THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND. MAY 22. 19 lO. 13 JOKES PLAYED BY HALLEY'S COMET Star Appears in West, but Not Where Astronomers Say It Should Be. . TAIL HITS EARTH EARLY? Troressor Daniels Believes Passage of Globe Through Appenaage Is Day Before Time Set, Arguing JVom Position of ' Body. Halley's comet has been discovered at last, and as a small ball oi diffused light above the western hills, it proved to many of the hundreds of people in Portland who viewed it last night a source of mixed interest and disap pointment. The description given of the comet is that it looks much like a lamp at some distance away, shinln through thin cloth. In this and in no other way does It differ from the appearance of other tars, for to see its tail last night would require some stretch of the Imagination. The really ;eculiar leature of the comet is its failure to appear in the places assigned to it by the astrono mers, for as seen last night it was a -out one hour and a half higher in the sky than it would have been had It appeared where the scientists de clared it would be. In other words, it was an hour and a half later in set ting than was scheduled. Professor J. W. Daniels, of this 'City, has observed the star, and from the fact that it was nearly an hour and a half higher from the sun than it should have been, according to the astronomers. Professor Daniels as sarts tlat the comet's tail had passed la earth a day ahead of schedule, or a May 17. Frofessor Daniels submitted draw ings last night, showing the position of the comet in the sky. Concerning the comet he gave out the following statement last night: professor Daniels Describes Comet. "After searching the skies in the more immediate vicinity cf the setting aun. hundreds of Portland's citizens on Council Crest Friday evening viewed the elusive wanderer's head, at an unlooked-for altitude In the heavens, and father from the sun by nearly an hour and 30 minutes than the time sched uled by mathematicians in astronomy. "The accompanying cut faithfully represents the relative positions of sun and comet's head at the moment of sunset. The fact that the comet is now seen in the western skies estab lishes beyond argument the correctness of my contention that it had passed the earth; and . Its great altitude is likewise proof conclusively that it djd so some days ago, its great distance from the sun compelling the conviction . that the transit occurred certainly as early as May 18, and further suggesting that the conjunction of sun, comet and earth occurred a day earlier than that date, to-wlt, -May 17. 'This argument is based upon the errors implied in the difference between the time set in astronomical tables for the setting of the comet and the time of that setting as actually dem onstrated by the ocular testimony of hundreds of people Friday night, watches in hand; a difference of nearly one and one-half hours. "Now a day's difference in the posi tion of the comet relative to the sun corresponds to about one hour, more or less, of apparent distance of comet from sun, and to about seven or eight degrees of altitude at this point of l ie comet's ellipse. Good Vrievv Monday Night. "In other words, the apparent dis tance of the comet northwest from the aun last night was wholly unexpected and altogether too great to have been made between May 18 at 8 P. M. and May 20 at the like hour, a period of two days, and the difference in the cal culated time for comet set and that of its actu-.l setting, as witnessed last evening from the Crest, corresponds practically to a difference of about one day in the comet's solar transit; and this again argues one day earlier; that Is, May 17, instead of May 18. "I am strongly inclined to believe that this error accounts for the 'con fusion of the past two or three days among astronomers relative to the whereabouts of the comet. "The presence of a nearly full moon Friday night forestalled any possibility of seeing the tail, and there Is little probability of the tall manifesting its feeble lines before Monday night, as the moon will be much brighter for three or four nights, notwithstanding Its position in the eastern heavens will be more favorable for cometary dis play. If the skies are clear during the time of lunar eclipse next Monday night It is quite probable that the comet will be seen entire while the moon is in earth's shadow. This, al though not the final, will be far the tnost advantageous time for comet Viewing, as the darkened skies will afford the pale-blue of the tenuous tall Its very best background. "Let me add that an early and long arch of the eastern skies on the Morning of May 21 (Saturday), for which a stay had been made at the Crest all night, failed to discover to eye or instrument any suggestion of any cometary presence, notwithstand ing a clear, dark sky, the moon having retired low in the west." PrlnerviUe Has Fine View. PRINEVILLE, Or.. May 21. Special.) -The comet appeared last night in the (western skies on schedule. At first the tall was obscured somewhat by light from the setting sun. but later it shone forth With great brilliancy. PERS0NAL MENTION. Lloyd CJ. Kigdon, of Salem, is at the Lenox. William Douglas, of Eugene, Is at the Oregon. J. F. Olsen, of Astoria, is at the Perkins. II. C. Jones, of Tonopah, Nev., is at the Ramapo. A. C. Dixon, a merchant of Eugene, Is at the Imperial. H. E. Sharpe. a mining man of Grants Pass, is at the Lenox. E. B. Hazen. a lumberman of Bridal Veil, is at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George II. Graves, of palem, are at the Nortonla. Clark W. ' Thompson, of Cascade Locks, is at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Mackley, of Reed ville, are at the Perkins. R. L, Shaw, a lumberman of Mill City, is at the Imperial. Ralph Budd. engineer for the Oregon DTrunk, Is at the Cornelius. D. W. Baker, vice-president of the pacific Mutual Life Insurance Corn- pany, of Los Angeles, is at the Port land. D. W. Yoder, a business man., of Burns, is at the Imperial. J. H. Dunlop, a business man of Cas cade Locks, is at the Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. E. P.- Lyon and Mrs. M. A. Mann, of Eugene, are at the Seward. Theodore Falangus, postmaster at Clifton, and Mrs. Falangus, are at the Nortonla. Miss Ada M. Hart returned yesterday from a six months' visit to Southern California. C. M. Carron and W. A. Waldron, commission brokers of Detroit, Mich., are at the Cornelius. H. G. Dawson and wife, of Chicago, who are making a tour of the Pacific Coast, are at the Seward. A. W. Norblod, secretary of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. Norblod, are at the Cornelius. Phil H. Kohl, of Wayne, Neb., is at the Cornelius. Mr. Kohl came here to invest in farm lands near Sheridan. T. B. Manley, supreme president, and E. L. Balz, supreme secretary, of the Modern Brotherhood of America, of Mason City, Iowa, will be in the city May 29. to visit the local order. They will stop at the Portland. George H. Cecil, assistant forester for the Portland district headquarters, left HALLEY'S COMET LOCATED IN ASTRONOMERS THINK last night for Ketchikan. Alaska, where lie will make an inspection of National forests. He will be absent six weeks. It. W. Ward, of Chehalis, Wash., is at the Lenox. W. A. Worstell, of La Grande, is at the Perkins. E. D. Wagner, the Ashland editor, is registered at the Imperial. A. W. Ludner, a Seattle real estate dealer, is stopping at the Oregon. . T. W. Johnson, a prominent business man of Biddle, Or., is at the Perkins. J. B. Maher, a business man of El lensburg. Or., is registered at the Per kins, Dr. L. B. Sperry, of Los Angeles, the well-known lecturer, is at the Cor nelius. A. M. Brown, who has mining Inter ests near Caldwell, Idaho, is at -the Perkins. E. S. Collins,' of Ostrander, an owner of extensive timber lands, is stopping at the Portland. W. J. McConnell, an attorney from Moscow, Idaho, is in Portland on legal business. He is at the Imperial. E. W. Willard, a prominent Oregon stock buyer, has just returned from a two months' business trip through Cali fornia. He Is at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gawley, of Ta coma, who are touring the Pacific states, are now in Portland, en routeo California. They are at the Lenox. Justice Martin, of the Court of Ap peal of British Columbia, Victoria, Canada, and the Judge in Admiralty of the Province, was a visitor in Portland for several days last week. W. D. Stlllwell, a pioneer of 1844, who settled near North Yamhill, came from Tillamook a few uays ago, where he has lived since 1876, to visit his old friend. Green L Rowland, also a pioneer of 1844, at North Yamhill, who for some months has been in poor health. J. H. Mitchell, connected with the construction Department of the New York Central Railroau, at Jackson, Michigan, came to this city about a month ago to visit his son, J. D. Mitchell, who has been a resident of Portland .since 1907, and probably will remain until after the Rose Festival. Mr. Mitchell, Sr., says that the New York Central finds the Oregon fir the best timber known for construction purposes, and that it has a high value tor inside finishing as well. The com pany used 300 carloads in 1909, and will use more than twice that amount in 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Thompson, of New Haven, Conn., arrived in this city last Tuesday. They went to Hon olulu direct last December, and left that place about six weeks ago, landing in Los Angeles. Then some time was spent in the principal California cities before coming to Oregon. Both Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were very positive in their declarations that they never had seen such beautiful and fragrant roses as were in evidence on every hand in Portland. Not the least of the pleasant surprises that they had here was the accidental finding by Mr Thompson of a schoolmate of more than 62 years ago, in the person of Mrs. George H- Himes, rormerly of East Haven, Conn. CHICAGO. May 21. (Special.) Ore gon people registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: From Portland Great Northern, A. W. Arnold and family; C. Minslnger. Lasalle, J. H. Nicholas, Dr. and Mrs. Ray W. Matson. Max Rott Is Missing. ' Inquiry has reached this city re garding the whereabouts of Max Rott, who left Tacoma about the middle of December, 1909, for Portland and has not been heard of since. His sister and mother are very anxious to receive some news of him or of his where abouts. Rott is five feet eight inches tall, has light brown hair and blue eyes and has a slender figure. Any information regarding the man should be addressed to Mrs. Charles Wittee, 306 East 55th street. New York, N. Y. Advance Granted to Telegraphers. BOSTON, May 21. A readjustment of the wage scale of 1000 telegraphers o! the Boston & Maine Railroad was an nounced today. The men will receive an advance averaging 7 per cent. Woman's Club Meeting Adjourned. The social science department of the Woman's Club will not meet until. June 13. At that time there will be a lec ture by Mrs. Lucia F. Addlton on "He redity and environment." Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. Duniway. Attorney and Mrs. Ralph R. Duniway, of 74S East Burnside street, are rejoicing in the arrival at their home last eve ning of a baby boy. VISITOR OF" SKY DRAWS BY PROFESSOR J. W. DANIELS FRIDAY NIGHT. I TEST MADE AGAIN Various Fenders Are Tried Out on Dummies. ONE COMMITTEEMAN THERE Mayor Remains but Short Time and Results of Trial Are Considered Unsatisfactory to Officials, but Representative Is Pleased. Yesterday's final test of streetcar fenders proved as farcical as all of the other "final" tests conducted by the City Council committee, at Twenty-sixth and DIFFERENT POSITION THAN IT OUGHT TO BE. Upshur streets, during the past few years. iBut one of the committee members was present and he came 30 minutes late. Councilman Lombard, chairman, missed connections with the automobile that car ried the dignitaries to the scene where the helpless dummies were forced to undergo the terrific crushing given by the testing cars, and was not present. Coun cilman Ellis is basking on peaceful nature's bosom at Collins Springs. Mayor Simon arrived on time, as usual, but he saw only three of the tests, after which he took advantage of a stay in the proceedings and left for the City Hall, where he had work to do. Some other Councilmen were present, but from all that could be gathered there, will be no official decision on the fender to be approved by the Wednesday session of the Council. The Nelson, Martin, Brady and the car company's fenders were tested. Of these, the Nelson, Brad:.' and car device worked well, as far as picking up dummies is concerned, but It is regarded by many as of little value in determining what fender will or will not prove a success in protecting the lives of accident victims. Councilman Wallace declared that no "dummy" test Is worth anything; that it must be an. actual running- test on cars operating over the lines of the com pany every day to prove which. If any, is worthy of adoption. F. A. Nelson, vice-president and su pervising master mechanic of the -American Automatic Fender Company, of Min neapolis, last evening made :he following statement regarding the situation in Pcrtland: "The demonstration given today shows what the American automatic air con trolled fender is capable of, and I am entirely satisfied with the showing we made. It must be understood, of course, that on account of a few sham curves on the lines in this city, ard One or two heavy grades, the fenders mua- be carried at least ten inches .above che rails here. But this is merely a detail of construction which our company will meet In Portland, just as we have met them in Brooklyn. Cleveland, Jersey Oily and other places. "I want to say, alBo, on behalf of myself and my company, that I greatly appreciate the courtesy that has been shown me here both by tho .'ty officials and the officials of the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company. Having had one or two unfortunate accident here with my equipment 1 regard it as a special favor that these tests hive been continued for me until such time as I could show what my fender will do, which I have done at today's demonstra tion." NEW CARS COME WEST Large Amount of Equipment Just Ordered by Harrtman Llnes.v According to the "Railway Age-Gazette" the Harrtman lines passenger equipment order to the Pullman Com pany. Including 424 cars, previously reported, will be divided as follows: 189 coaches, 87 chair, 59 baggage, 35 postal, 25 dining, 12 observation,' 16 baggage and postal and one passenger, baggage and mail. Except the diners and observation oars, this equipment will have all-steel underframes and all steel bodies. The Oregon Short Line will receive 5$ coach, 10 chair, 5 bag gage, 5 postal, 6 diner and 5 combina tion cars; the Union Pacific will receive five diners, the Oregon Railroad & Nav igation will receive two postal, eight baggage, four combination, two chair and 12 coaches. The Oregon & Cali fornia will receive four postal, six bag gage, five combination and ten coaches; the Central Pacific will receive 38 coaches, 30 chain ten baggage, - 11 postal, five diner and five observation cars; the Southern Pacific will receive 58 coaches, 45 chair, 25 baggage, nine postal, seven diner and seven observa tion cars; the Arizona Eastern will re ceive one passenger and mail car; the Oregon & Washington will receive 15 coaches, five baggage, four postal, two diner and two combination cars. TEN ACRES AND LIBERTY Hovenden Acres, the old Hovenden homestead, will be put on the market June 1, by the Union Bank & Trust Company, in ten-acre tracts. Bridge to Connect Xatlons. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., May 21. It was announced here today that the new in ternational bridge between Brownsville, Tex., and Matamoras, Mex., will be form ally opened July 21 and 22. President Taft. Colonel Roosevelt, President Diaz. Governer Campbell of Texas, and the Governor of Tamaullpas, Mex., hav-e, baan. invited to atf - t Where to Get the Best Suits and Young Men, $20 to WASHINGTON ST. NEAR FIFTH Scotland Sends Her Compliments to Stein-Bloch in America As Americans proud of your country's advance upon the markets of the world, you will read the following letter with satisfaction." It was written by a representative of the land of the spin ners of famous cloth, an expert who is known in his "ain countree" as one of her foremost judges of cloth and tailoring- It bears the letterhead of R.W. FOUSYTH, Limited 30 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH And the date of the letter reads 25th March. 1910. The letter savs: Messrs The Stein Bloch Company, Rochester, N. Y. Gentlemen, We have just opened out the "SAC suits, "CHESTERFIELDS, and "TUXEDOS" shipped 'by you on 28th February - and have much pleasure in con gratulating you upon both the style and finish of same. On this side they are quite a revelation to us in the way of highclass tailoring, and certainly 4 far ahead of anything that has been attempted here in the way of ready-to-wear garments. Respectfully yours, R V. FORSYTH, LIMITED FREE BATHS IS CRY Many Drownings Attributed to ' Lack of Them. CONTRACTORS VERY COY No Bids Have Been Received for Sell wood Pool, Yet Batliing Sea- son at Hand Devotees Clam- or for Accommodations. LIST OB BATHING FATALITIES. Lut bathing season's death toll In the Willamette River is partly at tributed to lack of free sublio baths: Miss Mattle EL eohuylert August 20. Joseph "Ward, August 28. Ralph Kasper, August 27. John Reed. August 1 Arthur DJork. August 15 Merrill 8. Johnson. July 27., Peter Ironfall. July 20. Gilbert C. Price. July 15. Clarence E. Vansh, July 13. Lionel Rathbone, June 12. Shirley E. Barker. June 3. Henry Jensen. July 8. Elmosl Trembly. July 2. Frank Kail a. w. May 15. Miss Jennie Mayo. May 12. Alfred Bwanson. May 8. D. M. Lindsay. May 2. Glades c Jacobson. May 3. Christina Eracraf, April 25. In addition to these, the bodies of four unidentified men were recovered, who are believed to nave been sui cides. This record covers less than flare months. In September, two were drowned in the river. Other drown ing cases were reported In the Co lumbia Slough and Hawthorne Park Lake. Ten of these lives no doubt would have been saved wtth free baths. A repetition of last year's bathing sea son drowning totalities may be expect ed this year unless the plans of the City Park Board mature before the season fully opens. Under the plan for free pub lic bath, now proposed, many drown ings will Inevitably result, according- to Edward Holman, who several years ago. with L Samuels, started free baths main tained by public subscription- Thus far. definite. plans have been made for only one free public bath tank. It is to be located In Sellwood. That far away from the down-town districts, It would be of little use, says Mr. Holman. to other parts of the city. Though the plans of the Park Board contemplate the construc tion of these tanks In all the large parks of the city, only the one In Sellwood will be erected before Fell, and there Is grave danger of Its failure of completion in time. Although advertisements for bids were published two months ago, none has been received. Superintendent of Parks Mische - 7 rkbidekt omecrron said last night that It seemed Impossible to get contractors to bid on the project. The tank as proposed will be elaborate and up-to-date in every particular. In structors In swimming, whose services will be free, will be stationed at each tank. Free public baths were established seven years ago by Holman and Samuels, each contributing personally to their mainte nance. The first was located just east of the Brunside bridge and was later re moved to the foot of Taylor street, be tween the Morrison and Madison-street bridges. At the close of the season of 1908 it was turned over to the city, and under Mayor Lane's administration was permitted to deteriorate until in 1909 the houss and all the apparatus were swept away by high water. When Mayor Simon was Inducted Into office, the season was too far advanced to take up the question, although he ex pressed himself as strongly favoring free baths. In the Park Board scheme, no baths HALLET & DAVIS PIANO COMPANY TO r AS'THE "PLANS SHOW TEtET NE EE BUILT. AT. NEPON Boston Is soon to have an Immense new factory for the construction of high-grade pianos, as the Hallet & Davis Piano Company has just awarded contracts for an extensive plant to be constructed on the banks of the Nepon set River at NeponBet. The site for tfils new piano factory is probably one of the finest for its purpose to be found in the country. It is within 20 minutes' ride of Boston City Hall, less than five minutes' walk from the Neponset station and only about four minutes' walk from the Adams-square trolley cars. The build ing will be on a branch of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail road, and the Hallet & Davis Piano Company has a spur track of more than 1000 feet in length on its own property there. It will also have fine dock facilities, where coal and other supplies may be brought by vessel and unloaded upon its own land. It Is the purpose of the company to make this new piano factory one of the finest and best equipped of such establishments In the world, if not the very finest. The plans call for an ex penditure of from J500.000 to $600,000. The buildings will be of reinf&rced concrete, with all Interior appointments of the finest character. Through its engineers, French & Hubbard, the company has let the con tract to J. Fred Lines Company, of Merlden, Conn., and work Is to begin R. W. Forsyth, Limited, Glasgow; and Edinburgh, are among the foremost! men's outfitters in all Great Britain. I Praise from so high a native source is; doubly impressive, for it came to STEIN BLOCH unsolicited. The welcome that London gave the STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES last spring is more than duplicated You have the opportunity now to try on these same identical STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES in your own home town. Come and try on. We are the exclusive agents. are to be established on the river. This Is owing to the fact that the river water Is unsanitary, being the repository for tho sewerage system of Portland. There are those, however, who think that at ieast a temporary bath should be con structed on the river and in this way preclude the possibility of probable drowning of boys. During the time the free baths were in operation not one drowning was re ported. Last year, of the 24 drownings, 10 may be directly attributed to the lack of them. All bathing In the river out side of the baths was prohibited. When the City Park tanks are completed. It Is the plan to have an ordinance passed to that effect. In this way accidental drown ings. It Is believed, would be reduced to the minimum. Snowfall Big Aid to Ranchers. DENVER, Colo.. May 21. A heavy snow storm prevails today all the way from Northern Wyoming into Southern W PLANT OF -THE "HAXJJGT -ii"TDA.Vl3 COMPANY; WHICH ISTXO SETT AT .A COST.OPBgl'WKK!N f 500.00ft J AND 1600,000. at once. The first building will be about 300 feet by about 80 and five stories. It will be as well lighted and as airy as such a structure can possi bly be made. On this building there will be an expenditure of owr $250,000. The interior fittings will be of the best quality and of fine appearance. An underground passage will be made connecting with the engine and boiler house, which will be equipped with the most modern plant of its kind. Includ ing everything necessary for manu facturing Its own electricity for power, lighting and heating. In this factory all the machinery will be driven by individual motors, and every sort of known labor-saving de vice will be Installed, so that the new establishment in this respect will be one of the most modern in existence. The factory will give employment to more than 600 men. Boston has alwayi enjoyed a reputa tion for the building of fine pianos and the construction of this great modern manufacturing plant will be a long step toward maintaining the standing of the city as the home of high-grade Instruments of this type. The Hallet & Davis Company first started manufacturing pianos in Bos ton In 1839 and from a very small be ginning has steadily grown until It has come to be recognized as one of the largest piano manufacturers in the world. When it decided to remain In Boston the officials of the company began to look around for a suitable for Men $40 WASHINGTON ST. NEAR FIFTH Colorado. The weather is comparatively warm, and most of the snow melts as It falls. In Denver the enow storm was as heavy as any of last Winter. The snow will be of great benefit to ranchers and stockmen. Five Inches of snow fell at Cheyenne, Wyo., and the storm was said to be gen eral over that state. Telegraph service west of Denver was s riously crippled for a time, the wet snow pulling down the wires in many places. Hose Festival Gets P. O. Grounds. WASHINGTON. May 21. The Treas ury Department today granted Sena tor Bourne's request that the Portland Rose Festival managers be permitted to erect a stand on -the postoffice lot dur ing the time of the Rose Festival, pro vided no revenue be derived, and the management comply with the regula tions prescribed by the department for safety. HAVE NEW FACTORY site and finally secured 12 acres on the banks of the Neponset River. The firm which will construct the vast factory Is known as one of the largest contractors in Connecticut, and with orders calling for the Issue of the best materials and the best kind of workmanship, is expected to construct a piano factory which shall bring to Boston the distinction of having the finest and most modern plant of the kind to be found In the entire country. W. H. Ham. of the firm of Hallet & Davis, who has the matter of the con struction of this new factory under his personal supervision, says that just as soon as this first building Is completed It Is planned to start work upon a second structure, which is to be a part of the great whole. In the nearly 75 years the company has been In existence It has always striven for superiority of construction ami tone. In that time It has been awarded 139 gold medals and competi tive awards, and has received innu merable letters of approbation from world-renowned musical composers and artists, while aside from these Its won derful growth Is pointed out with pride by members of the company as evi dence that its alms have been attained and recognized by the public The celebrated Hallet & Davis pianos are represented throughout the West by Eilers piano- house, and Is one of the most popular high-grade makes handled by this great house, who are now operating 40 storer