The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 22, 1910, SECTION TWO, Image 17

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Pages 1 to 20
NO. 21
Call for State Republican As
sembly Is Issued by Judge
George, Chairman.
Recommendation Made That County
Assemblies Be Held July 16,
Delegates to Which Shall Bo
Chosen at Primaries July 9,
Asserting authority directly from the
primary law for holding recommending
assemblies, as given to the party or
ganization, under direction of which
he Is acting. Judge M. C. George,
chairman of the Republican State Cen
tral Committee, yesterday issued the
formal call for a state assembly July
21 and a recommendation that county
mass primaries be held July 9 for the
selection of delegates and that county
assemblies be held July 16.
As set forth in the call at the time
of holding the rtate assembly, recom
mendations also will be made for Con
gressional and judicial district nomi
nees. The fourth judicial district of
the state, comprised of Multnomah
County, is excepted from that date by
omission. , This is owing to the fact
that it is the only district in the state
co-extensive with the county bound
aries and the recommendations will be
made at the county assembly.
The call, which is attested by Sec
retary E. V. Llttlefleld, is as follows:
Call Issued for Assembly.
Pursuant to the direction of the Republlc&n
State Central Committee. last chosen under
the provisions of the direct primary law and
authorized by law to make rules and regula
tions for the government of the Republican
party in Oregon, an aMembljr of the Repub
licans of this state, through their representa
tives to be elected from the different precincts
and counties, -is called to meet in the City of
Portland, Or.. Thursday, July 21, 1910. at 10
A. M., for the purpose of formulating and
adopting a party platform and to recommend
to the favorable consideration of the Repub
lican voters of this state the name of a can
didate, beat qualified, for each of the elective
state offices. Representatives in Congress and
judicial district offices composed of more than
one county, subject to nomination at the pri
mary election to be held on September 24, 1910,
as provided by law.
Tho .apportionment of delegates among the
different counties, as Axed by said committee,
being one for each 50 votes, or major fraction
thereof, of the vote cast for William H. Taft
at the last Presidential election, is as follows:
Baker 84, Benton 24, Clackamas 55, Clatsop
2, Columbia 25. Coos 37, Crook 18. Curry 5.
Douglas 42. Gilliam, 10. Grant 16, Harney ,
Hood River 15, Jackson 41, Josephine 19,
Klamath 13, lako 9, Lane 66, Lincoln 12,
Linn 44, Malheur 18, Marion 76. Morrow 14,
Multnomah 354. Polk 29, Sherman 9. Tilla
mook 12. Umatilla 47. Union 30. Wallowa 18.
Wasco 1T7. Washington 48. Wheeler 8. Yam
hill 40. total 1248.
No proxies will be honored in said assem
bly, but in the event of the inability of the
duly-elected delegates to attend from any
cause, their vote is to be cast by the mem
bership from that county, according to the
majority opinion of those present and acting.
It is recommended that County Assemblies
be held by the Republicans In each of the
counties of this state on Saturday. July 16.
and' that the meetings for electing dele
gates thereto be held on Saturday. July 9.
and that the delegates be elected in such
manner as the county central committee for
ach county may provide.
M. C. GEORGE. Chairman.
E. V. LITTLEF1ELD, Secretary.
Primary Law Gives Authority.
"I wanted to show." said Judge
George, "in the preamble . to my call
that there is ample authority- for hold
ing an assembly. The primary law"
provides for the election of county cen
tral committeemen and the election by
them of a member of the state central
committee from each pounty, explain
ing that these committees shall pro
vide for the government of their res
pective parties. In our case they have
provided for an assembly as part of the
party organization, and that Is why
the call is worded as it is."
That through the chicanery of mem
bers of political parties opposed to
Republican success, a mistaken idea Is
held by some of what Is meant by
the "assembly plan" of .making recom
mendations for nominations, is the
further statement of Judge George.
"The men who are opposed to it."
lie said, "are either, -as a rule. Demo
crats, Socialists, Populists, or have
succeeded to political preferment
through operation of the primary law,
without the assembly and fear the as
sembly will place the spotlight on them
too critically. Then there Is another class.
It is composed of those who are the
henchmen of the kind just mentioned."
In support of the honesty of Inten
' Second Big Week in Our
Diamond Jubilee
Celebrating Our 60 Years in Business
Two Page Advertisement
On Pages 8 "and 9, Section 1
tion of the exponents of the assembly.
Judge George calls attention to the
fact that most of the men who were
members of the executive committee
of the Direct Primary Nominations
League in 1904-06. which conducted
the campaign for the adoption of the
primary law through the Initiative,
now favor the assembly. ,
Many Republicans In Favor.
Included in the list of ' those who
are In favor of an assembly is A. L.
Mills, president of the league. Mr.
Mills was one of the first to And ob
jection to the direct primary law. This
objection was voiced by him at the
first meeting of the league after the
first trial of the law in the Spring of
1906. His chief objections then were
that It precludes the possibilitiy of a
poor man successfully making the race
for a state ofTlce and that every per
son having political ambitions or with
friends who had them for htm, whether
deserving or not, proceeded to liave
himself placed on the ballot without
any consideration off competency o, ac
quaintance. This resulted, he said,
in there being so many names on the
ballot that not infrequently utter in
competents were elected by bare plu
ralities, thus by an unusual process
accomplishing the very thing the pri
mary law sought to avoid.
Judge George also says the direct
primary law itself, through the cor
rupt practices act. contemplates the
holding of conventions. In support
of this he calls attention to sections 21
and 22 particularly of the law and gen
erally to half a dozen other sections.
Section 21 says In part:
No holder of a public position othsr than
an office filled by the -ofers shall be a
delegate to a convention for the election
district that elects tho officer or board un
der whom he directly or Indirectly holds
such a position.
Section 22 of the law says:
No 2erson shall invite, offer or effect the
transfer of any convention credential in re
turn for any payment of money or other
valuable thing. '
Primary Law Unsatisfactory.
G. B. Thomas, a member of the com
mittee, and at the time very enthu
slastio for the adoption of the primary
law, does not feel as kindly toward
the law as other members of the com
mittee. "I have this to say about it,"
he said last night,, "It is absolutely un
satisfactory. I have watched it and
have tried to believe In it, but It is ab
solutely sickening as It now stands."
Other members of the committee who
favor an assembly are: H. W. Scott,
Judge T. L. Harris, of Eugene: H. G.
Kundret. of Portland; ex-Governor
Geer and others who desired not to be
"There are good reasons for the op
position to the assembly of those who
are fighting it." said a member of the
central committee a few days ago.
"Chief among these are W. S. TJ'Ren,
of Oregon City, and Senator Bourne. I
need not say why they are opposed to
it. My previous remarks make their
reasons obvious. Others are John C.
Young, appointed postmaster of Port
land, under Mr. Bourne's patronage;
Thomas C. Greene, a Democrat; C. S.
Jackson, a Democrat; J. F. Welch, a
labor leader; C. E.. S. Wood, a Demo
crat; Frank Williams, a Populist, and
George B. Riddle, of Roseburg, a
Bourne appointee."
Supreme Court Finds No Saving
Clause in Criminal Code.
OLTMPIA, Wash., May 21. (Special.)
Although the record on appeal was
Incomplete, the State Supreme Court has
affirmed the conviction of murder in
the first degree of Charles F. Newcomb,
who killed Martin Kvalshaug at Ta
coma. The decision is of unusual interest in
that it determines for the first time a
large number of questions that have
been raised throughout the state In
criminal cases since the laws passed
by the last Legislature took effect. The
decision holds that the new Jury law is
constitutional and valid, with its di
vision of the counties into jury dis
tricts and its provision that none but
taxpayers may serve as jurors.
It holds further that there was no
open season for murder between March
22 and June 8, nor any other time-sav
ing clauses in the criminal code. While
under the rules the appeal might have
been thrown, out for lack of perfecting
a record, the Supreme Court went into
the case on its merits and holds that
there is no merit in any contention
raised by attorneys for Newcomb and
that he must hang, "
Public Trading Place for Products
to Cost $12,004).
VANCOUVER, Wasn., May 21. (Spo
cial.) Built on two sides of the North
Bank road, and connected with a pas
sageway under the track, the public
market of Vancouver is being con
structed, at a cost of $12,000.
It Is the plan of the promoters to
afford a large public market for Van
couver and Clark County Booths and
stalls are being built and in the market
will be hotels, eating-houses and places
where one may buy everything needed
to keep house. The farmers, fruit
raisers and truck gardeners will be
given space to meet the buyers, both
retail and wholesale.
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1. Captain Peterson, of Lost .Vessel,
. 2. Schooner J. Marhoffer-' on Beach.
Crew of Marhoffer Glad to Es
cape With. Lives.
At Albany Survivors Transfer to
San .Francisco Route, Clad in
Donated Garments, but All '
Make. Light of Misfortune.' -
ALBANY, Or., May 21. (Special )
thoroughly recovered from the hard
ships coincident to their escape from a
burning ship at sea, the officers and
crew. of the steam schooner J.-Marhoffer,
which burned off the Oregon coast
20 miles north of aquina Bay Wednes
day afternoon, reached Albany on the
Corvallis & Eastern train irom Newport
at noon , today. They remained . here
this afternoon and evening and left at
11 o'clock tonight for their homes in
San Francisco.
All the men regard it as remarkable
that 20 of the 21 people on the burning
vesel reached shore alive and survived
the hardships experienced -
"What did you do with the checks for
our baggage?" one man asked the
others as they passed the pile of trunks
at the Albany depot. With this and
similar remarks the sailors made light
of the los of all their posessions on the
burning ship. None of them saved any
thing. They left the ship only with
what clothes they had on at the time
and some of the engineers and firemen
were scantily clad at the time and are
now wearing clothes given them at
The party of survivors consisted of
Captain Gustave Peterson, Mrs. Peter
son, First Mate H. ' Johnson, Second
Mate C. Anderson, Chief Engineer
George Hastorf. Assistant . Engineer
James Kane, Firemen Su'.livan, Sheri
dan and Murphy, Steward George Wich
enden and Seamen N. Suni, S Stolswig
E. Steffens, A. Penny, N. Nelson, C. Jen
sen. E. Slgosky, J. Smith, C. Wirtanen
and N. Rastof.
Heroine of Marhoffer in High
Spirits Over Escape.
NEWPORT, May 21. (Special.) The
crew of the wrecked steamship Mar
hoffer left for San Francisco this morn
ing. Captain Peterson was suffering
slightly from an injury to his left el
bow, which was badly, cut, he having
concealed the fact from his wife and
others for two days.
Mrs. Peterson, tho heroine of the
wreck, was in high spirits. She said
that at times she can hear the loud
voice of her husband as he directed the
men, all of whom, she says, behaved
gallantly when It looked like death to
and Captain Wei lander, of Life Savers.
3 George Hastorf, Chief Ensineer.
them all. - She and t the captain are
very grateful to Captain Wellander, of
the lifesaving station, and his wife, by
whom they were cared for.
Mrs. Wellander lent some of her best
clothes to Mrs. Peterson, whose wear
ing apparel, like- that of the others,
was lost.
The officers and men also thank Will
iam Cohn, Mrs. and Miss Greenwood,
Charles Lovegreen and A. Wing for
their, assistance with, food when all
were' stranded on the beach.
While at the funeral a team broke
loose and pulled a wagon over a bank
into some small trees, where It upset.
The sailors righted the wagon and car
ried it back to the road, but refused
to touch the horses, ' which were not
injured. i
"Look out for those damn straw
burners," remarked one.' "Sou never
can tell when they will kick your
head off or eat you up. We will walk
back to town."
Woman's Auxllliary Holds .Meeting
to Make Arrangements.
The "woman's auxiliary of the Oregon-
Pioneer Association held its first
meeting to arrange details for the an
nual pioneer banquet, at the residence
of Mrs. C. M. Cartwright, president,
last Thursday afternoon. In addition
to Mrs. cartwright there were present
Mrs. John W. Minto. vice-president:
Miss Nannie E.- Taylor, treasurer; Miss
Anna M. Cremen, secretary; Mrs. Ben
ton Killin, Mrs. D. P. Thompson, and
Mrs., I. W. Pratt, executive committee;
Mrs. Herbert Holman, auditor, ' and a
number of other members of the auxil
iary. A spirit -of enthusiasm pervaded
the meeting, and numerous offers of
donations of food were sent In by tel
ephone, i
All the transportation - companies
centering in this city have ' agreed to
give reduced rates (round trip for one
and one-third fares) on the certificate
plan, providing 50 tickets over any one
line are sold within specified dates,
which will be annbunced hereafter. De
tails can be secured, by application to"
George H. Himes, secretary of the Pfo-
neer Association, City Hall, Portland.
Pierce Riggs, of Rickreall. a well
known and prosperous farmer of Polk
County and a pioneer, has been in the
city for several days.
Xcw Garage, Land Office and Baths
and Laundry Begun.
VALE. Or.. May 21. (Special.) Con
struction work has begun on a new 3000
brick garage, in which is also to be lo
cated an auto repair shop and plumbing
shop. Pete DeFord, of this city, is having
the building erected on East A street.
About 20 autos are owned in Vale, be
sides a number of large machines now be
ing used on the Vale-Ontario, Vale-Bro-gan
and Vale-Burns automobile stage
lines, which all make their headquarters
in this city.
The foundations were also started today
for the $20,000 two-story brick building
to be erected by T. T. Neslen and in
which will be located the newly created
United States Land Office. A $15,000
bathhouse and laundry has also been
. ,
Grewsome Discovery Made on
Only Clew Is Message. Pinned to
" Grip May Have Ben Put Aboard
at Hoqu lam--Head and Throat
Marked by Carbolic Acid.
HOQUIAM. Wash., May 21. (Spe
cial.) On the train . which left Ho
quiam at 8:10 o'clock yesterday morn
ing was found in an old telescope bag
the dead body of a small baby which
had -been, killed with carbolic acid.
On the gripsack was fastened a white
envelope with these - words written
across one end in pencil: -"Please look
inside and handle with care."
The grip had been placed "under a
seat and-was not discovered until Cen
tralia was -reached. ' There. the con
ductor, ' Harry Stevens, picked it up,
and noticing the' instructions, opened
the bag . and made the grewsome dis
covery. The canvas telescope grip was
wrapped in a piece of new black oil
cloth six feet by four feet square.
Conductor Takes Charge of Body.
The conductor took the bundle to
the Centralia station agent, who noti
fied Coroner Strickland, of Lewis
County. " He promptly notified Sheriff
Payette, of this county. The body of
the babe was placed In Strickland's
morgue at Centralia and the Coroner
at once came to Hoquiam, where he
-was met by Sheriff Payette. The latter
at once started the machinery of the
county In an effort to find who so
cruelly treated an Infant.
The grip when opened sent forth a
reeking odor of carbolic acid. Examina
tion showed that the mouth and throat
of the infant, which was more than
three weeks old, was black, presum
ably having been burned and stained
with the deadly drug.
The body was well dressed with long
white clothes, with white stockings
on its feet. Apparently it had been
well cared for at some time in its
short life. The Coroner is positive,
however, that It was killed with car
bolic acid and does not think that it
died naturally. He believes its parents
were carrying it to some other city
for burial. The message on the bag,
he believes, makes it plain that it was
intended to abandon the body on the
train. a
Message Is Only Clew.
The message is the only clew the
officers have unless they can find where
the black oilcloth was purchased and
who bought It. The writing on the
envelope is probably ' that of a man,
but might be that of a woman. Ap
parently no attempt was made to dls
guise the handwrjtixur. The first word,
jv sjul ) . J tad
please." starts with a small "p." The
word "handle!' is spelled "hande" and
the word "inside Is epelled "insid.
Of course, there is no means of know-
ng where the telescope bag wrapped
n black oilcloth was placed on the
train. It might have been at Hoqulam
or at any place-up the line, so tho offi
cers will have much work ahead of
them. .
The Sheriffs of three counties, Che-
halls. Lewis and Thurston, will work on
the case and will not stop until they
have found the persons they believe to
have committed the murder.
Charles Clary, ci-Eiamlncr, Suc
cumbs After Brief Illness.
SEATTLE. Wash.. May 21. Charles
Clary, aged 66, formerly prominent in
state banking circles and at one time
National Bank Examiner for the dis
tricts of Oregon. Montana, Idaho and
Washington, died at his home here to
day after a brief illness'. He served in
the Union Army during the Civil War
as a First Lieutenant and afterwards
was brevetted a Captain.
Charles Clary was born -In Illinois,
coming West in the early nineties. He
was appointed National Bank Exami
ner for Oregon, Montana, Idaho and
Washington in 1892, and continued in
the ' service until 1902. He resigned
then to become president of the First
National Bank at Everett. He gave up
this position to go in the First National
Bank at Mount Vernon, Wash., in which
institution he bought an interest. Of
late years he has been in feeble
health and spent a part of last year
in the Old Soldiers' Home In California.
Mr. Clary was well known in Oregon
several years ago. He once closed a
bank at The Dalles., controlled by ex-
Representative Moody. For this action.
it Is said. Moody later succeeded in
obtaining his removal from the Govern
ment service, aitnougn ne later was re
instated. Mr. Clary is survived by a
widow, two sons and a daughter.
It Is' believed Mr. Clary died nearly
Prosecution, of Pe-Ell Dealers TTnder
"DryM Law Comes to .Xaught.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. May 21. (Spe
cial.) Pros-ecutlon of Pe Ell liquor
dealers who were put out of business
by the voting of that town dry a few
months ago has come to naught in the
Lewis County Superior Court.
After the saloons closed, William
Zaskovitch was arrested under a city
ordinance for violation of the state
law. It was alleged that he was guilty
of leaving liquor in a place within a
dry unit after It had been voted dry
under the local option law. Zackovitch
was tried before Justice Perry Watson
of Pe E1U found guilty and fined $75 and
costs. W. Gould and Tony Miller were
also arrested and fined $30 and costs
each for selling near beer.
The three cases were appealed to the
Superior Court. Zackovitch was found
guilty last night, after a three days
trial. The two cases against Gould and
Miller' were dismissed on motion of
Prosecuting. Attorney Buxton.
Storekeeper Must Pay $500 for Ob
jecting to Taking It Back.
CLYMPIA, Wash., -May 21. (Special.)
Julia Howell will get $500 because a
Hoquiam storekeeper talked rudely to
her when she tried to return a corset
her husband bought, according to a de
cision of the State Supreme Court today.
The decision of the court would seem
to Inicate that the corset was purchased
for the usa of the husband. She says
she tried to return it and secure the
purchase price when John Winters as
sorted It had not been sold at his store.
When she disputed this statement, Mr.
Winters used language which is alleged
to have been vile and opprobrious and to
have assaulted her.
She brought this suit and the jury said
her damages were worth $1200 but the
lower court cut $700 off and the Supreme
Court today affirmed the half-thousand
Captain Spencer Believes Idaho Is
on Eve of Development.
LTLE, "Wash.. May 21. (Special.)
Captain E." W. Spencer and a party
passed through Llye Thursday, return
ing from a fishing excursion up at
Maddock's. on the Big Klickitat.
Captain Spencer is a strong believer
In good mines, managed by good com
panies. He owns stock in a mining
property near the Idaho line that is
now paying good dividends and with
ore in sight to keep the stamps busy
for many years. He believers, the mines
and prospecting in Idaho are on the
eve of great development. As a pioneer
Snake River navigator, he has many
friends iere. -
Elma Fruitgrower Accused of Kan
sas Murder 1 2 Years Old.
ELMA, Wash., May 21. (Special.)
What is aserted to be a serious case of
mistaken identity occurred hero last
night when Sheriff Payette arrested
Henry C. Taylor, a prominent fruit-grower,
on the charge of murder, said to have
been committed by Taylor In Kansas 12
years ago. The arrest was made on tele
graphic dispatches from Kansas, saying
that the crime had been committed in
1S98. During this year Mr. Taylor de
clares, he was attending at Eastern col
lege. The sheriff refused to lock up Mr. Tay
lor pending further word from Kansas.
Accident in Toledo Electric Light
Plant Scares Comet-Garers.
NEWPORT, Or., May 21. (Special.)
As a result of an accident in the Toledo
electric light plant, the town will be
without current for 10 days. The gov
ernor on the engine worked loose and
part of the dynamo was hurled through
the roof by the belt.
People near by watching for Halley's
ccmct were thrown into sudden alarm
by the resultant fireworks, and there
was a great scampering. No one was
hurt sr.c the damage is $600,
Report Favors Purchase of
Willamette Locks at Ore
gon City.
Private Owners- of Adjacent Lands
Can't Dispute Federal Control of
Navigable Stream, It Is Ar- ,
piied In Report.
ington, May 19. At tho time the river
and harbor bill was under considera
tion in the House of Representatives,
no report had been received fropi the-
Army Engineers recommending the
purchase of the canal and locks at
Oregon City, or favoring the construc
tion of a new canal and locks on tha
opposite side of the Willamette River.
But while the bill was before the Sen
ate committee. Major Mclndoe was
summoned to Washington by the chief
of Engineers, reported in person on this
project, and on the basis of his report,
a letter was addressed to the committee
on commerce, recommending an appro
priation, to be used in connection with
a like appropriation by the State, for
opening the Willamette to continuous
and free navigation.
The item carried In the bill, as in
serted by the Senate committee, was
made possible solely by the report of
the engineers, the committee having
adopted the policy of inserting such
appropriations as were recommended
by the engineers.
The printed report of the commerce
committee contains the letter, under
date of March 22, 1910, on which this
appropriation was based. That letter
is in part as follows:
"A board of engineers authorized by
the act of June 13, 1902. after examina
tion of the canal and locks at Oregon
City, submitted a report recommending
an appropriation by Congress to pur
chase the existing canal and locks, pro
vided certain changes are made In the
structures, or the construction of a new
canal and lock by the United States,
and further held that their operation
for the exclusive benefit of navigation
would not Injure in a material manner
the operations Of the manufacturing
enterprises now in operation or con
templated at the falls of the Willamette
River; and as to the legal situation,
that the United States, if it should be
deemed necessary, has the absoluta
right to the entire flow of waters of a
navigable river, and It necessarily fol
lows that neither the Portland General
Electric Company nor any other per
son, except the United States, except
for commerce, has any valid and exist
ing right to the full, free and continued
use of the water of the Willamette
River for use of manufacturing enter
prises now located on their property.
"No action has been taken by Con
gress in pursuance of these reports
and recommendations.
"A provision for further examina
tion was inserted in the last river and
harbor act. In the meantime, however,
the State of Oregon has appropriated
$300,000 for the purchase or construc
tion of a canal and locks, contingent
upon a like appropriation by the United
States, and in default of action by Con
gress this lapses on January 1. 1912.
Under the state act the first levy of
$100,000 can not be made until the
1st of January following an appro
priation by Congress, so that the state
funds are not immediately available.
Up to the present time no satisfactory
offer for the sale of the existing canal
and locks has been made by the owners,
and It is not anticipated that in tho
absence of action to secure a site for
a new lock and dam the. Investigation
now in progress will secure any vol
untary offer at a price materially less
than that originally quoted. $1,200,000.
"The advantages which may be ex
pected to result f rom the enactment
of the proposed provision are as fol
lows: State Must Help.
"(a) It will secure tha state appro
priation of $300,000, whioh may other
wise be repealed at the coming ses
sion of the State Legislature, and in
sure the first levy on January 1 next.
"(b) It will put the United States
in position to treat with the owners of
the present canal and lock on a dif
ferent and more satisfactory basis, and
if a reasonable offer is not -secured
which will enable the United States
to purchase the existing canal and
locks and construct the necessary
diversion wall to separate the canal
from the water-power Intake at a to
tal cost of $600,000, condemnation pro
ceedings can bo instituted on the east
bank of the river and the cost of the
right of way determined upon for new
canal and locks.
"The advisability and worthiness of
the improvement of this locality is
primarily a question of cost, and until
the actual expense of securing the ex
isting canal and locks or acquiring a
suitable right of way for a separata
canal and lock on the opposite side of
the river is determined, no definite de
cision can be reached as to whether
the United States should undertake the
improvement; action at the present
session of Congress will put this ma
terial question of cost In process of
determination, and it is not seen how,
in the absence of such determination,
the results of the present investigation
can be anything but a conditional
recommendation based on cost of right
of way or acquisition of the present
canal and locks. Therefore, tho
sooner this question of cost can be
determined, the sooner Congress will
be in position to make a proper de
cision: and all the essential prelim
inaries to such determination are as
fully settled now as they will ever be.
"Should this provision become law
and the cost of the bid canal and locks
and of tho site of the new canal and
lock both prove to be unreasonable,
making the cost of the improvement
exceed the $600,000 authorized, no
further action would be taken until
Congress has indicated its further
wishes. Moreover, should the resort
to legal process or the evident power
and intentions of so doing lead to more
reasonable propositions from the own
ers of the present canal and locks, the
matter may be put in shape in the
report now in preparation for definite
action at the next session of Congress."