The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 08, 1910, SECTION FOUR, Page 12, Image 64

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Z '.-If
ay & Co.
Morrison at Sixth St. - Opposite Postoffice
Old Property Sold, Building of
Several Stories to Be
Erected Soon. '
Portland Women's Union Will Sell
Building on Flanders Street and
Xeeds More Funds for Erec
tion of New One.
To accommodate working girls who de
elre a home with the Portland Women's
T'nion, at 510 Flanders street, but are
denied admission because of crowded
conditions, the union has purchased a
quarter of a block at Tenth and Mont
gomery streets for tho purpose of" erect
ing a building of several stories. The
new home' will contain all modern con
veniences, with original features that
may add to the comfort of homeless
young women.
The union proposes to sell its property
on Flanders street and expects to erect
the new building without mortgage or in
eumberance. The site has been paid
for. It is believed by ardent workers in
the union that, with the sale of the prop
erty and funds now available, the new
Institution may be completed and opened
In the near future without additional
soliciting and free of debt.
At the annual meeting of the union
last Monday plans for the new building
were discussed and the women were en
thusiastic over reports of the various
officers and committees. Wtien a report
was made that last year more than 600
self-supporting girls applied for admis
sion and only a small number were ac
commodated, new impetus was given the
movement for a new and larger .build
ing. More Room Is Crying Keevt.
Concerning the necessity for a new
building. Mrs. P. J. Mann, president of
the union, said in her annual address:
More room Is the crying need of the
union today. The number of those ap
plying for rooms every month and turned
way is most distressing. "We know of
no place to send them where the price of
board is as low as charged by the union.
I see but one way before us. and that
lis for us to provide a house large enough
to meet the demands.
"The union was incorporated in 18S7,
with $1000. That seems a small sum of
money to start such an undertaking, but
the amount of energy and faith of the
women comprising the society was not
estimated in dollars and cents. Their
faith must have been large from the
results accomplished, for they succeeded
In purchasing this place (a quarter block
and large house on Fifteenth and Flan
ders streets) furnishing the house, and
years ago cleared it of all debt. Today
We own this valuable property clear.
'The time seems to have arrived when
we must make a move forward and
strive for greater usefulness, no greater
In proportion than that assumed in the
formation of the union, when the de
mand for such a borne was bo muchj less
than it is today. We all must acknowl
edge that homes for working girls have
ot kept pace with other improvements.
Home orfered to Girls.
'We have successfully demonstrated
the fact that a home can be main
tained, even in our limited quarters,
where the working woman, though
earning small wages, can have com
forts and be surrounded by refining
Influences for such a sum as she can
afford to pay thus encouraging proper
pride and maintaining self-respect.
This much we women who have been
blessed by fortune owe to our sisters
who have less.
"Other societies have erected beauti
ful and costly buildings, while we have
stood by trembling, so we have con
cluded that we. too, need a new build
ing, for we are greatly crowded and
there is no better work than ours and
none more necessary. So we have
tsken a step toward a new home, in
asmuch as we have secured a site, one
that seems to me ideal 1n every way
for our purpose, as it is within easy
walking distance of the main business
center and only one block from street
cars. It is close to Park street with its
beautiful shade trees and refreshing
green grass. It is close to church and
school and away from the noise and
bustle of the city with its cheap, al
luring amusements which undermine
the taste or desire for a nobler life.
' "The sale of our present property
will aid us greatly in building with
out mortgaging the property or going
out to canvass for funds the second
time. I am not in favor of going deep
ly in debt, but when we build we
must have modern conveniences and
he vera I stories, even if we can not
finish it all at once. Our trustees have
ever been willing to confer with us
upon all matters, and I am sure they
will still aid us in this, our noble
though hard undertaking, which can
only be accomplished by much per
sonal sacrifice by all of "us. But the
object is worthy of our best efforts
and let us put them forth and work
with a will for a new home for the
Portland Women's Union."
Girls Regard Honse as Home.
The report of Mrs. Heath, the super
intendent, dealt with the attitude of
sruests towards the union, which af
fords them such an enjoyable home at
little expense. vOne girl was quoted
a saying:
"There is no better place In all Port
land for a girl who is away from her
own home to live. Our rules are not
Irksome nor overbearing and they pro
tect us from an undesirable class of
!boarders. Only good, sensible girls
tay with us and we enjoy each other
nd the home we make for ourselves
Oiere. We do not want the freedom of
Date hours. If a girl is going to be
worth anything in her work she needs
Test and sleep."
Another boarder politely resented the
neer of a girl who said: "Oh. you live
at the home," with a dignified reply
I live at the Portland Women's Union,
H0 Flanders street."
The superintendent said each guest
takes an interest in the welfare of the
household and often asks permission
to add to its comforts and pleasures
y making small purchases for the
home. She said members who had
found homes elsewhere often returned
to visit and bring books and flowers.
Concluding, Mrs. Heath said:
"1 might go back over the past year
and give many Incidents which would
prove that ours Is not a boarding-house
of the ordinary type. But I will close
with the words of one who. with sev
eral others, was our guest for a week
last Summer. In a sincere, straight
forward way the visitor said: 'I shall
never forget the Portland Women's
Lnion as long as I live. I have en
loyed every minute of my visit here,
and wish there were more homelike
.laces Just like this, not only for -firla
"Music expresses feelings and
thoughts without words. It was below
and before speech, and is above arid
beyond all words.
" Before man found a name for any
thought or thing he had hopes and
fears and passions, and these were
rudely expressed in tones.
"Of one thing, however, I am cer
tain, and that ishat music was born
of love. Had there never been any '
human affection there never could ,
have been a strain of music.
"Possibly some mother looking in
the eyes of her babe gave the first
melody to the enraptured air.
"Language is not subtle enough,
tender enough to express all that we
feel, and when language fails, the
highest and deepest longings are ex-
pressed in music."
Good music demands a suitable medium for its
interpretation a piano such as the beautiful
A. B. Chase
Artists in all professions have' become enraptured
over the marvelous tone and quality of the A. B.
Chase Piano
You must see it and hear it to appreciate it.
Other Stores of Sherman, Clay & Co.
Seattle, Spokane, Taeoma,1 Bellingham, Everett,
North Yakima, Wenatchee, Eugene, Medford, San
Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Los Angeles,
Fresno, Stockton, San Jose, Vallejo, Bakersfield.
for whom this building is intended, but
for any woman who may be alone in a
strange city.' "
The following officers for the year
ending May 1, 1911, were elected:
President, -Mrs, P. J. Mann; vice
president, Mrs, .Adodph Dekum; second
vice-president, Mrs. C. A. Coburn:
treasurer, Mrs. William MacRae; cor
responding secretary, Mrs. Max S.
Hirsch: recording secretary. Miss Mary
S. Barlow; directors, Mrs. I. H. Amos,
Mrs. M. H. Steers and- Mrs. M. C.
State Association Will Meet in Port
land This Week.
ALBANY, Or.. May - 7. (Special.) F.
M. French, of this city, president of the
Oregon Retail Jewelers' Association, to
day gave out the programme for the
third annual convention of the associa
tion. which will be held at Portland May
r ;
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M' I i
in ii mi Bimii in M mntfrtr i i i I
St K. M. French, of Albany, Pi--
dnt Orpot Retail Jewrlent'
Ansociatlom. i
mmm .4
10 and 11. The sessions of the conven
tion will take place In the convention
hall of the Imperial Hotel. President
French has received assurances that
there will be a largre attendance at the
convention and that jewelers from all
parts of the state will be present.
The programme follows:
10 oX'lock Registration of attending mem J
bers and visitors and president's reception.
11 o'clock Meeting of executive, commit
tee. - "'-AftTioon.
1:30 o'clock Convention called to order by
the president.
1:40 Address of welcome by IV s Tn thill,
of Portland, on behalf of the Portland
wholesale jewelers ajid manufacturing
jewelers and opticians. .
2:00 Response by L. W. Bruns, of Port
land. 2:15 Appointment of committees.
s. 2: .TO President s address, by F. M. French,
of Albany.
2:45 Secretary's report, by C. H. Wil
liams, of Condon.
2:35--Treaurer report, by "E7. J. Jaeger,
of Portland.
3:00 Address, by C H. Williams, -of Con
don, on "State Organization and the Need
of the National."
3:30 Addrecs bv I. E. Staples, of Port
land, on "Manufacturers Establishing Re
tail Prices."
4:00 Address by B. J. Jaeger, of Port
land, on "Legislation.
4:30 Address by J. O. "Watts, of Eugene,
on "The Relation of the Jeweler to the
Optician.' t
5 :00 Announcement! And adjournment.
The forenoon will b spent In a. trip see
ing Portland from a special observation
car. For this trip the delegates will meet
at the convention hall at 10 o'clock.
Aft ernoon.
1 Meet fag called to order by tbe pres
1:30 to 2:45 Short talk by Albert Kelden
helmer, of Portland; Thomas Howard, of
Marshfield; Herman W. Barr, of Salem-; H.
M. Leffert, of Portland; O. A. Kramer, of
Portland, and Vv". s. Reynold, of McMlnn
vllle. 3:00 Address by S. Landstrora, of Leb
anon, on "Specializing In Business."
3:15 Election of officers for ensuing year.
4:O0 Reports of committees.
4 :I5 fnfinlshed business.
4 :30 New business.
4:45 Love feast.
5 :0O Announcements and adjournment.
7:80 Banquet at the Portland Commercial
Club rooms.
This banquet will be riven by the
Portland v wholesale and manufacturing
jewelers and opticians and the delegates
to the convention will be the guests of
the following Portland firms:" Fetty
Bros., Ross & Co.. Gaus- & Cramer, Men
del son & Co.. Butterfield Bros., Sinclair
& Boss. B. E. Fiske. William Anderson
and H. S. Tuthill & Co.
A ton o t .iii mail a million and
14-inch Oven, net 29.25
16-inch Oven, net $33.75
18-inch Oven, net $36.00
20-inch Oven, net $38.25
There is no question but this is the
best steel range on the market
for the money. It was made to
our order by one of the best East
ern factories and embodies all the
good qualities of the various other
pood ranges we have handled. The
firebox is especially adapted to use
in the Northwest, where the fuel
used is different.
Macey Sectional
Really transform the appearance of
your library or parlor beyond any
possible conception till you see
the result. No home is completely
furnished without a , Macey Sec
tional Bookcase. East Side agents.
$40 Turkish Rocker, $30
This fine Turkish Rocker is made
by Karpen Bros., of No. 1 leather.
Chairs of no higher quality are
-often sold for $50.
$23.50 Sleepy Hollow
Rocker, $16.90
Solid mahogany, Karpen make
silk plush upholstered ; beautiful
and.a rare bargain. No; 9364.
Just like cut."
$22.50 Sleepy Hollow
Chair, $16.90
Exact match to above rocker; the
two make an elegant small parlor
$20 Karpen Rocker, $15.00
Karpen patent loose spring leather
seat and padded back. Full quar
tered .oak, fumed finish; well bal
anced and comfortable. . No. 1980.
Solid oak, genuine leather; com
fortable in make-up and neat in ap
pearance. No. 7943.
Couch Cover
$9.00 Oriental Covers, Xo.
163 .$6.75
$3.50 Oriental Covers, No.
164 $3.45
$2.75' Oriental Covers, 'No.
189 . .$1.65
tfte ivevf- fiou&e y&v- moved into need&
&onte nv& tf&nfb don't you -fiindT
you fiome i& v$facz you o &tcuf
mo&t o$ the tlfttc and !faoud not you
home e the owie&t of jy&zee&T
i&e fow- mmy many things to make
fronted ovefy vhy not et It Se you
home? ou funi&fiinff& nuyvin
now- too Scecuie vz them
eonte to ud,.
Carpet Bargains
$2.00 grade Axminsters, special..." $1.60
$1.60 grade Axminsters, special. $1.40
$1.50 grade Axminsters, special $1.25
$1.65 grade Velvets, special $1.35
$1.25 grade Tapestrv Brussels, special 69
Above prices include sewing, laying and lining.
Axminster Rugs 9x12
Regular $25.00 values on sale at $17.90
36x63 AXMINSTER RUGS at $2.75
27x54 AXMINSTER RUGS at $1.75
AH Wool Ingrain Rugs
9x12 Rugs on sale at . $8.50
10-6x12 Rugs on sale at $10.25
12x15 Rugs on sale at $15.40
Genuine Wilton Rugs
Genuine Wilton not Wilton velvet, a beautiful as
sortment of patterns to qhoose from; regular $50.00
values, on sale at $36.00
Cotton Blankets
Exceptional values to close out, as we do not wish to
carry them through the Summer
$3.00 values on sale at. . . . . , .$2.25
$1.75 values on sale at $1.10
$1.25 values on sale at ...95f
7 Pound Pillows at Only $3.25 per Pair
'A Leader to Introduce Our Bedding Department.
$1.75 Npttinghams, No. 102, per pair...... 98
$1.75 Nottinghams, No. 103, per pair 98
$2.25 Ivory Cable Net, No. 119 X. ............ $1.60
$2.75 Ivory Cable Net, No. 118, per pair. . .7. . .$1.95
$4.50 Ecru Net, box hem, No. 85, per pair . . .$3.00
$4.75 Cluny Laces, No. 107, per pair $3.25
$5.50 Battenburg, No. 98, per pair. $3.95
Our annual savings in interest and taxes because we built on the
East Side, where business property is so much cheaper. '
69-75- "Jjw Cor. E.
Grand ' jMM RSSBIIfilR Stark
Avoi- ffflSHfteS Street
$5.00 Rocker at $4.00
$45 Quart'd Oak Princess
Dresser $33.75
378 A Shaped French mirror. 24x
42 inches, finished iiinide and out.
This Baby Rocker for 60c
Baby wants a Rocker, so we special
this Hardwood Rocker at GO cts.
Hardwood High Chair 75c
Is just like picture, having: shelf.
If the baby has no highchair give
the little dear one.
$2.00 Mission Clock $1.50
Stands 12 inches high, G inches
wide, good alarm ; solid oak. frame.
Guaranteed works.
$32.50 Lthr. Couch $22.50
Has beautiful quarter-sawed Oak
frame and is genuine leather.
$75.00 Davenport $50.00
Genuine Leather and elegant quar-ter-fiawed
Oak frame.
Let the Water Motor
Your- Washing.
George Is Tired.
Life 's too short to worry, over
washboards and hand-power wash
ing machines; they belong to the
stagecoach days. Time is money,
and you can do other work while
the water is doing 3'our washing
just turn on the faucet and smile,
and the water from Bull Run will
RUN IT like all git out. Try
it $18.00.
Couch Coyer
$9.00 Oriental Covers, No.
163 $6.75
$3.50. Oriental Covers, No.
164 ... $2.45
$2.75 Oriental Covers," No.
189 ....... ,.,....$1.65
We have always sold on reasonable payments such as the ordinary person could meet