THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1910. ygw IQPAT. HEW TODAY. VEW TODAY XEW TODAY. STEW TODAY. XIW TODAY. KW TODAT. 1040 ACRES WHITE SALMON Opposite Hood River. APPLE AND BERRY LAND 500 acres under cultivation. 900 acres nnder gravity flow irriga tion system that goes with the place. No waste land. Buildings, improvements, etc. 40-acre lake on place. Worth $500 an acre as a platting proposition. $100 PER ACRE TEEMS CoIumbiaTmstCompany Board of Trade Building. 16th St 50x100, 16th. near Marshall. There will be something: doing in North Port land soon. Do not Bay then you knew it. Buy now, J1500 under price. $5500 7-room house, half block of high and rightly ground: good barn: fine assort ment of bearing fruit and berries: all kinds of roses and shrubbery; plenty of vegetables planted: fine view of cltv; two blocks to car; close in. The ground Is worth $4000. This Is priced to sell. House No. 1127 Francis ave. Go see It. $4700 Seven - room strictly modern bouse: 50x100 corner lot. This would be a good buv at $5500. Near K. 23d st. $3850 Seven-room; lot 40x100 K. An keny and 22d street. All Improvements paid. $3150 peven - room house, 1221 E. Yamhill. Worth $4000. Do not over look this. Must be soldi Haas & Ringler -11 Lenls Bids. Phone Marshall 647 Quarter Block $27,000 On Glisan street, within a stone's throw of where they are asking $35, 000 and up for quarter blocks. It has an income of $1500 a year, and this could be increased by the ex penditure of a small sum. Very easy terms. "R" Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Snap $4250 Ten acres on Johnson Creek, on O. W. P. electric line, right at Bell Sta tion. One of the few desirable tracts left adjoining the city limits, and only three miles east of Willamette River. One-half cash will handle. Lambert-Whitmer Company 70 Fourth Street. 404 East Alder Street. RIVER HOMES We are nutting on the market eight tracts of 50-ft. frontage each on west side of Willamette River. Prices are $2000 for each tract fronting on river and $1000 for those fronting on countv road: good car service, water, electric lights and phones. Suitable terms to prospective builders. Make your selec tions early. Transportation by car. auto and launch. Sengstake & Lyman 90 Fifth St. WASCO STREET PRICE $1525 Lot 50x100, situated on the south side of Wasco st. bet. E. 24th and E. 26th Bts. i,asy terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St., Lnnbtr Exchange Bids. East 19th and Lincoln . 100x100 OX THE S. E. CORNER EAST 9TH AND EAST LINCOLN PRICE $.5000. CAN ARRANGE EASY TERMS. EDW. P. MALL CO., 309-310 Abington Building. 100 Feet Frontage BURNSIDE ST. CORNER 945,000 LOUTS SALOMON & CO. 233 Stark Street, Near Second. Apartment House Site Easy walking: distance, lot 75x100. 9- room house can be utilized at small cost, canine z blocks, $9000. M. HiTFIEI.D, 15 Fourth fit-, Room 88. $9500 E. ANKENY Warehouse ! roperty! FRONT AND COLUMBIA J STREETS ; 100x100 feet at the southwest 2 corner of Front and Columbia streets. A location with a great big future. WATER STREET I 50x200 feet, extending from Front to Water streets and J near Montgomery. i WAKEFIELD, I ! FRIES & CO. ! 85 Fourth St. Half block on East Yamhill, facing O. R. & N. track.. This is $7500 less than any- other half 'block in the East Side "Warehouse district. Terms. W. H. Grindstaff 510 Commercial Block. Phone Main 6009. APPLE LAND Klickitat County, Wash. 120 acres, 3 miles from Goldendale, ready for trees. Can be sold In small tracts at large profit. Price $10,000. Terms. 60 acres adjoining Goldendale, with pood house and barn. Ground ready for planting. Price J10.000. SOO Acres 14 miles from Goldendale, 4-5 finest kind of apple land; enough timber on land to pay for clearing. As an invest ment this cannot be beat. Price 10 per acre. Klickitat Co. fruit land is Just as good as Hood River land, and in a short time will be as high priced. R. E. Nichols & Co. 8S3 Empire Bids-, Seattle, Vnh. Many Reasons There are many reasons whv vou should see ARDKN'WAU) before pur chasing for a HOME SITE or for an investment. FIRST It is one of the most beauti ful sites on the East Side. SEfOXD It is only 15 minutes out from East Water and Morrison streets. THIRD Only 300 feet from the sta tion. FOIRTH We pay for street grad ing, sidewalks and'laying water mains. FIFTH We have an abundance of pure spring water. SIXTH The cheapest lots on the market, all things considered, and sold on favorable terms of payment. Knapp & Mackey 212-213 BOARD OF TRADE. 19 Beautiful ACRES lying just south of Powell Valley road. The land is the choice of the whole district, lies high, with fine view and the entire tract is set to fruit trees which are in full bearing. JUST THE THING for a few people who want to own beautiful suburban homes together. Easy to subdivide. See us for terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Building, Third and Stark Streets. R iver Ranch 1365 acres right on the Rogue River. Near Medford One-half mile from the Famous Potter Palmer Orchard. Attractive terms can be arranged. $75.00 Per Acre. AC 964,'Oregonian. 0."l,Y A PICTURE, Hut tiie lirst impression is "A COMFORTABLE HOME." 72 feet 8-foot porch, fine reception hall: grate with built-in bookcase: bright dining-room, paneled, beamed ceiling, bow window, built-in seat and china cabinet: large J3utch kitchen, wood hoist, dumb waiter, two large bedrooms down and two upstairs, with closets; cement walks around house; basement, etc Situated on 100x100 lot, faces east, porch south; one block from car, two blocks from river. Price Only $5000 HALF CASH. If you want a swell home for little money, see this. JOSEFHHTOHNSTOif dREALESMEl 1 OisuranH 32-3 Lafayette Bldg., Washington-Sixth 16 Acres PARTLY in CITY LIMITS 400 feet frontage on Base Line road, all clear, level, mostly in fruit and berries. A. splendid tract to subdi vide into either lots, half acres or acres, as it is near carline with 5-cent fare. Terms. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO. 70 Fourth St. 404 East Alder St. LAURELHURST "We own the most beautiful lots in. this popular addition; high and sight ly, one block from carline. Will sell at original prices if sold at once. Come quick and get our terms. C. HUGHES LAND GO. 408 and 409 Lewis Building. Phone A 1258. Phone Marshall 239. PEACH LAND RIVER FRONTAGE DRIVING DISTANCE From Portland; 60 acres of finest peach orchard land in Western Oregon, on Clackamas River; 14 miles from Court house: land that can be made to pro duce $500 to J1000 per acre within four years; located where no carrier or mid dleman services are needed: is worth more than the- best apple land, besides a river frontage on the beautiful Clack amas, with its unsurpassed fishing and hunting. One call for a purchaser should be enough. Price, with $1000 worth of personal property, $7500. xerms. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. APARTMENT OR HOTEL SITE to lease for a term of 50 years, with privilege of purchase. Choicelv located on Jsob Hill. Close In. Address AO s, uregoman. H ere is a Genuine argain No. SO. THIS IS A Acre Tra.ct 150 acres lie level, 65 acres is rough, being on the bank of a running stream; the whole tract is heavily timbered, con servative estimate 15,000 cords of wood; -only 14 mile ,from sta tion, on Electric line, 25 miles from Portland; round trip fare $1.10, Sundays only 75 cents. This land when cleared will sell at $150 per acre or over; will prodvice anything that can be grown in this locality. The owner needs money and has placed a price for a limited time of only a few days at least $30 less than it is worth. The timber alone will pay for the land. Call in' and we will talk the proposition over. Our price for a few days $55 per acre, on terms. Apply to COLUM TRUST COMPANY 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. "WHITEHOUSE" ACRES One and three-quarters acres, $10,000 Chapin 6 Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. "V" RANCH FOR HOUSE 25-acre fruit ranch, 2H miles from Itoseburg. on Umpqua River, in view of citv: enoiiErh fruit in bearing: to make a family a good living: owner wants a moaest nome in i-oruana wurui mj $3000 to $4000, as part payment for thin beautiful ranch, that will be worth $25,000 in a short time, but will now be sold, as owner wants to live in Portland. Price, $ToOO. Grussi & Zadow S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 210x260. Sixteenth and Laurel, $22,500. 110x115. Sixtenth and Hawthorne Ter race. $8000. Both of these sites command A FINE VIEW We control some or trie most desir able property on THE HEIGHTS, and will be pleased to show buyers the best we nave. Sengstake 6 Lyman SO Fifth St. KILLINGSWORTH AVE. BUSINESS CORNER Partly improved; $6500, easy terms, LOUIS SALOMON & CO. 233 Stark Street, Near Second. Church Street Home Price, $2,000 Lot 50x100 and 4-room cottagre, in fine condition newly painted and papered; baa gooa barn: being1 No. ?0 West Church St., between Campbell and Con cord s is. xerms. Hall & Von Borstel 104 Second St., Lumber Eich( Bids, Water Street IOOtIOO on the S. "W. cor. Water and Market. For price. and terms see Edw. P. IVIa.ll Co. 809, 81 Abfnstoit Bids. BIA VIEW Beach Property 7-room house, furnished; fine loca tion; double porches; lot 50x100. Price $1000; terms. 7-room house, completely furnished, including piano; water in house, large fireplace; occupies quarter block on corner, near beach. Price $300; terms. 9-room house, just completed, newly furnished, hot and cold water, mod em plumbing; on corner, quarter block, near ocean. Price $3000 terms. 15-room hotel, furnished throughout, and other good buys, including lots from $230 to $400. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. Phones, Main 8699, A 2653. Apartment Sites 50x100, seven blocks from Postoffioe, corner, very desirable; ($20,000 some terms, some income. 60x75, corner, some income; can give . good terms on this. 50x100, on 21st st., Nob Hill, $12,000, terms; some improvements on this (cottage), corner. 75x100, 20 minutes' walk to center of city; some income; lovely view point; $17,000, y2 cash. Square Deal Realty Co. 84 Fourth Street. 619 Board of Trade Building. Beautiful Home in HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Corner East 11th and Clackamas, quarter block; premises well kept; 8-room house, modern and attractive ly arranged. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Price includes Wilton car pets throughout, and 3-horsepower vacuum cleaning machine installed, ttf you are looking for an attractive home in a desirable location, see McCARGAR,BATES & LIVELY 315 Failing Building. WALKING DISTANCE TO MADISON ST. BRIDGE S250O 5-room cottage, corner, includ ing: furniture; $400 cash, $15 per month; lawn and roses. $2500 Modern 5-room cottage, nice lawn; built for a home. 32350 5-room cottage, corner. Room for two more houses. S150O B-room cottage, Sunnyside, 100 feet from Hawthorne; good value. SftOO Lot, nice, high and sightly; across street Brooklyn school. S900 Fine corner lot. 15th and Rhone. a;500 Beautiful, new, 6 rooms; built for home; Ellsworth st. $1250 12th and Powell sts.; corner. Fine for flats. C. L URFER Phone Sellwood 982. Powell and Milwaukee Sts. HoIIaday's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEIH6 IS BELIEVIXG BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the Im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. Rock Island Park Lots on or near the Willamette River, opposite the Rock Island, S300 TO S400 J25 cash. $10 per month. Two blocks to Electric line, 25 minutes' ride to center of town. Telephone, electric light, city water. Beautiful location. . SEE THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 709 Corbett Bldg. BURNSIDE ST. CORNER 75x100 $140,000 Half Cash. HEDRICK & CO., 406 Board of Trade Building. 100x100, GOING STREET Between Union and Williams aves. 32500 GODDARD fc WIEDRICK, 243 Starlt Street. Long Beach The Britt Hotel, building and grounds; house contains 22 rooms, completely furnished. Price $1750. 'GEO. I. SCHALK. 228 Stark St. Phones Main 392; A 2392. Union Avenue $4 ISO 62x1l0, corner, between Alberta and Killings worth. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 343 Stark. Street. Bank & Trust Co. Real Estate Department, 235 Stark St, Cor. Second Be Sure and Look These Up Sixty-five acres right by the Station Donald on the Oregon Electric; 12 acres set in Apples, Baldwin and Spitzenberg; 6 acres bearing Hops; remainder in crop. Two city lots sold of this tract this Spring at $75 and $100 per lot. Price 210, with good terms. If desired the owner will set the remainder now in crop into fruit and care for five years on good terms. J Ninety-four acres short dis tance from the above on the same side of the track, all fenced and improved. Has seven-room house, barn, hophouses, granary and 2 acre orchard; 20 acres hops. Price JJ5140 per acre. Land all around selling for better prices. The soil of these tracts is all black loam. m J Nice Unimproved Berry and fruit tract, 5 acres, on the O. W. P. and Base Line road can be had for $1500. I Ten Acres Five Blocks From Clackamas Station, eight miles from Courthouse ; all in 7-year-old orchard; must be sold at once. Price jj4000, terms one-half cash, balance 6 per cent. This tract is all enclosed by fence and on county road. Soil the best. S Eight Acres alf lile from Multnomah Station on the Oregon Electric Railroad; extra good loam soil; all enclosed by fence; is on the market for only a few days; 36 fruit trees, plant ed three years ago; some straw berries. There is a spring on this land. Price 5000. Call at once if you are interested in these two small tracts. S Bank & Trust Co. Real Estate Department, 235 Stark St., Cor. Second PORTLAND, OR. UNPARALLELED INVESTMENT Over 14 lots on East Side, 10 minutes from Third and Yamhill. Will sell as a whole at less than $750 per lot, good terms. Inves tigate this. lOOxlOO in - South Portland, high, good view, fruit and shade trees. Owner says to get an aff er'; must sell. James Manner & Co. Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d St. Union Ave. 60x100 ON THE N. E. CORNER UNION AVENUE AND E. COUCH. FOR PRICE SEE EDW. P. MALL CO., 309-310 Abington Building. CENTRAL, OREGON'. Crwcmt: The cominr city. Contracts let for two roads. Division terminal: lots frolng fast. Get in on ground floor.. Thou sands will b made by first purchasers. Get particulars at once from C. F. Clefton. only authorized aRent In Portland. Hotel Per kin. Only few days SCHOOLHOUSE BLOCK BY AUCTION ' IN PASCO, WASHINGTON Comprising 32 Business Lots in the Heart of Pasco To be sold to highest bidder for cash, May21,1910,at2P.M. With a population of 3000 people, is the Huj City of Portland, Seattle and Spo kane. The Pasco - Reclamation Co.'s project will soon be completed, of which Robert Strahorn is President. A $65,000.00 Iligli School Building has just been com- " pleted. Pasco is a railroad center with a payroll of $75,000.00 per month. Hundreds of investors will attend this sale from all parts of the Northwest. A grand opportunity to buy choice business lots which will be worth thou sands of dollars in a few years. For further information inquire of ROBERT JAHNKE, D. W. FALES, W. E. QUINLAN, Board of Directors. Or Yictor J. Green, Auctioneer. A Dandy Country 'Home on Slough Road Near city limits, 7J, acres, fully cul tivated, 70 full-bearing fruit trees. 2 acres strawberries, balance in raspber ries, logan, blackberries, gooseberries and truck garden; 11-room house (cost $4600,, bath, toilet and running water; bam (house and barn have cement basements), plastered chicken -ho use, windmill and tank, 2000 gal. capacity; gas engine; small lake on nortli border affords fine fishing and boating. One mile from streetcars, 25 minutes by auto. Here is a close-to-the-city home anyone would appreciate. Low price. Terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second, Lumber Exchange A SCENIC PARK WITH RUNNING WATER is what I would call this 8 acres on Johnson Creek. One of the most beau tiful and secluded spots around Port land, with its numerous varieties of shade trees and grassp slopes. An ideal location ior a. suburban or SUMMER HOME County road: convenient to car; school; electric lights and phone; 10c fare. Price $400 per acre. W. L. CREEN 406 LnmbfrmenR Building;. Phone Main 87S7. Let' Us-Show You This 80 acres onion, timothy and clover land, beaver dam, the best of black soil, nice little stream of water runs across land, can irrigate if necessary: land easy to clear and level, on pood road, 20 rods from electric carline. For tune in this. Price and terras see J. L. WELLS CO. 83(t Chamber of Commerce Bldg. INVESTMENT $ 1 02 per month rental income, first-class prop osition, store building and flats, close in on East Side. For prices and terms see F. W. TORGLER 1Q6 Sherlock Bldg. Apartment Site West Side Price right. Terms easy. Addres N 968, Oregonian. The Hylands of Yamhill 300 acres, 10-acre tracts, near Port land, 14" miles from electric line sur vey. These tracts are perfect in all re quirements for fine fruit. Beautiful and cheap. Easy terms. Come with owner in auto to see for yourself. Geo. E. Waggoner, 923 Board or Trade. i 1