cord wood. This iract con sists of 10 aero. 12 acres under best state of cultivation, balance of land nearly cleared. Personal property: Good horse, cow. wagon. bUKKy. plow, harrow, culti vator an 1 smail tools, including $" tele phone stock, telephone in ho.;se. This is a "No. 1 place, only 4 1 mil a from Van couver, on good road, and only 40 rods from station on S. Y & S. K. ft. Price, $o.SoO; $2."iOO caslx. balance to suit. 104 ACRES. This tine farm. consiM ing of 104 acres, with 63 acres under cultivation and iti crop, l." acres seeded. 25 acres green tim ber. 14 acres of orchard. 5 acres of which are apples of the best varieties ami in full bearing; good .Vroom cottage, with porches; new barn. oiixSO; new fruit drvrr, all fenced; good well at the house. 160 barrel cistern at tho barn; church ad join place. 4 mile from school ; K. F. D. and telephone service. This soil is black loam, and the best. Including personal property. 5 fresh milch cows. pig. chickens, good young team t weiyht 2S'mi pounds, and worth $00 0). 2 sets harness 1 1 new), 2 wagotus (.1 new , spray tank, plow, bpike and spring-tooth harrows, hay rake, mower, cultivator, single and double bhovel ii low. cream separator., -cider rr'r,. set of grocery scales and a!! household furniture. Including new range, carpets, etc., and other articles too numerous to mention. This place is situated 4 miles from railroad town, on Columbia River. 20 miles from Portland. i; miles from Van couver, on a fine graveled road. Prico $1J5 per acre; $.Hf.Mi cash, balance per cent. The orchard alone on this place will pay lO per cent on the price asked ior this farm. 142 ACRES. This fine home, consisting of 142 acres of first-class soil, with SO acres under cul tivation. oO acres can he cleared for i-0 per acre, balance in good green fir tim ber; all newly fenced; ti-rooin house, bain 4sxr0. with sheds, good outbuildings; 2 acres of assorted orchard in full Dcaring; ,& of a mile from school ; living stream and good well; It. F. IX and telephone service; 2 miles from railroad town and t miles from Forest Grow; C.'i acres of this is fine bottom land and i lea red ; 20 acres of beaverdam; un ideal ranch. Prica $73 per acre. Will take port land proper ty as part payment to the amount of $:ioU0; terms on balance to suit. 100 ACRES. 25 acres under cultivation and seeded to oats and clover, balance of land is good pasture, 1 acres of orchard, consisting of apples, pears and cherries; all kinds of smajl fruit; enough wood on place to pny for land : good house, barn 22x4 o. wti ii sheds; tine spring and stream, water pined to house. This place is located ."i'a miles from Portland on a R. F. D. route; tele phone in the house; telephone stock goes with the place. Price -.'700 ; terms. THOMPSON & SWAN. 110 Second St., Portland. National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. FARMS. FARMS. NEAR DRAIN 240 ACRES. IX) under cultivation, balance in good taw timber: elegant soil; fair buildings; $is per acfe. 1 want t, see how many 'wise ones' there are who know a gen uine snap. Woodlawn I S U. FOR BALE TIMREB LANDS. THREE MILLION FEET A-l cordwood proposition, fin-a straight timber; 80 acres choice land. 10 in cultiva tion; car. sell separate; $4o per acre. Good terms. This is in the Eagle Creek applo orchard district. Set this to orchard. nd 20 acres will sell for enough to pav for the go. MT. HOOD LAND CO., 712 Kothchild bldg. 167 ACRES, 6.000,000 feet spruce, cedar and hemlock .on Shoalwater Bay, Pacric County, Wash. Five million feet sturapage. piling and tie timber on driving stream; $2."u0. 80 acres piling and tto timber on Molalla River; $1500. T. E. DW1ER, 206 H First St.. Room 3. OVER 1.000,000.000 feet SO per cent yellow fir, all In a solid body, at S l .50 per M. Two lines of railway now building turouh this tract. Investigation by buyer will make a sale. Located in Tillamook Coun ty. Oregon, within 60 miles of Portland; b u yers only. W i S 2. UK-Ionian. ARE YO U LOOK1 N G FOR TIMBER? 1 2.000.000 feet fine yellow fir, price $sooo. 7.00O.000 feet good yellow nr. $;:.'So; some terms. Have lurge and small tracts at attractive prices. ZIMMERMAN, B21 Board of Trade bdg. ' FOR SALS. 80 acres, with l.oOO.ooo feet yellow fir, running water on place, half-mile off United Railway survey ; 10 m iles north west of Forest Grove for $1SOO; terms to suit. Address Elmer L) da. Gales Creek. Or. TIMBER FO R SAL E B Y T H E O W N K U. 1440 acres in Douslas County. Oregon, estimated at 3S.7oo.0no feet, red and yel low nr and some cedar. Price $82,000 U '.7'. Oiegonian. - 2tt. 00 0,000 FEET No, 1 tir all on adjoining tract for only 70c per M. Lane County, Oregon. Twp. 1 S., R. 7 W. This can be had on torms; no agents. Buyers only. W 9s4, Oregonlan. 4,000,000 FIR and vllov piyp in Wasco County, east or mountains ; a bargain ; mills close by: $1500. Address F. E. Cyr, Burbank. Wash. FOR SALE IGo acres' of of choice timber, 1 Vi miles from fine Summer rirt; land i splen did for fruit; price $4ah. Address- G. R Funk. East 13th, st. $2tHk RELINQUISHMENT. 6 to S million cedar and tir; provisions for 6 months. H. ps:t. Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE 7.000,00 ff-et of timber for stile. Call on or address H. C. Teel. Vancouver, Wash. : FOR SALE Half section fine timber la Southern Oregon; part time- AG U77, Ore gon I an. mm 7,000.000 PATENTED claim in Lincoln Co., for $:000iftaken soon. Ma Infill 14. 17 000 0OO YELLOW FIR for 45 cents. Phone Main 8314. FAR-MS WANTED. IF you have an unimproved place of 3o to 5 acres convenient to railroad or electric line, write me the particulars. 1 want something cheap; will pay $25 or $."X per acre; not particular as to the distance If land is good; not too rough. Write me a description of what you have. AF 975, Oregonlan. "KARMS WANTED. We have added to ofiioo fnrce one of the best farm salesmen in t he country. List your farms with us, giving full par ticulars. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Room 3. Wash Ing ton Bldg. WE have buyers wanting desirable proper ties; you have no commission to pay ; write us. American Investment Associa tion. $11 Palace bltig.. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED TIMRER LANDS. HAVE buyers for good timber; want a large tract in Silotz, Santiam, Lane and Doug las Counties. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. 204 McKay bldg. C. J. McC reckon. nAVrED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIPT FOR SALE Public. land crip, fully guaran teed ; can be used on any land open to home.ead entry; no residence required. L. W. Huhhell, SpringfleM. Mo. FOR RENT FARMS. CO ACRES under plow, ideal for potatoes-; io . acres In prunes and cherries, bearing; 5 mik.i from New berg, 2iS miles from Portland. AH 983, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WOULD llk3 to buy a lot 1n Rose City Park. Must be well located and cheap. State price and terms. AD DSS. Ure??o:nan. WANT bungalow or cottage of 5 or G rooms with full lot; can pay 1."H down. R 030, Oregonlan. WILL pav cash for fractional lot on improved street. 'Willamette Heiphi or Irvingun; owners only. N Mrgonian. WILL pay cash for apartment or rnoniing- houge: owners' only. R I'M. Ore gonian. W A NT ED " h ea p lot. Ea st S 1 1 i e ; nam prioa and location; cath. AL 13, Oresoinaa.