THE STTNDAT OREGOMAy, PORTLAND, MAT 15, 1910. 5 STEW TODAY. KEW TODAX. SEW TODAY. SEW TODAY. STEW TODAY. KEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. i Frances ; On the east slope of ; King's Heights, oppo ; site City Park. 10 minutes from the center of the city. The best close-in resi dence property. High, sightly and no bridges to cross. The real Nob Hill of Portland. Prices $2800 to $4500 Per Lot Just half what prop erty two times as far out is selling for. This includes all im provements. The terms of sale of lots are one-third cash, balance on or before 3 years at 6 per cent. W. B. Streeter and B.Gildner OWNERS, 212 Lewis Building. Five Acres IN Woodstock Present owner has just finished platting same ready to sell at retail, tut must raise money suddenly and will give some one a rare bargain. The 'Woodstook district has been neor locted for a long time and haa just taken on new activity. Prices in this district are low, and I think there will be a lot doing there this year. The price on this piece Is so low It will surprise you. See me early. A. B. WIDNEY aiata B7t. S23 Board of Trade. Corner Lot Near Grand Avenue and East Burnside Street PRICE $20,000 Net income, $2500 per year. Terms $15,000 cash, balance 6 per cent. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 233 Stark St., near Second. $ 2 O O O THREE LOTS AT STATIOS RIVERDALE Fine native trees, view of river and first-class neighbors. TERMS. "V" CHAPIN & HERLOW 113 Chamber C Commerce Chea Any Lot In Portland Located on the West Side, only 12 minutes' nae irom tne nearx 01 the city, is worth We are selling them for $500 To $800 On very easy terms, and we are the only firm in town that can do it. Buy one today and make 50 per cent profit in six months. Take Fulton car and get off at Southport. The Spanton Company Ground floor Lewis bid. 269 Oak St. Bargain List 82500 SOxlOO Two four-room cottagres, E. 27th and Oak Bts. Rental $25 per month. S2SOO SOxlOO Two five-room cottagres. East 27th and Pine sts. Kental $30 per month. S4000 BOxBS 25th. near Marshall, apartment site. S8000 50x100 uovejoy, near 21st. 7 - room house, rental $40 per month. SS7SO 50xlOO 24th, near Kearnev. two six room cottages. Rental $60 per month S9000 50x100 21st, near Glisan, facing- east. Good apartment site. S12.000 200x150 Tillamook, between 21st and 22d. fine speculative buy. S13.000 50x100 Trinity place, facing- east. $2000 below market value, $5000 will han dle It. , 817,000 lOOxlOO N. E. corner 7th and Orefron sts. Rental $76 per month. Good buy. 817,000 16S-arr ranch, 3 miles from Independ ence. Will accept apartment - site property as part payment. S20.000 lOOxllo 22d, near Flanders. Pine apart ment site. 820.000 lOOxlOO 23d and Flanders. A good buy. S25.000 lOOxlOO 13th and Clay. Have a party to lease irround and building, pay ing 10 per cent net. , , 921,000 TSxlOO 13th. near Main. Good apart ment site. 830.000 torner on Slat, near Davis. Pays 7 per cent on the Investment. Auk for Karnopp. M. E. Thompson Co. Fourth and Oak Sin., TTrnry Bids;. Main OOS4, A 3327. INCOME 25. PRICE 5500. Three new modern houses on comer nVa.i Aiineny cars, wnere property always rents well and values are advancing; $2000 cash will handle, balance 6 per cent, short time only. JAS. C LOGAN, 404 Merchants Trust Bids:., Mxth and Washington M. DREAM DREAM DREAM .1, iuii tew or aioum MOOa On a 40- acre farm at the meeting of the Bull Run and Sandy . Rivers. No grander view in the Mount Hood country: on ?-ood.Toads joining the Mount Hood r.lectrlc survey; cozy 4-room house. 2-r-oom house: all kinds of bearing fruit. In fact an ideal country home for any one with the means. PRICE S6000 Chapin & Herlow 333 Chamber of Commerce. FINE PLATTING PROPOSITION $275 per aore for one of the beauties! 40-acre tracts inside the 6 H -mile circle. No finer view and soil anywhere. Best pf fruit land and can be nicely divided Into 5-acre tracts. P. FITHS, 2214 Morrison St. HOLLADAT ADTMTICJf. Choice quarter block, comer 12th and Hancock sts., tor 15500: a splendid loca tion for flats or apartments THB STANDARD REALTY 00 21 Mohawk. Bids. $1000 BEAVERTON REED1LE ACREAGE 3800 Acres 380 little tracts, ranging from to 20 acres each, just now placed on market. More than 2000 acres sold and being developed in fruit, berries, vegetables, poultry and homes ! Select a choice tract of a few ares in this addition and pay the same out on our easy monthly-payment plan and you have the start for a fortune. See what others are doing with this quality of land, and so near this great and rap--idly growing city, and you will cease working on a sal ary. ONLY 40 MINUTES' RIDE on Fourth-street line or Oregon Electric ; ten miles southwest of the Court house. Our system of completed and traveled roads along each and every tract, no mat ter how small, means won derfully rapid development. ACRES HERE AT THE PRICE OF TOWN LOTS FURTHER OUT IN OTHER DIRECTIONS. ACT NOW. No rock, gravel or hills, but a location where the ex panse of country within view constitutes a residence sec tion where it is glorious to live. Stump and timber land, $125 and up. Cleared land, ready for crop, $200 and up. With buildings or orchards, $350 and up per acre. ' Small cash payment, bal ance monthly. Inducements offered to lo cate enterprises that will aid development. Call at our office and ar range to go with us. without expense to you, and investi gate this. We arrange trips for Sundays with those occu pied during week days. The Shaw-FearCo. 2454 Stark St. Main 35 . A 3500 See Vancouver Suburban Realty Company 112 West 6th st., Vancouver, Wash. Few minutes' ride from Portland. We have the finest large and small tracts of rich cleared land all along the new trolley line from Vancouver to Or chards 7 miles. Beautiful homes. One Acre Up Prices range from $200 to $400 per acre. Come and let us show you these beautiful acres. FOR RENT JT. 26n AJiD UPSHUR STS. Fairmont Hotel 312 rooms, baths and Rood plumbing:. Nearly all light rooms. Can be rented with stores below or separate. WAKEriGLD-PRIES 4k. CO, as Fourth at. Bank & Trust Co. PROPERTIES Washington-st. corner, in the heart of the city. .Too important a location to put in print. All in formation given to reliable par ties coming to the office and re questing it. Corner on Yamhill that is cheap at the price asked. Fine location. Terms possible $200,000. Park -street corner, really down town. Terms $100,000. Second and Montgomery, 100s 100; across the street the build ing which is to support the" Reed Institute is to be erected. Is good at $28,000. Thirteenth and Taylor, south west corner, 50x100 ; V2 cash, bal ance easy terms $25,500. 200x200 How would you like an-entire block on the West Side, close to the business district? This class of buys are getting very scarce. "We have one that is ex tra good. Terms are possible $150,000. Fine . Warehouse Site leth and Upshur, 100x100 feet. A location in the warehouse dis trict, where rapid building in sures a rapid rise in values, if bought for an investment, for as a building site it has no equal in the district. Good terms ; $30,000. Apartment ouses Every one knows where the Hill House out on Washington st. is. Its site is equaled by only one in the city that directly across the street, at the corner of Lucretia and Washington. This ideal location can be bought on good terms $37,500. Finest apartment in Portland, absolutely modern in every re spect. Faces that ideal apartment site street Park. Just complet ed. Building, lot, furniture and lease included in the sale. Net ting 20 per cent ; terms ; $130,000. Portland Heights We have four of the very best buys in the city in Portland Heights property. Here they are : (a) 12,000 square feet in Greenway Addition; finest lot there. View unsurpassed. One half cash. Good terms- $6500. (b) Elegant nine-room home, 6 lots; grandest view on Council Crest, at a price which hardly covers the cost of the lots. There is nothing better than this at $16,000. (c) Beautiful view property on Montgomery Drive, two blocks from the car. Full information of this ideal property given to those calling at this office. (d) Fine corner at Main and Chapman. There is a good house on the lot. This is West Side property at East Side prices. $1500 swings the deal ; balance good terms $4500. Bank & Trust Co. Real Estate Department, 235 Stark Street', Corner Second. BUS NESS TO ON Top Notch Orchard Lands At Bottom Notch Prices Why pay thousands of Dollars Where Hun dreds Have Equal Purchasing Power? The price paid for fruit lands in Oregon Is constantly advancing. The top notch was paid recently when a man in Medford sold his 12-acre farm for $28,500. $2376 per acre is a biK price to pay for or chard land when lands equally as good can be bought for a tenth or twentieth of the amount. Can Good OrchardsBe Bought That Cheap? LET US PROVE IT! BUY NO. 1. 5 and 10-acre vineyards, ready for planting. Only 2 miles from railroad and river transportation. One-fourtb cash and the balance in $10 monthly payments. lOO PER, ACRE AND II P. BUY NO. 2. 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts garden land, all in cultivation. Only 7 miles from a town with 20,000 population, with station and boat landing on the ground. One-third cash, balance 5 yearly installments. 10 PER ACRE AND UP. BUY NO. 3. 5 and 10-acre fruit orchards, with 2 and 3-year-old trees, in the famous Hood River district be tween Mosier and The XJalles, on the O. R. & N. main line. Station and boat landing on the ground. One-third cash, balance 5 years. 15 PER ACRE AND UP." FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. BANK &TRUST COMPANY 235 Stark St.. Cor. Second. Portland, Oregon. SPECIAL OFFERS $7500 Seven-room modern house, sleeping porch, double floors, fur nace; in restricted district; 1 block south Hawthorne avenue. Half cash, balance terms. $4oOO Full acre, near Kenton townsite, on O. R. & N. right of way. A bargain and good site for factory. 53500 each for three 1-acre tracts near Portland boulevard. Terms. $65050x100 lots, Electric Addi tion : small payment down, balance monthly. 300-40x100 lots in Reservoir Park on monthly payments. $175 to (J5200 Twenty-one lots, Rosewood Addition, on payments. WILLAMETTE REALTY CO. 420-422 Board of Trade Building. Phone Main 3914. 20 Per Cent Net CORNER Near Fourteenth and Morrison Guaranteed lease furnished. 53S.OOO Goldschmidt s Agency 253 "Wash. St, Cor. Third. EAST 6th & Everett Streets PRICE $8000 Lot 50x100, situated at the southwest corner of East 6th and East Everett sts. Has some improvements and has a fair income. Terms. Mall 8 Yon Borstel 104 aeostd . (Lmiuwf rTrhain.ii BldaA CHEAP LOTS HOLLADAY PA R K DISTRICT See our lots on Weid ler, Clackamas, Was co and Multnomah Streets for Each. Easy terms Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. Lumber Exchange BIdg. 100 Acres ADJOINING CITY LIMITS On O. W. P. Electric line; suitable for platting. 160 Acres IN CITY LIMITS Would make a splendid addition. 80 Acres 375 PER ACRE About 18 miles east, near Sandy River. Partially cleared and small house. $80 PER ACRE 160 acres east of Portland. Elec tric line projected through center. Lambert-Whitmer Company 70 Fourth Street. 404 East Alder Street. A Guaranteed Forced Sale S-story apartment, fine corner property. West Side, paying 19 per cent net on money invested. Price. $12,500; $5500 cash, balance long time, at 6 per cent. This prop erty will sell in 90 days for $15.000. A guaranteed pick-up. Investigate. Jos. C. Gibson 304-B Gerlinger BIdg. Big Sacrifice For Cash MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE with 100x122 feet, is offered much below its value for cash. Fine loca tion, 2 blocks to car, close in, near fine school. Call Monday. CHAS. L. HUNTER, 223-225 Board of Trade. ,ease $1000 For a term of years, the building No. 366 East Morrison street, will be for lease July 1st. See ns for terms. Parrish, Watkins G Co. 250 Alder Street. Twelfth Street 100x100. 8. W. cor. of Hall. 4 good houses bring in over $100 per month. $20,000. $10,000 will handle it The best buy In this rapidly increasing- apartment-house district. Sen Estate S Lyman 90 rtia st. Vancouver, Wash. Property is the Best Investment in the Northwest Today Five transcontinental railroad lines center at Vancouver. The Great Hill system has located its car-building and repair shops there and is now preparing to erect immense -warehouses and elevators there to take care of this year 's wheat crop of the Inland Empire. Vancouver must be come the great wheat market place of the Columbia River Basin. Vancou ver real property has increased over 100 per cent the past 12 months. The next 12 months is bound to show an even greater advance. We have been handling Vancouver real estate for over 20 years, and are better equipped than auy one else to offer gilt-edge investments. We are headquarters for Vancouver business property and choice inside residence locations. WE OFFER TODAY 100x100 feet, good business location, corner 13th and Main, for $10,000. 100x100, corner Second and Main choice wholesale or warehouse cor ner, for $8000. 50x100, on Main, between Sth and 9th, with frame boarding-house; very choice location, for $1000. 90x90, on Washington st., fine busi ness corner, with large dwelling house, for $15,000. 100x100, corner 5th and Columbia sts., fine location for flats, boarding house or garage, for $8000. Waterfront The best locations in the city. For particulars and terms, call on or address The Elwell Realty Co. 300 Main Street, Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 187. Double Your oney IN Six Months That is what you can do by buy ing one of our South Portland Lots For $500 to $800 These lots are located in SOUTH PORT and are far below the market price. They are close in, only 12 min utes' ride on the Fulton car. TAKE FULTON CAR AND GET OFF AT SOUTHPORT. The SpantonGo. Ground Floor, Lewis BIdg. 269 Oak Street. Nets 18 Per Cent One of the handsomest flat proper ties in town for sale cheap. Nets 18 Per Cent All flats leased to responsible tenantst Price $15,000 L, Will make good terms. : " A. B. Widney Main 6974. 822 Board of Trade. $67,500 Corner on SEVENTH STREET $7000 17-room house in IRVINGTON Income $75 monthly. Adams & Apperson 251 Washington Street. BIG SNAP. 3 lot, between Hawthorne and Belmont. In section being paved; sewer, gas and water In and paid: beat car service In eltv, IS minute oux. For quick male. 2500: balf Owner. H O. Tripled. J10 at. . M