THE SDXDAT OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 1, 1910. 15 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots SOME VACANT LOT BARGAINS. QUARTER BLOCK. X. W. cor. E- 28th and Washington, eat and south front; lies high, but can have any grade de'red ; splendid location for East Side apartment house or fine residence: I can sell this for on week only for $5000. half cash If de sired: wll positively be withdrawn if not Bold this week. A INS WORTH AVE. 5ix tOO. not far from Unlon-ave. . car; fronts south; can aeli at present for $75; builders note this. ROSE CITY PARK 50x100, east front, on 61st, block and half from car; price $625 till further notice, which includes ce ment sidewalks, curb, graded street, water and gas. fi. T. WALKER. 04 Corbett Bldg. APARTMENT SITE. 50x100 lot. 350 feet off Washington st. $12.r $750O caeh. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th.. Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTOX, the MOST DESIRABLE H BLOCK and THE BEST VALUE on TILLAMOOK STREET. If you want a really excellent home site, you'll RACura this at only $5000; but you munt get it soon or pay more. Kerris Mlng Realty Co.. .08 Board of Trade. SEASIDE RESORTS. Lot 60x100 on 3d ave.. o-mom cottage, modern, water and light, furniture in cluded; one block from beach; price $1100. Terms. One Jot 60x100, 3d ave.. 1 block from beach, beautiful view, house 8 rooms, mod ern, convenient, and f urnished ; same lot, house 5 rooms, modern; this property rents for $300 for season; tnrms. KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERT, Room 232 Chamber of Commcrre. IX)TS AT PRICE OK ACRRAOK 05 lot on West Sid, 13 minutes' car ride from 3d and Morrison. 20 lots at $150 cat h. 20 lots at $175 cai h. 20 lots at $200 eah. 20 lots at $225 each. 15 lots at $2."o each. For particular, call at 427 Worcester blrig., 0 to 12 and 2 to 5. t $50 CASH BUYS 50x100 CORNER Balance nf price. $450. payable $10 month ly; Kraded streets, city water, finest soil, close In, near good carline; 12 minutes' ride to new bridge; here is a chance to make a Rood profit on small investment. Call early Monday. 516 Abington bldg. ONLY Beautiful lot. 50x100. li feet above grade, next to corner, 150 feet to car, with building1 restrictions; cement walks, curbs, grade, water in and paid; bent in the. 'district; $2ot down, balance monthly, ft per cent; owner's price; worth $8ot. Jas. - gan. .'pU Washington st. .R 404. $1400 HALF CASH. A SNAP THAT IS MARKETABLE. Think of this. 300x100 corner, all im provements in and paid. 1 block to car lino, close in, in midst of heaw building. A beautiful home site; $1400, if taken at . once. I 3?,, QreKonian. LOT SACRIFICE. : 50x100, 32d and Killingsworth ave.. $450. f.oxioo, 20th and Ainsworth ave., 5400. 50x100, 24th and Ainsworth ave., $400. 60x1 no. 33d and Ainsworth ave.. $425. Howard Land Co., 4U0 Swetland bldg. SNAPS IN PIEDMONT. $1050 Fine fiuxloo corner. $11)00 for lOoxluu, eat tace. $28(0 IOOxUhi. on paved street. 1'KltLKY B. LENT, 417 Corbett Bldg. COMMISSIONS PAID. To agents soiling my vacant residence property on East Side. Io not answer unless you have bona fide purchasers for high-grade property, with $4OO0; building restrictions. S 1)31. Oregonian. A Bit SNAP 50x100, inside lot on East 13th. near Franklin; street Improvements In and paid; only $1050. easy terms. RUFK-KLEINSORUE LAND CO., 41S Board of Trade Bldg. IF YOU own a lot clear we will draw you plans to order and finance your home on easy payments; consultation free. Write me.' Money to loan. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 308-0-1O Henry Blag; APARTMENT-SITE. Corner lot; few minutes' walk to P.-O.; a decided bargain for few days more. Never can be had so cheap again. You had better hurry. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN ON KILLINGSWORTH AVENUFX $V0 for a fine 50xtoo corner; this is your chance for a good speculation. PRRLRY H. LENT, 417 Corbett Bldg. LRVINGTON IT Last chance at this price; close to Broadway car and Knott st.; beau tiful homes all round; 5Oxi0o, east front; only $;ku down, balance 6 per cent; no other lot for $14oo so close In; call Mondav. Ja. C. Iwogan. ;2n',a Washington Ft. K 404. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A fractional lot on the lower Heights, on good terms; 2 blocks from the car, with fine view. It. F. BRYAN, A 1227. 60S Chamber of Com. Main 1963. f.'trioo FOR 4 lota, including corner. $100 for 2 lots (Inside) in Central Ross mere, on the market tor a few days. M. E. Thompson o. kf. 4th and Oak sts. Phones. Alain 0OS4. A 3.i27. WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS SNAP. Two lots, corner 30th and .Ellsworth, . $100 below markot price. 1 RUFF-KLK1NSORGE LAND CO.. 41H Board of Trade Bldg. HELP! HELP! Need money, . will eacrlflee my beautiful riverfront lot; come out t-Klay between 1 and 4. Take S el wood car and get off at Gratton station, or address V U'iO. t regonian. 3 1ST AND TILLAMOOK. Lot .sox93, cement walk and Hossam pavement. ..tiOUDAKD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $50 CASH, balance $15 per month, will handle a very choice acre on the Wet Side, onlv 15 minute!' ride. 5-oent fare; big nionev made In acrciige. M. 2. I. e. 411 Corbett bldg. 33ROK E and have to realize on elegant corner, 50x100, si block from Rose City cars, cement walks, building restrictions; price $75u; terms. B i2S, Oregouian. $875 W ILL buy the finest lot on Tlbbets, 3 lots from 33d ; cement sidewalk: the lot Is worth $12H; must sell; $iy$ cuah, bal. $10 per month. S 133. Oregonian. MONT A VI LLA. 74 th st., near Clackamas, 50x100 ; price $450. GODDARD Jfe WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE A lot and house on East Rich mond st., in St. Johns; a bargain; will give terms. Address E. Deseajups. after 3 P. M. on week davs at 55 N. 2d st, itv 1182 Minnesota ave., lot 45x100; 4-room house. $M10 cash. OODPARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 100x100 CORNER. 2 blocks from "W-W' carline, on STth st.; a snap at $900. KAUFKMANX .fc MOORE, S25 Lumk-r Exchange. $1750 lOOxlOO TERMs! Corner 46th and E. Morrison; S bearing trees, high and dry; room fur 3 houses. Owner. Tabor 59S. LAUR ELHURST BARGAIN. A beautiful lot, well locatt d, on first quarter; In Justice to yourself you should see this before buying. E 132. "Orenonian. W I LI iAMETT E- HEIGHTS. Lot 60x100, 2- blocks from W. car- $250 A. J. GANTNKR. 6lS Board of Trade Bid g. lOOxloO On Kerby e;.. close to Russell St., $2ftOO; easy terms; this is a barnain on close-in property. See Attorney, 410 mi ing Mdg. WEST PARK STREET LOT. The only cheap lot left on this desir able street. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. A FINE quarter block, business local it v, paying good income, near Madison bridge. AH Oregonian $2200 WILL buy lot 0x120, near Graham. Rodney ave.. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. LOVEJOY STREET. 100x100, 23d and Lovejoy. onlv $16,000 Howard Land Co.. 42Q Swetland bldg. FOR PALE, by owner, a fine lot. 00x100. on 21st. between Knott and Stanton. In. Trvington. Call 545 East 20th st.. North. $310 PQTTTY lot Roae City ParkdlPtrTct ; will urirtce; make me an offer. Phone Sell wood 2f4. - $1100 WILL buy full lot. Rodney ave., near Going. QQDDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. JjQt'ITY two lots-. Fairport; on Peninsula: $300 oaah required; far below market value Q 931. Oreganian. W AMERKRONT. 113xS36i Sell wood" near Glf Links. AppV East 37S3. $250 Lot in Hillsboro, 1 12x1 ; clear title. Roy Crowson. 3oj First st., Portland1Or. FOR SALE Lot In Irvlrgtor.. Phone C I073 or East 43rti, or addre-s T 032. Cregonian. SB0 BEAUTIFUL University Park" IotT$2& down, $5 per month. AC i37, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. DO TOU KNOW What close-in, restricted residence prop erty will be worth two years from to day ? if you do. you should lose no time in looking at that corner lot which is on the S. W. corner of Glisan and East 2ith sts. This beautiful building site has the advantage of the best car service in the city; beautiful fir trees and sewer,- water, and. gas connections, which are already in and paid for. A word to the wise, etc. D CHAPIN & HERLOW. 3:'.2 Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE. 3 lots, 50x100 each, including corner on E. Lincoln St.. for $16O0, i cash. These lots are way under the market and if you see th ese first you won' t buy else- where. $S00 Easv terms will tak this good lot on E. 47th st., near Mt. Tabor. Don't delay or you will be too late. PORTLAND REALTY & CONST. CO., Marshall 646, A 713. 902-3 Lewis Bldg. YOU can make $150 on each lot in a few months by investing $37.50 cash and the balance at $5 per month in CARPENTER S ADDITION. Just put on the market. Take a car ride today and look at the prettiest new ad dition on the market. Get off at Fir land station on the Mount Scott 5c car line. See J. H. Dnrman, office at station. Pick out your lots while you can get the cream of them. They are $200 less than lots all around them. Or come in and see mo. MARTIN J. HIP.LEY. 132 THIRD ST. 300x100, hign ami sightly, east front. Bull Run water, cement walk, gravel street, all paid ; mountain view, restricted district, 2 blocks east of Beaumont. East 48th st. ; only $1300; $20 per month. Fine corner In Westmoreland, only $R.V. H acre. 5c fare, with city water. $0OO. Fine east front lot, near car, 49th fit.. Rose City Park. $700. 50x100. adjoining new mohair plant, $400; terms. ROSS ENGLISH INVESTMENT CO , Mohawk Bldg., 3d and Morrison Sts. SOME PEOPLE Like to live in a hollow, othera like to live up where the air is good, and where they can see something; to the latter we would like to show the S. E. corner of East 65th and Glisan. This lot Is S3 1-3x140, is right on the carline, beautiful view. Bull Run water, graded streets and the price is $1000, with very easy terms. If you know a bargain, you will not let this one get by. fHAPIV & HERLOW. D 332 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND We can recommend these: TRUST Business lot on East Glisan, CO. only $750; easy terms. Business lot In the Rose City Park district. It's a cor ner and Is only $000. PORTLAND TRUST CO., S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 24TH STREET. 100x100, corner 24th and Weidlier. fac ing east and north : all cement walk In, 100 feet of hard-surface street and shade trees; beautiful location in swell neigh borhood : one block to Broadway car; price $6000. See us for terms. "V" CHAPIX & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. HALF ACRES. A few half acres left on the Mount Scott carline; some cleaned and some in a beautiful grove; price. $62 5 to $700: easy terms: 40-foot lots adjoining selling lor $300 ; 5c carfare; graded streets and water. K N AP P & M ACKET, 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. RAILROADS FOR COOS BAY. Several railroads are heading for Coos Bay and lots will advance from 100 to 6O0 per cent inside a year; for short time we can sell 5 large lots in South Harbor for $400, half cash; it will not surprise us if these will be worth $2000 In a year. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. H2-3 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and 0th. A. H. Very fine view lots at Willamette BIRR ELL Heights. We have a few of the CO. finest corners, 100x100. and single Inside lots to be had in this choice section of the city. Buy where Improvements are In and where prices are right. 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark Sts. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PORTLAND $70 DOWN buys vou a fine TRUST lot In Villamead. This is Ideal CO. for a home or Investment. Bide out to East 60th at. on the Montavilla car and see. Lots $600 'and up. PORTLAND TRUST CO. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. LOTS selling fast at ARDENWALD. the best on the market; a beautiful homesiba near the Golf Links; graded streets, side walks and water to each lot: all paid for byr ns. Prices, $400 to $600: easy terms. KNAPP & MACKET. 12-213 Board of Trade Bldg. NOB HILL. lOOxlov) will divide if desired), lies fine and high, good view, very fine homes to he built adjoining. This Us one of the finest residence sites In this excellent loca tion; restricted to homes onlv. Price for 50x100. $4000; looxioo. $000- terms. ZIMMERMAN, gl Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HOW'S TBIS TRUST Half-acre tract, within eltv CO. . limits, with Bull Run water to every tract, at the PRICE of a lot. Let us show you these. Terms easv. PORTLAND TRUST CO. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ACRES All cleared and under cultivation; 5c carfarv. with transfer privileges; 16 . minutes by O. W. P. electric; excellent Boil, no gravel; $900 per acre; easy terms. KNAPP & MACKET. 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE lot In Laurel hurst will soil at com pany's price. ali?o one In Irvington Park every lot Is sold in these divisions; must have my money for other purposes. AE 28 regonlan. A.',.',v Attractive comer on Hawthorne B1RRELL ave.. 90x116. Just the place to CO. build three houses. It's cheap at $2 500. 2Q2-204 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. PORTSMOUTH. Full lot, facing east, street Improve ments in and paid, one block from car Price $700; $25 cash, balance $10 a month! Owner. 1001 Corbett st. SEVENTH STREET. 50x100; EXCEPTION ALLY CHOICE LOT FOR INVESTMENT VERY EASY TRMS. Price on applica tion. Call 2S6fi Washington et. room IRVINGTON LOTS. Two beautiful lots in Irvington for sale very reasonable. 1 on 22d st, and 1 on st. Neal Brown, 709 Swetland bldg f t ha n d Washington sts ' $1250 BUYS a GOxioO-ft. lot on Wert Side view of city and river: easv terms- 20 min' mes walk from P. O. This lot is worth S?0. O Oregonian. nn MT. TABOR Home sites at a bargain be tween Stark. Burnside. 61st and 6d'sts high, dry and sightly: easy terms br D. W. Walker. 50th and Belmont IRVINGTON SNAP. $100 buys choice corner lot, one block to B mad way car: fine for home or Investment MORGAN. 326H Washington, room 4o. 50x100 East Side lot, u block from car" improvements all in; faces east ; price S00; $500 cash. Particulars 2S6Wash ington st.. room 612. . ' .11 on -iumbla Beach ; owner will sell verv M,nn.hT If bought at once. Address 624 East Mnr. risen st. Phone B 1552. 100x217 OR less. In restricted district of fine homes, near city park at Mt Tabor hard -surf ace street and other improve ments. AD 9:P. Oregonian WHY buv a lot when you can get a half acre inside the city with all the advan tages Tor the same price? 420 Lumbtr mars Bldg. cor. rth and Stark. I R VTNG TON . $10oo win handle close-in east-front lot near Broadway car. balance easv terms. Mor gan. S2ti... Washington, room 4 09 LAURELHURST ave. First block north of Montavtila car. $:50 below company's price. East front, grand view. Sell wood x -BLOCK, high and sightly, on 5d and E. Gltason. $1600. This is worth $ooo Tt Killer T nrvt hut u- 1 . . -.i. liailKB tMOg. niL.i..--ii-o t jl. oiMiiK aistance: re stricted district; $1800; terms to suit Ho AC 909. Oregonian. Box MAGNIFICENT view. close-In lot noar Acad- ca"sh. WMalnm30y8bUPgalQW: a barin " FOR SALE or trade; 80 acres. 77 acres in Fall wheat go. 20 bu. acre; a bargain $550. Tabor 124S. TWO choice lots on Franklin and Houston streets. $l000: H cash for quick sale; WI11 amfttte Heights. AC 931, Oregonian. SNAP Waverleigh Heights, corner lot 9th and Tibbett's. Owner. 202 VI Washington street. $,V- Lot 50x 100. E. 8th bet. Wasco and Shaver; fine residence site. Owner J M D.ivi- 20O 23 st. WEST SIDE iew lot; 2 1, blocks to car; 6 minutes" ride to center of town; $1500; terms. Box AE 90S. Oregonian. TREMONT PARK. Two lots at a bargain. Grim tad, 233 Worcester bids. REAL ESTATE. For gale Lota. IT'S WORTH YOUR WHILE. 100x100 PieTlmont corner; a snap. IOOxIdO Alameda Park, faces park; $250O. 100x100 Rose City Park, only $1300. lOozlou (Will Uvide if desired . choice location. $3000. 50x100 Fairport, near carline, only $600. 50x100 Fairport, extra fine lot, only $600. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW TRACT JUST BEING OPENED. EUGENIA PARK. This beautiful tract is now being im proved and will be offered to the buying public at prices and terms defying compe- tition; streets graded and water mains laid; these beautiful homesites are with in reach of all; fine locality and near to car; come out today and select a home; terms 5 per cent cash. 2 per cent per month. See owner at residence on tract; 3 blocks south of Grays Crossing, on ML . Scott line. PORTLAND YOU are making a mistake if TRUST you do not invest in Villa- CO. mead, where you can buy an improved lot at the price of unimproved In the same dis trict. Choice lot, only one block from car. $700; easy terms. Improvements are in cluded In this price. PORTLAND TRUST CO. S. K- Cor. Third and Oak Sts. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Let your money earn it. 2 Int. paid on check accounts. 2H int. paid on 10-day call certificates. 8H int. paid on 30-day call certificates. 4 Int. paid on 90-day call certificates. Small check accounts received. 23 years" banking experience in Portland. JyVe will help you buy- a home. -PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK, Third and Oak Sts GOOD VACANT BUYS. $S00 50x100. 1 blk Hawthorne, on 40th st.; a snap: terms. 50x100 on Tibbets street; nice loca tion and 3 blocks .1 carlines. $700 Wiberg Heights; high, sightly lot; good view; cheap. E. R. MARKHAM, 05 Gerlinger Bldg., ' Second and Alder. VIEW LOT A BARGAIN. On Kelly, between Bancroft and Ham ilton, Qne block from Salem Electric sta tion and one block from S car; 85x110 with a splendid view of the river and mountains; price $2700 with terms; lots 50xl4io in this neighborhood are selling for $200O and up. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. A PERFECT SNAP. 10O feet on 41st su and 200 f.-et deep and one block from carline ; two dozen choloa fruit trees and other small fruit; a chicken-house and a basement all ready to build on, and a fine lawn, alt for the absurd sum of $2200. Onlv $750 cash. JONES & SHERMAN. 302-303 Lewis Bldg. VANCOUVER-AVE. lots, between Graham ave. and Stauton st. ; price of one is $2500 arid the other Is $2750. This is the best block of the street, the highest ground; cement walk in and paid for. Look at these our sign there. "V CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. NEW maps. 1. Latest map of Portland. Or., giving new additions, electric lines, etc. 2. 2-5-mile circle of Portland's surround ing,' giving townships, ranges and section numbers, new electric lines and railroads, etc Price 50 cents each. Send stamps. The Crossley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS I own lots on E. 34th, near Hawthorne; E. 87th. near Gladstone ave.: also lots in Monta villa, St. Johns and Rose City Park, which I offer as the cheapest lots in these dis tricts; they are real bargains; do vou need them 7 Terms. Address AL 926, Ore- r. gon ian. $2500 TWO lots 40x14 0 feet each, the fin-est pair of vacant lots in Council Crest; $1000 down, balance $20 per month. S-6 $325 One mt in block 15, Tremont Park Add.. $75 down. S-35 THE CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. Phone Marshall 1567. A 1567. 110 2d St. SNAP Warehouse site, 100x100, S. fc. cor. Reed and Blakestone sts; only $2"00, cash or trade, to handle. balance $20,000 at 6 per cent. Will lease. Bargain in lot on Overton near 2fld st. Cheapest lot on Union near Skldmore st. Three acres near Base Line road. Owner, 87 5th st. 100x100, Woodstock; fine corner, $S50; $150 cash, $15 per month. 50x100, fine corner, on East 30th st.. near W-W car, $o75; $180 cash, $15 per month. F. A. BEARD & CO., 326 H Washington St., Room 215. THINK OF IT! A 50x100 lot on East 26th st.. one block from carline. within walking dig 's tance of Burnside bridge, for only $1300, and on terms at that. JONES & SHERMAN, . 302-303 Lewis Bldg. 2 RJLAND A real bargain; lots 35x100-, TRUST within 3 blocks of the car- CO. Bull Run water; $350; terms. SEE THESE". PORTLAND TRUST CO. P. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. eOxlOO, at the head of Vaughn st.. lm - provements In; surrounded bv beautoful homes; a fine view; prico $1800. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. $750 CASH. Large lot. 56x100, East Madison, West 46th st., one short block north Haw thorne ave.. this Is cheap. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 502 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. Phone Main 549. ALAMEDA PARK. LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irrlns toa; near Broadway carline; best city Im provements; priced 25 per cent bplow the market. Inquire Alameda Land Somour Z22 Corbett bldg. y' SOUTH PORTLAND. 100x100. double corner; on carline, close In; must be sold; a genuine snap to some one at $1600. See Mr. Myres at THE SP ANTON CO.. 209 Oak St.- PORTLAND Beautiful homesite. Waver TRUST leigh district, $800; easy CO. terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IRVINGTON. 75x100. Beautiful building site, 75x100. for $3500; this Is a beautiful place to build; close in and with all improvements In. Call 304 McKay bldg. CORNELL ROAD, 50x100, head of Overton st.; onlv build ing site In this beautiful restricted sec tion for sale. Inquire office Seward Ho- tel. 10th and Alder sts. PORTLAND Choice lot in Belle Crest at TRUST the bargain price of $600. It's CO. a bargain. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. P. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. ONE of the best-located lots in Laureihurst east front, opposite C. K. Henry's loca tion, can be bought right of the owner; also 10O feet square south and east front on 3Sd and Schuyler, at a bargain. F 929 Oregonian. ' IRVINGTON PARK. Northwest corner 27th and Ainsworth. 100x107 feet, south and east frontage; 3 blocks from carline. SlluO cash. C. F Wagner. P. 0. Box 745. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I have lot 60x90 on Portland Heights, on carline; Ravensview Drive. Price $1500; 20 per cent down. 2 per cent per month. Box AD 907. Oregonian. SEVERAL-attractive building sites of vari ous sizes, one whole block West ave and East Taylor at.; half cash; beautiful view unobstructed ; restrictions; 4M feet north of Belmont car. B 910. Oregonian. SIX DAYS ONLY. 6 lots left; $20 cash. $10 monthly; $600 Property 2 blocks away they get $100 to $1500. Sightly view; 2 blocks to car. Prices; will advance $150 May 1. East 2741. PENINSULA Near Columbia Park! full lot 100 ft. boulevard at your own price. Please make offer, as owner must sell. AN 934. Oregonian. TWO beautiful lots; both phones, sewer, gas electricity and water all in; Z blocks from car; $2000; half cash, balance time. Phone Main S3S0. G 023, Oregonian. REFINED Irvington. oOxlOO. next to corner, east facing, cm SO-ft. paved St., 14-foot parking. E. 17th, between B razee and Thompson; terms. Phone E 256Q. LOTS 1, 2 and 3. block 1. Thompson's Addi tion to Gresham. all for $375, plus 6 per cent. Investigate this snap. L. Thomp ton. 324 Worcester bldg. Main 65H7. THREE lots, facing east, on Rodney ave., bet Mason and Skldmore; all street Im provements paid. Phone Woodlawn 81 for terms. A VERNON lot. 50x100. East front, IOO feet from the carline, $750; $500 cash, balance $10 a month. By owners. 1061 East 16th North. FINE corner lot. 75x100. all Improvements being installed. By owner. 264 E. 44th, rrrner Hawthorne. 100x1 OO. BUSINESS corner. Mississippi ave.; $4000. terms. Room 3 Washington bldg. CHEAP $50 check, good applied any lot t n Othello. Wash. Phone Sell. 10 S. LOWER HEIGHTS lot. with beautiful un obstructed view of entire city. Main 399S. FOR CASH Will sell two choice lots In Alameda Park. AC 932. Oregonian. IRVINGTON snap, ideal building lot; good investment at $1250. AL 934, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL HOME. There ara Nob Hills in different parts of the city. if anyone doubts this asser tion, call and be convinced. Here ls the one home "In the city, comparing price, view, surroundings, car service and the location, that is improving in the most rapid way. This place overlooks the Reed Institute site. East and West Moreland. end should sell for at least $6000. com pared with other less favorable slbes. and we are offering this 100xlK, with a beau tiful 8-roora house' full basement: and fur nace complete, for the sum of $4500 muuui, casn, oaiance on time. We rarely get such bargains, FOSS & JOHNSON. 3S6 Hawthorne Ave, COUNTRY HOME OF REMARKABLE BEAUTY. Fine 8 -room, 2 -story home with all modern Improvements. Located on S large lots. This property is rich in a fine assortment of fruits, shade trees, berries and a good garden. Bam and garage in connection. Only 4 blocks from electric car. Price $7000, part cash, bal ances easy. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. A HOME FOR YOU. In beautiful Rose City Park, a restricted district with cement walks, parked and graded streets, electric lights, both phones, good car service; circumstances compel me to dispose of my beautiful 5-room bun- falow. cement basement, steps and walks, ull plumbing. Dutch kitchen. paneled, walls and ceilings, fine fireplace, built in seats, built-in sideboard in dining-room, all modern conveniences; lot fjoxlOO; grad ed and seeded; anyone that can appreciate a well-built house will do well to look this over; S40O cash, balance termw; take Rose city Park car, got off at 47th st.. go one block north, inquire for D. S. Reid, owner. I will be at house all day Sunday. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT TABOR. We have a modern 6-room house on 53d and East Main, one block from Haw thorne ave,, a fine view of the city and surrounding country, and in one of the finest of neighborhoods; 3 bed-rooms, large living-room, with fine big fireplace, dining-room with built-in - buffet, and large Dutch kitchen and cement basement. Price $2800, terms. "O" Call us up Monday. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFtlL HOME. FINE 2-STORY, 6-ROOM HOUSE, 100X 100 LOT, Piedmont Addition, 20-minute ride from center of city. 25 FRUIT TREES, BERRIES OF ALL KINDS. FINE GARDEN. THERE IS $1200 WORTH OF FUR NITURE IN THE HOUSE; can be had for $6000; $500 CASH. BALANCE TERMS. THIS CAN'T BE BEAT. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 8 4 Fo u r th St.. Board of T ra de. A. H. You've often said, "I wish we had BIRRELL a home with lots of fruit and ber CO. ries." Here it Is, on the beauti ful west slope of Mount Tabor, coming choice district on. the East Side. A 9-room house, lOOx 160 feot of ground, and abun dance of fruit, shrubs, etc.; fine lawn. Our price ia just as at tractive as the place is -$7500, on easy terms. 2Q2-204 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. PORTLAND YOU WANT THE BEST home TRUST that you can buy. Here is a CO, complete home, 6 rooms, Dutch kitchen, beamed, ceil ing, fireplace in the right spot. Yes. It's a bungalow; $500 down and the balance on easy payments; East 45th St., near Broadway. Price. $3600. PORTLAND TRUST CO., S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BUILDING 13 OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 15 jobs going at one time. We can afford less profit on a single contract than the small contractor. You also get Just what you order and take no risk. Plans and estimates free. If you own lot wo will furnish the money. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 002-903 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. 500 CASH. 7-room house, strictly modern, with furnace and fireplace; full basement, gas, and electricity; 4 bedrooms, with closets, cement walks ; lot 55x100 ; corner ; nice lawn, good barn. This place Is strictly first class, and worth $500 more than price asked. Price, $4500; terms, 6 per cent interest. 934 E. Main, corner 81st. Owner on property. WE ARE' BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON: WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WILL FURNISH THB MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AMD ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING A TRUST CO.. 80S-0-10 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak. 45TH AND EAST MAIN. One block from Hawthorne ave., we have a 6-room house, all modern and on corner lot 100x100. This is one of our best buys; price $3300, and on easy terms. Wou.d be glad to show you this place. ..p.. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. ROSSMERE HOME. Large 2-story, 8-room house, NEW, with all modern Improvements, 1 block from carline; lot 100x95; $1500 cash, bal ance $20 month with interest. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND $250 cash and. you move right TRUST into the finest bungalow you CO. ever saw. This is an Ander son bungalow, which means a real complete home. Price. $3100. PORTLAND TRUST CO., . S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. $2500 An up-to-date 5-room bungalow, owner, &&7 Vancouver ave. If you are looking for a home 'first-class in every respect, call. We can arrange terms eo easy It will surprise you. STOWE REALTY CO., 508 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6124. A 3789. SUNN YSIDE. 7-room strictly modern home on fine Conner of 28th street, close to cars. Ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, 4 bed rooms, large attic, gas and electric A sr ap at $3750. Terms. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. J-ROOM house, bath, porch, back and front, lot 30rl 00. lawn on front, rose trees all around the house and a few fruit trees; small barn and woodshed, part basement. 232 West ave. North. Take M-V car to West ave. Price, $1650; corner lot. Fur niture for sale if wanted. MODERN RESIDENCE. 7 rooms, large dining-room and front porch, full cement basement, with fruit and laundry room, etc Lot 70x136, with, 11 fruit trees; 4 blocks from Mt. Tabor oar or 15 E. 61st St., high and etfehtly. Phone B 1420. Your own terms. Owner. WHY do you pay rent when you can buy this dandy new five-room bungalow? Modern throughout, fine fireplace, recep tion hall, full cement basement, 50x100 lot for $500 down and $25 per month. Price is $270O. Burr Maiden Co.. 308 Board of Trade. HAL3BT ST-. NO. 658, NEAR 17TH. Would you buy this very desirable little home from the owner, who is leaving. If the price was very low? A modest payment down, you make terms on balance; the house ha surprisingly large rooms and the lot ample space for garage. Call. PORTLAND It's a beauty 8 large rooms, TR-UcST cobble-stone fireplace, Al fur-CO- nace and plumbing. Let m show this to you. Priee $4500, terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. R. Cor. Third and Oak atsi A. H. Flats, new, modern and com- BIRRELL plete. In a good district on the CO. East Side This property pays 9 per cent on purchase price and Is worth the money. Price $5500 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark Sts. PRESCOTT ST., NEAR UNION Quarter block, faces east and north. 7 rooms, full basement, lots of fruit, beauti ful location. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. OWNER going South, must sell julck, mod ern 7-room house, on best carline In citv; hard-surface pavement; close in, on East Side; price, $4000. See owner at 23 Bel mont st. Good terms. - FOR SALE 6-room house, modern, close in. within 8 blocks from either ferry or depot: will consider part trade. Owner, Geo. E. Qulggle. 22 E. 9th st, Vancou ver. Wash. " SEASIDE, OR, """" 3-room house, with lot 200x100; price $1100. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark fit. FOR SALE by owner, new modern 7-room house, full cement basement; lot 75x100; corner 6th and Going. Phone C 2078. FIVE-ROOM house and barn, corner lot, 75x100; $1500. East Stark, and 85th at. Phone Tabor 1S8. SNAP Good house. 3 lots, a corner; $1200; $504 down. IO months. Must sell. Wra. Neep. 203 North Mora St.. Arleta. Or. A FEW hundred will secure a lot and house In Waverly. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. REAL ESTATE. I or Sale -Houses. IRVINGTON HOMES. 520,000 Very choice corner 100x100. large house and very fine property ; o no- third cash. $ 9,500 10 rooms on comer. 15th and Thompson; this house Is nearing completion. See it today. Beau- tiful oak finish; tile bathroom; every convenience. $ 8,500 Full 100x100. on Tillamook st.; it's a corner and tho 8-room house - is a lovely home. $ 7,500 Very fine lO-room home near E. 15th and Tillamook sts.; new and complete. $ 6,900 Lovely home on E. 24th St.; large rooms, oak flodYs throughout first floor. We can make terms on this. A. H. BIRRELL & CO., 203 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark Sts. -ROOM house, modern, almost new, lot 50x 100, gooi view, Michigan ave.. near Fre mont; pi ice, $4200; $2200 cash, balance terms. 6- room house, lot ROxl 00. modern. Wasco st.. near 24th; price, $3600; $1000 cash, balance terms. 7- room modern house, built- 4 year ago. near Alberta carline; price. $3700; terms. 4-room house, lot 100x100, $1950, part cash, part terms. Swiss chalet 6 rooms, modern' In every respect. West Side, walking distance. $0000: $3000 cash, terms on balance. 7-room house, modern, in Irvington; $40O0. part cash. We have houses in all parts of the, city, at all prices and any kind of terms. MAGINNIS LAND A INVESTMENT CO., 316-17 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WALNUT PARK, Two strictly modern and up-to-date homes. 7 and 9 rooms, full cement basement, laundry trays, best of plumbing, toilet on each floor, hardwood floors, built-in china closets, fire places, furnace, medicine case, linen closet, beam ceiling and paneled dining-room, oak front door, double walls and best of material throughout. About ready for tinting. Buy now and select your own colors. Have lOOx IOO corner In Piedmont, 100x100 corner in Walnut Park, a 7-room house and a double flat in Irvington. all at a bargain. SECURITY BUILDING CO.. 618 Lumbermen m bldg. . 5th and Stark. Phones Main 2362. A 2364. TWO GOOD HOMES CHEAP. First is modern, 7-room, well-built home, one block from car, with east front ; ground 100x100. massive1 R-foot porch. 72 feet long across front and full length of house on south; very stylish outside and artistically arranged inside. See photo at office, .price $5000. Terms. Second is modern 8-room contractor's hoVie, ground 100x100. two blocks from car: substantial concrete blocks, large rooms; full basement. A bargain at $4700. Terms. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. S2-3 Lafayette Bldg., Washington and th. GOOD HOME BUYS. $1200 On easy terms, for a nice home. $Ti200 For an elegant home close in on East Sth; up-to-date In every way. $3000 $500 cafh, balance easy, for a good 7-room house, West Side, easy walking dis tance. $5000 For large lot with good house on Mill st., close In, good terms given; property around sells like hot cakes and much higher than this. F. FT'CHS. 221 H Morrison St. PORTLAND $3500 TRUST CASH. CO. $2500 balance. on easy payments; a beauti ful home, with 300x100 of ground. This Is In Woodstock, where values are going up. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. HAWTHORNE AVE. A 6-room house, between 38th and 30th, on Hawthorne ave., all modern; gas, elec tricity, . sewer, cement sidewalks, hard surface streets and on one of the best carlines In the city; hot-water plant; in fact all the modern conveniences of a home. Price $3S00; terms; would be glad to show you this home. p CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. $5000 A 7-room bungalow all modern. Dutch kitchen, bookcases, china closet, extra fine bath, cement walks, furnace; a fine home on Capitol ave. near Shaver. Overlook. Own er at houw Sundays: anv reasonable terms. STOWE REALTY CO.. 508 Chamber of Commerce Main fil24. A 3780. A. H. Brand-new 5-room bungalow on BIRRELL East Grant st. TM3 is choice. CO. Good plumbing, electric lights . and gas: nicely finished ; only $2450: $450 cash, balance month ly payments. ' 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. SPLFNDTD 9-ROOM house, full basement, block from Flrft on Hancock. Newberg. Fur nished, new furniture and modern, furnace heated, all Improvements Included. Price with furniture, except piano, $3050. Terms on good eecurlty. White & Nichols, Real Estate Co.. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE Furnished nice Mt. Tabor home, 6 rooms, bath, closets and electric lights, barn, chicken house and park, hnthouse, nice garden, lots of all kinds of fruit, flowers and shade tree; cash or terms; no agents, 15S0 FJ, Burnside st. VERNON ADDITION Eight-room house, fine reception hall, nice sleeping porch, bath and toilet, full cement basement, 50x 100 lot. only one-half block from car, for $500 cash, balance easy terms. 308 Board of Trade. AINSWORTH AVE. AND 16TH ST. 7- room modern bungalow, cobble-stone chlmnev, fireplace and veranda trimmings; vou will like it: price S3S0O. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. NEW 5-room bunealow; modern; 1 block from Union ave.: $25X. 8- room modern, on Un Ion ave. ; $4000i, trmp. Owner. 1465 Union ave. Phone Woodlawn 2173. IF YOTT want to buy a fine new bungalow, size 38 feet by 62 feet, two lots, on corner, facing W. W. carline. call at 1O20 Gladstone ave., corner East 34th ft. Must be seen to be appreciated. Everything up to date. A GOOD 7-room house, furnished, with lot 100x200. all kinds of fruit, at Myrtle Point, Or., Borders Addition, $2000 cash. Wm. Adams. Wm. R. Apperson, 251 Washington street. A. H. Very choice home, Just off the BIRRELL Alberta carline. This plaoe is CO. new and complete. Large house, on a corner lot. Price $K00. ?02 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark Sts. 6-ROOM house. Overlook; 50x100; fine look ing, just finished: all improvements in; your lot and some cash; $700 and easy terms. Deal with owner ; saves commission. 789 Williams ave. EXCELLENT HOME, SNAP. Fine 5-room modern bungalow, near Union avenue, including $400 fine furni ture, all for $2900; terms. DuBoia & Crockett, wasmngton Diag. FOR SALE 3 highly improved lots, corner, fruit, berries, garden, chick-ens. 4-room bungalow; streets graded; $3000; terms. '768 E. 39th, cor. Francis. 880 EAST 10TH N. X. W. corner lot. all fenced. 5-room modern house. 24x34, barn 16x30, with cement floor; chicken-house 6x8. with netting; price $2800. FOR SALE A 40-room hotel at a fashion able seaside resort, accessible to Portland. For particulars apply to Alex S hives, 617 Board of Trade bldg. MODERN" 6-room house, porcelain plumbing, electric lights, lot 50x100. for $2150; easy terms; furniture If desired. Owner, phone Tabor 2219. " 827 AND 831 GARFIELD ST. Two houses, one 5 rooms and the other 10 rooms, lot 100x100; price only $5500. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow; lot 103x104; also S-room furnished house, or will rent to reliable party. Owner leaving city. AM 925. Oregonian. $7000 WILL BUT new modern 16-room flat over $70 monthly Income. E. 22d, near Stark. Inquire Owner, 127 B. 16th, near Morrison. NEAR UNION AVE. 6-room house on Siskiyou st.. lot 60x125, nrice 43000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE Six-room modern house, large lot, cement walks, all first-clas?, half cash, bal ance 2 years, 8 per cent; 37 West Jessup. FOR SALE Modern home, 6 rooms, lot 6'x E. 9th st. N Phone C 2429. 000 WHEN moving fsli ip Van Horn Transfer Co., M- 1618. A 19b4; all covered wagons and experienced men. TWO 6-room houses on Mount Tabor carline " and West ave. at $15 per month. Boyer & Manela, 110 2d St. 1900 Four-room house and large lot two blocks from Mt. Scott car; $100 down. io month. Box 171. Lents. Or. TWO LOTS, fenced in, house, woodshed fruit trees, water, near car, $850; terms! Room 3 Washington bldg. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. 490 East 20th, su. North. Call and see It. NEW, modern bungalow, beautifully fur nished. 8 rooms: price $55"0. terms; you must see this. Phone C 2429. IRVINGTON Owners leaving. will sell beautiful new 8-room house at a bargain; no agents. AK 930. Oregonian. $3400 12th and Tillamook. 8-room bungalow just completed. Phone East 2227. A FEW desirable building lota- left in Waverly. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ONE THOUSAND CASH. It's all you need to make first payment on this elegant home. Ifs an 8-room bungalow and will please the most fastidious. In restricted district with all Improvements in and paid. Fine fireplace, hardwood floors, -bookcases. Dutch kitchen, front porch 8x40 with flower boxes; cement floor in base ment, laundry trays; storage room. There is nothing undone to make this house complete. It's just completed and is easily worth $5000 but for quick sale will take $4200. Investigate at once. PORTLAND REALTY & CONST. Co.. Marshall 646, A 71 S3. 902-3 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE. Modern bungalow, just completed, sleep ing porch, nearly furnished throughout; owner will sell at a price which cannot be duplicated In the city. Terms to suit. Call any time during the week, 1075 East 24th North. Alberta ca r. IRVINGTON. $2200. By owner, finest home in Irvington, cor ner 300x100, including furniture, fixtures, bric-a-brac, paintings, Turkish rugs, hand painted china, swell draperies, automobile, library. A complete mansion for anvbody. 433 E. 15th st. cor. Tillamook. Phone C 1275. SPECIALS. $9000 157x100 corner, beautiful modern 7-room house; hot water heat, finely fin ished. $.i."00 Elegant 8-room house, Irvington. $6500 50x100, walking distance. West Side. $5700) S-room modern house (it's a beauty) ; piedmont. $3600 50x125. 7-room nearly new house, barn; walking distance. $2600 Corner, nearly new bungalow; good terms. $6500 Ladd's Addition, a fine modern 7-room bouse. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFULLY located In Westmoreland, between Knapp and Rex, on 17th ; new, modern 5-room bungalow, large attic can do off 2 rooms if needed: full basement, 2 large bedrooms and closet, complete set of plumbing, fireplace and furnace, beamed ceiling, built-in book case and china closet, Dutch kitchen, large front porch, electric light, piped for gas, combination fixtures, in fact, everything first-class and up to date: cement walks and steps. For sale by - owner. 1565 E. 15th St. SNAP FOR HOMESEEKERS. Many a good home is lost by indlffer entism on the part of homeseekers; don't delay seeing this 7-room home, two blocks from car; it s on corner. In good local ity and is north far more than owner is willing to accept; It is a bargain at $2800; easy terms; there is nothing to lose by seeing it and much to gain. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32-3 Lafayette Bldg-, Washington and flth. WE HAVE SOME GOOD OFFERINGS TIMBER. 5,000.000 to 1,000,000.000 feet. It will pay you to see our list HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GO LOOK SUNDAY Close-in lot, beginning 40 ft. east 804 Wasco st. ; must sell at once at cheap price of $1600; this is a big sacrifice; lot easily worth $200 0; all improvements in paid; $600 will handle. Ideal place for bungalow. Go look at this; make In quiries about surrounding lots. BEILMAN & LA THRO P, 516 Abington Bldg. PORTLAND Looking for an 8-room home? TRUST WE HAVE it. Yes, there's a CO. sleeping porch, and It's on a corner, only 2 blocks from the car. This place is "down .to now"; $4500 is the price. Let us show it to you. PORTLAND TRUST CO. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IXXTS 6, 7. BLOCK 111. ROSE CITY PARK. 150 feet north of Siskiyou st., facing east on 59th St.; fine, high, sightly lots, two blocks to car; cement sidewalks, curbs, etc., all In and paid. These are $1500 lots; we are ready to prove it. Price un til Tuesday only $1000 cash. FRICK-DODDS COMPANY, 310 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. HAWTHORNE AVE. PROPERTY. A beautiful new home of 6 rooms, 4 block off of Hawthorne ave., south on 32d; It Is double constructed, has fire place, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; a modern home throughout ; can be tinted to suit buyer; worth $4500, can be had from owner for $3050, $1000 cash, balance to suit. R. O. McCroskey. owner. Call 1 111 E. Morrison or phone. Tabor 2231. YOUR LAST CHANCE. A brand-new ff-room bungalow, large re ception hall, full cement basement. Very best plumbing. Dutch kitchen, large bath room; lot 50x100. east front. Must sell this and will make the price $2250, half cash, balance good terms. REPASS & WOOD YARD. .TOO Henry Bldg DO YOU - WANT A HOME? I have one at a bargain; six rooms and bath for $2500; cash or terms; with full- bearing fruit trees, flowers, garden and lawn; zh block from car. See Slocum, 402 Commercial blk.. Second and Washington streets. BY owner, 1154 E. Alder st., 5-room bun galow cottage, completely and newly fur nished, 2 blocks from car; lawn, roses, garden ; everything homelike ; must be seen to be appreciated. V 933, Ore- gonlan. WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE, Near East Ankeny carline, a mod-era 7 room house and full lot. The price is right and part cash will handle it. JONES & SHERMAN, 302-303 Lewis Bldg. A REAL SNAP OWNER GOING BAST. Must sell. Seven-room home, two lots, corner 29th and Han cook sts.; restricted fine view. This is a real bargain for one who wants a home ready to move into. Call or phone East 4003 for particulars. Owner. QUEEN Anne, 6 rooms, modern, full-size lot; near 16th and Wygant St.; here is a snap; $2700. terms, too. THINK OF IT. See 11s immediately. t THE SP ANTON CO.. 269 Oak St. DEAL with owner and builder and save commission ; will sell my 2 beautiful 7 room residences on exceptionally good terms or will accept Portland property or business chance as first payment. 12$ E. 28th st. PUhone B 2764. 6-ROOM -modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches. full concrete basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; one block from car; cheap; payment down, terms; fine corner.! station, Mt Scott car. Phone Tabor 939. t NEW 5-room bungalow; all modern con veniences; beamed dining-room with French doors and leaded glass buffet; also cove ceilings In all rooms; very artistic Phone B 1196 or call 382 H Hawthorne ave. $38CM) Fins' home in choice location, lot 50x 100, one block west of best part of Lau reihurst. Modern house, five rooms and re ception hall, full cement basement, nice lawn, fruit trees, etc See owner today, 926 E. Davis near 30th. No agents. NEW BUNGALOWS. Real homes, on easy terms, every con venience. See owner on ground 2 to 5 today. East 87th St.. lust south of Clinton. Take W-R car; 18-mlnute ride. STRICTLY modern six-room house. Just completed; adjoins Laureihurst on the west. Inquire of owner, 915 Oregon St., or phone Main 6830 Monday. SPECIAL bargain, Irvington home, well - built, attractive surroundings, $500 cash, $25 a -month. Why pay rent? phone East 304. 13500 NEW 6-room bungalow, HoIIaday Park Ad.; full lot and basement, beautiful porches, fireplace, cement walks, etc; will take good lot as part pay. T. A. Rutherford. 5Q5 Couch bldg. QUARTER BLOCK on Mississippi-ave. with 4 houses of 6 rooms each; now paying 10 per cent; can be Increased; price $5000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 100x175. 8-ROOM. two-story house, on car line; $3000, easy terms. CRAWFORD & BABCOCK, 502 Swetland Bldg. NEW 2-storv modern house, 14 th near Harrison sts. Beautifully situated, $11,500. 2Q2 Va Washington st BUNGALOWS built to suit you on easy terms in Waverly. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. REAL ESTATE. . For Sale ouses. -BEAUTIFUL HOME. RIVE R DALE. One of the handsomest homes In the Klversido district; seven beautifully de signed and artistically finished rooms, a reception hall, a full-length living-room, with large fireplace, built-in bookcases, casement and French windows, paneled and beamed dining-room, with artist io 3t' convenient kitchen. S bedrooms, each In separate color scheme: large bath, attic spate for 3 rooms, full cement base ment, extra large furnace, private water sstem undar heavy pressure. The grounds cover about acre in extent and command a sweeping view of the citv. river and mountains. If you are seeking a real iiome in the most exclusive residence dis trict, see R- BRYAN. . a ' - 7. 505 Chamber of Com. Main 193. A ERY HANDSOME BUNGALOW On corner lot and on Portland Heights carline The view- is beautiful. The house finished in hardwood floors, paneled walls, beamed ceilings. This home must be seen to be appreciated. You can buy it for $10,000. David Lewis, S3 Sth st. ONE OF THE ' FINEST IN IRVINGTON. l ek-gant 8-room home, on a cor ner 60x100. with private garage. No money was spared to make this one of Lne,.nnesi in tne cit' Ali the floors ara hardwood, panel wood, finest of electrical and gas fixtures. Two baths, including 3 snow-ers. The owner refused $16,000 a Today It can be purchased for $13,500. i-avid Lewis. 83 5th st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A beautiful home on the Heights com manding a superb view of the citv, rivers and mountains: all th snow-capped peaks from Mount Hood to Mount St. Helens are In view The house Is woll built of select material, artistically finished throughout, end thoroughly modern In every respect The rooms are large and well lighted, a reception hall, larg sitting-room with fire place, a beamed dining-room, a Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms and bath, and- 3 sleeping balconies, large attic, hot-water heat. For full particulars as to price and terms see R F. BRYAN, A 1?2. 505 Chambor of Com. Main 1961. READ THIS. If you want the best buy In Portland In a fine fl-room house, with reception hall, bath, patent toilet, full basement, cement walls, hot and old water, pantry and, china closet, full-sized lot. in a fine dis trict; walls are all hard fiber plastered and the interior is all a high-grade of : we can seM 'ou thfs place for J.-oo cash and the balance verv easy terms. THIS PLACE MUST BE SOLD and will be sold within the next 3 days, so if you vvant a SNAP, come early and we will show vou. CHITTENDEN, OTTO NEILL. 310 Oak St. Poth Phones. SWELL home in Vernon. I am the owner; large reception hall with hullt-ln seats, fine living-room. beamed ceilings, polished floors, fireplace with French plate mirror, square columns; large dining-room, beamed and panneled. built-in window seats, Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, toilet downstairs; two rooms and sleeping porch upstairs; beautiful electrical fixtures, full cement basement, full lot and lawn; half block to car. Price $3750, $750 cash, balance $25 per month. No agents. Phone IRVINGTON, $8000. By owner, a beautiful home. 8 rooms, hardwood finish, hardwood floors, tile kitchen, all modern. Fixtures, shades, cor 52x100. 420 E- 15th st. cor. Tillamook et. Phone East 1275. UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW. Just completed; 7 large rooms, cement basement and porch, paneled walls, beamed celling, built-in china closet, Dutch kitchen, double walls and floors, fireplace, furnace, all Interior finish se lected ; nothing has been left undone to make this strictly first-class. Price $4500; easy terms. C. B. LUCAS. 511 Corbett Bldg.' ONLY $200 CASH And balance $15 monthlv. buvs a nice new bungalow on 60x122 lot. graded street, citv' water, finest soil, near good carline, 1 3 minutes ride to new bridge: house has 2 good bedrooms with bathroom between, all bath and lighting fixtures In. You can't beat this and price is only $2000 Call early Monday. 516 Abington bldg., or phone Sunday Main 3126 between 10 and 12 A. M. MAGNIFICENT HOME. . lOOrxlOO corner, lovely lO-room house, finest workmanship; Ruud hot water heater, fine laundry, large chambers, ele gant rooms, beautiful grounds; In a sec tion growing In value; within walking dis tance; only $16.OO0; terms. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg 8-ROOM NEW HOUSE $3250 Close to Highland School and Cathollo School, 4 bedrooms, 4 large lower rooms, electric lights, gas for cooking, cement basement, fine corner 57x100: room to build another house; good porch; can sell for $500 down; property in this neighbor hood fast increasing in price. Call room 516 Abington bldg. BIG HOUSE. 9 ROOMS. CHEAP Big lot 100x120, south facing, close in, 1 . block from Ankeny. walking distance, fur nace, fireplace, 2 toilets, 2 lavatories, beau- tiful grounds, roses, foliage and . fruit; 2 lots easily worth $60 00; will sacrifice the two lots and house for $7000. Own-?r must have money for contract. Phone East or B 1894. A COUNTRY home in the city. 1 acre on a carline. good 6-room house and outbuild ings, good well, also city water; 120 grape vines, also other fruits and berries; 212 feet frontage on carline; this is a sacrifice as owner has moved awav; $4500. CRAWFORD & BABCOCK. 502 Swetland Bldg. NEAR WILLIAMS AVE., $300. Modern 6-room. 2-story home; electric lights, gas. full basement, set tubs, fine neighborhood, streets. sidewalks and sewer improvements paid ; price $2600 ; worth $3200: balance 6 per cent Interest. F. H. DESHON. 407 Lumbermens Bank Bldg. FOR SALE, or will exchange for Portland property; six-room house, about one acre good garden, chicken park, two dozen - fruit trees. Hillsboro. Or. One hour ride from Portland on electric or steam line Inquire owner. 630 Taggart st Portland. Terms, discount for cash. $300 Secures modern 5-room bungalow, 100 ft. from carline, within 3-mile circle; cement sidewalks; price $2400. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 502 McKay Bldg., 8d and Stark. Phone Main 549. $50 BUNGALOW. 5" rooms, on Oregon City carline. 6 rooms, on Woodstock carline. 5 rooms, on Rose City carline. With furniture if preferred; payment $15 per month. National Realty & Trust, Co 326tf, Wash, st.. room 516. MODERN 7-room house, full basement, fur . nace. wash trays, fireplace, lawn, roses. In fact, everything that goes to make up a modern up-to-date home in the Central East Side district; J3R50; $1773 cash. 883 East Main, near 29th, Sunny slde car. FINE NEW BUNGALOW. Will accept small payment down; fine location; furnace, fireplace, cement base ment, laundry, fine bath, toilet, lectric light, sewer, paved street: almost the same as rent. Call 516 Abington bldg. $2350 NEW 6-room bungalow, two blocks to carline: full lot and basement: $250 cash, balance to suit. T. A. Rutherford, 505 Couch bldg. THURMAN-STREET snap. 8-room tapper and lower flats, renting for $25; size of ground 28x87; .terms. Inquire of owner, OSS Wil BOn st. PRICE $2200. " Brand new 5-room cottage, RoseJawn ave.. near Union. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 843 Stark Bt. 6-ROOM house, modern except basement; 50x137 lot. opposite Westmoreland; alght . ly location; only . $1300; terms. - 71S Chamber of Commerce. WHY PAY RENT? New frame house painted, for only $550. teims. Take Mt- Scott car, inquire for Klise. at cigar store, Tremont station. FIVE-ROOM house, full lot, cement basement, fruit, flowers, berries; $2000. $300 down, bal ance like rent; street improvements included! North Irvington district. Woodlawn 1828. DEKUM AVE., NEAR UNION. 7-room modern house, barn, fruit trees1 and roses. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. HOLLADAY PARK. 6-room modern house, I2SO0 cash, balance 6 per cent. 2v2 Washington street. $2650 MODERN six-room, two-story home, one block from East Ankeny cars. Phone Woodlawn 1405. WAVERLY is on two carlines and Improved. Fine for building. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. FOR SALE, in Sunnyside. by owner, 6-room house. $2400. terms. Phone Tabor 1713. WE help our clients to build in Waverly Heights. Jno. P. BharkeyCo. A FIVE-ROOM bungalow, modern, - fpr S3OQ0. part terms. Y 934. Oregonian. BEFORE building, see us. Plans and estK mates free. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. MODERN 7-room house, near in; fine view. B 110' rt2' Hawthorne ave $4500 7 rooms, HoIIaday Park; terms. Phone" mornings. East 5958.