V 18 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAT 1, 1910. HEAL ESTATE. Miscellaneous. MELDRUM STATION'. $43O0 2 acres, all cultivated and new 4room bungalow. CITY PROPERTY. $3300 7-room new modern house. E. 36th and Clinton sts. $380" 6-room new modern house, E. 17th and Clinton sts. $4000 "-room hr4se. E. Yamhill, near lBt Et. VACANT PROPERTY. $6000 100x100, N. E. cor. Savier and 29th st. $6000 100x100, X. "W. cor. Raleigh and 29th. (Ki0 inoxlOO, S. E. cor. Thompson and E. 19th st. $2350 SiixHnt, Raleigh, west of 29th et. $200046x100, Gantenbein ave.. near Russell st. $750 50x1 OO. Wiberg Heights, near Broadway : close in. near car line ; a dan dy; improvements paid. SHEFFIELD & RIELY, 23 Russel B 1 rl g En tranc el 0 2J 4th St. EAST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. A good piece of centrally located busi nem property between Union ave. and Grand ave-., which pays a net income of over 6 per cent; price SOOO. terms. H. P. PALM BR-JON S CO., 212-213 Commercial Club .bldg., Phones: Main 1599. A 253. 6EE US for bargains, Improved and un improved ; we have some splendid sites for factory and warehouses; easy terms and good income; one of the choicest lots In Rose City Park for $1200. .T. O. HANTHORN & CO., 540 Chamber of Commerce. CENTRAL. UNION AVENUE. A good piece of business property, price $05O0; pays 6 per cent and is good for a big advance within next six months. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones. Main M'i99. A- 265:i. ONE house and 50xlOOfoot lot on Necani cum street, well improved, partly fur nished, part cash, balance easy terms ; price $950. One fi-room house, well fur nished, two blocks from beach, north of Locksley Hall: price $1500. Inquire of F. Dresser. Seaside, Or. SEE us for bargains in residences and va cant lots. We have them in all parts of the city. VALLEY REALTY COMPANY, 41 1 North 6th St. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF you have FARM LAND, CITY PROPERTY, or BUSINESS OP PORTUNITIES, for sale, lease or trade and are willing to place a fair value on them and give a live agency a contract to move them for you, list them with us. Nothing but fair values considered. THE CARD REALTY & IN VESTMENT CO., llo Second Street, Phone Marshall 1567; A 1567. IF you have 20 or 40 acres improved or un improved, handy to railroad or electric line, not too much rock or rolling, that you will sell cheap, answer this, giving me a full descript ion of the property, terms etc.; not particular about distance, so it is not over 30 miles from the city. SSL'S, Oregonian. I WANT from owner a modern house, not over $6500; not too far out; require 4 bed -rooms; give full particulars and lo cation; will pay $4tnto down. Those of you who have any suitable, answer, as I mean business. Agents are a nuisance. AM lt;;i. Oregonian. WE have customers for all classes of Port land property, ranging- from $2500 to $ luo.ooo, or more in value. Give us de scription of what you are willing to sell. Sales made without unnecessary pub licity. Walker & Reed. S2:t Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8535. W'ANTBD A got id Mock ranch in the Valley for about $15,o-0; also all kinds of city property, farms anil business chances at fair value, for quick sale. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrlpon St. WATER-POWER SITE WANTED. Have cash for good water-power site; must be good; want land and all; write price, location and all details. Address AN 937. OivKonlun, WE have buyers for income or residence property, West Side or East Side. It will pay you to deal with us if you want results. Walker & Reed, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main S535. I WANT 5 or 6-room house in restricted district; will pay $4onO or $5000, part cash, balance 6 per cent, exact location and price B 932, Orcsonlan. HEAL ESTATE or equities in same bought and sold. List with us. GRAY- CU N'NINGH AM -GRAY. 722-723 Electric Bldg. I WANT good tiOxlOO lot, corner, would prefer 60x120 for apartment site, East or West Side. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. FLAT 9ITE. Want desirable flat site on West Side; state locat ion. best figure; not to exceed $5hh. A J 937. Oregonian. "WA NTE.D Large body of land In Oregon, suitable for fanning; can pay $5u.0OO; best offer net. Address Donald Fletcher, 917 I aciflc ave.. Tacoma. Wash . WANTED Vacant lot, Wa-verly Heights dis trict preferred; price mufil be reasonable; give 1-ication, price and terms. B 931, Ore gonian. G RUN GST AD Is the man who can sell your property. List your timber lands, farms and city realty with" him. 235 Worcester bldg. FROM owners only Twenty to 30 acres im proved or unimproved Al fruit land near M osier. Prloe must be right. L 909 Ore gonian. RESIDENCE PROPERTY WANTED. Are havintf constant calls; make price light; we will get results. Hatch & Slo cum. 402 Commercial blk. I WANT to buy 6 to 7-room house In Haw- t home or Mt. Tabor district; can pay about $3p0 down. AE 935. Oregonian. TWO to five acres on the Oregon City line; must be at station. Will pay cash. AB 923. Oregonian. WANTED lrvington home; will exchange 2 lots in Bmaiifray Addition and pay dif ferencc. Phnne mornings. Main 142. HOUSE and lot on vacant lot between 6th and 14th, Hall and Taylor sts. owners only. State price for cash. H 932 , Ore gonian. FOR SALE or exchange, 10O lots in Ray City" on Tillamook Hay, the terminus of Lytle R, II. Main 21 OQ evenings. EMAT.lt piece of Improved acreage with stream; small payment down; state terms, price and locat ion. AG 921, Oregonian. ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold, I have buyers for your property. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg. WANTED Good-paying tiats. centrally lo cated. East or West Side. Address A 932, Oregonian. WANT some cheap Clackamas County acre age; (five location, price and terms. V Orpponian. FROM owner, corner lot between Hawthorne and Davis sts. M. 925. Oregonian. WANTED Farm or acreage; must be rea sonable. 5:'fi4 Washington st. WANTED acres near city limits; state price and location. A K 925, Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. FARMS AND OTHER PROPERTY WANTED. Can sell rapid i if price is right; send particulars. Hatch &. Slocum, 402 Com- rnercial blk. WANTED 2OO.Ott0.O00 to 1.5OO.0O6,000 feet Oregon timber lor Investment from own er; must be very cheap. Dr. Murray. Clearfield, Pa. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCrackon. 8o4 McKay bldg. FOR KKXT FAKA1S. BIG FARM RANCH FOR RENT. Owner will not sell, but will lease for term of years :t2o acres fine land. Polk County, to acres cleared, all good soil balance timber, gracing, etc. Will lease for $ioo ,Mr year; term of 5 to b years. HE1LMAN & LATHROP. 616 Abington Bldg. TO "EXCHANGE. V ILL accept mortgage or vacant lot as part payment and build you a home to order on another of your lots. .See us for free plans and estimate. AB ai. Oregonian. A FIVE and a lO-room house in the heart of a thriving town in R. C. for an automo blle in good shape. B S30. Oregonian. EXCHANGE 2 lots in Broadway Addition for lrvington home; will pay difference. Tabor S. a.sk for Johnson. CA NNON Beach lots, nicely located, for suburban lots or acreage. See owner 171 Third st- WANTED Loan of $25O0 on $5500 home in lrvington: will pUy 7 per cent and reason -able expense. AB t30, Oregonian. 1XJUITV in a fine business corner bringing an income now. to exchange for a good second hand automobile. R 926, Oregonian. $T0o A DANDY Laurelhurst lot. will take diamonds first payment. AC 93$, Ore gonian. I WANT to borrow $2t"K for 2 years at 1 per eent; will give first-el?ss and suffk-ient se- ciiriTy. Address V 937. Oregon lan . TOU can trade ny kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trad-a. o ACRES finest laud for livestock or city lot. c 1132. TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES, 2 'miles west of Newberg, nearly covered with fine second-growth fir; ex cellent soil, gentle slope; cordwood will help you pay for place; sell on - easy terms, or trade for Portland property. Price, $1500. 27 acres, 2 miles from Salem, good buildings, 15 acres well-kept orchard, stream through place; all fenced and cross-fenced. This would, make you a lovely home and an income-producer. Price, K O0O. on terms, or will trade for West Side lots. 70 acres, 50 tillable. 17 cleared, farm buildings, near station on O- W. P. Price, S5500. Trade for home in Portland up to $3ho, balance terms. ISO acres. 4 miles Gaston Station, 7 miles New berg. 2 miles P. O. ; 60 acres cleared. 40 slashed, 15 acres fine bearing orchard, 25 acres hops. 5-room house, barn, hop-house, prune-drier, other build ings; living stream, school and church at place. Price, $100 per acre. Sell or trade for Portland property. " 480 acres. Gilliam Co., all fenced, 300 acres under plow. . Price. $20 per acre. Will trade for Portland income" property. Want home in Sunnyside to value of $3000 and $1500 cash for 40-acre ranch, well improved with ouildlngs. and more than half cleared and In crop ; 4 acres orchard and absolutely no waste land; nice, spring; 10 acres in extra good tim ber. This place will satisfy the most, crit ical. -rice, $3500; $1000 mortgage. """ant acreage for a 7-room modern house in St. Johns, lot 50x100. Price $350. Look this up. M AGIN N IS LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 316-17 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE ON HA LP ACRE $50O TAKES IT. - WILL TRADE FOR A FARM. This 1 a modern 7-room house, within 4 blocks of a carline. Has 4 large bedroom, reception hall, porcelain bath, kitchen with pan try, full basement, in fact is mod ern in every respect. This "t acre is the best of soil, just the layout for one who- wants to raise his own garden truck. There is plenty of small fruit. Lota about it are selling for $700. Price $2650, $50o down, balance to stilt. Will pay some extra In trade on & good farm. RALPH ACKLET, 605 Corbett Bldg. , WILL exchange for wheat or grazing lands an j-where in the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia or Canada, the following property in a live Eastern Oregon town: Three-story hotel, oi'xiott, completely furnished, with ac commodations for fit) guests; part of build ing steam heated, with baths and toilets on all f h tors ; ba r roo m in co n ne c t i o n , alwo lau n -dry and large frost -proof cellar; also email grocery store, adjoining hotel, enabling pro prietor to get supplies at wholesale. This is a good paying property, netting owner over $4(0 a month, or about 20 per cent. This property will be traded on a basis of only 422. SOO valuation. J. W. Cochran & Co., Vmdon, regon. 200 ACRES 160 In cultivation, balance suitable for orchard and vineyard, near Eugene, Or. Could be platted. Will take part cash, balance 'secured, or trade for Portland property. This place has good dwelling, barns and outhouses and Southern Pacific crosses corner of prop erty. If you want a farm, this Is a bar gain if taken quick. Larger business in terests iif Portland, otherwise would not sell this ranch. What would you trade or on w-hat terms would you buy Principals only. C 976, Oregonian. FOR EXCH A NG E $12,000, clear, large ele gant house, large lot, in swell est prt of Nob Hill section, between Pico and Adams, Los Angeles; 9 rooms, reception hall, attic; hard wood floors, beamed ceilings," complete buf fet kitchen, furnace, solar heater. large bath, sleeping porch, fine garage with sleep ing quarters for help; built for a home; strictly modern. Want improved or vacant, Portland. Give full description and price first letter. Address Owner, box 932, Ocean Park, Cal. FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres 2j miles west, of St. Johns; 15 acres cleared. 35 acres light timber and brush, balance good, heavy tim ber, estimated at 12,000 cords wood ; soil rich, land lies well, no rock or gravel; on good public road; well watered by never failing stream; price for quick sale $150 per acre, 1-3 cash, balance easy payments, or will exchange on good ' Portland residence up to yiP.OQn. Owner. AH 921. Oregonian. AM OLD and wish to retire from businese, therefore w ill exchange my clean stock of general merchandise at one of the best points on the Columbia, stock about $OOoO, lor a good farm which can be rented, or for city property. No inflated values consid ered; only willing to trade on a cash valu ation. For particulars ask mv agent, F. FUCHS, 221 Vj Morrison St. GENERAL merchandise store right in the heart of Portland. West Side, on main thoroughfare, down town; cash business of last year. $40,000; this is a fortuns maker; we value stock and fixtures front $10,000 to $12,000. Will exchange for cash or livestock or acreage, farm land or some good real estate in Portland. De scribe your property In full. AB 655. Ore g on lan. EXCHANGE Hood River orchard, 10 acres; 1 mile from town; 8 acres in trees; 2 acres pasture. Barn and all tools; 1 acre of berries between trees. Value $7500. Trees average 4 years old also 20 acres, close in. ti acres in 4-year-old orchard, balance first-class and easy to improve. Value $S500 one or both for Portland property. Address owner. Box 175, Hood River. Or. 40 ACRES of timber land to trade for Port land property; house and lot at 235 Glenn ve. to trade for acreage east of Port land. This house has been all fixed up and painted in fine shape. Will selj $500 down and monthly payments. GEO. S. ALLEN REALTY CO.. 221 Henry Bldg. BELMONT STREET. 100x100. West of 2;d, S. w. corner. $2350. Will trade $1600 equity for auto or acreage or house. Bring on your trades. E. R. MARKHAM. 30 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. AUTOMOBILE- TRADE. Will trade 7-passenger car, Al condition, for real estate, house and lot - preferred, to value of- $45110 or over; will give mortgage Xor difference. What have you? THE STANDARD REALTY CO. Mohawk Bldg. 20-Ai. RL fruit and berry ranch; house, barn and windmill; 4 mile to electric and steam railroads, 45c fare to Portland; 5 miles to Vancouver; cash price, $5000; prefer home in Piedmont, any good dis trlct. Box 235. St. Johns. Or. WILL EXCHANGE for city property 446 acres nearly all cleared on three county roads and only 3 miles from McMinnville and Carleton. The lay of the land Is ideal for apple planting. David Lewis 83 5th 3t. FOR EXCHANGE. 3 60 acres of good timber In Douglas County. Will exchange for building lot. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg EQUITY of $8O0 in two full lots, in Council Crest Park Addition, to exchange for auto mobile. J. Stroud & Aon, 4J2 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phones, Main Y052 and A 5722. WE have several fine bargains in farms of all descriptions, im trade for city property. It will pay you to come and see us. Good nough & Seitz. TEN acres Hood River Vallev, fronting on Hood River, good place, $HM0. Will ex change. Hall, SSO Front st. ACRES, on Oregon City line, half cul tivation, for house. automobile. lota. Owner. 718 Chamber of Co mm e r ce. 160 ACRES timber land, Josephine Countv, valued at $;i5oo. for hcuse and lot in city. East 5829; 8 to 9:30 A. M WILL exchange 1300 acres THOROUGHLY IMPROVED stock ranch for desirable city property. X 93Q. Oregonian GOOD income bearing residence property in hustling Medford, Or., to trade for sim Har property in Portland. SS North 6th St. EXCHANGE City property for farms. Farms for city property, or anything you want, at 422 Abington bids. WILL exchange splendid automobile for acreage or dcsirahle city property. X 931, Oregonian. 75 ACRES. 1 miles of R. R. station; all in cultivation ; best of soli ; sell or trade. S. M. Venard. owner. 601 McKay bldg. & LOTS, Waverleigh Heights, S200o7 for house or acreage. 718 Chamber Com merce. WILL take building lot as part payment on close-in East Side modern residence, near ly new. 5 rooms. V 927. Oregonian. IN order to raise a little money, will sell 10O0 Cascadia Mining stock at 25 cents. Address A 926. Oregonian. S00 ACRES. 35 miles Portland; good soil. Will exchange or sell very reasonable. Hall, a SO Front st. $t.S0o FINE new house and two lots on East Side for $10,000 home close in on West Side: pay cash difference. Address lOl'O Gladstone ave. HAVE no use for my piano; will trade for a good horse and buggy. J Si'fi, Ore gonian. FOR SALE ' 50x100 lots at Ideal View Add. ; would trade for runabout automo bile. AF 92. Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange for real estate, 1968 tlve-passenger Rambler automobile. Ad dress AC 915. Oregonian. PIANOLA Will exchange costly familv bil Hard table for a good pianola. Main 2522 WILL trade a cVItvery wagon, good as new, Xor a good horse. J S7f Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. TRADE Eastern city property (Auburn, N. V.) city of 40,000, paying 10 per icent on price asked, twa-flat house and store, three double houses and beautiful resi dence; also 45 lots in one tract, 15 In an other, three each in two others, best sec tions of the town, will trade for Portland property, farm or timber-land or mer cantile business. Here is a chance for anyone going back East to live to make big money. I am w iiling to sacrifice on all; will make it an object for parties to go East to inspect this property. Call or address H. L. Stevens, 403 Morrison st,, Portland. FOR EXCHANGE. HOUSE IN IRVINGTON. HOUSE IN WALNUT PARK. NEW BUNGALOW. (Just finished. Each to exchange for small farm, mile of town; house on place preferred; $12t0 mortgage on bungalow may stand ; house in lrvington half cash ; other properties to exchange. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Room 209 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 194S. FOR EXCHANGE! APPLE ORCHARD FOR DAIRY" STOCK. 10 acres apples and pears, trees 5 years old, coming into good bearing, located Greenfield, Cal. (Watsonville apple belt); land level, fine soil, abundance cheap irri gation water.' good schools, churches, etc. ; price $2500, mortgage $2oo ft yeqrs at 6 per cent; want good dairy stock, brood mares, hogs or young stock. J. W. Newbern, Soap Lake, Wash. 20 ACRES, near United Railways, 11 miles from city; fine auto road, all covered with fine timber; 'j'250 per acre; want city prop erty. 16o acres wheat land, partly Improved; Al berta, Can.; $20 per acre; want to come to Portland; take anything good. 4o acres fine land, all cultivated, Polk Co.; want Portland property to $60fr0. One or three nice, full lots; want acreage, bungalow or auto. CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. COUNTRY hotel, doing good business, sa loon in connection If you choose; rent on building $50 per month; trade for house and lot, or good lots; price $2500. Country hotel property, furnished: 30 mills around this town ; sell on liberal terms or trade on ranch land in Salem district ; price $6500. ZIMMERMAN, . 621 Board of Trade. I HAVE a new five-room East Side cottage on a corner lot. with modern improvements, al most completely furnished; not more than 20 minutes out, one block from carline; in cumbered for $1150, payable at $25 per month ; will trade my equity of $2' KX for closc-tn acreage or city vacant property. AD Oregonian. 520 ACRES, only 20 acres waste land, S20 in wheat: purchaser receives 1-3 rent in warehouse; good 7-room house, good barn, splendid well of water; price $25 per acre, $iono cash, balance will take Port land property. 1 "K. MOORE, the Wheat Land Man, 517 Board of Trade. Portland. FOR SALE- OR TRADE BY OWNER. 70 acres, 17 in cultivation, family orch ard, bearing, balance in pasture and tim ber; 5-room house, water piped to house; barn, wood and tool-house; on electric line. 22 miles from Portland. Price $5500. L 9:;.rt, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good-paying saloon in good town near Portland: prefer small residence in Port land or small farm near Portland. Inquire of J. W. Taggat. 322 Abington bldg. Phone Main 6418; residence phone East 5982. on Sunday or evenings. LAT'RELHURST lot. corner, most choice building site in entire tract, ground space equivalent to three 50x100 lots on 80 foot boulevard; will exchange for income property. West Side preferred. V 934, Oregonian. - EyUITY in 6-room, modern bungalow to exchange for good rooming-house for working men ; 50 rooms or more; about $ if 000. Kauffmann & Moore, 3 -o Lumber Exchange. IF YOU have orchard land, not planted, up to $25,000 In value, to exchange for West 4tde Portland property, send me details; have two good propositions. P. O. Box 347. -Portland. Oregon. HAVE 15 nice business lots valued at $4000; will take 1909 Cadillac or Buick car as part payment, balance cash. This is real good. Address V 936, Oregonian. WHAT have you to exchange for 40 acres of fruit land free from Incumbrances? Near Grants Pass, Or.; value $-800. Phone C 19S. 1145 Cleveland ave. BEAUTIFUL diamond, suitable for lady or gentleman; value $750; exchanged for good lot, acreage or Portland Home telephone bonds. 215 Commercial bldg. LOT, Elmhurst, lot Wiberg Heights. 2 lots Broadway, improved streets, building re striction; total price $4000, for up-to-date home. 718 Chamber of Commerce. FIN ft 7-passenger touring car, fully equip ped, splendid condition; would accept good real estate as part payment. E 928, re- gonian. FOR SALE $3000 first mortgage on first class residence property, drawing 7 per cent quarterly; runs 3 years. AC 934, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. SPECIAL. No. A A dandy, good-sized sawmill, 10. 000,000 feet good fir timber; all conditions favorable; only $J2,5O0: extra good terms. No. B 30,000,000 feet of the very best yellow fir; l"a miles to R. R. ; cash 55 cents per M. No. C Several small tracts; stumpage basis. No. D What we don't advertise, ask. for. iee Montgomery. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts.. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. , SAWMILL, in operation, 30.000 daily ca pacity; logging outfit, 2 donkey engines, planer, everything in first-class condition ; 7.000.000 if timber goes with proposition; 200.00 0.000 more accessible : excellent op portunity ; price $115,000 ; terms, X 939, Oregonian. FOR SALE SO acres, with 1,500,000 feet yellow fir. running water on place, half-mile off United Railway survey; io miles north west of Forest Grove for $1800; terms to suit. Address Elmer Lyda, Gales Creek, Or. FOR SALE. 25,000,000 white pine, larch and yellow fir; Jackson County. 38 South 4 East. 15,000,000 fir timber, Douglas County, 23 South 6 West; price $7500. T. J. HAMMER. 532 V2 Washington St. $16,000.00 for the next 10 days will buy 300,000.000 feet of fine yellow fir, 60 to 75 per cent clear, all green and near railroad with Portland rate. "Montgomery," care M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak st., Portland. . TIMBER for sale. $50 per acre; terms; "UJ.00O.0OO feet. OO per cent fir, near Ore gon City; land level; good agricultural soil; farmed on all sides; very cheap at this price. Oregon -Land Co., 213 Henry bldg. 30.ooo.000 FEET fine yellow fir. sawmill, daily capacity 25.000 feet and fully equipped logging outfit. We are offer ing this fine property at a great sacri fice. ATLAS LAND CO., 42Q Lumber Exchange. GOOD logging proposition, near Portland; full equipment for working ; good loca tion, and terms if you want it; here is something good ; look it up. For full description, see SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. S4 4th St., 619 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE bv owners. SOO acres of fine timber on the Nehalem, Tillamook Co.; underlayed with fine coal: located close to tide water and;new railroad now under construction ; a snap for "somebodv. L p:M. Oregonian. WE want a tract of cheap land. section or more, in Xregon, not too far from trans portation. CRAWFORD & "BAR COCK, 5Q2 Swetland Bldg. TIMBER SNAP. $2200 16o acres of fine timber on Smith river, cruises nearly 5.000.000; mostly fir. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER lands, sawmills and machinery. See Montgomery. M. E. THOMPSON CO. 4th and Oak sts. FOR SALE. Linn County. 1 mile from rail road, section, 3 million fir; $.1200; $.000 cash, balance terms. Address X 927, Ore gonlan. A SNAP 46 million feet timber in one bodv, 30 miles from Portland, on 1040-acre fliie orchard land. See C. M. Anderson. 267 Burnside St., at once. 600.o00.O00 YELLOW pine at a bargain If negotiations can be closed soon. Close to railroad. N 924. Oregorrlan. " TIMBER LANDS. ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J- M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 45 ACRES timber. 20 miles from Portland O. W. P. line spur on ground suitable for cordw ood. Y Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, quarter section timber. Clallam County. Wash. Address -T. Moerl, 6215 Wabash ave.. Chicago. III. TIMBER claims and homesteads located and guaranteed. Call 2-4. 215 11th st., cor. Salmon., Portland. Or. TIM BER for- sale, Douglas Countv; 16U million fir; (ouu. X 2Z, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. Broadmead offers ah unparalleled oppor tunity to the man who wants to po&eess himself of a never-failing income; we are selling this matchless fruit land at from $100 to $150 per acre on easy terms; we are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of apples and caring for them for a term of years at cost. This Is your chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, m Board of Trade Bldg. I WISH to git in touch with the owner of a good farm, well improved, not over 15 to 20 miles from the city; soil must be good and price right; give me a descrip tion of what you have. lowest price and terms; prefer something from 50 to 100 acres. S 9-9, Oregonian. WOULD like to buy about 25-acre farm; 10 acres clear, the rest In standing timber, with house and neededbarns and running water on place: only who offers reasonable price should write to 185 Bancroft ave., Portland. Or. 10 CITY ACRES. You can buy 10 acres inside the city limits, near the Country Club, for $1000 per acre; lot values adjoining are $4t0 to $500. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. 4.000.000 RELINQUISHMENT, finest timber. Siletz; good road tralJ and neighbors; one in . Hood River fruit country $4irf each if taken this week. 733 Marquam bldg. Main HAVE customer for farms from 25 - to "0 acres In Western Oregon and Washing ton. Owners having such for sale please send full particulars to Alex Shives, 517 Board of Trade bldg. , WANTED on Willamette River farm; will leasa or buy 1 acre for Summer home; must have river front. State price and location. Between Salem and Oswego pre- ferred. AC 929. Oregonian. WANT the cheapest first-class bearing 30 acres at or near Hood River cash will buy. Owners only. AN 908. Oregonian. WANTED For cash. 160 to 250 acres within 15 miles from Portland; give location and price In first letter. N 90S, Oregonian. IRRIGATED LAND. DESCHUTES VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND. We sell deeded improved irrigated land in the finest section of Central Oregon at prices less than Carey act companies ask for raw land. 120 acres deeded Improved irrigated land on line of mil railroad and 3 miles from town; the greatest bargain in Central Oregon; 30 per acre cash. H and 20-acre tracts in the famous ( loverdale country. .$75- nor acre. This land is deeded, improved and irrigated and In a high state of cultivation. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND INVEST- MENT COMPANY. 301-3O21 Buchanan Bldg., Wash., near 5th. FOR SALTS. Horses, Vehicle and Harriet. ?;' cntry hotel. $40; boarding-house, $40; chambermaid. $40 and board; res taurant waitress. $9 week: hotel waitress J ianout of c,ty' :5 and second Siri, $jo and $25; nursegirl, $18; house keeper, $20; dishwashers, $20 HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. va asnmgion t., room FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagon. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. JESSIE W., handsome eeal brown gelding 6 yeans old, weighs K50 lbs.; rider or drives; can show :40 gait on trot; city broken; also rubber-tire runabout and hand-made harness. w!ii.rob' al1 complete; price $200. Call bo6 Washington st. 6 HEAD horsos. must be sold; leaving city; 5U sentle single mare, $65; team geldings, - lbs. , sou n d an d nice d ri vers 7 yea ra oid; bay 5-year-old mare, single arid double, m k : ne chean bay i"re, 7 years f-r.j. tnmti nn a an .vi on t go m ery . BARGAIN $2X5 buys fine matched browns weighs 2KOO lbs.: horse and mare -are sound and nice, free drivers; extra good walkers will be warranted in every way; also har ness at very low price. Call 606 Wash ington st. $60 to $K5 CHOICE 4 HORSES. ,Tour choice of 4 houses, weighing from lOoo to 14m lbs.; are little thin in flesh; choice $6o to ?N5. Call 006 Washington st. Ask for laundry horses. 2LOO-POUND team. wagon and harness cheap; must be sold today for half their value. 1 SI Hazel st., M t. Scott car to Kern Park, then go north 7 blocks and east 2 blocks. A- HAiOSOME, sound, standard-bred colt. 4 years old, OO0 lbs.; he is a dandy; will take cheaper horse in exchange, lnl Hazel St.. Mt. Scott car to Kern, then go north 7 blocks and east 2 blocks. WANTED A good horse, sound, about 1200 pounds, gentle for ladv to drive; state age, weight, color and price; a pony gentle for children to ride; state age, weight, color and price. AG 929. Oregonian. $125 BUYS Roxie, the most up-to-date saddle animal In the state, 5 years old. sound and gentle; owner leaving city reason for selling so cheap. Call Sunday at the Union-ave. stables, cornor Ash. $150 BUYS PLEASURE! RIG. Consists handsome bay gelding, sound and very stylish driver or saddler; nearly new tudebaker harness and runabout. Call 606 Washington, st. $15o BUYS team; horse and mare, and har ness; team weighs 2350 lbs.; are sound and true to pull. Call 606 Washington st. Aek for Scott's team. $265 BUYS 2400-pound team and harness; T and 9 years old, city broke; right out of haed work. Ask for Mr. Strong's team. 14 T'nion ave.. cor. Ash. BROWN mare. 8 yearer old. weight 1150, true to work single and double; gentle for women or children to-handle; $100 cash takes her. Rear 11 Grand ave. A GOOD all-around team. 7 and 8 years, weigh 2300; will work single and double; with good bras-mounted "harness; price $275. ''an be seen 14 Union ave. S. MUST Pell at once fine young chunky 2900 lb. team mares, guaranteed true pullers, with good harness, all for $450. Mrs. Wilson. 351 Mill st. FOR SALE 3 horses, 2 wagons, 2 sets double harness. Inquire 1100 E. 25th st.. N., on Sunday after 9 A. M., or evenings after 6 o'clock. BAY horse and gray mare, 6 and 7 vears. weight 2R00, mare will have colt in 30 days, good workers. $400. Ask for Mr. Gordon. 20 Grand ave. FOR SALE Fine young 2300-lb. team, horse and mare, new harness. $175; trial and KiiaranK'e given. irail .i;j Mill st W ORK teams wanted; will rent few more work team by the month; light work, fine feed. McrrHl. 7th and Oak, afternoons. THOROUGH BRED and registered Shetland stallion, black. weigJit 420; broke double' and single. Phone. Monday. Main 221 S FOUR mares for sale. 4. 8, 5 vears old; one thoroughly brok. 270 East 6th, N , A block r.orth of Hawthorne Stables. A 6 passenger Studebaker bus. harness used 1 month, very cheap, or trade for real estate. 876 Garfield avenue. FINE rubber-tired runabout and single harness, shipped here from East; a snao. Phone Main 1125. ' GOOD, gentle work horse ; 1050 pounds sound. $iiO. Al H. Schloth, 101 East 53d and Washington. $175 TAKES 6-year-old bay horse, sound end city broke, weight 1200; a first-class delivery animal. 20 Union ave. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand; sold with guarantee as . represented. U. S. Stables. 243 Front. A SPAN of good workhorses, weighing 2300, sound and good workers; harness and wagon. 469 East Salmon. FOR sale cheap, mare, ride or drive, gentle, 2-year-old colt, trotting stock; buggy and cart. 925 Belmont st. Inquire Sun d ay. GOOD 2.600-lb. team and gentle ponv at feed store. 722 Powell st. Take Brooklyn car to 21st st. FOR $175 you can have my team of mares and nearly new breeching harness. Come today. 3'J4 Front st. TEAM, weighs 2S60, black horse, 6 years lri - E-rn v mat- K i.lmnli- v.,, it i "hrtne -"trd t rue rt 1 . U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. w-altlng-room; prices moderate. 4S Front. TEAM of mares with harness for sale cheap. 351 Burnside st. PHAETON for sale, in good repair, at Tuck er s Wagon-shop. 174 Union ave. DR. L. G. STICKNEY. V. S. Office 409 K. Burns;de. E. 555 : residence. E. 171. FIVE heavy teams at the transfer barns. Flemming & Thompson. Gies h a m. BIG. honest work mare, suitable for farm $S5. :i;;4 Front st. ONE big team; weight 3300 lbs., for sale, with harness. $375. 264 Page st. Hansen. PAIR good farm grays, weigh 2430. with new harness; bargain. 334 Front st. HORSES, mare, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale, 334 Front st. A TEAM of ponies cheap; ride and drive. Inquire 1-134 Hawthorne ave. HIGH delivery wagon for sale. 9Q6 E. 7th. N. GOOD horse for sale. 646 1st St. THERE are just 4 vacated stalls at Union and East Taylor now Xor rent. East 6210. FOR 8AXJE. Horses Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE PORTLAND STABLES 26 North 15th St. 6- year-old team, weight 2600; $350. 8-year-old team, weight 260; $375. 7- year-old team, weight 2300; $375. 10-year-old team, weight 2200; $200. 6-year-old team, weight 2160; $275. 6-year-old team, weight 20O0; $250. 10-year-old horse, weight 1125; $lo0. " Will refund the money on any horse I sell if not as represented. With the guarantee I give you. I assume all the risk, so why not buy where you are protected? Ask the Portland Trust Co., where I bank, as to my reliability. Will also give the most responsible busi ness houses in Portland as reference. . R. L. EVANS. FOR SALE A black Percheron. imported and registered, France and America. 8 years old and sound, we'rht 1900; & fine breeder and a sure foalgetter; is imported from the Poloco stock farm. Iowa; here is a stallion with quality, will be sold $H00 for his last value on account of the season geting late; I will exchange for horses or real estate. Don't make so much inquir ing and letters, but come at ence to 11th, corner Hoyt, I will show you his breed ing, and as long and as big as the Daily News. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when yon can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost 7 We are located cu-lde the high -rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us befora you buy. it may save you money. R, M. WADE A. CO., 822 Hawthorne Ave,, bet. East 1st and 2cL C. C. J. TRIAL RECORD 2:20. Handsome dark brown stallion, weight 1100 lbs. ; absolutely sound and first-class sire ; standard and registered bred; papers at hand; sired by Gustuffer. 2:17, dam Flor ence B. ; has paced f-mlle track In 2:18; wears nothing but th harness; city broken: will earn double price asked this year, as sire is sure foal-getter; will take mare as part pay; also racing bike and harness at bargain. For inspection apply rli whing;ton 6t. phone Owner, Marshall 3922. SPEED STYLE AND SAFETY. $150 LADY C $150. Family, business and pleasure mare com bined; handsome bay mare, age 8, weighs 110O pounds; can step a 2:20 gait; can be driven by a lady, will work in any kind of a rig. This mare is sound In every respect and standard-bred and registered; speed shown to intending purchaser. Rea son for selling en low and full particulars fuiu a.L nop u af ningion st. 10 new top buggies. 2 mountain wagons. 1 3-seated wagon, suitable for stage. 2 carriages. These rigs are suitable for livery. 2 sets light double harness. Also 3 fine drivers, city broke. l. c. Mccormick, 9th and Couch sts. CUT PRICES. On new buggies, harness and wagons; the second largest stock In the city to select from. New, guaranteed, well-known buggies with leather trimmings. flno leather quarter tops, for $5S.50. Big sales and small profits. C. L. BOSS & CO.. 820-328 EAST MORRISON STREET. ONE large horse, weight 1400 lbs.; also large mare. 1420 lbs., in foal; one all-pur-rose horse, good for delivery. 407 Haw thorne. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES. " BARGAINS. BARGAINS. During the coming week we want to close out the following automobiles at surprisingly low prices; no reasonable of fer refused. These machines are late 1909 models and are good as new in every par ticular: 1909 Au-burn 4-pass.. fully equipped. JttOtt Studebaker 7-pass., fully equipped. 1909 Cadillac :;0. 5-pass.. fully equipped. 1909 Speedwell 40 pony tonnau. 1009 Maxwell jr., fully equipped 190S Ford runabout, fullv equipped. 1908 Stoddard-Dayton roadster. 1910 Hupmoblle, run 500 miles; bargain. 190S Stevens Duyrea, 5-passenger. .3909 Overland. 4-pass., 4-cyl.. 30-H P J90 Chalmers-Detroit 30, 5-pass.; snap. 3 909 Reo runabout. You can find something in this lot to suit you. Call and look them over before buying. if we have what you want we will make price to suit. But remember, you w ill have to hurry, as these good cars don't last long. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. s gfl0-26 Eleventh St.. Cor. Jefferson AUTOMOBILE man. 12 years a machinist in some of the largest auto factories in the East, will guarantee to keep your car out of repair-shop; just arrived from San Francisco and am open for position with private family or bank. Address Auto, 618 Delay st. Woodlawn 2552 WANTED By the Y. M. C- A. automobile school at Metropolitan Garage-, 190 Chap man st. ; automobiles for repair; no charges except for parts supplied ; skill ful mechanical supervision of all work guaranteed. Phone Private Exchange 65. educational director, Y. M. C. A bldg WILL accept four-cylinder, 2 or 4-passen-ger automobile as first payment on a block of 14 lots, 40xlOO. in city, balance easy terms; phone Marshall 437, A 4'M6" call after 9:30. 501 Lewis bldg. ; owner! WANTED Four-cylinder roadster, 2 or 4 passenger, in exchange for lots, 40x100; 5c car fare, water, streets. Phone Mar shall 437 or A 4246 or call after 9:30 501 I HAVE contracted for a large quantity of high-grade auto tops; I am a curbstone broker, but the buyer gets the benefit. Don t pay exorbitant prices. M 909 Oregonian. CITY lots near carline to exchange for 2 or four-cylinder roadster automobile; lots 40x100, streets graded, water In. Mar shall 437. A 4246; call after 9:30, 001 SIX-CYLINDER" Thomas Flyer fo sale" thoroughly overhauled and painted; excellent car for stage runs or livery work. Call 150 6: h st. R. Becker. AUTOMOBILES. 7-passenger car, and one Pope-Hartford 4 passenger, for sale. Apply 403 Corbett bldg. $190O OF good real estate in the best town on the coast and few hundred dollars cash in exchange for a good 5-pass. auptomo- PRIVATE garage for rent, near 17th and GMsan: well and electric lights. Phone Monday. Main 5921. FOR SALE Seven-passenger car. new. never been out -of salesroom; owner will sac riflce to get cash. E 933, Oregonian. 4-CYHNDER Ford runabout. 16 H. P. ; price $450. or trade. Phone East 535, Monday. USED Studebaker electric runabout, first class condition; a bargain. Owner, R 935, Oregonian. ONE four-cylinder automobile, newly paint ed and In first-class condition. Phone East 3893. $500 BUYS a 5-passenger automobile with top and glass front in good shape. A. 929, Oregonian. - WANTED 5 to 7-passenger auto. cash, cheap and good order. C. H. Piggott, 14 Mu'key bldg. A RUNABOUT cheap for quick sale. West ern Auto Co.. 513 Alder st. AUTOMOBILE, first-class condition, at a snap. Sfellwood 1195. FOR SALE Buick Model 10. new tires, glass front and top. Phone C 23 1 0. WANTED Small runabout auto cheap for cash. AD 937. Oregonian. MUST sell my 60-H. P. Thomas on account of leaving city. Apply T 937. Oregonian. WILL trade $800 player piano for two-pas-senger runabout. AL 931, Oregonian. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. PIANO for sale; must sell at once: standard make ; used few mon t hs ; will sacrifice I f sold at once; will give time to reliable party. If can't sell, might leave in some nice home for a few mionths. K 825, Oregonian. ONE mahogany music cabinet; one mandolin, one clothes wringer, good condition; reas onable. East 192. 34 E. 9th st,. N-, cor. t oucn st. SIX-HOLE steel range, wood or coal, hot water coil. 525 Montgomery st. Phone A 45S9. SLICK. Baby Grand piano; mahogany case; $375 If taken Monday. Tel. Tabor 1119. 1094 East Morrison- st. PLAYER piano, new and latest design, $1000 instrument ; exchange for real estate or other trade. Hall. 3S0 Front st. EDI90N phonograph In first-class condition and SO records. $20. Address AE 926, Ore gonian HEAVY solid walnut Estey organ, fine tone, for sale or rent. East 3711. STRICTLY Al mahogany piano, $215; $15 down. $3.75 monthly. Call 330 Alder. sh $75. Phone Woodlawn 699. E. 13th st. Alberta-st. car. $90 ORGAN, good order; will sell for $22.50. 211 First st. $450 PIANO, like new. Will sell for $125. At 211 First st. GRAVES $125 piano check for $10. Phone East 439L FOR SALE. Birds, Dogs, pet Stock. BARGAINS in fancy chickens wanted, eggs and stock; turkeys, pekins, ducks. Indian Runners, Toulouse and Embden geese and guineas. R. Green, .Montavilla. Phone Ta bor iMtS. EGGS Thoroughbred Black Minorca, North up strain. 1000 Cleveland ae. Phone Woodlawn 10S4. EGGS from White China geese, pheasants. Mammoth Pekin and Rowen ducks. Wood- lawn S37. AIREDALE terrier puppies from the best f twin ,n the Coast; thoroughbred, pedigreed. 1C36 East Sherman st. THOROUGHBRED barred Plymouth Rock and Leghorn Bantam eggs. $1 setting Phons Sellwood 13o5. PHEASANT eggs for hatching ; pure bred Chinas. 607 Blake Mo Fall bldg.. 4th and Ankeny. Phones Main or A 1836. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn eggs; set ting. $1. 7fi4 E. Salmon st. O. Klinger. PAIR guinea fowls for sale. 621 East 13th FOX TERRIER pups for sale, price reason able. 210 Market St.. near 1st. FOR SALE Female bull terrier, cheap. Phone Sellwood 13S4. FRESH, gentle cow. Inquire H. Birchler, 14i6 East Stark St.. cor. 323. H A RTZ mountain roller canaries for sale. ti" Clay st. Phone A 737::. THOROUGH BRED Scotch collie puppy, cheap. W 93l. Oregonian. WHITE LEGHORN eggs for hatching: also White Leghorn rooster. Woodlawn 1979. SCOTCH Collie, sable and white; 8 montha old (a beauty cheap. 434 H arrison. FOR SALE Fresh milch cows. $40 to $75. Box 19, Reuben. Or. 3 YOUNG, fresh Jersey cow?; heavy, rich milkers. 95 P. 3ith st. Sunnyside car. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE! 2- INCH PIPE", 7c 2 ".-INCH PIPE. 12c J 3- INCH PIPE, 15c, 4- INCH PIPE, 17c. ALL DIPPED INSIDE OUT FREE OF CHARGE. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR LAYING OF P1FB IN PLATTED ADDI TIONS. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-250 Front St. $65 SOLID OAK bedroom suit, good as .pw, $'"; $50 steel range with water coil. $"; 4-burner gas ranges, $8.50 ; wardrobe. $ : kitchen safe. $3.50; kitchen cabinet. $5; washing machines, $1.50; sewing machines, $5; folding beds. $5 to $25; refrigerators, $7.50 to $15-; laundry stove, $0; bookcases. $3.50 to $ 1 i : ladies desks. $5 to $20: roll top oak desks. $22.50; flat top office desks. $10 ; sideboards. $7.50 to $35; extension tables. $4 to $20; china close,ts. $12 to $25; buffets. $12 to $30; iron and brass beds. $2 to $18 ; rockers. 50c up to $ 10 ; leather couch. $12.50; library tables, ..50 to $10; chiffoniers. $6 to $20; hotel dress ers. $4.50; full size dressers. $6.50 to $25; carpets, rugs, matting, linoleum. Every thing to furnish a house or office complete In endless variety. We sell on install ments, too. Get our terms and prices. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY, 827. 629, 631. 633 and 635 Washington St. Both phones: Main 1108. A 31 9 3. USEFUL invention for sale Very low-priced, perfect time recorder, recording visits of night watchman: also for recording em ployes time commencing work: sells t $5 lo $S. Territory for sale, with right to manufacture and sell In Oregon and Wash ington. Address O. L. Bennett, 1402 Santa Clara ave.. Alameda, Cal., president of Uni versal Time Recorder Co.. Incorporated. FOR SALE Brunswick combination billiard table, parlor size, 3 x ; cost $144) ; price $75. Columbia bicycle, ridden 70 miles, cost $45; price. $20. A. P. Schmidt exerciser, cost $30; price $10. Marlin 32 rifle, cost $17; price. $10. Call Sunday or evenings. 244 24th st. X. HARDWOOD LUMBER (KD) Mahogany 4434 64 84 27c 40c; E. Maple 4 4 54 64 10c; E. d Oak 17c; Walnut 65c; Philippine Mahogany 25c; Alder 7c; Maple 7c; Oak 44 54 84 lOc, d 44 54 12c; Maple Dowels 34 58 12 716 38516 14 3c 10c B. F. Mfcr. Co., 12th and Hoyt. OFFICE FURNITURE. 10-foot counter with shelves, and 6 doors, top 18 Inches wide. 12-foot rail with base, posts, two gates, 6-foot rail, 20-inch top. Address American Life Accident Co., 615 Beck bldg. Telephone Main 65E2. LAUNCH. 22 ft.. 8 H. P., Smalley engine, magneto, canopy top. equipped with all conveniences, oak deck, cedar hull; a fine boat in A-l condition; also bo at house for sale, price $600 for the outfit. Look it over. It's a bargain. Boat without the t nouse, g.vm. inquire No. 90 Fifth st. SEWING machines Do not fall to "visit the wnite sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred; all standard makes ma chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones. Prop.. 420 Washington st.. corner 11th. PIANO for sale; must sell at once; standard make; used few months; will sacrifice if sold at once; will give time to reliable party. i can't sell, might leave in some nice home for a few months. 823, Oregonian. ' FOR SALE. l5-volt. 150-KL. W. General Bleetrlo generator; belt type, complete with panel and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore- gonlan bldg. TWO logging; engines 9x10, on sleds, coi plete with all fittings; suitable for logging or land clearing; good condition; cheap. F. B. Mallory & Co., 231-235 Pine st Portland. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machine; very liberal terms: $10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co., M. 8870. 22 Abington bldg. A GOOD work horse cheap, also nice Jersey - heifer soon to be fresh; also 50 head sheep. Inquire H. G. Starkweather, near RIsley Station on Oregon City carline. MOTORCYCLE for sale, 4 H. P., single cylinder, magneto, run 300 miles. A bar galn. Call Perkins, Main 401. DAY work by lady; can give references. Phone Main 1053, Sunday, 10 A. M. to LARGE houseboat and furniture, moored South Portland Shipbuilding yards, foot of Mead. Phone owner, M. 540, A 4949 BLACKSMITH shop, doing fine business. For particulars. II. Watson, Skamokawa, Wash. PHEASANT eggs for hatching; pure bred Chinas. 607 Blake iMcFall bldg., 4th and Ankeny. Phones Main or A 1S36. WOMAN wants work by the half days. Call after 6 P. M., Sellwood 911. BILLIARD TABLE, 4X'R. Inlaid wood, new Monarch cushions; price, $100. Main 2522. 22-FOOT launch, fine hull, hardwood deck, 4 h, -p. Gray engine. G 926, Oregonian. FOR SALE' 1x5 plate camera and outfit, cheap, phone Main 9505.. 4 FRESH Jersey- cows and 2 honwg for sale cheap. 529 Columbia Boulevard. 6 HIVES bees. Party leaving city. Phone Tabor 1179. FINE bicycle for sale cheap, with coaster brake. 312 Tillamook st. GASOLINE drag saw, in use 2 weeks; $90. 806 E. 7th st. LAUNCH 19 H -foot boat, for salo at sac rifice. Phone today. Main 4242. NEW 19-ft. launch hull, A-l condition ; oak decks: a bargain. Call 307 N. 36th. FOR SALE Small kitchen cabinet. M 6629. SHOWCASES new and second-hand. 8ia Everett cor. 6th. Also fixtures. FINE insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex Friedman. 295 1st. 600 BUSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad. Rose City Printery. 192 H 3d. near Taylor. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half regular prices, Uncle Myers, 71 Sixth St. ; 30-FOOT box ball . alleys, cheap. D. T. Gcrdes, Houlton. Or. NEW set Encyclopedia " Brltanniea leather binding; price $60. 8 934. Oregonian. BY reliable woman, position of trust with reliable firm. Y 931. Oregonian. FOR SA LE -Fine old violin, very mellow ton e . AD 927, Oregonian. LAUNCH and launch house for sale cheap. Y acht Club.jthe Oaks, Port Ca p ta I n . HOUSEBOAT, lighted by electricity, for sale. Yacht Club. Port Captain. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. ENGLISH setter. Main 3761. years old, cheap. Call FINE soda fountain, complete with glass holders, spoons, .etc 33 N. 3d st. REMINGTON typewriter, brand new, cost $145. for $55; terms. AL 932. Oregonian. FOUR-HORSEPOWER. 18-foot gasoline launch, cheap for cash. F 932. Oregonian. NEW twice-folding Welch befl, with mirror, National springs. East 3711. GERMAN teacher of many years experi ence wishes pupils. Main 1070. FOR SALE. M iscellaneous. I 60-H. P. BOILER. 1 4j-H.-P. engine. 1 20-H.-F. engine. 1 IO-H.-P. engine. 1 50-H.-P. motor 1 30-H. -P. motor. 1 IO-H.-P. motor. 1 2tKlight dyanamo. Several other dynamo. Pulleys, belting. Shafting, boxes. Ralls, sheetiron. Rubber roofing. Corrugated iron. If ever in need of any pulleys, beltlns;. shafting or hangers or any other kinds of machinery, see us,, as we can positively save you money. J. SIMON BRO.. 244-250 Front st. HAVING just bought all the machinery from & large sash and door factory and sawmill, we have for sale: One 72x18 boiler. 150-horsepower engine, 80-horec power engine. 4x24 Fay planer. 2 sets head blocks, log; haul and turner, carriages, set works,, pul leys, belting, mortises, rip saw and other miscellaneous machinery that we will dis pose of at extraordinary low prices. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-250 Front st. EBWTXG MACH1N ES-r-We have a large vw riety of dropbead slightly used machines; Singers. New Homes. Whites, etc. also aL most any make of excellent box covers, a!) guaranteed. Price $5 and up. Nearly netv 5 and 7-drawer drophead Singers $1R for the 6-drawer and $20 for seven. SINGER STORE. 536 Williams ave. FOR SALE 28 yards nearly new Axminste carpet, i bed spring and mattress for sal cheap. Call 666 Hoyt st. near 21st. Marshall 1223. FOR SALE OR RENT. Logging engine, hoisting engine. RAILW AY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 74 First st.. Cor. Oak. FOR SALE Hart-Parr -traction gasoline en gine, good as new. R. T. Cox. 250 hk ci st., Portland. Or. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, $40. $50. 'Ask for catalog. Rebuilts $15 up. N. M. Hayter Co.. 90 5th st. Main 5528 FOR SALE One 3 to 4i-H. P. stationary gasoline engine, almost new, $145. Main 4161. or address 501 Medical bldg. FOR SALE Milch cow in sood condition; 15 quarts daily. Call 191 N. Hoyt St.. Arleta. FOR PALE One almost new Buck range, -one fine gojden oak china sideboard. Inquire at 7" 7 E. Burnside st. Phone E. 3547. FOR SALE White sewing machine ; good as new ; "" original cost. Phone Main B653. $4u FOR QUICK sale. 1909 model. 4-H.P. motorcycle : unusual bargain ; very speedy and powerful. Call quick. 124 Third su 30-FOOT launch, seats 20 people, with 4-cyele engine, new, at a bargain. H 934 Oregonian. FOR SALE Latest adjustable eteel frsm porch swing. Call and see. THE DORMER, 13th and Jefferson. Ask for Plants. FOR SALT? Showcase, wall cases, counters. cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 638. LAUNCH for sale. 20 feet long. K feet wide; will sell at a bargain or trade for real estate. Phone Sellwood 1682. t 21-FOOT. 6 h.-p. launch with house ; must sell ; bargain ; full particulars 348 Vic torla st., corner Broadway. TWO phonographs with records; also a painter's outfit, for sale cheap. Call Sell wood 3S1. FOR SALE 4-room houseboat. furnished complete, $125. P. M. Baldwin, 514 Bu chanan bldg. phone M. 7-563. ? EXTRA fine oak rolltop. also flat top off!c desks, chairs and tables at half price at 2U First st. EGGS for setting. Silverlaced Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Mlnorcas. Tel Woodlawn 119. A. $450 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap. Call up Main 1869 or A 4869. FRESH cow, third calf. Call or address N. B ,H arvey. Milwaukte. m FINE Jersey cow for sale cheap; easy milker. Tel. Woodlawn 1 198. ROUND oak extension table and 6 chair mm at less than half price at 211 First st. HA ND-M ADE spring wagon, nearly new. for half price. Tabor 1248. FUR N ITT" RE of S-room rooming-house for sale. 289 11th. FOR SALE 'Full dress evening suit, slza 38: worn three times. 211 East 55th st. OLIVER typewriter, high, number 5; fin condition; cheap. V 931, Oregonian. WANTED nSCELLAJfQp9, WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings' highest prices paid. Call at the Faif Deal." Phone East 453. TEAM wanted. 2400 to 2800 pounds; must bs sound and price right; give full particulars and state where may be seen. AL 925, Oregonian. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies and gents' second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 699. WANTED To buy light express wagon and harness; also buggy harness. Phone O 2--.H4. m SELL your second-hand furniture to tha Ford Auction Co. or you'll sot less. Phones : A 2445. Main 8951. WANTED Good 3x53 camera; must b in good shape. Call Woodlawn 735 or address W 932, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand boiler; must be in good shape: will pay cash or stock In elec tric light company. AG 926, Oregonian. CALL up Marshall 1929 if you have sec- ond-hand clothes to sell. WANTED To rent a comptometer machine. AM 92S. Oregonian. ' SPOT cash, paid for your furniture: prompt attention always given. Phono East 1087. WANTED An 88-noto Apollo player-piano Tabor 2149." WANTED Men's castoff clothing, shoe for highest price. Phone Main 4640. WANTED Second-hand phonograph with 40 or f0 records. Phone C 2670. WANTED Oriole baby cart ; must be in god condition. Phone B 2273. TA'ILL buv a blue or white diamond if perfect and cheap. Main 5384. A 23S4. WANTED Paper-hanging or painting. AH 922, Oregonian. WE want to buy second -hand merry-go-round. J. N. Hoffman. Forest Grove, Or. WANTED A first-class tent for camping. PQ6 Y. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED To buv pony, about 800 pounds. call Monday. 309 Stark st. WANT to buy buggy or phaeton; also 200 laying hens. Phone C 2594. . HELP WANTED MYLK. 2 PLUMBERS, 2 jobbers and 2 experienced helpers, must have tools. Phone Sell 160, or Sellwood 1497. WANTED Young lady stenographer. Address P. O. Box 177. Prlnevllle. Or. HARNESS-MAKER wanted by J. F. Fish wood, Silverton. Or. WANTED Men and teams at Oswego. Port- land Cement Co. WANTED Vestmakers; steady work. Mon arch Tailors. 141 6th st. WANTED A dishwasher at the Model Gro cery; good wages. 46-4Q8 East Morrison st. WANTED A registered pharmacist. Apply W 934. Oregonian. BOY WANTED About 16; not afraid of work. Portland Paper Box Co.. 208 Oak st. FLOORMAN. with $300 to $500 cash. Call blacksmith shop, loth and Elsworth. SINGER for Illustrated songs; must be A-l. Apply 2d floor 142 Va 4th st. W ANTE D Ca rpen te rs. 46th and Sandy road. Take Rose City car. s FIRST-CLAbo Ironers wanted at State Laun dry; 395 Broadway. Good wages. YOUNG man for stenographic and general office work. Phone Woodlawn 31. CARPENTERS wanted. 2 first -class fin- Ishers. 3')6 19th St., N. BOY to learn good trade. Paris Hat Mfg Co.. 262 3d st. WIDE-AWAKE solicitors; good proposition; references. S 935, Oregonian. WANTED Advertising solicitor. 211"J Oak. 1