ZTHE SUNDAY OEEGONIAX, PORTLAXD, MAY 1, 1910. H. ooiri ZcT, WssaiUws v ier-t"-U4 sgsgsKL ajiu, Mis ntle was an ancient one. his name was creat. MJhMUmmmL : ' The Duke was most unhappy, for , he Duke was w- cmr mfmmMmrinfmz , A., . . , , ...... X NX ft j Sjxe 1 5 fsz Vfp .V; tfjSk iW mi last nis nungry c realtors, wno reared ne d V"' ; I In sunny France there lived a man of noble blood and blue The Duke De Roquefort Pomme-de-Terre de Bon-Bon Pas-de Tout; and yei deep in debt . never pay, .u .'J r i - IfftvVA.- c,ear the sk,es n,m an tnern- Their plan was this, they said:- take him to America, an heiress there towed 3 And so across the ocean sped the Duke De Pas-deTout, And on the ship that carrtedhim his creditors went too. They trailed him when he landed, and they scarcely closed "their eyes Until the day;-the lucky day, he me -theWidow Wise. . . . 5 s iYPAfe - CN- ,tX i I III f :. 1 Jl,V.: fJ ill I. - - ii 1 4. The Widow Wise young, beautiful and rich beyond all dreams r Ah, here indeed was one to suit the gang's financial schemes. The Duke poured out his Gallic love (with the accent on the Gaul) And ere the Widow knew it she was helpless in his thrall. 5. The creditors helped on the suit with lots of cash to soend - To make the Widow think the Duke had wealth without an end: But everywhere the Duke might go those creditors .were near Why, even on his wooing they contrived to keep an ear! 6. At last one night in balmy June, beneath the star-lit skies. There strolled upon the wave kissed sand the Duke and Widow Wise. He rhapsodized of his estates "All yours when we are wed I" And -at his words a strange idea popped m the Widow's head. 7. Said she. "Dear Duke, your wealth is vast and my poor horde so small, That we. of course, shall never need my 'Widow's Mite, at all ; So I've resolved to take my gold and grve it all away To found a home for widows lone upon our wedding day I 8 She heard a scream : she looked around, and on the beach espied The noble Duke's poor creditors, who'd fainted side by side.4 As for the Dukjt the Duke had fled 1 She gasped in blank Surprise. "1 must be Mrs. Easv Markl" -exclaimed the VVidowWise. (COPYRIGHT wio. BY THE NEW YORK HERALD CO.) J ttitkm 9mm