12 THE SUXDAT OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, MAT 15, 1910. REAL ESTATE For Sale Farm. FARMS FOR PALE. 322 acres, near Gold en dale. Wash., suit able for fruit, grain and stock ; 100 acres in cultivation, balance brush, and small timber: running stream on the farm, splendid soil, fine buy at $20 per acre; terms. i0 acres, 15 miles from Portland, near electric line, nearly all level and in cuiti . vation; lo-roora house and fair barn; sev eral acres in bearing, orchard; fine rich soil, all livestock and machinerey included with this fine suburban farm; will take house and two or three lota up to $4UOO anywhere in suburbs of city as first pay ment, balance 5 or io years on easy terms W acres fruit land. 20 miles north, of Ropeburg, on S. p. Railroad ; one-half level bottom land; entire tract in cultiva tion; adjoining town. price $o5 per acre; adjoining lands held at $100. 4000 acres, near Condon, Or., about 3500 tillable. Thia is fine wheat land and well watered, fenced and cross-fenced into five fields, with good 5-wire fence; fine bunch grass land; a rare bargain at $15 per acre; terms. 113 acres fine fruit and grain land mile from Albany, near Willamette River, all in cultivation and mostly in crop, of which one-third goes to purchaser; good buildings and lots of water; fine soil, suit able to subdivide; $100 per acre, on easy terms. LINCOLN INVESTMENT CO.. Drexel Hotel, 2d and Yamhill. BA RGA IN $17 an acre, terms on part 78 acres. 7 Vi miles south of Roseburg, Or. A bout Ho acres under cultivation, most all tillable. Well fenced, mostly woven wire; well watered by wells and springs. Large 10-room house, spring wa ter and telephone; three barns, two or three small cottages, good prune drye.; good supply standing timber; lime kiln and iron mine. About Jto acres good bear ing Italian prune orchard; 5 acres good bearing ftartlett pear orchard ; 5 acres good bearing apple orchard; small peach orchard and small fruits of all kinds. All good land, desirable place to live, on the main road. JR. F. D. every day. WA LKER & RUDOLPH, 326 Board of Trade. M ACRES $S5 per acre. Well improved ; ST acres In cultivation, acres in orchard 2 miles to Aurora. 2 miles to Burley. 3 miles to Hubbard; $.'i?00 cash, balance to suit For further particulars see JOHN DICK, 020 Henry bids. 14 ACRBri, about half in fine slate of cul tivation, fine soil, good new 2-story resi dence1, good barn and other outbuildings, good well and pump, also running water, close to good school and church ; on fine graveled road and 2 miles to station; not far from Portland; with it are 2 fine Jersey cows. 2 dozen chickens, new buggy, also tools and implement"; price for a short time only, $2150: write or rail J. V.. Smith, .113 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. JS0Of. SNAP. SNAP, SNAP. FOR FARMERS. 2i5 acres in Umatilla County. 10 miles from Pendleton. 1:15 acres seeded in bar ley; crop prospect never known to be bet ter; 40 acres fenced for chicken ranch; gnod well and plenty of water; cellar, il welling-housp. 5 good chick-n houses, granary; all for $t6n0; good terms. See Joe Busier. S3 Fast 1 flth st. FOR SALE Oo acres, 30 cleared, $150 per acre; 14 miles east of Portland, near Da mascus; schools, churches, stores; on mail route; plenty of big timber and good water; rich ot 1, some fruit trees, 2 houses; one- - half cash, time on balance. 273 Oak. F. A. Hurganl, Nn agents. 10 AC Ft KS, finest of land, fine crop, good buildings of all kinds, also stock, tools, chickens, etc.; lots of fine berries, fine running stream affords" fishing; on fine road, close to Portland;' $5000. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. 40 acres, all under cultivation; good house, 2 good barns and outbuildings; 20. acres- in alfalfa. running stream. 1 ',i miles from warehouse and railroad station; located at La tlrande. Or. ; $75 per acre, half caah. W. H. CARTF.lt CO., m , R2 6th m. 10-ACRE orchard tract, unlm Drove tl on rail- road, 23 miles from Portland; best soil no fock; -o an acre, easy terms; arrange us to go and make selection; round same cay. 310-311 Corbett bldg. wit a trtj 40 ACRES. 4 miles out, 1 a miles from sta tion. 2 acres grubbed, 2 good springs, 1500 cords of wood, $0oo down and long time on balance; price $250o. Oregon Land Co.. 215 Henry bldg. FOR SALK 150-ac re farm, close to Salem. Loxtau & Ames, 401 Commercial bldg. Phono Main I4'j:. 12'. -ACRE chicken rasch for sale or rent 7uo chickens, cow and team. George War field, owner, Barton. Or. 74 ACRES, farm famous for its apricots homelike, near good town. c. E. .Kirk' Route No. Newberg. Or. ' SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; land shown xrea Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. $;V5iO Small fruit farm on new electric line Sct' owrer. Frank Cain. 827 Eaut 3 1 1 n, N. . Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. FOR SALE OR LEASE Countrv village ho tel. doing $25nn to $;;ooo business annu ally. A splendid buy. Ii. s. COOK &. CO 5o:; Corbett bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE. SO acres, with l,50Moo feet yellow fir running water on place, half-mile off I nited Railway survey; 10 miles north west of Forest Grove for SlStH); terms to suit. Address Elmer Lyda, uales Creek. 16x4 ERIE engine and mill; complete in every way; only miles to R. R a lit tle money gets this; will include 30.000 -00O pood timber if desired ; buyers only considered. AV 9t5. Oregonlan . ( 1 5 7 0. OOO. 000 FEET of t i m ber, railroad runs through it; this is a Rood operating prop osition; terms can be had. Also 2:10.000,000 well located, and numerous other timber tracts. Oregon Land Co., 215 Henry bldg. OVER l.O0 0.O00.0o. s r fpr cenyellow fir compact body; Washington County. Ore gon; nothing like it to h.- had in West ern Oregon , price on application ; no agents. A F t6S, Oregonlan. ( i ;? S20 ACRES of timber land, of flr and cedar in Douglas Co.; will siHI rea.sonar.le - or trade lor farm land In Valley. AM 107. Oregoninn. 1.URECT attached mill. 10.000 capacity all complete: at sacrifice, price iono can be moved any time. AF 966 Ore gonian. THE E. of NE. U and lots 1 and of section IS. T. 6 S.. R. 9 W.. Tillamook County; will cruise li'.OOQ.OOO and over Add ress P. O. Pox 514. A Ibuny. Or. W E have buyers wanting desirnble proper tics; you have no commit ton to pav; write u. American Invest mcnt Association, sit Palace hldg., Minneapolis Minnesota. ATTENTION'. HI Y ERS, 470.000,000 yeTTow fir. only 50 miles from Portland ; a spe cial price to prompt buyer; no afentacon sidored. A F 1'HT. Orcgonian. "l 4 1 12.ooO.Ooo FEET fir o durable stream a few miles from tidewater. If you want a good small investment, call on C. J. Mc- Cracken. :'.Q4 McKay bldg. AY i LL trade a timber claim in Douglas Co. tor lots in Portland, c. J. MeCracken, :;o4 McKay bldg. WOOD stumpage, about 3000 cords. 9 miles from r-Mtland. Apply I.VJ Eart Couch. Phone East 1114 6. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M CHACKEN. 104 McKay Bldg. KEl.lNQl tSHMENT for sale, principally -ec"ar. 1arge trees, near the coast K tttVt, Qregonian. 17.OO0.O0O yellow fir for 30 cents. Phone Main So 14. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent furnished country or suburban place, l acre or more good house, modern conveniences, f amltv orcn ard. small fruit and garden, near "electric or steam road, not over 25 miles from Portland, "for months, with option for longer time or to purchase; describe fullv O. B.. 72U West 4th St.. Albany. Or. AVE HAVE a party of Eastern farmers who wish to rent Improved farms near Portland for cash : what have vou to if fer? Oregun Land Co., 215 Henry bldg IRRIGATED LAXD. F R SALE S-roora new. large house and 20 acres best upper Columbia River fruit land; $40oo. half cash. 2U4 Chambei of Commerce bids. FOR RENT FARMS. 3 20 ACRES, all cultivated, family orchard. 5 -room house, granary, good well mater; will rent for part cash and part crop. Oregon Land C-. 215 Henry bldg. REAL ESTATE. IF you have a nice hme, well located. In the city, for sale, and will take choice Hood River property, address AK 974. Ore gonian. WE have customers for all classes of Port land property, ranging from $2500 to J1OO.00O, or more in value. Give us de scription of what you are willing to selL Sales made without unnecessary pub licity. Walker & Reed. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8535. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH. Good stock farm of not less than 1B0 acres, within 30 miles of Portland; prefer not less than 80 acres in alfalfa; give full details including lowest cash price in first letter. AM 972. Qregonian. .WANTED Wholesale tracts of good land suitable for colonization. In Central and Eastern Oregon, for ourselves and our client ; owners only. Manuel Brothers Company, 203 Andrus bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED Large body of cheap acreage for colonizat Ion, must be reasonably con venient to transportation. Owners only. CRAWFORD & BABOOCK, 5Q2 Swetland bldg. WANTED, for cash, 5 to 24-acre chicken and fruit, ranch, close to Portland. State price, location and improvements. One on creek or river preferred. AJ 960, Ore gonian. . m W ANT HOME IN PORTLAND! Cottage or bungalow, corner preferred; not over $.00O; have A-l touring car to give as first payment ; terms on balance. M. Webster, 3S7H Mill st. WANTED to buy from one to three acres on riverfront, between eight and ten miles north or south from Portland: give exact location, price and terms; no agents need apply. AC l6.-. Oregonlan. WE have buyer for close-in income prop erty up to $20,000: also buver for good apartment site. Make low price and we will make quick sale. CLQDFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. CASH paid for lots, deed or contract, con venient to Wood lawn. Pt. Johns. Alberta and Montavllla cars. Give lot and block numbers, addition and price. Not an agent. T W:1, Qregonian. WANTED. Acr or t, -acrs tract, in or around Courtney or Oak Grove, on county road, or near river preferred; state terms and exact location of tract. S fc6!V Qregonian. CONTRACTORS. Want party to take contract to complete house, about $.1000 job. and take one-third in land, Medford truit district. Address P. O. Box s:w, making avpolntment. I WOl'LD like to invest In property close in or the WeBt Side. Have $20,000 cash to pay down. Write particulars. No agents. K 961, Qregonian. WANTED Be.t lot $S0o rash will buy. Wa n td A 11 kinds of city propert y good -farniA and business chances for quick sale. F. F1CHS, 221 Morrison t. HA VE $2oo as first payment on 6-room house, balance $L'0 per month; give full df talis of what you have. A J 974, Ore- gonian. WANTED Steady man able to check goods, etc.; pay $25 week now; can be increased with interested help; $250 required. Par ticulars 24 V Stark St. EGGERTS In this city. May 14. at the fam ily residence. 6-15 Thurman st., Mathelde Eg gerts, aged 62 years. Funeral announcement later. l""w ILL pay $500 caBh and turn contract of $1500 on Portland home; will assume dif ference; what have you? Goddard, 615 Board of Trade. WANT best modern six-room cottage or bungalow that $150 to $200 will handle; other payments 1, 2, 3, 4 and G years. W 9H5. Oregonlan. WANTE D for cash, from owners onlv, resi dence lot. East or West Side; give lowest price; location and full particulars. AN ft 67, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE or equities in name bought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNMNGHAM-GRAT. 722-723 Electric Bldg. GOOD piece income property already im proved, $1000 to J10.000. AG 870, Ore gonian. ACREAGE, suitable for subdivision, near Portland; owners only. Haynes. 407 Roth- child bldg WANTED Acreage near suburban line or railroad ; good farming soil, not over 40 miles from Portland. B 963. Ortagonian. WE have buyer for Investment under $10,000 on West Side. Howard Land Co., 420 Swetland bldg. ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold, I have buyers for your proporty. W. B. t HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg. WANT WEST SIDE LOT, 50xl00-foot frontage, in nice residence district; will pay cash. J. M. HI ATT, 309 Henry bldg. WE have a client who wants to buy a lot in the Irvington district; must be priced right. MILLS INVESTMENT CO.. 427 Henry Bldg. W A NT ED Equity in house, lots or acres for 5 shares paid-up stock and money. 266 H Washington, room 611. WILL pay cash for bargain In West Side property; no agents. Give full description and lowest price. V 957, Oregonlan. WANTED West Side home; 6 rooms or over and not over $7s0O. N 960, Ore- gonian. I HAVE $500 cash to invest in real es tate. What have you to offer? AB 960, - Qregonian. WANTED Acreage, lots and equities; also river acreage wanted. 52 6" Wash i n g to n. WANT lot in Gearhart Park. Give location and price. O 966. Oregonlan. . LOT or old house and lot. south of Harrison st. P 90S. Qregonian. W AN T ED from o w ner, 1 t . West Side; must pebargain. v tfrrti, oregonlan. WANTED 7-room residence. Irvington or FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED 20 to 40 acres good rich soil partly cultivated. B 962, Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. 0o4 McKay bldg. MeCracken, TO EXCHANGE. IO ACRES, all cult., fruit, berries and nuts, at Fair view, good house, 2 streams, near car. Take city property. 20 acres. 1 mi. I'nited Rys.. best fruit land, all tine timber. Take city property part pay, bal. easy. 16o acres Alberta wheat land. Im proved. Want Portland property. C LOD KELTE R BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. OHOH'B 5-ACRE TRACT. All in cultivation, with new hoiue, barn, chicken-houses, well, etc.; lien on main county road. 3 blocks from carline; will trade fr Portland property. David Lewis, 5th st. 3ja ACRES h miles from Newberg, 160 acres cleared. 40 acres clover, balance grain," so mo tint her. good springs, good build ings, complete : price $125 per acre ; will exchange for inside Income bearing prop "rty. 71S chamber of Commerce. FOR SA LE. or trade for improved Portland property, a nice farm of 44 acrf. 3H miles to Forest Grove; 20 acres fair timber; 16 acres pasture. 4 eorci young orchard; good new -house and barn; 2 wells. $35oO. T. H. Uttlehales, Forest Grove, Or. 46-ACRH FARM. $5500. 1 1 miles' from Oregon City, on Wilhoit road : H-room houpe. barn. etc. ; 25 acres In cultivation: will tra ie for Portland property. H. P. PALMER-JONRS CO-, 212-213 Commercial Club B1 d g. $3mo 8 -room house, chicken corral, hen house, lots of fruit trees, lot lOOxl(M), curbed, sidewalk, streets graded; will give this and 1ml ust rial stock for acreage near Port land. Hayn-es, 407 Rothchild bldg. CHOICE 16-ACRE TRACT. 4 blocks from carline. elope to Vancouver, Wash.; IO acres in fruit. 5 acre in pears; descant soil, choice location; will trade for Portland property. David lewl?. s:t 5th st. 9 U ACRES Courtney Station, high and sightly, j about in cultivation; want house or good lots to value of $000; no padded prices considered. Owner. 7is chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE for city property. 40 acres of splendid pear and apple land ; all under hiph state of cultivation; near electric line. O 9rtS. Oregonlan. -ROOM strictly modem house. 18th st., near Alberta, for lots value $2500. 718 Chamber of Commerce. $125 PIANO check to trade on lot. phono graph, or what have you? Sell wood 553; Tabor S73. ONE lot. Jonesmore. S lots Mount Scott, for house to vaiu $3000. Owner, 718 Cham her of Commerce. FoR SALE or exchange, Portland Heights iiuartr-block ; laeal location; only 7 niin i:tes from city center. W 966. Oregonlan. uU can trade any kind of proparty mt room 1019 Board of Trader I WILL trade my beautiful Laurelhursit prop erty for an automobile. X 968. Oregon ian. WILL exchange rooming-house for real tate. Inquire H. B. Jamew. 88 10th. $oo 1ST mortgage. H cash, lot for bal ance. 340 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGES. 80 acres 12 miles from. Portland, well toclced. 60 in cultivation, for city prop erty. 53 acres. 1 miles to good valley town, for Portland property. 80 acres, Lincoln County, 20 In culti vation, for Portland property or acre age. 160 acres. 7 mile to R. R. town. 25 In cultivation, for Portland income. 80 acre. 10 in cultivation, balance fine flr timber, close to electric, 12 miles from Portland, for income. 17 acres. 10 miles to Portland, under plow, fine buildings, close to electric for Portland house and lot. 280 acres, near San Diego, Cal., for Portland property Fine 6-room house and full lot. for acreage or small ranch, $3800. 6-room house, lot 50x10 0. good 1m- proved streets, $3750, for acreage. 3 cottages and lota, 6 rooms each, close in, good district, for dairy ranch or timber. 6-room Los Angeles bungalow for Po rt land p roper t . Have lots of other. Call and see us. CHITTENDEN. OTTO &. NE1LL, Both. Phones. 810 Oak St. CABIN LAUNCH For Sale or Exchange. The finest -to -foot glass cabin launch on the river, built In 1909; cabin, decks and interior are of solid mahogany, electric lighted, has lavatory and extension berth, fully equipped for cruising; also 12-foot ten dor and 60-foot house for launch: could not be built for less than $5000; will sell at a bargain or trade for real estate. ROSS ENGLISH INVESTMENT CO.. 822 Mohawk Bids.. 3rd and Morrison St a. 85 ACRES. 25 acres in hljch state of cul tivation. Balance easy cleared. Good 6 room house and new barn ; 2 good wells and spring on the place; family orchard; 1 Vi miles to Washougal station on North Bank road; 25 miles to Portland. Good neighborhood and near school. All the farm Implements go with the place. Will sell for $4000 or will exchange for home in Portland of same value. a. McGregor, , 602 Corbett bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 12 acres. mile south of Orchards, on electric line, 2 blocks to stores, churches and school ; 5 acres about half cleared, 1 H acres good onion land, balance stand ing and down timber; price $3000. Will trade for house and lot in Portland. Have a 6-room house and lot 50x100 at Troutdale to exchange. DT'RHAM A FREDEN'THAL, 270 1 Washington St., Room 1. FOR SALE OR TRADE, acres near Courtney station (Oregon City car), 8-cent fare; will trade for good lot and pay some difference; price $1750. 25 acres in fruit belt, near Dallas, 20 acres ready to set to fruit; on fine road. 3 miles from Dallas; will soil or trade for house and lot; price $2000. E. R. MARKHAM. 205 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. $2050. $2050 equity in a tine new modern 6-room bungalow, corner lot, east front. In fine neighborhood, close to school and carline, to e xcha n ge for 2 to 5 acres i m proved near carline. See REPASS & WOOD YARD, 300 Henry BJdg. EXCHANGE LIST. 40 acres of fine wild land for sale or trade; what have you. This place is only ii H miles from R. R. and depot ; tine spring and river cuts across one corner of land. D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO., 510 Washington St.. Vancouver, Wash. 10-ROOM house and large grounds on west slope Mount Tabor for sale. Would take cheaper property In exchange. Furniture store for sale or exchange ; good location; good trad-a, on account of sickness must sell. What have you? Ad dress Owner. H 96S, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE Hood River orchard. 1 mile from town, 8 acres in trees, some bearing; barn, tools, etc.; also have a 20-acre ranch, partly Improved, strictly first-class; one or both for Portland improved, $7500 to $15,000. Address Owner, box 175, Hood River. Or. CHOICE 12-ACRE TRACT. All In bearing fruit; only 5 blocks to elec trio carline, close, to Vancouver. Waah.; place must be seen to be appreciated; will trade for Portland home or lots. David Lewis. 83 5th st. 446 ACRES, choicest orohard proposition in the state; 440 acres cleared; 3 miles from McMinnville and same distance from Cas tleton; lies on 3 county roads-; beautiful piece of land; will trade for choice Portland prop erty. David Lewla, 83 5th st. A NICE new, modern 5-room cottage on Wygant st., Alberta district, to exchange for one or more acres, Improved, near town. CRAWFORD & BABOOCK, 502 Swetland bldg. FINE LAUNCH. 23 feet long! 8 ii P Smalley engine, electric lights, search light, canopy top ; also boathouse, value $650; will exchange for a lot or acneage, as I am gong East. Particulars at 90 6 th st. ; FOR SALE or will exchange for diamond, very fine double-barrel trap gun, used very II ttle ; cost $ 165. A snap for any one wanting a fine gun. AE 961, Ore gonlan. $3oo EQUITY in "close-in" acreage to ex change for income realty or paying busi ness. W. L. GREEN. Main S787. 406 Lumbermens bid g. WILL exchange mining stock, O. K. dis trict, for first payment on home, balance monthly; West Side preferred; or for va cant lot. AN 984. Qregonian. $520 EQUITY, three S win ton lots for dia monds, automobile, acreage or anything I can use. Balance, $560, payable $21 monthly. Owner, 243 Stark. FINE 120-acre improved farm southeast of Oregon City for equal value of Portland property. Dubois & Crockett, Washington TIMBER claim in Morrow County, value $3000; will trade for improved city realty jr will sell. Gruber, 927 Board of Trado bldg.. Portland. SEATTLE income and vacant property for Portland or acreage property from $3000 to $10,000. Mrs. Fagaley, 1415 1st ave. N.. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE or trade, improved city prop erty for good paying business, or good farm lands. F. L. Harris, Vancouver Wash. R 4. 130 ACRES, farming land, house and barn" near R. R. and boat landing.- Plenty timber; $20 acre, all cash. 6O0 Henry bldg. v DEPARTMENT STORE in growing Valley town to exchange for city property, or farm; $t600. Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington bldg. ' BEAUTIFUL ML Tabor home. large grounds, fine lawn, fruit and garden- will take lots, some cash and easy payments By owner. Phone Tabor 18S2. J"11"- WILL exchange business property over 1 per cent income guaranteed, for small inside acreage under $10,000. H 065 Ore- gonian. ' TWO beautiful building lots, near Univer- ?ty;,Se5UIe' and - lois with bungalow, for Portland vacant or Improved. 537 v v block. Seattle. - $2000. . For sale or exchange, lot on East Couch at GOLDSt'HMIDT'S AGENCY. 25,'tu. Washincton. c-or Sh TWO ItiO-acre wheat farms, under the Horse Heaven Irrigation ditch; want business chance, or suburban property or cash. P 962. Oregonian.- EXCHANGD 160 acres wheat land for citv property. SOLDSCHMIDT'S AGBNOT .t.-i's nahningron, cor. 3d TWO good residences; lots 3341 IO each- for sale or trade for farm land. Address N A fTOMOB ILE wanted; will trade equity in vacant lot as first payment. yE 965 Ore gonlan. y ' 20-ROOM hotel, paying 12-1 per cent will trade for farm; value, $12,500. City oroo- erty. 500 Henry bld. V FOR SALE or trade. What have you got to trade for a hotel 'bus? J. F. Good, Sa- $1700 EQUITY in nice 5-room cottage, cor ner lot. to trade for good rooming-house. AG 966. Qregonian. $3150 7 per cent mortgage to exchange for city property or acreage. J 966, Ore gonlan. WILL exchange city property, valued $2750 for acreage near electric carline. AD 60 Qregonian. 9 ROOMS, modern house, close in. high class furniture; cost, $1800. Will take 6u0 cash or trade. 600 Henry bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for real estate, 5 passenger 198 Rambler automobile. R 03. Qregonian. $lloo EQUITY In good 5-room cottage for va cant lots. A 1215. INCOME Pendleton property to exchange for Portland property. F 951, Oregonlan. WANTED A motorcycle in exchange for city THREE beautiful suburban "lots in cultin W?ArT nave 'ou to orer for diamond Value HIGH-ftRAnR T.T-rTX7iT. lots .... nmoc auu ng. hox 4.', Arte ta. LOTS at Baker City to trade. WhatJ FOB SALE. Horses Vehicles and Harness. PORTLAND STABLES. 26 North 15th stT One pair horses, weight 2600 lbs., 5 and 6 years old. One pair horses, weight 2400 lbs.. 6 and 7 years old. One 9-year-old black horse, weight 1200 lbs.. $125. One business wagon, in good condition and newly painted : $40. One hand-made buggy and high-grade harness, cost $275; all in good condition; price $75. - I will give a written'guarantee on above 0 horses to be as represented, or refund your money. My bank, the Portland Trust Co., will tell you as to my reliability. . R- L. EVANS. Why buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high-rent district, own- our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line, of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO.. . 822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. $18 NEW single harness -....$13.50 $30 new double driving harness 23.50 $40 new team harness 31.50 $45 new team harness 35.60 New. guaranteed, well-known buggies with leather trimmings, fine leather quarter tops, for $58.50. Big sales and omall proflis. The econd largest stock of vehicles and wagons in the city to select from. C. L, BOSS & CO., 320-328 EAST MORRISON STREET. SALE OR TRADE. A beautiful bay stallion, standard bred, has a large mane &ta tail, weighs about 1150 lbs, 9 years old, has no mark but can go as fast as be wants to; is being used as a family driving horse ; sensible and kind; name Mohe. No. 3887, by Mohegan 14329, from Lena McAllister; he is worth $1500 to $2000; want to trado for high-grade automobile; also have 2 seated surrey and harness with him. See Staples, the Jeweler. HANDSOME brown mare, weighs 309O lbs., very stylish and standard and registered, bred, papers at hand, safe for ladles' use; also handmade harness and rubber-tire runabout. Studebaker's best, all in first class condition; no borsedealera ot livery men need apply, as good home must be guaranteed. Call or address my private residence. 874 Savier st., 16th or W. car to jjtfth st. OH SALE Horses, ' harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-ave. S tables, 40 Hawthorne ave. ONE pair matched Hambletonian horses. 6 and 7 years old. weight 2400 lbs., wagon and harness, $5500; 1 pair geldings, 2500 lbs.; 6 and 8 years old. team and harness $2fH. Corner 87th and Main. Martin, Mon- t a villa. Inquire at lunch counter. 'WILL sell my entire driving outfit brown horse. 9 yearn old. weighs 1175; city broke, gentle for any lady; stanhope in good condi tion, nice harness ; horse must get good home; no dealera wanted. Can be seen at Front and Market. Mrs. J. Brown. LADY'S driver, handsome. Jtl hand. 1150 lhs,. city broken, double and single; also Stude baker's best double carriage, extension top; eilver-mounted double hamesa, single bugpy. 4 and haadHome ti-morn he-old carriage pup. Lawlor'a Ilvery. 15th and Couch. BARGAIN $185 buys matched team, weighs 2400 lbs., are sound, work single or dou ble and ride, suitable for ranch or deliv ery purpose ; also set nice breeching har ness and collars; all complete. Call at cottage, cor. 20th and Savier ats., W. or 16th -gt. cars. SNAP $125 takes team and harness, horse and mare, weighs 2900 lbs., sou nd and true to pull; harness in heavy breeching layer trace, also good delivery or farm horse, weighs 1200 lbs, price $85; express truck with top. Call 433 N. 96th st. IN THE STUD Zireman. the best bred prodigal on the Coast. Those having mares will do well to mate them with this stallion. -As an individual- he cannot be beaten. Call or write Turner's Training Stable, Country Club race track. TEAM weldings, age 7, weight 2185; sound and city broke; gentle for anyone; one bay 4 years old, city broke, chunky built horse for delivery or orchard purpose. Will be sold cheap. Fifth and Montgomery. FOR SALE cheap, three horses, one colt; a single and a double wagon; a mower and rake; a feed cutter and a large milk tank and milk cooler. Address A. P Wolf sehr, Lents, Or. One mile east of Lenta schoolhouse. - A NEW $225 runabout buggy, fine 1100 mare which cannot be beat for family use; w-ill sell together or single or take cheaper rig in exchange. 809 East 28th st. ; Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. FOR SALE, CHEAP 1 light platform wagon, 2 buggies, 1 rubber tire and steel tire; 2 sets single harness; all in good order. Inquire Jacob Krimbel. 443 N. 22d St., Portland. Q r. PAIR of mares, weight 3000 lbs.; sound and true; bargain. 4-year old hore, weighs 1400. Bay 7-year-old horse, 1500. Chesnut borae, 5 years old, weighs 1400. 3S4 Front RUBBER-TIRED runabout, just put $45 in repairs, new tires, two new wheels and painted; good harness and buggy, $65. Call today. Dr. Hoi lister, 454 Thomp- rf.ni bi. jt none jajii j.ob. PAIR of gray mares suitable for country use, with harness complete, $175. Brown horse and bay mare, Kod all-around ranch team; ne w harness, $2000 ; nice, chunky, block y mare; $1200; bargain. 334 Front st. WHAT have you to trade for pair horses, weight about 1)00 pounds each? Home all day Sunday; o out Washington St. to Calvary Cemetery, go south 1000 yards from main road. E. A, Bams. $140 CASH buys brown mare, weighs 1150; srentle to work single and double, with harness and light wagon. Call for Mrs. Storms' rig at 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. TWO good workhorses, weight 1250 and 1400; too slow for our use only reason for selling. Ask for Bakery team, 14 Union ave. CHUNKY-BUILT bay team. 7 and 9 years old, welsh J2300; both work single; price $225. Can be seen cor. Union ave. and Ash at. 7-YEAR-OLD black horse, harness and rubber-tired runabout buggy; owner bought automobile, reason for selling; price $145 cash. 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. 3 TEAMS draft horses, weight 1500 and 1700, ages 6 and B years, 1 sets heavy harness, 1 single harness, 1 business buggy, 1 lumber wagon. 11th and Hoyt. A FINE thoroughbred horse, 6 years old, broke to ride or drive ; also citv broke ; afraid of nothing. Phone Tabor 1645. Ad- dress 1350 East 47th and Hawthorne ave. STYLISH, gentle, well-bred mare, suitable for lady, also robber-tire runabout and harness In Al condition. Swell outfit. S 96 1 . Oregonlan. WANTED A good team of horses, not over 30 years old. with harness, in exchange for real estate in Astoria or Oregon City. ICE 3-year-old filly: rides and drives; 65. Nice matched pair of blacks; driving team, 5 years old. city broke. Bargain. S. Front and Market. THREE span of horses, weight from 1700 to 8000; true an dsound in every way. Call at Sell wood's place, Sunday, between 1 and 4. GOOD, gentle driving horse, suitable for lady; S years old; black. Phone owner. Main 6705. A FINE black Perchon stallion. 1S00, is kept for service, cor. 1 1 th and Hoyt. Phone A 5584. A FINE lot of horses, ranging from 1000 to 170O. ready to go to work, corner 11th and Hoyt. 6-PASSENGER Studebaker bus, harness, used 1 month, very cheap or trade for real estate. 870 Garfield ave. TEAM horse?, young; weight 27O0; will ac cept any reasonable offer. Call 22 E. 64 or phone B 28W. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand; sold with guarantee as represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front. FOR SALE Gentle driving or riding mare, with 2r months-old colt. Inquire Mrs. F. WILL lease property. East or West Side; suitable for apartments: lone- term nrefpnwt ftaie condition. V 95Q. Qregonian. WANTED Two teams, with dump wagons, Monday morning. Call at 515 Swetland bldg., or 447 Alder st. FOR SALE One team, well matched horses. 6 and 1 years old, weighing 2S0O. 226 Rua gell st. U. jfc. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers; ladies waiting-room; prices moderate. 248 Front. TWO bay mares, good workers, 6 and7 years old weight 200 with harness. 512 N. 24th st. FOR SALE Pair of bay mares, 6 years old," weight 2800. Callor address N. B. Har vey, Milwaukle. Phone Red 342. 1 STEEL-TIRBD business delivery buggy with top. bOQ East Flanders. B 1360. LIGHT delivery - wagon for sale. 0O6 E. 7 N. Call only on Sunday. GOOD, gentle horse and yellow Jersey cow, fresh. Phone East 5505. FOR SALE One 6-year-oid mar weighing 1700 lbs. 226 Ruggell st. DR. L. G. 6TICKNEY. V. S Office 40 E. Burn side. E. 656; residence E. 171. FOR SALE. Horses Vehicles ana Harness. FIVE heavy teams st the transfer barns. Flemmlng & Thompson. Greaham. TEAM, weighing 2800 lbs., earning $6 per day. $200. 14 80th St.. Montavllla, 14 HEAD choice Valley horses. W. D. Combs. 104 Rufll sr. L car. WANTED To buy, small, gentle horse and buggy. K 962. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Two furniture vans at 93 E. 78th L N. TEAM of ponies suitable for ; Inquire 1134, Hawthorne ave. light rig. WAGON for sale cheap. Call 646 3d at. Call Sunday. . DRAFT horses for sale. 16thand Savier st. Automobiles. PACIFIC AUTO CO. We have In our salesroom over 20 auto mobiles of 1009-1 9o8 models, all standard makes and guaranteed in mechanical con ditio n we demonstrate; prices range from $4O0 upward; runabouts and touring cars; you can surely find something you like at prices and .terms to suit you. Come and look them over. PACIFIC AUTO CO., 266-268 11th st.. Cor. Jefferson. I WILL trade my 40-H. P.. 4-paseenger tour about for improved city property. My car la 1909 make of high-class, fully equipped; two extra tires, extra innertubes and every thing you want with a high-class car. If your property is good and worth $220A answer this ad, or phone Main 8122 and will call and show you the rar; no agents need answer. Addreaa AH 972. Oregonlan. GOOD 1909 4 to 6-passenger auto wanted in exchange for 45 acres of beach property, partly platted, adjoining Tillamook Coast Resort, to be put on the market this Summer at $100 to $5 a lot; easily worth $5000 at acreage value; will sell for less than half this sum and take auto as first payment, balance as lots are sold. AN 993. Ore gonln. WANT automobile: 4 beautiful full-sized lots Montavilla finest view 1n East Port land), $2000; will take good used auto up to half the amount, balance to suiL A. N. Searle. Montavilla. "M-V car, get off at East 76th at., office on the corner. Ta bor 1449. WE have a client who wants to trade a good piece of property for an automobile, good 5 -passenger car. M. E. THOMPSON & CO.. 4th and Oak sts. REO RUNABOUT, used nearly one year, price right. Particulars at 290 Benton st., between hours of 12 and 4 P. M. today. F. T. Taylor. Call East 506. GOING away Tuesday and will sell or trade my new automobile cheat-, 1910 model. Call Moiday from 10 to J 2, 501 Lumber Exchange bld g. WE have a 1919 CADILLAC DEMI-TON-NEAU car. almost new, excellent condi tion, priced to sell o,uick. Don't delay. 'ovey Motor Car Co. WANTED Second-hand 4-cy Under automo bile, roadster or runabout preferred; must be in good 'condition and priced reasona bly low. Address F 965, Oregonlan. CHALMERS DETROIT 30, bought new lees than year ago; In perfect order; used but little and for pleasure only; will sell for $1250. A J 970, Oregonlan. $5)SO CASH will buy 4-seater, 2-cyllnder Rambler In good condition. Home Phone A 2595- 4):12 A. M. Sunday or 7:10 P. M. weeks days. 5-PASSENGER Cadillac 30. i09 model, for sale at a bargain or trade for house and lot. Auto Livery Co., 14th and Burnslde st1. CA DI LL AC ?W baby tonneau, bought last August. $1875; excellent condition : will sell $1250; owner leaving city. Call 151 6th. R. Becker. HAVING to leave city, must sell my 60-H.P. 7-passenger Thomas. No reasonable offer refused. Call Balmore, - Moor, McDougal, 17th and Alder. 5-PASSENGER AUTO. 85 H. P. 4-cvllnder: top. shield and lamps, to trade for real es- tate in .Portland. io asnington bldg. PACKARD 30 roadster? excellent condition; newly painted. Inquire 612 Lumbermens bldg. Birds. Dogs, Pet Stock. LAY or bust If you will send us the name of your poultry supply dealer we will send you our poultry almanac abso lutely free; worth $1; send a postal card for It today; tells how to make your hens "Lay or Bust"; also about our wonderful "Lullaby" brooders, costing only $1.50 de livered to you; money back if not satis factory. The Park & Pollard Co., 170 Friend st.. Boston, Mass. "PEERLESS" Houdans. Superior layers, bred from first-prize Chicago and Port land winners; eggs, $2 per 15; also white silk French Poodle. 8 weeks old. Young ducks with hens. H. Miles. Lents, Or., R. 2. Take Cazadero car to Gilbert Sta. See sign. FOR several dozen pairs of imported, highly bred Homer pigeons and Plymouth Rock Jumbo squabs; this la a bargain; investi gate at once. Phone Exchange 20 Mr. Fry. 5 OR 6 grade Jersey cows; must be fresh, from 4 to 6 years old, good milkers and Inspected. Room 609 ComTnerclal block. Main 144fl. EGGS FOR SETTING. Pllver-laced Wyandottes, Black Min orcas and Buff Orpingtons, , cheap. Tekj phone Woodlawn 119S. ENGLISH setter pups, one broken dog; won three ribbons, Portland bench how ; sire, Handsome Dan II. Price, $15 up. Chas. Gates, 985 Albina ave. PONY, fine Jersey cow; also fine young bull, all very reasonable if sold at once. M. Sonimerfeldt, Kendal station, E sta cad a line. THOROUGHBRED, pedigreed Airedale ter rier puppies. Prize winning and hunting stock. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada, Or. FOR SALE Five (3) China pheasants, males, 1 year old, $2 each. Phone Wood lawn 6. EGGS Thoroughbred Black Minorca, North up strain, 100 Cleveland ave. Phone Woodlawn. 10S4. TW ENTY freh cows for sale cheap. or will trade for beef cows. G. Bennett. 1 S54 Drummond St.; phone Woodlawjj 2326. SEE me for fancy chickens and eggs; some bargains In A-l stock. R. Green, Mon tavilla. Phona Tabor 805. 2 SCOTCH collie pups for sale very reasonable; owner leaving town. Call 328 14th st. EGGS from Mammoth Pekin and Rouen dm-ka. Phone Woodlawn 84)7. SIX bull terrier pups and some other good dogs. 20 Grand ave. S. A GOOD fresh milch cow and calf for sale. 6Q6 Guilds ave. Main 6190. FRESH cow and calf, 4M: gallons per day. . 998 East Yamhill. Tabor J 803. FOR 3ALE Collie pups, gold and sahle, -hand- y.mely marked; thoroughbred. Main 50fe9. FOR SALE 1 pen choice white Plymouth . Rocks. Call Woodlawn 1217. Pianos, Organs and -Musical Instruments. PIANOS Factory representative can save you large amount commission on two high-grade pianos. Address Tuner, 225 5th st. Phone, A 3D9T. WANTED Second-hand pianos and sewing machines, bargains only. Address Ken yon, postoffice. BABY Grand Kranach & Bach pfano, party is going away. E. 96fi. Qregonian. $450 Cramer Emerson, upright piano, cheap. Terms. 446 Sd st. Main 5753. PLAYER PIANO for sale cheap; new 88 Tiote. Call Monday. 247 Fifth st. STRICTLY A-l mahogany piano, only 2 1 ., $15 down. $3.75. monthly. 350 Alder. Miscellaneous. MONDAY only, you can buy a $400 piano, perfect tone, case like new. $100, spot cash', at 211 First st. ; title clear. CLINKER brick cheap. Inquire at Jensen's Brick Yard. 38th and Sandy Road. VIOLINS, ban Joe, mandoline, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6th at. BOATHOUSE for sale. Ask for in the Fulton Tannery. Chas. Tirmensteir. INDIAN 09, 2 H. P.. loop frame, mag neto ignition. $150. 393 Harrison. 50-FT. fast gasoline pleasure launch: will demonstrate. Phone Seltwood 571. WANTED Oak roller top desk, typewriter ' desk and chairs. Phone A 1097. FOR SALE Second-hand good-a-new tent, 12x14 fly, 14x16 poles. W 967. Qregonian. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 14Q7. CHEAP One 110-volt A C. quarter H. P. motor. Q 9t7. Qregonian. NEARLY new gasoline wood saw. $225. Telephone East 11S1 or call 271 Halsey st. 6O0 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if yon bring this ad. Roge City Prlntery. 192 3d, near Taylor. POSTAGE stamp collection, catalogues, $800; make me an offer. Evenings. . Main 6708. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous, HAVING just bought all the machinery from a large sash and door factory and saw mill, wa have for sale: One 72x18 boiler. A 150-horse power engine. 0-horse power engine. 6x24 Fay planer, 2 sets head blocks, log haul and turner, carrlager set works, pul leys, belting, mortises, ripsaw and other miscellaneous machinery that w will dis. pose of at extraordinary low prices. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-250 FRONT STREET. GARDEN HOPE. 50,000 FEET. POSITIVELY NEW. 4o PER FOOT. t J. SIMON &. BRO., 244-250 FRONT STREET. LAUNCH FOR SALE. fftt long. 4 feet beam built of Port Orford cedar and oak throughout; 2-cylinder. o-n. p. Perfection engine, removable wood and canvas engine-house, reversible gear, equipment complete; nothing sy trim, snn stantial and pretty on the river; price $.to0; you can't buy the material for the money. C. HUGHES LAND CO.; . 4U8 Lewis Bldg. L 9EFUL Invention for sale Very , low-priced, perfect time recorder, recording visits of night watchman; also for recording em ploy eV time commencing work; sells at $5 to $8. Territory for sale, with right to manufacture and sell in Oregon and Wash ington. Address O. L Bennett, 1402 Santa Clara ave., Alameda. Cal., president of Uni versal Time Recorder Co.. Incorporated. FOR SALE. One Fairbanks-Morse 32-H. P. gasoline engine, with a lot of 2-inch pipe. Machinery for one planing mill and box factory complete. List can be had upon application. Apply 628 Ch amber of Com merce, LAUNCH, 22 ft., 8 H. P., Smalley engine, magneto, canopy top, equipped with all convenience, oak deck, cedar hull; a fine boat in A-l condition; also boathouse for sale, price $600 for the outfit. Look it over, its a bargain. Boat without the m nuugg, .pp. inquire .No, Q Fifth st. FOR SALE Cheap, launch; 22 ft. lon; 5-h, p. Mianus engine, with reverse gear, air tank and whistle; full set regulation lights, new; 6 batteries at $3 each; every thing complete and in good condition. Price $250. J. A. Kelly, 1009 Union ave.. N. ; Woodlawn 1748. FOR SA LE' Cheap, launch; 22 ft. long; 5 h. p Mian 1 s engine, with reverse gear, air -tank and whistle; full set regulation lights, new; 6 butteries at $3 each; everything complete and In good condition; price" $250. J. A. Kelly, 1O09 Union ave. X. Woodlawn l.'IRS. SEW 1NG machine Do not fail visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, el I g h tly marred ; al 1 st a nia rd makes m a chlnes for rent, and repairing. H. D. Jones, Prop., 420 Washington st., corner lltb, FOR SALE One-third Interest In sawmill. Capacity 15,000 feet per day, 8,000,000 feet of red and yellow fir timber located on United Railway in Washington County. Oregon, good local and rrilroad tie and timber orders. X 160, Qregonian. A GOOD 30-foot gasoline launch " with cabin, 8-horsepower. 2-cyllnder Palmer Bros, engine complete with whistle, tank, reverse gear, electric lights; will ex change on an automobile. Staples, the Jeweler. FOR SALE Willamette logging-road en gine, cylinders 10x13, 60-inch boiler; complete with cable, blocks, grabs, etc. ; all in good condition. Call or adress Egman Bros, Skamokawa, Wrash . RAISED-DECK cruising launch, 40 by 10, speed 8 miles; In tirst-class condition; sleeps 6 adults; toilet, galley and fender; a safe, comfortable, seagoing cruiser. Ap- ply to Dr. Freeburger, Swetland bldg. HOUSEBOAT-FOR SALE. New houseboat of 3 large rooms, float 2TTx40; one of the best-built houses on river; will sell cheap, with or without fur niture. Mrs. Johnson, at Yacht Club. FOR SALE. 125-volt, 150-K. W. General Electric generator; belt type, complete with panel and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore gonlan FOR SA LE New soda fountain and fix tures, complete, used only part of one sea son; suitable for small, first-class confec tionery; terms, if wanted. Apply to J. O. Fenton. Union Depot News Stand." FOR SALE Oak hull, launch Hattle, length 30 ft., copper gasoline tank, cushions, steering gear, etc., ready for engine; will sell cheap. Phone East 643. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; $lu to $0u. Northwest Typewriter Co., M SS70. 222 Abington bldg. ONE of the beet boathouse. on the river, new; also a 12-paseeDger gasoline launch, all in rirst-cla-ss condition, at a bargain. Call al 133 First st.. room 24. 23 HEAD choice dairy cows for sale; some Jerseys and Durhams; all fresh. Inquire T. W. Blew, 80 North Sixth st., Port land. Or, INVALID'S reclining wheel chair, rubber tires, ball bearing, with self-pronelling at tachment. A. H. Thomas, 3025 Grand ave., north. 150 RUSTIC hanging baskets, 50 window boxes with assorted plants, special rate for May only. Phono Marshall 425. 93 North 13th st. ELECTRIC STUDEBAKER AUTO. Fine runabout: cost new $lBOO; will sell cheap or trade for real estate. David Lewis, 83 5th st. FIVE head good fresh niibm cows for sale. Call or address Frank Anderson, 95 4th St., Portland. Or. SMALL stock pillows, centerpieces, silks, - etc.; few embroidered; will sell altogether or by pleco; lessons free. CaU412 loth st. NOTES AND MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD NATIONAL CREDIT ASSN., 60l WORCESTER BLDQ. , 3d an dJJak. SWELLEST 2-carat perfect white diamond in the city for price. $330; need the cash. Apply 801 Dekum bldg. SAFES, new and second-hard, all sizes, oheap fur cash or easy terms. Portland Safe Co., 87 5th st. BLICKBNSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, $40 $50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up. N. M. Hayter Co., 90 5th st. Main 552S. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Bull Terrier pups, i months old; best strain. Inquire J. Kallich. phone Woodlawn 3 81. L, C. SMITH Typewriter at a bargain; new late model, ball bearings. Phone East 2095. FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases. counters. cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 533. FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 25o 3d sr.. Portland. Or. PHOTO outfit, including fine large studio camera; whole outfit very cheap. Room 518 Qregonian bldg. LAUNCH, 3f feet: holds- 2 people; 4-eycie engine, new and at a bargain. Reierson Ma chlnery Co.. 182 Morrison st. POWER ' houseboat, tho roughly equipped, in good condition; recently painted and over- hauled. Y 9t3, Oreponian. BUCKS range, with colls, good as new; also reliable gas range and gas water heater Will sell hceap. Call 304 East Clay st. TUBERCUL1NE-TESTED milch cows- sln gle or in, car lots. Apply Mokel, Bruce Co., stockyards. RESTAURANT ran p.-. second hand, good condition ;( also refrigerators. Smith's Fur niture House. East 3d and Morrison FOR PALE Gent's bicycle. almnt new $25 cost $50. This is a bargain. AC 967.' Ore- gonian. SMITH-PREMIER typewriter and roll-top type rlter desk; bargain for cash Y t5. Qregonian. - FOR SALE Babcock electric phaeton, 1909 used only three months, good as new at very reasonable price. AM 9S5, Oregonlan. SMALL Vacuum Carpet Cleaning ouT'it gasoline power; perfect condition. O 00' Oregonlan. RESTAURANT men call up Home phone A 3205 for a snap in fine new nickel plated individual crea m era: FOR SALE Rare collection of Sioux In lian curios; also old guns. . horns etc If interested address R 861. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Gas range, kitchen tables"-dinner table, couch and rockers. 47' gas 47th st.. Ny Phone Tabor 1546. EXCHANGE or sell. Parker Bros d h" 150lfUn A eIectric fan. Phone B FOR SALE Good sewing machine with at- - . - -"i-'i 1. hnott. MAf,X,Ij? & URBAN firetu-oof affice safeT p 143 otn s FOR SAL. Miscellaneous. $50 ROLL-TOP desk. fiO inches thigh top), $27.60; revolving office chair. $4; fiat top desk, $9; office tables. $1.50 to $7.50; wardrobes, $4: kitchen treasures, 11.50 to 14 50; $50 Jewel steel range with water coil. $25; reliable gas ranges, $7.50 to $25; six-foot French range, $25; refrig erators, $S.M to $15; extension tables. $4 to $L; solid oak sideboards. 59 to $30; buffets. $10 to $30; dining chairs, 75c to $3; rockers, $1 to $K; arm chairs, $1 to $5; porch chairs. $1.50 to $2.50; lawn set tees. $t to $4; tents, $3.50 to $10; camp stoves. $1 to $4; iron and brass bods. $2.5 to $IS; dressers, $4.50 to $25; chiffoniers. $5 to $1S; folding beds. $ to $:- sewing m ach lues, $ 5 to $10; carpets, ru gs, mat -ting. linoleum, everything to furnish a house or office in large assortments, both new and fine second-hand, and we sell on the easy payment system, too; get our prices and terms first. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY 627-tf2131-633 and 35 Washington, Corner of 20th street. Both phones. GARDEN HOSE: 00,000 FEET. POSITIVELY NEW. 4o PER FOOT. J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-350 FRONT STREET. GARDEN HOSE. 60,000 FEET. POSITIVELY NEW. 4o PER FOOT. I J. SIMON & BRO., 244-350 FRONT STREET. FOR SALE Indies' white serge tailored suit sliie SH; worn only a few time; good as new; at very reasonable prlee; also a few other articles for sale; rean for selling lady going in mourning. Phone A 1422 any tlmo after Monday at 10. 40-FOOT -MOTOR BOAT. Very claray In appearance ; 25-horserowr Smelley esgine. speed about 1 mile per hour; will seat about IO people; alsv fin boathouse; will trade for real estate or cash. David Lewis. S3 5th gt. NEW 14-karat solid gold watch, elegant Howard movement ; cost $150; will sel I for $50. Need the money. A 60, Ore gonian. 10-PASSENGBR launch, lighted by electricity, with boathouse, cheap. Port captain. Yacht Club. HOUSEBOAT, lighted by electricitv. with large veranda, Oregon Yacht. See port cap tain. . FOR SALE Good first-class lS-foot 5-beam comp. launch hull; $r0 if taken at once. 14 North 9th st. FOR SALE Second-hand bridge timbers. Of tice Fiast 12th and Irving st. FOR SALE U-foot lift-top cigar case and fixture. 151 Sixth et. AT half price a full cabinet roll-top desk with Index letter file. At 21 1 1st sL FOR SALE ,15-H. P. boiler, nrst-class or der. Y 0f7. Oregonlan QUARTER-CUT oak dining table, 6 leather-segtc-d ehalrs. rocker. A 4736. 20- FOOT launch . 3-11. p. engine ; ana p. $15Q cash. O PfiS. Or. gonian. COW for sale; good milker. Call 635 East 3Hth. Phone Tabor 14"T1. A $450 SODA FOUNTAIN for saie very cheap. Call up Main 1869 or A 4S60. OLD newspapers for sale cheap, in any quantity desired. AC gfift. Qregonian. FOR SALE 10 or 11 milk cows cheap. Box IO. Reuben, Or. CHINA kiln for sale. Call at once, Wood lawn 2440. LADY'S or gent's wheel for sale. 610 East Ash. Phone B 1320. BHOWCASE3, new and second-hand. S13 Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures. FINE lneailated cooler for sale cheap. Ale Friedman, 295 1st. WANTED aiteCELLAyEOUB. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Main 9272. WANTED To lease, with option of buying. 2 gaaollne launches, capacity 10 to 40 passen gers, and be in good running order; give full particulars; good security. Address W 655, Qregonian. WANTED. CLOTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing and .shoes. The Globe Second hand stcre, 2&0 First. Main 2QSO. We also buy ladles' clothing. WANTED to buy. good second-hand bicycle. Must be reasonable. State price. Ad dress Gordon Glasgow, Rose City Park, Portland. WANTED Tenting privileges for Summer, in grove, near river preferred. R 964, Oregonlan. EELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get leas. Phones: A 2445; Main S51. WANTED To buy good second-hand roll-top dek; must be cheap; give price in first let tcr. AL 972, Qregonian. WANTED--A brown cocker spaniel or Bos ton terrier pup (male), not over two months old; state price. F 90S, Oregonlan. CALL up Marshall 1920 if you have sec-ond-hand clothes to sell. POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phc-ne East 1007. SPOT CASH paid for store and office fix tures. Main 845S. 56g Wrashington st. WANTED Wheel, coaster brake, good run Tting order. Phone Woodlawn 416. GrandarT. WILL buy a. blue or white diamond If perfect and cheap, Main 5.'tS4. A 23JS4. WANTED A 3A kodak or 5x7 camera. V 9t, Qregonian. HELP "WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Main Office. 12 N. 2d st. Open Sunday 10:U0 to 2 P. M. FOR MILLS, BOX FACTORIES. ETC. Ten millwrights, new construction work. $4.00 Two millwrights, running mill, $4 up. Four rough carpenters. $;J.25. Three saw and hammer carpentei s, $2.75. Six carpenter helpers. $2.50 and $2.75. Edgerman, $i.50; Ratchet setter, $.o0. Planer feeders, $2.50. Two carriage riders, $2.75. Band resawyer. $::o. Log deckma.il, $2.7j. Gang trimmerman, $;t. Tallyman on sorting table, $;l. Marker on sorting table, $;. Three yard and -car tallymen. $2.75. Four lumber graders. .$2.50 and $2.(5. Sash and door machine -men, $2.75 up. Lumber truck teamsters, $t(5 month. Boys for box factory and planing mill. $1.5o, $Li5 and $2. MISCELLANEOUS. Camp cook, 15 men, $K. Second cook, large camp, $50. Three flunkeys, $:I5. Two teamsters, light wagon work, $ji) month. Two barn men, city, $05 and room. Man and wife on farm, $55 to $00. Farmhands, $:io to $40. Dc khands, river boat, $5. Hotel po iM its, $25 up. Janitors. $25 up. Dishwashers. $20 up. Loggers, $2.75 to $4. WE SHIP NORTH, SOI'TH, E VST AND WEST EVERY DAY. FREE AND AD VANCED FARE. Hundreds of new jobs daily. SPECIAL NOTICE. We give a written guarantee with every application ticket . TO PAY THE FARE BOTH WAYS if there is not work where wc tend you. " Office open Sunday. iO::to a. 51. to 2 P. M. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office, lz N. 2d st. WANTED Strong boy to learn plumbing trade. Call at MS Dawson st.. Portsmuuih Ftatton. St. Johna carline. M or. nay H A. V. RELIABLE salesmen for city or country; pay half the profits. Consumer's Mercan til Co.. 212 Madron. TAILOR, cutter, salesman, one who under stands all-round men's tailoring. J. M. Ai'ht aon. 148 Fifth st. MONDAY Rriht boy of 30 to learn the business; Strong's studio. n W. Park st. EXPERIENCED chair driver. Hevwood Bros. fe Wakefield Co., loth and Irving st. FIRST-CLASS horscshoer, Monday morning. -'K:i Front st... city. WANTED Mnn to dig well. Apply Mon- forenoon. i.:2j Macadam st. WANTED A handy man Monday morning at 7: SO. 1S2 Morrison st. , WANTED Motal lathers, shingler, rough carpenter, glagier. E. Pine and 12th. g LIVE salesman for office goods. 251 Stark.