12 THE SU5DAT OKEGO!fIAX, PORTLAND, 3IAT 8. 1910. ELECTRIC CAR ADMIRABLE FOR WOMEN Mrs. D. H. Rand Asserts She rinds Perfect Happiness and an Aid to Health in Driving Her Runabout All the Speed and Distance Capacity Desired Pound in This Type of Car. N enthusiastic champion of the electric automobile for women Is m Mrs. r. H. Rand, wife of Dr. Rand, of 164 North Twenty-fourth street. . Mrs. Rand takes great pleasure In driving her handsome little Columbus "runabout," and Just now is in de lighted anticipation of the arrival of her new 1910 electric coupe, of the same make, which has been ordered and will arrive about May 24. "It may be that .the big: gasoline cars afford greater delight for those who like them," said Mrs. Rand to an Ore gonian reporter, "but the electric suits me. Perhaps I am not as strenuous as those who prefer the huge gasoline machines, but I have no desire to be, and am perfectly happy driving my little runabout, which takes me as far and as fast as I wish to go. When my coupe arrives, 1 shall be happier than ever, and I expect to spend a great deal of my time, all Summer long, out in the open, driving about the city and the pretty country roads. Motoring of any kind is splendid for women. It gives them a new Interest, and com bines pleasure with the excellent busi ness of breathing in lots of good, pure air and thus keeping the health robust and the disposition cheerful. "It is splendid to see the way Port land women and young girls are tak ing to motoring and handling those ig gasoline machines, but while I ad mire their skill and courage, I cannot ay I envy them their cars. I think driving a gasoline motor would be rather too much of a strain, and alto gether too strenuous, for me." Mrs. Rand has been driving her own motor for several months, and handles Jier runabout in a confident, graceful manner which inspires no nervousness in chauffeurs, teamsters or pedestrians, as she directs her little car about the crowded streets of the downtown dis trict. She is shown, In the accompany ing picture, in her runabout, which she will dispose of upon the arrival of her new 1910 Columbus coupe. PROXY SOLDIER IS TIRED Friend Fails to Re-IieveGermaii Who Served in French Army. PARIS, May 7. (Special.) An ex traordinary story Is related of a Ger man who is alleged to have been ac tually serving- for Bome time in a French infantry regiment quartered in a provincial town. A few months ago he appeared at the barracks, saying; that he was living with his parents in Saxony, and had come for the usual term of service with the colors. The papers which he produced were quite correct, and he did his work so well that he was proposed for promotion to the rank of corporal. When he heard of this idea the man 4 ! m ti i At MP" ' f- J- 1 ' -.:.-rz. ;- . ..., -.1 IT.- J . i ; . I MRS. D. H. RIND DRTVTNG HER CAR. sought an interview with his captain, and explained that he was a native of Posen, and had arrived with the papers to replace their real owner, who had promised to relieve him in a few weeks. A.B. however, his friend had not kept his word. In spite of the repeated re monstrances which he had sent him toy post, he had decided on making a. clean breast of it, the more so, as he had had enough of service In the French army. Of what the captain or the colonel had to say to this Queer -trick, however. Is not added. Sunday Services in City Clrurclies BAPTIST. First, the White Temple, Twelfth and Tay ior streets. Rev. "Walter Henwell Hlnson, pastor. 10, "one-accord" prayer meeting-; 1 0:30, morning: worship ; preaching by the pastor; subject. "Two Photographs of You"; 32, Temple Bible school; classes for all ages; fl, B. Y. P. U. meeting in lower temple; ubject, "Perfection and Holiness" ; 7 :itO, popular evening service, opened with organ recital ; baptism; sermon, "Our Mothers God 23 less Them." Special music. Central, Kast Twentieth and Kast Ankeny streets Rev. Albert Ehrgott, minister. lO:80, "Prayer That Prevails"; 12 noon, Bible school; 7:45, "The Great Prizefight." Second. jat Seventh and Ankeny Rev. M. - Black. 10:30 and 7:30; Bible school. 12; B. Y. P. U., tt:30. Sermon topics: Morning, "How to Have Health"; evening, 'Destruction of the Devil." Third. Knott street and Vancouver ave nue Rev. W. J. Beaben, pastor. Sermons, 11 and 7: SO; Sunday school, IO. Eellwood, Eleventh street and Tacoma ave no Preaching, 11, by Rev. John Conn, whose father Is leader of tha work among the Jewish people In Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Sun day school, 10; Junior Union, ; B. X. P. U. :80; preaching services, 7:30. Immanuel, M ead e and Second streets Rev. A. B. Minaker, pastor. 11 and 7:80 Sunday school. 12; B. Y. P. TT., ft:S0- .East Korty-nftli Street. Kast Forty-fifth and lilast Main streets Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor. Services morning and evening. Dents Rev. J. M. Kelson, pastor. Preach Ing. 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P. U.. 6:3a Mount olivet, Seventh and Everett streets m Services, 11 and 7:80. Tabernacle, .East fHjrty-flnrt and Hoi gats Streets Ranr. K. E.- Dark, acting pastor. Bible school, :45; preaching, 11 and 7:30; prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7:30. Highland A. I Johnston will preach at the morning service; evening, evangelistic service. Arleta 11 and 7:vK; Sunday school, 9:43; B. Y. P. U.f 6:30. Preaching by Rev. E. A. Djeonard. Calvary, Kast Eighth and Grant Rev. J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; B. Y. P. IT., 6:30. Preaching morning and evening by Rev. W. C Poole, of Vancou ver. Wash. Grace, Montavllla Rev. Albert EL patch, pastor. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10. St. John's (German), Kev. Karl Feldmeth, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7 :SO; young people's meeting, 7 Sun day and 7:30 Tuesday; prayer meeting, 7:30 Wednesday. St. John's Rev. C I Owens. 11:30 and 7:80; Sunday school. 10; B. Y. P. U-. 6:30. Chinese Mission, 893 Burn side street Kev. Funj Chak, pastor. Sunday school. 7a preaching, 8. First Germ an), Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. KratU 11 and 7:flO; Sunday school. 9:45. Second German). Morris street and Rod ney avenne Rev. Frederick Bueerman, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:4C; preaching-, 11 and 7;0; Y. P. 6:45. J University park Rev. H. F. VTheny, pas tor. Sunday school. 10; preaching. 11 and 7:80; B. Y. P. U.. 7. CATHOLIC. St. Btephfa's, Korty-second and East Tay lor streets Kev. W. A. Waitt. Low mass, 8:80; .high mass and sermon. 10:30. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Kev. A. Christie. D. D. Lov maos. 6. 8 and 9: high mess and sermon, 11; vespers, instruction and benediction, 7:44. St. Mary's, Williams avenue The choir has prepared Clmarisa's Grand Military Mass for Easter services Sunday at 10.30. Awceii&lar. iiitst Seventy-sixth and East Mor rison streets Rev. James B. FitspatrJck, rec tor. Dow maiw, S; high rnas and sermon, 10:30: Sunday achooL 9:30; benediction of ths btesised sacrament, 7:30. Week days, mass e:SO A. M. Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams ave r.ue and Stanton stieet Rev. W. A. Daly. lxw num. 6, 8 and 9; high maw and srmon. 10:30; veiers and benediction, 7:30. St, Stanl?iaus. Mulan.d and Falling streets Rev. C. Scroskl. Dow mas, 8; high mass nd sermon. 10. St. Andrew'. Ninth and Alberts, streets Rev. Tbomas Kiernan. Low dum, 8; high mss and sermon. 10; vespers. Instruction and benediction, 7 :o0. St. Dan rence's. Third and Shennaa streets Rev. J. C. Hughe. Dow mass, 7 and 8:SO; hih maas and sermon. 10:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savler Rev. B. P. Murphy. Dow mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and benediction. S.Z0. &t. Michael's Italian), Fourth and Mill tree t Jesuit Fathero. Dow mass, 8: htsh mui and sermon. 10-30; vespers and benedic tion. 7:30. Holy Rosary. Kast Third and Union avenue Very Rev. A. S. Dawler. Dow mass. &, 7 and 8:30; hlgb mass aid sermon, 10;3O; ves pers and benediction. :aO. Sacred Heart, Milwaukle Rev. Gregory Ro- ble O. S. B. Dow mas, sermons, 8. 9 and 10:30; vepers and beneuiction, 7:dO. St. Francis Sast Kleventh and Oak streets Rev. J. H- Black. Dow mass, 6, 8:10 and 9:30; high nuiss and sermon, 10O; vespers lastruction and benediction. Holy Cross. "University Park Rev. J. p. ThlUman. C S. C. Dow mass, 8:30; high mass and sermon. 10:30; vespers and benediction. 4. Holy Redeemer, Portland and Vancouver rrenuea Rev. d K. CaosweU, C. Sti. SL Dow mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; bene diction. 4. CONG REGATIOXAL. First. Park and Madison street Rev. Duther R. Dyott, TX pastor. 10. Bible school; 11, divine worship, with sermon by the pastor; theme, "What Can Christianity Do for People of Today?"; :S0, Y. P. S. C. E. ; 7:45, "Titles to the Pleasures of Dife." Highland. Bast Sixth and Presoott Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor. 10, Sunday school; W. H. Barber, superintendent; 11. worship; "The Unchangeable Mother Dove"; 5:45, Intermediate Kndeavor; 6:45, Y. P S. C. E-; 45. worship: "Ths Comet as a Heavenly Inspiration" ; Professor Parvln, musical di rector. Pilgrim, Missouri sventw and Shaver street Rev. Guy D Dick. Bible school. 46; M. E. Thompson, superintendent; wor ship and sermon, 11 ; "Mothers Way" ; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening prayer and sermon, 7:80; "The Sweetest Name." 3unnyaide corner of Bast Taylor and Kast Thirty-fourth streets Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor. Services at 11 and 7:30: Sunday school, 10 ; Christian Endeavor, 6:80; topics of sermons: "The Vindication of the True God" an d "Mo th er." Hassalo. corner Haesalo and Seventh streets Qeorge Evan Paddack, D. D., pas tor. Preaching service at 11 and T:S0; Sun day school at 10; Charles) Hilt, superintend ent; a graded Sunday school and well equipped. All the service of Hassalo church are planned to be helpful for the day-by-day living." CHRISTIAN. Fi rt. Park a nd Col umbia street b -W. F. Reagor, minister. Bible school, 9:45; Moth ers' day and Temperance day will both b observed. Everyone requested to wear a white carnation. Preaching by W. F. Rea gor at 11 and 7:46; themes. "Tr One Who Always Stands by You" and "The Time of Special Privileges." Illustrated sacred song service, 7:45. Rodney-avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott I streets T. O. Pic ton, minister. Bible school. 1 9:45; preaohing by T. O. Plcton at 11 and 7:45; themes, "Do vest Thou Me?" and "A , Man's Environment." i Central, East Twentieth and Salmon 1 streets Dr. J. F. Ghormley will speak at 11; theme. "The Gospel God's Power Unto Salvation.'-' Special music, under the di rection of Rev. Francis D. Cook : Bible school at 10: Junior, 4; Senior Endeavor, 6:30. The Central Christian Church will Join in the evening revival services at Haw thorne Park, with Evangelists Hart and Magann. Gladstone. Bible School at 10; preaching at 11 and 7:45; morning theme, "The Ser- Sent That Bites. and the Adder That tings" ; evening theme. "A Great Victory Over, the Greatest Tyrant." CHRISTIAN 8CXEXCE. First Church of Christ. Scientist. Scottish Rita Cathedral. Morrison and Downsdale streets Services 11, subject of lesson-sermon, "Adam and Fallen Man"; Sunday school at close of morning service ; Wednes day evening meeting, 8 o'clock. Second Church of Christ, Scientist, "Wood men's Hall, East Sixth and East Alder streets Sunday services, 11 and 8; subject of lesson-sermon, "Adam and Fallen Man"; Sunday school, 11 ; Wednesday meeting. 8 o'clock. . EPISCOPAL. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services, 8, 11 and 8; Sunday school, 0:45 St. Mark's, Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H- Simpson, rector. 7:30. holy eucharlst; 10:16, matins and litany; 11, holy eucharlst and sermon; 8, evensong and sermon. All-Saints'. Twenty-fifth and Savier streets Rev. R. E. Remington, rector. Morning; prayer, litany and sermon, 11; Sunday school. 12:15; evening prayer. S. St. Stephen the Martyr, Thirteenth and Clay streets Rev. H. M. Ramsey, vicar. Holy communion. 7:30; Sunday school. :4o; morning service, 11; evening service, 7:SO. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good Samaritan Hospital Rev. W- R. Powell, chaplain. Holy communion, 7; ward serv ices. 3; prayer and sermon, 7:15. St. Matthew's. First and Caruthers streets Rev. W- A. M. Breck, In charge. Holy communion. 7:30; Sunday school, 10; service and sermon, 11. Good Shepherd. Graham and Vancouver avenues Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sunday school, 9:45; morning service, H ; evening service. 7:30. Church of Our Savior, Woodstock Rev. Oewald W. Taylor, priest In charge. Sunday school, 8; vespers and sermon, 4. St. John's, East Fifteenth and Touglas streets Rev. Oswald W- Taylor, rector. Holy eucharlst. 8; Sunday school, 10; matins and Instruction on the church, 11 - vespers and sermon, 8- METHODIST EPISCOPAL. First. Taylor street Trr. Benjamin Young pastor. 9:30 A. M., classes; 10:30 A. M.. morning sermon, subject. "Christian Respon sibility"; 12:15 p. M.. Snnday school; 6:45 P. M . Ep worth Deasue; 7:45 P. M., evening sermon, subject, 'The Young Man and His Religion." Grace. Twelfth and Taylor Dr. Cudllpp I wlU apeak in the moral a- 00 The Mew Kingdom" and in the evening on "Shoulder to Shoulder"; quartet morning and evening and large male chorus in evening. Professor Wilder, organist and choirmaster. Morning worship, 10:30 o'clock; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M-; Epworth Deague, 6:45 P. M.; even ing worship, 7:45 o'clock. First Norwegian and Danish, Eighteenth and Hoyt streets H. P. Nelsen, pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school, IO A- M.; young peo ple's meeting, 7 P. M. 8unnyside The subject for Sunday morn ing will be "The Fourth Saying From the Cross: This Day Shalt Thou Be With Me in Paradise," in the evening the Hart and Magann. meetings. First African Zion. Thirteenth and Main streets Rev. W. W. Matthews, pastor. The pastor will preach at 11 A. M. and 8 P. : M. Platform rally meeting at 8 P. M. ; open ing devotional service by Rev. Thomas H. Walker, of Calvary Presbyterian Church; T. S. McDaniels will preside. Several prominent 1 men will speak. Centenary, East Pine smd Klnth streets ! Clarence True Wilson, J. TX, the pastor, will preach at 10:80 A. M. ; Sunday school. 12:15 P. M. ; young people's meeting1 and evening service will be held In the big tabernacle : at Hawthorne Park. Special music by the j choir in the morning service. 1 Swedish, Beech and Bortirwlck streets j Rev. John Ovall, pastor. Preaching by Rev. E. Ehickson; Sunday sohool. 10 A M. ; E , worth League, 7 P. M. Epworth, Twenty-sixth and Savier streets ' Rev. Charles T. McPherson. pastor. Serv ices Sunday at 11 A. M. and S P. M.; morn ing subject. The Heart; evening address by R. C Dee, subject. "What I Know About Whisky; -Sunday school, 0:45 A. M., sub ject. "Temperance" : five-minute talk by R. C. Dee; Epworth Deague, 7 P. M., Miss Elsie D&throp, president; mid-week service Thursday at 7:45 P. M., subject, "How We Grow." Norwegian Danish, Vancouver avenue and Skiaxnore street Rev. C J. Daxsen, pastor. Preaching at 10:40 A. M. and S P. M-j Sun day school, 12 M. DCTHERA2. St. James English, corner West Park and Jefferson streets J. Allen Deas, pastor, fierv wlll speak on "The Man of the Hour"; Sun tees, 11 and 8 In the evening the pastor day school at 10; Duther Deague at 7. Norwegian Synod, East Tenth and East Grant streets Rev. O. Hagoes, pastor. Serv ices 11 and 2:00; no Sunday school. METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOUTH. South, Multnomah street and Union ave nue Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; regular serv ices, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Rev. W. A. Orr, cf Corvallls, will preaoh. morning and even ing. Morning subject, "Thought Becomes Matter; Ideas Materialize." evening subjeot, "The Apostles Creed." Mrs. Bchmldthe and Dr. Boyd will sing; a duet In the morning, FSESBTTEBUK. First, corner Alder and Twelfth Rev. William Hiram Foulkes, TK XK, minister. Morning; worship, 10:30; sermon, 'The Ends of the Ages" ; Bible school, 12:10; Christian Endeavor meeting, 6:80; gospel praise serv ice, 7:45; sermon, "The Judgment eat of Christ." Third, Corner East Pine and East Thir teenth streets William Parsons, D. D., pas tor. Morning worship, 10:30 ; sermon, "A Glorious Work"; evening; worship, 7:46. Tfais church unites in th Hart and Magrann. meet ings at Hawthorne Park. Fourth, First and Gibbs streets Rev. Don A. McKenzie, pastor. Morning service, 10:30; Rev. J. R. Knodell. superintendent of Anti Saloon Deague; Bible school and adult Bible class, 12 ; Christian Endeavor, 6:45; praise and gospel service, 7:46. M rs. Hamilton, chorister; Mra Bestow, organist. Hawthorne Park. Twelfth and Kast Tay lor stneets Rev. B. Xelson Allen, pastor. 10:30. "The Winning of the Soul"; 12, Sun day school; 6:30, all the young people will join In a union meeting at the Tabernacle. The meeting will be led by Rev. E. Xelson Allen ; 7 :30, the congregation will Join in the services at the Tabernacle. Calvary, corner Eleventh and Clay streets Services, 10:30 and 7.45; Rev. Thomas Holmes Walker, pastor, will preach; morn ing subject. "Manhood More Than Gold" ; evening, "Playing the Game"; Miss Mar garet Daxnberson, organist; Bible school 12. noon, REFORMED. First (German), Tenth and Stark streets G. Hafner, pastor. Services. 10:45 A. M. and 6 P. M.; Sunday school. 9:30 A. M. ; young people's society, 7 P. M. BPDHTTAXIST. First Spiritual Society, 109 Second street. Conference at 2 P. M. ; lecture and mes sages, 7:45, by Mrs. Althea V. Bailey, pas tor. State Spiritualists Association of Ore gon. 8 P. M. in All sky Hall. S00 Third and Morrison streets. UXlTfcD FRESBYTERIAKS. First, corner Sixth and Montgomery The pastor. Rev. F. D. Findley, will preach in the morning at 10:30 on the subject. "Tour Mother." In recognition of Mothers' day; ap propriate muslo and floral tributes. Temper ance day In the Sunday sohool at 12. The adult Bible classes will be combined, the men being addressed by Charles A-vr and 500 Solid Oak Chairs on Special Sale Two Days, Monday Tuesday On Monday and Tuesday we place on special sale over 500 Solid Oak Chairs, in three styles, at an unheard-of price. Another factory purchase sold at less than the jobbers' or wholesalers' price. 5 Value Only Nothing- like sucH values in Solid Oalc Chairs ever,offered in Portland before, and on sale Monday and Tuesday only. ,The illustration was made from a photo and gives a good idea of the appearance of one style of these chairs. There are two other styles yon take your choice. They are made of solid oak stock; the continuous posts stand 36 inches, seats are 15x15 inches, front posts 16 inches in height, fitted with two front rounds and two stretchers on each side, making a thoroughly strong and reliable chair, every part of which is of solid oak. Six only to a customer none to dealers no phone orders accepted. Owing to the antici pated rush for these chairs, we must reserve the right to deliver at our earliest convenience. 5Ff PR JUST XIKE the cut Full Box Leather Seat $6 Value for only -3 Just Like the Cut. No. 8 Fine quarter eawed Eastern oak en ters into the construc tion of these handsome Diners. Box s e a ts, blocked and bolted cor ners, tendo n-jointed, leather covers on seats, best golden oak, with quartered back panels. Woroh regularly $6.00, on special sale Monday and Tuesday six to a customer flJO tZ each, only..Pf-' Sale of Fancy Parlor Rocke $6.60 values in polished oak, only $0.95 o No. 19114 Iiook at this elegant valne for only $3.95. Made of finest quarter-sawed oak, saddle seat, just like the above cut ; very unique and very handsome; note the hand carved broad back paneL Worth $6.50, a great bar gain this week at $3.95 JUST LIKE CUT. '- -t.' i--, . .V. i .- -1 1 . A a iJ Sale of Summer Dresses Opens Monday Another Special Event in Ladies' Department While garments of various grades are offered, it can be said of every one that its style is perfect, its tailoring superior, its making of that thorough, careful sort that means the continued satisfaction of its wearer as long as the garment is worn. We are showing Wash Dresses, Values $5 to $20 Cloth Dresses, Values $7.50 to $25 Foulards and Pongees, Vals. $15 to $30 Satin Dresses, Values $10 to $50 We welcome your inspection of these fine goods. Open a- charge account at any time. 45c Neckwear 19c This is positively the best bargain offered in all of today's adver tising, and embraces all of the most wanted pieces and styles jabots, tabs, stocks, etc See our -window display it will 1Q surprise you. Regular 45c values, each. X All $10 Hats Now $5.95 One Special Lot of $7.50 Values for . . $3.95 Great Values Great Bargains Sold for casH or on credit. Your Credit Is Good at Gevurtz (STyJliip in Toll CmtIo First and Yamhill Second and Yamhill Goods Sold for Cash or on Credit the women by Mrs. M. I. Hidden. Junior meeting: at 8:80; Senior meeting at 6:46; concluding: number in 'Upward Path" mil lion studies; leader, Mrs. F. D. Findley. At 7:45 Mrs. Colonel Duncan, of Volunteers of America, will give erospal add res. Mrs. Kobert Adams, choir director. Church of the Strangers, corner Grand avenue and Wasco street S. Earl DuBols, minister. 10:80 and 8, preachlngr by Rv. Albert Gordon. Mrs. F. C. Metcalf will interpret the morning; sermon to the deaf at the Church of the Strangers. Grand avenua and Wasco ITNTVERSAXJST. Church of the Good Tiding. Broadway and Bast Twenty-fourth streets Rev. James Dlmond Corby, minister. Worship with ser mon at 10:45 A. M. and 7s45 P. M.; Sunday Bible school, 12 o'clock ; Christian Union meeting:. 6:34; special union meeting: with T. P. fraternity; special dedication day serv ices. A fine programme of music and sermon by Rev. Dr. A. B. Hervey, formerly presi lent St. Lawrence University. Platform meet ing In the evening with brief addresses by Rev. Dr. Buchanan. Dr. A. C. Grler and Rev. Dr. A. B. Hervey. UNITARIAN. Church, of Onr rather, flavaotfe smd To felll streets r. Thomas I Kliot, D. IX. minister emeritus; Rev. William G. Eliot, Jr., minister. Service at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; morning, "The Life and Work of Theodore Parker; evening, "Arbitration and The Hague Tribunal"; Sunday school. 8:45 A. M. UNITED BRETHREN TS CHRIST. First, East Fifteenth and Morrison Rev. Russell S. Showers. Service 11 A. M- and 8 P. M.: Sunday school, 10 A. M.; C. E.. 1 P. M. Topics, "Mothers' Day. Union revival services In tabernacle. Alberta, East Twenty-seventh and Sum ner Rev. Bf. E. Emerick. Services. 11 A. M. and 7:BO P. M. ; Sunday school. 10 A. M. South Mount Tabor Rev. C. P. Blanch ard. Services 11 A. M. : Bible school 10 A. M. Tram on t. Wisdom and Curt la streets Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Services. 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 11 A. M.; C. E-. 6:30 P. M. Albino, Alblna and XiUlngsworth streets Rev. H- C Shaffer. Services, 7:30 P. M. UNITED EVANGELICAL. Ockley Green. Gay street and Willamette boulevard Rev. J. Bowersox. pastor. Preaching services, 11 A. M- and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; K. L. C. E., 6:30 P. M. First, East Sixteenth and Poplar streets. ftAdd tract). Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching and communion service at 11 A. M., Rev. C C. Poling, preaching. Evening service Park. the Tabernacle in r. M. C. A. Hawthorne City Association, Sixth and Taylor streets. R. R. Perkins, religious work director. Combined meeting for men and boys at 8:30 o'clock will be addressed by Edward Marsden. of Saxman, Alaska, & full-blooded Tsimsean Indian. Mr. Marsden is a grad uate of three educational institutions in this country, and will tell about his mis sionary work among the Alaska Indians. MISCELLANEOUS. Portland Fellowship, Selllng-Hlrsch hall At 8 P. M.. Dr. Davidson Buchanan gives the second in. the series of addresses on tha evolution of economic Justice. Subject. "A Commercial Prophecy Approaching Ful fillment." Postlude discussion. Fellowship conference at 7 P. M. The Divine Truth Center Service at 11 A. M.. Allsky Hall. Subject. "Jesus, Our Elder Brother," by Perry Joseph Green. Sunday school at 12. Home of the Soul Society. Meetings every Sunday night at T:5, Lundy s Hall, East Fifteenth and Alberta streets. Lecture and occult science demonstrations by Mrs. E. G. Go d hart. The New Thought Church. 65 Sell In g HXrsch bun dine; New Thousxht Bible study, 8 P. M-, conducted by Perry Joseph Green. Twentieth Century, 002 East Morrison street, corner Eighteenth Sunday school. IO A. M.; conference. 11 A. M.; May 8 subject br ul Culture," address by Professor Baker, followed by questions and free discussion. w eY John F- Hanson, superintendent of the department for the promotion of in ternational peace and arbitration of Oregon yearly meeting of the Friends Church, will deliver an address on "The Hague Tribu nal, What It Is, and What It Stands For In the Sunnyside Friends' Church, East Main and East Thirty-fifth streets at 11 A. M. Rev Mr. Hanson has given several yeara of careful study to this Important subject and will be able to Instruct hi heaxera . 'o Knotholes. Louisville Courier-Journal. Stone walls do not a prison make. Such Is the poet's claim. And L for one, shall never take Exception to the same. They may not make a prison, but This much I bid you mark: Stone walla axe awful things to put Around a baseball park. a i The use or waste of lumber m tbJtif oouzrtry is ten times as great, per caplssj as that of France.