The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 01, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 36

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CALL A-71G2 for nurse. Confinement, chil
dren diseases a specialty. City references.
MIDDLK-AGED. experienced nurse, mater
nity cases preferred. Phone Main 4110.
FREE lessons in embroidering rose cushions
for the carnival. 402 Washington st.
PRACTICAL, nurse, experienced ; references;
$10 per week. Phone Sell wood 122.
EDUCATED middle-aged widow wishes po
sition as housekeeper; experienced gover-
, ness; could take full charge of home in
absence of owner; .references. Address
AB 934. Oregonian.
A CAPABLE and experienced woman, would
like a position as housekeeper on a ranch,
where her two boys. age 16 and 14. could
fine work, if not at same place, near by. AJ
ir2'2. Oregonian.
A LADY wou'd like position housekeeper,
count rv or city; thoroughly competent. Ad-dr-'ss
AK 929, Oregonian, or phone Main
FREE lessons in embroidering rose cushions
for the carnival. 42',? Washington st.
A GOOD cook, middle-age woman, w ishes
position : wages not less than $40. AK
A GIRL wants p-.-neral housework; no hard
-washing. X -"" Oregonian-.
YOl N ladv would assist in family of two;
wages Sr, a wreR. AH '.:!", Oregonian.
WANT ED Situation as teacher of fancy
need leworlc. burnt wood. etc. : references
furnished as to ability : prefer a large
store which handles goods in that line.
Address 93 N. i:U!i st
POSITION wanted as companion or attend
ant, would assist in light household du
ties, understand sewing ; experienced in
all three branches. AM 027, Oregonian.
WANTED Petition wanted as housekeeper,
companion or caretaker for children ; will
call at homo and care for children; refer
encc.i given If required. C "W
WANTED Bv refined middle-aged lady,
position as governess for small children
or second work with board and room. AM
932. Oregonian. .
EMBROIDERING In all its branches; per
fect work, reasonable prices, free lessons.
4fi2'a Washington st. i
LA CE curtains washed and stretched with
care; called for, delivered. Phone Wood
lawn 1 44ti.
CAMP COOKS, housekeepers, nurses, cham
bermaids, pastry cooks. St. Louis A gency,
3o:t lz Washington. M n in 2 39. A 4770.
WANTED Private exchange by expei lenced
operator. 3 years 'experience. AM 023,
Or e g on i a n. or Ph one Main 7 313.
CURTAINS washed and st retched, 4uc
pair; called for and delivered. Phone Ta
bor 55.
EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives lessens.
5o cents; beginners specialty ; references.
Main 5415. .
A LADY wishes janitor work ; c an give best
of reference. Phone East 33S8 Monday, be
tween 8 and 9 P. M. -
LACK curtains washed and stretched. 4V a
pair; called for and delivered. Phone Main
WANTED Bv young lady, position in prt
vate exchange. S 926. Oregonian.
JAPANESE woman with school girl wants
general housework. V 922 , Oreg onlan.
FRKE lessons In embroidering rose cushions
for the carnival. 42 Washington st.
COLORED woman wishes day work. Phone
Marshall 1415.
J.A""B t'l'RTAINX washed and stretched 40c
iter pair. East 4tt. B -770.
Yol'NCi lady gives piano lessons. r0c per les
son; references given. Main Sis:i.
A LADY wishes day work; references. Fhone
A 732. .
LADY wishes dav or hour work. Phon-e
Main 72S; S A. M.. Monday only.
WOM A N wants etc. ; refer
ence, phone East 4626, room "
"WOMAN wants work b day. Phone Main
6 i 27. room 10.
COMPETENT lady teacher wIMies vocal and
piano pupils; terms reasonable. A 7753.
STRONG experienced woman wants day work.
Phone East 6039. rcim 2.
W A NT ED Place as second girl. Address
K ft lit ."i. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Phone
Sell wood 10.
IMPROVED table article. Purity guaran
teed, beautifully boxed; easy seller, reg
ularly reordered, large profits. Want per
manent agents for exclusive territory. We
are nole makers Experience unnecessary.
Detailed plan sent with first order to In
sure sales. SII EP.ARD'S, 67 V. Houston
St., New York.
A MANUFACTURER'S permanent business
offer. $-5 to $75 per week conducting par
lor or otflee sales agencies for our high art
guaranteed service dress shoes; lo new
sight-felling health and comfort features;
unlimited profit possibilities, factory to
wearer, new plan, no risk, include stamp
for catalogue. Marvel Shoe Co., 105 Sum-
. mer &t.. Boston. Mass.
ALL KINDS of coins at all kinds of prices;
"Hub Coin Book' shows what they look
like and what we pay for them; fascin
ating and profitable work for respectable
men and women to sell this useful book;
everybody needs it; 1UU0 Illustrations; send
dime at once for sample copy of this 160
, page 2."e book. Alexander ifc Co., 33
Devonshire st.. Boston. Mass. (est. 1S7"L
SEND for free sample copy of "The Thomas
A gent ." greatest ag:n ts" paper ever pub
lished : filled with money-making plans,
"nolicense tax" decision of Supreme
Court; pointers to agents; every agent
in the IT. S. should have copy at once.
Address today. "Thomas Agent." 7103
Wayne ave Dayton. Ohio.
I'LL mart you in a big business; give you
credit; fascinating work, easy; even ama
teurs make $8 to $12 a day; chapman. Mich.,
made $ls first day; lee. Okla.. made $:iooo
and built home in one year; our new sales
plan creating senat ion. Men, women, write
today for particulars, C. E. Swartzbaugh,
h.x 7. Toledo. O. .
KVERY merchant buys our 1910 air brush
show and window display cards. Nothing
like them: latest hit; sensational sales; -no
competition. Sample free. People's
Show Card, 710 W. Madison st., Chicago,
BOYS If baseball time; sell 24 packages
of our wonderful metal polish at 10c per
package, and receive by return mall a
fine eateherji mitt. Write today. Dept.
D. California Distributing Co.. Highland,
WANT EI Genera 1 a gen t s for t he MoKn t ire
Adjustable Porch Swing: must be capable
of handling solicitors: Oregon and Washing
ton Mill open; call Sunday or Monday. The
Dormer. 13th and Jefferson. Ask for PI an ts.
AGENTS Everybody wears and sella our
famous Ptokara Simulation Diamonds.
Write for free sample offer and catalogue.
Northwestern Jwelry Co., 5S Northwestern
bldg.. Chicago.
$1.33 Per hour, profit introducing guar
anteed line hosiery for men. women and
children : latest and best, agent's proposi
tion; samples free. Thomas Co., 9103
State St.. Dayton, Ohio. '
WE manufacture 18 specialties needed in
every family; make big money and build
up permanent business quickly. Samples
furnished. Edwards Mfg. Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.
AGENTS Our Vegetable Soap Is the fastest
seller on earth; big money, permanent busi
ness; exclusive territory, sample free. Mor
gan Supply Co., St. Louis. Mo.
AGENTS, new, novel, startling moneymaker
Beats all. Don't eat or sleep before writ
ing for particulars. Parker Chemical Co.,
'h lcago.
J'RBK SAMPLE Agents only, faucet strainer,
splnsh preventer; send 2c stamp mailing
cwn); $5 profit daily and upward; let ws
prove It. L. Seed, 93 Rcade St.. N. Y.
134 PER cent profit, safetly holdbacks:
something new; Insures safety to every
vehicle; free sample. Thomas Co., 939
Mathews bldg.. Dayton, Ohio.
$ 1 .33 PER hour selling Spring line of dry
goods, novelty lace curtains, guaranteed
hosiery and linens ; samples free. Thomas
Mfg. Co.. .':! Mat hews b I d g Dayton, O .
AIR gas burner In stoves stop use of coal or
wood. Wonderful invention. Agents coin
money. Air Gas Co., Sioux City, la., or
Co 1 um bus. Oh io.
NAMEPI-ATES. signs. numbers readable
darkest nights, easily sold ; profits large,
samples free. Wright Supply Co., Engle
wood. HI.
GENERAL, special, by larce. old line,
health and accident company. New. easy
selling policies; choice territory. Big pay.
Royal Casualty Co.. St. Louis.
AGENTS to handle biggest monev-making
fire extinguishers; special starting offer;
exclusive territory; $75 to $:oo per month.
Bad ffer Chemical Co.. Milwaukee. Wis.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem. Oregon.
WANTED Reliable men who can sell tree
for largest nursery In the West. For
further particulars address Oregon Nur
sery Co.. Or ;nco, Or.
SA LESM ? N to call on saloon trade with
fat-sellliig article; liberal commission. K
026. Oregonian.
AG F.NTS to sell bonds, straight commission.
9 to 12 A. M . Monday, ft 11 Lewis bl dg.
LADY solicitor capable of handling agents;
good pay ti right party. 703 Oregonian bldg.
AGENTS, light and pleasant work, 400 per
cent profit. What our agents are doing:
One agent sold lauu in 10 days, profit $26u;
a Missouri agent sold 5vo in one week,
made Moi; sales of 2t0 to 40o a week com
mon experience; Chae. Snoop. Ohio, sold 1
In day. mad $3.20; P. McKee. III.. 29
in 5 hours, profit to. SO: J. X. Nay I or. Tenn..
75 in one day. profit $15; a new agent sol-J
" frt first day. made $11. 2o. Our lovely Floral
Wail Mottoes are designed in 7 rich natural
colors, with roses, panties, poppies, fruits,
etc.; 75 designs- and texts, beautiful enamel
finish, size lxl in.; sells on sight; worth
?1. sells for lic; particulars free; sample loc.
Home Art Co., 35, .3335 Humboldt blvd.,
Chicago, HI.
A MANUFACTURER'S permanent business
offer. $i!5 to $7." per week conducting par
lor or office sales agencies for our high art
guaranteed Service dress shoes; IO new
sight-selling health and comfort features;
unlimited profit possibilities, factory to
wearer, new plan, no risk, include stamp
for catalogue. Marvel Shoe Co., lOo Sum
mcr st.. fit sior.. Mass,
MEN and w omen to take orders for a house
hold necessity that fells at sight when
properly presented. Hustlers can easily
average $S per day. Give your address,
references and phone number In answer
ing for interview. C 222, Oregonian.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank In
245 hi Stark St.
phones A 3oU0. Main 35.
Landlords having vacant houses, please
call and list same. We have people look
ing for modern houses. One wants 5
room, and one a 6-room house at once or
in a month.
32-3 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and 6th.
WANTED 6 or 7-room unfurnished house
with yard: must be modern and close in
on East Side. Phone today between 9
and 11'. East 995 or B 2190.
TH E demand for good places to live still
keeps up; if you have such a place, we
have the tenant.
Rent Dept.,
Chamber of Commerce.
FURNISHED house wanted by 4 responsible
yoiing men for bachelor quarters: must be
close in and well furnished; will take a
long lease and give bond. F. W. Steward,
2M L Commercial Club bldg. Main BW8.
IF you want to rent your 'flat or hupe for
Summer to responsible couple who will take
be.t of care, write, stating location and
price, a r P.iw. Oregoman.
WANTED Modern furnished cottage or
ilat of 4 to H rooms, located close in on
. East Side. Phone today between S and
12, Kast fjt5 or B 2UH.
BUSINESSMAN, wife and mother want 6 or
7-room house, flat or apartment, furnished
or unfurnished. West Side. Good neigh
borhood. Postofflc:e Box 675. m
WA NTED To rent S or 9-room modern
house. West Side, small family of adults;
will accept any time from May 1 to Aug.
1. E 9u6. Oregonian.,
WANTED Furnished 4 or 5-room house, flat
or apartmen for man and wife. Must be
modern and reasonable. B. E. Disbrow,
phone Main 8010.
WANTED Well-furnished bungalow for
mother and daughter; Portland Heights pre-
ferred. Call M. 74.
RESPONSIBLE: couple desires modern flat or
cottage by May 5; state price. D lf2o, Ore
gonian. -
WA NTED 9 or M-room house, close in ;
wYest Side preferred. Phone B 1542 or
address AB 92. Orepfonian.
YOUNG couple, no children, would like
apartments for few months. C 947, Ore
gonian. UNFURNISHED house, not too far out, $25
to $3.. State full particulars. AL 930,
WA NTED 3 or 4 -room modern cottage on
West Side, nea,r carllne. Address AG 927,
MODERN house, 5 or H rooms, with base
ment, from May i; state particulars and
rent. K 92, Oregonian.
TWO ladies desire 5-rnom. completely fur
nished, lower floor, in modern hous or
Hat. desirable location. West Side ; can
give good reference. C 930, Oregonian.
FU RN I SII ED house, from 4 to 10 rooms,
close in. by man and wife; would consider
caret aklng for party leaving city for
some time. T JVM. Oregonian.
WA NTED five-room bungalow or cottage,
West Side ; desirable location. W 931,
THRBB or four-room house, with large yard,
aceessable to carllne: state price and loca
tion. AK 937. Oregonian.
WANTED A modern 9-room unfurnished
houe. with garage; must be good location,
AVest Side Dr. Connell. Oregonian bid g.
FURNISHED HOUSE By couple, no children,
good location. L 92B. Oregonian.
FURNISHED house, near carllne. AL 937,
Oregonian. " -
A fi-ROOM cottage for the season at Gear
hart. T. Langorman, 301 Henry bldg.
SMALL unfurnished modern cottage, on Kast
Side; reasonable rent. W 928. Oregonian.
6 OR 7room house, furnished, on West Side.
J H2.", Oregonian.
BY J vine 1, new modern 4 or 5-room bun
galow. AN 933. Oregonian,
Fl'RN ISH ED house. West Side; permanent,
no children. T 931, Oregonian.
YOUNG couple wishes housekeeping apart
ment; must have sleeping porch; refer
ences exchanged. AG 937, Oregonian.
BOARD and room, lady and son, in private
family, near Washington and High. B 2095.
"WANTED By May 8, board and room by
healthy married couple ; muet be first-class
and walking distance from business section;
private family, without children preferred,
but would consider a first-class boarding
house with private bath, etc. Address X 932,
AN American young man wishes room in
private family; meals optional. AJ 938,
WANTED Two housekeeping rooms, well fur
nished, sunny, pleasant and reasonable. AK
!:!." Oregonian.
TWO gentlemen desire sitting-room with
bedrom adjoining ; must be modern and
reasonable. AH 937, Oregonian.
2 OH 3 unfurnished upper sunny rooms in
modern "house or fiat; porch and lawn; near
carl i ne; state price K 932, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
BUSINESS man of good habits, vegetarian,
wants large, airy, well-furnished room in
home of refined family where the cooking
is good ami vegetables and fruits are
given preference over meats. AC 928,
YOUNG man requires good board and room
on West Side in private family; state
terms; no boarding-houses. AJ 930, Ore
gonian. BY two or three adults, room and board in
pleasant suburban home on or near car
line : must be desirable. R 938, Ore
gon! an.
"WANTED To place little girl 8 years old
in care of middle-aged couple, in neigh
borhood of Ladd school ; will pay for
board. F 927. Oregonian
BOARD and room for lady, either on Portland
Height or suburbs, with privilege of sleep-irg-porch
or tent, near carl i ne. A 931, Ore-
GENTLEMAN, 47, wants board in quiet
private family; breakfast at "7. V 932.
WANTED By young gentleman, room and
board In private boarding-house; give
rates. Address AM 93.. Oregonian.
A PRIVATE! family to board child; father
will room with him; must be near school.
AL P3o. -OregirLin.
ROOM and board for gentleman and
yrar-oht boy. M. Bojanower. lrt East
d. YOUNG LADY employed wants room and two
meals a day: West Side. D 928, Oregonian.
A LADY desires sunny room with board in
Irvington. AD 932. Oregonian.
Business Property.
WANTED Three furnished housekeeping
rooms, down stairs, with yard; must be
reasonable. Call E
r Offices.
W NTED Desk room or office in exchange
for stenographic service. F 933. Oregonian.
Fnrniwhed Rooms.
S3 17TH. North, one block off Washington,
well-furnished corner suite; also single
room, with or without board.
FURNISHED rooms. Eim Place, formerly
Eiton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and lltn.
THE RSX Modern rooms. 72.50 to $3 per
week r.4H Washington l
ATTRACTIVE single rooms, close in. reason
abie: free phones and bath. 490 Morrison.
FOR RENT A ptnno slu-ilo for & few hours
daily. S 936, Oregoninj
FnrnUbed Kooms.
ANGELA HOTEL 125 Washington street.
between 19th and Oth. Just completed,
the cosiest, completest and up-to-datest
residence hotel in the city. The ground
floor office is finished in real mahogany,
roajble and tile, is spacious and handsome;
elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
in all rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent is very moderate, rooms from 15
per month up. Why not get the best for
your money? Now open, rooms by the day,
week or month.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, - fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in ail
rooms, rlchiy furnished, finest beds that
money can buy and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor ; everything
first-class; rates. Oc, 75c and $1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 123 6th bl North.
Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
7th and Ankeny sts.
Free was their depot carriago,
I took it on the spot;
There may be other houses Juat as good.
A uiet home for quiet people.
28 3d st.. cor. Jefferson.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close
to business section. Rooms large, ligh,t
and airy; hot and cold water, steam heat,
gas and electric lights; call bells; free
phones. Rate $3 to G per week. Phones,
A 7731 ; M 8039.
404 Washington, corner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, running water In rooms,
electric light, free phone; special rates by
week or month; the most convenient lo
cation in the city; transient trada solicited
at $1 up.
S3 North 5th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam, heated, por
celain baths, fine large office on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean; rates only $2-50 and up
v per week; 50c and 75c per day. 3 blocks
irom Union Depot.
710 Washington, near iving; bath, hot
and cold water; phone, steam heat in
every room; strictly modern ; fine targe
office, grouud floor; by far the best in the
city for tne money; rooms t-5 per month
and up. Call and inspect.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, is now
undergoing a thorough renovation ; 70
steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, ail
outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up.
Suites with running water $20 month up.
Phones and bath free.
Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone
East 1"J1, connecting every room. Private
baths, elevator, first-class grill. Special
rates by week or month. American or
European. Transients solicited..
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW, modern brick bulldipg; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
Fifth St.. opposite City Hall.
N(.w, beautifully furnished; steam heat
hot, cold water in every room; public
and private baths. Permanent; transient.
422 Washington, cor. 11th.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week upj
transient rates. 75c up.
Cor. 13th and Washington sts. ; modern
and good location ; special low rates for
the Summer.
aiODERN 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished and unfurnished ; private vestibule
and bath, elevator service. Ionian Court,
570 Couch st.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
poslte the plaza.
LARRABEE HOTEL, 227 Larrabee, near
Holladay ave. New brick bldg.; every con
venience; reasonable; permanent and tran
Washington and 17th, firm-class furnished
iom, single or en .suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647.
THE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms,
hot and cold water, laundry and house-
keeping privileges. 5th and Jefferson.
HOTEL ALEXANDER. 13i 10th st; nicely
furnished rooms by the day or week or
montn; rem reasonable.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 3274
CtuT-Lr xninr itth Mm ., t r-. "
MCELi rurmsnea rooms at 490 Burnside
street, $ per week and upwards. Phone
Main 6S13.
NICE, large, clean, cool and airy outside
rooms; single and en suite, by day week
or month. 181 1st.
The Mercedes, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up.
FURNISHED Also unfurnished rooms, very
suitable for gentlemen. Kamm Bldg., First
and Pine.'
THE LAN DOR E, 288 10th, near Jefferson;
large front room, newly furnished, suitable
for two.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms to
aduits only; $15 and up. 720 Milwaukie st..
i?eiiwoou oo.
NEWLY furnished rooma, walking distance;
"breakfast if desired. 624 East Stark.
Phone -B 2619.
SL'ITE of nicely f urnis-hed rooms; one single
room ; modern conveniences. 4oo Park st
Phone A 7212.
LARGE front room with alcove; modern con
veniences; excellent location; references ex
changed. Phone Main 7897.
432 3D ST., flat G Three nicely furnished
sleeping rooma in private family, walking
NEWLY 'furnished room, bath, phone, $10 per
month. 4u7 Jefferaon St., apartment B.
PLEASANT furnished front room. 389 Han
cock st., 1 block of Union ave.
FURNISHED room In private family for
one gentleman. -23 Market st.
COMFORTABLE room with hot and cold
water. 2 doors from S. car. 128 loth st. N.
CLOSE IN -Front bedroom, adjoining den,
cozily furnished; suitable for two. 261 14th.
NICELY furnished front room, modern, very
reasonable. 180 17th St., cor. Yamhill st.
LARGE front room, ' $3.50; gas, bath and
phone. 5t 7 Washington. Marshall 1241.
ALCOVE room for 2 or 3 gentlemen; also a
single; running water. 292 12th.
NICELY f urnished room, $10 per month. 331
7th st.
FURNISHED room with board, sleeping porch.
355 11th St. A 1636.
LARGE furnished bay window room, 28
X. 16th st., just off of Washington st.
TWO bedrooms, $0 and $7 per month. Phone
East 1890,
NICE. large, sunny rooms, walking distance
$1.50 to $3.50 per week. 573 3d st.
TWO nicely furnished bedrooms, bath and
gas. at .672 Belmont st. $8 monthly.
FURNISHED rooms, private family. 48
N. 20th. Main 3649.
FURNISHED room, private family. 956
Williams ave.
NICELY new furnished room, suitable for
2. phone East 2410. 44 East 7th st.
NICELY furnished desk room; $9 per month,
206 12th st.
A CLEAN, plainly furnished room, walking
distance, 55 per month. 350 14th.
LARGE airy room, modern; no other room
ers. 166 North 21st.
NEWLY' furnished rooms, every conveni
ence, close in ; gentleman. A. 7613.
FOR RENT Furnished room, close in, gas
and bath. 246 7th st.
2 NEATLY furnished rooms, reasonable. 757
East Ankeay.
2 NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable. 388
Jefferson, between West Park and loth sts.
671 GLISAN, between 20th and 21st.; fur
nish edrootn
FURNISHED front room In modem hous
close in. 3H Clay. Phone Main 407O.
NICELY" furnished rom. large enough for 2
people; S7 month. 467 7th. "
TWO nicely furnished sleeping rooms, $7
and $9 per month. 304A Montgomery.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern In every
respect; quiet. M. 4U32. 391 10th st.
NICELY furnished room with steam heat, in
very pleasant apartment. Phone A 4070.
W ANTE O M an a nd w 1 f e to s h a re fi-room
flat with young lady. Call 32Sia Mill- st.
FURNISHED room. Vet Side, walking dis
tance. Call A 54''8 after 11 A. M.
RTD in attic fr $5 per month at 17ft 12th st.
NICE front double room. 509 Morrison st.
Furnished Rooms in Private Families.
EXTRA LARGE furnished front room, alcove
and porch, modern conveniences, gas, . elec
tric lights private family, suitable for 2 or
3 gentlemen, ladies; beautiful place for Sum
mer; separate entrance. Call Sunday, 61
E. th N. .
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms,
single or en suite; heat, light, bath and
phone; fine location; $lt and $12 per
month. 575 Couch St.. northwest cor. 18th;
West Side. Phon eA52 SO.
NEW and finely furnished rooms, $10 and
$12 per month; bath, phone; modern;
easy walking distance; near carline. 652
Belmont st, cor. East lbth. Phone B
. 2S75.
VERY nicely furnished room, 3 windows on
the north; lar&e yard, beautiful surround
ings; io minutes' walk; modern. Phone
Main 2816.
LARGE furnished alcove room with hot and
cold water, nice location, walking distance,
in private family; rent reasonable; gentle
men only. 667 Ir v in g st.
SUITE 2 rooms furnished or unfurnished in
apartment; electric, bath, gas, walking dis
tance; rent reasonable. 184 Gib be st. Call
4 LOWER rooms and basement, water and
gas; walkmg distance; $15 month. Call
248 Cherry st. Take U car to Cherry st.
Phone East 3S51.
NICELY furnished front room downstairs, $3.
and two others, $2, $2.50 week; free phone,
bath. 169 East 14th; 1 blocks from Eat
Morrison; walking distance.
PRIVATE home, nicely furnished room, all
modern conveniences; 3 blocks off Wash
ington st. 575 Everett St., corner lbth
st. Phone A 3952.
WELL-FURNISHED front room within
walking distance, for one or two modern
persons ; modern house, reasonable terms.
71 East 9th st.. North. East 5324.
FOR RENT Large, eunny front room, suit
able for two; private family; one block to
two carlines, lu minutes to city; reasonable.
244 24th st. North.
700 FLANDERS ST., 2 or 3 ladies em
ployed can get room and board for $18
per month each ; table board $3.50 per
week; every comfort ot" a modern home.
TWO bedrooms, one with alcove ; every
modern convenience. 736 East Main st.
Phone East 5047.
A NICE, modern, 'front rjoom, walking dis
tance, cheap to the right party. Phone E.
ROOMS ; single or en suite, $S up; house
keeping suite of 2 or 3, with kitchen;
563 Irving.
LARGS room, for 2 or more gentlemen,
sleeping porch if desired, fine location.
West Park. Main 9O00.
PLc as ANT room for one or two; every
convenience; moderate. Phone Marshall
1539. 40 Park st.
WANTED Lady room-mate in modern flat;
every convenience; moderate. Phone Mar
shall 1539. 406 Park St.
ROOM In private family for business wom
an or nurse; modern conveniences; 1
block from hospital. Main 6074.
NICELY furnished room, in modern flat,
suitable for two gentlemen or ladies. 428
Mil 1 st Main 4573.
5-SUITE room, gas, bath and phone, choice
location, walking ' distance, rent reason
able. 407 Holladay ave.
ELEGANTLY furnished parlor- bedroom, aLw
small attic room, in private home; modern
convenience?. 129 14th. M. 3000.
TWO neat newly -furnished single rooms; bath,
gas. 554 Morrison, cor. Chapman. Phone
Marshall 1558 after 10 A. M.
SMALL neat room for gentlemen: reasonable.
127 14th.
NEATLY furnished rooms, modern In every
way, phone and bath, $1.50 up. 151 Lowna-
dale, near 15th and Morrison.
233 11TH ST. Two large handsomely fur
nished rooms for two or four gentlemen
In private family.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room.
block from carline, $12 per month. 10 E.
. th st.
FOR RENT Single room for gentleman,
or lady ; all conveniences. 195 13th, cor
ner Taylor.
A NICE front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gen
tlemen; bath, gas and telephone; walk
ing distance. 70 East Sth st. North.
PLEASANT front alcove rooms suitable for
2 or 3 ; also 2 smaller rooms, with bath,
phone, etc. 475 Main st. A 1705.
258 13TH ST., nicely furnished rooms,
house new, every convenience; gentlemen
2 NICELY furnished rooms to rent, for one
or two gentlemen. 392 20th st. North,
bet. Thurman and Upshur.
NICELY furnished front room, with piano,
in modern steam heated apartment. Flat
B. 471 Jefferson st. Phone A 4070.
15 12TH ST., cor. Salmon, nice rooms, close
in, reasonable; near White Temple.
' Unfurnished; Rooms.
3 NICE unfurnished rooms. 413 Taylor St.
Rooms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
5iO Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath,
LA MB ER SON 554 Couch St., cor. 17th, one
block from Washington; desirable rooms for
gentlemen. Good home cooking.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 10th St., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
LARGE front room, next to bath; open Are;
v $5 a week; also small room, $4 a week,
Sth and Jefferson.
LARGE airy room, hot and cold water,
fireplace; rooms for light housekeeping;
single room. 300 .Jefferson st.
NICE rooms with excellent board. The
Matdtou. 261 13th st. Moderate prices.
FURNISHED room with board. 225 11th St.
Rooms With BoaJ-d In Private Family.
FOR RENT Room and board in private
family to young lady; comfortable home,
pleasant neighborhood, easy walking dis
tance ; references. 363 13 th.
FURNISHED front room to gentleman; all
modern; fine home, in private family, with
or without breakfast. 62 Wasco. Call C
NICE front room suitable for two young
' men with first-class board; good location.
349 6th st.
BEAUTIFUL yard for tent with board, two
gentlemen, private family. B 2958. 968 E.
WA XT 2 young ladies or 2 young men who
take rooms together with board; lovely home,
close in, reasonable. Phone B 2773.
VERY agreeable young man would like room
mate: separate beds; nit home comforts;
walking distance; $2o per month. 625 Clay.
TWO nice rooms, board, first class, for 2 or
3 gentlemen; modern private home; home
privileges. Call 188 East 12th st.. South.
NICELY furnished front room with board for
two gentlemen; Scandinavians preferred. No.
11 North 10th St., bet. Stark and Burnside.
LARGE furnished room with board; home
cooking; phones, bath, all conveniences. 107
16th sr.. near Flanders.
ROOMS with board in private suburban home,
reasonable. 2oO E. 52d, cor. Taylor. Tabor
FIRST-CLASS room and board for 2 in pri
vate family; all conveniences. 93 17th St..
North. Main 422Q.
FURNISHED rooms and board in private
home on East Side. 293 Weidler st. Home
phone C 1963.
BREAKFAST and dinner for one or two young
ladies in private home; phone, piano, bath;
just like being at home. Phone Sellwood 1374.
BOARD and room, bath, phone, use of
piano, home cooking. $6 per week. 191
11th; phone Main 5963
YOUNG man employed can find nice, quiet
home in refined private family; choice
location; references. Main 6629.
GOOD airy room for 2 gentlemen, with good
board, in private family, at $23 each. Phoae
A 3875. Call 549 Yamhill.
FOR RENT Pleasant furnished rooms,
board if desired. 149 15 th St., between
Morrison and Alder.
TABLE board, good home-cooking. 191llth
st. The Melvin.
NEWLY furnished room with board; every
thlng neat and clean. 172 Grand ave.. N.
TWO-ROOM suite, also single room ; choice
board; business people, 712 Hoyt st.
168 1UTH Large, nicely-furnished front
room, with or without board.
SINGLE room, with board, in modern private
home; references required, 284 Park.
LARGE sunny room with hoard; home cook-
ing; modem. 75 North 14th.
BOARD with private family; home cook
Jne. Main $628. 464 Jefferson st.
FURNISHED rooms, suitable for 2, with
board. 23Q 4th st.
DESIRABLE room and board, home cooking.
B 2t'31.
Single room, with board, in modern private
home; references required. 284 Park.
ROOM and board in private family for one
or two gentlemen. 591 Davis St.
NICE room in private family; good board;
reasonable rates. Main 701S.
ROOM and board. 653 Washington at. Suit
able for two gentlemen.
IN private family, room and board, near
Steel bridge. C 2 7 90.
GOOD room and elegant board in private
family. Phone Main 4753.
YOUNG man wants room rate. A 7104.
Rooms With Board ta Private Fsvmlly.
TWO elegantly furnished rooms, hot, cold
running water, bath, phone, sleeping porch
if desired; beautiful grounds; board op
tional. 90 East Sth st., corner Washington.
East 1 39Q.
LARGE front room for rent to woman em
ployed; partly furnished, or will furnish
completely ; private residence; walking
distance; board if desired. 333 12th St.,
cor. Market. Phone A 3755.
TWO pleasant, neatly furnished rooms; ex
cellent home board, strictly- private, mod
ern conveniences, parlor, choice location,
close in, reasonable to emploved people.
521 Couch, cor. 15th.
MCELY furnished rooms with sleeping
porch," suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; ex
cellent table board with all conveniences.
ONE or 2 employed ladies or husband and
wife can have nice front room with 2 meals
very reasonable; modern conveniences. 120
North lbth.
ROOM and board for one or two In private
home; every modern convenience; 7 blocks
from Foe toff ice ; use of piano, etc. Main
CANADIAN lady wants young lady, em
ployed, or 5-year-old girl, new house and
garden; price reasonable; East Ankeny
car 1 in e. B 933. Qrego nlan.
430 YAMHILL ST. Nice room, suitable for
gentleman, with board. Main 4993.
258 11TH ST. Large room all conveniences,
suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, with board.
A part men ts.
. Burnside. Open May L New, white
pressed brick, beautifully finished, mod
ern in every detail, reception hall, tire
places, laundry, steam drier in basement,
2 and 3-room apartments, elegantly fur
nished, -private baths, private telephones,
janitor service. Rent reasonable; a few
unfurnished apartments.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison St.; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate oatn, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some tinfur
nlshed; janitor service; rent reasonable.
between 19th and 20th sts., near Washing
ton; 2, 3 or 4-room apartments, new pressed
brick building just completed; every modern
convenience including telephone exchange
and elevator; close to business) centers; very
reasonable prices and excellent service.
$25 TO $35 For rent, West Side, 5 3 and 4
room very modern apartments In the new
brick building just bting furnished at 11th
and Hall.
At premises or 921 Board Trade Bldg.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.
Unfurnished apartment, with bath. All out
side rooms; modern, every convenience, and
only 5 minutes' walk from P. O. Very rea-
sonable rent. Main 25oO, A 3149.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. 695 Lovejoy st. Take W
HANOVER Apartments, corner King and
Washington sts., 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steatn
beat, hot water, private b&tn, tree phones
and, janitor service ; rent very reasonable
' 82 Grand Ave., S. E. cor. E. Stark.
Beautifully furnished 3-room apartments;
modern; $28 to $35 per month. East 3X.
"ON EON T A" APARTMENTS, 1S7 17th. near
Yamhill W car at depot). Z, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths fref. ; $20 per month. $5 per week
and up. Main 4S97. A 473y.
2, 8 OR 4-room apartments, up to date
in every respect, walking distance from
business center; furnished and unfurnished.
15th and Everett sts. Phone Main 1245.
THE LAURETTB apartments, 220 11th; new
brick bldg.. one choice, elegantly furnished
front apartment; modern ; 5 minutes walk
from Postoffice. Both phones.
ELEGANT furniture of three-room house
keeping suite for sale at a bargain and
i-uite lor rent if desired. Apply suite 15,
Milner Mug., 350 Morrison st.
TH REE outside rooms and bath, facing
northeast; lovely view mountains and
city; modern conveniences; $31. Main
STEAM -HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett at. Apply
Morgan, Fleidner & Boyce, 603 Abington
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished, $55; un
furnished, $40. Appl janitor.
THE LANDORE, -2SS 10th, near Jefferson;
perfectly new 3-room suite, completely
furnished for housekeeping; sleeping
FIVE-ROOM, steamheated, modern apart
ment with janitor service partial base
ment), finest in city for the money. A
ply to janitor, 21st and Kearney.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; $ia
to $30. Corner 2uth and Washington at.
NEW" fireproof brick apartment-house nearing
completion; finest location in city; reserva
tions now open. Call 20th and Lovejoy, be
tween 1 and 4 Sund a y.
HARRISON COURT, Sth and Harrison
Unfurnished apartment, 2 rooms and batn,
all modern improvements. Phone Main
B148, A 7363.
THE MORDAUNT One up-to-date apart
ment; 4 rooms, reception hall and batn;
easy walking distance, 18th and Everett.
Phone A 1961. Main 604U.
COMPLETELY furnished fi-room corner
apartment; janitor. The Marlborough, 21st
and Flanders.
THE COLBY 3-room apartments, new and
elegantly furnished, cneap. 16th-st. car.
64 Th u rm an st .
WAUNITA, 325 11th st. Very nicely fur
nished 2-room apartments; steam heat;
modern walking distance.
THE NOR DIC A. Grand ave. and Belmont,
completely furnished, modern apartments;
4-ROOM, completely furnished, apartment.
King Hill. 171 King st. Inquire apart
ment 7 all day.
KEELER Apartments, 14th and Clay sts.;
finest in the city, ready for occupancy this
THE WAS SELL Close In on the East Side,
4 and -room apartments; reasonable
prices. Phone E. 6881.
575 SALMON, corner 14th, nicely furnished
apartments, under new management; elec
trie elevator; private bath and phone.
6-ROOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Brain tree Apartments, 295 12 th st.
Mfrin 7741.
THE new brick Stanley apartments. King
and Washington sts.; 3, 4 and 5 rooms,
$27.50 per month and up.
2 apartments, furnished or unfurnished.
Janitor, phone, heat. Sth and College.
THE J-effersonlan Apartments, 16th and Jef
ferson, 3-room furnished apartments, clean
and modern, rent $25 and $3Q.
FOR RENT Furnished apartment. The
Morton, Washington and King.
THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, Ionian
Court, 18th and Couch, Aparment 32.
THE CHETOPA, modern 4-room unfurnished
apartment. Appiy to janitor. $otn p nones.
ROOMS with board in private boarding -house.
221 10th st.. cor. Salmon st.
TUB MORTON, 697 Washington St., 3-roon
a nnrt men t nil outlde
421 WEST PARK 3 and 4-room apartments;
BOARD and room, home privileges, $6 a
week. A 7104. 321 West Park st.
4 BOOMS and bath, $15.
near Steel bridge.
452 Larrabee St.,
NEW 5-room fiat, mod em 473 Park st. Inquire
4S Park st.
NEW 4-roqjn flat, 5 minutes P. O., reasonable
to adults. Inquire 36 1 10th st
S-ROOM flat, 407 East Couch. Stokes &.
Zeller, 390 East Stark.
MODERN 5-room flat, 1010 Savier, Wil
lamette Heights. Phone A 2850.
MODERN 4-room lower flat. Call Sunday.
1 to 4:30. 434 College.
MODERN 4-room flat. 628 Williams ave.
Phone C 1697.
HOUSEKEEPING flat of 5 rooms. S47 Up
shur st.
MODERN. 5-room fiat. 1S7 Whitaker St., one
block from the S. & F. cars.
MODERN 5-room lower corner fiat. 475 7th
street. -
FOR RENT Upper flat. 5 rooms. 409 Yam
hill. Apply 407 Y'amhHL
WEST SIDE 5S8 7th st., 4-room modern
upper flat; $16. Sellwood 1390.
MODERN upper and lower flat; choice loca
tion. Overton, near 23d. Main 859.
NEW lower corner flat, 5 rooms; strictly mo
dern; fine location. 355 Sixth.
MODERN 5-room. downstairs flat, with
small vard. Apply at SQ4 Front st.
5-ROOM upper flat, newly tinted. 2 2d and
Kearney sts. Key 712 Kearney.
MODERN flat. 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt
mu Inauire 132 6th t- Main 6278.
FOR RENT New and strictly modern 6
room flats on 20th and Laurel sia Fort
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
S5 Fourth st.
FOR RENT Furnished fiat, strictly modern,
4-room corner fiat, finely furnished, piano ;
no children; East 15th. one block from
Ankeny: rjerence. Phone Esst 326S.
UP-TO-DA fii modem lower flat of 5 rooms,
bath and: basement, etc. 172 23d. near
Johnson st. ; rent $30. C. H. Korell. 250
Stark st.
FURNISHED 4-room riat, to responsible par
ties, for 2 or 3 months; no children. 4o4
0:h. Rent $30.
UPPER 4-room flat : extra sleeping rooms;
near 23d and Washington sts. Phone fore
noon and evening. M. MS. -
.BEAUT I Fl'L yard, corner Union ave. and
.Multnomah St.; walking distance; $20. East
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1618, A 19S4. All covered wag-
ons. ail experienced men.
6-ROOM fiat. Holladay Addition; new. mod
ern, steam heat.' Address 335 E. 11th, N.
Phone E. 1137.
MODERN 4-room furnished flat, steam heat,
walking distance, reasonable rent. Cottel
Drug Co.. 1st and Sherman.
ONE new 6-room modern fust; "S" and "F
carllne. Inquire at drugstore. Front and
Qibba sts.
UPPER 3-room flat. E. 9th and Kast An
keny; bath. gas. hot and cold water, $15.
Phono East 5035.
MODERN 5-room flat. Fifth, near Jackson,
West Side; 10 minutes' walk. Main or A
1223. -
$16 MONTH Now modern 4-room flat; also
store, $15 month; walking distance, Cher
ry and Vancouver. Pho ne A 3376.
U.NFURMSHED 4-room flat, private bouse,
fine location; rent reasonable. 124 N.
19th. .
IF you want up-to-date flats, call 405
Benton st. ; adults. C 2663.
MODERN 4-room flat, light and clean, good
location. 26 E. 13th. near E. Ash.
6-ROOM modern flat. 390 7th. Inquire
363 14th. Phone 7S66.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Fur
nished for housekeeping. Including gas
range, electric lights, hot water, bath,
laundry, all .free; $lo per month up; best
in the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take "S" or lth-st. cars
north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2 $S
month. 3 for $12; cottage 4 rooms, $2t: 34
2lh N. (West Side), W car from depot, 3d
or Morrison to 2rtth, block north.
STEPHENSON COURT, 515 Mill St., Main
51 IO; one furnished room with small
kitchen, suitable for one or 2 girls; very
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. Wendhurst, 545 Washington, near
$1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas,
furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
SOME nice single and en suite housekeep
ing rooms. Cambridge bldg., 3d and Mor
rison. Room No. 36.
UNFURNISHED 3, outside, ground floor;
full kitchen; stoves furnished. 567 Everett.
THE COLLINS 503 Alder St., furnished
housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur
nished. 191 14th st.
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, $14.
631 Washington St., cor. 20th.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. 'TJ" car.
TWO front housekeeping rooms; phone and
oatn, ciose. wasnington st.
2 UNFURNISHED rooms over Plummer's
drugstore, 3d and Madison sts.
$1.50 wsek, large, clean f urn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman.
4S7 TAYLOR, near 14th, desirable 2-room
front suite, light housekeeping.
$1.50 to $2 week, clean furnished housekeep-
ing rooms. Desota Houae, 201 Second st.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
TWO nice, clean, furnished rooms, suitable
for housekeeping; in nice home; walking
distance. 703 First st.
DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur
nished suites. Fifth st., 305 Jefferson.
Beautiful central location.
TWO large light rooms, well furnished, with
sink, quiet neighborhood, walking dis
tance. bath and light. 412 10th st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms
with alcove. 20 East 11th, Worth. Phone
East 2017.
MODERN furnished housekeeping suites,
single. 10 up; running water, light, phone.
Call Monday. 173 North 17th st.
COMPLETELY furnuhed housekeeping suite;
separate entrance; also attic room. 511 Mor
rison st.
FOR RENT Furnished dining-room and
kitchen or double parlors with use of
kitchen. 27 E. 7th st.
2 OR 8 well-furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. Call after 6 P. M. or Sunday, 403
12th st.
3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping-rooms with
gas, electric light, sink and water in
kitchen. 349 12th st.
THREE very pleasant newly furnished
housekeeping rooms. No children. 275
NICE aunny front room and kitchen with
water and sink; private entrance: srood
yard. 210 14th.
NICE, clean furnished rooms; one for light
housekeeping ; transients accommodated. 455
Sixth st.
TWO housekeeping rooms, cleanl conven
lent, ground floor, walking distance, $4
per week. 411 4th st.
OPPORTUNITY for nice couple to share our
cottage home of six rooms. 321 13th St.,
corner Clay
CLOSE-IN connecting suite; delightful sur
roundings; private entrance; running water.
A NICE, clean housekeeping room for rent;
also a sleeping room, suitable for 2; West
Side; walking distance. S 937, Oregonian.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. hotand co!d
water, electric light. Inquire at 736 Ra-
leigh st.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, cheap for
Summer months. 328 X. 17th 'st.
2 FRONT rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing; every convenience. 211 Sherman st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, $4.50 per week"
370 7th st.
TWO housekeeping rooms, 388 Jefferson,
between West Park and loth.
TWO large, light, furnished housekeeping
rooms; clean, convenient. 308 Collegt st.
FINELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 211
11th" st. .
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. In
qulre 91 1st st., near Stark.
FRONT housekeeping room with alcove kitch
en; phone, bath; $14. 163 N. 16th.
CLEAN suite housekeeping rooms, cheap
rent. 388 Fifth St., near Harrison.
FURNISHED or unfurnished; in suburbs;
on car line. 'Phone Sellwood 36.
2 NEAT housekeeping rooms; gas. bath -phone,
laundry : reasonable. 286 Clay.
SUITE, completely furnished, $16; gas range,
walklng distance. 146 N. 16th. Main 6173,
FOUR rooms for rent, bath and phone. 945
Belmont st. Phone Tabor 103.
FLATS of two or three furnished house,
keeping rooms; yard. 450 Yamhill.
TWO suites housekeeping rooms; gas bath,
phone. 721 First.
$10 TWO new partly furnished housekeeping
rooms. 71 E. 22d and Stark sts.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping-rooms.
good yard. 25Q Ivy st., Albina.
TWO unfurnished housekeeping-rooms; mod-
ern ; reasonable. 1042 Belmon t b t.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, suita
ble for two adults. 533 Yamhill st.
TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. 429 East Ash st. Phone East 107.
3-ROOM housekeeping suite, suitable for
family : also 2-room suite. 39 6th bi.
TH REE housekeeping rooms, first floor;
water, gas, phone. 208 Park st. t
TWO or three well-furnished housekeeplng
rooms; all conveniences. 3 47 Hall st.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, bath
and gas. Call 651 East Morrison.
NEWLY furnished rooms In private home,
walking distance; telephone. 7Q1 Irving st.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms with
bath. 93 N. 14th sL
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, 601 Halght
ave. Wood lawn 1126.
Ft RN I SHED housekeeping rooms for rent
at 509 Irving st.
Tivn elegant housekeeping rooms; water,
phone, central; $14. Phone A 3962.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
sink and pantry in kitchen. 509 Mill st.
NICELY furnlsb-id. 2 housekeeping rooms.
-227 North 17th st.
ONE furnished housekeeping room; gas, bath.
phone, good location. 515 Yamhill.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 390 Jef-
forwin nt fur K'tTh.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping. 757 Savier st.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
THREE clean, nicely-furnished rooms fop
housekeeping at low rates; free phone and
bath, hot and cold water, gas range and
light. Call Monday, May 2. 6SS Irving
st.. West Side.
COZY room with kitchenette; also three or
four rooms furnished for housekeeplns ;
running water, electricity, gas. bath- and
phone. 695 GUsan. near 21st. Call
evenings or Sunday.
ENTIRE lower floor, parlor, dining-room,
kitchen and pantry, fireplace, bath. gas.
sink, hot and cold water, steel range;
also gas for cooking: nice yard and base
ment. 231 E. 6th. near Salmon.
THREE completely furnished rooms, sunny
and homey; Kas range, telephone, private
porch, with yard, large closet; to respon
sible couple will make attractive propo
sitlon: Sunday afternoon. 46S Hall st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
hot, cold running water, bath, phone, laun
dry, beautiful grounds. 90 East Sth St.,
comer Washington. Phone E. 1390.
TWO. three, four-room suits, swell fur
nished housekeeping rooms; gas range,
sink; beautiful location; walking distance.
H56 Glisan. ,
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
hot. cold running water, bath, phone,
laundry, beautiful grounds. 90 East Sth
St.. coiner Washington. Phone E. 1390.
TWO. three, four-room suites, swell fur
nished housekeeping rooms; gas range,
sink; beautiful location; walking distance,
6-6 Glisan.
WELL-FURNISH ED connecting housekeeping
rooms, bath. gas. free phone, U se yard ;
$12.5o. 421 Second st.
THB ground floor of a cottage well furnished,
all conveniences, yard. gas. bath; only one
in the house: 107 North loth st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, pantry,
bath and sink and water. 488 Everett at.
FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, front,
sink, phone 269 College st.
One of the most beautifully finished and
tastefully arranged apartment-houses in
the city, consisting of four and flw-room
apartments, situated in one of the most
choice locations in the city, environed by
beautiful homes. Luxuriously modern
within, elegantly ' appointed, complete In
equipment, perfect in service. Including
steam heat, hot water, automatic elevator,
free telephone and janitor service. In
fact, everything that goes to make theso
apartments what they are. Bents, $35
to $75.
Elegantly finished apartments In three
and four rooms, tastefully decorated, dis
appearing hods, gas ranges, refrigerators,
automatic elevator and free telephone serv
ice. These apartments are located in such
a way that they command a complete vkw
of the city. Rents extremely reasonable
for this location. Prices $25 to $55.
New and very conveniently arranged
apartments of four and five rooms, extra
large and sunny, steam heat and Janitor
service. Situated In a very desirable loca
tion on the East Side, within walking dis
tance of the West Side business center.
These apartments must be seen to be ap
preciated. Prices $35 to $40.
New and very artistically arranged
apartments of four rooms and bath. In
cluding hot water, steam heat, janitor
and free telephone service; these apart
ments are exceptionally well finished and
in a very desirable location; cannot be
duplicated regarding price; rents $23 to
Peninsular ave.. house of eight rooms
and bath furnished, large yard, with fruit
trees. Bull Run water, electric lights,
everything modern; $40 a month on a
year's lease.
No information given over the phone.
Vaughn, near 84th Apartments of three
rooms and bath ; $10 and $12.
Twenty-first, near Northrup Flat of 4
rooms and bath. $32.50.
Northrup, near 21st Apartments of t
and 5 rooms. $30 and $40.
Eleventh, near Harrison House of 8
rooms and bath. $40.
College, near 6th 3 apartments of 3
rooms and bath, steam heat, hot water
and janitor service. $32.50.
Twenty-ninth, near Savier House of 10
rooms and bath, modern. $45.
Ladd ave.. near Hawthorne Upper flat
of 7 rooms and bath, very desirable loca
tion. $50.
Thirty-seventh st., E., near Yamhill Up
per flat of 5 rooms and bath. $20.
Thirty-seventh, near Clinton New bun
galow of 6 rooms and bath. $20.
Grant, near Clinton New bungalow oi
4 rooms and bath. $15.
Division, near 37th Three fiats of 4
rooms and bath; sunny. $K to $20.
Kerby, near Mason-House of 6 rooms
and bath; very good location. $20.
Minnesota ave., near Mississippi ave.
House of 7 rooms and bath. $25.
Williams ave.. near Monroe Flats of 3
and 4 rooms; new. $16 and $20.
Monroe. near Williams House of 6
rooms and bath. $20.
Cook ave.. Near Vancouver Modern
cottage of 5 rooms and bath. $18.
Cook ave, near Union Modern upper flat
of 5 rooms and bath. $19.
Ivy street, near Williams Modern cot
tage of 5 rooms and bath. $18.
San Rafael, near Williams Flats of 3
and 6 rooms. Prices $6 to $20.
Graham, near Union Upper fiat of 8
rooms and bath. $13.50.
Fargo, near Williams Two fiats of 4
rooms and bath. $i and $20.
Twentieth, near Belmont Fiats of 4 and
5 rooms, new. $18 each.
HOUSE. 6 rooms, 790 Kearney, $3"
House, 7 rooms. 749 Johnson, $25.
House, io rooms, 741 Glisan, $65
Flat. 5 rooms. 172. 23d, $30
C. H. KORELL. 250 Stark St.
MODERN 5-room bungalow, with every con
venience; sightly location, $15 per month.
Can 410 Failing bldg.
EXTRA fine 10-room residence, nice
grounds, choice location. 7"4 Hoyt, cor.
23d st.; rent $75. C. H. Korell, 25Q Stark.
FOR RENT 6-room house; modern, furnished.
6V East Belmont, cor. 15th st. Call Sunday
afternoon. Phone E. 5195.
TENTING privileges to lease; shady grove;
Bull Run water; river view; 5c car; ref
erences required. AB 926, Oregonian.
MODERN 7-room house, nice condition, 713
E. Morrison. $20.
F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg.
SWELL new apartment, 9 rooms and sleeping-porch.
553 Ladd ave... near 12th ani
COTTAGE 4 rooms, modern; chicken-house,
five lots, with fruit; $lo per month. Mrs.
Moxley. Tremont. Mt. Scott car.
EAST half of modern double house, 563
East Madison (Hawthorne Park); 7 rooms;
rent $30. Phone East 4961.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. Call
Sunday. 8 to 12 A. M., at 230 10th North.
FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage. 24 i
East 24th st.. near Main; $22.
332 17TH. unfurnished 5-room house; bath
and gas. Key 440 ,Clay. Main 6255.
FOR RENT 4-room partly furnished house.
Apply 1M49 Corbett st.
MODERN, 5-room cottage. Just completed.
514 E. 21st st.
7-ROOM house, newly tinted. 70 Belmont
st. Phone East 6085.
Furnished Honsee.
3-ROOM furnished flat, gas, bath; adults.
514 E- 21st St.. WR car.
FURNISHED flat. 50th and King st.. North;
$75 ; strictly modern.
NICELY furnished flats at Front and Mar
ket sts. Inquire 34Q Front st.
9-ROOM house. 178 E. 14th and E. Yamhill.
Lathrop. iSl 3d St., room 316.
SIX-ROOM house, modern throughout. 953
Williams ave. y
MODERN 6-room house. East 2d. near East
Glisan, $23.50. Phone East 4997.
SMALL house on 18th st... $5 per month.
Call Wood lawn 23 36.
MODERN 8-room house, $:t5 per month. 760
Baft Burnside.
FINE modern seven-room cottage, corner, Al
bena carline; large Kt. C 2H84.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage, sightly loca
tion; rent $16. Phone East 6210.