THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, MAY 8, 1910. iie Greater Meier Frank Store Infants' Hose 27c Little Beauty Hose, the finest grade Misses' and children's fine light weight, fine ribbed. Hose, extra long, PORTLAND ACE-NTS OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES ARNOLD KNIT GOODS PERRIN'S AND TREFOUSSE KID CLOVES The GOSSARD FRONT LACE, NEMO, ESTELLE AND LA GRECQUE CORSETS good quality maco yarn; in black tan; regularly 20c the 1 OJ pair, on special sale for " & or pure casnmere hose, with silk heel and toe. A card of darning wool with each pair; buy all you want of 0T them at the srecial rarice. nair "'C ortked9s Great ale Starts on 2d Week Tomorrow 1G Sale 00,000 Glove inds Are Included Display in Morrison Street Window Mail Orders Filled With Care The Anniversary and 54-Day Wonder Sale brings the greatest glove bargains that Portland economists have ever had AH K ' the privilege of sharing in There are $ 1 00,000 worth of gloves; handwear for women and children Every kind of glove is to be had at a saving that is quickly to be seen and in great variety Every pair is fitted and guaranteed Women's Two-Clasp Silk Gloves with double finger tips in b.ack, white and all colors, sizes 5 1-2 to 7 1-2 J fe Regular 75c values, special ff3C Women's Heavy Silk Gloves, two-clasp styles with double finger tips White, black and all colors, sizes 5 1-2 to 7 1-2 Regular $ 1 .00 values, special f for this great sale at, the pair $1.00 SILK AND LISLE GLOVES 63 Women's Silk and Lisle Gloves, in 8, 12 and 16-button lengths, black, white and all colors; sizes 5y2 to 8; regular JO $1.00 values; special, the pair ?1.25 KID GLOVES FOR 39 PAIR Women's Glace or Suede Kid Gloves, in two or three-clasp styles, black and col ors, broken sizes; regular $1.00 QQ and. $1.2.5 values; special sale OZ7C $1.25 KID GLOVES FOR 730 PAIR Women's two-clasp Kid Gloves, over- seam stitched, black, white and colors; sizes y2 to 8; regular $1.00 and $1.25 values; special sale PERRIN'S $1.75 GLOVES FOR gl.29 Women's Kid Gloves in the famous Per rin's make, real kid, two-clasp style; sizes 5V2 t ' V'l j black, white and colors; regular $1.j values; spe cial sale, per pair at only ?2J25 KID GLOVES $1.95 PAIR Perrin's and Trefousse Gloves, real prime kid, fancy or plain, overseam and pique; sizes 5 to 7ln ; regular 1 Q ES $2v25 values; special, pair PXUJ 73c $1.29 GLOVES A- 27 50c CHAMOISETTE Women's Washable Gloves, of cham oisette, with two clasps, looks just like chamois; natural or white; reg- O 7 mar ouc values ; special, pair $1.50 KID GLOVES FOR ONLY 200 Women's' Costumes Values to $55 at $32.45 A sale that affords a rare opportunity to se- r r J V" V.L11C guwus lor wear on prcicrrcu occasions Frocks for street and evening wear in 32.45 figured foulards, messalines, French serges, V'fiS marquisettes, or chiffons over satins, foulards. t ' pongees, shantungs and tussahs Some J""" " f style and color, from the daintiest revening shade to the more staple colors for street wear The materials are the best grade and the most appropriate for gowns of this sort and the trimmings are overdrapes, fringes, Persian borders, fancy ornaments, etc. All sizes from 32 to 42 Reg, vals. to $85 at See two Dig Fifth-street windows. Mail orders filled 98 Women's two-clasp Kiel Gloves, with, overseam or pique stitching, the over seam with broad stitched backs; come in black, in self or contrasting stitching; sizes 52 to 7Y2; regular $1.50 QQ values; special sale price, pair OC Sizes Sy2 to 7y2, regular $2 J- Q values, sale price, the pair P 0 $1.75 KID GLOVES $1.45 A PAIR Perrin's' and Trefousse real prime Kid Gloves, in white, black and all colors; pique and overseam stitched ; sizes 5y2 to 7y2;- regular $1.75 values; (PI g on special sale at, the pair P $2.00 GLOVES 1.87 THE PAIR Perrin's and Trefousse real prime Kid Gloves, -with fancy broad stitched backs. Black, white and all colors; sizes 5y2 to 7y2) regular $2.00 values; -J QJ anniversary sale price, pair P " White Serge 83c to $ 1 .77 See the Fifth-st. window and note the great display of this popular Summer Suiting. Two thousand yards at special prices for this sale7At 83, 98S gl.23, $1.39, 31-5.7, $ 1 ,77 PONGEE SILKS Great savings on the silk that is being most called for these days. The Anniversary and Wonder Day Sales make bargains in all parts of the store, but none more welcome than these. On sale as follows: 26-in. Pongee, special 75c Yd 26-in. widths at 89 c and 98c 34-in. Pongee, special 98c Yd 34-in. at $ 1 . 1 9 and S 1 .29 Yd Women's $4.00 Oxfords $2.43 The best part of this special is that the law price mentioned is on new arrivals and latest models. Correct footwear for 'women who are in quest of the very smartest. Come in patent colt, gunmetal kid, tan "or hazel brown calf, and chocolate or tan vici leathers. There are button, blucher and lace effects, oxfords, pumps, Elite ties and ankle-etrap models. They have welt or hand-turned soles; short vamps, tfjo Aft Cuban or low heels; our regular $4.00 values, at low price of, the pair PHtO ME2TS OR BOYS' OUTING SHOES, made of tan or olive-colored elkskin, with flexible Goodyear welt soles. The shoes for comfort and wear. The CJO CA men's come in sizes 6 to 11. We place them on sale at low price of, pair P3OU Boys' sizes, 3ya to Zy2, at, pair, $2.75 Youths' sizes, 11 to 2, the pair, 2.25 i auore S ii Regular $35.00 Values Special Price $18.45 iiiiiii:iitflelpl Its J-''ri . 1 F e j' f t; f 4 f Women's and Misses' Tailor-made Suits in pon gees, rajahs and cloth of gold. The colors are tan, champagne, rose, leather, black, white, reseda, light blue, Copenhagen and brown. The jackets are medium length, semi-fitted, with deep shawl collar and cuffs of Persian embroidered linen, fastened with two ornamental buttons. Another style is strictly plain, with small notch collar and revers.. Single-breasted coat, lined throughout with foulard silk. Skirts are all full pleated. Sizes 14 years to 38 bust measure. rf Q A rf Values to $35.00. Special this sale J) X O.TrO ale Long Silk V imoit's S3. 9 5 Special line of Women's Long Silk Kimonos, in flow ered and Persian designs; made with loose back, fitted back or shirred at waist" line ; trimmed with satin bands one or two inches wide; colors are red, green, navy", brown, rose, Copenhagen, yellow a"nd lav- C0 QC ender; values to $8.50; on sale for only pO.S70 Lawn Dressin; Sacques at 92c Dainty patterns in fine quality lawn, floral designs, figures, fancy stripes and dots; made with collar or Dutch neck styles; trimmed with satin bands on collar, ?uffs and pocket; also with embroidery and lace. QO Values to $1.75; on special sale at only, each C mported Model Hats Going at Fourth Less Rich and original examples of the mil liners' best work in creating charm ing styles Hats that have set the fashions for this season Constructed of rich quality materials and showing that rare touch of originality and distinctiveness that appealsto the really fastidious Reg ular values to $75 at Women's and Misses Tailored and Shirt Waist Hats in milans and fancy straws Trimmed with the latest nov elties in fancy feathers and wings Exceptional clever g ff models at $6.5Q to $J.UU 14 -Off. i IT Xs Gre at Sale Laces 65c Values 42c Yd. A special sale of real Cluny and Irish Lace Edges, Insertions and Medallions. Widths are from to 2y2 inches; sell regularly at up to 65c the yard, O-. on special sale at this price, yd. .HrfciC Regular $1.00 values, the yard.. 69 Regular $2.25 values, the yard $1.6J) Special Sale M aline Lace Bands and net top edges, in white or cream; 3 CCJ, to 9 inches wide; regular 75c val. $1.75 values, special, the yard, $1.29 Embroideries, in edges and insertions, swiss, nainsook and cambric, manufac turers' lengths of 44 and 5-yard pieces. Eyelet designs, suitable for the decora tion of women's and children's under muslins. "Values up to $2.00 the QQ strip; special during this sale at OC Corset Cover Embroideries, also bands, edges and flounces ; the materials are swiss or nainsook and the designs are pretty English effects; regular OQ values up to 85c the yard, special C Swiss Robes, eyelet embroidery, flounce, with panel of embroidery; GJQ 7Q plain skirt; values to $12 at HO. 1 Sale Handbags $2.50 Values $ 1 .59 Special lot of women's leather Hand bags, pure goat seal, all leather-lined, with round or broken bottom, each fit ted with coin parse to match; sell regu larly at $2.50; for Anniver- djl CO sary and Wonder Day Sale PltO Patent Leather Belts, latest shapes, with harness buckles; something new. QO Special for Wonder Days Sale OC Women's Wash Belts, in pretty embroi dered patterns, plain white or dainty col ors, fitted with ocean pearl buck- 1 Q les; .extra special for this sale at Elastic Belts, made of fine silk elastic webbing, with pretty gold or silver buck les; all popular colors; our regu- AOk lar 75c values, ou special sale for Our Entire Line of Velvet and Suede Bags, made with long cord handles, all late novelties and something required by all correctly attired women ; our regu lar $4.00 to $15.00 values, l C$f special at y of reg. prices Jla. Drugs and Toilet Articles always sold here at the very lowest advertised prices. $ 1 .25 Table Damask 75c 50 PIECES ALL-LINEN DAMASK, extra heavy 70 ins, wide, bleached or cream; regnlar$1.25 grade, special, the yard, at OC JOHN S. BROWN & SON'S TABLECLOTHS, a famous d i q q linen; 2-yard size, regular $2.50 val., special for this sale r x O 214-yard size, regular $3.50 value, special for this sale, only $2.69 100 PIECES POPLIN, fine quality, 32 inches wide, plain or fancy, all - C colors; regular 35c values, on speciar sale at the low price of, yard IOC SILK AND COTTON NOVELTIES, in wide assortment; regular 49c OQ to 59o values buy all you want of it afr this special price, the yard JC 200 PIECES WHITE MADRAS SHIRTINGS, fine quality, 32 inches Ofi wide ; 35c value; Anniversary and Wonder Days Sale price, the yard Madeira Linens on special sale this week, during the Anniversary sale. Royal Steel Gramteware 20,000 Pieces Are Reduced This Is the most dependable graniteware made. Owing to the degree of excellence attained by this ware it has become the standard throughout the world. Here is one of the great demonstrations of the Meier & Prank store's supremacy in value giving and of the great bargain distributing going on at the Wonder Day and Anniversary Sales. Look these over. 75c 2,-qt. Rice Boilers for oD 30c 3-qt. Covered Buckets at 23 18c 111 o-inch Wash Basin at 14 40c 12-iuch Colanders at only 32 18c 2 2-t. Lipped Sauce Pans; on special sale at this price, X4 20c 3-qt. size ; special at only 16 23c 4-qt. Sauce Pans: special X8( 25c 5-qt. Sauce Pans; special 19 30c 6-quart Lipped Saucepan 23 40c 10-qt. Lipped Saucepan, 31? 40c 10-quart Dish Pans, ea., 31 60c 17-quart Dish Pans, ea., 47 25c 2-quart Covered Berlin Sauce Pans, special, this sale, ea., 19 30c, 3-quart size, special at 23 35c 4-quart size, special at 27 40o 5-quart size, special at 31c 30c 6-qnart size, special at 38? H0c 8-quart size, special at 4T 20c Dippers, special at, each, 1G 20c Fnnnofc, special at. each, 16 15c Perforated Ladles, each, 12 35c ly-quart Coffee Pot at 27 40c 2-qt. Coffee Pots, special 3l 45c 3-quart size, special, ea., 35 50c 4-qt. size, special at, ea., 39? 30c 3,4-quart Tea Pot, special, 23 35c 1-quart Tea Pot, special, 27 40c lii-quart Tea Pots, ea., 31 45c 2-quart Tea Pots, sp'l., 36 12c liij-quart Milk Pans, ea., 9 13c 2-quart Milk Pans, each, 10 15c 2quart Milk Pans, each, 12 18c 4-quart Milk Pans, each, 14 20c 5-quart Milk Pans, each. 16 10c pint Pudding Pans, special 8 12c 1-quart Pudding Pans at 13c lVaqt. Pudding-Pans at 10 15c 2-quart Pudding Pans at 12 17c 3-quart size, special, ea.. 14 3.8a 4-quart size, special, ea., 15 20c 5-qnart, size, special, ea., 16 25c 1034-inch Bread Pans at 19 Sole 3 Carloads Grass Furniture We secured this Fnrnitnre at a great reduction on account of the large quantity we took in one purchase This is imported direct from China and at these low prices is much cheaper than willow, rattan, reed or old hickory furniture Because of the lightness, attractive appearance and service-giving qualities of grass furniture it is in much demand for Summer use in town and country homes Makes ideal porch furniture and is appropriate and sightly for furnishing the iiving-room of the Summer cottage. Below we quote just two examples of the rare savings to be had in this lot Come in and look over the assortment. Chair $4.98 Grass Chair, exactly like picture above ; a handsome and durable piece of furni t u r e ; special J A Q Q for 3 days at PX.I0 Same with rockers, 5.49 SEE 6TH-ST. WINDOW DISPLAY We are sole Portland agents White Steel Sanitary Furniture Something new Ask to have it shown you. Peel Chair Like Cut SPECIAL. AT $7.49 Luxurious, comfort able Peel Chair like cut, made of grass; an ideal porch chair; special flJT ACk for 3 days at P ' Every piece of furniture in stock is brand- new. Women's 35c Hose 22c Pair 5000 pairs of women's lisle Hose, in gstuze and light weight, plain or all lace, or lace booj; patterns. Large assortment of best Spring shades. A color to match every gown or any pair of shoes. The correct shades, too. Hose of unquestioned value and staple quality, as well as correct styles. Regularly sold at 35c the pair. OO Special for the Anniversary and Wonder Days Sale at low price of, pair WOMEN'S SILK HOSE, superior quality, with mercerized lisle tops and sole. Hose that are made to give good service at small cost. Have the dressy appearance that only silk hose can have, yet wear better than most silk hose and cost only a fraction of the usual price. The colors are black, white, pink and sky; come in all QC sizes. Our best regular $1.50 values buy all you want of them, special, pair OC 500 Room-Size Rugs On Sale at One-Third Less Our mammoth carpet department offers another genuine bargain in floor coverings. All made up carpet rugs are included in this special. There are body Brussels, tapestry Brussels, Axminster and Wiltons, made into rugs regularly worth from $20.00 to $40.00, now one-third off. The sizes are: 8-3x10-6, 9-10x12, 10-6x11-6 and 10-6x12. ONETHIRD OFF $4.50 Scrim Curtains $ 1.65 600 pairs of plain Linen Scrim Curtains, in white, ivory or ecru, made with filet insertion, 5 inches wide, plain hems or edged. For serviceable and all round satisfactory wear, scrims have mauy advantages over nets. Can be washed and ironed and do not require stretching. Suitable for hotels, rooming-houses and coast cottages. Regularly $4.50 (tl CCS the pair; take advantage of this exceedingly low price, pair PA00 SEE SIXTH -ST. WINDOW MAIL ORDERS FILLED Women's Neckwear 3 Price Through the failure of one of the largest neckwear houses in New York City we were fortunate enough to secure a great bargain. Took their entire sample line at about half the regular wholesale price. The lot includes rabats, bows, cascades, side pleats, chemisettes, bows, collars, yokes, etc. These pieces are regularly worth from 25c 1 Di0 to $3.00 each. Special tomorrow for this great sale -3t FlC SEE MORRISON ST. WINDOW MAIL ORDERS FILLED