14 nre acypAY oregoman, Portland, may s, 1910. MW TODAY. NEW TODAY. WW TODAY. KKW TOIAT. JTBW TODAT. KBW TODAY. JNKW TODAY IF YOU ARE A PROSPECTIVE BUYER KINDLY COMPARE THESE PRICES 32 ACRES Near Sheridan, Oregon $70 per acre. 40 ACRES lYz miles S. Monroe. Every acre good fruit land; on county road. Price $150 per acre. 160 ACRES Homestead, 85 cultivation, 40 alfalfa; good, fair house and bam and granary; all fenced. Price on application. 80 ACRES Four miles from Port Orchard, Stock and implements go with place; house not much value. Price $50 per acre. 70 ACRES Prune ranch, near Salem. Price $28,000. 80 ACRES Near Tualatin, y mile Oregon Electric; S. P. runs through tract. Price $7000 cash. 173 ACRES Finest and most sightly place in Clark County; 75 acres river bottom land, 32 a meadow; bal ance bottom land in pasture. This is a No. 1 buy and will pay you to investigate. 160 ACRES Douglas County. Enough tim ber on place to more than pay for the land. Will trade for good building lots. Cruise three million feet. Reduced price, $12.50 per acre. 875 ACRES Lane County; good fruit land. Will trade for income property. Reduced price, $25 per acre. 700 ACRES 2.Y2 miles from So. Pacific R. R.; a No. 1 stock ranch; good living water, plenty of timber and cleared land; two-thirds of this land good fruit land. Re duced price, $12.50 per acre. 1 Also Deschutes Valley lands in large and small tracts, home steads. Land shown personally by Mr. Branton, who has been a resident of the Deschutes country for years. Arrange ments for auto from Shaniko may be made at our office. Branton & Martin 406 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. A 3187, Marshall 284. One Of Our Customers Says The sli-months-frfK-rent offer in Gregory Heights gave me the start that all my hard work was unable to accomplish before. We Say The ntx-months-free-rent offer is again open to you. ill you or will you not take advantage of this fine opportunity. Call at our office in (Jresorv Heights end of Hose City Park car line. Gregory Investment Company Substantial Investment Over 500 acres within few minutes of center of city, admirably adapted .for unique and distinctive homes in tracts and offering assured profits warranting the investment; $50,000 to .$.0,000, sufficient to control prop: erty now held Vy trustee. Most rigid investigation invited. The Shaw-Fear Co. Stark St. UNION AVENUE PRICE $26,000 100x100, on the southwest corner of Vnion ave. and E. Davis sts. A fine corner for apartment and stores. Look It up. MALL & VON BORSTEL IO Second St., Lumber Exckaisc Bids;. East Burnside Street Let us. show you the lots we are sell ing on East Burn side street for K per lot. This price includes hard - sur face pavement. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street. Lumber Exchange bldg. Finest warehouse site in North Portland Corner 19th and Upshur, next to Carman Mfg. Co. Trackage on Upshur St. Terms. Bank & Trust Co. Real Estate Dept., 235 Second St.Cor. Second. Wm. Adams & Ray Apperson Sunday Special 7-room modern home, sightly and within walking- distance; all the latest improvements. This was built by own er for his home, but Is now forced to sell. S0OO.- 7-room modern home, on Willamette Heights: a bargain at 16500. JO-room modern home on Irving Bt a swell home; in fact, the best In our city. 116,500. 13-room modern home, 2 blocks from TVashington st. $12,000. 10-room modern home on Hoyt st. A good buy at $15,000. jjjj-room home on Everett street, at If you are looking for a home In our Rose City, see us. ADAMS & APPERS0N SSI Washington Street. (Douglas County, Oregon) For Sale 1700 acres choice land, on good county road. S miles from railroad and rood town: this land Is very suitable for platting and is at present In good con dition; price J2S per acre. For partic ulars and terms apply to William MacMaster 08 Worcester Block. Portland, Or. EAST TAYLOR STREET HOME PRICE $2750 I-ot 50x100 and 5-room cottage, be ing No. 1278 K. Taylor st, S. W. corner E. 44th st. Easy terms. MALL & VO BORSTEL 1Q4 geeoad St., Lumber Eictm Bide;. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Board of Trade Botldlnar. Phoaee Mais o-ior, A S252. $30,000 100x100 ONION BUY AN AC IRE AT LENTS AND LET IT EARN A Competence for you while you attend to your work in the city. Located close to a car, 5c car fare, . close to a splendid county road, close to town. Where . else can you find an acre that is so desirable for It can be bought on terms, too. That will help you to Get a Home Call and let us show you this chance to make money. WESTERN OREGONTRUSTCO. Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. FIRST PRICE SECOND SOIL " THIRD IMPROVEMENTS FOURTH LOCATION FIFTH ROADS These five things yon always take into consideration when yon start out to buy a farm. Here is a bargain in which these requisites are attractive. 114-acre farm. Can show the rmr- chaser 20 per cent on his investment. F. E. Taylor & Co. 402-3 Lewis Building. ARDM 100x200 on Park ave.; hard-surface streets, water, gas, sewer pipes laid to inside lot line. One of the finest building sites in the city. Geo, D. Schalk 228 Stark Street. Main 392. A 2392. Holladay's Addition Th ftik RFQT ..tan Tl . . . hllV nPnfiRiPMIP AT. i-'TT.'v-.T' r-. . MOST DESIRABLE residence property lEElnO IS BEtlEVIJfO BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the Im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company OR A XII AVE. AND MrtTXOMAH ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A 9 - room hiinMlnv .ivhfi. .. on a corner, one block from car, 20 minutes walk from postoffice. Address Owner, P. O. Box 480. 6 Mortgage Loans MORGAN. FLIEDXER Jt BOTCK, 603-6O4 AblnstOM Building. ORE Buy Now in Lades Addition WHERE PRICES INCLUDE PAVED STREETS, CEMENT WALKS, SEWERS, GAS AND WATER MAINS LAID IN 14 FOOT ALLEYS, REASONABLE RESTRICTIONS AND WITHIN Easy Walking Distance OP THE BUSINESS DISTRICT AND ACCESSIBLE TO THREE CARLINES. SPECIAL INDUCE- MENT TO BUILDERS. PRICES OF" LOTS $2100 and up on Easy Terms INCLUDING ALL STREET IM PROVEMENTS. 10 PER CENT DOWN. 1 PER CENT MONTH. INTEREST 8 PER CENT. Q U A R TERLT PAYMENTS IF PREFERRED. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. WARRANTY DEED. F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. STRONG & CO. 606 CONCORD BLDG. ALSO AGENTS ON GROUND. Five -Acre Home at Courtney Are you looking: for a home near the city, fare 8 cents, time 30 minutes, all cultivated and improved? A fine little Dlace. nice G.rnnm hnnaa with good lawn, a grove of firs and pines, gooa elevation, view of the city. A thrifty young- orchard of the best varieties of Oregon fruits; 1 acres of assorted berries, a fine strawberry bed; garden is in; a vineyard of best varieties of grapes. Grapes from hi place won first priae at Stnrt e Mr lant year. 1 acres of clover, a fine stand; soil is a shot loam, no gravel; good water. At the same prloe as asked for un improved acreage in that locality. Have you $2500 cash; that is all it takes to handle this, balance easy. CHAPIN & HERLOW 838 Chamber of Commerce. c One of the .beet buys" in this re stricted residence tract, all improve ments in and bonded; can now be pur chased at 10 per cent to 20 per cent less than prevailing prices. Have got to sell can make terms to suit 90x 100 corner, 17th and Stanton. Go ' out and look it over. Call up the owner at East 8140. THE HYLANDS OF YAMHILL We Invite attention of interested par ties to one of the best fruit and nut districts in the world. Climate, soil, air and water drainage unsurpassed An up-to-date organization of scientific horti culturists, practical fruitgrowers and business men is pledged to the develop ment of this district. THEJ HYLASn FRUITGROWERS OP YAMHILL COUNTY. GRAND AVENUE PRICE $15,000 Lot 50x90, on the east side of Grand ave.. between E. Oak and E. Pine sts. Has income of $50 per month. Best buv on Grand ave., between East Morrison and East Burnside sts. We can ar range terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL 1Q4 Second St., Lumber Ktchangf Rids;. 12th Street Quarter 100x100 corner 12th and Hall, $20,000. Four houses bring fair returns. Look at the price and then see what prop erty in this neighborhood is selling for. Sengstake & Lyman 90 FIFTH STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS Iwet rates and terms ta salt I aaa. eal rata mm favorable terms mm larsa loss oi baalaeaa properties. Panda Lomnr4 for Prlvato Iavastora. A.H.BIRRELL CO. attar Blda.. 8d Jt Stark. IXVESTO-RS Call on owners' Realty Au'n .for timber, acreage, bu.lness, residence and apartment properties, aoj Abtogton. Irviegtaii TRIUVUUDDs COM PAN YV. 310 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. 100x100 COR. FLANDERS Trackage. $47,500 $5000 Under Value. Have Tenant to Lease $20,000 50x100, Between Armour and Swift. INVESTIGATE 310 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. Marshall 779, A 7155. FRILA-UUOlls We have a client who wishes to borrow $20,000 for three years at 6 per cent. First mortgage on a quarter block on Sixth st., between Mor rison and Jefferson streets. Property just. sold for more than 3 times this amount. D. Parker-Bryon & Co. 202 Commercial Club Bldg., Fifth and Oak Sts. Main 5908 A 2107 THE DALLES, OREGON 80 acres apple land southwest of The Dalles, Oregon. Crop, team and every thing -with place for $3000. 80 acres, 4 miles from Dalles, on creek, 25 acres under plow. Suitable for fruit. Price $3200. 94 acres 4ft miles from Dalles, about 70 acres under nlaw. 30 acrea grain, 5-room house, barn, chicken house, on R. F. D.. mile to school. This place suitable for fruit or grain. Price $40 per acre with crop, stock, im plements and furniture included. DON'T OVERLOOK. -- 6 acres of young orchard on edge of town, will bear some this season. Price $2100. 935 acres grain land 2 miles from ft. R.. 700 acres under plow, well im proved place. Price $40 per acre. If you are looking for a large ranch this will no doubt suit you. Call on or address W. A. SEXTON Real Estate Agt THE DALLES, OREGON. RIVERA A beautifully-situated tract of five acre on Riverside Drive; river front age, fine sandy beach, splendid old shade trees. Will subdivide this prop erty to suit purchaser. Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark Street. Main 392. A 2392. A Choice 25 -Acre Tract All under cultivation. One mile from Gaston, Oregon. Terms. , Ruth Trust Co. Room 3 Chamber of Com. Grand Avenue Quarter Block Near Burnside St. Income. Best Buy on East Side. Terms. See HALL, 523 Chamber of Commerce. 5 and JO ACRE TRACTS 17 miles from Portland. Close to railroad station. $100 to $160 per acre. All or partly in cultivation. 20 acres with house and barn. Easy payments or 10 per cent for cash. Spring water, beautiful view. Electric line building. For particulars, see THE CR099LEY COMPANT. 708 and 70S Corbett Bldg. PORTIAND HEIGHTS HOME By owner, a full lot and new 5-room bungalow, modern in every way, two blocks from car. both phones, sewer, gas. electric lights and water. Price $3750; $2000 cash, balance good time. Koora 300 Oregoni&n, Jsldg. Mala, S3 SO. St. 13TH ST MORTGAGE LOAN Prices Advance AT UNIVER SITY PARK Every lot in University Park lyinc be tween the carllne and the TJnrversity Campus will be advanced $SO on the flrst day of June. 1910. If you desire to make some easy money, now is your time. Money to Loan University Park is no outside wildcat stuff- You can get money to build at university Park on liberal terms. Prices and Terms Prices now 4S0 per lot; 10 per cent rash, balance $10 per month on each lot. withoat interest, to those who pay every inBiaiiineni wnen due or before duo. One Hundred Per Cent Buy a lot now and pay down 6 per lot and get the $50 advance June 1 and thereby make a hundred per cent on your cash payment In less than so days. What Francis I. McKenna 617 Commercial Block. Portland, Or. 46x155 Feet Each Overlooking Laurelhurst Park GREAT SACRIFICE FOR CASH. $14,000 Must raise money within 5 da vs. To do so we are foroed to sell. Situated between Burnside and Everett. 2 blocks irom niasE anxen car. SEE TJS AT ONCE. ' 50S Gerlinger Bldg. 8. E. Cor. Second and Alder Sts. Warehouse Property 100x100 on 15th and Pettygrov; trackage on United Kailways and Northern Pacific. Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark Street. Main 392. A 2392. Ele gant Irvington Residence below cost of building. Reoept loo-hall, large living-room, fireplace, bookcase, dining-room and den. beamed and paneled; buffet and breakfast - room. ?antry and kitchen, polished oak loors. fancy hardware, all hand-finished and rubbed, extra large sleeplng Pprcb, bath, two toilets, 4 bedrooms, attle, beautiful tinting, square brass combination lighting ?ixtures, duplex shades, full cement basement, fruit room, furnace, dust and clothes chutes; very possible convenience. Near the car. Terms to suit. K 837, Oregonian. WANTED TO LEASE Store room about 5 by 7S feet, for clothing business, centrally located in West Bide retail business distrlat. Parrish, Watldns & Co. 234) Alder St. Are you looking for a fine country home on the Willamette River? We have four acres, five minutes' walk from Oregon City electric line. 150 feet above the river, -affording a magnificent view. 30 minutes' ride to city. Price way below value of adjoining land. Thl. -o- V, .1 lovely country home anywhere around .... iami. rum II il 1 1 V n ITPf 3. For price, etc.. see The C'rosnley Co 708 and 709 Corbett Building. GEORGE BLACK, PtTBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 323 Worcester Bldg-. Fboaea-iaala A THAYER LOTS oo AND UP 10 Down 2 a Month 6 Interest BEST VIEW GOOD CAR SERVICE RESTRICTED DISTRICT IMPROVED STREETS CITY WATER If y-ou build on THAYER LOT Ton Trill have refined neighbors. If you buy s THAYER LOT You will have an investment and an opportunity to double your money In a short time. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 ALDER ST. CORNER LOT 41x129 Cement sidewalk, curb and gutter, sewer, electricity and gas service, all in and paid. Three blocks from new Jeffer son High School ; two good mod ern houses, renting for $20 and $12.50 per month. $1250 cash and $2500 mortgage at 7 per cent. The Shaw-Fear Company 24514 Stark Street. Main 35. A 3500. 80 acres, unadulterated cream of the country. Crops now growing will prove it; 20 miles of Portland. 14 miles to transportation. Iies like the top of a billiard table, square and level: all In cultivation; every field fenced hog tight; good buildings: fine water: everv Implement in Al shape: all kinds of fruit: R. F. D.. daily mail, phone; coun ty road on two sides; good stock: fine crops; all go, $9000; $6000 cash. Will stake my reputation on this. CHAPMAN KIT Chamber of Commerce. Main 1677 Apartment Site 100x150 Northwest corner Twenty-second and Irving; some income, amount ing to $115 per month. PRICE $31,000 Half Cash. 513 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. FINE ORCHARD . TRAQTS Five and ten-acre fruit tmt 4n the famous Santiam VnllpTr County, Oregon. Planted to commer cial variety of apoles, cultivated, Sprayed, pruned and Rcinntifinnllv cared for, for five years. Terms easy. SANTIAM fetjit coj.mrr Room 303-304 Lumbermens Building. $7500 Ottpt- nnp art? a riolf l-vf r- of Lovejoy street ; splendid view. This : 1 at 1 . . . i wxi;re me new oomevara ana car line are to be. The price is less than any surrounding property. Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark Street. Main 392. A 2392. ' - i. - ucituniui o-room cottage; corner lot: 1 block from the mostprominent station on the MOUNT SCOTT carllne, 1 & miles thia side of Lenta. VOII WrT.T, T.mv T y-iiur-t . find Its equal, considering nri inrl . terms. lSp0. 600 cash. J25 per month. T f VOU Wish trt nn fi can make you happy. 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