The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1910, SECTION SEVEN, Page 4, Image 82

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Merchandise of Merit Only ILflpMSE-
vCv Going to You'll Not Find the Store Lacking in Bargains to Fulfill Your Expectations jTfT
Sensational, Unprecedented Values in Men's .Furnishings ;p sh
W $ 1 and $1.50 Neckwear 48c $1.50 Value Shirtsat 87c I
1 1 1 1 1 I6'' II II lis 5Z2
lire . . i- . . . r 1 - 1 J -
v 2 lu i he maKer 01 tnese ties iorrjias nis name ap-
W.'n ; 1 j c 4-U .
i JST ties are sola in tne most exclusive iurnisnmg
shops from ocean to ocean, retailing from $1.00
to $1.50 each.
As his contribution he has sent us 50 dozen
ties made of the most beautiful imported silks.
In four-in-hands and tecks. The patterns are
the finest we have ever seen. s
2000 Men's fine Madras and Percale Shirts,
made by one of the leading shirt makers of Amer
ica, whose output competes successfully with
the finest custom shirt-makers. These shirts
come in both light and dark bodies, with cuffs
attached or detached. All in newest Spring pat
terns in stripes and figures. Shrewd buyers will
do well to purchase their entire Summer's need
in these glorious shirts for we feel certain that
this opportunity will not come soon .again.
Pictures Half Price
75c Framed Etchings at 37c
Size 12 by 26 inches and 3-inch white mat;
two-inch brown Oak Frame. A large variety of
$1.50 Framed Pictures at 75c
50 different subjects of Carbon Pictures. In brown
Oak Frame. Size, 18 by 24.
$1.95 Framed Etchings at 87c
Size 17 by 30 inches. 3-inch mat and two-inch Oak
Frame. Also framed close in three-inch Oak Frame.
Size. 15 by 34. Artistic subjects.
Values to $5.00 at 98c
Water color Facsimiles framed in gilt and an
tique frames. Size 16 by 20 and 24 by 30.
Carbonette pictures framed close in rich brown
frames, size, 12 by 16 to 24 by 28.
Genuine Pastel Pictures framed in three-inch gilt
frame with fancy, corners. Size 16 by 24.
r reaenc xcirungiuii p-tui ta
wood frames, size, 14 by 24.
framed in hard-
$1.00 Fancy Dress Goods 49c
1400 yards of novelty suitings. All this season's
newest styles in stripe and check mohairs, shepherd
checks, fancy Panamas, granites and French serges.
In black and all colors.
$1.00 Wool Dress Goods 73c
2500 yards of Imported All-Wool Dress Goods,
including French serges, French epingles, poplins,
wool taffetas, wide wale diagonals, shepherd chacks
and bigoreaux. In all the latest colors and black.
$1 .25 Wool Dress Goods 89c
3000 yards Imported AU-Wool Suitings French
Henriettas, French poplins, English silk marquis
ettes and fancy voiles serges and tailor suitings. A
full line of new colors.
$1.50 Wool Dress Goods 98 c
1750 yards of Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods
and Suitings, in diagonals, chevron and herringbone
stripes, homespun Cheviots, silk stripe bigoreaux
English mohairs. In black and all colors.
$1 .75 Wool Dress Goods $1 .29
1500 yards Imported Novelty Suitings, 44 inches
to 54 inches wide. Silk stripe tailor suitings, Priest
ley's Tussah royal, stripe prunellas, hopsackings,
diagonals, chiffon broadcloths, cream serges and sea
side stripes. A full line of colors and black.
Weiner & Co. Contribute to This Sale
$5 Vests Special at $ 1 .5-0
Just 100 of them, his show-room samples. Every one
of them reflects the very latest fashions in men's wearing
apparel. Made of fine imported flannels and cloths.
Some made with flat pockets, others plain. They are all
finished by experts, giving them a cut and dash produced
only by the best Fifth-Avenue tailors. '
35c Socks at 19c
These socks sell in every store in
America at 35c. They are brilliant,
lisle half hose. Made with tip heels
and toes, full fashioned. A great as
sortment of solid colors," which will
be worn in preference by all good
dressers this season to the loud pat
terns. The color range includes tans,
wistaria, black, navy, cadet, royal,
hunter green, gray, mode and taupe.
Reg. $4.50 Kashgar
Couch Covers $ 1 .98
ii i , -
We do. not hesitate in saying that this is one of these sensational spe
cials of this sale, nor are we backward in declaring positively that the
price offered has never been equaled by any store in America. It is
far less than the wholesale cost.
These Kashgar Couch Covers come in handsome Oriental patterns
in soft rich colorings of tan, green, brown, red" and blue. Three yards
long by 60 inches wide.
Art Needlecraft Comes to the Fore
With Wonderfully Attractive Bargains .
Pure Linen, Hand-Made Cluny Lace Center Pieces in three choice
patterns, size 22 inches. These are remarkable values.
Francy figured muslin Pillow Slips, especially attractive for Summer
use in hatflrnocks, on porches, or to brighten up your window seats.
They are made to sell for 45c.
These Waists are stamped on the best imported crepe in choice de
signs, especially attractive to travelers or ladies who must depend on
others to keep their waists in readiness, as they require no ironing.
Free lessons will be given on the simple but beautiful designs.
Full -size Laundry Bags made of art ticking with heavy draw cord, in
tan and blue, tan and green and tan and red. Only one to a customer.
$2.50 Dictionary $1.19
Has 1500 illustra
tions and an appendix
of 10,000 words. Col
ored plates. Supple
mented with new
dictionaries of biog
raphy, synonyms
and antonyms,
noms de plume,
foreign phrases,
'abbreviations. Also
contains pronounc
ing vocaDuiar
ies of script
ure, classical
and geogra
phical names.
in sheep.
SrSr-- !-:;- -V PiCH -V j 5
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Dupont, Paris Hair Brushes
Are Contributed to This Great Jubilee Sale
Our New York agent cabled for these brushes. Dupont
Brushes need no introduction in Portland. We have handled
them for years and never have had one complaint. That adds
great value to this sale. v
$1 .25 Value Dupont Brushes 48c
In genuine Ebony and Rosewood Brushes. All pure hand
drawn bristles.' An immense variety for your selection.
, $2.50 Value Dupont Brushes 98c
In this lot there is a great variety of different backs, in
cluding ebony, cocoabola, rosewood and others. All the
finest pure hand-drawn bristles. ,
Guthman & Kahn Contribute to This Event
Summer Underwear at Cost Prices
35c Lisle Vests 21c
Ladies Lisle Thread Vests, made low
neck, no sleeves. Trimmed or plain yokes.
Silk taped.
50c Swiss Ribbed at 29c
Ladies Swiss Ribbed Silk Lisle Vests.
Low neck, no sleeves Trimmed or plain
yokes. Silk taped or handsomely finished.
65c Union Suits at 39c
Ladies' White Cotton Union Suits; low
neck, no sleeves. Lace trimmed. Well fin
ished, best fitting.
I. B. Kleineit Contributes to This Sale
Royal Dress Shields Below Cost "
Royal Shields are standard. They have stood the test of
time and proven their worth year after year. Sell at 20c, 25c,
and 30c a pair. Jubilee Sale, just Half Price.
No. 2, 10. No. 3, lJS1. No. 4, 15 Pair.
Kayser's Famous Chamoisette Gloves in This Event
OQ 2-clasp Chamoisette Gloves, extra grade, washable OQ
yC kind, in all shades of chamois. Sizes 5 1-2 to 8 LyC
Trefousse $2.00 Kid Gloves 97c
Best grade real French Kid Gloves, Trefousse and other makes.
In black, white, tan; brown, gray, navy, green and mode. All Paris
point stitching. Positively worth to $2 a pair. -
$4.50 Embroidered Silk Gloves $1.98
Full length 16-button embroidered Silk Gloves in dainty evening
shades. In sizes from 5 1-2 to 7. Actual value per pair $4.50.