THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MAY 15, 191Q. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORIGOXIAN TEI.EPHOMS. " , Pacific State. Home. Countlnr-wvim xr,tn mm a Anas City Circulation.. " "III! I Main 7070 A. 6095 " iiijr t.i it or ........ .Main TOiO A Sunday Editor.. Main 7070 A 6015 Composing-room . Main 7070 A BO05 City Editor Main 7070 A 0O95 Bupt. Buildings... Main 7070 A 6Q95 aMUBEMETS. . BUXOAIOW THEATER (Twelfth and Mor rison) Herbert Kelcey in "Th Thief." 1 onlg-bt, at 8:15. PORTLAND T H K A TFR rVimTtMnth nd Washing-ton) National Opera Company In i ' Martha m, i . . .iK . ' night at :16. ORPHBUM THEATER (Morrison, between I Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15. and tonight at 8:15. I BAKER THEATER (Third, between Yamhill ' ana laylor) Baker Stock Company In ' Tost Out of College." This afternoon - at 2:15 and tonight at :15. GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15; to night at 7:30 and 8. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1:30 to 10:80 P. M. Students Given Entertainment. A largo number of parents and friends were present Friday afternoon at the musical and literary entertainment arlven by students of the different classes of the Christian Brothers Col lege, Grand avenue. The occasion was the monthly distribution of testimon ials of merit and awarding of premiums to students who stood highest in their quarterly examinations. Quite a num ber of students have excelled in appli cation to study, attendance and deport ment during the last quarter and were hlgrhly complimented by the president. Brother Andrew, for their work. There is a large gymnasium class connected with the college, which will give an exhibition on the evening of June 3. The programme was rendered by stu, dpnts of the preparatory, second Inter mediate, first intermediate, second grammar, first grammar, commercial and business classes. The college double quartet rendered selections, to the delight of the audience. PL-pita Make Exhibit or- "Wonit. At the meeting of the South Mount Tabor I'arrnts' and Teachers' Association Friday afternoon Mrs. Caldwell spoke on the objects and alms of the Con sumers' League, explaining them in de tail. The address was full of informa tion, in connection with the meeting the teachers of the South Mount Tabor School, with the assistance of the pupils, had prepared a fine exhibit of the work done in the school. The arti cles were taken from the manual train ing department and classes of the dif ferent grades and placed in the class rooms. Through the rooms the parents and their friends were conducted and showed the articles prepared by the pupils. The exhibition pave the par ents opportunity to see Just what is- be ing done in the public schools. The classrooms had been attractively dec orated for the occasion. Old Resident Dies. James 9. Buchan an died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. a. D. McKisson. 151 East Sevcnty rlghth street. Montavilla, May IS, at the age of 72 years. He had been a resident of Oregon 18 years. Before coming to Portland Mr. Buchanan was a merchant at Alrlie. Polk County. He came to Portland 7 years ago. His wife died several years ago. The surviving children are: Mrs. A. D. McKisson. Mrs. Anna Collit and Mrs. Eva Newton, of Portland: Mr. Flora Strong, Oakville. Wash.; Orvllle Buchanan, of Inde pendence. Or. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from Grace Baptist Church. Montavilla. Carmen Sylva's Visit I'rocsrrsses. J. C Cooper, secretary-manager of the MoMinnvllle Commercial Club, who is behind the movement to bring Queen' Elizabeth (Carmen Sylva) to Oregon, following the Esperanto Convention in Washington, I. G. in August, re ports progress. Mr. Cooper has the bucking of the Ilarriman lines and has enlisted the interest of President Taft. In error. Mr. Cooper was previously mentioned a being connected with the Medford Commercial club. William Mordhorst Dm "William Mordhorst died at -his home. 440 Spo kane avenue, Friday, at the age of 77 years and 7 months. His wife, Mrs. Dorothea Mordhorst. survives him; also a. son and a daughter Carl Mord horst, of Portland, and Mrs. Bertha Phoelma, of Petaluma, Cat. He had lived In Portland the past five years. The funeral will be held from Hem stock's chapel today at 2 o'clock and Ihe interment will be made in River view Cemetery. St. Helens Waterworks Job Awarded. The McCabe Construction Company has received the contract to construct the St. Helens waterworks for $42,000. Work will begin Monday, with a large force of men. A limit of 90 days has Jeen fixed. The contract embraces the construction of nine miles of pipe line and a reservoir-dam of stone and con crete. Tveiturb CxttJBBB Continues. Before the Fellowship Club and the People's Vorum Jointly, in Selling-Hirsch Hall. Tenth and Washington streets. Dr. Davidson Buchanan tonight will de liver the third lecture of his course on "Evolution of Economic Justice." The special subject will he "Patriotism, True and False." The public is invited. Ministers Meet Tomokbpw. The T'ort iHiiti Methodist preachers meeting will convene. in Taylor-street Church at 10:S0 o'clock tomorrow morning to dis- iiss "State-Wide Prohibition." The public is invited to attend. Three ad dresses will be .given, followed by an upon discussion. 1T Sell hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 80 pound beds from J7.S0 and ud. We renovate mattresses and return them the same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, pro prietor. 226-23 Front St.. Main 474. A 1374. For Sale. One of the choicest corners, with 100 feet frontage on Washington street, east of Fifteenth street, with revenue. Price $130,000. Address Owner, AB 963. VDregonlan. Xoncn to quit has been served, bulld tng to be torn down and seven-story structure erected. We are holding first sale in 30 years. Beldlng Bros., Jewel ers. 45 Third street. For Sale. 125-volt. 160-K. W. General Electric Gen erator, belt type; complete, with panel and rail base. Address room 201 Orego nlan bldg. - On of the nicest tcn-acve tracts on the Kast Side at Freemont and 40th streets, just across the street from Beaumont! Inquire 130 Grand avenue. Tun Portland Wire A Iron Works Is - now located at Second and Columbia streets. In the most modern and com plete plant on the Coast. COLx-wbia Wire & Iron Works have moved to their new home. East Eighth and Market sts. Phones: East 702, B 3027 Special Millinkrt Sale, at Xorthrup ft Jonsen. 145 Seventh, bet. Morrison and Alder. J30 hats, J10; J12 and CO hats, J6. Si. S. Rich, sole distributor for Charles the Great Havana cigars. Big shipment lust arrived. S76 Morrison. Swiss watch repairing, c Chrlatenaen. second floor Corbett bldg., take elevator. Real. Bargains in monumental work. Otto Schumann, Third and Etast Pine. Huoh McGdiri and T. N". Stoppenbach Room 301 Lewis bldg. Phone A 7610. Elegant Spring chicken dinners served at Brandos Grill, 103 Sixth at. IaB Cream- delivered to all parts of the rity. "Washington Cream Co. Jack Kino's Turkish baths. Imperial Hotel Annex. For Rent. Three-room, front suite Fenton bldg. . ' Gowns. Max. 60S Dekum bldg. M. 4MS. D . "FLETCttKSi uni yxnxr foot, WEDDING SILVER "While it is generally conceded that nothing is more fitting for a wedding gift than silver, at the same time the article Itself will be ap preciated all the more if It Is right up to date. Here are a few of our 1910 Ifew Thlmgs In Sterling; Silver and Ster ling; Deposit Warei Candlesticks In sterling silver at ones at f 8.60. Violet Holders Glass, with sterllns- tops, at $3.25. Larger ones in silver deposit at $6.00, $9.50 and up. Salt and Pepper Individual Fairs In sterling at $2.00, $2.25, $2.75. etc. These sets are very popular and make up In their novelty for what they lack in price. Cfcop Plates in sterling at $25.00. $30.00 and $42.50. Sandwich Dishes Nothing more popular in the East. We have them In silver deposit as low as $8.50. Others In sterling beautifullv en graved and pierced at $16.50. $17.50, etc. Tea Strainers. Another inexpensive but always acceptable present. All the new things at $1.75. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.25, $6.50, etc Bon Bon Dishes $4.25 up. Tea Caddies $3.50. Tobasco bottles (very new) $2.00. Oil and Vinegars (a novelty in one piece) $5.00. Syrup pitchers (glass sterling mounted) $6.00. Pearl-handle Fruit Knives and Butter Spreaders at $5.50 for sets of six. Coffee Sets Three-piece in good weight sterling silver at $42.50, $4o.00, $50.00, $67.50, etc.. . .. Tea Sets Three-piece (large teapots) at $67.50, $80.00 and up. Five piece sets at $100. Chests of Sterling Silver always make the choicest of presents. We nave them as low as $50, and as nigh as you care to go. We carry the following leading patterns: Paul Revere, Xfwbnry, Colonial. Lafayette. Puritan. Benin, . Violet, rvlng. Hampton, Rose, Monticello. Orande Blossom. Bridal Rose. Any of these in one piece or a dozen. We engrave artistically without extra charge. Remember, that our strong point in handling silver is In always showing the new things just a little In advance of the market. When your eyes need glasses see our optician. He makes that his specialty and Is an expert of over 20 years' experience. JAEGER BROS. THE LARGE! STORE. 266 MORRISON STREET. BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH. Efforts to Befriend Costlt. Because J. G. Schmidt, a grocer at East Fif teenth and East Ankeny streets, tried to help out a farmer on Grand avenue Friday he lost a suit of clothes. Includ ing hat and necktie, and was painted brown by the explosion of a can of paint. A farmer had Jumped into his wagon and started to drive off before he had untied his horses, with the re sult that one animal was thrown to the pavement. Mr. Schmidt jumped to the assistance of the animal. There happened to be several cans of paint on the curb and one gallon can was caught under the horse and burst Just as Schmidt stooped down. His suit was entirely ruined and acid in the paint burned his skin. The farmer laughed at Schmidt and drove off without thanking him. "Museum Dats Changed, In future, ad mission to the Museum of Art will be free on five afternoons of the week in stead of three, as formerly. Entrance is free on the afternoons of Tuesday, Thursday. Friday. Saturday and Sun day. The regular hours are from 9 to 6 o'clock on week days; 2 to 5 on Sun days. The entrance fee for mornings and the afternoons of Mondays and "Wednesdays has been changed to 25 cents. Yearly tickets may be obtained for the price of 10 admissions. The exhibit of the art school will remain open until May 23. This Is a most in teresting exhibition to all who are alive to the cultivation of local art. About 300 designs, drawings and paintings are shown, representing all the students and all the classes of the school. Geajihart Park the recognized Summer resort of the Oregon Coast. The natural beauties of this place are unsurpassed and no other spot offers such oppor tunities for surf bathing, golfing, ten nis and automobillng as are here found. The magnificent new hotel opens this season and the completion of improve ments now under way will make thft resort more attractive than ever and place it In a class by Itself. We are offering a few Gearhart Park lots for sale, both for residence and business purposes. If you want an ideal loca tion for a Summer home or. a profitable Investment with very little money at stake, see Chapin & Herlow, 332 Cham ber of Commerce. Xotich. The Steel Bridge and Albina Fuel Companies have consolidated and in future will do business as the Albina Fuel Company, Inc.; establishing a branch in eastern part of the city, mak ing a specialty of slab wood and coal at reduced prices in Broadway addi tion. Rose City Park and adjacent lo calities. The above firms wish to thank the people of Portland for liberal patronage the past five years and will endeavor to merit their future support, as the management and general policy of fair dealing and prompt service will continue. Phone E 182, C 1117, C 1773. F. P. Waring, President; Henry Baren derick. General Manager. "Wry is it that everybody goes to Hill's Sanatorium for baths and treat ment in cases of rheumatism, skin and private diseases, etc.? The reason is that Hill's Sanatorium, Russian and Turkish baths is the finest and clean est on the Coast and accommodations up to date, and they guarantee to-cure any case they treat. Russian, Turkish and tub baths, fine swimming plunge in connection; first-class lady and gent masseurs in attendance. Geo. Hill, proprietor and manager. 595 Front street, corner Sherman. Open day and nijrtit. Phone Main 451. Baseball Game Today. Ked-JIot Game Todat. West Sides vs. Dilworth Derbies 3TH AND VACOHN StS. Admission 25 Cents. Game Called at 3 P. M. Sharp. Red-Hot Gams Todat. Baseball Game Today. Oriental Ri.os. Just received a non importation of 120 rugs which we have marked at exceptionally attractive prices. Don't fail to Inspect our col lection, as we can and do sell for less than others, because we are direct im porters, understand our business and are satisfied with a small margin of profit. Cartozlan Bros., 472 Washing ton street. BoCnd Volumes Presented. The Dun ham Printing Company has Just delivered to the City Auditor the new charters, ordered printed by the Council. Hand some morocco-bound volumes were pre sented by the company to Mayor Simon, members of the Council and other offi cials. The charter contains all of the amendments that have been, adopted up to date. A Celery-Raiser, an oniongrower, a florist, a greenhoua2 man. a dairyman and a high-class gardener will be In terested in my proposal to 6ell or lease a very fertile and. irrigable tract, near trol ley line station. 31 minutes from Lents Junction. Free fuel and free water. Ad dress me at Lents. Or., It. F. D. No. 1. J. D. Lee. Education Is Subject. '"The ' Best Method to Educate in Kindness," will be the subject of discussion at the meet ing of the Portland branch of the Inter national Ethical Educational Society at 501 Yamhill street Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. This meeting is free to all the public. Asthma can be quickly relieved by using Wyatt's Asthma Remedy, for sale by A. W. Atten, F. W. Byerley, Plummer Drug Company. Jancke Drug Company, Love Drug Company, B. F. Jones and J. A. Clemenson. A Reader of the Open Road Magazine would like to meet all readers of the Open Road. Please call at 126 East Fourteenth, or phone East 4922. CUy roller skating today: get exercise. IrfDT'S Bll-TCLE. Ml Hovt St. Printing?Ansley, cheapest, best. 250 Oak Electric Cleaners rented. Main 1233. Dm. Fuffpcmm and foot authority, SG.00. Medium size $7.00. Larger JEWELERS OPTICIANS Dentists and Physicians, for Rent. Two rooms in Corbett' bldg. AppW 1011 Corbett bldg. Wooster's for (Havana cigars. JAIL TO GET AUTO MEN OWNERS OF 40 O MACHIXES MTJST REGISTER THIS "WEEK. City Auditor Opens "War on Delin quents Who Have Failed to See , Official as Required. Four hundred automobile owners in this city will be arrested and com pelled to furnish bail to keep out of jail unless they "get busy" and reg ister with City Auditor Barbur at the City Hall at once. Mr. Barbur so de clared yesterday. A very large number of these persons Ignore the regulations as to registering machines or are un aware of them and there has been so much trouble over it that arrests are to be ordered soon for those who do not comply with the provisions. "There are fully 400 owners of auto mobiles in this city who have not reg istered their machines at our office,' said Mr. Barbur. "We are notifying all whom we can reach, but we have about reached the limit, and I intend to turn over the balance to Chief Cox for arrests soon. We must have a correct list of the owners of automobiles and have them correspond with the num bers on the machines, otherwise our, records are almost worthless." Mr. Barbur also will ask the City Council to amend the ordinance gov erning automobiles so that a person cannot sell a machine without notify ing the Auditor and arranging for the transfer of the number. This is neces sary in ordeii that the city authorities may be able to trace a machine in cases of accidents or other reasons. AUCTION SALE. On Oriental Rugs. We have decided to close our stay In this city by holding an auction on our fine collection of Oriental rugs. We will give the people a fine chance to buy these rugs at their own prices. Even piece . will be sacrificed. Stock will be on exhibit all day Monday, and auction will start Tuesday, May 17, at 2 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. Everybody is invited to attend and take advantage of this auction. THE ORIENTAL RUG CO.. 147 6th St., Bet. Alder and Morrison. WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies, 305 "Wash., near 6th at. Special Sunday chicken dinner, with ice cream, 50 cents. Merchants' lunch daily. 25 cents. Imperial chop suey and Chinese noodles. Imperial Kantong Cafe, 452 Washington St., between 12th and 13th. Special Sunday chicken dinner with ice cream or strawberry short cake, 50 cents. Merchants' lunch daily. 23c. Royal chop suey and Chinese noodles. Royal Canton Grill, 3o3-3o4 Alder st. A special 60c chicken dinner today at Hall's restaurant. 830 Washington St. Chicken 'dinner. Peerless Cafeteria, 104 Fifth, near Washington. IRVINGTON. We have completed and are ready for sale three modern houses in this desirable location. F. E. Bowman & Co. Cor. 22d and Brazee St?. IRVINGT0NJ5ARGAINS. $1450 E. 20th St., near Stanton. $1500 E. 23d St., near Knott $1800 E. 20th St., near Brazee $2500 E. 21st St., near Tillamook $3300 Cor. 17th st. and Stanton. $3500 100x100, cor. 20th and Stanton F. E. BOWMAN & CO., . Cor. 22d and Brazee Sts. S00-SP0KANE-P0RTLAND. A real pleasure trip 'across the con tinent if your ticket reads via this new scenic route. Electric lighted trains and the best of everything. Office 142 Third street. " PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bldg., Main. A 1(31, Express Company to Build. GRANTS PASS. Or., May 14. Special ) A representative of Weils-Fargo Ex press Company was in this city today making application to the Council for a permit to erect a concrete building upon the railroad's grounds to be used by that company as offices and storerooms. The building will be 26x46 feet. I.ardner-Horsfeldt Marriage. On Saturday morning at the home of Rev. B. H. Roper. 26rt Me.Millen street. Graham Lardner and Miss Georgie Hors feldt were united in marriage. Immrli. ately after the ceremopy the couple took-j THIS IS Boys' Week p fl the train for Seattle. They will spend their honeymoon visiting points of inter est on the Sound and in British Colum bia. Mr. Lardner 1s.'a . clerk . in-the O. R. & T. offices in Portland. IRVINGTON. We have a few of the $1500 lots left between Thompson and Brazee streets. All improvements in and paid. F. E. Bowman & Co. Cor. 22d and Brazee Sts. Ifiimber Company Incorporated. Articles of incorporation .were filed yes terday for the National Lumber Company by Mandius 01en, T. W-. Norby and N. D. Simon in the County ' Clerk's office yesterday. The company will do a gen eral logging and lumbering business. Its capital stock is $50,000. Supplementary articles were filed by r the Park-Street Company, increasing its capital stock from $50,000 to $40,000. Couplw Leave . for South. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson left Sat urday morning for their home in Sacra mento, Cal. They were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's father, at 621 Tenino avenue. CARD Or THAHK5, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson wish to express their appreciation of the sym pathies extended by friends . and rela tives in the bereavement " of their daughter, Inger. Plant Slbson's atones. Phone Selltvofvt 3i- OCCASIONALLY YOU BREAK YOUR GLASSES Yon need them all the time. '. Bring the pieces to us. '. "We will . duplicate the broken lens, no -matter where the glasses came from: We make the new. lens exactly like the old, with only the old pieces to go by. Many times the work can- be done while you wait. Brt you ecn always have them the same day. ' This' is' a" point worth remembering if vou wear glasses. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS !1S-Ir KAlljXC BLDG, Car. Third and Washington Streets. Second Kloor. Take Klevator. For automobiles and carriages ; all colore all sizes. Any price from Seventy-Five Cents to the finest Cloth Robes at Twenty Dollars. We have these for all kinds of weather; more of them than all other stores in town. 330 E. Morrison St. SOROS IS HOSIERY is in keeping with the "So rosis Shoe" perfection. KNIGHTS JTafibipgton,;.: Nar- Sectmd.- Is KILHAM THE PERRY HOTEL Madison St. Ob. Boren Ave. SEATTLE AbsohRely Eire-Proof m Enro United WtrcIoM Station Tfca Hlgseat Grade Erery Modara CoveafBO Centrally located and commandlnjf a -view of th Olympics, Cascade Mountains. Mt. Rainier and yngrt Sound, Auto-'Bua meets trains and boats STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan S3.00 a day up Hew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con venience. On carlines transferring all ever city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco PHOENIX IRON WORKS Enartneers, Founders, Machinists and Boilermakers, Building and Structural Work. WE MAKE Fire Hydrants, Log Hants, ' Cast Gears, Hydraulic Giants, Water Gates, Lumber Tracks, Etc. HAWTHORNE AYE. AND EAST THIRD PORTLASD, OR. CCHWAB PRINTING CO OSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE a47t STARK STREET the Average Clo! Buyer a Judge We answer yes, and A. B. Stein bach & Co.'s business is proof of it; our facilities for giving far greater values than those of any other Portland clothing store and the public's promptness in recog nizing this fact indicates a thor ough understanding of the term tt i - it vuiue-givmg. No man should feel satisfied to purchase a Suit or Spring Overcoat, without first having a look at our lines at $15, $20, $25 or $30. Special models and fabrics for young men. Handsome, conservative styles for older men. The Famous The only solid Mahogany and Quarter - Sawed Oak Desks made and no extra price for this feature. Every Desk we handle is fully guaranteed. More than a hundred styles and sizes to select from. We furnish your office com plete with Desks, Chairs, Tables, Piling Cabinets, etc. in wood and steel. We have saved others money and annoyance. Let us do as much for you. GET CATALOGUE. STATIONERY FIFTH AND e Desks Chicago Beach (AMERICAN OK Finest Hotel combines the restful auiet with the gaieties of a great summer resort city. Only ten minutes' ride by express trains separates the theatre and shopping district from this delightful spot. Here, sur rounded by beautiful lawns, flower-beds, tennis courts, etc, you can enjoy the cool, refreshing breezes of Lake Michigan. For the bathers the smooth, sandy beach Is near by. Orchestra every evening adds to the delight of prome- t oaoea on nearly i,uu leet oi ouisiae rooms jou private Datbs. 1 able unexcelled. u? hotel adjoin the Ays us Kuu iiojks, isiowu, iiluiiuiu mium;uuus. mer sruest ia welcomed wttn iiusxrarea DooKiet silt Blvd. B. E. M'alker, LL.D, President. Established 1S7 The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE, TOROSTO. London Office, t Lombard Street, JE. C BreatUo and"sigwaty.e Domln,on of Canada; Also at San Francisco. Caaadlaa Collections. U'JkISJ? 1Ve,1S0 brnches. distributed throughout the Do minion, la enabled to offer uneurpassed facilities for making collections In any part of Canada, Portland Branch, Cor. Second Mi SEE OUR GREAT DISPLAY OF BOYS' APPAREL hes- of Values? J & PRINTING CO. OAK STREETS "J . J raW..-.-.r.,. EUROPEAN PLAN) on Great Lakes of the cmintrv and seashore Droad veranda. 450 large, airy great South Park System, famous laaes, oouievnras. ana many a lie tourist. Transient or sum true Southern hospitality. en request to Manager, and Lake Shore, A. Laird, General Mann New York Of fire. 16 Exchange Place. Stark Streets, F. C". Malpas, Manager.