The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 30

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POSITION bv young American woman, with
small child, as housoltppcr In small cot
tage for widower, or do work In small
respectable rooming-house for housekeep
ing room; nat and quick; none but re
spectable, reliable parly need answer. AH
Oregon lan.
FtRNDALE t'OTTAGB Now rady for a
limited number of cliildren for the Sum
mer, not more than 5. between the ages
if .1 and 6; nil the advantages of our
nenrby tarm hotel; $1 & month. D 90J.
NEAT, reliable lady of 30 wishes position
in confectionery store, ice cream stand or
small restaurant; wages must be $45 per
month; not afraid ot work. Address AG
56 . Orpgonlan.
Vofl,U.N"T you like to leave your chil
dren in the care of a refined, reliable
girl when you go out of an evening ?
Phone A 404.
EDtTATED and refined young woman de
sires work during day caring for chil
dren or assist ing in home. AJ 964, Ore
gon lan.
VKRY experienced woman wishes to take
charge of dining-room in hotel or Sum
mer resort. Would consider position as
housekeeper. S 90S, Oregoni an.
WANTKIv-By experienced teacher, back
ward pupils and those wishing to make
up a grade. Mi-ss. J. Whttham, 140 West
ave. N., City.
EXPKHIENCED checker and cashier wishes
posit inn in hotel or restaurant. W 059,
Oregonian. ,
CURTAINS washed and stretched. Care
taken: called, for and delivered; 40c pair.
m . :; i :rj.
G1KL employed in office during day would
like work evenings and Sunday. AM 969.
Oregonian. ,
LADY wishes lanltor work or day work.
M m 1 n 7Jb, call mornings. T-9; no other
WANTKU Position in barber shop as fl9t"
clays manicurist. Address AN 994. Ore
gonltin. .
COOK wnnts position in hotel, restaurant,
delicatessen, cafeteria or bakery. Alt
J' is. ( rK'nla n.
V'ANTKU Raby to care for by lady villi
own home; references given. AE 162,
Oifgi!ii;i 1 1. ,
UHM.W wants work by hour or day. Phone
Sellwood ISO.
WOMAN wants house cleaning, etc., Monday.
Phone East 4626. room 5.
ALL Uinds of coins at all kinds of prices:
"Hub Coin Book" shows what they look
like and what we pay for them. Fascin
ating and profitable work for men and
women to sell ihis useful book. Everybody
needs it; 100 illustrations, send dime
ul once for sample copy of this 100-puge
25c book. Alexander & Co.. 33 Devonshire
St.. Boston. Mass. (Kst. Ib73.)
A MANI'FACTUHER'S permanent business
offer. $2." to $75 per week conducting par
lor or office sales agencies for our high art
guaranteed service dress shoes; 10 new
sight-selling health and comfort features;
unlimited prorit possibilities, factory to
wearer, new plan, no risk, include stamp
for catalogue. Marvel Shoe Co., 105 Sum
mer bt., Boston. Mass.
velt badges, pennants, souvenirs. Largest
line of Firemen's. Old Home. Decoration
day. Fourth of July, celebration, carnival
and Summer resort novelties of all kinds
in the country. Postcards of every de
scription. Send for catalogue. W. F.
Miller. 158 Park Uow. New York Cit y.
IM PHOVEU table article. Purity guaran
teed, beautifully boxed ; easy seller, reg
ularly reordered, large profits. Want per
manent agenta for exclusive territory. We
am sole makers. Experience unnecessary,
ljetailed plan sent with first order to In
sure salee. SHEPARD'S. 67 W. Houston
st.. New York.
I'LL start you in big business; give you
credit; fascinating work; easy; even ama
teurs make $8 to $12 day. Chapman, Mich-,
mide $18 first day. Lee. Okla., made $3ouo.
built home In year. Our new sales plan
i r eating sensation. Men, women, write
toda v for particulars. Swartzbaugh, Box
0. Toledo. O. m
AGENTS to take up the sale of our new
automatic device and appoint agents. Noth
ing like it on the market. Hustlers can
iNrtke $25 to SO per week in your home
terrltor. Writ us TODAY for particulars.
Dept. lu, Welsman Mfg. Co., Marshalltown,
low a.
A i KNTS Send for free copy of "The
Thomas Agent' ; greatest agents" paper
ever published : filled with money-making
plans ; no license tax decision of Supreme
Court; pointers to agents; every agent in
C S. should have cony. Address today,
Thomas Co.. 7103 State st.. Dayton, Ohio.
StTKRVlSB grand advertising distribution
$3.75 worth highest grade toilet preparations
and premium free every household. Make
$ ."!) weeklv. New. novel, startling money
making idea. Don't eat before writing.
Particulars. Parker Chcm leal Co. . Ch icag".
AORXTS WANTED for Redlo Polishing Cloth.
The ouicke-t, cl. jinesn and most satisfactory
cleaning and polishing cloth ever invented.
Liberal tnrms and plenty of territory to
good agents. Write now. "Redio" Co.. 322
San Fernando bUlg., Ixts Angeles, Cal.
AG KNTS Every merchant buys our 1910
Hir brush show and window display cards.
Nothing like them ; latest hit ; sensational
sales; no competition. Samples free. Peo
ple's Show Card, 710 W- Madison St., Chi
ca go, III.
AUENTS wanted by Dayton Keyless Lock'
Co. Greatest proposition ever offered to
the public. Call after 6 P. M.. 946 Tlb
hctts st., or phone Sell wood 1.105. State
Mgr. . A. Robb.
V E manufacture 18 specialties needed in
every family; make big money and build
up permanent business quickly. Samples
furnished. Edwards Mfg. Co., .Buffalo,
N. Y.
MAN cleared .tit Si, lady $720 last 6 months
selling Itolladuy's Marvel Shoe Polish;
plf-5hlning, water-proof. Why not you?
Write for demonstrated sample and terms.
C. Hoiladay. 1-6 W. 31st, New York.
SEND for free catalogue of Thomas' guar
anteed hosiery for men. women and chil
dren ; agents make JIW per hour; free
samples. Thomas Co., 1)103 State St., Day
ton. Ohio.
$:3.30 PER week made by Jack Wood selling
our forged teel nickel plated 10-in-l com
bination tool; $5.00 worth of tools for price
of one; samples free. Thomas Company,
V.O Mathews Hdg.. Davton, Ohio.
EARN $25 to $r0 weekly selling new styles
Mexican, Swisa embroidery. waist pat
terns, print-ess dresses, various novelties.
Catalogue free. National Importing Co.,
desk D. 69 Broadway. New York
GKXF.RAU special, by old line, health and
accident company. New, llheial. easy
selling policies; choice territory. Hig pay.
Royal Casualty Co.. St. Louis.
NEW invention. Patented. Pits any door.
Stops burglars iid sneak thieves. Soil
; Particulars. Safety .Burglar Co., Roch
ester. N. Y.
G K N TS for staple article : sells like wild
fire; big commission; send luc for sam
ple and terms. Oliver Supply Co., dept.
fi. I. os Angeles. 'al.
FREE S A M P I.ES, agents only ; Faucet
Strainer Splash ITflvmuT; send 2c stamp;
? profit dally and upward. S. O. Seed,
!3 Hcadf t . N. Y.
N. M K I'LATl'S. signs. numbers, readable
darkest nights: easily sold. Profits large,
samples free. Wright Supply Co., EnglH
w oo I . Til.
TO ha mile biggest money -making fire ex
titiKiiishers; special starting offer, exclusix a
territory ; $75 to J3l0 per month. Raager
lnu'in sirg. v .. 3i nwauKec, i
El. I. Ryl Klieless Cooker $1.50; make proilt ; light : easily carried : sample
free. R. Thomas Co.. 12S9 Matlieura !"
AiIBNTS Our Vegetable Soap is the fastest
weuer on eartn; Dig money, permanent bust!
nese; exclusive territory, sample free. Mor
gan supply Co.. st, lxuis. Mo.
TO sell automat ic screen door catches and
ch'cks; exceptional proposition: sajnnl
catch postpaid 25c. Auto Catch Co., Chi
LADIES, look, buy; easy work; imported
powder and rouge books, day s supplv In
handbag; agent's Simple 10c, Particulars.
T.a Krnncesa Co.. Dept. 2 Louisville. K v.
BOYS and girls, sell 12 thimbles. 12 papers
of mcdlea at 10c each and receive cam
era free. Rlohard liorsley, Dept 20, Ord-
SALESMEN WANTED to take our casli
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Sa'em. Oregon.
Ol'R system and goods create permanent
welcome and repeated sates in everv hom-a
Progressive. permanent emplbyment'
Herhl Co., Mllwaukle. Or.
A C. BX TS You can know about the profit
made supplying perfumes to families. Ad
d reus Lef fier & Co., St. Louis, Mo
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs
the same for you as though the property
ii our own; references, any bank in
245 Stark St.
Phones A 3.t0. Main 55.
MOTHER and son wish home to care for
hrst of references. M 06t, Qregonlan.
LIST your house for rent with Hatch, 403
n.s gnaninl block. Marshall
A YOUNG couple with best of references
wants a house of 5 or more rooms, com
pletely furnished for few months. K St4.
YOUNG couple would like to take care of
furnished house for Summer months;
best of references furnished. Y 9tiS, Ore
gonian. WANTED Elderly couple wants plac& to
care for during Summer in Portland or
suburbs; best of references; no children.
Telephone Main 31S9; hours, today 10 A
M. to -J P. M.
WANTED Furnished house near Killings
worth ave. and Kenton carl in e. AM &65.
WANTED to rent, a or 7-roora furnished
house to August 1 or 15; located on West
Side. Y 964. Oregocian
FIVE or 6-room modern cottage, on West
Side; good neighborhood; . not too far out.
E ti:i. Oregonian.
WANT BD By family of 3. all adults, fur-nlFh-d
cottege of 5 or 6 roms. Rent must
be reasonable. T W!l. Oregonian.
WANTED Attractively furnished house
for short period; references". Phone Main
WANTED By adults,
house on West Side.
a modern furnished
V &61 . Oregonian.
WANTED by May 21, 9 or 10-room fur
nished house, close In. Call Alain 103S.
W A N T ED By man an d wife, for J une,
July and August, furnished house or good
sized apartments; must be on West Side,
well located, finely furnished and strictly
first-class in every respect. Address P.
0. Box 106.
WANTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping;
rooms, East Side; immediate pone-ion. Ad
dress "Bridge. ' East 12th and Irvituj st.
Phone ESist 74T..
WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished sunny rooms
In modern house or flat, porch and yard,
near a carline. by a lady; state price. AH
ftrtO. Oregonian.
FURNISHED room with home privileges,
young working lady, at f 8 per month.
AC tt1 . Oregonian.
BOARD and room wanted by man and two
children, ages 7 to )l; parties with smau
children need not reply. X 9515, Oregonian.
UNFURNISHED room, walking distance
West Side. Open on porch. AB 464, Oreo-
TWO gentlemen want sitting-room, bedroom
adjoining and sieeping-porcn; give aescxip
tion and price. B tH4, Oregonian.
A N American young man wishes room In
private family; mean optional. -t woo,
WANTED Room and breakfast; business
man and wife; heights preferred, A yt4,
DESIRABLE couple wish pleasant house
keeping accommodations in private family.
J '.Hi". Oregonian.
Kooiiik With Board.
YOUNG man. appreciative of a nice home
with pleasant surroundings, desires sucn
in a strictly private family, where are no
other boarders; city or suburbs. State
terms and full particulars. AH 962, Ore
gonian. WANTED Good board and suite of 2 rooms
with bath. In nice German family of
adults, by man and wife, where there are
no other boarders; West, Side preferred.
K W09, Oregonian.
A LADY of refinement would like room and
board in rennea private iamny wnere mere
are no other boarders; slate price, location,
etc., in answer. AH 971, Oregonian.
ROOM and board by young lady employed
during the day. in strictly private family.
T DtH Oregon lan .
A SINGLE gentleman wants a sunny room,
a hfidt H-ih and
Doara. A m yii. uresoman.
WIDOW of a refined family wishes a good
w a 1 i voor.nl1 Knv S H7 1 re-
YOUNG man wants board In private fam
ily. Catholic preferred, in Piedmont dis
trlct. AK 965. Oregonian.
WANTED Board in private family for 2
boys. 4 and b 3'eara old. AN ti3, Ore
gonian. WANTED By young lady, employed, room
and home privileges, central. AK 061,
YOUNG man wants board and room in pri
vate family, near Albina; state particulars
and price. B 961. Oiv-gonian.
Furnished Booms.
14th and Washington ats.
Everything new, large, airy rooms, sin
gle and with bath, telephone in every
room, servico free; rates by the day, week
or month.
710 Washington st., near King. A
cheerful, modern home. Bath, hot and
cold water and phon-a in every room. In
the finest part of the city. The maxi
mum of convenience, the minimum of
expense. We make you feel at home.
Dining-room In connection. .Dest in the
city lor the money.
268 8d st., cor. Jefferson.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close
to business section. Rooms large, light
and airy; hot and cold water, steam heat,
gas and electric lights; call bells; free
phones. Rate $3 to o per week. Phones,
A 7731; M C039.
404 Washington, oorner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, running water in rooms,
electric light, free phuue; special rates by
week or mouth ; the must convenient lo
cation in the city; transient traaa solicited
at 1 up.
88 North bth St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, fine large otnee on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean; rated only and up
per week; duo and 15o per day, 3 bio ok
from Union Depot.
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW. modern brick building; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH
-ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
HOTEL SARGENT Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone East
291, connecting every room. Private hatha,
elevator, first-class grill. Special rate? by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, Is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 70o day ; (10 month up.
buites with running water $20 mouLtt u
Phones and bath free.
Fifth St., opposite City Hall.
New. beautifully furnished.; steam heat;
hot, cold water In every room; public
and private baths. Permanent; transient.
3& Stark Street.
Now under new management; finely fur
nished, steam-heated, all modern conveni
ences ; rates reasonable; transients so
licited. HOTEL BHS6LJN.
4S2 Washington, cor. nth.
6team heat, hot and oold water, baihs
micely furnished rooms, per wee u&i
transient rates. 75c up.
HOTEL LENOX cor. id and Main stsT.
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
poblte the Plaza.
Brick building, hot. cold water, steam
heat; centrally located; rates 50 cents.
til ami Auii
Washington and 17th. nrvt-ciasa furnished
rooms, mgle or eif suite; ail modem coa
venlences; 3 weekly up. A 2o47. M. 0647.
Modem furnished or unfurnished apart
mem. wi'B" vi Twmidoie rental.
M1LNER BLDO., o50Va Morrison St.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and batns free. 327
Stark, corner tith. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall stsT
well furnlsh-ad Sleeping rooms $j.o0 per
week; electric lights, hot baths free.
The Mercedes. 20th and Washington ; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
nlng water, modern c on venience ; ti2 u p.
ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill St., under new
management; single roams, with private
F U K N IS H ED. also unfurn Is hed rooms. very
suitable fr gentlemen. Kamra bldg., 1st
NICELY furnished rooms at l7l West Park;
FURNISHED rooms. Eim place, formerly
Elton court Annex. 414 lamnni ana lita.
TiiHT RSX Modern rooms. J 2-SO to S3 per
NICEIY furnished romi. walking distance.
-t-:1 tn. Jiorrigon st.
FOR niie. quiet transient rooms,
Ranoxviiih, od and Colsunbia.
go to the
Furnished Room.
LNGELAi. HOTEL 625 Washington street,
between 19th and 20th. Juat completed,
the cosiest, completest and up-to-datest
residence hotel in the city. The ground
floor office is finished in real mahogany,
marble and tile, is spacious and handsome;
elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
in all rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent Is very moderate, rooms from $15
per month up. Why not get the best for
your money? Xow open, rooms by the day,
week or month. Phone Marshall 1950.
140 ROOMS.
New. modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and oold running water In all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can boy, and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor; everything
first-class ; rates, CQc. 75c and $ 1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 6th St. North-
Homellke. Homelike Homelike.
7 th and Ankeay sts.
7ree was their depot carriage.
X took It ob the spot;
There may be other bouse Just as good.
A yuict home for quiet people.
THE GLENDORA, 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, $2.50 per week up; large
parlor, piano, billiard and pool tables free
to guests; large lawn and veranda; finest
location on West Side.
Furnished Kooins in Private families.
TWO ladies, wishing a nice, large, com
fortable room with mse of parlor and lovely
veranda, who would appreciate home ad
vantages; walking distance; East Side
Phone East 4.548. Call 4U7 Vi East Couch
st., near Grand ave.
BEAUTIFUL furnished largo front rooms,
single or en suite; lights, hot and cold
running water, large iawn. splendid view
point; Nob Hill; 10 and $12. 75 Couch,
N. E. cor.lSth. A 52b0.
FOR RENT Suite three rooms, with ex
clusive bath; one entire floor, suitable for
two or three gentlemen, private family;
Nob Hill district; reference required. Ad
dreaa AN to bt. Oregoni a n.
COZY room, with board for two; bath and
phone; also man with good habits to room
with another; 2o blocks south of P. O., near
canine. Aittin S3U4. oo otb st
FOR RENT Furnished tent for Summer;
pleasantly situated among trees; quiet, se-
....... v. . , uivi.a. , u is. 1. n itutl ureuii.
fast in house if desired. O 103, Oregonian.
ROOM in private family, on Hawthorne
avenue, oa carline, light and airy ;moderu
furniture, bath, telephone and heat. Phone
forenoons. B 108.
FRONT room for business gentleman; hot
r . oicuii; I J III , O IlllllUtCS
walk southwest of Postoffice; rent $12.
AG 074. Oregonian.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
one or two gentlemen, 10 minutes' walk to
P. P.; bath and phone. 233 13th st.
LARGE, nicely furnkj-htd rooms, fine loca
tion, suitable for two. 213 13th st. Phone
BEAUTIFUL front suite cj 2 rooms; running
water, telephone; walkin r distance; In moa-
LARGE room for one or tvo, beautiful neigh-
W.T-Hf.H hoih -1 v. , .
close In'Earit Side. Phone C 2CUb; Eaat lbti'J.
FURNISHED room for one or two gentle
men, modern conveniences, $10 month. 225
Mon t gomery.
THREE nicely furnished rooms for a family
of two. Inquire 403 Rodney ave. Phone
East 2197-
NICELY furnished rooms for gentleman
only ; hot ad cold water. 215 13th St.,
corner Salmon st.
YOUNG man wishes roommate to share a
front room in a pretty private home; rent
$b.Qo per month. B iJOV. Oregonian.
8O0 TAYLOR, N. E. cor. Park st. Fur
nish ud and unfurnished or partly, house
keeping room ; central.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, every con
venience, private family. 400 Park -t.
Phone A 7212..
TWO nice rooms. East Side, with sleeping
porch, walking distance; one one $10;
large yard. 504 E. Morrison st.
PLEASANT rooms for two or three gen
tlemen ; running water, central, reason
able, iii'2 l"'th st.
NEW house and furniture, rooms only $
per week ; choice location; A 7 T'.Hi. 331
NEWLY furnished front room for 2, with or
w it hou t board ; free phone. East 24 10. 44
Euft 7th.
LA ROE, newly furnished rooms, reasonable
price, at 6S 1 GILsan ft., next to drugstore.
Phone Marshall 1010.
2T8' 13TH ST., nicely furnished rooms;
house new; every convenience; gentleman
LIGHT, airy home for 2 gentlemen, one
single. 5 minutes' walk from Postoffice.
oOli Morrison st.
FOR RENT Nice newly furnished rooms In
private lamiry ; rree bath and gas; nice lo
oatlon. tt!4 Pettygrove, near Hth.
LARGER beautifully furnished front room for
two gen t ie me n or studio; modern con ven i
ences. 2ul 13th st.
FURNISHED room, for rent to gentlemen;
j'i ivme iamny ; pjione, ngnis ana Oath;
walking distance. 321 Waaco at.
TWO furnished room, suitable for lady or
gcnriemen empioyea. ashing ton st.
Phone Marshall 131:9.
THREE newly furnished rooms In private fam
ily, 1 urn ace and Datn, .$30. irhone Main
9-U4. 47 Clay st.
TWO newly furnished modern front rooms. 10
minutes walk .postoffice. 404 Clay. Main
FURNISHED front room for two gentlemen;
alcove, porch, conveniences; will board if
desired. HI E. Sixth N.
LARG H. well-furnLshed front room: walking
distance; nice neighborhood; reasonable. 5til
Fourth, cor. Lincoln.
NICELY furnished front room. reasonable;
board close; walking distance. 432 Third,
flat B.
ROOM, stylish new house, handy to busi
ness, reasonable ; choice location. Main
L'-J 1 9.
LARGE furnished room, suitable for two. or
one single room; bath, gas, phone. 321
I'.ith st.
NEATLY f urnished bedroom, walking dis
tance. 4129 Oth.
N EATLY furnished front room; walking di
tan e: $2 per week. 2 116 Sherman M.
NICELY furnished front room, reasbnabte.
mrxlem, walking distance. Phone 42S Mill st.
ONE newly furnished front room, modern,
reasonable. 54S Flanders, near 16th.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two;
rent reasonable. 447 Main st.
LA RGE front room, suitable for two; all
conveniences. ISO 14th st.
VERY desirable room; light, airy and clean;
gentleman preferred ; $12. 305 1 2th st.
COM FORT ABLY furnished room, all mod
ern conveniences; $9. 787 Glisan st.
NICELY furnished pom with running water
at 170 12th st.. near Morrison.
FURNISHED room for rent, suitable for 2,
very reasonable. lth st.
SMALL furnished room, use of bath and phone;
ppr m.mih. 59S Williams ave.
A LARGE front room, also sleeping porch;
lnrpre lawn. 2 o 1 6th st.
NEWLY furnished room. 624U. E. Stark sit.
Walking distance.
NICELY furnished room, gas and bath, at
72 Belmont.
192 S 12TH ST. Well-furnished room, gas,
bath and phone.
NICELY furnished front room, every con
venience. 1ST Chapman, near Morrison.
ELEGANTLY furnished parlor with piano,
SI- per month. 265 Lincoln.
PLEASANT front room, every convenience,
walking distance. 361 10th st.
FURNISHED rooms; private family. 248 X.
Snth gt. Main 3049.
PART of furnished home for rent to couple
or three. 701 Belmont st.
CliSAX furnished upstairs front room, $6w
:5Q 14th st.. walking distance.
SMALL, pleasant room, gentleman, close in.
reasonable. Call mornings. 127 14th st.
2,1 12TH ST., cor. Salmon, nice rooms, close
In. reasonable; near white Temple.
NICELY furnished front room. 474 Alder st.,
NICELY furnished room, from $1.50 up. In
quire S24 14th St.
LARGE, handsomely furnished front room,
with large closet. 429 Market A 4O0C
NEWLY furnished front robms, quiet, mod
ern. electric lights, price right. 391 10th st.
NICELY furnished rooms; bath ; phone;
walking distance; $2 and $2.50. 325 12th.
NICE room in steam-heated apartment; hot
nater. walking distance. Main 8161.
TWO nicely furnished rooms. 414 Salmon,
corner 1 1th.
6H N. 14TH ST. Nice, clean rooms, suitable
for two.
I FURNISHED roosK for rent. -S9 HUh st,
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
VERY desirable rooms for business men in
a private home; fresh air, quiet, flrst
claes in all respects ; $3, $ 4 and $ 3 per
week. Prospect drive and 21st st., Port
land Heights, 10 minutes' walk from
Washington st. Phone Main 10o7.
805 WHEELER ST. Nicely furnished sin
gle rooms for gentlemen ; Steel bridge. 3
minutes' walk, home comforts; references
Cnfturilsb,e. Booms.
Young: men wanted to Join camping
party. Grounds 10 minutes from City
Hall on 2 car lines. Bull Run water. AE
950. Oregonian.
UPSTAIRS of private house, 5 rooms, un
furnished or partly furnished; adults only;
gas. bath and phone; tine location. 407
Hoiladay ave.. near Grand ave.
UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for office
o.- light housekeeping. Cambridge bldg.,
Bd end Morrison. Apply room 36.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 413
Rooms With Board.
HI 7 Kearney St.
Summer home, with the best home cook
ing; furnished suites with prlva-te baths;
rates reasonable.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing -room and library.
10 Flanders st. Miss Fraaces N. Heath,
LAMBEKSON 554 Couch .. 00c. 17th. one
block from Washington; desirable rooms for
gentlemen. Good home cooking.
LARGE corner room well furnished; bath
adjoining, modern; one single room: walk
lr.g distance. S3 N. 17th st.
HOARD and room, best in city, reasonable;
rooms single or en suite." Main 2118. The
Waldorf, 147 13th st.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen; strict
ly home cooking. 254 12th st.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
WOULD like to board two niv couples, or
four young men, or two young men and
two nice girls, none but tirst-class; have
elegant new home, tine Jersey cow, plenty
whipped cream and good things to eat;
family small, want Just a few boarders for
company. Phone B 1265.
WANTED Men or men and wives to board
in beautiful country home on electrio car
line, 5c fare, 20 mln. ride to city. Fine
ba rn for horses or au tos. A H Ore-
ROOM and board for one; small front room;
no transient wanted; home with all mod
ern conveniences; easy walking distance,
near Burnside. 2S East 0th st. North.
Phone East 0018.
NICELY furnished large front room, hot
and cold water, beautiful grounds. Ideal
place, exceptionally good table board. 90
East 8th street, corner Washington; East
NICELY furnished room, adjoining bath;
also smaller room; excellent board, nice
location, close in, strictly private. 521
Couch, cor. 10th.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen or two
respectable working girls ; use of laun
dry; $5 per week each. 420 East Couch.
Phone E 1824.
WELL furnished corner room for 2 people
employed through day; breakfast and dinner;
large porch and grounds; also small single
room. Main 2071. 241 N. 22d.
WOULD like two young men to take room to
gether with board, or two young ladies', in
lovely home, reasonable and close in; but
must be refined. Phone B 2773.
HOARD and room; bath, phone, home cook
ing, use of piano; $6 per week. 101 11th,
near Yamhill.
VERY desirable vacancy, newly furnished,
for gentlemen only; home cooking. 64ft
East Alder. Phone B 2952.
EXCELLENT board for one or two gentle
men, private family, reasonable. 284
ROOM for one more young man; good board;
all home comforts; walking distance; $20 per
month. 525 Clay St.- '
ROOMS, en suite and single, excellent board;
every modern convenience. A 7023. 204 N.
FURNISHED rooms and board in private
home on East Side. 203 Weldler st.
Home phone C 1963.
NICE, clean furnished room with breakfa.n;
nice home. Call Main 1473, between 6 and
8 P. M.
ROOM mate to room and board In private
family; $20 per month. Sunnyside car. 1100
R elmont.
LARGE room, pleasant suburban home, near
car; reasonable; infants allowed. 2'X East
.'2d st.. cor. Tavlur. Phone Tabor 2j7.
ROOMS with board for 1 or 2 gentlemen
5iU l Davis st.. between lKth and 10th sts.
VERY desirable room and board, home cook
Ing. B 2031. 644 East Aider st.
ROOM and board. 603 Washington st. ; large
front room.
168 V 10TH Pleasant room, with or with
out board, suitable for gentlemen.
ROOM and board.
telephone, piano.
out Morrison st. ; bath.
ROOM for nent, with or without dinner, to
Jewish young man. Main 3821.
N EWLY furnished rooms, with board. 596
East Oak st.. cor. 15 th. B 2619.
FIRST-CLASS board and room, home cook
ing. walking distance. Marshall 1549.
FURNISHED room with board;
Troh. 3o5 1 1th. st. A 1636.
2 SPLENDID room., choice board, fine neigh
borhood, reasonable. 761 Marshall.
HOME cooking, reasonable vates; gentlemen
only. Main 7016.
NOB HILL, close in, large front room, well
furnished, bath, yard, porch. 632 Flanders.
BOARD and room. In nice residence district,
East Side. Woodlawn 1030.
ROOM and board, refined private family;
business people preferred. 912 Hoyt st.
ROOM and board in private family. Sy
MAllory ave., near Shaver.
FURNISHED rooms, with board; references1.
23t loth st.
ROOM and board, two gentlemen, close in;
home comforts. AL 971. Oregonian.
FIVE-ROOM, steam heated, modern apart
ment with janitor service (partial base
ment), finest in city for the money. Ap
ply to janitor, 21st and Ream ey
FURNISHED 2-room apartments, clean and
modern, hot and cold water, furnace heat,
telephone; rent $20. J eff ersonian Apart
ments. 10th and Jefferson sts.
THE LAURETTE Apartments. 229 11th; new
brick building; one choice, ekgant fur
nished front apartment ; modern ; ." mln
utes' walk from Postoffice. Both phones.
21-ST and Northrup ts. New 3. 4 or G-noom
unfurnished apartments, strictly modern,
every convenience; rent reasonable. Phone
Main 1850. A 1850.
K.EELER apartments Unfurnished suites;
fintiPt In the city; free telephones, disap
pearing beds, private baths, etc 14th and
Clay et.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 1
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences: $18
to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sta
MODERN 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished and unfurnished; private vestibule
and bath, elevator service. Ionian Court,
.7o Couch st. -
THREE furnished apartments in exchange
for light .ianitor service night and morn
ing. 377 Vancouver avenue. Phone Last
VOR RENT Especially, select 4-room apart.,
ment, beautifully furnished, Hoiladay add.;
lock from car; opportunity for couple;
references. Phone E. 5733.
For housekeeping in suites. $12 and up;
hot water, free baths, first-class. C31
Washington, cor. 20th.
TO careful tenant, two new neatly fur
nished apartments for two, $20 and $22;
block Morrison car. Phone East 5043.
THE new brick Stanley apartments, Jins;
and Washington sts.; 3, 4 and a rooms,
$-7.50 per month and up.
$30 THREE outside rooms, furnished, steam
heat, hot and cold water, private bath,
both phones. 448 Clay st.
HARRISON COURT Unfurnished apartment
of 2 rooms and bath. Phone Main 5148, A
MORTON, 07 Washington St.. one 3-room
apartment, all large outside rooms; 2
basement apartments; reasonable rcn t.
TWO large, airy and well furnished rooms;
new home and ntrictlv modern : beautiful
neighborhood. 22S B. 20th. B 1430.
i-ROOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Braintree Apartments, 295 12th st.
' Main 7741.
THE LANDORE. 2S8 10th, near Jefferson,
new 3-room suite, completely furnished
for housekeeping; sleeping porch.
THE ELLSWORTH Single furnished rooms,
modern apartments. 166 15th t- Main
FOR RENT For the Bummer, nicely fur
nished 3-room apartment; very reasonable.
Adults. Phone C. 2642.
FOR RENT to two adults, completely fur
nlshed apartment. Phone A 43!S mornings.
MAJESTIC, 390 Clay st., between West Park
and Tenth; choice four-room.
421 W-HT PARK. . Apartment, modem.
Three new 6-room apartments on Port
land Heights. Every convenience, beauti
fully decorated, fixtures, shades, range,
heater, etc Gas dryer, private porches.
Splendid view. 20th and Laurel stroets,
Portland Heights. Open today. Rent only
912 Lewis Building.
Burnside. white pressed brick, beautifully
furnished ; bay windows, fireplaces, built
in beds, private baths; laundry and steam
drier in basement; hot and cold water,
steam heat, private telephones, 2 and 3
room apartments, elegantly furnished ;
janitor service; walking distance; rent
very reasonable; a few unfurnished apart
ments. phone B 1018. No children.
between 19th and 20th sts.. near Washing
ton; 2, 3 or 4-room apartments, new pressed
brick building just completed; every mod
ern convenience, including telephone ex
change and elevator; close to business cen
ters; very reasonable prices and excellent
eervice. Marshall 395u.
New concrete building with elaborately
furnished 3-room apartments, all modern
conveniences, large shady lawn, cool ve
randas and janitor service; rents reason
able, walking distance. tt4 Marshall St.;
take "W" car. Main 6232 or A 319L
S. W. Cor. 5th and College Stm.
4 rooms and bath $35.00
4 rooms and bath 32.00
8- W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison st. New brick
building, completely first class, furnished
In 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments; pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
niahed; Ianitor service; rent reasonable.
$26 WEST SID E A nice 4-room apart
ment. all outside roonw, including heat
and hot water furnished, with bedstead
and spring, dresser and dining-room table,
kitchen treasure, gas stove, shades and
light fixtures. Call Janitor, 454 11th St.,
take Montgomery car.
THIS ROSE FRIENDS. W. cor. 7th and
Jefferson sts., new modern 4 and 6-room
a part ment s for rent in concrete and brick,
fireproof building; all large outside rooms,
hardwood floors, private baths and balls;
elevator and electric lifts; janitor service;
rent $45 and up.
THREE apartments. 25 to $35. West Side,
consisting of 3 to 4 rooms, furnished with
bedstead, spring and dresser,' dining-room
table, ice box, gas stove, fixtures and
shades; fine new brick building. Call Jan
ltor. 414 11th st.
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts.
Unfurnished apartment, with bath. AU out
side rooms; modern, every convenience, and
only 5 mlnutecr walk from P. O. Very rea-
sonable rent. Main 2506. A 8149.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. 695 Lovejoy st. Take W
HANOVER Apartments, corner King and
Washington sts., 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private bath, free phones
and janitor service; rent very reasonable.
MAY 15, to adult small furnished apart
ments, also unfurnished 3 and 4-room
apartments ; walking distance; references
required. Belmont, between 18th .and 19th,
Inquire 165 East 17th st.
"OXEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th, near
Yamhill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free; $20 per month, $5 per week
and up. Main 4697. A 4739.
ST. CROIX Apartments, I'iO 6L Clair, near
Washington; new brick building, two and
three-room apartments, all modern con
veniences; fine residence location; reason,
able rent.
2, 3 OR 4-room apartments, up to date
In every respect, walking distance from
business center; furnished and unfurnished.
loth and Everett sts. Phone Main 1245.
FOUR-ROOM modern apartment in Cherry
court; eood location, easy walking dis
tance; $21, incluainK water. Apply A. H.
Birrell Co.. 2u2 McKay bldg., 3d and
Stark sts.
6TEAM-HEATED 6-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 EVerett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleldner & Boyce. 503 Ablngtoo
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished, $56; un
furnished. $40. Apply Janitor.
4-ROOM unfurnished apartment, hot and
cold water, phone, janitor service. Mad
ison Apartments, Madison and Park sts.
WAUNITA. 325 llth st. Very nicely fur
nished 2-room apartments; steam heat:
modern; walking distance.
FOR RENT -last biae. close in; very hand
some 6-room flat, built-in china closets,
laundry trays, large porches, every- mod
ern convenience; this is the only one left
and should- go today; rent $25; wouid cost
$45 on the West aide. Call up Main 6974.
$22 1 - ROOM upper flat, built-in china closet,
excellent furnace and ail modern conveni
ences. Price includes water; location 32'
Rose street. R. H. Blossom, 316 Chamber
of Commerce.
FOR RENT New and strictly modern 6
rcoxxL flats on 20th and Laurel sta port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
. 85 Fourth st.
FINE 9-room flat, 3S9 10th St., near Mont
gomery ; contain s every con venience ; fine
view of the city, $4n. Donald G. Wood
ward. agent. lo4 Second st.
FLATS Strictly modern, 3 and 4 rooms; walk
ing dibtance; elevators. awnings, gas
ranges, ice chests, screens, etc., $27.50 up.
71 Washington st.
7-ROOM flat, unfurnished; all modern con
veniences; easy walking distance; 2ast Side
Phone Main 7537, A 3215.
NEW m od ern attic room, two blocks West
Side High School. Inquire 175 16th, cor
ner Yamhill.
MODERN 5-room fiat, close In. on 17th st
A No. 1 every way. Inquire room S15
Hamilton bldg. A. 52.-.1.
MODERN 5-room flat, with every conven
ience; rent $20; at 2G6 Weldler. Apply 297
Cherry st.
ELEGANT 5-room flat, corner Ross and
Dixon, across Steel bridge; rent cheap. In
quire on premises.
SWELL new apartments, 9 rooms and sleep
ing porch. 553 Ladd ave., near 12th and
FOR RENT Five-room flut, just completed,
$32.50. Cor. 10th and E. Burnside. Phone
4 ROOMS and bath, $15. 452 Larrabee st.,
near Steel bridge. Louis Salomon & Co.,
233 Stark St.. near Second.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1618. A 1084. All covered wag-
ons. all experienced men.
ONE new 6-room modern fist: S" and F"
carline. Inquire at drugstore. Front and
Olbhs sts.
FOR RENT Flat of 6 lapse room. all light uivuvru, tot noy i m., near zst. in
quire on premises.
MODERN 6-room flat. 563 E. Madlinn t.
Hawthorne Park; finished floors'. Tel. BaM
MODERN 5-room flat, walking distance, $20
iiiwiui- a ' - , r-aai -a 81. s. 'el
Woodlawn 362.
NEW modern 5-room lower flat, rent $20.
East 6317.
UPPER 5-room modern, newly tinted flat.
714t Kearney. Key at 712 Kearney.
FLAT of 8 rooms and bath, hot air furnace
59H Salmon st. Key 600 Salmon st.
MODERN 6-room flat; choice location. 739 u
Overton st. Main 859.
NICELY furnished 5-room flat, modern. 148
r:. gt. xapor iiu.
NEW 3-room Hats, strictly modern, 22
Stanton. I 'hones E. and C 1S6JS.
MODERN 5-roomed upper flat; adults. 169
E. loth, near Belmont. Phone B 185a
STRICTLY modern 5-room flats. 541 Bth, near
lacKspn. veat g-iqe. iu minutes" walk.
FOR RENT, $20, modern 6-room flat, walking
distance. Phone Eaet 2218.
MODERN 4-room flat. Inquire 628 Williams
ave. Phone C ""GO".
$lb 4-room, new. modern. lower flat. 71
East 2 2d st., near Stark st.
NEW and modern 5-room flat; fine neigh -borhood
; no children. 777 East Yamhill.
MODERN 5-rxm lower corner flat; good at-
nq a.n wwiiieiiL. i i:n st.
MODERN Ant. 6 rooms and bath. 731 14 Hoyt
st. Incu're 132 6tfa st. Main 6278.
8-ROOM modem flat. Inquire 225 Market
st fnone Mam sis.
6-ROOM modern flat, 3fni 7th. Inquire
363 14th. Phone M. 7S66.
LOWER 5-room flat, modem. 473 Park. In
ouire 468 Park st.
MODERN 5-room fisC Inquire 426 6th st.
No. 523 Twentieth Street.
5 rooms and bath $30.00
6 rooms and bath 35 00
g. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts.
LOWER flat, partly furnished, no children;
references required. 646 Williams ave.
Housekeeping Rooms,
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall st. Fur
nished for housekeeping. Including gas
ranged, electric lights, hot water, bath,
laundry, all free: $15 per month ud: b
tn the city for money- short distance from
U n ton Depot. Tak e S" ' or 1 6t h -st. can
north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
NEWLY furnished 2-room housekeeping suite
reasonable; also large single room, suitable
for 2 working people. 38 North 21st St., Just
off Washington.
Modern furn. or unfurn. apartments;
single or en suite; reasonable; central.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2.
$ 8 mon th. 3 for $ 1 2. 364 2 6t h. N ort h
West Side), W car from depot, 3d or
Morrison to 6th. block north.
CAMBRIDGE bldg., 3d and Morrison; fur
nished and unfurnished rooms for house-
keeptng. Apply room 36.
THREE or four newly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, u.odern, walking distance. 167
East 14th st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. Wendhurst, 64b V Washington,
near 16h.
$1.26 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas.
furnace heat. 4Q6 Vancouver ave.
TH REE newly furnished housekeeping
rooms. 275 H Clay st.. corner 4th St.; no
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
rooms, single or en suite. The Belliner
ham, corner East 6th and Morrison sts.
THREE desirable rooms, completely fur
nished for housekeeping; modern. 641
6th Bt.
DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur
nished suites. Fifth st.. 303 Jefferson.
Beautiful central location.
THE COLLINS 503 Alder St., furnished
housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences.
487 TAYLOR, near 14th sL, pleasant 2-room
suite upper floor; $14.50.
THE MILNER, 350i Morrison, cor. Park, fur-
m--.pu. or uiuur. apLs. ; aai con., best location.
$1.26 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms.
-" um"-ji .m. ..iv o lamun. oar.
L50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 164 Sherman!
461 E. MORRISON, cor. 8th. Completely
Tl rntohoH Vv-itio-.-. . .
aunw; reasonable.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartment fm-.
nished. 191 14th st.
THREE nice housekeeping rooms, front.
. ......v,. nyn. j . hi ana Ainer sts.
TWO very nice large housekeeping rooms,
sink; modern conveniences. 403 Second et
r lwo room witn kitchen, also large
ommii two people. t3 Irving u
12a Tenth st.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
TWO-ROOM housekeeping suite, also single
room; phone, bath, quiet placa 163 N.
j. n n vv .. near irving,
TWO furnished front housekeeping rooms;
private, toilet, bath, sinks, pantry. 211
Sherman St.
FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, in
new residence ; nice yard ; fine residence
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance, reasonable; large porch
and yard . ph one East 2570.
WELL-FURNISH ED connecting housekeeping
rooms; bath, gas. free phone, large yard
. $12.50. 421 Second t.
THREE furnished rooms, new bungalow ;
clean, neat, all conveniences; desirable. 781
East Yamhill, near 23d st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, phone,
gas, bath. $15 per month; no children. 400
Market st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, single
or en suite; running water; $12 and $14.
388 N. 24th. v
$20 HOUSEKEEPING room, 7 blocks from
Postoffice; use piano; both phones. 282
3 LARGE rooms, completely furnished, up
per flat, no children, $12. 1505' Oneonta
St.. Woodlawn.
VERY niceiy furnished large front room,
housekeeping; bath and phone; cloeo in. 321
llth st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, gas.
bath, phone, laundry; reasonable. 2S6
Clay st.
TWO suits housekeeping rooms furnished and
unfurnished ; respectable neighborhood- very
cheap. ;t6 North 21et. ,
S COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas, i nk , bath, n ice law n ; reason-
able. East 60t7.
TW O rooms, complete for housekeeping,
gas range, bath and phone ; also single
room, reasonable. 535. Johnson st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. with sleeping
porch, also tenting privileges. Phone
Sellwood 36.
ONE three-room suite first floor and one
Bingle second floor, nicelv furnished. Call
600 Everett. Main 5968.
THREE nicely furnished rooms, housekeep
ing privileges, walking distance, reason
able. 340 Benton st.
4-ROOM flat, completely furnished for house
keeping; hot and cold water, gas range
ana 1 fiione wooaiawn i::uu.
WANTED Respectable lady to share rooms
in private family ; rent $S: housekeeping
privileges. 354 7th st upstairs.
NEATLY furnished light housekeeping
rooms at 16! East 14th st., 1 blocks off
East Morrison.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms,
single furnished housekeeping room; bath,
gas and phone. 326 6th st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, bath,
stationary tub, gas plate and range. 720
Mllwaukle st. Phone Sellwood 85.
DON'T SEARCH, 2o2 14th at.. 2 large, nicely
furnished housekeeping rooms, clean, quiet,
gas range, bath, p h on e.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, residence
district. East Side. Woodlawn 1035.
TWO front rooms for housekeeping; bay win
. dow. 421 Seventh st.
THREE large well furnished rooms in private
home. Call Monday. Phone East 2683.
ONE room, nicely furnished for housekeep
ing. $10. 334 Park st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; rea
sonable rent. 302 4th st.
LIGHT housekeeping room. $2 week: sleep
Ing porch $1.50; close In. 292 10th.
THREE partly furnished housekeeping
rooms, reasonable. Woodlawn 1126.
TWO elegant housekeeping rooms, central,
SI 4: phone, water. Phone A 3062.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms, private fam
ily. 415 East Clay, corner 6th.
PLEASANT frnt room, very convenient,
reasonable. 220 North 16 th st.
6U1TE) for three; clean, well-f urnished rooms
All conveniences: central. 327 7th .t.
NICELY furnished suite of rooms, 24ft Hoi
laday ave.. jiut across Steel Bridge.
NEAT single housekeeping rooms. - 449
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping-rooms;
gocd yard. 25Q Ivy st., Albina.
3 COM PORTABLE f urnl shed housekeeping
roomg. reasonable. 781 Kearney st.
TWO housekeeping rooms. 195 14th St.,
corner Taylor. Adults only.
FINELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67
N. 14th St., Davis. S. Everett St.
ONE large front furnished housekeeping
room; gas; no children. 488 Everett st.
F1TRNITHED housekeeping rooms. Call Tl
East 7th. or phone East 3605.
TWO well-f urnished housekeeping suites; all
conveniences. $20 and $22.50. 347 Hall.
2-ROOM suite, well furnished, $16 per
month. 509 Johnson at., near loth.
FRONT alcove, also single housekeeping
room; phone. 450 Yamhill st.
TWO large, well furnished rooms, with
small kitchen. 420 Market. A 4i06.
CLEAN, light, well furnished housekeeping
rooms. 895 6th St.
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
room. . 214 13th St.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, with
all modern conveniences. 56i Flanders st.
ENTIRE floor. 3 furnished rooms and bath,
light an d pleasant. Inquire 420 7 1 h s t .
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 568
East Ankeny st.
FOUR nicely furnished light housekeeping
rooms. Cheap rent. 227 Montgomery.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms
with gas and water. 745 1st. Take S car.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in private family
383 E. Washington st. East 3061.
FURNISHED suite housekeeping rooms. $10
per month. 588 Pettygrove. Main 342.:.
RENT of suite, half free for caring for flat
during Summer. 4S5 Clay st.
TWO large, airy and well furn iehed rooms ;
new home and strictly modem; beautiful
neighborhood. 228 E. 20th. 1430.
Housekeeping Rooms in private Family.
NI?ir u"'hed housekeeping snlt.
with gas range and bath, on first floor,
fcnd outside rooms, with lots of light and
large porch, and facing the City Park
block, for $11 per month: this la cheap;
Jiim-2e?v-Coupl ?nly wlthout children.
Call 4 SQ West Park st.
FOR RENT For elegantly furnished rooms
for housekeeping, all modern conveniences
house and furniture brand new, will rent
reasonable to couple adults. 126 East 35th
t.; take Sunnyside or Mt Tabor cars
Phone Tabor 10 98.
$12.60 BEAUTIFUL suite of two rooms tn
front of nice residence; complete for
housekeeping; choice location; light-P1?"?-
bat. walking distance. Adults.
&n4 Iast tth. Phone Sellwood 1109.
SEVERAL suites ewell fumlhd housekeep
ing rooms: gas range, sink hot water, laun
dry, beautiful location; walking distance.
656 Glisan.
BEAUTIFUI suite of housekeeping rooms -everything
the best ; all outside rooms -roomers
leaving for the Summer; rent cheap
to right party. 4.s5 Clay st.
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping room?,
walking distance. East Side; light and water
included ; automobile garage in rear. Call
42 Williams ave.
FOR RENT Three nine housekeeping rooms,
close in; gas, electric light, bath and
phone, cheap. 102 North 10th st. Phone
, M ain S.
FOR R HNT Two u put air front furnished
nous -keeping room; vide entrance; $12 per
month. 3504jhm1.ea-y walking distance.
SUITE of housekeeping, on corner; all con-
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
eink and pantry in kitchen. 5iq Mill aU
8 rooms. 633 Third at., $25.
6 rooms. 67 . Wrater St., $18.
7 rooms. lOol Commercial. $25.
6 rooms, SOl Weidler St., $22.50.
7 rooms. 257 Narttlla St.. $30.
6 rooms, 650 K. Morrison. $16.
7 rooms. 4ik East llth st-. $30.
6 rooms, 614 Seventh St., $17.
8 rooms, 7uS Everett at., $45.
8 rooms. 2iu nth st.. $40.
5 rooms, 931 E. Angeny st., $15.
7 rooms. East 46th near Hawthorn, $10.
4 rooms, 788 Weidler St., $10.
6 rooms, 446 Larrabee- st.. $25.
5 rooms, 348 Hroadway. $30.
6 rooms, E. 12th and Division. $25.
6 rooms. 371 Pacific St., $20-50.
5 rooms, 224, East 1st. N., $25.
0 rooms, 400 Ross U, $25.
5 rooms, 4rl Ross St., $25.
5 rooms, 521 20th St., $30.
6 rooms, 621 H 20th st., $35".
5 rooms. 654 E. Alder st., $27.5.
6 rooms, 627 Cast Salmon, $28.
5 rooms, 2S6 14th st., $37-50.
5 rooms, 700 Irving St., $20.
250 Alder sU
Flat, five rooms, $27.50.
House, nine rooms, partly furnished. $60.
House, nine rooms, furnished. $60.
House, nine rooms, furnished,, Willam
ette Heights, $75.
Flat, seven rooms, $17.60.
House, five rooms, $20.
House, nine rooms, $45.
We help the landlord find a tenant.
We help the tenant find a landlord.
S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts.
WHEN you move you'll meed nw furnHura,
Buy It Judiciously and the avg wiU ex
ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made s on ot
the largest furniture bouses in the rrttyt
two years.
Lookers shows same courtesy as buyers.
69-75 Grand Ave., Cor. 3ast Stark St.
at Ankeny and Russell-Shaver nri1no
pass our door.
Furnished and unfurnished
Cottages, ,
Call and aee our litt.
Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RfiJNT, $25. modern 7 -room house, full
basement, walls newly tinted, shades and
screens on all windows, electric light, city
water, large yard, trees and flowers; one
block from Llewellyn school and Sellwood
carline. Cor. East 16th and Henry ave.
Sellwood 508.
5 room. West Side, $14.
6 rooms. West Side, $30.
7 rooms. East ffirie. $17.
8 rooms. E&-t Side, $15.
M. E. LEE. 411 Corbect Bldg.
IO-ROOM modern bouse on E. 17th t., close
to car. 100x100 corner, $30.
6-room new, never occupied, modern
residence in piedmont, 2 blocks car, $30.
218 Alder st.
FOR RENT Desirable cottage, 6 rooms and
bath. West Side, ten minutes' walk from.
Postoffice and half block from carline;
furniture for sale at sacrifice. Inquire at
167 Seventeent h St., near Morrison.
MODERN 7-room house on carline, 12 min
utes ride; moderate rent.
32-3 Lafayette bldg.,
Washington and6th.
FOR RENT House, six large rooms, re
ception hall, bath, gas, electricity, sta
tionary tub, good basement, etc; in first
class condition, J 20. Inquire, 435 Kast
7th st. N., cor, of Tillamook.
745 Northrup street, nine rooms, $50.
433 Ebey street, five rooms, $10.
S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington sts.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage; cement
vialk and basement, range, shades and trees,
large yard, all kinds fruit; $20 per month.
1536 E. BumsHde St.
8 ROOMS, close to wool factory in Sell
wood; fine opportunity to run boarding
house; rent only $12. Call 518 Chamber
of Commerce-
MODERN 6-room, full cement basement,
laundry trays, furnace, cabinet kitchen,
electric and gas, shades, clothesreel, every-
t h i n k n e w, $8 m o n t p ho n e C 1 8 a 8.
7-ROOM, nicely furnished, close In. East Side
home ; fine yard, small fruits, for Summer
months. Reasonable to responsible parties.
Phone B 2837.
6-ROOM cottage, 4-room flat, small store,
modern, walking distance, phone A 3376,
NEW eight-room house, excellent condition,
one block from two carlines. 135 E. 20th
st. N.. corner Hoyt
$12.50 Barn privilege, upper half, .separate
entrances, 10-room house. South Portland.
Marshall 1168.
8 ROOMS, new, modern, large porches,
faces east; fruit; 2 blocks car. 450 Mag
noiia, Woodlawn.
T-RCOM modern house, good residence dis
trict, walking distance, with garage; $30.
Call 505 Lumbermana bldg. Phone B-273i.
$37.50 PER MONTH New. modern 8 -room
residence, close in on East Side. See owner.
110 Third st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1618. A 1084. All covered wag
ona. all experienced men.
FOUR-ROOM cottage, $12.50. 415 Hancock
st. Key at 435 East 7th st. N cor. of
ft-ROOM modern house, E. 14th, near school
and cars-, walking distance. Lathrop, 131 3d
St.. room 316. Main 1031.
6-ROOM house on Willamette Heights. Ap
ply to Western Land Co., 248 Stark.
' Phone Main 80S8; A 7151.
MODERN 6-room house. 84 East 7th strewt
north; $20 per month.
6 ROOMS and bath, over store; East 81de;
close in. Phone East 608 and C 1131.
COTTAGE of 6 rooms and bath. 232 Stout
st. Key 600 Salmon st.
FOR RENT 736 E. Main, new modern 6-
room house. East 5047.
JUNE 5, modern 6-room cottage, on good
carline. Woodlawn 956
$3500 New 8-room bungalow. 12th, near Til-
lamook; terms. Owner. East li64.
N L W five-room cottage. 869 Hood. In
qulre 426 V. 6th st. .
MODERN 6-room house, $18. 761 Williams
ave. Phone Woodlawn 4ol.
6-ROOM house. 17th st.. near Market; bath,
gas. Key at 446 Clay st. Main 6255.
Furnished Houses.
192 CHAPMAN ST.. corner Taylor; four
room, modern, furnished flat; new carpets,
tile bath; S3": key at 551 Taylor t-
FURNISHED 6-room house for rent. 809
Clinton ; no children. E. N. Downing.
H .N ;jjsuM ELY furnished bungalow; de
Ilchtfullocatlon. 1048 Thurman.
IRVINGTON 608 Halsey, comfortably fui
nis-hed, 6 rooms, bath, gas, furnace; good
lot, in flowers and fruit.
FU RXISHED 8- room u p-to-date bouse ; nics
location. 261 Morris m.
3-ROOM furnisher? house, near carline; nice
yard and rogqy iaiwriH;
MODERN 7-rooiii furnished house, 1176 E.
1 tTth north. Woodlawn 2747.
6-ROOM furnished cotrage. 467 East Ash.
Tnouire Sunday. 1 to 5.
FURNISHED flat, comer, handy. West
yard, flowers; moderate rent. Mala