The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 08, 1910, SECTION FOUR, Image 53

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NO. 19
wRlter damrosch and his great
iUS American ConductO la NOW on Tour Which CsMphratpa Twnt.u--fMi AnTiimrsarv Trin lWa.n "With
Tributes From the Musical Leaders of the Metropolis. ,
With an Unquestioned Quality to Back It Up
Makes This Store the Popular Trading Place It Is
We build up our business, asking neither favor nor preference, conducting our affairs on a basis of fairness
with the sincerity that impels us to do with thoroughness all we promise to do. In response we are compli
mented with a continued growth of trade that is a most encouraging tribute to the methods always in prac
tice at this store. .
Elegant 3-Piece
Parlor Suit
Silk Plush Loose Cushions or Genuine
Leather Seats
The very best kind of value at a popular figure ; a decidedly beautiful and high grade suit
good taste and simplicijfy; full dimensions; flawless mahogany finished frame; clean,
perfect construction; fitted with loose cushions of rich silk plush. .Reduced to a most
astounding sale figure you save at least $12.00 at the price.
; design of marked
Quartered Oak
Choice Late Style;
Perfect Make
Built of the very best of genu
ine quartered oak; brilliant
hand rubbed polish ; clean, per
fect construction; roomy, con
venient arrangement ; hand
some French plate bevel mir
ror. No- 1 has center cabinet
with swell plate glass door;
large size; 48-inch top. No. 2
has neat carved decorations;
?iS55fiii SiS&S tfeTCR?
No. 1
1 '
fj '
V No. 2 X
large storage cabinet and two extended top drawers. Each a production of decided merit in (9C)n
every feature. You can add $15.00 to this remarkable sale price and not better your bargain..
Artistic pattern; solid
quartered oak frame ;
full box seat ; strong con
struction ; almost double
value for the sum,
I11' I! Morris
WmSBm Solid
lBl $7.50
Upholstered in chase leather; a good
$12.00 Morris Chair $7.50
A distinctive, highly artistic de
sign of the very first rank. Con
spicuous for its superior style and
thorough work. Tops the list of all
bargain events at a figure that
means a saving of fullv $10.00. A
very fine $25.00 Ta- CM A f(
ble, reduced to..... MPi'i.UU
Ideal Mission conception. Design
of characteristic simplicity, with
massive, correct proportions; built
of finest oak; rich early English
finish or golden ; the best of skilled
work. A remarkable chance, com
bining good saving and superb
quality; $25.00 value JjJ QQ
Solid oak frame, construction unsurpassed, upholstered in morroc
aline Leather, guaranteed. Has receptacle for bedding. ."Worth
$38.00. Gadsbvs' Special at $25.00. Same as cut, except no claw
feet. y ' '
Rugs For Everybody
The largest assortment of Domestic Rugs in Oregon. "We guarantee ourprices bottom. See us when you want
large sizes. Everj-thing in stock to furnish the home complete. Ranges, Refrigerators, Go-Carts, Carpets, etc.
No Rent
to Pay.
We Sell
by Seeing
HE present tour of Walter Damrosch.
on which he visits Portland with his
New York. Symphony Orchestra, was
ugurated in Xew Tortt with great
endor and ,eclat early, in March, in
ebration of his 25th anniversary- as con-
uctor. The Musical Leader andConcert-
en of March17 says:. - " V
"Ai, dinner was given to him at the Lle-derki-anx
earlvi in th week, and on Sat
urday night (another, which for bril
liancy ihM no been surpassed tn late
years. Fwlrjhiundred guests were pres
ent, among wiorn " were some of the
foremost " men and women of social,
literary . and musical circles of this
country and '. of Europe. Telegrams
were received if rom Sir . Edward Elgar,
Mme. Sembrich and Andrew Carnegie,
with which came a check for- 16000,
which was a complete surprise. The
largo ball-room of the plaza was superbly
decorated, and at the tables were
seated Henry Van Dyke, the toast
master of the occasion. Mme. Nordica,
Mme. Gadski, Otto H. Kahn, Mme. Te
resa Carreno, H. E. Krehb.iel, Fanny
Bloomfleld' Zelsler, Modest Alschler,
Prank Damrosch, Finley Peter Dunn,
Paul Morton, Rubin Goldmark, Charles
Dana Gibson, Victor Herbert, Rafael
Joseffy, Franz Knelsel, Dr. Ludwig
Wullner, Andreas Dippel and many
other celebrities."
Attention was called to Walter Dam
rosch genius for inspiring enthusiasm
for the noblest forms of music. One
speaker spoke not only of his work
with the Symphony Orchestra in New
York, but of the broad national sig
nificance of his work throughout the
country, which he said was apt to
be overlooked by those engrossed in
metropolitan affairs. He did not hesi
tate to call New York provincial in
its attitude in this matter.
Krehbiel, the eminent music critic,
spoke of the importance of Mr. Dam
rosch's service to music in America in
its three great phases: orchestra, chor-,
us and opera, at critical moments in:
their respective development, not only
in New York, but in the whole country.
At another event during the same
week a magnificent loving cup was
unveiled from ftie members of the New
York Symphony Society Among the
floral tributes was an enormous laurel
wreath from Rafael Joseffy. and there
were greetings from all the orchestral
organizations throughout the country:
At Carnegie Hall on January t a sil
ver - mounted- music stand was pre
sented to Damrosch by the members
of his orchestra. The top of the music
stand is of solid silver. On one side is
engraved a picture of Damrosch at the
age of 23, and on the other side one of
the most recent pictures of the great
Damrosch and his orchestra will be
heard in Portland in two concerts,
Wednesday, May IS, matinee and even
ing, under the direction of Lois-Steers-Wynn
Coman. This will be one of the
most eventful occasions in Portland's
musical history. The programmes for
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these two concerts are of unusual in
terest, as will be seen by the follow
ing: "Wednesday Afternoon. May 18. 1910.
Part I.
Symphony, "From the New Vorld". . . .Xvorali
lv Adagio. Allegro molto.
. LArgo.
3. Scherzo.
4. Allegro con fucco.
"The Two (-Jrenadiers" Schumann
Mr. Marcus Ke Herman.
Part II.
a. CK'erture Miniature; b. Russian Dance;
c. Chinese Dance; d. Dance of the Whis
tle Pipers, from "The Nutcracker
a. "Moments " Musicale" . . . . .Schubert
b. "Spinning Song' Mendelssohn
Air from. "Sapphoi Gounod
Mme. Van der Veer.
Scherzo op. 4 Goldmark
WedneFday Evening. May 18.
Wagner Programme.
Part I.
a. Overture: b. "Elizabeth's Air Act U
Mme. Anderson,
c. "Song to the Evening Star.' ,
Mr. Kellerman.
"Lohengrin '
a. Prelude; b. "Blsa's Dream'
Mme. Anderson.
"Rienzi" Overture
Part II.
"Meisterslnger" ,
a. Prize Song
Mr. Miller.
b. "Dance of the Apprentices.'
"Good Fridaj- Spell" ( violin, solo)
Mr. Alexander Saslavsky.
"Tristan and Isolde"
a. "Love, Music and Brangane's Warn
ir.g." Act III
Mesdames. Anderson and Van der Ver and
Mr. Miller.
"Walk ure"
"Spring Song and Finale from Act I
Mme. Anderson and Mr. Miller.-
Polished Actor, Who Always Knows What to Do With Hat and Gloves, and
Can Wear His Clothes, Is Idol.
CLm WISH Kelcey had got her." :
I The speaker was a young girl
sitting in a box watching Her
bert Kelcey enact the part of a master
financier, who by unscrupulous methods
endeavored to win the affections of a
yourigr girl in Fitch's play, "The Moth
and the Flame." The financier was un
successful and the noble young hro
won the girl, but so impressed was the
lady spectator -with Kelcey's graceful
ways and easy demeanor, as well as by
his handsome appearance, that she in
voluntarily wished he had won the girl.
And it is In little incidents lifce that
that Herbert Kelcey has won success.
For long he has been one of Charles
Frohman's favorites and is now tour
ing in "The Thief," in which, in com
pany with Effie Shannon, he will ap
pear at the Bungalow, May 15 and 16.
Kelcey had his early training in the
old stocK: companies in London, fol
lowing it up with work in the early
'90s with Frohman's Lyceum Stock
Company, where he was leading man.
At the Lyceum he was succeeded by
James K. Hackett. He had a starring
engagement in "Taps." with Miss Shan
non as co-star, and at that time was a
matinee idol in New York, in much the
same way that Henry Drew now is.
Kelcey is one of those few actors
who have acquired fully the art of
stage deportment. No matter what his
garb, at no time does he appear self
conscious. One of the little traits that dis
tinguish him from, his fellows is his
ability to handle a hat. It is often
common to see an acquaintance ig
norant of Just what to do with, a hat,
but with Kelcey. both hat and gloves
are made a medium of expression, in
precisely the same way that some men
use their hands and facial features.
"The Thief," in which Kelcey and
l' f
: -jt
Herbert Jvelcey In "The Thief."
Shannon will appear in Portland, is a
draraa concerning real men and women.
So vividly does Henry Bernstein, the
author, hold up the mirror reflecting
character. Impulse and sentiment that
many are almost startled at first see
ing the play. As the title would indi
cate, the play deals with a human im
pulse. It concerns itself with one so
cial stratum. In which a fairly wealthy
family lives, and the emotions and pas
sions of those concerned are -laid bare.
Automobiles, More Novel Than Useful, Are Designed in America and
" Abroad to Suit Individual Tastes.
THE bored rich, in search of new sen
sations, have of late been turning
their attention to the designing of
freak motor cars. While,- however,
some of the ideas Which have been
carried out are extremely novel and
ingenious, they are scarcely likely to
become popular, for, as one writer re
marks in regard to the latest thing in
motor cars a little auto cab which has
been made to fit a wealthy American
lady like a tailor-made costume, being
only 26 Inches wide and 66 inches high
-"very few people want to be helped
into their cars with a shoe-horn every
time they have had' an extra good
Then, again, a: novel motor car de
signed and owned by. a gentleman of
Calcutta simply -addsto the noise of
the ordinary motor car which so often
offends sensitive ears. ! On this motor
car, which by the way, cost 2500, the
usual bonnet is covered by the enor
mous figure of a swan, the eyes of
which are composed of .prism lenses,
which are lit up at night by electricity.
The beak is made so that the exhaust
can be sent through it, causing a noise
like the hiss of a swan. Met on a dark
night -is-is liable to ' cause as much
fright among quiet going people as a
Canadian dummy horse car which was
exhibited some time ago. The dummy
horse was fixed on the front of the
car. the horn belns: attached to the
dummy's mouth, while at night the eyes .
were lit up. a pair of brilliant green
and .red orbs glarjng at passing ve
hicles. Some of the -novelties in motor cars,
however, take a more - practical and
useful shape. Among the cars, for in
stance, possessed by the late King of
the r Belgians, who was a most ardent
automobllist. - was - an elaborate gypsy
van which contained three rooms- a,
parlor and a bedroom ' and a room for
the King's valet. The machine was
capable of developing 30 horse power,
insuring a speed of from 36 to 45 miles
an hour. Altogether the vehicle cost
And talking of caravans reminds one
that the Duke of Newcastle some time
ago, had the . most elaborately fitted
of traveling caravans built. which,
however, was moved by horse power. It
contained a cooking range, piano, type
writer and a dark room,, together with
accommodation for three persons, in,
the moderate space of 15 feet by 7.
feet, and cost 1500.
Four years ago the Duke of Fife had1
built for him, at a cost of 2000. a 60
horse power motor, which was designed
as far as possible to combine the ad
vantages of a railway saloon with the
luxury of an apartment in a rdyal pal
ace. At the back of the carriage was
a couch with soft cushions, upon which
a passenger could take a siesta at full
length. The seats were of the armchair
pattern, and were so constructed that
the occupants could look out in any
direction. The doors opened with nickel-silver
handles; soft Turkey carpets
covered, the floor, and among the fit
tings were ladies' companions and
smoking fitments galore.
Among the wonders of the Motor Car
Show at Olympla feur years ago were
King Edward's specially-constructed
shooting car and the Prince of Wales"
picnic car. with folding adjustable
tables for luncheon or tea.
The French chocolate king, m! Men
ier. owns a wonderful motor car. which
is a small hotel on wheels. It is di
vided Into two parts, hed-sltting room,
with secret folding beds, and a dress
ing room and kitchen, with every pos
sible accessory for toilee and cooking.
It reminds one very much of the three
roomed flat on wheels in which M. de
Fabreques. the well-known millionaire
automobile manufacturer of Marseilles,
went for a novel holiday jaunt through
Europe three years ago. This traveling
flat is a combination automobile and
home. It contains two sfeeplng rooms,
which in the daytime can be converted
into one large sitting room. There are
also -a bathroom, dressing room and In
the rear a complete kitchen, with cook
ing range, pantry and scullery.
- i
Ashland to Discuss Good Roads.
ASHLAND, Or., May 7. (Special.) Ash
land will have a good roads lecture on
June 10, when a visit will be paid by a.
representative of .the United States Gov
ernment good roads department. - The
meeting will be held under the auspices
of the Commercial Club.
Bear Creek Bridge Ordered.
ASHLAND. Or.. May 7. (Special.) Th9
Jackson County Court has authorized a,
fine new steel bridge across Bear Creek
near Ashland, to meet a strong demand
which is being made trom the rapidly
developing territory on the east side, 08
the stream. ..