THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAJf. PORTLAND. MAY 15, V 1910. 13 The census of the store's visitors on our opening day was most gratifying. We wish we could have met in dividually every visit or and made you feel the depths of our sin cere appreciation. We take this means of thanking you collect ively and as individ uals for your call on that day. We have founded this store for you for your con venience. We appreciate your co-operation. Phone B 6135 wiRmSaraVcJ East Stari St.. Second Day of Great Demonstration Sale Phone East 995 tSro&filsKjVetEast State Si,- Values to Make Sell at Morgan's lion ingjoris k day Extraordinary value in all departments begins Morgan's campaign of merchandise. The place where $1.00 buys $1.00 worth of goods. Quantities of merchandise lunderpriced m a way to attract unusual selling. A great demonstration of values. Shop at Morgan's Monday on the East Side. A store founded FOR YOU to supply your wants for LESS. Located in your midst. Monday is to be a notable day of yal Mechandise priced especially for this first week's selling, to DEMONSTRATE without a doubt the immense SAVING for you to buy on the EAST SIDE. Special purchases made for this week of Demonstration Special Bargains in every department. No depart ment has been overlooked m preparing for this Demonstration Week. SHOP AT MORGAN'S MONDAY. Every Day serves to give wider publicity to the earnest ness and sincer ity of the efforts that Morgan's Is Making to Please Every Customer The well dressed woman looks carefully to her gloves. 2 Centemeri Glove Stands Critical Inspection Wear the Centemeri REST ROOM While shopping read and rest awhile. Extra Values in China Cups and Saucers A complete sample line, consisting ' of 1848 pieces, shapes and styles of nearly every kind. Such dainty cups and saucers make a handsome gift to a friend. They beautify the china cupboard. In most cases only one of a kind. So come early for first choice. Values in the lot up to $1. Some even $1.50. Monday Only 27c Chocolate arid Tea Sets Three-piece Sets, in beautiful pat terns, making the table so attract ive. There are 600 sets, only one set of a kind. Some actually worth $2.50 set. This is a rare opportunity and will be offered at the Special Price Monday Only 98c FiftvWo s Silk Dresses $8.95 men values that will move them quickly i V allies Monday Made of plain and changeable taffeta. We have just received by express an even 50 Silk Dresses new styles. Misfortune placed the manufacturer in such a position that it was neces sary to sacrifice nearly one-half the cost of tha garments. Our New York representative, being in touch with the market, secured this line for us at a price that does not represent the actual cost of the material. Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40. Colors, navy, Copenhagen, light blue, old rose, gray, mais, green and black. Every Woman Desires at Least One Silk Dress Second Floor Moo. d Ladies' Silk Petticoats New, crisp Taffeta Petticoats, just in by express, cut generously wide' and well tailored, 16-inch flounce, with tailored straps. Colors navy, black, gunmetal, cardinal, emerald, heliotrope, pearl, champagne, pink and white. All lengths. Priced for Monday at 95 Black Silk Taffeta Petticoats Made of fine grade taffeta, cut generously wide, with 15-inch tailored flounce. Color black, only. Good value at $5.00. Mon day, only Women's Long Lawn Kimonos $2.50 VALUES FOR $1.49 Made of unusually fine grade of lawn, cut very wide: white lawn, with fine 'hi a ro'nt lavender and blue stripe; trimmed with 4-inch "tfj -f Af ......... kjpjl.-;7 C&O CA lavender and blue stripe; trimmed i4)c5.DU Persian border; well worth $2.50. LADIES' WAISTS 75c Waists Only 49c Handsome 'designs in All over Embroidery, and some trimmed with lace inserting; long sleeves, open front and back; all sizes; 75c value. Mondajr, 49c The sales this store will make Monday will not be as important in the eyes of the minds that direct this business AS THE WAY THESE SALES ARE MADE, The impression the merchandise makes upon those who purchase it This counts for much at MOR GAN'S for our motto is "PLEASE THE CUSTOMER." Goods are selected by our buyers with that aim always in view. A satisfied customer first, then a reasonable profit. Ladies' Fine Waists $1.25 Value 75c Made of fine quality lawn, 10 different patterns of allover embroidery, open front and back, long sleeves; $1.25 value. Monday, 75c Ladies' Fine Lawn Waists 20 different styles, open front and back, long sleeves, made of fine quality lawn, beautifully trimmed with handsome embroidery designs, fine tucks and laces; all sizes, 32 to 44; $1.50 values. Monday 93c 12,000 Yards Fine Laces at Only 6c One of our greatest offerings dur ing our Demonstration Sale. About 12,000 yards of Laces, in Torchon, (jerman, French and English Vals.; an exceedingly large assortment. Values range from 6c to 35c. fZf Special for Monday at, yard. OL Women's HouseDresses A Variety of Styles Made of splendid quality of ginghams and percales, handsome designs in stripes and figured patterns. Sizes 32 to 44. Second floor prices, ; $1.25, $1.49, $1.95 and $2.49 Our introduction of the "IVY CORSET" The discriminating women of . Portland are asked to visit our Corset Department and examine the much - talked - about corset, "The Ivy" The unprecedented success of the "IVY" models and their easy adaptability to all of the countless positions which every woman daily assumes, and in providing a perfection in outline, style, ease and com fort unapproachable by many other corset makers, plainly shows that the "IVY" models are appreciated by women who know. Sheets and Pillow Cases Heavy, serviceable Sheets, 72x90, OQn value 50c. Sale JuU 81x90 at 44 Extra value, wear like iron, 81x Cfln 90. Sale price DUG Pillow. Cases Good quality Pillow Cases, sizes 42x36 and 45x36, usually selling at Ifln 12y2c. Special (JU Hemstitched Pillow Cases Good grale of muslin, 45x36, regularly selling at 17c. Specially priced at 1 Qp only. I Oil White Blankets The housewife looks well to her bedding and blankets, especially white blankets; 11-4 size, fine, like wool, value QQ $2.75 Special 0 I iu0 Blankets, white and gray, pink and blue border, -weight 41- pounds. An extra good blanket, and pretty, too. tfJO QT1 Special at Ciuf 7000 Yards Lace at Only 11c Including: Venise Bands, Torchon, Large Assortment of German Vals. Values in the lot up to 40c per yard Special, Monday 11c Fiss Embroideries Only 19c Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Em broideries, wide and narrow widths One of our best offerings for Mon day Values to 40c Extra Special at 19c