THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, 3IAY 15, 1910. of appreciation should be sent to the house, with a gracefully worded note of farewell and some pleasant refer ence to the enjoyment of the late hospitality. " OUNCE OF PREVENTION " Useful Hints on How to Avoid Freckles and Other racial Blemishes That Come of the Pleasant Summer Sunshine. I IXDLY Old Sol is not lwar wel come in the . kingdom of woman. Thoae who know hygiene to some degree understand that the blazing gen tleman's beams are. cure . for many. ills.. On the other band, there are "the ' afflic tions he casts upon the coquette freck les, tan. Inflammation, streaked hair and rhit not; so. -weighing- his faults agairwt. his virtues, -with Summer so nearly upon us. it strikes me that an article on beauty and the njn -will be very timely. That is t say. I shall dwell here chiefly upon hi disagreeable features. Lot me begin wiih freckles, those tiny blemishes 90 disfiguring to a pretty throat, face and hands. According to theory. 'it is not. the sun which causes freckles, but the light from its electrical rays; and it Is the difference in the chemical make-up -of their -skins which causes these rays to affect some maids so much more seriously tban others. So for these t hin-pklnned fair ones the ounce of prevention is the first thing to con sider. Those who freckle easily should always keep a red-brown veil on hand, for the Summer outings on land, or water, for . veil in any other color is no use at ail. this and this alone, being aWe to ward off the burning sun rays. Then, before going forth to. canoe on the Willamette or camp in the beautiful Oregon woods, the easily freckled skin shoulcl Je well rubbed with cola cream and powdered, for with this mask and 1 he plain chiffon or gauxe veil shun the dotted one as you would viper it is possible to get through a yachting or fish ing excursion without serious damage. Nevertheless-, every night for all ea wns of the year, the skin susr-ettible to freckles should be massaged with a good cream, for any exercise.-, which helps to stimulate the wkln also helps to shoo away the blemish, whatever its nature. But if the freckle comes to stay with you, notwit hstamling precautions, try this simple lotion, applying it several times a day with a soft linen, rag: - Toiotlp sc'.d .-. ' . ... ounce. (Jiy.-.rin. ' ....2 ounrM Ro.e-waler '. .: V. - - 1 ounce The : elder flower cream, for which I have several times given the formula. i;n be used to ad-vantage with this or any freckle specific containing the acid needed to bleach the skin, and since my waders seem to be forgetful I will repeat the recipe for this beautifying unguent: -tmrtnd oil : Z ounces - Vh1te wax 3 drams Pa"rmaretl drama T-Xnoline 1' ounce Oil of hitter slmonds... .......1 dram Flder-nower water ...... :t ounces Witch, hazel 1 ounce Tan and arute inflammation of the skin .are caused by the same Influences that produce freckles, the direct exposure to sun. the reflection of light on water, the glare of a wide-open window, hot winds, etc. The cure for each begins, as nefore, with the ounce of prevention. Wear the red-brown veil when jaunting on land and water, don't sit close to a kide-open window unless the pharle is drawn down below the shoulders, and pre pare the skin always with cold cream and powder before going out. The first pain, of sunburn can be 'al leviated by bathing the face for 15 min-I TINTED PAPER IN FAVOR Stationery in Subdued Colors Is Now Considered Proper Thing for Both Men's and Women's Correspondence Effects Are Novel. OMB nifty new wrinkles in fancy stationery are to be observed just now. A peep at the postman as e leaves his missives at the. door of some favored maid out' on Willamette Heights or gathers up the square and iong envelopes from the malt boxes along the beautifully kept parking strips of fortiand Heights and other portions of will disclose the fact that Dame Fashion has invaded the Vnited States mails with a number of distinctive art novelty effects. On many an Important looking desk in the downtown offices, too. one may note modish monogrammed cn veMpes of heavy gray or lavender among the bulky typewritten business letters particularly if the office he that of some popular young bachelor. lavender, which has enjoyed such pop ularity in feminine apparel and in the niitsctillne necktie all through the sea ;in. is one of the "leaders'" in smart flationeiy. the shades varying from the palest tint to deep tones verging upon tli gray, which latter is also Aery mod uli, particularly In the heavy weave and for masculine use. ' . peculiar pale green is also sharing the honors, and a pale brown of dull tone is another smart color. All manner of shades in the delicate tints are being offered by the art stationers, and one may choose almost any of these art of ferings, save only the plain while that formerly, with the exception of cream, was considered the correct thing beyond question. The tendency is toward the adoption of some particular tone and making this color a dainty personal distinction in the way one selects a delicate perfume and keeps to it as a touch of individuality-. The personal note is emphasized by the monogram, which has now become the mark modish for- all art stationery. lavender is also much used for the monograms, and the dark. rich blue tunes are also smart. Thin lines of gold. TIMELY SOCIAL POINTS Tips for Puzzled Portland Maids and Matrons on Summer Etiquette. WOMEN' who indulge in formal visiting' are 'required to pay their partintr calls before leav ing town for the-Summer. The paste board'wlth P. C. pour prendre conge t to take lvavel is also left or sent, if the persons are going to remain long away. but. sing-ular to say. old friends are not usually honored with this cere mony. It is thought sufficient to drop in on the intimate or not as liked, for old friends generally pardon short toolings In the matter of studied polite ness. Rut to go away for the Sum mrr without returning all formal calls suggests that the woman so treated is Of 'little consequence, and, so the of fense - to politeness is accomplished. True, the omission may be made up to some extent by an early Autumn vis"it, when the neglected household can be aiMirtd prettily and gracefully that there. was no time to pay visits before leaving town, but it is better to take no .nances on this score, as formal ac quaintances, owing no debt of affection, roori forget the persons who don't turn up when expected. The woman who would keep in the social swim should keep a calling list. ' with the'names of all those she visits, with the date of last call alongside, and the words "returned" or "not re turned'' beside that. In this way she keeps up with obligations, running no risk of offending persons whose ap proval is necessary for her own social .omfort and. prestige. w In the matter of dress the end of a season marks a considerable let-up in -formality.- The maid or matron whose best frocks are packed may very rea sonably call at the last moment in her neat traveling gown, made attractive with fresh gloves, a corsage bouquet, and her most affable manners. On her part the hostess may likewise relax the riaor on her usual formalities in dress. utes with water as hot as It can be borne; this to be followed by gentle massage, rubbing with the elder-flower cream, the cream from" sweet milk, or applications of almond milk or vaseline. Thiswill re duce the inflammation and lessen to some degree the brown that will settle upon the skin: but as the bleaching is by no means sure it all depends upon the skin as soon as possible the face should bei steamed and massaged with cold cream of a good sort. After this the freckle lotion already given may be used with benefit. Simpler home remedies for tan and also freckles are to wash the face in fresh buttermilk or In a horse radish lotion made as follows: Into a cup of sour milk scrape a tesjspoonful of freshly dug horse radish; let It stand six hours and then apply two or three times daily. Honey is also an excellent whitener. softener and refiner to the skin, and where no other medicaments can be had it may be used in a pure state aw a first aid to a sunburned . face, hands, and throat, for the honeybee's store is very healing and softening. Made up into a balsam after the following formula, how ever, it will surely prevent the roughness that Is certain to follow sunburn: Strained honey 4 ounces ;iycerine 1 ounce Rectified spirits 1 ounce Citric acid s drams Easecce of ambcrgis 6 drops Mix the first two by gentle heat; dis solve the acid In the spirits, and add the essence. When the first mixture is cold add the last one and shake till all the ingredients are blended. The danger of the sun to the hair comes when the "glory" Is soaked in sea water and then submitted to-the full blasts of Old Sol, for the combination of salt water and the sun ia nothing if not disastrous upon the hair. To banish the ugly streak ing that ensues, and restore the hair to its even and natural coloring, it is neces. sary to shampoo the head with raw eggs and massage the scalp with olive oil. and this treatment will need to be continued for some weeks before the hair is im proved. Concerning any wetting of the head followed by sitting In the sun. it is good for only a short period, for after the hair has .absorbed what benefit is coming from the sun bath, a subtle bleaching, which may also result In streaks will ensue, when the raw eggs and oil massage must again be called in to relieve, the hurt. But If dry at the time of the sun bath the hair is often much Improved with the sunning and airing, for It would be ridiculous to claim that under the right condi tions, the sun Is anything but good for us. The benefits conferred by this divine luxury are Indeed manifold, and pallid women and women with skin eruptions and sour and thin hair cannot hoard too carefully the beams that fall across their lives. But if they are considering their beauty they must know when and when not to take the dose. If beauty Is a secondary matter and health is everything, drink in all the sun you can unless you are walking in a swamp, for certainly Old Sol gives us more gold than dross. KATHEE1XE MARTIN. outlining the stamped lavender or blue, are. used by some, and for those who do not like the colored monogram there is the "blind" impression, which is stamped in blank, leaving merely the Imprint, without coloring, upon the flap of the envelope and in the upper left-hand cor ner of the paper. ' It is interesting to note the artistic working out of the new colored station ery in the matter of harmonizing artis tically with the vivid hues of unaesthetic Uncle Sam's postage stamp offerings. One Portland girl who is now visiting in San Francisco has adopted a delicate shade of lavender in her stationery", and with this she uses the new 3-cent stamp, which is of a deep lavender tone and harmonizes pleasingly with the station ery tint. On the flap of the envelope, and upon her paper, her quaint old Eng lish monogram is stamped in lavender of a little deeper tone. An Irvlngton maid who abhors the red 2 -cent stamp always ues the pale green 1-cent stamps for her letters; these, she says, will harmonir.e more artistically 'with any of the delicate new stationery tones than will the glaring red 2-cent variety. A popular young bachelor and yachts man of California who is engaged, sub rosa, to a charming Portland girl writes his daily billets doux upon heavy gray paper, stamped with a blind impression of his monogram, and incloses them in a long envelope of gray with the blind im pression upon the flap. Daily missives (and. yea. sometimes twice-daily - ones! are received by an other Portland girl from her distant fiance, who uses stationery of warm brown, of rough weave, monogrammed In deeper brown. The feminine modes run, of course, to the more delicate shades and to the smaller envelopes, square, or very nearly square, in shape. Infinite variety of these are being shown by. Portland sta tkmers. The definite "company" look which hitherto, marked her attire may give way to a little suggestion that since Summer is coming she is taking it a little easy. Any pretty house gown which is fitted to the figure may be worn. but -with such simple dress it would not be good taste to wear any Jewels. As it is customary to denude draw ing-rooms of all Winter fixing at this time, with; the linen chair covers and urtainless windows that appear, sim pie dress for both visitor and hostess is really more in keeping with the moment. A little etiquette concerns the kl mono, however, and, since its use is quite likely at such a time, let me warn those who are. In negligee at the mo ment of the visit to resist appearing in the vulgarly loose gown before the formal visitor. A woman with the least taste would resent the implied indifference to her dignity, while as for a man well, the man who is met by a kimono should put a black mark against the wearer's name for all time. It may have nothing behind it but laziness, but that is enough to dis credit the wearer in manly estimation, for. the dear stronger sex rarely looks for the real motive in woman. It is sufficient unto the prunes and prisms of man ideas that she has been care less. It is obligatory upon those who have recently received hospitality In a home to make some extra sign of apprecia tion before going away, if the kindness cannot be returned. The man or wo man who has enjoyed a nice dinner with the dame or damsel vlsi-bed gen erally carries flowers or candles with the last visit, either gift being handed at once to the hostess upon her ap pearance In the drawing-room. If for some reason or other the visit of part ing pollteneae cannot be made, the jrift Arrived at the place of Summer jaunting-, the lady first at the water ing place or mountain resort must call upon the one who comes last, with the address of her hotel or boarding-house written In one corner of her card. Then w-here the two acquaintances happen to be stopping under the same roof, the first comer must take the initiative in matters -showing the other around. It is "up to her" to introduce the last comer to the agreeable persons she has met and do any other kindly little turn which shall make the new arrival feel more at her ease in the strange place. Toung girls who land unaccompanied by escort of any kind - at an out-of-town resort, as it is sometimes neces sary for business women to do, need to be careful of the acquaintances they make. If some perfectly -unknown man is assiduous in his attentions the un protected girl should make a point of sitting under the wing of some elderly woman guest at the same house until the man has proved his worth. If he has not yet met the girl he admires, the gentleman who passes like a ship in the night before her life, must re quest an introduction through other persons and not take it upon 'himself to "pick" acquaintance with her, for, every other reason aside, a very strict eye is kept on strange young persons at all Summer resorts. The least in discretion may bring reproof from the cold-eyed proprietor himself. Then the girl who has beentalked about out of town will be talked about In town; and the man who is not thought a gen tleman In one place will surely not be" consldered one in the other. In fact, though many formalities are relaxed in Summer, the matter of a girl s dignity should be more than guarded,, for the very ease With which acquaintances are made puts it In peril. But there are times when the chap erone is by no means a necessity, even though her presence is always desir able. These Include the accidental walks taken down open roads the golf links. the little constitutionals taken up and down piazzas, and so on.- Try danger of gossip at the out-of-town resort is surely to be considered at all times whatever its nature; so a still tongue Is a very good thing to take away with you on your Summer outing, as well as good behavior of other sorts. Say nothing that you dare not do; do nothing that you dare not tell about as you would the time of day. Therein lies the chief wisdom in all conduct, and naturally its chief politeness. Don't forget the tip. PRUDENCE STANDISH. Radium Blue Is Allied With Chanticleer Red Both Are X e-ted for Extmnneai of Their Brilliancy. THE new "radium" blue, which is be ginning to" be in evidence in Port land, noticeably in the millinery, is only: a degree less brilliant than the "chanti cleer'' red. Hotti of these are prominent in .the modish hats, and touches of them are used in . the smart new gowns for evening. The tall toque is more and more in evi. dence, and many of the new toques are made to seem taller than they really are by the effect of the trimming. In some of these the " brim is turned up close against the crown, as much as eight or nine inches. The rose-covered toque con tinues in favor, and the toques covered with silken, poppies, corn-blossoms and other suitable flowers are. also keeping pace. , - A rather eccen-trlc. yet entirely charm ing and modish hat was observed after Wednesday's matinee in a popular lunch eon resort. It was a huge, flat frame of burnt English straw, about the low crown of which was wreathed large blue corn flowers, among which were placed, just over the right eyebrow, two large pink roses. A band of blue velvet encircled the under brim. A similar design, carried out in rose leaves, with a full garland and two ro settes of cerise oatin (made to look very like roses by means of a fold of material rolled around itself) upon a huge flat shapeof green tagal. was seen. . . - A millinery eccentricity that is jut now emphasized in Paris, according to letters from abroad, is the big plateau of fine straw, which is so set upon the bandeau as to leave a very short and upward flaring brim at the left side and a long, down-drooping brim, which all but sweeps the shouider. on the right. Low crowns, massed in soft drapes, with rosebuds or other flowers nestled in the sheer meshes, are the only trimming. Motor Bonnet Is Important Feminine Adjunct If Oae Hmn Car. Oae'a Friend May Have, So One Mint Be Ready. THE question of the motor bonnet is even more important now than during the Winter months. In a limou sine a dress hat is not in bad taste or uncomfortable, hut for the touring car and the open road a hat is Impossible from the standpoint of both comfort and good taste. Many women who do not own their own motors have friends who do, and for this reason the motor bonnet is coming to be an essential part of the feminine wardrobe. A new wrinkle in a motoring bonnet Is the huge square of grass cloth, fashioned into exaggerated baby caps, gathered close about the neck and tied with silken strings that match the colored lining. They are not made up on a frame, as this is not necessary with the stiff grass cloth. Ornamental silken flaps fold back from the face, the flaps matching the color of the lining and strings and softening the rather harsh effect of the grass cloth about the face. . Children's mitiinery is now coming into its own. With the little folk released from school, as. they soon will be. and ready- to be shipped away to the beach or mountains, more attention is being given to "hatting" them. One of the "grown np" ideas being much adapted to the lit tle girl hats is lace over straw. The Milans and lop Leghorns for children are being trimmed with all-over Val. stretched all over the hat. mound-crown and all. or frilled in circles completely- to cover the "straw. One cute little miss was spied on Thursday seated at one of the diminutive ice cream tables in a little chair that "just fitted." enjoying the possession of a charming new hat, as much as her strawberry- dotted re freshments. The little hat was a white Milan, covered w-ith frilled Val.. and at its left side a single moss rose nestled in the frills. . ' The simpler hats for children are of the round, roll-brim style, in Milan and Japanese, straw, and for the beach there are extensive showings in the local stores of cool duck and Panama, with brims that may roll up or be turned down to protect the face and eyes from the sun. One of the striking new color combi nations is the King's blue (which is very deep and brilliant, with rich deep red. and this combination is frequently seen on the elaborate new hats, worked out in blue velvet with red roses. 1 Comfort 't . 11 -v.- a. - - ' But lhe Western FROCKS FULL OF COLOR Season to Be Bright One in Women's Garments, if Advices Prom Eastern . and Foreign Fashion Centers Are Read Aright. According to all the signs one may read as one runs, and to all advices from Eastern and foreign fashion centers, this is to be a season of color, and the coiored frock or suit "will have precedence over the white in nearly all" models and mate rials. The girl w.ho is planning her linen frocks and separate blouses and skirts should bear this In mind, as the colored skirt, with blouse to match, or the entire frock of color, are to be much smarter than the white. The feeling" for color is strong-..this season, and is expressed in many ways; it is to be noted in all themodish. gar ments. Including- underwear, for some of the finest showings in lingerie are touched up a bit with pastel bands of fine colored muslin, or silk. Besides the linen one-piece frocks and suits, ail in color, there will be the col ored linen coat and skirt, with a waist of sheer material to match. This one-tone costume is the modish thing", according to advance hints from centers where Spring arrives earlier than in Oregon, and has been enjoying marked popularity. Among the interesting things being shown by the Portland merchants Jusi now in contrast to the snow-white laci ness of the usual lingerie are the black slips and corset covers, for wear with the ever popular black evening gown, or day time frocks of black,, or in patterns in which black predominates. With a low cut black evening own. a black transparent gimp covering the throat and shoulders, black .underwear is almost an absolute necessity, since the effect of a white shoulder strap, or a frill o white embroidery snowing- through, en tirely spoils the effect of the gown. To fill this need, the daintiest of black silk undervests. finished with frills of black lace, and handsome, corset covers of silk jersey cloth and similar weaves, ere be ing offered. As black is heralded as mor. popular than ever in th vntrs of fash To Remove Superfluous Hair rr. Duvall, the prominent phvsici4n. ays: " consider TDe "Miracle the only safe, sure and radical' cure for that very common, and objectionable' trou ble, superfluous hair." t Better take a doctor's advice; don't be deceived with fake free treatments. Poisonous, worth less concoctions are dangrerous. beside, after you have used the-m it will be harder to remove the hair. re Miracle is sold by Ilpman, "Wolfe & Co. and all other good stores. "Book let free in plain sealed envelope bv th re Miracle -Chem. Co.. IJept. Ill 1905 Park avenue. New York. Mra. ETTll tURRISOrS 4-0ltf Kl CCLOU unnm t ranarfcafel. amf tor rettorwc taa dark tharfet of hair vhieh kaa tarn' fray. toM far nraaty T.ara. osoC kr ratnflea' titeiKM'a. Cleanly - On - Certaia - Contains n aanaful imiraKat. If "a'lF.i" ana' "mtarar' tare 4lsaonta no, try Hits. It amr fails, t frac samel an raquast ftr. ttl.llarrtioaCo..JiBfranclic Maniffista 11.00 SsMbf . VKIIIMOKE DIIIG to. 151 Xkiral St 1'ortlanaU THIS Jjy STOPWT Y0URJ5k get lasting relief Shoes. You will never know what genuine foot comfort is until you have worn They fit snugly over any The rubber at the sides pincning or Dinaing. .easy 10 pux on ana taice on no buttons or laces. You will never get real comfort, rest and relief until you have worn the genuine Mayer Martha Washington Comfort Shoes. Made in all sizes and three heights. be sure you get the genuine. real Martha Washington has the name Martha Washington and Mayer sole. Don t be misled. Reject as counterfeit, shoes ered as the Martha Washington with out the trade mark. The best merchants handle the genuine. If you can't find a dealer write to us. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company Milwaukee Branch: WASHINGTON SHOE MTG. ion, these offerings in dainty black lin gerie are timely and most acceptable. : Utilize the remnants of your dotted or barred swiss frock as laundriable piUow covers. Daisies with long yellow petals can be. worked in the dotted swiss in a few minutes, using a- dot for. the heart of a daisy, in brown, and loop the outlines of the petals in yellow. In the spaces be tween the bars of the .barred swiss work a simple dot. star, or other fig-ure in col ored cotton, and put a frill of the swiss around the pillow. Swiss remnants offer alluring- possibilities: also, in renewing the dainty appearance of one's dresser or dressing table. t If you have been wis-; enough to have a. button bag about the house for the past several seasons, bring it forth now and search deep in its recesses for the old polished steel buttons which used to race your suits of the past. Nothing is more modish, just now, on the serge coat, the mulberry linen, or the shepherd's plaid, than the steel button of any sie, design or shppe. They can be restored to their Jfv .. ' 'A. Guarantee That Guarantees ' jflf' 'lli CrV , . A nw pmir free it the) "tip" wear out beforai the gloves. - j(2f f -iSyYrX jfifoiC33i IiEi. A better silk glerre than the "KAYSER" camnot ha ' fo& jfv. V. EtMl TTlisy 13 auule, yet they "cost bo more" than the ordinary kind. i gsflj 31 tVi&v HP v$t llj There's i way to tell the genuine SmJi -! ff.v till - JtOL m.-' ' look m the .hem - - WM$mj tW?t?f If """ nd the name "KAYSER" you have the glove that , fW-XOyaf SPJk-- j JY excela all others, the kind with the "tips" that oorwear ; Ta y&:?S25l&Wf y&pqf&S Juj the arlovea, the kind that are sold to yon with . - tyjf Xs&:gffl - A Guarantee That Guarantees ' .C hort Gloves, 50c, 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 . . - r .ss$gjcV Long Gloves, 75e, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 .. ' ache at night, comfort if you stand loner oi walk far, that burn, from Mayer Martha Washington Comfort these perfect fitting shoes. . instep, yet are roomy and easy gently yields with every step, There are many inferior trade mark stamped on TIUM MARK CO., SEATTLE, Where Dealers Can Be original glory by . using silver polish and rubbing afterward with leather. That g-ood, strong, -color-keeping old fa vorite fabric, the - chanibray, is with us again this season, and is figuring promi nently in the wash, dresses that are mak ing their appearance these sunshiny Oays out about the golf links and in the. woodsy suburbs. ' The new chambrays show a number of innovations in the way of such tints as deep lavender and al mond green. A very smart little frock of chambray, trimmed with self-toned em broidery, was noted on" Washington street the other day; it gave the effect of an all-in-one frock, but the bodice and skirt were reallv separate, joining- under a crush girdle of taffeta silk, which rather unique but effective 'tcrtSch was repeated at the neck and in the tailored bow which joined the broad, . bretelle-like collar. A -Portland maid traveling abroad writes of the new color tones known as the "wood shades," very'smart' in the Buro pean capitals just now. 1 The wood shades are in a peculiar half-gray or half-brown, with a dash of green; and other soft ash-g-rays. These are considered very chic in the Spring gowns and are much used with borderings of Persian. Tin Bread and Cake Boies. Always keep cake and 'bread in tin boxes as wooden boxes; , unless well seasoned. ar apt to- give they a dis- ; Easily tired, sensi tive feet that and are swollen that cause dis itch and perspire. on the feet. preventing imitations. the Th? Shoes Without Buttons or Laces Supplied agreeable - ta ste. and wrapping them in brown paper should be avoided 'for th same reason. ' Tbe M.vRtrry. New Yai'k Times. .'Taint me." say the farm sr. "Who's getting the stuff. 'Tain't me." rays the packer;" I just g:et enough To pay a- small profit. As., fair as: caa, be.V v And all of them chorus Together, "'Taln't me." "Taint me." says the tanner. "Who gets the high price For hiffh shoes and low oner, For slippers and ties." 'Tain't me." says the rancher; "I live and that's all." 'Tain't me."" says the dealer; , "My profits are small." s 'Tain't me." juljs the canner; "My margin's the am." "'Tain't me." saysrhp huck-prer, "Who's bra fin the pumr." Talnt me." navj the cardener; "I'm poor all th time." 'Tain't m." pays 'the grorfr; "I ain't een a dime." Jt' surely a iius!e To know where it goe; No maker or seller Or anj of those Partake of high prices, . 0 they all aeiee; And I'm a. consumer, I'm certain "'tain't me." 4