The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 01, 1910, SECTION FOUR, Page 12, Image 64

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Charge That Contractors
Combine to Hold Up Prices
Called Hallucination.
Builders Often Pocket Losses Cheer
fully, SajS'A. Jr. Kaber Pas
tor Attributes Part of Waste
to Building Committees.
When Rev. rr. W. T. Blister, pastor
cf Sunnystda Methodist Episcopal
Church, declared in an interview in
The Oreponlan that contractors make
Kt-oss overcharges on church buildings,
he caused a sensation In building cir
cles. A. H. Faber, a Portland archi
tect, yesterday issued a statement in
which he denied in strong terms every
accusation made by Rev. Dr. Euster.
Rev. Dr. Euster, in turn, insisted
that, after having: built several large
utone churches in the course of his long
pastorate, and having made that his
Rpectal business, he knew what hewas
talking about. and defied Architect
Faber to disprove a single statement
made by him.
"I do not blame architects for de
fending their own business," said Rev.
Dr. Kuster, replying to Architect Faber"s
statement, but I do blame them for
forming combinations with contractors
that are detrimental to church enter
prises and for allowing contractors so
many 'extras.' "
Pastor and Committee Differ.
The controversy began over the ac
tion of the quarterly conference of
Sunnyslde Methodist Church last Tues
day night in passing, at the request
of the building committee, a resolution
railing for a new pastor to take Rev.
Dr. Euster's place. Owing to differ
ences that have arisen between the
pastor and committee of seven mem
bers of the church, the big new stone
church edifice under course of con
struction at East Thirty-fifth and East
Tamhill streets is not. making t much
Defending himself in an interview.
Rev. Dr. Euster said that one reason
why the project was being held up by
the committee-was that "graft" of con
tractors entered into the affair.
The attention of Architect Faber
having been called to the interview
with Dr. Euster. he issued the follow
ing statement yesterday:
"While newspaper controversies are
to bo deprecated, the direct charge by
the pastor of the Sunnyside Methodist
Church that Portland church con
tractors are grafters and given to
gross overcharges in their church
work is not to be passed without de
nial by one familiar with the facts.
"In my relation with them and I
have met them in the erection of three
of Portland's largest churches their
charges have been uniformly less than
In corresponding work upon resi
dences; and not only that, they have
contributed generously in actual
money or its equivalent toward the
building fund.
"The gentleman may he wise In Ills
day and generation, or his own con
ceit, but it takes considerable more
than philosophy totouild a church. He
Is unhappy in his reference to the
Methodist Church South. No claim
has ever been made byyanybody that
this church cost $90,000 that it is
wcrth that, no experienced builder will
deny. Mr. Euster's claim that he
could build it for $30,000 is positively
silly, and on a par with his statement
relative to opalescent glass. There is
no art glass firm in this city which will
charge in excess of 75 cents for such
glass, unless in intricate metal de
signs; while I have known as high as
$10 a foot to be paid for art glass
work, and thought it was cheap at
"The charges that contractors .are
robbing the churches would be laugh
able, if it were not so ungenerous. Did
the Phoenix Stone- Company rob the
Methodist Church South when it fur
nished all the stone for that building
for less than the charge for freight
and quarrying, and topped it off by an
absolute gift of 100 tons of stone?
Did Harry Bingham, the stonemason,
rob them when he charged less than
half the usual prices for stone-cutting
and mason work? Did the Inman-Poul-sen
Company and Portland Lumber
Company overcharge them by doubling
the usual discounts? Did Nottingham
& Company oppress them by charging
less than they did on any of my resi
dence work and then making a liberal
casn donation besides? "
Loss Assumed Gracefully.
"Not one of the contractors or ma
terial men on that entire work .but
complied cheerfully with the plans and
specifications and did not seek to
slight the work, but, if they met with
a loss, assumed it gracefully and fin
ished their contracts.
"So it has been with all the other
church work with which I have been
connected and it is due to our Port
land people that this refutation of
robbery' be made. The statement that
there is a combination to hold up the
prices in this class of work is noth
ing short of an hallucination and
needs no comment."
"After a man has built a number of
large stone churches," said Rev. Dr.
Euster, "and has come into close con
tact for years with contractors and
architects, it is useless to try to tell
him such things as Mr. Faber states
in his interview. In many places it is
Impossible to build a church without
entering int'o a combine, whereby there
will be fixed a margin of from $3000 to
$10,000 profit, t No matter which con
tractor gets the work, this margin will
be divided between his rivals and him
self. In my book on "The Philosophy of
Church-Building,' I point out . all of
these things and make the way clear
for churches to build without being
robbed in ths manner.
Pastor Renews Charges.
"As proof of what I say, I will state
thaWflve leading ministers of Chicago
have quit . their pastorates and have
formed an organization to furnish
everything needed for use in church
buildings at about half cost of the
reerular catalogue prices quoted by out
side concerns. As to what Mr. Faber
says about the South Methodist Church,
no one but the pastor of that churcb
knows what it cost, but it can be dupli
cated for $30,000. It is of stone, simi
lar to that being used in Sunnyside
Church, but our churoh has a full base
ment and it has not. I only know that
the newspapers of the city and the
Pacific Christian Advocate have pub
lished that it cost $90,000. Centenary
Methodist Episcopal Church cost $86.
000 and can be constructed anew and
even better in many respects for $30,
000, and I would guarantee to do it.
"One thing which makes a church
costly is when a 'building committee
delays its construction and when it Is
allowed to drag along. That was the
case with the South Methodist proj
ect, and our own building is being per
mitted by the building committee to
Aged Mother Fights Alleged
Enticer of Daughter.
"White Slave" Case Arises In Fed
eral Court 'When Al Xathan, As
. torla Bartender, Is on Trial.
Letters Tell of 'Trafficking.'
With her aged mother testifying that
Al Nathan, Astoria bartender, had vis
ited their Canadian home and enticed
Hazel Morrison to a life -of shame, the
daughter yesterday stood before Com
missioner Hamilton, of the United
States Court, and protected Nathan in
the transaction as far as she could. Miss
Morrison protested her love for the
man, who is accused of having become
a professional procurer and enticing
her away from home for Immoral pur
poses. Given a hearing In his home town,
where Nathan Is employed by the Rich
mond saloon, the prisoner was held un
der a bond of $5000, and, being unable
to secure it. was brought to the Mult
nomah County Jail.
Girl Comes of Good Family.
Hazel Morrison comes from a highly
respected family in Canada. Her
mother, whose name is withheld, testi
fied that Nathan appeared at their
home in March of this year, and was
introduced by the daughter as an in
surance agent and business man from
the States. On March 31 Nathan and
the girl decided to return to Oregon,
where Miss Morrison assured her
mother that she had been promised em
ployment. The mother stated that she did not
suspicion the relations of the pair un
til she ascertained that but one state
room had been engaged for the pas
sage on the Vancouver boat. Protest
ing against the arrangement, the moth
er was unable to prevent the trip.
On arriving in Oregon the pair went
directly to Astoria, where the girl be
came a member of the "red light" dis
trict. Chief Immigration Inspector Barbour
brought the complaint against Nathan
under the recent act by Congress de
signed to suppress the white slave traf
fic. Should Nathan be indicted by the
grand Jury and convicted In the United
States Court, the penalty which may
be Inflicted is from fiVe to ten years
on McNeil s Island.
Bundle of Letters In Evidence.
In the evidence Introduced at the
hearing was a bundle of letters found
In possession of Nathan, and which
were written in a most familiar strain
by managers of disorderly houses
throughout the Northwest, and in
which Nathan was asked to furnish
"good-looking girls." The letters were
admitted over the protest of Attorney
Clyde Fulton, defending Nathan.
An unmarked exhibit of the hearing
was the little son of the Morrison girl.
Three years of age, raised by his
grandmother, innocent of what was go
ing on about him, the bright little
youngster accompanied his mother to
the County Jail, where she is held as a
Miss Morrison will be taken to Se
attle today, and will be held there by
immigration officers until the date of
Nathan's trial.
Woman Prefers Dust Laid by
PORTLAND, April 29. (To the Editor.)
Most Portland residents submit to oiled
streets, and why? This is a question
which not a few people have been dis
cussing for the past week, and in no
very complimentary terms of- those who
are responsible for the abominable con
dition the residence portions of the city
will soon be In, anent the oiling of the
streets instead of sprinkling, as hereto
fore. "Cheaper than sprinkling" Is the reason
thus far given to those who have pro
tested, but is the cheapest thing always
the best? By no means. We can always
buy rotten eggs for a cent or two less
than fresh ones, and goodness knows, we
get enough rotten ones at the highest
prices. Thus It is with street sprinkling.
We are paying enough in rentals for pure
and clean street-sprinkling, and feel that
It Is a rank Injustice to have our house
hold goods ruined with the vf-smelling
grease now being poured in front of our
doors, simply because it might be cheaper,
and to 'whom, pray?
The landlords, doubtless; but If a tenant
should ask to have his rent lowered,
would his request be grafted? Not by
any means! He would be curtly told to
vacate, as there would be plenty others
willing to pay the price. Not for one mo
ment would the landlord consider that
he owes his well-filled "coffers" largely
to the poor tenants who pay him a
goodly share of their hard earnings In
order to have even a temporary home,
and then to have what little they can
call their own, besmirched and ruined by
the vile, black oil which is sure to fee
tracked by feet into the houses and the
carpets ruined.
Putting the matter fairly and squarely,
how many of those who are in any way
responsible for the decree in favor of oil
ing the streets, would suffer their-own
homes to be ruined by the practice?
We are not all like Millet's "Man With
the Hoe." Though injustice is" forced
upon us for a time, we will not always
submit to it as did the "plodders" repre
sented In Millet's picture.
MRS. N. C P.
Wosbongal Prune and Dairy Frop
erty Traded for Wheat Ranch,
WASHOUG.AL, Wash.. ' April 30.
(Special.) What is thought to be the
largest deal completed by any firm in
the southwestern part of Washington
has been closed successfully by the
Washougal Dairy and Land Company.
The transaction Involves $61,800 and
1711 acres of land.
The C. C. Anderson ranch, consisting
of 271 acres, of which 25 acres are in
full bearing prune .trees, and 160 acres
are under cultivation, with all neces
sary buildings and two 100-ton silos
and also sufficient water power to run
all kinds of machinery, valued at $30,
000, was traded to Alfred Glenn for a
Walla Walla County wheat ranch, hav
ing a full section of Fall wheat and
a quarter', section In Spring wheat.
This ranch consists of 1440 acres and
the valuation Is $31,800, including a
number of horses .and a large amount
of farm machinery.
Many are coming here this Spring
looking for farm lands from Eastern
states and Eastern Washington, Ore
gon and Idaho. Several smaller deals
have been closed and everything points
to a busy season in this section.
A Healthful Hint.
A bottle of the Hood Brewing Com
pany's famous Bock Beer to ward off
that tired feeling. Phone m, 139. B 131S.
One million dollar Removal Sale at
the Olds, Wortman & King store.
Large Lots S300 to
On Very, Very Easy Terms ,
We are proud of this addition. It has all the. beauty
and scenic advantages of Portland Heights at one-tenth the
cost. The lots are high and sightly, with a grand panoramic
view of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers, of Mt.
Hood, Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens. It is close in but
22 minutes' ride from the center of town but far enough
away to escape the din and smoke of the city.
Get a lot in May brook and en joy the stimulating at
mosphere of the country and still be in close touch with the
busy heart throbs of the metropolis. All the lots will soon
be sold, so don't put it off. Go out today and see Maybrook.
Take the United Railways car at Fourth and Stark and
get off at Whitwood Court. 5c carfare. Agents will
meet you at the car and show youover the addition.
Smith & Hickey ,404-5 Couch Bidg. Sub Agents
See Five Pages Telling About 54 Day's Wonder Sale and 54th Anniversary Page 7.
Section 1 ; Last Page, Section 1 ; Page 5, Section 3, and Double Page 6 and 7, Section 3
The Bureau of Equipment of the
Greater Meier dS Frank S
ceMais, Mouses tor dale, etc
To All Homeseekers We will be pleased to place at, your disposal FREE
OF CHARGE all information at our command regarding homes, whether
you wish to buy or rent Head over list of property below, it may be of interest to you
A few of the choice Improved teat estate
bargains on our For Sale list:
t-room house: all conveniences, hard
wood floors, paneled dining-room, beamed
ceilings, cabinet kitchen, sereened-in
porch, Qoollng- closet, large fireplace, fur
nace, full cement basement; price $5000,
terms $1000 cash, balance on or before
t h ree y e krs. I n payments to su i t
9-room bungalow", large living-room, cob-Me-stor.e
fireplace and chimney, paneled
dining-room- in mahogany, beamed cell-?
leg, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, cooling-
closet and other conveniences too
numerous to mention: price $S5oO, terms
20O0 cash, balance on or before 8 years
in payments to suit; located on corner lot
100x100 feet.
8-room California bungalow, -with three-
large porches, large living-room with n re
place and .beamed ceiling, paneled dining
room, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, full
cement basement, furnace and all modern
conveniences ; price $5500. terms $1 OOO
cash, balance on or before 3 years In pay
ments to suit.
Beautiful California bungalow, with
large poches of cobble-atone, cobble-stone
fireplace and outside chimney; large living-room
with hardwood floors throughout,
beamed ceilings, plate glass in every wln-
dow, dining-room finished In mahogany,
built-in mahogany buffet, Dutch kitchen.
In fact, everything to make the house
complete; price $8500. terms $4500 cash,
balance In three years.
Party from whom this list is from will
build you a home on any lot you may se
lect in Irvington according to your own
ideas, on- verv n-oerai payment pian.
8-room, new house, large lot, built for
a home; all modern; price $6500.
6-room home, new and modern ; price
$4000, $1000 cash, balance $25 per month.
5- room home, on a corner lot: price
$2900, $1000 cash, balance $10 per month.
Now 5-room bungalow; this is a real
bungalow with furnace, fireplace, hard
v.ood floors. flower boxes, beamed ceilings;
price $3600, $500 cash, balance $25 per
6- room bungalow with cement porch,
brick pillars, hardwood floors, low sweep
in r roof, massive timbers; musioroom;
price $4000. $500 cash, balance $25 per
5- room bungalow, very modern; price
$3200. $5O0 down, balance $20 & month.
A 5-room bungalow with full attic, fur
nace connected with hot water tank, full
cement basement, laundry trays, two toil
ets, fireplace with tile hearth, Dutch
kitchen, built-in book case. sideboard,
guaranteed porcelain tub in bathroom,
cedar draws in closets, large front porch,
double walls and tioors throughout ; im
provements are in and paid for; full ."0
xlOO lot with trees on it; It is only 150
feet from the carline and the best buy In
the district; price $3200, $050 cash, balance
like rent.
6- room Anderson bungalow, most beau
tiful bungalow in the district; fine cement
walk between two brick piers; large front
porch with' cement floor, large living-room
opening into dining-room: beamed ceilings,
very artistic fireplace, beautiful built-in
buffet, two fine bedrooms with bathroom
between, pantry, kitchen, breakfast-room,
full cement bs semen t, laundry trays, fur
nace and outside entrance; rooms are pa
pered with Duplex Imported German paper
and tinted; there is a side pergola porch,
to the side of which is a large Bweet
chestnut tree; lot is graded and ready for
seed ; Improvements are In and paid for;
bungalow Is double construction through
out with hardwood floors; half block to
car; anvone with the money should cer
tainly see this; price $4700, $750 cash, bal
ance like rent.
Very large 7-room house with small al
cove room; special basement entrance from
street into full cement basement, with fur
nace and laundry trays, side porch, front
porch extending around side, scat and
closet In entrance hall (mirror In door
of closet) ; extra fine mantel over fireplace,
and beamed celling in living-room; pan
eled dining-room and large sideboard,
plate rail and two closets, bedroom with
closet, Dutch kitchen, tireless cooker and
hot-water cabinet: on second floor are
three bedrooms with large closets, sleep
ing porch and linen closet; there is a large
attic, floored and sided; house wired and
piped for gas; full COsrlOO lot; improve
ments in; big buy for the money; not far
from car; price $4500, $100O cash (would
take less with good party), balance $25
per month &nd Interest.
Pine 6-room bungalow with full attic;
It is double construction throughout
(couble walls and double floors); full ce
ment basement, laundry -trays and furnace,
hardwood floors In living and dining
rooms and hall (floors scraped and
waxed) ; hot water coil In furnace, win
dow shades, built-in buffet, solid brass
fixtures throughout, full length plate mir
ror In front hall, closet, clothes chute,
linen closet, shower bath, cold water coil
In cooling closet, rooms tinted. roof
stained; improvements In and paid for;
full 50x100 lot; half block to car price
$4200 NET PRICE;
$1000 CASH.
Six-room bungalow; full lot, lawn In.
cement steps and walk around house, full
front and back porch, full cement base
ment, furnace, lanndry trays, large Dutch
kitchen, finished in white enamel, swing
ing door between dining-room and kitchen,
large dinirrg-room. full glass side in dln
. lng-room, large veneered panels, beamed
ceiling, plate rail, folding doors between
dinlr-g-room and living-room, with one
large panel In each, large living-room,
cove ceiling and has door in end that
opens Into another hall from which you
can eni er Into dining-room, den, attic,
bath or bed chamber, bathroom is large,
tiled and finished in white enamel, all
doors are one full panel, and house will
be tinted to suit If taken before It is
tinted; house is painted with thi ee coats
of yellow and has white trimmings; 100
feet to carline.
Six-room house, full lot. lawn in, ce
ment steps and walk, full front and back
porch, full basement, laundry trays, large
modern kitchen, swinging door between
dining-room and kitchen, large dining
room, arch between dining-room and par
lor, parlor in front with large windo vs.
beautiful enclosed fireplace, folding doors
between parlor and hall, opdn stairway,
built-in hall rack with mirror; has eight
foot porch ; all floors are the best solid
oak. reception hall Is paneled; lot Is
planted, with roses all around border; price, $3075, cash $1376, terms to suit,
7 per cent interest. ,
Five-room bungaldw, full front and back
porch, front porch opens into living-room,
which covers whole front of house, fire
place, arch between dining-room and living-room,
light dining-room, swinging
dcor between dining-room and kitchen,
large Dutch kitchen, wood hoist, two large
bedrooms, cement basement; on nice lot
and fir trees in front yard,, only a few
steps to carline; bath fixtures all the best
and. bath will be tiled and . finished in
white enamel; double floors; net price
$2700, cash. $500, $20 per month, 7 per
cent interest. :
A 6-room cottage, on a 874xl00-foot
lot; east front; nice porch: a dandy home
for smau iamiiy; nas gooa nan, nice nv
lng-room, fireplace In dining-room, two
bedrooms and bath; on a good street with
cement walks and curbing; price $2600,
cash $000. and balance on easy monthly
A five-room cottage, on a 0xl00-foot
lot ; full porch across the front ; faces
east: 1 blocks from streetcar; rooms are
a?l tinted and light fixtures in; rooms good
size and nice bath with good plumbing;
a good home: price $2450; will accept
as low as $300 down and ' balance like
A nice new bungalow, five large rooms
and bath; full basement and attic; "has a
nice fireplace In dining-room; large living
room, two good sleeping-rooms with bath
room between, Dutch kitchen, both front
and rear porches: price $3100, $500 or
$600 cash, balance easy terms.
Four-room bungalow, eorner lot, full
front and back porch, front porch opens
Into living-room, linen closet in hall be
tween bath and bed chamber, Dutch kitch
en. finlHhed in white enamel and tiled,
wood hoist.- large bedroom, cement base
ment, trees in front yard, only a few steps
to carline; very nice fireplace, double
floors, bathroom finished in white enamel
and tiled; tinted and painted to suit if
taken before this is finished; net price
$2400. cash $300, $20 per month, T per
cent Interest.
An 8-room modern house, on 50x100 cor
ner lot, one block from the par: walls
tinted, light fixtures in, g.od plumbing,
rose bushes and shade tres. nice lawn :
price $3200; $300 down and balance like
rent. '
A 5-room cottage on .50x100 foot east
front lot; 1 blocks from the car: rooms
all fairly good sire, porch across the front,
lawn nl nice shape, roses, etc. : house
has light fixtures in and the price is
right : price $1&00, about $8O0 cash and
balance easy.
Five-room modern bungalow., full ce
ment basement, full plumbing with bath;
finished in fir; double floor and walls,
good electric fixtures, six-foot veranda
across front, roomy bedrooms with clos
ets, large kitchen with pantry and laun-
Hlarge climbing roses over front porch, nice
lawn and set out with raspberries, straw
berries, cherries and currants. all in
bloom: plenty of fruit for one's own use:
size of house 2Sx46 feet; price $2000. $400
down and balance $15 or $2 per month;
24 Pr cent discount for cash.
Five-room modern bungalow, finished
in flt- intri walla, full olumblng. large
closets and bedrooms, bath, large living
and dining-rooms; lot .uxiuu; snuateu
three bkcka from car. 500 feet above the
river; beautiful view of city and moun
tains price $2050. $SOO down, mortgage of
$1000 can remain; balance In payments
like rent.
Beautiful 9 -room modern home; lot 100
xl33. on surfaced boulevard, beautiful view
of city, Columbia ana Willamette Rivers
and mountains; fine lawn. with roses;
house has reception hall, living and dining-rooms,
den. kitchen, pantry, laundry
room, with wash trays, and toilet and flre-
Slace on first floor; four bedrooms with
irge closets and bath on second floor;
furnfi.c etc.: two rooms are finished In
hardwood: electric fixtures and fully piped
for gas: nicely furnished and modern In
every way; price otm. cusii. u- long time at 6 per cent.
Ten-room modern bungalow, story and
half, street improved, fine view of city
and mount alns, tinted walls, large rooms
with fireplace and furnace. beautifully
flniiftri and In every way ud to date: lo
cated 500 feet above the river, within ono
b lor It from carline: streets wen improves:
nice lawn; price $6500, terms to suit pur
Bunnvalde A line.- 5-room bungalow.
modern In every , respect, corner lot, 50x
luo; a nanasome anu. comionaoio uumo.
$3000, $S50 down.
T.nroiwood A fine. new. modern home,
n VmneiilnLmodern in all respects; lot
50x100. Inside lot: a little beauty, just
finished; $2250. $500. balance at $18.50
per month, including interest.
Myrtle Park 2 very fine little B-room
bungalows, modern .in all. re.spec.ts.; one is
a corner; 1SoO eacn, i:uu aown, oaiance
$20 per month.
Alblrta. Seven-room roqdern house;, full
lot. 50x100. with 15-foot alley; house, fur
nace; all the conveniences of a fine home;
$4000. $1500 down.
Denver ave. A fine 8-room home: lot
50x100; all in fruit; a splendid buy at
$3-500; this Is a beauty; easy terms.
East Madison st. A beautiful corner.
70x100; cement sidewalks, with a very
fine modern bungalow; a fine view; this
can't be beat; $3S00, easy terms.
6-room house, 7 lots, all fenced; a nice
home near Sellwood; adjoins Westmore
land; $G500.
A nice 5-room cottage: lot 50x100;
street improvements are in and paid for;
$1250, $850 cash and balance in two years.
Two 5-room flats and big lot on Rus
sell at. ; good Income; $7 ."KMX
6- room cottage, modern; for rent at
present at $15: $2300.
Flat. 2 apartments with 2 corner lots;
Large two-story house, $2500.
Fine 6-room house on Mississippi ave.,
Large, new house, Just being completed,
10- room old house and lot, $60O0.
7- room new house, never occupied,
$4C00. ,
6- room modern house and corner lot,
4-room modern house, next north full
lot, 2000.
3 four-room modern houses, $0000;
$2600 for a modern house, lower Alhlna.
$4500 buys a 7-room modern house, with
furnace. . m . .
J400O buys a 6-room modern house, in
Piedmont. .
$2700 will take a 6-room modern house
with fireplace.
$1200 buys a 4-room house.
$2450 for a 6-room modern bungalow on
Dc-ni er street.
.S30 buys a 6-room house.
$3750 buys 3 lots and 6-room modern
8- room flat, all modern: A No. 1 house;
105 feet off of Broadway St., near Union
ave and Broadway carline; lot 50x100;
price $G500, $3500 cash and terms; this Is
a snap; brings in $50 per month rent.
7- room house and 3 lots; house Is all
modern and everything new: lota are all
50x100 each; price for all three lots and
7-room house, $6500. or will sell house
and one lot for $4500.
6-room house, lot 50x100; three blocks
from Alberta car and three blocks from
Union-ave. carline; this is a good buy;
price, $2200.
11- room house: lot 50x128 feet; fine
home; lot runs clear through the block
and has room enough on back of lot fac
ing another street to build a flat or house;
house is located on Cherry st. ; price
$1800 4-room house, 'good plumbing,
full basement, nearly new and situated on
a corner lot. 50x100, only one block from
Killingsworth ave. and carline; terms $500
down, balance easy payments.
42100 5-room modern bungalow; own
er's former price $2500; he is leaving the
city and has reduced the price to $2100.
12500 New, B-room bungalow ; terms
$500 down, balance $15 or $20 per month.
$2400 For new modern 6-room house,
near "L" carline; first-class plumbing,
Dutch kitchen, full basement, near
churches, stores, school and Jefferson High
$28O0 Iarge 6.-room house, furnace,
good plumbing, situated on fine lot, 50x
100, near carline, churches, schools, etc ;
house in good condition.
$3700 Fine 6-room modern house on
Kerby st.
$3800 6-room new modern house, fine
plumbing, furnace, cement floor In base
ment, sleeping porch, streets improved;
this win maxe some one a nne no use.
$2500 8-room house on lot 60x100, near
carline: terms $500 down, balance easy
$3500 6-room house, nearly new, on
corner lot. 50x100, good plumbing, sleeping
porch, streets graded, nice fruit; terms
$600 down and $25 per month.
8-room. two-story bouse on Albtna ave.;
lot 50x100. with all kinds of fruit; street
Improvements all in and paid; the best
buy in the city for $2630, cash will
handle this.
Strlctlv modern 5-room cottage, one
block from Williams ave.; $2,400; cash.
A new. 5-room bungalow, with full ce
ment basement. full line of the best
plumbing, square porch across front, large
Kail, paneled dining-room, beamed ooil-
ing, large pantry witn orawers ana
shelves; this place is a beauty and $2650
will buy It; $1000 cash, balance to suit
Large 5-room cottage, $2550.
5-room cottage, $1S."0, cash.
A cozv 5-room cottage, $2250. $50 eeaK
- Beautiful U-roonx bungalow, $4600, $800
cash. $30 monthly.
Fine 5-room bungalow. $40OO. $500 cash.
Iarge 5-room house, full lot, $475 44
5-room house. $2900. $100o cash,
5-room cottage, $2o. $1500 cash.
5-room house. $1750, $50O cash.
Fine 6-room house, full lot, $3000, $500
Beautiful 6-room house and furniture,
$400O. $50O cash.
Fine large 6-room house, $3750. $300
Large 5-room cottagfe, $3000. $;1000 cash.
Large 7-room house, lot SSxlOO, $4400.
$2000 cash.
Lot on Union ave., near Portland boule
vard, $2l0(t.
Large 8-room house, lot 60x100, garage,
trees; $4500. $2000 ciish.
Large 5-room house. $3000, $2000 cash.
Elegant large 0-room house, all conven
iences, oak floors, 75x100, garage, trees
and flowers; $95O0. $5OO0 cash.
$3200 for a house and lot 50x125,' close
In; the house Is about 4 years old. five
rooms on the first floor. 3 rooms upstairs,
not finished; terms $2000, cash balance
7 per cent.
$4700. for a modern 8-room house, fur
nace, gas. electric lights, first-class plumb
ing; lot 50xlU0; close in
$2100 "for a 6-room house In St. Johns:
lot 50x100; terms $1100 down, balance 6
per cent
$3500 for a modern 7-roomi house, close
to Alberta st. ; terms to suit; will take
as little as $700 down.
$3600 for a modern up to date 7-room
house In Vernon; corner lot, 50x100; terms
$1200 down, balance 7 per cent.
$4600 for a modem 8-room house; this
Is a fine home; corner lot, 50x100; $2000
down, balance 3 years, 6 per cent.
$10,000 will buy a lot 60xl0 and two
houses on Union ave.; this Is a business
location : the rent brings $35 per month ;
eaa terms.
$19,000 for a fine business corner on
Union ave., 63x100, with store and
dwellings; this is the best business loca
tion ; $10,000 cash, balance 6 per cent. '4
to 5 years.
$8000 for two stores and flat on Union
ave., corner lot. 50x100; rents for $60 per
month ; terms $5000 cash, balance 6 per
cent. 3 years.
$7500 for two houses and a store on
Union ave., lot 40x150; rents for $50 per
month; terms cash, balance 6 per cent.
$7500 for a store and 2 houses on Rus
sell st., lot 5(1x145; terms $2500 down,
balance 5 years, 6 per cent.
New bungalow, with 5 pleasant rooms
and large attic, full basement, fine plumb
ing, gas and electricity, cabinet kitchen,
paneled dining-room with beamed ceil
ing, china, closet, wood lift, stnrets im
proved and paid; price only $2350, $250
cash. $15 jer month.
. Splendid new home of 8 large rooms.
full cement taosement, 7 feet 6 inches in
clear, fine plumbing, including laundry
trays, gas and electricity, wood lift, built
in book case, furnace, east front, large
perch: this home is colonial style and
has double outside walls, and It is In a
very sightly location; the price for a few
days Is on ly $3000 on very easy terms.
We build homes to suit purchasers and
sell them on easy terms; we will soon hav
completed a 6-room bungalow, attic, full
basement, wood lift, cabinet kitchen,
paneled dining-room, with beamed ceil
ing, fireplace, 50x100 lot. in tine location,
close to car. streets improved and paid ;
this is an exceptionally homelike place, is
In a neighborhood of good homes and tve
have put the price down to $3000 for
quick sale; very easy terms; buy direct
from owners.
House of 7 rooms, extra large and
sunny, convenient to cars, in a very good
location: lot OOxlOO; price $3200, $500
down, balance $25 per month.
House of 5 rooms, modern, well built,
gas and electric fixtures already Installed,
plumbing and heating system of the best;
lot 40x110; price $2400. $500 cash, bal
ance small monthly payments at 7 pel
cent Interest.
New, 2-story six-room houses, beamed
ceiling in dining-room, cement basement,
furnace, modern In every respect; lot 60
xlOO; price $5500, V-z cash, balance to .suit.
New 2-story and finished attic: 11 rooms
hardwood floors. lot 58x100; price $12,500,
Vz cash, terms to suit.
New 9-room house on 16th street, near
Brazee, modern, throughout, hardwood
floors, beamed celling, open fireplace; lot
50x100; price $S750, half cash; terms to
New house of nine rooms and bath,
modern, high paneled beamed ceiling, com
plete in every detail; lot 50x100; price
$9O00 ; reasonable terms.
New house of six rooms and bath,
strlctlv modem, very elaborately flnishr
ed; lotoOxlOO; price $5700, reasonable
New houpe of eleven rooms and bath,
sets on highest point in Irvington ; hard
wood flooi'3 throughout, high paneled
beamed ceilings, billiard room, hot water
heating plant; one of the most beauti
fully finished and modern houses In the
city; lot 50x100: price $18,000; reasonable
terms; will be finished June 1.
New house of nine rooms and bath:
very beautifully finished, high paneled
beamed celling in dining-room; complete
in every detail; lot 50xlOO; price $8750;
terms reasonable.
$3000 bungalow; has 5 nice large rooms
and bath, large attic, built-in china closet,
wood lift, fireplace, reception halt, walls
nicely tinted, piped and wired for gas
and electricity; full cement basement,
half cement floor, front and back porches;
lot 45x92, several nice fruit-bearing trees
on same; terms $500 cash, balance $20
per month and Interest 7 per cent.
$4000 6 large rooms and reception hall,
nice sleeping porch, built-in china closet,
plate rail, dining-room, veneered panels,
tinted to suit, fine large troth and lava
tory, bevel mirror In medicine chest; lot
43x100; all improvements In and paid ;
full cement basement, cement floor, ce
ment walks around house; terms $1000
cash, balance $20 per month and interest
7 per cent. This Is thoroughly modern
and a splendid buy; located on E. Main
$2550 5 large rooms, attic, nice bath
and lavatory, two closets, Dutch kitchen,
double floors and walls, full basement,
electric lights and gas. very nice combi
nation fixtures ; terms $250 cash, balance
$15 per month and interest 7 per cent.
9-room 2-story home, concrete basement;
fine house and strictly up to date; lot
full size and beautiful lawn ; one block
from Union avenue cars; price $3S0u, H
8-room modern home; location unequal
ed; full lot, choice neighborhood; price
$3500, $1000 cash, easy terms.
6-room, 1 V -story house, strictly mod
ern ; near carline and Thompson School ;
iprlce $2500, cash $500. balance easy terms.
6-room 2-story house, "West Side, Van
couver avenue, one block from cars; full
lot; nice home; price $3250, H cash; terms
Mallory, near Going; beautiful little
sunny bungalow with five rooms and bath,
finished throughout in natural wood color,
very cozlly arranged; lot 85xlO0; this is
a real bargain at the price, $2700, 1-3
down, balance In terms to ault.
Russell street, near Derby; cement block
bungalow of five rooms, large porch, lot
60x100; price $3500, $2700 down, balance
In one year ; this price includes sewer
ing, water mains and street grading.
Information Concerning Hundreds of Other Locations Can Be Had by Calling at the
Store No Information Will Be Given Over the Telephone--The Meier &. Frank Company