SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 1, 1910. 19 EE LI- WANTED M ALE. C. R. HANSEN & CO. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. 26 North Second St.. Portland. Or. 424 Front ave., Spokane. Wash. 87-tt& Fourth St.. San Francisco, Cai. Established 18i4 . . Agents for t The ITtah construction Co. Erickson & petterson. Twohy Bros. Company, liacinc Contract &. Con. Co. Portland Bridge & Building Co. O. P.. & M. and S. P. R. R. Cos Pacific Coast Con. Co. C. A. Smith Lumber Co. Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. And other lare employer. Bhip daily. Free fare. To Eastern and Southern Oregon ana California for R. R. construction laborers. Woik guaranteed. Transportation supplied. A general male and female employment business transacted. C. R. HANSEN CO.. 39 North 2d at. FOR THE COPPER RIVER & N. W. R. R CORDOVA, ALASKA. 1000 white laborers for surfacing and general railroad construction work. Wages 13.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the work J15. Weekly shipments begin about May 16. M. J. HE.VEY, Pier 2. Seattle, Wash. IF salary of $50 per month and all traveling expenses would bo an incentive to work for us taking orders or appointing agents, write for particulars. The instructions sent when engaged, are so complete, that previ ous experience becomes unnecessary. Our goods knock out all competition, making ou king of your line. Address K. D. Mar- tel. Dept. 603. Chicago. BARHLKS and apprentices in Oregon, arc hereby notified that their annual cards ex pire April 30. The Board of Examiners . will be in sasslun May 2,x 3 and 4. at 1674 First St., this city, for the purpose of renewing said cards. Please give this your prompt attention. T. M. Leabo, Secretary. YOUNG MAN We want to enlist about 20 young men, who are holding responsible rosltions, to represent the HEIMBACH OEA of a "New suit Tor every week." We will clothe you for the entire year, aid you can pay for the clothes by tell lA your friends about us after hours, jpatiunal Tailoring Co.. 201 Stark st. WANTED Four good men by May 16; ca pable of earning $200 yearly ; write at once; represent us among merchants and manufacturers; best territory in country; unless ambitious and capable. don't bother to write. International, Dayton, Ohio. FIRST class salesman. Pacific Coast, to sell Maple line on NEW, EXCEPTIONAL terms. One having successful .specialty experience preferred; attractive permanent contract, containing liberal weekly ad vance clause. References required. Mllea F. Bixler Co.. CI evela nd, Ohio. CIVIL, SERVICE EMPLOYES are paid well for easy work; examinations every month; expert advice; sample questions and Booklet 369, describing positions and tell ing easiest and quickest way to secure them free. Write now. Washington Civil Service School, Wash In gton. D. C. SALESMEN To handle attractive lota or email monthly payments In cheapest, best and easiest-selling addition in Portland. .Nam a of prospective buyers furnished. Good commission, better than salary to live man. 315 Coucn bid.. 4th at., near Wash ington. 10,000 POSITIONS Xor graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, IS North 4th bt.. Portland. Or. MEN'S high grade clothing Samples and cancel lot ion orrlers. from leading New York houses. 100 models in new suits for selection. $,15 to $40 values, $18.75. $25 to values. $14. 7 V $1 to $22. .V, values, $12 75." Jnnmie Dunn, 315 Oregonian b)dg. t WANTED General representative for Suc cess hand vacuum carpet-cleaner. Sells for $15. The only successful tinple-person ma chine on the market. Biggest kind of pi oilta. Write for terms. Hutchison Mfsr. Co.. NVilkinshurg, Pa. " REAL salesmen only call on business men exclusively. New specialty. . FieJd un touched. Double commissions. Nothing like it. American Telephone Memorandum Attachment Co., 133J Grand, Kansas City, Mo. HUSTLERS wanted everywhere: profits" $5 to $25 daily ; cash and all yours; own business yourself; work from jour home; no capital required; no canvassing; new thing; particulars free. K. E. Abbott. desk AX. Omaha, N e b . SALESMEN We have a splendid side lin-e for shoe men; exclusive territory and lib eral commission to right man; sells well all the year around. Address Ypsilanti Indian Shoe Co.. IS Cross st., Ypsilanti. Mich, WAMED 2 first clas salesmen to handle wall safes1 for apartment houses and dwellings; something new, dandy seller. Call or write quick. Beall & Co.. 309 East Yamhill st. WANT to start you slivering mirrors at home in spare time; anyone can easily make $4 daily. Free booklet and sample. G. F. Redmond, 5d Wainwright bide.. Boston, Mass. MAN. willing to learn and capable of acting as representative; no canvassing or solicit ing ; good income assured. Address Na tional Co-operative Realty Co., 792 Marden Bldg.. Washington, IX C GOOD wide-awake solicitor who can get new trade in teas-, coffee and spices; mate refer ences and experience; good pay lor right party. Grand Union Tea Co., 44S Washing- CATARRH, ASTHMA. SUFFERERS Send your name and address for free bottle of liquid that cures to stay cured T. Gor ham, 110 Turner bldg.. Battle Creek. Mich es an. STEADY position for first-class, experienced clothing salesman; must be a hustler and be able to sell the goods. Apply to The Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, 3rd and Stark sts. W ANTED salesmen By large manufac turers, to sell celluloid advertising novel ties. Samples compact. Excellent slde- line. Parisian NoveItyc o.. Ch i c ag o. SALESMEN; ENERGETIC. AMBITIOUS. Side-line or exclusive. Best commission . offered. Orders in every town. Write to dfty. E. H. Downs. Fulton, 111. EXPEiUKNCKU advertising solicitors Spe cial edition or contract men always in demand Ralph C. Clyde. 306-7 Good nough nldg. $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel dis tribute samples and big manufacturer. Steady work. S. Sheffer. treasurer, c 35. Chicago. WE eld our members to secure employment. Constant demand for young men of ability ?ehiprYtyM Sci1 uloyiueDt mem' $S0 MONTHLY and expenses reliable people distribute samples. advertise. Large M. Pope bldg.. Chic - ...... L'nuni wui n. Aiflnairur M IF yon are not making $20O a month and Z?Uo,uaS.fcB.n.y abi;ilv a salesman, call flw2 9'i-Sommercml Club bids-, corner 5th and Oak. $U0 A. MONTH salary and expenses to in trcduoe stock and Poultry powders; steady work. THE oRANT CO.. 36. Springfield, 111. WANTED Good Japanese boy for general housework in small country town- must be competent; good wages, fare paid. Would CQT.Fldcr man and wife. AE IC4. OrcguniaiT YOUNG man ps shipping clerk; mut have had experience with packer or provision house. Apply with references R. L). Stone! lMh and Marshall. oione. FIRST-CLASS union printer for Job office Portland scale; no boozer wanted also bright apprentice for pressroom 179 Commercial St.. Salem. Or. WA.f,fc'U at teary. two first class stock saddlemakers. capable of doing hand stamping work. Apply to Box 410 Cal gary. A It a XOLNt MEN wanted to prepare for raUway mall clerks, postofftce clerk carriers etc. Mte or call for Book 30. It's free. PaclfA btatts School. McKay Bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED A first class ad and Job printer Married man preferred. Address Citizen Albany, Or. ' WANTED Man and wife to work on farm and do housework. W. K. Newell. Gaston Oregon. WANTED First-class butter and ice cream maker. Address with references, statine wages desired. L. B. 626. Roseburg. Or. WANTED Stuck and bond salesman salary or commission; permanent pusition. AB 924, WANTED First clas horseshoer at once at jNift1- Russell st. Thone East 9?n. HOYS wanted, $T0 per month. 273 i-s Salmon street. WANTED First-class baker; one who wants to go, into PRrtiyg-rhip. 646 1st. FIRST-CLASS shoemaker for repair-ork". 22 Grand ave. WANTED Two boys in factory. Carmen Manufacturing 1Mb and Upshur st . MAN with $00 makes $4 to $ day. Room 506 Qoodnough. WANTED Men to smoke NEW YORK BOND five-cent cigars. KELT WASTED SALE. SALESMEN. The Columbia Life &. Trust Com pany have an opening vfor one or two fir-st-fclafs feuiicitore. If you have not had exierience in selling life Insurance ou will be schooled and rendered assistance In' finding prospects and closing business. Come in and talk it over. Ask for S. P. Lock wood. - Vice-Pres. and Gen"l Manager, or Harry Richey, City Manager. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. (Spalding bldg. when completed.) WANTED. Two men who are willing to work, for soma of the best fruit land in THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. The work la clearing, fencing, plowing, planting and cultivating some of these lands for owner. Am selling in small tracts on easy terms. Will pay three-fourths wages in cash, one-fourth to appiy on land. H. L. OH A PIN REALTY CO.. 2u3 Corbett Bldg. WIDE-AWAKE general agents to organize .sales force for new and winning bath, in vention. Combines, shower, shampoo and massage Transforms any bathroom. Sup plies modern bathing facilities for country homes. Extensively advertised. Irresist ahle selling proposition. Everybody wants one. Agents selling nine out of ten peo ple. Alfred Reno. Miss., writes: "Sam ples arrived this morning, sold $25 worth this afternoon." No competition we pro tect territory. Sales-compelling samples furnished. Write today for selling plan. The progress Company, 210 Monroe St., Chicago, ill. SALESMEN, ATTENTION! Does $50 a week look good to you? Can you sell just one customer in a whole week of 7 long days of 34 hours each ? If you work you can do that and more. The more you do. the more pay you, get Success is our record. You may become successful, too. Call for Mr. Webb. JACOBS-STINE COMPANY. 146 Fifth St.. Portland. $3000 TO $10,000 yearly easily made In real estate business; no capital required; we will teach you the business by mail, ap point you special representative of leading real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative. Write for 62-page book free; it will be sure to interest you. The Cross Co.. Dept. 127, Chicago. THE MEIER & FRANK STORES Require salesmen for the following de partments: Jewelry, domestics, men's fur nishings, dress goods, silks, shoes, men's clothing and boys clothing; also janitors, elevator operators, warehousemen, etc. ; also 25 boys. 16 to 20 years of age, to learn the business; permanent positions with good pay for satisfactory service Apply at superintendent's office, sixth floor, annex. 8 to 10 A. M. EVERY young man seeking employment or desiring to better his condition, should take advantage of the special employ ment membership, and get in quick touch with the advisory and employment sec retary of the Y. M C A. Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, good advice. nujq puBiimn awaits you. GOVERNMENT position; chances never bet ter to secure 'one of the thousands of ap pointments made ; full particulars as to salaries, positions, dates of ' examinations in Portland, sample questions, etc., sent free in circular 161. National Cor. Imsti tute, Washington, D. C. SOLICITORS of standing wanted to repre sent the Scandinavian Hospital and Re lief Association of Oregon. Good terms. Legitimate business. Call 518 Alarauara bldg. SALESMAN to sell staple line to all dealers. Permanent place for producer. Commis sion proposition with $35 advanced weekly. E. L. RICE & CO.. Detroit, Mich. SIDE line proposition for traveling sales man; visiting retail trade, smaller cities; no sample; no catalogue; applicant must have established trade and good refer ences. J. P.. 7 White St.. New Y'ork. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line. High commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jesa H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED One first-class bushelman and presser; steady position for first-class man; also ona first-class presser for ladles' cloth ing. Inquire at once. The Fressery, 907 Idaho st., Boise, Idaho. SALESMEN Rest commission offer on earth new. pleasant, all retailers, samples coat pocket; beet men earning $500 to $1000 per month. Main 1061, College st., Iowa City. Iowa. WANTED RESPONSIBLE SALESMEN. $50 a week salary, to handle the most at tractive stock proposition on the market. J H. Ormshy, Fay bldg.. Log Angeles. Cal. WANTED at once, 2 good live errand boys, about 16 years of age; good chance for promotion. Apply to Mr. Rent; Marshall Wells Hardware Co. MAN with. $300 to represent manufacturer in Portland, $150 to $300 a month. Call after 10. Salem Manager, Room 25, Antlers Hotel. BRIGHT boy. 16 to 18 years of age. for work in lumber company's office; answer in own hand-writing; chance for advancement. AJ 97. Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted to se!", advertising nov elties; new, useful, attractive; one mmn made $800 in 20 days. Metal Specialities Mfg. Co.. 427 W. Rand o 1 ph. C h i c a g o . $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trustworthy people to travel, distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, B40, Chi cago. WANT someone to locate me on homestead this side of mountains. The Montgonwrv, 8th and E. Morrison. Phone East 95 n Room 39. MEN (or women... $4 a day, sure all year raising mushrooms In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. ; big market; free illustrated booklet. Hlram Barton, West 4Sth St.. New York. 1 AM going In the real estate business; will open office handling my own property and have some big contracts; will take honest, soher partner. AN 933, Oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE operators earn $25 per week lh Portland. We teach you in one week for $25. Alliance Film Service, 631 Worcester Diag. WANTED at once, 2 good live errand bovs, about 16 years of age; good chance for promotion. Apply to Mr. Rent. Marsh all Wells Hardware Co. WANTED Experienced shipping clerk for wholesale grocery house; none but ex perienced men need apply. T 927, Ore gonian. SHORTHAND, expert individual instruction; day, night; special speed classes; all sys tems; unsurpassed dictation, facilities, re aults. Q 920, Oregonian. BE a newspaper and magazine correspondent and earn large income, at home or abroad, all or part time; free particulars. The Progress Magazine. Chicago. I KNOW of a new Eldorado In Alaska and want 5 men to Join me on a 2-years' trip; must have $250 each. Chance of a life tlme. AM 933, Oregonian. WANTED1 Men who have had experience in Industrial life Insurance Call at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg. cor 5th and Oak. YOUNG MAN stenographer; lumber ex perience preferred; situated near city. M nil. Oregonian. 418 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watch maklng-Ka graving School, box 192. Ashland. Or. TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi dence real estate. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M 322 Corbett bldg. . WANTED A first-class washer for Walla Walla eteam laundry. Walla Walla, Wash. SOLICITORS No dust, best sweeping com pound; household necessity; sells on sight 2:i3 Market Bt. Phone Main 1264. BOY wanted about 1 years of age for of fice work and as messenger. R 927, Ore gonlan. WANTED Sailors for Europe, Australia and South Africa. Inquire Sailors' Home, cor. 2d and Gllsam ets. FIRST-CLASS sash and door machine man; also a good stock cutter. Oregon Plan- ing Mills. WANTED Bellboy. 163 12th st., cor. Mor rison st. WE need another wide-awake solicitor for office goods. 231 Stark st. GOOD dishwasher wanted. 410 Washington st reet. GOOD bright delivery boy. with references. t C. Stamp Works, 270 yj Alder st. 25 LABORERS wanted. Apply to Marine iron w orKS. g i- nns. uregon. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper. Apply at once. New Golden Eagle. 33 and Yamhill yta. FIRST -CLASS salesman; big wages; perma- nent. 215 Commercial Bldg. WANTED Helper, pressing and mending. Tailor shop. 2674 Everett. WANTED Photo coupon agents, .something entlrely new Davis. 342 S Washington st- BOOKKEEPING Private tuition by an ac countant. 301 Merchant's Trust bldg. BOY to deliver packages on wheel; hours ;30 to 5:30; $5 a week. 309 Stark St. HELP WANTED MALE. RAILROAD WORK, FREE FARE. We ship daily to Klamath Falls, Eu gene, Natron, Shaniko and other points. Teamsters, laborers, drillers, machine men. etc ' IN THE DESCHUTES COUNTRY. Tunnel-men, $2.75.' $3. Three gangs station-men. Teamsters, laborers, 500 of them, $2.23 and ui. EUGENE AND NATRON1. Teamsters, $2.25 up. 200 laborers, $2.25 up. Two cranemen, $90 and board. Station-men. Tunnel-men, $2.75. HAYDN BROS.. LEBANON. Laborers, teamsters, $2.25 up. KLAMATH FALLS. 600 laborers. There will be no deduction from wages for fare on railroad work. THE FARE IS FREE. WOODS AND MILLS. Three sets fallers, $3.50, $3.75. - Blacksmith, $3. Yardmnn, $2.50, Tie loaders, $2.65 Raftsman, $3. Rigging rustlers, $2.75. Logging-road laborers. $2.25. Buckers. $2.75. Pianerman. $3. Ratchet setter. $3 Offbearer, $2.65. Dragsaw men, $2.50 Flunkeys, $35. SKILLED AND MECHANICAL. Three riveters, 50c per hour. Bricklayer, $5.50. Two sheepshearers. Blacksmith. $75 and board. Carpenters, $3.50. FARMS AND COUNTRY. Men to grub land, $2.50. Woodcutters, SI. $1.25 cord. Farm hands, $30, $40. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Dishwashers. $, $io. Kitchen helpers, $9. Porters, $8, $10. . , vTook. $50 and found Waiters, $35 and found Cook, $17.50 -week. Orderly, $25 and found. CITY. Concrete laborers, $2-30. 9 hours. Horse cuffer, $55. Warehouse man, $2.25. Man to grade lawn, $2.50. TIMEW C PG IX ALL THE cho!ce7obs.EARLY AXl get the , c. r. hansen & co., WANTED Able-bodied men for the U ' S. Marine Corps, between the ae, of 19 "and 35. Must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay Ji6 to t69: additional compensation possible; food. SSthlns? medicinal attendance free; Si JH yT" rvlce can retire with 75 EJi,i ' ? and allowances; service on "nlp ?nd a8h"- n all parta of the ?orrand.A&?!y " 4 and 10 Breedn bld- A rfT.V A:i, a'esmen to work on new ad- quick seller; we want nothing but an A j.o. 1 man, one for whom we can iU- ai Profitable and permanent open street after 8 o'clock Monday. 289 Oak WAT.ED M,en oy ,are contracting com fS,V Cal?,1'tarn.,ra5 of Plumbing elec tricity, bricklaying, automobiles in few -"PL . ' no apprentice .or helpers" work fj "d. fPene; 2000 contract work go- Con't.f SV? free- Un'd Trade School lontraoting Company, ios Angeles. MEX wanted, for firemen and hrakemen on nearby railroads: age 18 to 35; experience unnecessary: no strike; permanent employ ment; nremen 10O monthlv, brakemen ST5 FIST10. n '? Si"er. conductors; too men sent to positions monthly. State kge- eend stamp. Railway Association, care Oregon?," SAm'e?SrN'r2i,i I"1'. hl8h-de' clean-cut men or a high-class proposition: I will rtS-t" , mon,ey to tne r'eht parties; don t apply unless you consider yourself a high-grade salesman: ask for sales rnanager. 20 Chamber" o Commerce WA,?,TEr7Trave"n,r salesman making As lt andJ CTast sorts, to handle fire works and Japanese novelty lines as side stVb co,mm.lfal"n: also salesman for f ' fr," niYasS,inKton.: sta,a references. i?,!"3 men with families and t;oo or J300 to join me and have steady work union wages, in the country; don't answer unless you mean buslnera. L. 934 Ore gonlan. ' SALESMAN calling on department stores to fown" llne: h,gh,y advertldWS?ic" fast soTle? ke1 sarnP': exceptionally last seller; nheral proposition. No-RIti Hoz Mfg. Co.. 21 S. Eighth St.. Philadelphia. SALESMAN wanted by largest European man ufacturer to sell popular lace and embroid ery specialties; samples 35 pounds.- "S per 4? T?r'?,SSl0ni.-Weely drawings. Wilson. WAhiJ? f-xperienced salesmen for respon f, iS Louis concern; must be sober, re liable and give good references as to abllltv ort-,seA1 country merchants; permanent. V 902, Oregonian. SALESMEN Best accident, health policy; old line company; $1000 death, weekly. 1(0 emergency. 2 yearly; seal wallet free LguuaMoRe8'try Co- S1T : SALESMEN traveling to sell blankets, dresa fabrics and flannels direct to retail stores; liberal commission; desirable side llnel South Phlla. Woolen Co.. Box 134L Th"l. EARN 125 week spare time maillnggrocery catalogues and circulars for cut rate grc vty mf1,1 or,der house; contract given. Ohio FARM lands in Southwest Texas will make you Independent; they produce bumper crops. Texas bookie'- Bfd & Clarkson. Uvald.i. BOOKKEEPER wanted to go to Eastern 0re,n- Apply Sunday and Monday to J. T. Flroux. Perkins Hotel. WANTED Reliable man ued to farm pro duce, pay $23 week; small Investment re- . quired. Particulars 248 Stark st. CLOTHING salesman, thoroughly enerl enced. active; only first-class salesman wanted. Lion Clothln.- .-v. 1.171 st BUTCHER to rent shop, first-class 'ocation- 5,on,ChmPSt.'ot rer-t -XO per STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper- sales rrian country store; afternoons. 31314 Mash., room IS. ' WANTED Chore man or boy; must milk three cows; last house west end skldmore . street. WANTED Teams to haul lumber and slabs; short distance out on railroad; steady work. THE Jno. P. Sharkey Co. require the serv ices of a few good salesmen; liberal com nqlsslon. Bee Bales manager. SPLENDID opportunity for good stock salesman, both Portland and outside miiB. 1 Doaxq or Trafle bldg. A 17NION MAN, a good "mixer, can earn $100 a week up; better investigate this. 20i Chamber of Commerce. BOYS WITH WHEEL wanted at once OLDS, WORTMAN & K I NG. CUPOLA man wanted; must be first-class United Metal Trades Association, 222 Commercial Club bldg. " " FOUNDRY helper wanted. Call United Metal Trades Asso., 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Carpet cutter and laver; $25 per week: steady Job. QueenCrty Furni ture Co. TAILORS, also PRESSERS on ladles' suits. Arply to OLDS. WORTMAN & K I"N G WANTED 2 first-class coatmakers. Apply Crown Tailor Shop, 4th and Stark sts HARNESfM AKERS wanted. Chas. L. Ma-Kick ii'.-itaaif ig&tner. i-Toni fclld Oak sts. GOOD coatmaker at once; take L car 105 Russell St. PLUMBER'S laborer wanted at 125 11th st. FIRST-CLASS machinist. United Metal Trades Asso.. 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANT- to let contract to clear land. Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. ' IF you have $300you can make $10 daily Motion Picture Co.. 2. Washington. MOVING picture operators earn $35 weekly" Moving Picture School. 52614 Wash. UPHOLSTERER wanted. 414 Morrison cor 11th. w . 1 r.i -i pick ana snovei men; $;:.oo nine nours. i.u ana Arvmg. SALESMAN for the best stock proposition in the city; let us show you. Phone C 25P1. WANTED i carpenters. Apply Frye & 1:0.. I(5 1- irpt sr.. WANTED Singers for quartet of ladies. AF 939, Oregonian. HELP W ANTI-ID FE3I ALE. GIRLS over 1 to work in bag factory. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis. THE MEIER 4 FRANK STORES ' Require saleswomen for the following de partments: Suits, waists, embroideries, dress-trimmings, corsets, millinery, muslin underwear, gloves. neckwear, Jewelry, drugs, stationery, knit underwear, band kerchiefs, ribbons, veilings, infants' wear, needlework art and pictures: also girl to demonstrate METALOGRAPH Y : also 25 girls from 16 to IS years of age to learn the business. Permanent positions with good pay for satisfactory service. Apply at superintendent's office, sixth floor, an nex, S to 10 A. M. WANTED Several bnghi young women to leam telephone operating; we maintain a school under the supervision of a woman principal at our East office. East Ankeny and Sixth streets; applicants who qualify will be given a thorough training In the work before being assigned to positions; stu dents are paid at the rate of $20 per month while learning. Appiy to school principal on week days between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. The Pacing Telephone & Telegraph Company. MUNICIPAL Department of Pnblle Safetr for Young Women. Advice or assistance gladly given to all young women. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, supt.. room ST x". W. C A. bldg., 7th and Taylor sts. $3.50 PER DAY paid to one lady In each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for concentrated flavoring In tubes. Permanent position- J. S. Ziegler Co., Chicago. SOCIETY editor to represent weekly paper in your city; social standing and some business ability required. Address Hotel Topics. Hotel Society Journal of the Pa cific Northwest, 508 Pioneer bldg., Seattla. Wash. AN elderly lady to assist with housework In family of threa; good home; fair wages. Mrs. H. Miles, Lents, Or. R. 2. Take Gresham car to Gilbert station See mail box and sign MARRIED lady, without children, can have 3 furnished housekeeping rooms for car ing for rooming-house. Apply 364 North 26th. "W" car to 2t!th. block north. WAITED First-class operators for ladles' skirts. Highest wages. Take elevator. WESTERN ROCHIXO & MFG. CO.. oj Dtn st-. cor. Pine. $li.40 EVERY THREE DAYS Drop can vassing; try demonstrating. Responsible ladies, every county. Central Mtg. Co., .nvn. iiy. i.owa. STENOGRAPHERS desiring positions In vited to take special position drill for any system of shorthand. Apply at Electric Business University. Worcester block. AN experienced good girl for general house work and cooking; small family; good w-ages. 384 East Taylor St.. near East 14th. Phone 33 244Q. WANTED Woman cook for 4 men on dairy , ranch. $20; no objection to widow with oil e child. Address 624 Exchange St., As toria or. SHORTHAND, expert Individual Instruction; day, night; special speed classes: all sys tems; unsurpassed dictation, facilities, re sults. G 920. Oregonian. - MOVING-PICTURE business conducted by ladles pays well. We teach any or all parts at small cost. Alliance Film Serv ice. 631 Worcester bldg. PRIVATE lessons eiven In shorthand, type writing; expert method; day or evening. HATS, trimmings, coloring, remodeling, low prices, etc.; try 227 Vi Wash. cor. Second, room 27. Bring any old material. GIRL to assist with cooking and general housework; three In family. 243 Cornell WANTED A good cook, good wages, family, references required. 295 Park st. small West WANTED A good short-order and dinner cook, for a resturant; woman preferred. " iciercncpa. foone wooqiawn 21117. WANTED Girl to stand in cigar store. 201 Burnslde st. Apply Sunday and Monday, L. W. USS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3264 Washington St.. Room 307. Main SS36 or A 8266. GIRL for general housework, every conven ience, steady position. Tabor 82S. Sunny elde car to 918 East Salmon. WANTED Good girl to assist in general housework and cooking: 3 in family. 711 Hon st. WANTED Girl or woman to do general bouseworlt In country, phone Woodlawn llXjtf. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCT. (484 Washington St. Cor. 7th, Upstair, Phone Main 2898. WANTED Experienced chambermaid; no other need apply. Phone B 1275 or E. 6940. GOOD cook and assist general housework; good wages, small family. Main 2231. morning and evening. GIRL for general housework about May 20 family 3 adults. 801 Hancock st. Phone C 1018. WANTED Chambermaid and laundress; wages $30: references required. Telephone Miss Ainsworth. Main 752 or A 5720. WANTED Girl to help with housework for part of day; must sleep at home. 394 Jackson. Main S769. WANTED Competent young woman to as sist in. kitchen and general work. Apply i qirnciBii puiiaujimiu. BeilWOOQ VH1 . MIDDLE-AGED woman to cook on farm near th-e city; references required. Room 206 Board of Trade bldg. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking, family of 2; modern .flat. Call 9271 B. Ankeny, corner 30th. WANTED Girl for general housework, two adults, two small children; wages $30 per month. 471 Broadway. WANTED Girl to sew on power machine Carmen Manufacturing Co., 18th and Up WANTED Young colored girl to care for child during day. Call Sunday. Hartford Anartments. No. 9 21st Flander. st. GIRL for general housework, small family Wages $35. Call In afternoon. 1022 Raleigh . near 29th. ' WANTED A girl for th ice cream stand at 269 Everett st. WANTED 2 lady pressers at once. Broadway Tlx-. VVrn-lia :i,.1 ITnlon AV TCrtW. A HOUSEKEEPER for widower's family. Call after 6 P. M. 641 Thurman st. GIRL for general housework. Phone Seli wood 25 1519. WANTED Two waitresses at 68 N. 18th St., LADY or girl to care for baby of 3 from 12 to 8. Call mornings. S95 2d st. WANTED Woman to clean once a week nnH 1 u 1m wmihinE home. 19A -lo.i. LADY waiter for restaurant; good wages to rignt guru. j. g-i, icsuiuan WANTED Girl for general housework. 881 EXPERT seamstress wanted. Portland Tent EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, good wages. 709 Kearney st. GIRL for general housework; 3 adults. Call turnings. 5S1 East Taylor st. COMPETENT chambermaid wanted at S3 N l$th. cor. Davis st. GIRL for general housework, $5 per week. 3UJ IQUl .1- WANTED Girl for general housework. !99 C: . , -i aAA Addition TViftT. t-. . L - HOUj 1.HB1 JJQI. GIRL wanted for general housework; 8 in . n... -i n.r Tnonth. Phnna IT... e. a WANTED Experienced operators oa ox .:! also jgarnfcrs. 75 1st St. LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 5sai GOOD millinery makers. Apply Lowengart GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory Kn. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. GIRL for general housework. 658 Love- joy. lau auer 1 GIRL for general housework. Inquire 430 Mill at., near 12th. GOOD girl for general housework and help with child; no cooking. 453 4th st. WANTED Girl for general housework. 734 Irvmg st. GIRL for general housework, to assist In work. 4-room flat. 692 Love.loy. WANTED Girl for drug laboratory. W Oregonian. Apply GIRL for general housework; plain cooking. 153 16th St.. North. KELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. OPEN SUNDAY 10:30 A. M. TO P. St. For sawmills, planing mills." box fac tories, etc. Millwrights. $4. Stlckerman. $3 up. Two edgermen. $;! and $4. Ratchet setters. $2.73 and $3.25. Planer feeders. $2.50 and $2.75. Lumber graders. $2.50 and $3. Band resawyer. $3. Twenty mill hands, $2..V to 3. Fifty yardmen. $2.25, $2.50 and, $2 T. Teamsters, haul lumber. $2.50 and $2.75. Sash and door machine men, $2.75 up. Boys for planing mill, $2. Five men to work around sash and door factory, light work, wages $2.25 up. MISCELLANEOUS. Five hand riveters for structural steel work. $5. Ptledrlver man, $3 to $3 50. Deck hands for river boat, $35 to $40. Barnmen. city. $60 and room. Cook, nrlvate boanllnr Tnoti.e. ftsn. Man and wife, cook and helper, for Douraing-nouse, city, xtM) up. Walters. $23, $30 and 3.1. Dishwashers, $25 and $30. Choreman for logging camp. $45 up. Flunkey for camp, $35. Two rough carpenters, $3. Ten farm hands, $30 to $40. Man and wife on farm, good wages. ' Loggers. $2.75 to $5. We have a large list of new work every day for loggers, mill hands, teamsters, laborers, farm hands, cooks. flunkeys, dishwashers, janitors, porters, etc. etc. T tIF ADVANCE FARE ON A LARGE OP OUR WORK, OUT OF THE SPECIAL NOTICE. We give a guarantee to pay fare both ways If there is not work where we send you. OPEN SUNDAY 10:30 A. M. TO 2 P. M. . PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Majn Qfflce. 12 North Second. AMBITIOUS SALESMEN. TU will know what to do every minute or the day if you work for us. We furnish names and all the equipment of a first class real estate office, taking special pains to teach you scientific salesmanship, make calls with you, close your deals and re quire none of your money, . but place you where you can learn a system that will iuiuny mean wealth to you; splendid opportunity for advancement: real estate experience not necessary. Call before 10 o'clock. 404 Couch bldg. OFFICE assistant wanted; bright young man " , ..i.i:u senerany userui. an swer telephones, etc; must be thoroughly acquainted with city; good chance for ad vancement: salary to commence. $10 per w-iek. Address In own hand-writing, giv ing references and residence. J 830, Ore- WAJlT?DI2oy between 16 and 18 years of age for ofTfc 1. , . good place for advancement; give name of last employer, your phone number and ad dress. A R 917 O.o.ri.n WANTED-ilan with references, one who thoroughly understands the tea. coffee, and crockery business, to take manage ment of store In - good town near Port land. Address box T O'm rt-r 1 - 6CMClTORS to "" treasury stock of esfab- --- .. -"r, ouiniinM, til via cn as twtter than 2(1 per cent last 10 years, ob i'rSL to Increase capacity. Call 806 Lewis bldg. Phone A 4038. FARMER, carpenter and painter (married man preferred), one who can put In first-class shape ten-acre fruit farm and house, near cltv. AM 34 n,....i.. PLUMBER'S apprentice wanted at 125 11th St.: mUSt h. Rlrnn. II j . . . f erred " ' by wltn mo experience pre- WANTED Boys over 16 years to act as check Cllerlf. anil a 1 . , I . . . . .V. .iii iriT-Biojjiiy. Appiy enier operator Western Union. 6th floor Worcester bldg. "T5 ,re1uir be service of an experienced Janitor for night work, must be able to furnish bonds, no others need to aoolv. Eastern Outfitting Company. INDUhTRTOUS man for real estate office; knowledge of city essential. Goldschmldt's Agency. 253H Washington, cor. 3d FIRST-CLASS apartment-house Janitor, ex perienced, not over r.0. good appearance: answer today. c 945. Oregonian. WANTED Gen. Mdse. and dry goods sales men for country positions. Commercial .nsrraet co., 4i's commercial Club bldg. OPENING for young man in land office; , . ow 1 Bicos"pny preierrea; Sisuu re oulred. AJ 931. Oregonian. WANTED Solicitors to sell the best prop erty In Tillamook Co.; Uveral commission. Apply 226 Falling bldg. ELDERLY man as partner In second-hand store and repair shop; no experience re . quired. C 949. Oregonian. GOOD proposition for photographer; no money required; right man can make good money; full particulars 191 4th st. WANTED Apprentice girls to leam the mil linery business: paid while learning. The Crown Hat Co., 392 Morrison St. MUSICIANS to sing or play some Instru ment: colored quartet preferred. Y 835, Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl tar general bouse- . " ' moeia, o iiiiii,, ii o room, wltn cam, inquire 9v riail st EXPERIENCED solicitor for established dye works. 288 Grand ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Apply at once, Mrs. Klapper, the Golosn Eagle. Sd and Yamhill sts. SCHOOL GIRL or girl working short hours to assist in light housework for room and WANTED Girl for kitchen and general housework; also a practical nurse, at once. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework; good wages. 16t Fourteenth street, corner Morrison. WAITRESS wanted, must bis neat and quick; good place for steady girl. Ad- WANTED Good strong girl for general house work. Call after 3 P. M., 771 East Burn side. . - WANTED Woman for cooking and general housework. A pply 658 Irving art. ; 440 to com petent woman. THE Meier & Frank store requires 50 first class waitresses. Apply to superintendent. 6th floor, 8 to 10 A. M. Monday. WANTED Vettmakers; steady work. Ao ply Monarch Tailors. 141 6th st. EXPERIENCED lady presser wanted. Queen City Dye Works, 288 Grand ave. LADY bookkeeper and stenographer. Pioneer Paint Co.. 135 1st. FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 291-fr St ark. WAITRESS for lunch and dinner work. 386 Morrison. SEAMSTRESS to help with dressmaking permanent position If capable. Main 8161 PASTRY-COOK for Portland Delicatessen. 1S3 Sd 8. A GIRL for cooking and general housework. Apply 215 N. 20th. GIRL for general housework; small family and good wages. 586 Tillamook st. GIRL to assist with housework in familv of two. 248 N. 20th at. ' EXPERIENCED ironers and mangel girL Apply at Pacific Laundry. 281 Arthur st. GIRL to fold letters; apply Monday morning. WANTED Seamstress by the day; good may chine operator. 186 14th st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. e-i-w-.. lira oas TftO XTao . WANTED A girl at the Portland Dairy Lunch. 123 1st. ' WANTED Experienced saleslady in ladles' furnishing dept. Hamburgers, 145 2d. WANTED Girl for general housework. WANTED Girl for general housework. 569 Johnson st. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; $25. Phone Sell wood 816. WANTED Second girl at 150 Page st. East 65ft. NEAT girl for housework. 655 Love Joy. Call Monday. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; wages S35. Phone A 2420. 1131 Franklin St.. Willamette Heights. NORWEGIAN or Swedish girl to do house- worK. win teacn ner io cook. Main 4905, GIRL wanted to do housework; good pay Call at 1211 E. Madison st. APPRENTICES wanted. 180 7th st. Main 2334. NEAT woman, housework for two ; good cook; 23. 437 Marguerife. W-R car. YOUNG girl to assist with housework. 362 Fargo. GIRL wanted for general housework, good wages, o. jacuson si. tail Derore noon. WANTED Experienced waitress. Sargent iotei, cor. orana ana iawtnorne ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED MONDAY. Cooks, $3. to $43: waitresses, $25 to $30; chambermaids. $20 to $30. Girls for general housework. $20 to -$33. Large list of new places every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies Dept. 205 Morrison St. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING WANT SALESWOMEN, first-class, in & number Of our departments. JACKET. SKIRT AND GOWN MAKERS thoroughly experienced hands. GIRLS. 16 years of age and over, who will have an opportunity to . learn the business if bright and active. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. EXPERIENCED alteration hands on wo . men's suits for the closing out sale of the McAUen & McDonnell sale at 3d and Morrison sts. LADJ stenographer, must be neat, accurate and pleasing in appearance, one with knowledge of bookkeeping preferred; splendid opportunity for willing worker; would like a lady who could fill position as private secretary. Do not apply if you n come up to these requirements. AN 830, Oregonian. VV ANTED Women and girls to make shirts and overalls. Mt. Hood factory. 233 Couch. Inexperienced girls paid while learning. COMPETENT woman as housekeeper and cook at Summer home near Hood River;, second help Is kept and house has all mode-n conveniences. Phone Main 2504. A 2504. MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper in small town near Portland; good home to right party. Inquire between 5 and 6 P. M. Room 223 Cornelius Hotel : wages 1 16. WANTED Middle-aged woman as Janltress for apartment-house; work light; $15 a month and unfurnished apartment: state references. Address AF C28, Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED Portland Paper Box Co., 206 Oak at. WANTED Stenographer for broker's office; prefer new beginner: $25 month to start. Address for particulars room 821 Electric bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED IRONERS; STEADY POSITION; GOOD WAGES. APPLY TROY LAUNDRY CO.. 201 E. WATER. WANTED At once, elderly woman for house work, small family, good home. Call before 12 M. o"clock Sunday, 60S Ea-st Ah. Take rj. a. car. WANTED Girls for all our departments, markers, sorters, mangle and hand-lroners; also flannel washers. Yale Laundry. 600 East Morrison st. I OWN 6 lots, 60x100 each, worth $350 each; must sell; will pay any one 50 in gold to . find me a buyer for any of them. B 927. Oregonian. GOOD wages paid for a good servant gtrl; private family of 3; good place to work; good hours, good wages. 314 College st. WANTED A neat middle-aged woman to assist, in nouseworic ana riain cooking. Apply Monday at 321 thrt. HOUSEKEEPER, honest and reliable. Phone to answer; experienced and city references. W t35. Oregonian. COMPETENT woman for cooking and housework, second girl kept. Apply 315 East I6th, N.. take Irvlngton car. FIRST-CLASS stenographer; salary $75; will hold this open for one week. AE 927, Ore gonian. GIRL for general housework: good wages; most evenings free. 654 Ravensview Drive. Phones Main 7935. A 1667. WANTED 6 young ladles to leam fancy dancing AT ONCE. IN MORNING. till 11. Room 11-12 Mllner bldg., 35nifr Morrlfon st. ENERGETIC, senrtble woman, over 25. for position In wholesale houpe; experience un necessary. H 25, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady bundle wrappers and cash girls, steady positions. Apply Bannon & Co.. 388-390 East Morrison at. STRONG, capable girl for general house work, to go home nights. Apply 147 N. 2d st. GOOD woman for general housework, 3 In family; $35 per month. Armstrong, State and 13th sts.. Hood River, Or. WANTED Middle-aged respectable lady as companion, in exchange for home. Call hunaay. nau iast nm st. r.. Ainerta car. WANTED 'Girl for general housework; no children; good wages. 3S1 lOth, cor. Mont gomery. SEVERAL girls and women wanted to make baskets. Pacific Phone Exchange SO. Home phone A 3773. GIRL to cook and do housework. 241 N. 22d. corner of Marshall. EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manicure wanted. 147 7th st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. HELP wanted at Hood River for thinning apples and picking strawberries, about May 15. Employers wil furnish fuel and camp ing location. Free transportation to and from Hood River depot or steamboat landing. Mall your application to Hood River Apple g rowers' Union. MAN and wife wanted to assist with house work; man to care for horses, etc.; man $30. woman $10 per month, with room and board in city. V 925, Oregonian. WANTED Strawberry and raspberry pick ers; good place to camp; water and wood; for particulars write J. E. Holladay, R. F. D. No. 3. Newberg, Or. PRIVATE) lessons in shorthand, evenings, by shorthand teacher. 653 E. Alder. Phone East 2054. riSK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good positions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. l FIRST-CLASS shoe man of over 15 years experience, both Eastern and Portland, understanding up-to-date shoe methods, window trimming, etc., with A-l refer ences as to character, ability, etc.. de sires permanent position as manager of store or department with & future in which he would share; out of the city no objection: kindly give location of store, cost of living, etc., in first letter; all correspondence strictly confidential. AM 926. Oregonian. HAVE had three years experience with the Avery Company, of Peoria, 111., In build ing and exporting, aleo demonstrating, traction engines and machinery. Want a Job In ray 11ns; what have you for a good man who can prove his ability? Phones Main 906 or A 7352. EXECUTIVE' accountant, extensive experi ence, mercantile and corporation methods, la open for engagement as auditor or other confidential position; flrst-csass references. Will go anywhere on Coast. i 926, Ore gonlan. 9 manager of grocery department or store) in or out of city ; Al systematlzer, up-to-date business getter; married; best refer ences. AN 930, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper, five years ex perience, deal iv? a position; can handle any set of books, and furnish best references from former ehxployers ; hard worker. Everett Ivie, 809 E. Stark st. BOOKKEEPER Eight years experience; at present employed; desires to make change; also stenographer and typewriter; the very best of reference a. Address B 926, Ore gonlan. TRAVELING salesmen; experienced mill supply man, t h ree years on road, clean record and hustler; go anywhere, R 928. Oregonian. YOUNG man. stranger in Portland, desires steady position with chance to advance; wholesale house preferred; can give high est reference. AN 922. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office supply specialty salesman; city or road; age 30; married; employed at present. AM ''.6, Oregonian. AN energetic young man of ability desires either traveling or office position with a reliable concern who will recognize serv lces rendered. Address AC 935, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires position with real es tate firm, understands conveying; Notary Public; excellent references. Address K 927, Qregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer and general of fice man desires situation ; best of references. AC 922, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as clerk", hotel, grocery, rooming-house; best references. AN 920, Oregonian. HAVE had 10 years experience as private secretary and stenographer. Can you use me? J 906. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED registered pharmacist wants permanent position; references ej changed. AL 929. Oregonian. POSITION ." stenographer, young man; beginner; no previous experience. W 921, Oregonian. POSITION with fuel company, foreman and order clerk. AD 939, Oreesf ; SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. excellent ability and educa tion, thoroughly -experienced in handling men and lumber, desires position with lumber company doing rail shipments, as yard foreman and shipping clerk ; capa ble of taking charge of sales department. Address M 930. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE man. 12 years a machinist in some (of the largest auto factories in the East, will guarantee to keep your car out of repair-shop; Just arrived from San Francisco and am open for position w-ith private family or bank. Address Auto, 618 Delay st. Woodland 2552. A THOROUGHLY experienced and capable man of 3o will consider opening as assist ant manager or credit man; I have these qualifications lis well as those of an expert accountant; New York. Chicago or city ref- . erences. E Oregonian. YOUNG man of the best appearanoe, no bad habits, now holding a responsible position at $130 month, wishes to engage In soma kind of business. A little money to in vest. What have you to offer? AD $- Oregonian. AM coming to Coast about last of May ; first-class window-trimmer and card writer would like position with large men's furntsntngs or department store. AN 925. Oregonian. ATTENDANT or nurse, position wanted by young man of experience: graduate mas sage; used to travel; would take sn eldely or mildly insane patient; best of references. X Oregonian. ELDERLY gentleman wishes a position, with some private family as lawn man or gardener; can furnish best references. Phone after 7 P. M. E. 840. C 278S. Mr. C. Clark. . F1LST-CLASS machinist. competent to erect engines, boilers. Understands pip ing and installment of power plants. P 921. Oregonian. NURSE An experienced male nurse would like the care of invalid gentleman ; used to travel; graduate doctor; massage gin; best of references. W 927. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED by colored man as Janitor or porter; first-class recommenda tions; stranger; very temperate. 425 Ev erett at. SITUATION wanted by Intelligent man ot 26; prefer outside work; 5 years Govern ment service in Chicago. Address Louis Nelson. 470 Main st. Phone Main 6447. GOOD Japanese boy wants situation to do cooking and housework ; speaks English well; wages $35 up in the month. AE 93t. Oregonian. POSITION wanted: young married man with six years experience in general mer chandise, wants permanent position in country town. AD 931. Oregonian. WANTED Position by young man. age 25; stenographer and general office man; good penman, 7 j-ears commercial and railroad experience. AF 925. Oregonian. COMPETENT Japanese, graduated business college, desires steady position at any kind of work in store or factory. AJ 923, Ore gonlan. CHAUFFET'R Japanese; I have had many years experience with autos; want position driving car or will do garden work. AK 925. Oregonian. - SITUATION wanted by Al groceryman, long experience, capable of buying and managing; best references; city or coun try; WANTED By honest, sober man, work of any kind carpenter, painter or garden ing; no objection to country. X 934. Or egon i an. WANTED, by experienced hand, clerking in fruit or grocery store; no objection to country or security bond. V 935, Or egonian. COOK, young man, wants situation, ex perienced; city or country. Newman, 68 North 6th st. ENGINEER Locomotive, "Shea" preferred; 12 years experience; best ot references. AN 923. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, expert accountant, sure of giving satisfaction, desires position; ret erences and bond. F 926. Orggggan' YOUNG German man and wife want po sitions on ranch; used to farm work. AD 936. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by man of middle age; experienced in dry goods. furnishing goods, etc. Y 932, Oregonian. COOK wishes situation, hotel or boarding house; experienced, orders, dinners, bak Ing. Room SS, Hotel Minnesota. FURNITURE man who has been in business for himself desires employment as furni ture salesman. Addrees Y 933, Oregonian. YOUNG couple want position in private serv ice or as Janitors and caretakers; best references. AH 924. Oregonian. FARMER wants steady work as farm hand or milker; state work, and wag-as. A. Johnson. Deer Island, -Oregon. SITUATION wanted as carpenter foreman; have had six yeans' experience contracting. N 934. Oregon tan. ENGINEER Experienced in steam, electric and refrigeration ; married ; wants posl tion. AC 90S, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position a chauffeur; steady driver; references. AK 927, Ore gonian EVENING employment by young man, ex; perlenced accountant and salesman. Y 927. Oregonian. YOUNG man, attending school, wants work; nights and mornings for board and room. J 9'-'9. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, Swedish, first-class driver and mechanic, sober and reliable; have best of references. A 930. Oregonian. NEW and old house and window-cleaning. D. .T. Henderson. Main 3910. STEAM engineer. A-l references, wants posi-ti-nn. city or out. AF 937. Oregonian. WINDOW cleaning, floors and rugs a spe clalty. Main 6573 evenings. Thos. Green. YOUNG Japanese wants to work in laun dry or factory. AD 929. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener wants steady po sltlon. L 929. Oregonian. SUPERINTENDENT bridges, buildings and general construction. AB 925. Oregonian. POSITION by steam fitter's helper; 8 year experience; stranger. H 908. Oregonian. TWO young carpenters, hustlers, want work city or country. AN 921. Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 2C3 Everett. YOUNG Japanese wants lawn or Janitor work- T 933. Oregonian. BY German family, place to work on ranch. Y 930, Oregonian. HAVE your windows and your houses cleaned by J. H. Goins. Main 6713. CARPENTER foreman wants situation; expert finisher and framer. Phone East 2823. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. LADY No. 1 stenographer, can typewrite, would like a position in office where there fs a chance for advancement; moderate) salary. AC 930. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, three years' experiences bu&lness and high school graduate ; refer- ences. Phone M. 627. Address 328 Clay, room 6. ' WANTED Position as stenographer; newr beginner, wholesale house preferred, AN 932, Qregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer desire position; can furnish references; five years experience. AB 927, Qregonlan. STENOGRAPH ER Beginner, wants po sition, law office preferred; wages reaaon able. AD 933, Qregonlan. EMBROIDERING In all Its branches; per fect work, reasonable prices, free lessons 462: Washington st. STENOGRAPHER Beginner wants position In office: high school education. Phone Sunday.. - B 1 800. POSITION wanted by experienced lady bookkeeper. Phone Main 3895. COMPETENT stenographer desires position Cal 1 A 2793. Main 68S0. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In law work, desires position. P 922. Oregonian. RAPID and accurate typewriter operator de sires office position. AF 924. Oregonian. DreMOisks FIRST-CLASS cutter, fitter and designer from the East, wishes dressmaking by tha day; work guaranteed. Address T 926, Oregonian. AN experienced, up-to-date dressmaker, de signer of evening and party gowns, by the day. Phone A 4982, or address AG 9:;6, Oregonian. A REFINED woman desires a position as housekeeper for widower, with children, or the care of the aged. Address Miss S.,' 228 13th st- EMBROIDERING in all its branches; per fect work, reasonable prices, free lessons. 4624 Washington st. Alterations, specialty on ladies' suits. Mrs. Mucklcr, 430 Columbia. Apt. 2L A 4709. SHIRTWAISTS made to order; prices rea sonable. 447 5th st. WANTED Dressmaking, plain sewing. 72t First. Phone Main 9053. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will tske sewing? at her home. 434 Harrison. Phone A 7721. ANGELES Dressmaking parlors. 8S6H Wash lngton st.. suite 216. Main 983. A 5881. Norses. MIDDLB-AGBD. practical nurse, all kind- cases; doctor's references. A 2014; i