The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1910, SECTION FIVE, Page 11, Image 69

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Representative William S. Bennett Is Being Talked About as Next Republican Candidate for Governor of New
York, Since Appointment of Charles E. Hughes to Supreme Court.
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miles. The direct line, the shorter one,
fixes the rate between those two points,
and the roundabout route has to charge
for transporting freight between them as
if the distance were only 100 miles by its
line, although it is actually 150. It must
do this or handle no freight. Now, there
is another town 135 miles out on the
roundabout route, and it objects to pay
ing a higher price for freight carried to
it 135 miles than tire other town at the
end of the line its commercial rival
probably pays for having freight trans
ported 150 miles-.
These are examples of perfectly legit
imate and necessary higher rates for
short than for long hauls. They are the
usual instances. Doubtless abuses and
iniustice exisi. htit thpv ran hp rured
i without this subversive chance in the
law. To be sure, the House amendment
leaves it within the discretion of the In
terstate Commerce Commission to relieve
the railroads in some special instances of
the operation of this requirement, but
what commission could withstand the
pressure of local sentiment with the ex
plicit language of the statute on its
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Is Ciovernment Waking 'p to Exo
dus of Americans to Canada?
Salt Lake Tribune.
The Tribune contains a. notice of the
release for public entry of considerable
quantities of the public domain in Utah.
At the same time, other portions of the
public domain were (illegally as we
think) withdrawn from public entry.
The same process is going on in other
states and in the territories. The ille
gality of such withdrawals has been
clearly shown in many cases. There is
no law. authorizing it, and still they
are persisted in.
Why. then, should these public lands
heretofore withdrawn by executive or
der be restored to entry? One reason
given is, of course, the illegality of the
withdrawal. Another is that the Gov
ernment is becoming alarmed at the
rush of American citizens to occupy and
settle upon the public domain freely
offered by the Dominion of Canada to
the actual settlers, this rush being as
sumed to be because the available pub
lic lands in this country are withdrawn
from entry. No doubt there is a good
deal in this latter explanation. It is
an explanation, however, that ought
never to have been necessary to make.
for the lands should not hav? been
withdrawn. They are not useful for
timber, but only for grazing, the "for
est" part of .it being sheer nonsense.
The public domain of the United States
is for the benefit of the whole people.
To withdraw it simply forces our own
citizens to go to Canada or puts them
in the position of dependants or in dis
tress, which is foreign to the American
idea and distasteful to American citi
zens. Besides, such withdrawals have
exactly the opposite effect to that
which is given out as the Intent of
tliem. for if the natural resources of
the United States not already availed of
are withdrawn from use the natural
tendency is to create a monopoly in
those already acquired.
But whatever may be the reason for
the restoration to the public use and
occupancy of bogus forest reserves, on
which no timber is growing or ever is
expected to grow, it is- certainly the
proper thing to restore such lands to
public entry and to public use. Any
reason at afl which results in such res
toration is good.
NEW YORK. May 14. (Special.) Repre
sentative William S. Bennet is being
talked about as the next Republican can
didate for Governor of New York state.
Mr. Bennet has been a member of Con
gress since 1006. He hns been instru
mental in bringing about some reforms
In the postal service and In the naturali
zation hureal. He was born at Port Jer- ,
vis, X. Y.. in 1K70. and is a lawyer by pro
fession. He is a member of the United
States Immigration Commission.
Andreas Dipple, formerly adminis
trative manager of the Metropolitan
Opera Company, sailed recently on the
Kron Prinzessin Cecil ie. in answer to
cablegrams telling of the critical ill
ness of Mrs. Iipple, abroad. Mr. nip
ple is now director of grand opera in
Chicago. He will keep In touch with
his wife's condition by wireless cm the
way across the ocean.
Professor Herman V. Hilprecht, of
the University of Pennsylvania, sailed
recently for Naples on the Kriedrieh
dvr Grosse. It will be remembered that
a short time ago the tablet which
Professor Hilprecht said he discovered
In Palestine, and which he said upheld
the Biblical story of the Deluge, was
.denounced at a meeting of the American-Oriental
Society at the Johns Hop
kins University as a fabrication and as
n exploitation of an archaeological
fraud for purely sensational purposes.
He has made a number of trips to Asia
Minor, Syria and Palestine in the in
terest of science.
Frederick Townseml Martin sailed
last week on the Adria tic for England
to pass the Summer as usual in Lon
don and Paris. He will go to Scotland
In the Autumn to visit his brother.
Bradley Martin. Mr. Martin has been
a conspicuous figure in New York so
ciety In recent years. He has been
compared to the late Ward McAllister,
who as Mrs. Paran Stevens lieutenant,
dominated the set of sets two decades
ago. Mr. Martin differs essentially from
t hat much vaunted arbiter, and there
are few points in common. Mr. Martin
works along the lines of broad-mindedness,
whereas Mr. McAllister leaned
to excluslveness. Mr. Martin divides
his time carefully between his office
In Wall street and the drawing-rooms
of society.
Edward Peyton Weston, the T--year-old
pedestrian, completed his walk from
Santa Monica. Cal., to New York last
week. He had then covered the dis
tance across the continent in 77 walk
ing day p. Weston's progress was the
. occasion of great ovations. His coming
had been well advertised and many
flags were hang in his honor. He
completed his trip 13 days ahead of the
His Imperial Highness, Prince Tsal
Tao, Chief of the General Staff of
the Chinese Military Establishment.
brother of the Prince Regent and uncle
of the child Emperor of China, spent a
few days last week in New York. He
visited West Point and reviewed the
Seventy-first Regiment at their arm
ory. The Prince declared prior to sail
ing for Europe that he had seen some
thing of army maneuvers in European
countries, and that the American Army,
especially the cavalry, was finer than
anything he had observed on the tour.
That Professor Ralph W. Thomas was
selected by the four Republican bosses
to succeed the disgraced Jot ham P.
Allds in the Senate, is the claim 'of
the Democratic leaders in the bitter
fight now on for the vacant seat. The
Democrats have put up Edward Ij. Nash,
business man of Norwich, to run
against Thomas. The election will be
held May 28.
Robert S. Sharp, the now Chief Post-
office Inspector, was Collector of In
ternal Revenue for the Tennessee dis
trict. He succeeas F. B. McMUlin, wno
resigned more than a year ago. His
father at one time was Chief Postoffice
Proposed Arrangement Would Upset
Xew York Tribune.
The "long and short, haul" provision
which the insurgents in the House of
Representatives have inserted in the rail
road bill is doubtless demanded by pub
lic sentiment in a large part of the West,
but it would probably upset the adjust-
ment of freight rates all over the country.
In its most general aspects the provision
forbids the charging of a higher rate
for a short haul than for a long haul
upon the same line. At first impression
that seems just. But fundamentally
there is a sound reason for most of the
higher charges for short distances than
for long ones of which complaint is
The most famous recent case of this
sort that came before the Interstate
Commerce Commission was the Spokane
case. Spokane objected to paying higher
freight charges from the East than the
Paciric Coast towns further West had
to pay. The reason for the difference in
this case was that the railroads had to
meet competition with the shipping
which also carried freight to the towns
on the coast. The advantage which coast
and river and lake towns enjoy over
Interior towns is the result not of a
conspiracy of railroad men. but of their
natural position. Nor can it be concluded
because the railroads are charging only
a certain amount in the face of water
competition that therefore they can af
ford to make a proportionately lower
rate to a place where the haul is shorter
and the competition does not exist.
In a similar way. railroad competition
compels a lower rate for a long than for
a short haul. Two roads run between
two places 100 miles apart, one by a
direct route, the other by a roundabout
route. By one road it is 100 miles between
the two points. By the other it is 150
"Dry Fervor Cools After One j
Year's Futile' Trial. !
Xew York Globe,
Alabama is the Kansas of the South
the readiest to take up with new things
and to try ' Governmental experiments.
When the land of hospitality and free
living on the theory that the bottle was
bad for Sambo and that Buckra would
probably find ways to get It went in for
state-wide prohibition, Alabama went in
for it a little harder than her Southern
sisters. A law was passed warranted to
be liquor-tight. Clubs could not minister
to their members, it was a crime for a
newspaper to carry liquor advertise
ments, the buffet car was not allowed to
have a stocked locker.
After trying this extreme form of dry
ness for a year, Alamaba, at the Demo
cratic primary yesterday, indicated its
desire" for relaxation. The candidate
nominated for Governor Is the wettest
one who offered himself. A majority of
20,000 is rolled up against the carrier of
the state-wide prohibition banner, and
the establishment of a local option sys
tem under which liquor can be legally
sold in Mobile. Montgomery. ' Birmingham
and other latitudinarlan cities is fore
shadowed. The Eastern states tried state-wide
prohibition 40 years ago and gave it up
as bringing in greater evils than it
suppressed. Twenty years ago the West
tried it, and experience taught the same
lesson. During the last two or three
years the South has been trying it and
is reaching a similar conclusion. Each
section, not willing to be instructed, has
fought through the matter and has been
led to see that a liquor law which Is
against the desire of a community is not
a good thing that local option secures
the best practical results.
The primary in Alabama is significant
In another direction. The party faction
that enacted ' the state-wide prohibition
law also was distinguished for its anti
corporation fury. Governor Comer has
thought that day lost whose low de
scending sun did not see some new tail-
iw jzm' ' .
Young and Middle-Aged Men,
Are You. a Wreck or a Man?
Examine Yourself
Thousands of youn? and middle-aged
men are annually swept to a prema
ture grave through nervous complaints
and blood ailments. If you have any
of the following symptoms, consult me
before it Is too late. Are you nervous,
weak, specks before your eyes, with
dark circles under them, weak baric,
kidneys Irritable palpitation of the
heart, bashful, sediments In urine, pim
ples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow
cheeks, careworn expression, poor
memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack of
energy and strength, tired mornings,
restless nights, changeable moods,
premature decay, bone pains, hair loose,
sore throat, etc? If eo, I can promise
you a permanent oure or no pay.
Call and let us give you a careful,
?a 1 n s t a k ing examination absolutely
ree. Our opinion and advice will cost
you nothing. Perhaps a little advice is
all you need. X-ray examinations,
when necessary, free. No money re
quired to commence treatment, and you
can arrange to pay fee when cured.
Don't Let Money Matters or
False Pride Keep You Away
Remember, There Is No Man Too Poor to Get Cured by Us
Many Cases Cured
Nervous Ailment
Cured in a few weeks. Improvement from the start.
If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel
tired when you arise in the morning, lame back, diz
ziness, spots before the eyes, and feel you are not the
lan you once were. 1 will cure you for lire.
Call and I will explain why it cures when all else
fails. A friendly chat will cost you nothing. Call at
once, and don't delay.
Contracted Ailments
We cure these 'aliments by a method peculiarly our
own. Our cure allays Inflammation, cleanses and heals
the bladder, kidneys, invigorates and restores . health
and soundness to every part of the body affected.
for $5 to $10 Fee
Varicose Veins
I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be
cured, in nearly all cases, by one treatment, in such a
satisfactory way that a healthy circulation is rapidly
re-established, and instead of the depressing condi
tions I guarantee you a cure or refund the money.
Blood Ailments
If you have blood ailments you should consult us
and be forever rid of them. Our treatment cleanses
and eradicates every taint and every impurity of the
blood ' and system. Why take' poisonous drugs for
years when a thorough cure can be obtained without?
1 Consult US' at once.
of Men.
Our fees as specialists for cures are lass than those charged by family physicians or surgeons. Medicines
furnished from our ow,n laboratory for the convenience and privacy of our patients, from $1.50 to $fi.50 a course.'
If you cannot call, write for our FREE SELF-EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK. Hours. 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 M. only.
twisting begin. Km met t. Neal, the suc
cessful local option candidate, as another
ground for appeal, made bold to supgest
that the corporations doing: business In
Alabama were not enemies of the peo
ple. . The result thus signifies a subsi
dence of Southern radicalism and a
swinp of the pendulum toward conserva
tism. Alabama is cooling:, and by in
ference other states of the South.
Knginoer Charged With Treason.
BBRIjIX. May 14. (Special.) An en
gineer of the cruiser Stettin lias been ar
rested at Kiel on a charpp of hiph trea
son. He was detected in the act of at
tempting to eell confidential books' relat-.
ins to the navy to the enpineerd of a.
Russian squadron which happened at the
moment to be lying in Kiel harbor.
Luclinow boasts of the largest room in!
the world without columns It Is built of,
a kind of concrete. 1
When the kidneys are sick, sharp.
darting pains strike you in the back.
loins or sides pains that almost take
your breath away, and often make you
cry out in asrony.
It is almost impossible to mistake
these kidneys pains, for they seem to
center about the small of the back
where the kidneys are located.
And still there are many persons who
think backache is merely a muscular
trouble something that Is expected to
pass away with a little rest, aided by
a plaster, or by rubbing with liniment.
There is no plaster nor liniment
that will reach the inside cause sick
kidneys. What is needed is a kidney
medicine a kidney stimulant, to start
the kidneys working as they should
a healing, soothing tonic, to relieve and
cure congestion and inflammation in
the kidneys.
Sick kidneys can not get well alone.
They need quick help. And if it is not
given, the useful work of the kidneys
stops. The filtering of the blood is
suspended. Poisons circulate freely
with the blood attack muscles, brain,
nerves and vital organs. The kidneys
Are Twinges That Tell You
. of Hidden, Dangerous
Kidney Troubles.
very Picture
swell and throbfand that is what makes
those sudden abs of pain in the back.
You won't be rid of the trouble until
the kidneys are cured.
There is no other remedy for sick
kidneys quite equal to Doan's Kidney
Pills. This simple vegetable formula
has been in -use for 75 years and has
never been excelled because it is a
remedy for the kidneys only does not
act on the bowels nor on any other
organs. It soothes while it stimulates,
relieves all congestion a'nd irritation,
cures backache, regulates the urine and
restores a perfect filtering of the blood.
H. McCullough. painter. 1170 Omaha
ave., Portland, Oregon, says: "I re
ceived great benefit from the use of
Doan's Kidney Pills. My back was
weakand painful and when I stooped
I had sharp twinges in my loins. I be
lieve that the nature of my work was
the cause of my trouble. My kidneys
were disordered and I felt miserable In
every way. Doan's Kidney Pills cured
me and restored me to much better
If thtfti.tsTlaj
Its Your Ktf"vs
Sold by all dealers. Price 5o cents. Foster-Miixur Co Buffalo. N.Y., Proprietors.
lhere is nothing in the world more dangerous than neglect. Nothing else is
responsible for so much suffering and disaster. Trace the cause of misfortune,
and you find that, somewhere, neglect has had a part. Neglect is more danger
ous than disease. It is usually through neglect that little ailments come, and
, through neglect that they grow serious, undermine the constitution and reach an
incurable stage. During my twenty-five years of practice as a specialist in
men's ailments I have not met with a single serious condition in which neglect
was not iu some degree responsible. There are warnings, but men do not heed
them. A little laek cf tone, an occasional dragging pain in the groin, or other
minor symptoms of disorder may occasion no concern. But when neglect has
brought developments that threaten the general health or even life itself, the
case is one that absolutely demands what it should in its incipient stages have
received treatment by a competent specialist.
The thing most important for you to do, if you are an ailing man, is to seek
the services of THE RIGHT DOCTOR. Don't go to the first one you see, sim-
ply because he happens to be a physician. Choose the physician who makes a
specialty of curing the kind of ailments from which YOU suffer. The ordinarv
medical man really knows but little about curing the ailments peculiar to men. He merely has a General
knowledge of such ailments, because his practice is spread out over the whole range" of ailments to
which flesh is heir. He therefore knows a little about all the ailments and not a great deal about any.
t".. .-Jr" "J tienuous y try 10 cure you, out. not knowing how. he would have
jacK 01 ail trades and master of none." Knowing these
The LradlnK Specialist.
to experiment upon you. In brief, he Is a medical"
1 " ' . hi. i nay. y U u i iij.e in ins nanus j i your Watch were to break or o-Pt nut of nrder
?21tZ2lD'l i'iKmfyS1"!. ? SS. U..rePair' . you would "know Ser. "SS1 w u Vtak? l
sound- Judgment when you need a doctor? Your -heklth ""'certainly as importantas "your timence '
Every case of these ailments I
treat is thoroughly cured; niy pa
tients have no relapses. . When I
pronounce a case cured there is not
a particle of infection or inflamma
tion remaining', and there is not the
slightest danger that 'the ailment
will return to its original form or
work, its way into the general sys
tem. No ailment is so trivial as to
warrant uncertain methods of treat
ment, and I especially solicit those
cases that other doctors have been
unable to cure.
My treatment is absolutely pain
less and perfect results can be de
pended upon in every instance. I do
no cutting or dilating whatever.
Masks. Models. Plaster C a s t s.
Skulls. Skeletons, lifelike models
in wax, also many natural speci
mens preserved in alcohol.
This museum is in a distinct
and superior class, better and
larger than anything heretofore
shown in Portland.
Over 500 pieces in this exhibit,
which is entirely apart from Our
medical offices. It is interesting
ond instructive to a high degree.
All men visiting Portland should
GERY. Under my treatment the most ag
gravated cases of varicose veins are
cured. There is no cutting, no pain,
and it is seldom necessary that the
patient be detained from his occupa
tion. . Normal circulation is at once
restored throughout all the body,
and the natural proceses of waste
and repair are again established. If
you are afflicted with varicose veins,
consult me at once. Delay can but
bring on aggravated conditions and
nervous complications that will Im
pair the general health..
No dangerous dosing to drive the
virus to the interior, but harmless,
blood-cleansing remedies that re
move the last poisonous taint.
To men whose years are being lived in physical" imperfection, whose lives are less than full and perfect lives
and who yearn to be the men that nature meant them to be, I extend an earnest and sympathetic offer of con
sultation and advice. My experience among men and in treating men's ailments places me in a position to be
helpful to you. In consulting me you will be asked no foolish and embarrassing questions. All information
given you will have a direct and vital bearing. If your svmptoms are of no consequence I will tell you so. If
treatment is needed I will tell you its cost and the time that will in all probability be required to effect a com
plete cure. If I feel any doubt as to my ability to-cure you I will not take your case at all. I will not urge
my services upon you. If you see fit to place your case in my care, every promise I make shall be fulfilled.
If you do not, you will be welcome to the information and suggestions given, and will be invited to call for
further consultation absolutely free at any time.
Those finding it Inconvenient or impossible to call in person are at liberty to write a full and complete
description of their' symptoms, and their letters will receive my prompt and careful attention. All consulta
tions, strictly confidential. . -
M. TO P. M. SUNDAY'S, 10 TO 1.