The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 08, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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8, 1910-
Sea Wall Scheme and Central
Park Will Be Opposed,
It Is Believed.
carelessness in money matters Is of in
terest. Trincess Louise literally- does not
know what : money . means. - Some -time
ago. during a stay she made in Paris, a
dress which she had ordered was brought
to her hotel. The girl who brought It
was pretty and charmingly dressed, with
that simplicity and grace peculiar to the
little work girl of the Rue de la Pabc.
Princess Louise admired the child and
told her so, and admired, too, a little
silver medal which the girl wore around
her neck. "Perhaps your hishness will
accept It," said the work' girl." "It is a
j medal of the Virgin of Prague." "That is
t too sweet of you," said Princess Louise,
j "and you must let me give you something
; in exchange to put around your neck."
? She gave a necklace - of- pearls, with
j which the girl went off in high glee. She
i hough they were imitation, and. even
so, they were fine ones. But one day.
I'ostmaster Threatens to Complain
to iJepartmeiit Unless Street
Xemin; Is Improved Coun
cil Talks of Sane Fourth.
SEATTLE. Wash., iiay 7. iSpeciiti.)
The - members of tf-.e Seattle Civic
l'lans Commission, authorized by a
chaiter amendment adopted at the last
municipal election, have been appointed
by Mayor Gill and have JGO.OOu at their
onimaml, but they will not get ac
tively to work until lef;al proceedings
against them have been settled. Their
authority to act has been confirmed by
Mie Superior Court, and the question
may be appealed.
It is believed that the commission
will not act upon the central park
scheme and that it will oppose a new
seawall proposed to be built at an ex
pense of $17,000,000. The questions of
a civic center near Third and avenue
and James street and the development
C parks and boulevards have been a
fruitful source of contention since the
-South End lias felt that the North End
has been favored. It is expected that
The commission will be able to recon
cile ti:ef;e differences.
The membership represents all
classes. The list follows: R. H. Thom
son, chairman. Board of Public Works:
M. J. Carrigan, Board of County Com
missioners: J. T. HelTernan. Board of
Park Commissioners; Edmund Bowden,
Board of School Directors: W. H. Mur
phy. Frank P. Mullen. Max Warciall,
City Councilman: n. II. Ober. North
west .Society Civil Engineers; W. R. B.
Wilcox, Washington State" Chapter
American Institute of Architects: C. J.
Smith.- Seattle Chamber of Commerce:
ITenry Drum. Seattle Manufacturers'
Associlitlog: J. I. .Tones. Seattle Com
mercial Club: W. I.. Onstott, Central
Labor Council: Judge C. H. Hanford,
Seattle Bai Association; George B. Lit
t'efield. Seattle Real Estate Associa
tion: 11. M. Hues. Carpenters' .Union;
Kennetl Mackintosh. Waterfront Own
rrts' Association: James Anderson, steam
'.nil road companies.: J. C. Ford, marine
transportation companies; Norwood W.
Hrockett. street railroad companies; J.
W. Maxwell. Senttle Clearing-House.
rensus Jlay Show 220, 000.
With the llnal report of enumerators,
!t Is generally understood that the. cen
sus or Seattle will not exceed 220.000. One
of the disputed districts was in Ballard,
where the work was carefully rechecked.
During the closing days of the enumera
tion, the civic census bureau was ex
tremely busy, but R. W. Hill, Supervisor,
has contended that his men have made
few mistakes, and that the slips gath
ered by the civic bureau were mainly
Although Seattle's system of Btreet
names ttas been revised a number of
times. It is far from satisfactory. So
many mistakes are made, and there Is so
much confusion, that George F. Russell,
postmaster, has threatened to report the
matter to the Postmaster- ;eneral. If
this is done, the Government may force
the Issue on the basis of free delivery.
W. V. Paddock, chief clerk of the City
Engineer, and C. I. Lynch, chief of the
delivery system at the postoftice, are
evolving a plan. They would make First
avenue the north and south dividing line
and Vesler Way the east and west divid
ing line, with all streets to be named
Rnd all avenues numbered.
Sane Fourth Is Asked For.
If an ordinance prepared by Council
man Goddard Is passed, Seattle will go
on record for a safe and sane Fourth of
July. The bill, which will be consid
ered during the week, will forbid the
use of giant firecrackers, canes and
other dangerous noise-makers, but will
afford Young America an opportunity
to celebrate with due hilarity.
A grand jury called by Federal
Judge C. II. Hanford has objected to
its quarters as tinsanitary, and as a re
sult the inquisitorial body may be con
vened in Tacoma instead of this city.
Repairs to the Jury room, as stated in
the report to the court, will cost about
i I 2,000.
Preliminary work on the new Lake
I'nion belt line has begun with the raz
ing of buildings along the right-of-way
and the depot site on Terry avenue. It
is expected that the improvements will
be completed within a year.
Dos Owners Are til Terror.
Dog-poisoners, who continue to deci
mate canines, still go undetected, and
ow-ners of valuable animals are in a
state of panic. Most extraordinary
precautions have been taken to protect
1 he dogs at the show now open in
Mammoth Kink. The Queen Anne dis
trict has lost 60 dogs, Yesler Way 35,
and Rainier Beach 50, while from other
parts of the city come reports of fatal
ities. Tom Lloyd, of Fairbanks, will bo
called upon to defend his claim to hav
ing ascended Mount McKinley. Herschel
l". Parker, of the expedition which has
just sailed for Alaska, discounts the
report as a most improbable yarn.
"From what I have read," he says, "it's
just as probable that Lloyd reached th
summit as that Cook reached the Pole."
lIvles'Pokecl in Story.
Belmore Brown says: "I have Just
received word that Lloyd was backed
by a Fairbanks saloonkeeper and gam
bler named Heebie, who sent them
out with the understanding that they
were to bring hack the peak or the
story. Why, everyone knows that
Lloyd has been dead broke for a year,
waiting for someone to grubstake hiru.
All those fellows have dog teams, so
the trip probably stood them only a
couple of hundred dollars."
In an effort to prove the story false,
t'rofesisor 1'nrker mpntlnnAil tia nK.,-.-
lute impossibility of carrying a 16-foot i
pole, four Inches In diameter, to the 1
.summit of Mount McKinley. j
"Of course, there is the chance that !
Lloyd might have been misquoted on i
this point," continued Professor Park- 1
er, "but there are a dozen other things !n I
rhe story which don't hold water. For i
Instance, it s absurd to say the moun- j
tnln can be climbed without ropes and
be axes, or that it took two weeks to
go fi-om one peak to the other. I could
add a dozen other facts. Suffice It to say
that we feel confident that if we rea h I
the summit we shall be the first, and
will be reeognired as the first by the '
world. These stories of Cook and Lloyd
i IU only serve to add glamour to the
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'We Landed Those Fellows,'
Words Said to Have Been
- Used by Defendant.
Stephen I. Powell.
HILLSBORO, Or., May 7.
(Special.) Stephen D. Powell,
pioneer of 1852 and Indian war
veteran, died at his homo in
this city yesterday evening-,
succumbing to paralysis and
pneumonia.. He was born near
Springfield, 111.. May 11, 1S33,
and came to Oregon in 1S52,
settling in Linn County. In
1855 he enlisted and served in
the .Cay'use . Indian " war.
He married Margaret Uraph
lette.j at Jefferson, Or;, May 23,
1S58. He lived at "Tillalfioolt a
few -years and later came to
Washington County, settling
near TigardvHle. He moved to
Hillsboro 25 years ago.
Of his immediate family, two
brothers Frank Powell, of
Monmouth, and Clay Powell, of
.Albany, and two. sisters Mrs.
"Frank Propst, o? Albany, and
'Mrs: Robert Earl; of Harring
ton, Wash., survive. Mrs. Pow
ell and the following children
survive: Mrs. Sylvia Tucke?,
Clarkston, Wash.; Mrs. Frank
Reynolds and Mrs. G. A, Rey
nolds, Wilson Creek, Wash.;
Mrs. L. A. Long, Hillsboro; Mrs.
Nellie Daniels, Tonopah, Nev. ;
Mrs. Charles Black, Manhattan,
Nev.; John Powell, Los Ange
les. . The funeral will take place
Sunday from the Christian
being short of money, she took the neck
lace to a jeweler's to . be valued. It is
worth $55,000. "
Although French, He Fought In
Civil War and Against Indians.
Lived Long- in Clark County.
VANCOUVER. Wash., May.. 7. (Spe
cial.): Joseph Barbeau, a veteran of the
Civil War, the Umatilla, the Bannock,
the Nei Perce and Piute Indian cam
paigns, and a comrade of the late Gener
al Otis, of the United States Army, died
at his home in this city yesterday of old
age. A military funeral will be held to
morrow Rfternoon at 2 o'clock from St.
James' Cathedral, and Interment will be
made In the post cemetery with military
honors. .- - A
Joseph Barbeau was a Frenchman, born
in Canada, April 22. 18J8. Thirty-five
years apo he came to Clark County. For
20 years he was in the ReguIar'Arroy and
for three years during the Rebellion was
a volunteer. When he was discharged
the commanding officer .- of Vancouver
Barracks . issued a regimental order .rec
ommending Barbeau on account ' of dis
tinguished and conspicuous bravery in
the presence of the enemy during the
campaigns of 1877-1878. against the
Nez Perces, Bannock and Piute Indians.
He was awarded a certificate of merit.
Going from Ottawa, Canada, to Buf
falo, N. T.. he, with two others, en
listed in the 140th New York Volunteers,
in August, 1S62. and served throughout
the remainder of the war. He .was under
General Hayes, who had command of the
division. In the battle of the Wilderness
in Virginia, he was wounded and for two
months was in the hospital In Washing
ton. E. C.
Burbesu was eaptured In the raid on
Weldon Railroad, when on the skirmish
line, and was sent" to Llbby Prison,-where
he was held four weeks. He was also
for four months In AndersonvlUe,, when
lie was paroled and sent to the Balti
more parolo camp until the end of the
He re-enlisted in Uiw 15th lnfanu-y and
setved with the Regnlnr Army for five
years; re-'mllsllng in the Jlst Infantry,
and berved U-ii yearn, He was in tlie
campaign of 1S77 and 1S78, with General
Howard, against the N-i Perct and
Piule lndhin.
He is survived y his widow and six
sons. One son, Alteit Barbeau, lives iii
St. Johns, Or. The other five. Charles.
Klmer. til ward. Leo and -Chester, live in
this city.
McMinnville Man Is Inventor.
A Itoyal Idea of Mone.
"London Globe.
Ho much has been said and written
about the debts of Princess Louise, eld
est dauchter cf the late King of the Bel
gians, that any story illustrating her
(Special.) Dr, C,
city, has applied
a spring hub .for
vehicles, which, i
entirely with tin
tires, will make
with the new rlev
with much less
Or., May 7.
L. Williams, of this
far letters patent on
automobiles or other
f it does not do away
e necessity of rubbe
all vehiclos equipped
ice run over the roads
jar than they wr.uld
Influence to Uti -HaTi Hrjan.
KANSAS CITY, May T. "The death or
Kin Kdward marks the end of a mighty
influence for world peaoe," said William
J. Bryan here today. "His successor, no
doubt, will make s good ruled, and 1 am
sure the King s influence will be continued
in the next generaiion."
Witnesses Tell of Furnishing Oil, of
Hearing Boat, and of Golil's An
ger When Hadberg's Clotli Was Put Away.
MO.STESAXO. Wash.. May 7. Cor
roborative testimony seklng -to - show
the presence of Gohl and Klingenberg
at Indian Crek the night the .'murder of
John Hadberg is alleged to. have oc
curred there, "consumed the afternoon
session- ot the Gohl murder trial here
Captain H. Smith, of the schooner A.
J. West, " aboard which Klingenberg
made his last trip, swore to Klingen
berg's' absence from the' ' vessel the
night of December 21,. when the killing
is said to have ben" done. !
He told'of meeting Gohl and Klingen
berg the next morning and testified
that Gohl. -had said that Klingenberg
had ben down the bay. lookins for a
stolen compass."
The captain Bai dthat Gohl made an
urgent plea that Klingenberg be taken
back, adding that if there had ben any
loss" by the.' sailor's' absence that he
Would'' reimburse" the captain. '-
Frank Farron- testified that on the
night of December 2t he gave Gohl a
can of oil to be used In the launch
Patrol. George Martello, then Deputy
Game Warden, said on the stand that
he went down the bay himself Decem
ber 21 to make an arrest and that he
met Gohl, who said he also was going
down that night. Patrolman Joe
Searles, of Aberdeen, testified to see
ing Gohl and Klingenberg in a. saloon
in South- -Aberdeen --the morning of
December ' 22, arid that ' the two men
had taken the" II ""o'clock" streetcar to
town. This latter statement was sup
ported by Motorman William Auer and
Conductor Johnny Neilson, of the 11
o'clock car on that day, who testified
to bringing the men to Aberdeen.
Waldemar-Neilson. a fisherman, tes
tified that- two days after the alleged
murder Gohl came down to his shack
and engaged him to take him down to
Hadberg's cabin, on ' Indian Creek.
Neilson said on the stand that Gohl
proceeded to take all of Hadberg's
possessions from the shack, but after
their getting into the sloop head
winds prevented the return to Aber
deen, anl they were forced to leave the
boat at Robinson Creek.
The next morning, George McDonald
and Jim Marshall, living at Robinson
Creek, took the clothes and placed them
in their, shack, fearing that the articles
would be stolen if left in the open boat.
Gohl, on coming down a day or so
later, displayed great . anger at finding
what they had done but cooled down
when they explained their motive. Mc
Donald and Marshall corroborated this
statement. "-'.-. ;. .' -.
Other witnesses were called to show
that Gohl had told .them that Hadberg
and Hoffman had 'both, gone to Alaska,
where he had secured jobs for them with
a lighthouse contractor. .'.-
Paddy McHugh, a saJoonman of Aber
deen, testified that the defendant told
him on December, 1909,. that he was go
ing down the bay to Indian Creek to
kill Hadberg and John '.. Hoffman. Mc
Hugh also testified that on December 22,
Gohl called him aside and said: "Well,
we landed those fellows last night. Hoff
man was pretty tough. John Kllngberg
was with me."
The defense asked the witness whether
Gohl ever left money for safekeeping in
his safe and the witness said that sev
eral times he left from $200 to $300 with
him overnight. The defense - . asked
whether Gohl had' deposited",$1900 with
him prior to his. arrest and that on de
mand he had refused 'to pay the money.
Tha witness denied this.
The defense went into detail in croBs
examlnation concerning the finding of
the body of J. !B.' Meers, a former tim
ber cruiser, taken from Wishkah River
near McHugh's saloon. . Meers disap
peared in February and the body was
found in; May. He had $1700 -when last
seen alive.
Oswald Betl testified to hearing shots
fired - from a gasoline launch which he
recognized -by .the exhaust as the launch
Patrol, tlie property of Gohl.
One feature of the trial is the fact
that Captain H. Smith, of the A. J.
West, one of the witnesses for the state.
Is a brother of Captain T. Smith, manter
of the Resolute, from which schooner
Gohl ;is "said to have stolen a compsss.
The Hesolute's master has been called
as a witness for the' defense and the two
brothers are on ' opposing sides, although
Captain T. Sin 1th declares - that he does
not know .why lie has been called.
Boys Take Jeffries. aid J.;hnson for
Their Models. '"
SALEM. Or.. May 7. (Special.)
Fired by the reports from the Jeffries I
and Johnson training camps, a group
of Salem schoolboys. whose ages
range from 15 to 20. Quietly assembled
last- night - in a barn that had been
secretly wired and. lighted in advance,
and proceeded to -hold -a. regulation
"sctentiflc iboxing- exhibition", without
malice or money at stake. Thejprellm
ir.ary was by King and Brown and was
declared a draw iri the sixth round by
Referee Farmer. '
Catlin and Savage furnished the
amusement in the main- mill.-- Catlln
was the-larger of the two-boys and is
said to have ambitions of 'some day be
coming a professional pugilist, but his
little red-headed opponent fought so
fiercely that Catlin threw up the sponge
in the eleventh round. This bout wan
refereed, by young Southwick.
HftnM- Adjarns Oat of Respect to Dead
-'"-.' Msnnrvh.
WASHINGTON. May 7. Ambassador
Bryce today officially .notified, the State
Dpeartment of King Edward's death.
President Taft . later called at the
British Embassy and talked with Mr.
Bryce for 15 minutes. '
The House adjourned as a mark of
respect tor the departed Monarch, after
adopting a resolution of condolence.
As the Senate was not in session to
day no action could be taken.
It seems likely Ambassador Reid
will be instructed to represent this
Government at the King's funeral, al
though the matter will be held in' abey
ance temporarily until some expres
sion of the desire of the Gritish gov
ernment is received.
TbM QilbTbSo Inc.
Toll & Q!TbTbs, Hoc.
Portland's Foremost and Largest Complete Homefurnishing Concern
Liberal Credit and Price-Fairness Solve the Homefurnishing Problem Here
YoolU Soon Be Seeking Coinnf or Oot-of-D 003TS
It's only in the past few years that people have awakened to
the fact that the charm of living out of doors is enjoyed to its
fullest by having the porch and lawn furnished with appro
priate furniture.
Our display of Summer Furniture for this season is in every
essential worthy of the consideration of those who are planning
to enjoy the convenience of their porch and lawn.
Imported German Willow Arm Chairs and Rockers in the
new walnut and silver gray finishes and in the natural. In these
Old Hickory ; y?u'U recognize newness of design and comfort. With cushions
Chair 53.75 Pretty flowered cretonne they make splendid bedroom and
-,: living-room pieces.
. v- . - '"'. Those restful pieces with niaole frames and seats and hankn
of Cane ;a re inexpensive and excellent for the porch or Summer cottage. Arm Chairs as low- as $3.00.
; And the sturdy "Old Hickory," with its rustic appearance, that brings a quiet breath of the woods 4
Hickory". Chairs, Rockej-s, Settees and Swinging-Settees.
. Artistic and durable pieces in the oak, in an appropriate shade of green put together with bolts
screws-rio glue used. Garden Seats in different lengthsnd finishes as low as ?2.CO.
. We make' Hanging Davenports and Settees and finish in any color.
aumd tli liivno-3Rooinni
Conceive, if you can, a living-room- more
' homelike, more ." restful and pleasing to
the eye than the one with its Craftsman
Furniture and, a harmonious scheme of
decoration. The rush and worry of mod
ern life ; demand as a counteracting influ
ence a- home atmosphere that is restful,
harmonious : and" simple. This call is
answered in the Craftsman type of furni
ture. It has. won its way into thousands
of modern American homes is. steadily
increasing . in popularity because of its
quaint 'beauty its durability and comfort.
Craftsman C1 1 "7 EI
Arm Rocker
- . Another' of L. & J. G Stickler's
productions, also of solid oak .and
'in the fumed "finish. Spring cush
ion seat is rtpholstred-in goatskin,
in a shade that harmonizes ""with
the nut-brown finish.
Craftsman flo 7c
Arm Rocker 3
Of solid oak, in the fumed
finish; one of L. & J. G.
Stickley 's producti ons.
Has stretched cowhide seat
that overlaps the front,
giving it a finished appear
L. & J. G. Stickley, of Fay etteville,
are foremost in the making of
the Craftsman type of furniture.
. There's a marked individuality and
correctness in their designs and fin
ishes that find favor, at first glance.
Their productions are shown on our
floors exclusively in Portland -Morris
Chairs, large Easy Chairs, Rock
ers and Davenports, with coverings
of leather selected for their durabil
ity and beauty of grairii
A splendid showing of . Library
Tabies in the fumed oak. At $14.00
is one with top 26 inches by 40 inches,
and full-width drawer with wood
SluaLr jura TTJhios IBairaLms 0
Sample CJhairs sumdl IRoclkers
Ten pieces that are being discon
tinued from our sample display. They
go on sale Monday and Tuesday.
$10.00 Arm Rocker, in fumed oak,
solid seat at $6.25.
$12.25 Arm Chair, in fumed oak,
with leather seat at $7.25; "
$12.00. Arm Chair, in fumed oak,
with leather upholstered spring seat
at $7.50.
$13.00 Oak Arm' Chair, in Early
English finish, with leather cushion
at $8.25.
$13.00 Arm Rocker -to match at
$15.00 Oak Arm Rocker, in Early
English finish, with solid seat and
high back at $9.25.
$17.50 Arm Rocker, in fumed oak,
with high back and leather uphol
stered seat at $10.75.
$23.00 Arm Rocker, in fumed oak,
with leather covered spring seat and
tufted leather back at $12.75.
$41.00 Oak 'Morris Chair, iu Early
English finish, with leather covered
spring seat and leather cushion back
at $26.50. -
, Any of These Pieces Can be Pur
chased on Easy Payments.
S75 Bedroom Suite
of Three Pieces at
Bed. Dresser and Chiffonier of selected ash,
in the natural finish. Dresser has beveled mirror
24 inches by 30 inches ; Chiffonier, 16 inches by 20
inches. Base 'fronts are nlain and thfl rfrawirs
are fitted with wood knobs. On account of its i
quaintness this is a splendid suite for a" Summer
Buying Terms, $8 Down, $5 Month
$157 Bedroom Suite
of Three Pieces at
This suite is in quarter-sawed golden oak a four
poster, Colonial stjle bed, wih dresser aud chiffonier
to match. Both the dresser and chiffonier have plain
straight fronts and the drawers are fitted with wood
knobs. Chiffonier is 36 inches wide, with mirror that
measures 16 inches by 28 inches. Dresser mirror is
30 inches by 36 inches. The attractiveness of this suite
and the low price at which it is offered should appeal
to somebody who has in mind the selection of three
matched bedroom pieces.
Buying Terms, $10 Down, $7.50 Month
$19 Dresser
at $12.25
Of solid oak and In Rrold
en finish, with large
shaped, bevel plate mir
ror. Two top drawers
have serpentine fronts;
two lower drawers plain
are the buying- terms on
tliis dresser.
Noteworthy Bargains
$13.25 Dresser at
$8.25 Of solid oak
in golden finish ; base
40 inches long; good
mirror, 18 inches by 20
inches. This can be
purchased on the terms
$1 Down, $1 Week.
$22 Dresser at $12.50
Also of solid oak and
in golden finish. Two
top drawers . a r e of
quarter-sawed oak and
serpentine shaped. Mir
ror measures 22 inches
by 28 inches. $1 Down
and $1 Week are tho
terms on this dressef .
$24 Dresser at $13.75 This pattern has mirror
that measures 22 inches by 28 inches and the
drawer fronts are serpentine shaped. Base is 44
inches long. Solid- oak, golden finish. Buying
terms $1 Down and $1 Week.
$57.75 Dresser at $32.50 In all quarter-sawed
golden oak, hand polished. Base measures 23
inches by 48 inches. Mirror 28 inches by 34 inches.
A plain and yet pleasing design and an excep
tional bargain. Terms $5 Down and $1 Week.
That Breathes Comfort and
Character in Every Line
The question of comfort is solved
in upholstered furniture that is
known to the furniture trade as
"overstuffed." Good taste is shown
where such pieces are chosen for the
living-room or library. Overstuffed furniture is featured in
our fifth floor display of fine furniture for the living-;room
and the library pieces in which the best constructive methods
of the cabinet-maker and upholsterer, together with the best
of materials, are used. The English overstuffed ehair3 are
splendid examples of upholstered furniture, and they are very
moderately, priced. Overstuffed Davenports priced as low as
$&. Arm Chairs to- match at $-19. A complete line of up-to-date
fabrics for covering shown in the Upholstery Depart
ment, Sixtlr Floor.
Get Our Estimate on the Upholstering, Repairing
and Refinishing of Your Old Furniture
All the Season's Best Models in Our
Splendid Array of
CMItdireo's VeMcles
Prom a little fold
ing Go-Cart at $2 to
one. of those hand
some, easy riding Eng
lish Perambulators at
$52 there 's every
thing on wheels for
eonveying his or her
majesty, the baby.
The col 1 a p s i b 1 e
metal carts are in
greater demand thau
ever. Ask to see the
Thayer "One Motion"
Foldin g Carts. They 're
a wonderful conven
ience. $7.00 and up.
Baby Carriages in the coach-finished
bodies, with leather-cloth and reed hoods.
Perambulators as low as $27.50.
Buy any vehicle in our line on terms to suit your
and reed
rx Morrison
w.uu-PUQS'p iiilile at Seventh