TftE STODAT OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MAY 1, 1910. REAL ESTATE. Homeet etads. LAND IS KING. Let us place vou on a FREE HOME STEAD acres of choicest agricultural land in the West In a valley traversed by new railway lines of survey and nearest railroads now building. Our two locators are men. of wide experience; have spent weeks on the land and know it thoroughly. They can locate you most favorably now, but wait and It will be too late. Deep, rich, lake-bed soil, mostly level, soma gently rolling, free from rock and alkali; cold, clear water, 6 to 30 feet; eood fuel supply and fence posts from Government reserve nearby. ' You don't have to give us a mortgage on your life. You pay us as you go along. LIFE IS HARD IN A CITY- But on thefe stretches of fertile valley land there if. a HOME and INDEPEND ENCE for you and yours if you ACT NOW". Ride in our- automobiles. Our weekly excursions leave every Thursday. Call ur write THE SPANTO.V CO., 2 Oak St. Lewis Bld. 2 HOMBSTBAD3 under Irrigation ditch, 160 acres each; special lot rates for Crook, Lake and Harney counties': 5 fine homesteads on the coast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON-. 82-pege book explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to homestead in - each couaty; map attached, 21x28, showing new R. R. and towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; co untie In different colors; drawn to March 1, 1810; latest map in U. 8. ; price 25c Nlmmo Jk Runey, 13 Hamll- m ton bldg. HOMESTEADS IN ALBERTA. We furnish free information to any per son Interested in Alberta -homesteads; no one should pay more than actual expenses; we are in touch with government land locaters who look after your wants and reduce your expenses to the minimum; we are Oregon colonization agents for Alberta lands and can furnish you reliable information; don't be fooled by would-be land companies and thoe who charge a fee. "Write or call H. Moores, Colonization Agent for Alberta lands, care "White & Nichols. New berg. Or. HOMESTEADS. " We can locate you on S20 acre of rich Government land in Southeastern Oregon, - in the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harrlman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left In the U- S. to get a homestead. Our agent has been living In the neighborhood of these claims tor the past four years, and la well posted on conditions and knows the country well. For further particulars call at our of fice. TH5 HART LAND CO.. 146 2d St. NORTH BARBER ACRES. Here is something good in acreage, close to city, and close to car: lies tine rnd best of soil. This beautiful tract Is divided In lots from 3 to 7 acre; about '4 of each lot improved ; some timber on back end of each lot; choice of these lots for $25(1 per acre; terms on part. If you want acreage be sure you see these lots, nothing else as cheap. Neat Brown, 709 imia nmg.. oin ann vvasnington sts. WANTED Small farms. 15 to 20 acres, close In, on car. partly improved ; prefer to trade In small home In city. State price and location. No agents. BUYER, 415 Yamhill st. For Kale Fruit Lands. SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUY. 5 and 10-acie fruit orchards, with 2 and 3 year-old t rees, in the fa mous Hood R I ver district between Monter and The Dalles on the O. R. & N. main line; station and boat landing on the ground; price $150 per acre; one-ehird cash, balance 5 years. , 5, lo and 20-acYe tracts garden land, all In cultivation ; only 7 miles from a town ' with 2n.niH population, with matton and boat landing on the ground; price $1V)0 per acre; one-third cash, balance 5 yearly in stallments. 5 and 10-acre vineyards, ready for plant ing; only 2 nil lei from railroad and river transportation; price $1(0 per acre, with one fourth cash and the balance in $10 monthly payments. FOREIGN' DEPARTMENT, t' N I ON HANK TRUST COMPANY, 235 Stark st., Portland, Or. Thone Main 902. A 266. YAMHILL COUNTY FRUIT LAND. 1000 acres; over half in cultivation; all Improvements; ideal for subdividing; near town and railroad; not an acna of waste; $t5 an acre. 500 acres; nearly all In cultivation; on Willamelto River; Is offered to reliable parties who will subdivide, for a nom inal cash payment. This is your chance if you want to retail fruit lands. "It will pay you to see our list." HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. MOSIER APPLE LAND. Why waPte time grubbing stumps when you can buy cleared land for 4 the money MOUNTAIN VIEW ORCHARD TRACTS at MOSIER are the best buys to be obtained 10. 2t. 40-acre tracts. $4rt to $UO per acre; 20 per cent down, your own terms on bal ance. THQS. M'CI'SKER, 320 Lumbermens Bldg. COUNTRY home and fruit ranch ; I own 40 acres 22 miles from IYrtland. absolutely un apprnached in Oregon frr scenerv and soil; about seven acres fruit trees some bearing, berries galore, choice flowers, btg garden end crops in ; two houses, with grand river views; barn: on good autQ road and proposed lv-trtc; price $tH. AJ 9C5. Oregonlan. APPLE LAND. 2onn acres rich soil. 300 acrea In fine 1lnier, on a good stream of water. 8 miles fiom Columbia River and R. R. sta tion, on rural route; 5 orchards and small improvements; suitable for farnilv, stock raising or colonization; good as Hood River fruit land; rjrice $13 per acre. L. F- I mug. Kalama. Wash. ALBERT A HOMESTEADS. I spent last Summer looking over land In Canada for my own homestead. I believe I have found the best. Will locate you near me. close to new railroad, for $50. Am go ing up about May in. Write Vm. H. Wal ters. 1052 Corbett st.. care grocery. 10 ACRES, 1 mile to R R. station, cleared; $S5 an acre; finest apple land in Willamette Valley; good elevation, perfect drainage; deep, rich soil; no waste or rock ; live creek ; three hoars' ride on train from Portland; easy terms. Owner F. O. Box .147. Portland. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY. S20 acres, one ami a half miles from R. R. station; fine fruit land, in a place with a reputation, for only $ti0 per acre. See ZIM MERMAN, 621Board ofTrade Bldg. A BEARING ORCHARD. 20 acres, full bearing, best variety. Spraying equipment, everything complete and In first-class condition ; $10,000; will consider good trade. B A I Ft D & BROWN, 312 Henry B 1 d g. 10 CITY ACRES. You can buy 10 acres inside the city l'mits. ne.:r the Country Club. f.-r $1000 per acre; lot values adjoining are $400 to 500. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Board of Trade Bldg. SACUlFl'-So acrea irrigated fruit land on the Columbia River in district noted for Its fruit : part or all must be sold at once; if inreresicd. call or write Ooetz & Goet. 5i2 Henry bldg. 64 ACRES apple land, near Mosler, unim proved; $1H per acre; all or part. We will buy into this equally with any re liable party up to itu acres. Oregon Lar.3 Co.. 215 Henry bldg. A0 ACRES Rogue River friut land at a bargain neur Medford. Eitsilv irrigated When subdivided will sell for $250 and up per acre. $l5.on required to handle rest 6 per cent interest. W 925. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 40 acres fine apple and berry land. IV.. miles from Oregon CUv near chool, R. K. D , phone; $175 per act terms. K. R. Brown. R. F. D. No. 2, box cregon City. FOR SALE 16 acres on wagon road, 2 miles from railroad station and four miles from county seat in Lincoln County C.ood fruit land, cheap. Address Box 5S4. Albany. Or. , A SNAP. Nine -ai-res. choice orchard land. 75 bearing fruit trees, near the Oregon Elec tric depot, S mile east of Chemawa. For particulars Inquire Sam Ludi. Pratam, Or. CHOICE fruit farm of 4S acres, 17 acres prunes. S acres cherries. 5 acres walnuts, and all kinds of small fruits; 2 miles from a Salem. J. A. Buckley. Phone East 5S10. 5 ACRES, Yamhill County; fruit land, un developed; $25 per at-re. HYLAND. JONES A CO.. 49 Herllnger Plrig. ; 4 O-ACRE fruit and nut farm for sale by owner; would divide; fine locality, line sod Ad dreaa R. L Austin, Vanconv er. Wash. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Fruit Lands. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY FOR WAGE EARNERS. TO BUT YOUR INDEPENDENCE. EASY TERMS; 5-acre tracts Just being placed on the market by owners. Similar climate and soil as "Hood River," AT ONE-FOURTH THE PRICE. Only about 35 miles from Portland, in Yamhill County. THESE TRACTS will be set to choice variety of two-year-old fruit treea. Including apples. peaches, pears, cherries, plums, small frulta, etc., known to be successful. All fenced and GIVEN FREE CARE, cultivation, spray ing, etc., first two years by competent ex perienced fruit growers. No Irrigation necessary, but possible If desired. AN IDEAL PLACE both FOR A HOME and FOR PROFIT, in the "MOORE VAL LEY FRUIT BELT." about 5 milea from Yamhill and less than 2 miles from survey of new railroad. NOW IS THE TIME. LOOK THIS OVER. Only 20 tracts for sale at this time and price. The first 5 will be sold to the first ap plicants at $1125; terms, $50 cash. $2M) in 3 months, balance 6 semi-annual pay ment. No Interest or taxes first year. Price thereafter until further notice $1250 per tract.) REMEMBER You get 5 acres of the BEST NATURAL FRUIT LAND in the West, all set to the best varieties of staple 2-year-old fruit trees, free care, cultivation, etc., first two years, and fenced ready to build your home, for $1125. For small additional payments will build a COMFORTABLE HOME upon tract you may select. These tracts will double in value In lesa than three years. WRITE for further information. Will meet you at Yamhill by appointment with team and will show you at our expense the most desirable fruit land in Oregon. Take a days outing "on us;" no obligation to buy unless It LOOKS GOOD TO YOU. Address, MOORE VALLEY RANCH CO., (R. F. D. "McCoy Creek.") North Yamhill. Or. HOOD RIVER Is claimed to be the best apple land In the world. HOOD RIVER is merely a "name." Drop the name call the same lands the Chen ale m Mountain Or chards; the same APPLES would grow on the same trees. We have a number of 0-acre tracts In the Chehalem Mountain with every requisite for satisfactory apple -growing. 1 Location. 2 Soil. 8 Water and drainage. 4 Elevation. 5 Climatic conditions. 6 Railroad connections. If you haven't time to tend the orchard yourself, we have an expert engaged for that purpoae. V'9 will show you conclusively that $200 CASH and $15 monthly will purchase an Income of from $1500 to $5000 per year. See us to day. PURSE & COMPANY. 818 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Fourth and Stark Sts. , Main 7309. FOR SALE 40 acres, one mile from Rose burg; 15 aerfes in cultivation; Spitz and Newtown apples; pear and peach orch ards; six-room house, bam and outbuild ings; four good springs, water piped in house and connected up with Monarch range; hot and cold water in three differ ent places; bathroom complete. Water piped to big garden, plenty of hose and sprinklers. Fine, gentle milch cow, Jer sey bull, good hack. 70 laying hens. Incu bator. 12 Tolouse geese, several hot beds, buildings are all new and It Is a beau tiful place. The soli is especially fine for fruit. garden or onions; price $4500; terms $2500 down. Address H. Graham, owner. Box S8, Roseburg, Or. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACTS In Yamhill County, near Yamhill eta ti'.n. all under cultivation, ready for the trees; $140 to $150 per acre, 10 per cent cash, balance easy terms; there are no better fruit tracts in Oregon for double the money; I want to satisfy prospective buyers of this fact and I hereby extend an Invitation to those Interested to be come my guests on a trip to North Yam hill and return. AT NO COST WHAT EVER FOR THE TRIP; . you will be under no obligation to bay property. J. O. ELROD. Owner. 520 Corbett Bldg, Opposite Foatofflce. FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. BroaMmead offers an unparalleled oppor tunity to the man who wants to poseess himself of a never-failing Income; we are welling this matchless fruit land at from $100 to $150 per acre on easy terms; we are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of apples and caring for them for a term of years at cost. This Is your chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, w Board of Trade Bldg. ROGUE RIVER FRUIT LANDS. I have the best proposition on the market today. Ideal location, fine deep soil, proper drainage, in the famous Rogue River Val ley. Planted or unplanted, on easy terms and lowest prices for short time only. Also few men wanted to take small tracts and work out. Will pay part cash, balance to apply on land. Will make you independent. Olve name and address for interview. AC u:ia. Oregonlan. 16 ACRES good soil. 1 mile from Roseburg, Or.: fi acres cleared and set out to fruit, most Spits and Newton s. Some cherries, plums, peers, etc, for home use; 80 peach, 25 Dwarf pears, all set out this Spring. Small house, chicken house, 1 2 hens, Mankato incubator, several brooders; 1 acres wheat, i-acre oats. 2 acres in veg etables, corn. etc. Come and see it. Price $1500; hi down. Address F. E. Fow sley. owner. Box 88, Roseburg, Or. ALPINE ORCHARD TRACT'S. We are offering. 5 or lO-acre apple or chard tracts, all cleared and ready for trees; will plant this Fall and care for as long as wanted ; have all conveniences, such as railroad, school, church, stores ete. You cannot beat this $250 per acre on easy terms. Come In and let us talk it over. Ask for Mr. Carr. Oregon Apple Orchards Co., 804-3 Lewis bldg. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. ROGUE RIVER ORCHARDS. It will pay you to see our list. HARTMAN'' & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce, HYLANDS OF YAMHILL. 140 acres, 0 acres in cultivation. 2U miles from S. P. station. 32 miles from Portland; good buildings, livestock and im plements worth $1000 Included. The very best of fruit land; can be nicely subdivided -no rocks or waste land. Price $70 per acre only fHtH'O cash, balance to suit INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD 2SH4 Washington St., room 612. GUARDIAN SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Thirty-three acres of fine land in Yam hill County will be sold at public auction at guardian sale, on May 14. lUlO; terms $looo down and balance in easv pavmems land is situated about one-half mile from Yamhill. Or. H. H. BURTON. Guardian, 2a7 Commercial Block, "Portland, Oregon. NEAR PORTLAND. About 45 acres. 35 acres In full beating orchard, commercial varieties; good house barn and other buildings; onK- a short distance from the city. Price $30,000. A money-maker. ' ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale 12 ACRES, nearly level; 7 acres cleared -all fenced ; good 7-room house, good barn other buildings; 11 miles from Portland 5 from Oregon City: horse, cow, t wagons "all farm tools, for $3200; terms. Also 8u acres, same location; 3 acres cleared; good house. $1500. C S. FEGKEf. R. 5. Box 104. Oregon City. Or. THE big land show to be held next No vember In Chicago, under the auspices of the Chicago Tribune, will have ex hibits of land products from every state In the United States; every responsible land complny will have an exhibit; space In this show la not sold to wildcat com panksa. If you want land, visit this show. GOOD LITTLE FARM BUY. $2000 for a nice SO-acre farm with build ings, very best of soil, fine trout stream on fandy road; worth twice what asked, but has to be sacrificed. F. FCCHS. 221 Vx Morrison St. $30 ACRE 07O acres. 10O tillable; fine tim ber, good house and barns, large stream through: terms to suit; 60 miles south. AG 936, Oregon laa. REAL ESTATE. SMALL FARMS. 10 acres, on county road; on S. P. Ry. ; all under cultivation ; orchard, berries, trout stream, small house, barn, out buildings, stock, tools; f enaad; very fer tile soil; $5000: easy terms. 57 acres. Marlon Count v; buildings, tools, livestock; $1500 worth of tiling; $6000. 11 acres, close to small town; buildings; good water; 4 acres bearing trees; prunes, cherries, pears, walnuts; good roads; ' $2200. 15 acres, closo in, highly improved; $6500. 18 acres, near Portland; deep black soil, nearly all in cultivation; mile from Reedville; $2400; terms. 20 acres. Washington County; 14 acres In cultivation, 6 acres of young orchard; $2000 modern bungalow; $8000. part cash. 20 acres, close to Long Beach, all cleared; black soil; $150 an acre; terms, or will trade for city property. -1 acres. y mile from Cove Orchards, on S. P. Ry. ; new buildings: 3 acres oak timber, balance cultivated; 12 acres beaverdam; spring; bearing trees, berrbss; a bargain; $3750. 40 acres; Yamhill County; cleared. 10 acrti valuable timber; 7 miles from Carlton; $1600. i near Portland; 10 acres young orchard; some old trees;' good buildings; implements; 2 hi miles from carline; $650O, half cash. 80 acres; near Eagle Crek; half- In cultivation ; small orchard ; spring and creek; new house, barn, good roads; $3500. It will pay you to see our list." HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE. 710 ACRES. 65 acres In cultivation. 250 acres fine bot tcm lands; soli is all first-class and of the dark loam quality; good 6-room house, nearly new and in fine condition; a fine, large barn, and an old barn; good orchard and small fruits. Place lies on good county road and house Is only 75 yards from the R. R, station, where there is a store, postofrtce and telephone station; 2 (passenger trains daily, and 6 freights per week. Fine river through the place, and lies fine to subdivide in 2 or 3 nice homes. School close to the place and In good neighborhood. Country Is open and fine for stock; the unimproved bottom lands are rnostly easy to clear, and there is quite a large amount of good bench lands that are first-class for fruits; there are 60 acres of this bench lands In one body that Is practically cleared. There are about 40 head of cattle, and among them are several good milch cows; some young stock and 3 horses, 2 mules and all farm tools and goats, sheep, etc: this farm must be seen to be appreciated and you can leave Portland at 7:30 A M. and arrive there at 3 05 P. M. same day; fare for round trip, $6; to anv party buy ing the place we will refund the fare. . Prlce with the stock and implements, $28; without, $26; H cash. EVERETT & M'LEOD Rooms 516 and 517. Rothchild Bldg. TALK ABOUT GOOD BUYS. If you have noticed our ads, you will remember we make a specialty of flrst class farm property. Read the following description. We have been over every foot of this place, and know -what we are advertising. 40 acres. In 15-year-old orchard, in the pink of condition; on a gentle slope, 27 miles west of Portland. 2 miles from elec tric line. 1 mile from steam line. 2 miles from the best educational town In the Valley; In full view of all the snow-peaks.- and commanding a magnificent view of the surrounding country; good set of farm buildings and farm machinery-; highly-Improved farms all around; In fact a regular paradise on earth. The owner's health compels a change of climate. You can buy this farm for $300 per ac.-e, and we consider it cheap at $500; $400u cash handles the deal. See Mr. Morgan, with Chapln &. Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. FINE FARM CLOSE TO PORTLAND I can't very well do It, that's all live on my farm and come to business In Port land every day. it's like pulling teeth, too, for my wife and children to give up the happy farm life they love so well. However, I've decided to sell and sell cheap, too $125 per acre. Soli Is rich Val ley loam and about 70 acres In cultivation and about 54 in splendid woods pasture; all thoroughly fenced and a good 6-room residence with parlor 16x24 and fireplace. There are on the place about 75 bearing apple trees, 8 acres of prunes and other garden fruit all withJn 15 miles of Port land and 7 minutes' walk to station. In the sale I will allow most of my furniture to go. Including piano. For further par ticulars I would refer you to Mr. S T. Valker. office fl04 Corbett bids.. into whose hands I have placed the sale, as I am too busy to look after the sale mvself $10,000. One of the choicest all-around farm and dairy ranches ever offered on the market, and it cannot be duplicated anywhere for the price. 160 acres, 80 acres under plow, and all In growing crop; it hao some of the choicest bottom land; there Is a good 6-room house with water connection. 2 barns, 20O tons hay capacity; good orchard with varieties of fruits; the place Is well watered; personal property span mares, worth $500, 3 sets of harness, 25 milk cows. 4 hogs. 16 stands of bees. 2 buggies, 1 wagon, all nec essary implements; the place is onlv l miles from the county seat, with railroad facilities, and it takes about 7 hours to make the trip from Portland; terms, $5000 cash, balance in 9 vears at 6 per cent. OTTO & HARK SON REALTY CO., J33 First st. BEAVERDAM LAND AT $125 PER ACRE. Just 12 miles from Portland and near electric line now building and 2 miles from R. R. station; 50 acres under high state of cultivation and 30 acres of first class pasture; well drained, plenty of good water; excellent 8-room house and outbuildings; 4 acres 15-year-old orchard. County road on two sides; will subdivide well. This farm has excellent soil and is good for fruit, dairying, gardening or general farming; part of it is excellent onion and asparagus land; nothing like It on the market for the price ; liberal terms. See owner. 418 Henry bldg. 480 ACRES In Willamette Valley, 8 miles trom raiiroao : ho acres in grain, too acres fine timber, balance easily cleared; min eral springs on the place, shipping water; good buildings, everything O. K. Take house and lot. $3000 or $4000, some cash and balance terms. See this at once, as it won't go begging. 24 acres near Medford, all planted to :. ew town apples. Bartiett and in el Ms pears; land sells all around this not half as good for more money; have an equity of $4300, balance $2700, In three equal payments. Out of the frost belt and hard to beat. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. 84 4th St.. 611 Board of Trade Bldg. DAIRY OR STOCK FARM. 160 acres in Yamhill County. 6 miles from railroad and good town; county road through place, phone in house ; mile irom actiooi: an a-l sou. mace wen fenced. . running water, and' spring water Dinea to nouse ana Darn: sman xamiiv or chard ; R5 acres cultivated and all in crop; 40 acres open pasture; 8'J acres of fine timber; good house and barn, wood- house ana milknouse; fine lot of stock farm implements and household goods go with place at SooOU: mortgaged for 2;0Q, runs 2 years, balance cash. Neal Brown, (vt awetianq Diag. FOR SALE. 640 acres of the best apple or grain land In Oregon; SOO acres in cultivation. 25 acres In fine timber, balance easily cleared; 2 sets of buildings, phone, R. F. D. and good roaas; ia nines to gooa rown, ana . i-t. station and on the line of. the new electric survey, road to be built eoon; price $40 per acre, t-aii or write. HA AT & MARGASON, Lebanon. Oregon. 20 ACKES in good Improvement, 9 miles from Portland, on public road, 1 mile from R. R. station. 2 miles from electric car line, about 4 acres In different kinds of berries, all under irrigation, one acre bearing-orchard, new 7-room house, barn wind mill and other odd buildings; water piped to house and barn, two horses, two cows, two hogs and some chickens. All Imple ments and machinery on t'e place and this year's crop. L 927. Oregonlan. 150 ACRES. Yamhill County, 7 miles from New berg. 75 acres in cultivation, 40 acres pasture. 35 acres timber,- all kinds of small fruits, fair buildings, springs and good creek, fine fruit land, lies rolling and high; will have electric line near soon. Price only f 65 per acre; cash, bal. 7 per cent: own terms. II. Q. Epton, 718 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID FARM. " Only 9 miles from Portland, near elec tric cars, school and church ; 33 acres In high state of cultivation, S acres In timber, balance In pasture; $3000 cash, balance of $6000 in 3 years. Suitable for subdividing in small tracts. C. B. LUCAS. 511 Corbett Bldg. 6EE US for farms. We have some bar gains in large and small, well improved; prices range from $35 to $100 per acre; some of these farms situated in the Yam hill Valley, Eastern and Southern Ore gon; 6-acre farm to trade for city prop erty. , J. O. HANTHORN & CO.. 540 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. 321 Board of Trade bldg. $400. A gocd little farm near Lakeview. Lake County. Oregon. Terms. 321 B,oard of Trade hlrtg. 20 ACRES of land on Oregon Electric, near Gervais. $100 per acre; $1000 down, time on bance; all in grain; buyer gets 1-3 crop. B 929. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATK. For gale FARMS. 117 acres war Anderson Station on the O. W. P. line; 35 acres cleared, 40 partly cleared ; good house ; $10.0 00. 80 acres near Selfer, 75 acres cleared, house and barn, windmill; $15, 000. 40 acrea near Hogan Station, 19 acres cleared. 10 acres partly cleared. house and barn: $8400. 50 acres near Boring. 30 acres cleared. some fruit ; $8000. 40 acres near Boring. 30 acres cleared, 100 young fruit trees; $8400. 40 aores near Currensvllle, on O. W. P., 20 acres cleared, running water, good fruit land. $75 per acre. $5 acres near Currensvllle, 20 acres cleaned, good orchard, $100 per acre. 121 acres near Witch Hazel Station, 25 acres cleared, running water, 3 1 springs, $125 per acre. 43 acres near Shattuck Station. all cleared, $750 per acre- KEASEY. HUMASON A JEFFERT, Chamfcer of Commerce. CLARK COUNTY FRUIT AND DAIRY LANDS. No. 3 7 acres. 40 cleared, H mile of town; good house, old barn, fenced, close to school, fine creek runs through place, hydraulic water system, tankhouse, plenty of good cordwood. can be put on cars only mile away: an ideal dairy farm and sightly place, for only $9000; cash, balance to suit. No. 6 40 acres. 30 cleared, on main county road, telephone, R. F. D school house, 5 miles of railroad town, 0i miles north of Vancouver, fenced, house, barn, .a. lot of lumber on place; fine creek through place, for only $3200; $2200 cash, balance to suit; this place lies fine for orchard or general farming. Xo. 7 40 acres. 27 cleared, fenced and cross-fenced, good well and family or chard; good 6-room house, barn, chicken house and woodshed, 4 miles of North Bank R. R. and town: R. F. D. and tele phone line; price $4000; cash, balance G years at 6 per cent. No. 32 30 acres. 12 under the plow, wire fence, good well and pump, plenty of fruit ; 6-room house, smalt barn, J4 mile of school, on two R. F. D. lines and telephone line. 34 miles of railroad and town; some farm Implements; price onlv $3000. Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser if desired. No. 26 34 acres, 22 cleared : place fenced; 400 bearing trees, 5-room box house. 2 barns. acre in strawberries, good well, horse. 5 cows, buggy and all farm tools, 14 stands of bees, 1 mile of graded school, y mile of R. R. station; price $5000. We have a fine list of good farm lands; see us, we can save you money. For square business, see the D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO.. Big Blue Sign.) 510 Washington St.; Vancouver, Wash. VALLEY FARMS. 140 acres, 60 in cultivation, two miles of R. R. station ; good house and bam; only $25 per acre. 32 acres, 8 in cultivation, house and two barns, orchard; all good bottom land; $12.0 for tract. 557 acres, 200 In cultivation, 200 in pas ture; all implements, stock, etc.; $20,000 for all. 20O acres, 60 In cultivation, 10O In pas ture. 40 acres good timber, two barns. 140 under fence; a fine stock ranch; only $17 per acre. 334 acres of ffood land, 110 In cultiva tion, balance pasture; good 7-room house and barn, with family orchard; all in crop. Price $10,000. OD4 acres, JOO in cultivation, all fenced, well watered, four houses, four orchards; right at store and postofflce; only $45 per acre. We have all kinds of farms In the Wil lamette Valley at prices that are right, in cluding 5-acre tracts at Donald, on Salem Electric line, at $175 per acre. Terms without Interest. C. HUGHES LAND CO.. 4O8-4O0 Lewis Bldg. phone Marshall 239. Portland. Or. WHEAT FARM3. BOO acres. Gilliam County, highly Im proved. Including private water system ; very easy terms, or will trada; $25 an acre. 280 0 acres. Eastern Oregon; 100 acres In alfalfa, 1 section in timber; young orchard, house, barn, plenty of running water for irrigation ; livestock, tools. Im plements, wire fencas; Included are sev eral miles of river and creek bottoms; sacrifice at $10 an acre. This land was acquired In such shape that it controls the streams. 6000 acres, first and second-rate land, in Harn-ay County, at $6.50 an acre. 25.000 acres. Eastern Washington wheat land; will come under Irrigation ditch; $20 an acre. Will sell part. It will pay you to see our list. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. NO. 43-1. APPLE LAND. White Salmon. The future home of good apples ; 1 60 acres ; 5 miles from Hood River or White Salmon ; 4,000,000 feet of first red fir timber, 1 mile from good sawmill; land has deep alluvial soil; no better; 6-room bouse, new, cost $1200; land around -this selling at ?2q per acre. This place for quick sale $SU per acre ; easy terms. NO. 43-2. 24 miles from Carlton, near Yamhill; 208 acres, all cultivated and in crop ; river on each end; creek through farm ; land is not rough and a big bargain. It Is cheaper than any land near It. House and barn, large and new; good well; place all fenced and cross-fenced with woven-wlre; land across the road at $130 to $130 per acre. This place for a few days at 1105 per acre; easy terms. fc COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade B 1 d g. BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha, Ala., first to be opened on the Washington & Choctaw Railway, in midst of thousands of acres of magnolia, land, recently sold, now thrown open; settlers now coming in; development will advance prices wonderfully; climate Ideal,; whole blocks In town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating bav ins; Southern lands should investigate trrts; the opportunity of living in town and trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beats any small farm proposition any one could offer; early purchasers get in at halt price; easy terms, small payments; big op portunity for agents: write for plat and complete details. Washington & Choctaw Land Co.. 56 Times bldg., St. Louis. Mo. . WHEAT LANDS. $12 to $18 per acre, 10 years time, virgin soil, and close to railway; the production Is the largest of any wheat lands In America: climate mild but in vigorating : wat-r pure and plentiful ; schools, high grade; markets good. The Canadian Northwest is now drawing 100, 000 "of America's best farm population an nually to these lands. Alberta Is being; developed. Illustrated booklets upon re Quest. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY", Colonization Agents Canadian Pacific Railway. 425-26-27-58 Lumbormens Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 754 acres. 350 in. high state of cultiva tion. 150 acres finest bottom land (this is also very best pear land, 2"h acres hillside land, which is fine apple land; 50 acres in good timber: watered by spring and branches; two g"ood houses, 2 barns, sheds, silo; guaranteed title. Price with good terms $60 per acre. One mill from R. R. station- Will consider part trade for good Portland property. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. $4 TO $12.50 PER ACRE. See us for cheap grazing lands In East ern. Central and Southern Oregon; prices range from $4 to $12.50 per acre. J. O. HANTHORN A CO.. 540 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE. GOOD PLACES. RIGHT PRICES. 8 "4 acres, S in cultivation, 9 miles from Portland ; very best of soli ; 4-room house, barn and other buildings; running water, 50 fruit trees. In bearing, place fenced and ail in good shape; price $200 per acre. 20 acres. 15 miles to Portland. H mile to R, R, station, S acres In cultivation, bal ance pasture ; al) well fenced and croes fenced; young orchard, fruit just beginning to bear; 3-room house, barn, etc.; well on porch of house and another near barn; on fine road, with R. F. D. and teleplione line; part fine swale land, which is ditched and In cultivation; fine cow, about 30 chickens and farm tools go with place. Price $2750 for quick sale. . . 47 acres. 40 in cultivation, balance pas ture and brush; 3 acres young orchard, ell very best of black loam bottom soil, no rock or gravel; well fenced and crops-fenced, with fine creek in pasture; 1 V miles to good town. X mile to R. R. sta tion, good level roads, close to school; 6 room house, barn, root house, etc., all in fine shape, good team horses, 2 cows, 10 goats, 6 - dozen chickens; wagon, harness incuba tor. 3 brooders, hayrake, roller, harrow, 3 plows, new disc and other tools; price $7500, and can be had on very easy terms. 120 acres. 75 cleared, all very best of soil, mostly river bottom land, on fine level county niad, with R. F. D. and telephone, close to cheese factory, family orchard, 9 room house, 2 large barns, all well fenced and cross-fenced; fine spring water on place. Good team horses. 15 milch cows. 15 head of young stock, wagon and all farm imple ments. Including $4iH wood saw, goes with place at a price of $10,000. cash, balance easy terms. This is one of Tillamook's fine dairy ranches and will make some one a big bunch of money. 360 acres, 30 In cultivation, part level land, part rolling, all fine sojl and -an excellent dairy or stock ranch, on county road, with R. F. D. and telephone line past place; fine springs of living water on place; partly fenced; good outrange; 6-room house, fair ham and other buildings: this place is about milefTom electric line and 1 miles to school. Somebody will grab this up for $4000 and double their money within 2 years. CH ITTBXD EN . OTTO & NEILL, Both Phones. 310 Oak SL 12.300 ACRES. $12.50 PER ACRE ONLY. Best GRAIN, CATTLE. HOG and SHEEP land In the Upper Sacramento Valley. Cali fornia ; well watered, well located ; good railroad, and steamship transportation fa cilities; over 4000 acres grain land, 600 cres alfalfa land, balance land covered with oak timber; excellent hog land; tim ber worth considerable; ranch fenced and cross-fenced ; necessary corrals; residence of eight rooms, fair condition, cottage for help, two large barns. -good well and plenty of living water for all purposes; about 250 cattle included in sale price; only $12.50 per acre; terms one-third cash, balance to suit. C- M. WOOSTER COMPANY, 702 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. CAN'T BE DUPLICATED. 200 acres, 1 mile from R. R. station, 6 miles from Salem; 175 acres under culti vation; 20 acres in apples, 5 acres In grapes; 7-room hous?, well, barn 50x50. Price $75 per acre; cash, balance easy terms. Foreign Department. UNION BANK ,& TRUST CO.. 235 Stark St. Phone Main 02, A 269. 55 ACRBS. Half under cultivation. 5 acres heavy tim ber, balance good pasture and easily cleared, 6-room white house, barn, shed, 2 wells and creek, family orchard, all kinds of berries; personal property, 4 cows, 2 yearlings. 2 horses, plow, wagon, buggy, 2 sets of har ne5s and harrow, 1 mile from school, church, store. R, F. D.. 16 miles from Portland by Canyon road and 4 miles from HUlsboro, on miikr oute, nets $75 per month. Ask for Mr. Burns. MT. HOOD LAND CO.. 712 Rothchild Bldg AN IDEAL FARM. 55 acres and all In a high state of cul tivation except one acre; located between the Oregon Electric and Southern Pa cific. 1 miles from either, in a thickly settled, prosperous community; they are stringing electric light wires in front of the place now; small commercial orchard and berries, 8-room plastered house, cost $2900; new barn 30x50,. wagon shed, tool house, granary, fruit dryer, straw shed, chicken-house, workhouse, etc.; soil a rich black loam; price for a short time only 8O00. terms. W. J. Smith, 43S Cham ber of Commerce. A GENUINE BARGAIN. 201 acres of Willamette Vallev land, fine for fruit, stock or diversified farming; 100 acres In cultivation, several acres in apple orchard, 50 acres more has been cultivated, now used for pasture, and about 50 acres of oak timber; the place is all fenced and cross-fenced, fine large creek flows through the place and there is about 30 acres of extremely rich creek bottom land; 34 miles to R. R.. In a very prosperous farming community and the price is only $65 per acre; easy terms. TV. J. Smith. 438 Chamber of Commerce. GRAIN land. Just what you want; 640 acres near Condon, heart of Eastern Oregon wheat belt; 550 acres under cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced, 15t acres in wheat, 225 acres in barley, balance in Summer fallow; 9 room house, good barn, stable, granary, blacksmith shop; plenty of water on place, pumped to house and barn; 4-year-old or chard; $26 an acre, with terms, takes this place, including year's crops, if bought at once.- Y'ou'll not find a better buy. J. W. Cochran & Co., Condon, Or. FRUIT LAND 9 CHEA Broadmead offers an unoaralleled oppor tunity to the man who wants to possess himself of a never-falling Income; we are sailing this matchless fruit land at from $100 to $150 per acre on easy terms; we are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of appies and caring for them for a term of years at cost. This is your chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. 20-ACRB tracts, unimproved, 25 miles by rail from Portland ; suitable for frult-rals-Ing and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and see them. 3L0 and 311 Corbett bldg. 10 ACRES, beautifully improved, all into crops, fine buildings, i mile from Cen tralia P. O. Price $5000; terms. Im proved and unimproved farm lands from $35 per acre and up. Write Dole & Tim merman, 111 South Tower ave., Oentralia, Wash. 160 ACRES fine apple land as good as any Hood River fruit land; 2 miles from Ka lama; good level road all the way to town rich soli; price only. $25 per acre. No agents or traders need apply. Matt Gaasch, owner. Kalama, Wash. . 160 ACRES, $2500. 120 acres cleared, one mile from R. R good buildings, running water; price $50 per acre; $2500 down, rest at 6 per cent. HYLAND, JONES & CO. 40ft Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE 20 acres, 12 now in crops, 6 room house, barn. 2 4x44 ; other buildings. tam of mares, two cows with calves, farm tools and only 2 miles from electric Una. Good terms; $2850. C M. Crittenden, Hub- . bard. Or. 10 CITY ACRES. You can buy 10 acres Inside the citv ltmits, near the Country Club, for $1000 per acre; lot values adoinlng are $400 to 50o COLUMBIA TRUEST COMPANY " Board of Trade Bldg. ALBERTA LAND. Improved farms 3200 acres, $0 miles ast of Edmonton, on G. T. P. R, R. 2 to miles from town; $12.50 to$15 per acre will leave Portland May 16. For partic ulars write W. H. Clark. Roseburg. Or LINCOLN County is the place to own a comfortable home at a small price; mild climate, pure water, orchard and dairy farms. Call on O. G. Dalaba. Elk City 10-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road, 25 miles from Portland; best soil- no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with nm to go and make selection; round trio some day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. 62 ACRES on coast at mouth of navigable river; 40 acres level, rest hillside; pasture green the year round; price $2000, terms. r HYLAND. JONES & CO. 409 Gerlinger Bldg. 80 ACRES, well improved, on Columbia River. 6 miles from Portland; suitable for garden, fruit or dairy; $350 per acre part cash, terms to suit. AB 904. Orego nlan YAMHILL and Washington County farms; we can suit you. W. H.. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO 233 Alder st. WE LIST AND SELL FARMS, See Allen or Freeburger. M. E. THOMPSON CO. 4th and Oak sts. BEND fpr our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; land shown tree. Uimsieaa Ltna to., tsaiem. or. 40-ACRE farm. 28 acres under cultivation, crop all In- Price $3000. C. Rablnsky, Scap- poose. Or. $350 Small fruit farm on new electric line. 9ee owner, Frank Cain, 627 East 11th North. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms, 15 H ACRES, good 7-room house, bam and other buildings; H mile from good town, 2 milea Willamette River boat-landing, 9 acres cleared. 2 acres orchard; the im provements on this place are worth the whole price asked; $2H0. half cash. 15 acres, close to electric line, 10 miles south of Portland, all fenced and every acre tillable; 5 acres cleared, some good young tress. 6-room house. This is where values are high. Price. $175 per acre. SO acres, 60 acres cleared, house, barn, hop-house, granary; good, heavy, rich soil; no waste land: 10 acres in hops, oki fam ily orchard ; electric line surveyed along end of place; within miles of three good markets. 25 miles to Portland; price. $7000; $3000 cash, up to $1000 in Portland property. $3000 on time, at 6 per cent. 104 acres, one mile from good railroad town, SO miles south of Portland; 90 acres cleared. 14 acres in hops, two-story, eight room brick house, two good barns, granary and other buildings; four acres In orchard; goou living staeam; price. $100 per acre; terms. 120 acres, 60 seres clear, only three or four acres, waste land on the place; you ought to see this land; crops go with the place;; price, $11,000; $8600 cash, balance time. 211 acres, one mile from Barton Station, on p. W. P.. 60 acres cleared, house, large ba,m and granary and other buildings; cleared land on this place Is worth $0000; price of the u ho.e place, $18,000. 150 acres, 140 acres, cleared and In cul tivation, creek through place; mile to good town. 2 miles Willamette River boat landing; good set of buildings; price. $100 per acre, terms. MAGINNI8 LAND & INVESTMENT CO.. 316-17 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 80 ACRES. 55 acres under high state of cultivation. 25 acres with timber enough to pay for clearing. Y mile to 'sawmill; good house and barn and a fine orchard of assorted fruits; 7 miles to Vancouver. 1 mile to end of the new electric line, close to church and school and on one of the best roads from Vancouver, with R. F. D. All stock and implements go with place. Price $9000. 20 acres. 17 acres under cultivation; 1 mile to end of new electric line, close to church and school, 7 miles from Van couver ; small house and some fruit ; price $125 per acre. r 15 acres adjoining the townslte of Sifton. all in orchard : nrice $3000. This prop erty belongs to a non-resident, which accounts for the low price. This is only o", yarns to the new electric line ana will be worth $300 per acre as soon as the line is in operation. Call and see Troeh & Forbes at 401 Washington at., Vancouver, Wash. FINE 20-acre tract near Reed Institute, over looks city and near carline. only $2000 per aoro Fine ll-acre tract near Laurelhurst Park, where lots sell for $1500 to $30O0 per lot If taken at once this tract can be had for $ 4 ,i . oon ; good t ermfl. Fine lWt-acre tract on carline, 15c fare; lies well for platting: 80 acres In cultiva tion : good house and barn : running water, 320 acres, wel 1 located and pi at ted 1 n 5- acre tracts; lies fine, near 2 carlines; 10.0K or 12.000 cords of wood; only 12 miles from Portland: 8135 ner acre: good terms. We have a fine tract just planted to orchrfl in that it r eat artme oeit oetween. nere and Mount Hood, near carline. We offer this land In 5 and lO-acre tracts at $.'100 per acre and will cultivate the trees for three .years and turn It over to you in fine shape one-third cash, balance 6 per cent. Fine lO-acre tract, well located, no stone or gravel; 300 feet from carline station; wood enough to pay for place; $200 per acre. 4 casn. CHARLESON & CO.. 411 Commercial bldg. IF you. want a general purpose farm. read. We are In a district where Irrigation for the raising of apples, peaches, cherries and peam Is not necessary. We get immense returns without aid. Conditions are favor able. At present we are clearing come 50 acres on a farm of 160 acres, 50 acres already cleared; an ideal farm for fruit raising, timothy and grain; there will be 10 acres of land in one body when this clearing Is completed, as fine a any you ever laid eyes upon ; schoolhouse upon the larra. school running now; peaches ripen every year; 48 fruit trees bearing, 100 more planted thie Spring; 25 acres timber, pasture, no canyons: house 2 rooms. Iarc barn; T miles from town, good roads: $3oK cash, oft, all time you want; $35 per acre. -ome ana see ior yourseii. tn. u. .ttaiiey, Elgin. Or. 154 ACRES. Finest kind of fruit and dairy land in Ore gon, 75 acres in high state of cultivation, 6-room house, new barn, 4Sx72. with 32-fnot boxing and concrete foundation: bam worth S1500: 3 creeks. 2 springs, family orchard and all kinds of berries. From 10 acres of hops laft year netted $2500; on milk route, nets $200 per month; 12 acres onion land. i mile from graded school, 2 churches, store. 4 miles from HUlsboro. 16 miles to Portland, Canyon road; $100 per acre, half cash." balance 6 years 6 per cent. I -and ad joining selling for $150 per acre. Owner lost hushand and wants to come to Portland. Ask for Mr. Burns. MT. HOOD LAND CO., 712 Rothchild Bldg. 80 ACRES. 30 acres in cultivation; good 7-room house, barn, 4 acres orchard, ber rles: 4 miles from town, on good roads $4000 : terms. 45 acres, all cleared, 7-room plastered house; good barn; o 4 miles from an couver; 31 acres orchard; $50 per acre: cheaper than surrounding property ; good terms. 25 acres unimproved land, close in, $50 per acre. Saloon for sale; receipts $40 per day. 100 farms and business chances to pick from. The Homeseekers' Friends, WRIGHT & CO.. 312 Washington St.. Vancouver, Wash. THE FINEST DAIRY FARM IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY. Consisting of 411H acres, all under fence, fine well water and stream, water piped to house and barn; 42- first-class dairy cows, registered Holsrteln bull ; all farm Imple ments and everything to make a complete dairy farm goes with this place. This is the best bargain In Tillamook County, and we can give you terms'. A. O. WETLLS W. H. DUFUR, 303 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 6S9. RAISE STOCK. 1SOO acres, all under hog-tlgtit fence, 650 acres cleared, 200 acres plowed, loo acres beaverdam. 11 -room residence, 7 barn five large springs, standing timber contracted for over $12,000. Price $30 per acre, $10,000 cash, balance 12 annual payments at 6 per cent; will exchange for good Portland prop erty. For fruit or colon! zaion this prop erty Is ideal, being only 5 miles from fine city. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD. 2S6t Washington St.. room 612. ' 40 ACRES. A-l black soil, two sets build ings, two nice twenties, good schools, churches, telephone, rural route, fine roads, one mile from town; R. R. station on place; will sell 20 or the 40 acres ; also three years" lease on 160 acres adjoining land; cheap cash rent; all In crop; will sell at bargain on account of death in fam ily. R. Newton. Dundee. Or., or take the S. P. R. R. and get off at Oaklawn. WHEAT RANCH. Buy 12S0-acre wheat ranch near lone. Or., at $27.50 per acre. This Is $10 to $12 per acre less than value for quick sale; three never-failing springs. 6O0 acres now In wheat; will pay purchaser's expenses from Portland and return ; will meet in terested parties any place named in Port land at any time. Address W. A. Scruby, box 23. Cleone. Or. ' 300 ACRES. SOO acres within the 20-mile circle of Portland; 120 acres cleared; about 6.000. 000 feet fine fir timber; running water; 5 acres in fruit trees bearing ; the finest possible view from residence site; the very thing for diversified farming and stock raising; $22,500; terms. S-39 THE CARD REALTY & IXVESTMEXT CO. Phone Marshall 1567. A 1567. 110 2d St. FARMEJRS AND HOMESEEKERS. $35 per acre for a 240-acre farm, the best one In Marion County for the money; $3000 cash will handle; we have choice farms from 5 acres up to sections In a bunch in all counties of Oregon. If you want a good farm, good value for your money and a equare deal, see F. FUCH3. 221 H Morrison St. IO ACRES at Cazadero. $85 per acre; 4 cash. 35 acres, orchard, garden, buildings, at Estacada. $3000; cash. 600 acres, 30 miles out; fine soil; 2 miles from railroad; unimpro-ed; no waste or stones; $15. OREGON LAND CO., 215 Henry Bldg. GOVERNMENT farms free Official J 12 page book "Vacant Government Lands" describes every acre in every county In U. S. How secured free. 1910 diagrams and tables. All about irrigated farms. Price 25c postpaid. Webb Pub. Co., Dept. 271. St. Paul. Minn. SMALL tracts, near the city, cleared land. $250 to $400 per acre; two to five acres, on easy payments. Every man or boy should buy one of these tracts. They axe the best buys to be bad. Oregon Land Co.. 21 Henry bldg. BEST farmers are headed for Missouri bargains, corn, blue grass farms ; good cheap land for home-makers: Missouri State Board Immigration. Springfield. Mo. FOR A HOME OR INVESTMENT. 150 acres In the famous Beaverton-Reed-ville district. $10O per acre; 12 miles out; terms. Werner W'renn, 313 Lewis bldg. REAL ESTATE. NOTHING BETTER. 6160 acres In Gilliam County. 4 miles south from Shutler's station ; 190o acres seeded to wheat. yK) acres plowed and ready to seed; 90 head of good horses and mules; hamcps for "5 head of horse; 9 14-in. plow. 8 25-ft. iron harrows, 4 w ood harrows, 6 grain drills, 2 fanning mills: 14 good wagons and racks. 1 of 20-H. P. Pitts ensrme. j;2 lnch cylinder separator. 3 spring hacks. 2 sets of blacksmith's tools, 4 14-f t. headers and boxes; good, new house, good barns, sheos and bunkhouse; first-class water plant cost ing $tiOi0. All but a very few a-res of this land can bo cultivated. Price $;U per acre. Including above horses and mule?, all im plements and tools, wagons and harness and all crops. $6o,oiH cash, balance long time, 7 per cent. 4S0 acres In Sherman County, 6 ml!ea east of Grass Valley and miles north east of Bourbon station; good new 6-room house, wood fiber plastered, piped for h-t anrl cold water; fair barn with good ma chine shed; good well, never ges drv ; wind mill cistern that holds 3MHM gallons of water; half mile from school, half mile from church; all In cultivation : on main traveled road; a very desirable place; price. $35 per acre, half cash, balance on terms, I FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. UNION RANK & TRUST COM PAN Y. 235 Stark st., Portland, Or. Thone Main 9m2. A 20Gi. $45X. A snap for speculation; 100 acres 3 miles from 'Salem. Oregon; at $140 per acre; land on both sides has sold for $."mM per acre; St acres cultivated ; all fenced ; will take Portland property for most of the first pay ment; balance easy; you can cut this up into small tracts and make good money ou amount invested. $5000. f0 acres; 40 acres cultivated; the rest easily cleared; 7-room house; 2 barns, one 30x50, the other 3Ox0O; 2 horses. 3 cows, a buggy and hack; household goods; one half cah. balance four years, at 6 per cent. $2500. 8 acres, 3 blocks to station, on the Salem Electric line; all in cultivation; some fruit. $12,000. 160 acres, 2 miles from R. R. station; 75 acres in cultivation; house and barn; an orchard; running water; $2000 will handle this good buy. M. E. THOMPSON & CO., 4th and "ak. Phonos: Main 684 ; A 3327. 2840-ACRE FARM, all under good fence, ft miles from R. R. town; nearly all under cultivation: 17W acre of beautiful grain, all of which goes with sale of place; Rood 7-room house, flno barn, splendid well of water, gasoline engine, windmill, 3 larse cisterns, water piped to house and barn ; 2-3 interest in thresher. 2 headers. t header boxes, 5 wagons, 4 gang plows. 4 large har rows, 1 land roller, 3 grain drills, 2 cul tivators; 2-3 Interest in grain chopper. 1 good fanning mill, small orchard. I have seen this farm within the last week and can truthfully say, from present indications, the crop will net $25.00O this year; al 12 good work horses go with place. Price $25 per acre ; part will be t h ken In Port- land or valley property. My option ex pires May 10. and if not sold wm he taken from the market ; the owner would gladly take the option back now If he could. L. K. MOORE?, the Wheat Land Man. 517 Roard of Trade. Portland. 424 ACRES, finest land to be had. all in cultivation except a few acres of timber, good buildings, tine stock of all kinds, im plements, vehicles, ete. This place Is right now making more than $100 per mont h. In addition to a good living. It Js right close to Portland, fine road, and only few minutes' walk to station. Price, includ ing everything, only $7500. Time on part If desired. I challenge any one to show me another place as good, for the same money. Call or write J. E. Smith,' 513 Chamber Commerce. Portland. Oregon. 13'0 ACRES in the Willamette Valley, only 2 miles to R. R. station, 8 miles to county feat, on good wagon road; over 500 acres under cultivation. 3(X acres free of briw h and In pasture, balance in timber and pas ture; over half nice level land, balance roll ing and hill land; spring and runing water on land, well fenced and cross-fenced: good buildings; an ideal farm to cut up into smaller pieces; price $To per acre, terms. BROXG-STRB1.E CO., Lewis Building, Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. NO. 30. 216 acres at Eagle Creek. O. W. P. ; station and switch at one end of tract; Eagle Creek flows through it; land hea llv timbered: the timber and wood will pay for the land: the soil is exceedingly good and lies nearly level. For a short time we are authorized to take $0O an acre on terms. Call and see plat of it. It Is way below real value at the present price. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Building. m WHEAT ranch, 1400 acres, 1OO0 of same being in wheat this year and promising fine yield, good buildings, water, wind mill, machinery, stock, etc.. well equipped; everything included, $25 per acre. Will ac cept large part In Portland property, or other good property, and long time on balance. This Is unequalled opportunity to make big money. For further partic ulars. call 513 Chamber Commerce. IMPROVED FARM. 22 acres, all in cultivation; 3 acres r-eaverdam; good house, all farm "ma chinery and heavy span of horses: place right on car station, only 10 miles; fine road from Portland; half cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. A. J. GANTNER. 61S Board of Trade Bldg 80 ACRRS 45 minutes from Portland on Sa lem Electric; Southern Pacific has station and switch on land: 35 to 40 seres garden land, a' large percentage of which If the bept beaverdam in state ; 50 acres cleared, balance small growth; house, fine barn. 2 acres apples, half aero strawberries, garden land can be irrigated from water running through place. Owners. 2Q1 Swetland bldg. 1 OF the best alfalfa and stock ranches In Eastern Oregon; SOO acres; alfalfa bottom land; 960 acres yellow nine and 3000 acres range land; out range for 14,000 sheep; un limited free water forirrigation; gravity system; elevation 1G00 feet. Inquire of J. C. Fowler, Shanlko, Or. Care E. O. Bank- Ing Company-. FINK IJAIRY RANCH of 160 acres, near Washouga!. About half in cultivation. balance - timber worth $4000. Good 7-room house, barn and out buildings. Running water and abundance of finest kind of outrange. $S000, half cash. TCAUFFM ANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. 50 ACRES lik; FARE. CLOSE TO STATION. All in highest state of cultivation; house, barn, fruit trees, good water, potatoes, etc., etc, ; & choice snap ; $2750; close to Lents ; very easy terrrw. C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 24SS. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. SUBURBAN TEN-ACRE TRACTS. Some choice tracts, nine miles S. W. of city; short drive from business center, so all produce can be sold direct ; no bridges, best of soil; prices from $150 to $225 per acre; easy terms. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton Bldg- CLACKAMAS COUNTY farm; 70 acres highly improved; good stoi-k of cattle, sheep and hogs, farm machinery, hay and all tools, together with all stock; must go at $11,hm. Full information by Owner. 4( Failing bldg. 62 ACKES, good buildings, part cleared, nice orchard, right close to Portland. All fine land. This can be had for $7800; would divide this into small tracts to suit pur chasers. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. SOUTHERN ALBERTA FARMS. Two unimproved quarter sections of finest wheat land ; $12 and $18 per acre; 4 and 8 miles to town, respectively. A d dresa 555 East Stark st. Phone East 4'-i'1. 120 ACRES improved dairy ranch, on the Molalla. River; an exceptional fine buy at $o5 per acre; $2300 down. VALLEY REALTY CO.. 41 w. n. 6th St. $6-K CASH, balance two years. Dandy ten acres near city. Bargain for homeseeker. No agents. No exchange. Make appoint ment personal Interview. A3 929, Orego nian. HOOD RIVER RANCH. ' The cheapest ranch in Hood River county, on the river; partially improved. C. Van Duin & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. " YAMHILL FARM. For the best buy in a $lo.OOO farm see Ferris-Ming Realty Co., 5QS Board of Trade. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160-acre wheat farm in Morrow County, near lone. 253 V Washington, corner 3d. Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR . Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small. well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle iny own properties. J. O. ELROD. ' 5'JO Corbett Bldg. WAREHOUSE PITE. Corner 100x100 feet, at corner E. 6th and eherman sts., close in on main line Southern Pacific; price $6500. H. P. PALMETR-JONBS X., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg., Phones: Main 8iOP. A 265a. INCOME PROPERTY, only $2250 cash; VCeFt side; walking distance; near 14th: yields $600 yearly, balance 3 years, 6 per cent ; price $2SO. Jas. C. Logan, 326 U. Wash lngton st. R 4Q4. ' APARTMENT-SITE. 50x106. 3 blocks north of Washington street, on 17th; only $12,500; terms. Call Main 7776,