12 THE SUM)AT OREGOXIAN. PORTLAM), MAT 15, 1910. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN TO APPEAR IN BENEFIT SHOW SOON TO BE GIVEN Entertainment to Swell Auditorium Fund Will Have Many Novel Features, According to Its Promoters, and Is' Expected to Draw Heavy Patronage. ' GORGEOUS display of Portland feminine beauty will be one of the bis features in the American Beauty Show, which will be given at th Bungalow Theater two nights, next Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21, for the benefit of the Portland audi torium fund, in which the women's clubs of the city are much Interested. The event will be largely attended by local society. The performance, which lias been In rehearsal for the past two months, promises to be one of the cleverest local affairs of its kind ever lven In the city, with about a hundred ilandsome girls and women taking part. The performance will open with a errand ensemble, which will Introduce 3 6 American beauties who will appear In beautiful gowns and picture hats of the latest creation. When the aug mented orchestra strikes up, these women will enter, one at a time, and greet the hostess, who will be the lady of ceremony. Then will come scores of debutantes in party dresses, fol lowed by the Irvington girls in danc ing costumes, and the last to enter will be the dusky belles, arrayed In finery, jewelry and striking colors. Infi programme Is composed of several fine musical selections. In which some of Portland's best singers will ap pear to advantage, including Mrs. Fred Olson, Miss Maude Dammasch, Miss Zita Hollister. Mrs. Charles P. Blliott and others. The comedy of the show will be supplied by a sextet of comediennes, who will impersonate the following well-known characters: Anna Held, Fritzie Scheff, Olga Nethersole, Florence Roberts, Mrs. Leslie Carter'and Izetta Jewel. Mrs. Nina La Rowe, who will be seen as Fritzie Scheft, will do a lunt that is expected to bring down the house. Another scene which will produce merriment is part of an. act from "Camille." in which Florence Roberts will play the character. There will be songs, jests and dances, all new and catchy. In the second part of the American Beauty Show some well-known people will appear, including Louise Brandt, of tile old Columbia Theater Stock f'nmpany, who will make her first ap pearanre In a special act In which she will be supported by local players. Others who will be on the programme re W. A. Caughlfn in his clever im personations; Miss Essie Block, pianist; George K. Evans, baritone; a special tambourine dance by 16 Irvington girls, and a violin solo by Miss Roxlna Vommelsdorf. These performances are being given under the auspices of the Monday Musical Club and the Daughters of the Confederacy. The members of these organizations are working to make the American Beauty show a huge success tnd from present indications the de mand for seats will tax the theater's capacity for the two performances. The patronesses: Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox, Mrs. James Laldlaw. Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Mrs. A. E. Rockey. Mrs. J. B. Mont gomery. M-s. C. A. nolph. Mrs. John A. Keating. Mrs. Abe Meier. Mrs. Sigmund Frank. Mrs. Cleveland Rockwell, Mrs. Jerry Bronaug. Mrs. Fletcher Linn, yt't D. H. P.ar.d. Mrs W. P. Olds. Mrs. .V H- Breyrr.an. Mrs TT. C. Eekenberger. ?-'-. Er. ! Mrs C. W. Hodson, Mrs. H. K. N.?rti-jn. Mrs. N J Levln sn. --r ' 'iore Tarior. Mrs. J. B. T'lr. ar.d Mrs. Jarr.as A- F-His. Ctirtiss to Remain Out. NTTW YORK. May 14. G'enn H. Ccr tiss. Trincer of tr.e International trophy at Rheims last year, wiil not defend t.e cup at the meet to be held on j.ong Island in October. This announcement was made today, Curtiss declaring that his entrance in the meet might be re garded as an acknowledgment that his machine is an infringement on the Wright patent. 1 -h ' - y 4 if "y , I , - I' ' -I ft f - I Jn - a i O'O SVC? Y " -.X .J ;; : : : f I Ss 1 , . i k SV-t i J I I , JE-JLZ.10TJ- DAMROSCH PLAYERS WIN TRIUMPH AT BERKELEY Six Thousand People in Wonderful Greek Theater Hear Programme of Wagner Selections Well Rendered. : 1 t "x v 1 $ f t " v - - " Is 1 t 1 - i .''W- j " i N , , . r 1 :: j l . -- .- ' n ' i: - v 11 v I A v ! :: if Y 1 xi, . ; . ,t j :: : x ' x I r I 1 - . j til ' h v 1 if -; j ,x ? i - - i - - J to criticise, anyway, except that Dam rosch was economical of encores. "It seemed a perfect concert to me, and it seemed so to the others who eat at heaven's gates for an hour or so, if ono may judge by their rapturous attention and awed and hushed demeanor. "How could one maintain an air of owlish wisdom when that big orchestra, sitting under the fairy-like lights, strung magically across the great Greek stage, played the 'Lohengrin' prelude, or how, I would like to ask, could anybody let bis soul flit with the two crooking ravens out of "Gotterdammerung," when the dy namic splendor of the . 'Holy Grail' theme sighed itself Into silence? "When the violins and the flutes com pleted that prelude and a hushed multi tude scarcely breathed for the beauty of it I wanted to sell a critic's job cheap. It seemed sinful." The-same Wagner programme which has just received such an ovation at Berkeley will be given in Portland at the Armory Wednesday night of this week under the management of Lois Steers Wynn Coman. There will be selections from "Tannhauser," "Lohengrin," "Rienzl," "Meistersinger," "Parsifal," "Tristan and Isolde" and "Walkure." No less than five soloists will contribute to the programme a rich feast. Indeed. On Wednesday afternoon the orchestra will give a general programme, the main feature being . Dvorak's symphony from "The New World," in which he aims to express the American spirit. Another noteworthy number on this programme will be Tschaikowsky's "Nutcracker" suite, with its series of national dances, of such entrancing interest. Other com posers will be Schubert, Schumann, Men delssohn, Gounod and Goldmark. There will be two soloists on the afternoon programme. Mayor Favors City Speculation. MILWAUKEE. May 14. Mayor Seldel has evolved a plan which he believes not only will increase the prestige of Milwaukee as a manufacturing city but will bring many dollars to the municipal treasury. He would have the city go into the real estate business and handle manufacturing sites as well as residence property. The Mayor pro poses that the city buy land at low prices, plat It In accordance with his plans for Increasing railroad sidetrack facilities, and re-sell it for factory sites at a comfortable maririn of profit. SKVAO V VAN DER VEER, CONTRALTO WITH DAMROSCH ORCHESTRA. WALTER DAMROSCH and his or chestra seem to lay a fairy spell of enchantment upon an audience, which holds It breathless and fascinated to the close of the programme, according to reports that are coming from California Jnst now. Last Saturday a. week ago the orchestra played to a brilliant audience of C0O0 people at the Greek Theater, University of California, and carried it by storm. . It was -a- Wag ner programme, and the critic of the San Francisco Call says: "Labored criticism would be nothing less than revolting just now. It would suggest the story of the' chronic kicker who, on entering the gates of paradise and being outfitted with celestial, rai ment, complained that his halo didn't fit- "I am not sure that tl;ere was anytbtas-L Post Toasties Are such crisp, delight ful food that the appe tite calls for more and more. With most everybody it meets with instant approval. "The Memory Lingers" poermi CETtBAir co, irrx. Battle Creek. Mich. Each Customer Shares the $25,000 v Our Annual Savings in Interest and Taxes Because We Built on the East Side Where business property is so much cheaper than in the business center of the city. That's the reason you buy furniture for less money front us. If it wasn't for our unique position for the unusual economic advantages we possess and which enable us to sell at such moderate rjrices. we would not be in the furniture husiTiRss tnriav -Fur nishing homes completely is our long suit, and where we save you so much money. Every merchant has his spe- na.xt Hum imie.iu wiue ana even me mgaesi-pncea sxore. m me city mignL sen some special article or articles lower than the regular prices of the lowest house, but from start to finish our goods are marked enough less to make it extremely profitable to you, and the greater the variety, and the greater the quantity you buy, the greater will be your savings. Our wonderful growth is the best evidence that our prices have been the lowest in the city. The majority of the people live on the East Side; we are near them and can best serve them. Good service and honorable dealings is our motto. We deem no sale profitable where we fail to make a friend. BEST Kitchen Furniture Bargains Ever Offered $5.85 This standard Kitchen Cabinet 48 inches wide and 72 inches high finished ' either golden or natural. Special this week at $5.85. Screen Meat Safes 90c Drop Leaf Tables $1.70 Unfinished and $1.95 . finished natural or golden. No phone orders, no C. O. D. orders, nor will - is Without Drawer $1.25 With Drawer IT Fir Kitchen Table, 27x45-inch top. , til a --wiiaasy fs.1 - 9 $2.70 ' Unfinished $2.95 FINISHED Natural or golden, standard size, holds 50 pounds flour, two bins, two drawers, two breadboards. these be charged at the prices quoted. One Spot Cash. ThisCupboard$3.60 35 inches wide, 66 inches high, screen door, to a customer, delivered at our convenience. I Not s I . Like I U Cut ; 1 Circassian Walnut Dressing Tables Special at $12.50 To Close Out The Dressers and Chiffoniers All Having Been Sold We have a number of Circassian Walnut Dressing Tables that we wish to close out because the dressers and chiffonieres of this pattern have been sold, leaving these as an odd lot. If you have ever priced dressing tables, especially Circassian walnut you know that they run from $25 to $50. ' The one pattern which we are advertising is not like the cut, the mirror beuig set in a square or oblong frame, the design being along straight lines. Mirror 16x20 inches; two drawers, wooden knobs. We also have a few oak and mahogany in the same pattern. It is indeed a rare opportunity to secure a dressing table, which every woman wants and should have. 9x12 Axminster Rugs $17.90 Why pay others $25 and $30 for the same Rugs we are selling at $17.90 36x63-inch Axminster Rugs . . $2.75 27x54-inch Axminster Rugs . .$1.75 ALL WOOL INGRAIN RUGS 9x12 Rugs on sale at. .' ?S.50 10-6x12 Rugs on sale at. $10.25 12x15 Rugs ou sale at $15.40 GENUINE WILTON RUGS Genuine Wilton not Wilton velvet, beautiful assort ment of patterns to choose from; regular $50.00 values, on sale at T . . . . $36.00 LACE CURTAIN BARGAINS $1.75 Nottinghams, No. 102, per pair ...98 $1.75 Nottinghams, No. 103, per pair B8? $2.25 Ivory Cable Net, No. 119 $1.60 $2.75 Ivory Cable Net, No. 118, per pair $1.95 $4.50 Ecru Net, box hem, No. 85, per pair $3.00 $4.75 Cluny Laces, No. 107, per pair .$3.25 $5.50 Battenburg, No. 98, per pair .$3.95 7 Pound Pillows at Only $3.25 Pair CARPET BARGAINS $1.25 grade Tapestry Brussels, special 69 $1.50 grade Axminsters, special .$1.25 $1.65 grade Velvets, special .1.35 $1.60 grade Axminsters, special . S1.40 $2.00 grade Axminsters, special. $1.60 A 1 t 1 1 "! Aoove prices luciuae sewing, laying ana lining". REMNANTS BELOW COST 10 yards Tan Axminster $ 9.50 6 yards Bigelow Axminster..; 7.25 11 yards Bigelow Axminster $12.00 10 yards Tapestry 10 wire. 7!oO 11 yards Velvet $10.00 tyo yards Velvet ..3 4.95 Rare bargains if you can make use of same for runners or rugs. JAPANESE MATTING 17 CENTS This is not remnants. We have 30 rolls of the pattern and will cur on any quantity aesirea. COTTON BLANKETS We are overstocked on Cotton Blankets and wish to close out some ot our lines, hence these exceptional values. $1.25 values on sale at 95 $1.75 values on sale at .HO !td.uu values on sale at $2.25 $32.50 Leather Couch $22.50 Has beautiful quarter-sawed oak frame and is genuine leather.. E Z PAYMENTS 69-75 Grand Ave; Cor. E, Stark Street Couch Covers $2.75 Oriental . .- $1.65 $3.50 Oriental .$2.45 $9.00 Oriental ......$6.75 E Z PAYMENTS