THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD. MAY 1, 1910 Study the Map And you will observe that we are inside of the THREE - MILE LINE, and that many popular ad- . ditions are from one to two miles further out than we are. Note also that we are in the path of the great East Side building movement. The trend is all in the direction of GOING STREET ADDITION. Don't take our word for it; don't believe the news papers; but come and see. A great city is building, and GOING STREET ADDITION is in the midst of it. The time to buy is NOW. HIGH CLASS AND LOW PRICED Building Restrictions $2000 Building Line 20 Feet Parked and Graded Streets Cement Sidewalks and Curbs Beautiful Shade Trees on Every Lot- Bull Run Water and All the Rest Study the Map And you will see that two street car lines are within eight blocks of GOING STREET ADDITION, and a third (the BEAUMONT line) is building. These carlines keep reaching out as the city's growth demands. Two of them the Broadway and Beaumont lines are being extended this year, both in the direction of GOING STREET ADDITION. When either carline reaches this tract, present prices, of eourse, will be much advanced. Buy now and take yowr profit when these advances come. TheNa m e We might have given our tract a high sounding French or English name the "six best sellers" are full of them but we thought possibly the public taste might be surfeited on "monts" and "parks" and "hursts," and so chose the plan Anglo-Saxon-"GOING STREET ADDITION," which designates its location and does not strain at something foreign and affected. Our view is just as beautiful, our shade trees .just as lovely, our street parking and improvements just as ornamental and our building restric tions just as high as any and the best of them. And our prices, you will ob serve, are awar below what 3"ou can buy similar properties for in other restricted residence districts. These prices, however, will be ad vanced on June 1st $100 per lot, if any remain unsold. In Good Company You will notice by the map that we are in an exclusive neighborhood. GOING STREET ADDITION is simply a continuation of the higb class district lying north of Sullivan's Gulch, which includes Irvington, Ala-' meda Park and adjoining tracts. PARK x VERNON DDETEOS . - & t m A ST CARLA f" g V CN ..US I XN-I niuttwavLE S JiK A GREGORY 3 I R0SE CITY I hts. x n PARK ir''BlLL k $ 1 rir cst1 , . X iirXngtoni Xj NX. 1 " Ajtfig? 1 1 T k j l r . V h $ STttSr CAR )( 2 I : UU ' r p p f carter- jLJ I I I coANYflf : I srxesr ca Uss LLE3LE STUDY THE MAP The Location GOING STREET ADDITION is lo cated between East 37th and East 42d streets, north, and between Prescott and Humboldt. Going street . runs through the tract, east and west. Alameda Park and Olmsted Park lie fjve blocks west and Beaumont five blocks directly south. The View A beautiful view of the Cascade Range of Mountains, including Mount Hood, St. Helens and Mount Adams, lies to the east, as well as a panorama of the Columbia River for twenty miles. Building Restrictions Building is restricted to residences to be set back twenty feet from lot line and to cost not less than $2000. No stores or shops allowed. Street Improvements The streets will be improved by eight-foot parkings, grading and ce ment sidewalks and curbs. These im provements are now under way. Bull Run Water From the high-pressure main on East 33d street will be piped to every lot. HOW TO GET THERE Take an "A" car to Alberta and East 30th streets, or a Broadway car to East 24th and Fremont. Our automobiles will take you from either place. Automobiles will also leave our office, 820 Chamber of Commerce, every 30 minutes from 9 to 5 o'clock. THE TIME IS LIMITED We are well aware that the prices placed on GOING STREET ADDITION lots are too low, and for that reason they will remain at these figures for 30 days only. On June 1 prices on all unsold lots if there are any will be advanced $100 per lot. A $60 investment will place you in position to profit by this raise. Others are making money by taking advantage of such advances in real estate. You can do the same. t i II so 1 0 Per Cemt Ca Oinifly lO Per CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL TO US CARTER-DUGAN COMPANY Please send me a eopv of your two-color folder of GOING STREET ADDITION". Xame Address . . CARTER-DUGAN- COo OWNERS- 8 2 O C H A B E OF COMMERCE