14 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND, 3IAY 1, 1910. SEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. JTEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. -7W TODAY. NEW TODAY. SUNSET LOTS $100 up EASY TERMS On .Nehaleni Peninsula, between the ocean and Nehalem Bay, at the foot of Neearney Moun tain. ONLY 2 HOURS FROM PORTLAND on the new railroad nearing completion. No better beach any where. Ask about our Free Cottage. Goddard 6 Wiedrick 243 Stark St. FOR SALE 50x100 S40.000 Morrison and 19th INCOME 8S1ISOO A YEAR. IOOiIOO-$35,000 16th and Hoyt income: 111200. 100x1601 s-room house: Holladay Park Addition 811,000 50x10083500 25th andVaughn Sts. 92100 82750 Alameda Park Addition WITH ALL IHPROVEMEXT5. 100x100 S1650 Near Irvington-Broadway CarLine soiioo $750 Near Broadway Car Line 92V4115 81650 Near Broadway Car Line F. RICHET, Owner S3S I HAMBKK OF COMMERCE BLDG. $25,00075x100, East Side, close in ; income-bearing; warehouse prop erty; trackage. Good terms. j5000 50x100, income-bearing; Union avenue. $4500 100x100, 7-room house, ce ment basement in three apartments, 23 bearing fruit trees, small fruit and shrubbery; easy payments; will trade this. Three blocks from St. Johns car. $2300 75x114. 5-rooru modern, full "cement basement, good barn; Mon tavilla. $275050x105, Union ave., Skid more st. Hood River orchard bearing tracts k trade for Portland property. C. HUGHES LAND CO. 108 Lewis Bldg:., Cor. 4th and Oak. HERE'S A BARGAIN Three lots on southwest corner of 22nd and Halsey 142x100 feet. Trice is $6300, and the owner -will make terms to suit purchaser. This property must be taken at once. Columbia Trust Company Board of Trade Building:. 50 Acres For Platting Near "car on the PEM. 51 I, A. where great values are (colnn on. I'an make you two hundred per cent on money invested. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor. Lewis Bids. Nob Hill Apartment Site S7xinn, west of 23d st., I?i,0 nOxlOO, west of 23d St.. $5000 S3 1-3-.IO0, west of 23d St., $4250. Goldschmidt's Agency 253 ' aahlngton. car. 3d. St.F ranees ANNOUNCEMENT St. Frances Hill is on the east slope of the new King's Heights Addition. That means that St. Frances Hill is closer to the city than any other addi tion, and closer in than any other addi tion can ever be, as it adjoins the present Nob Hill residence section of Portland. Street improvements have been under way for two months, and hard - surface pave ments, gas, water and . sewers will be laid as fast as the contrac tors can do it. Im provements will not cost lot buyers extra. The prices of lots are from 60 to 90 cents ($3000 to $4500 per lot) and INCLUDES IMPROVEMEN T S. In order to give buy ers an opportunity to make selections now, we have made the terms one-third cash, balance on or before three years at 6 per cent. The view alone is worth the price, and the location "is worth it again. If you had a lot in the City Park it would be in just the same rela tive location as a lot in St. ranees Hill located just across the street north from the City Park. Come in and see list of peo ple who have already bought. W. B. Streeter and B. Gildner 212 LEWIS BLDG. Yamhill Farms 103 ACRES, 2-3 bottom land, balance first-class bench land. 70 acres In culti vation and crop, 3 fine horses, 4 cows. 2 sows and pigs, new cream separator, 600-lb. capacity. All kinds of farm ing implements, good orchard and good varieties of fruit. Good hcruse and fair barn, and all other necessary outbuild ings; 4 springs on the place. On good county road. Bottom land is first class rich black loam, 50 pure-blood fowls. 100 chickens. ?S5 per acre; terms. 13 ACRES, 0 acres in cultivation, balance In oak and fir lands, timber and pasture. 12 acres in hops, 6-room house and barn and other necessary buildings. R- F. Z. mail and phone line. i mile to a graded school, church and store: good county road runs through the place. Price $30 per acre; 14 cash. 12R ACRES, farm and dairy land, creek by the place, 70 acres bottom land. Can be irrigated from the creek; 70 acres In cultivation, balance fine pasture. Good water, creek, spring and well. Good 5-room house, 2 barns, shedded all around; all other necessary buildings. R. F. D. mail and phone line. Two good horses, 14'head dairy cows, 1 good top buargy and double-seated back. " Good wagon. 1 separator, all farming implements and plenty of feed. All household furniture. 50 chickens, 4 mile from carline. 20 miles from Port land. Washington County, $115 per acre; terms. W. W. ESPEY 310 Commercial Block. Apartment Site 100x150 Northwest corner Twenty-second and Irving; some income, amount ing to $115 per month. PRICE 31,000 Half Cash. 513 McKay Bldg, Third and Stark. Hill ROSE CITY PARK New Modern Homes In the best residence district from TO 36SOO See our list. Fine car serv ice, Bull Run water, cement sidewalks, electric lights, ev erything to make home hap py. Ideal for children. Lots $550 and upward. A fine Alajneda corner for $1500. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 100x100 on 16th an Brings in good rental and is in growing locality. $35,000 KEASEY nUMASONJEFFERYll 14 CHAMBER OF COMME.RCE. (J ApartmentSite WITH VIEW Can Never Be Obstructed. Montgomery St. Close in. "Walking distance. Good car service. Open on' three sides. Price $17,500 $7500 to handle. Balance mortgage, 6 per eent. After five days price will be $20,000. This location will appeal to tenants. Will produce big income on the investment. Mrs.W. S. Ott 80 Fourth Street. $23,500 Two lots on 12th street, only partly improved and paying over 6 per cent interest. In district with big future. $8000 Flat building on Overton st., pay ing 9 per cent interest, with good future. t 411 CORBETT BLDG Portland Heights Home By owner, a full lot and new 5-room bungalow, modern in everv way: two blocks from car; both phones; eewer; fas. electricity and water. Price. $3750. 1750 cash, balance good time. Main S380. G 927. Oregonlan. APARTMENT SITE Close in, on West Side.' Price very low. Address R 9S1 d Hoyt xl 10 M Investments $125,000 A whole bloek.on trackage, 13th and 14th, Overton and Pettygrove. $9o,Oo6 50x115 on Washington st., 3-story building, bringing in $7500 per year. $80,000 Quarter block, 3-story building, on 20th and Washington, near where Morrison will intersect Washington. $75,000 Over three lots on Fourth street, near Everett, unimproved. $70,000 Three lots on 9th and Davis, good growing locality. 850,000 Nearly three lots on Second and Columbia streets. S55.000 100x100 on Ninth and Davis, with two-story building bringing in good rental. $50,000 On Washington street, near 18th, 70 feet frontage ; a good buy. $45,000 100x100 on 12th and Flanders. $45,000 50x100, on 9th and Burnside. $45,000 50x95, with two-story brick on 4th and Couch; good rental. $40,000 Fractional lot, near Washington st. $35,000 Ninth and Flanders, 50x100, two story frame ; fair income. 527,500 69 feet frontage on "Washington st. near King. 525,000 Good two-story brick, bringing in $2220 a year. $25,000 74x96 on Third st.; the best buy on the street. $15,500 50x100, corner, on 13th street. 10,000 50x100, on Seventh street. LOTS $4500 Fine quarter block Montgomery Drive, Portland Heights. $3500 Three nice lots on Laurel street, for $3500 each. $6500 50x140 on Cornell road, head of Northrup street. $6575 50x100 on Johnson, between 23d and 24th. , S6500 50x100, near 24th and Johnson. 56000 60x100 on Overton st., between 21st and 22d. $5000 60x100 on Pettygrove, between 21st and 22d. $5250 50x100, Overton between 25th and 26th. $5000 50x100, 19th, between Northrup and Overton. $4750 Overton between 20th and 21st, 50x100. S4500 50x100, Overton between 19th and 20th. $4500 50x100, Pettygrove between 21st and 22d. $5000 100x100, 16th and Tillamook. $4570 100x100, 19th and Knott. $4500 100x100, 15th and Brazee. $4500 100x100, 16th and Thompson. $4250 100x100, 17th and Thompson. $4250 100x100, 15th and Thompson. $4250 78x100, 22d and Halsey. $4000 100x100, 18th and Knott. , $2450 50x100, 22d and Broadway. $2100 50x100, 15th near Knott. $2000 50x100, 22d near Thompson. $2000 50x100, 16th near Tillamook. $1800 50x100, ISth near Knott. Acreage and Farms 15 ACHES near Council Crest station, unimproved; $10,000.. 51-3 ACRES, Meldrum station; 800 bearing peach trees, new five-room bungalow, on countv road, near sta tion ; $10,000. 2V2 ACRES, Meldrum station; 10-r'm. modern house, gas plant, furnace; fruits, berries grapes; facing car line; known as the Steel place; $&300. 18 ACRES, near Beaverton; 6 acres of fruit, new barn $5000. Will trade for city home. 15 ACRES, adjoining Capitol Hill; fruit and berries; all clear; $15,000. Terms. 25 ACRES, riverfront home, near Concord station, about half in nat ural woods; $1500 per acre. 10 ACRES, 2 miles from Tigardville, $100 an acre. 12 ACRES, Barnes road, 5 miles from Courthouse: $350 an acre. 10 ACRES, 4i miles out on Barnes road, all cleared. 20 ACRES, near - Shathiek station, $600 per acre. KEASEY, HUMASON DtALIRS I N LAND 2. JEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DOUBLE YOUR MONEY FIVE ACRES AT WOODSTOCK Already platted and ready for. the market; can be bought for ' $6000. Clearing and platting all done and paid for. This tract will retail for $11,000 or more, and it is the only tract in that vicinity which is platted in half-acre tracts. The surrounding property is all platted into lots; and selling fast. Other acreage, not platted, and some dis tance from Woodstock, is quoted at between $1500 and $2000 an acre, or is not for sale at all. My partner is going to Seattle and wants to sell. Call at the Oregon Hotel and ask for Mr. Aabling. argam Over 14 Lots, East Side, close in; just south of Ladd Tract. We have this for a few days at 0,000 Surrounding property sell ing at $1000 and over per lot. James Manner & Co. Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d St. HOLLIDAY AVE. RESIDENCE Of 9 rooms, besides large attic and 100x125 feet, situate close in. MOUNT TABOR RESIDENCE Of 9 rooms and attic and one acre of land in the best district on E. 65th st., convenient to two carlines. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x100 feet. N. E. corner 19th and Elm sts.; very choice 70x100 feet, N. E. cor ner Chapman and Myrtle sts. NORTH PORTLAND 100x100 ft. on 23d st., near Thurman St. 50x100 ft.. Guild St., near Thurman. Full particulars on application. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. 630 Hamilton Bids., 131 Third at. Warehouse ropertyj FRONT AND COLUMBIA STREETS 100x100 feet at the southwest corner of Front and Colum bia streets. A location with a great big future. WATER STREET 100x100 feet, corner Mill st., directly opposite Oregon Elec tric Railway Company's pur chases. WATER STREET ' 50x200 feet, extending from Front to Water streets and near Montgomery. i WAKEFIELD, I FRIES & CO. ! 85 Fourth St. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates. CLARK-COOK COMPANY B Board of Trade Baildlne, Pbiin Main .VtOT, A 3252. INVESTORS Call on owner's Realty Ass'n for timber, acreage, business. residence and apartment properties. 205 Arlinrton. $1 BARGAINS IN EAST SIDE RESIDENCES j12,r00 Very attractive 11-room house on quarter block, E. 20th near Brazee. New, well built, modern in every respect. Beautiful location. Good car service. S59000 Beautiful suburban home; house modern in every particular, well arranged and well built; eight rooms and large tttic; eight lots; sightly and good view. Portion na tive growth, balance highly im proved. In Orchard Homes Addi tion. Good car service. Terms on half. $5500 6-room cottage, Schuyler, near E. 20th; $1000 will handle. 5300 M o d e r n, well - arranged house; lot 76x100; E. 9th, near Hal sey. Price reduced in, order to sell. Terms. 553650 Attractive 7-room dwelling on Sandy road, near E. 28th; half cash, balance like rent. 52600 5-room bungalow, in Have lock Addition, on Jarrett, near Pat ton ave.; new and modern; $500 cash .ill handle. Balance like rent. McCARGER, BATES & LIVELY 315 Failing. Building. Washington St. 69 feet on Washington, 96 feet deep; fine apartment site; near King street. 50x100 on 10th, near College; $57 per month rental ; $8500. 50x100 on 11th, near Hall; $8000. 170x85 on Corbett and Hamil ton ave. ; fine hotel site. 50x200 on 1st and Gibbs; good rental.; easy terms. 50x100 on North 18th; terminal district. 50x100 on North 17th ; terminal district. 60x100 on Johnson, between 23d and 24th, with 2 good resi dences ; good rental and very easy terms. 100x100 corner 14th and Over ton. We also have a good list of farms and other city property. James Manner & Co. Hamilton Bldg., 131 Third St. We have the best apart ment house in the up per - Washington - street district for sale at a price that will appeal to anyone looking for an investment. It pays a big rate of interest. Let us show it to you. KEASEY, HUMASON Ph"":S H2 JEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE Corner Lot 50x100 ft. Tenth Street With Four Modern Houses close: ix $20,000 Pays 8 Per Cent Income Net. GOLDSMITH & CO. 1Q3 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oalt sta. 7 FIRST MORTGAGES On Improved real estate FOR SALE. S. r. TIXCEKT & CO., 420-421 Lumbermens Bldg-. Cor. 5th & Stark. "Main 8990, A, 7488. WASIIiGTO-STRE FIT CORNER. LEASE 40 "TEARS. FREE. To the party who will Improve it. Here is the one chance of a lifetime. Talk to the owner at THE SPASTON CO., 269 Oak Street. Finest dairy or diversified proposi tion in Oregon, located 4 miles south of Aurora; electric road eurvev on prop erty; Rood buildinps. running water, 60 acres cleared. For further partic ulars and price wee Gray & EueJ l- 719 Board of Trade Bids. APARTMENT HOUSE West Park Quarter Very choice apartment site. Th. cheapest corner left on this fine park way. Buy now, before the advance from present low price. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD MONEYMAKERS JI'iflA for a Rood business corner. JJUU bringing in SSI a month. $ 1 ? Oflfl n eaaV terms for a tract of 'i'"uu 12 acres. 1 14 miles from Court house, where you can make $30,000 within less than 2 years. -F. FtCHS. 221 Morrison Street. REAL ESI' ATE DEALERS. F. ABRAHAM Rooms 217-21S-219 Lumber Exchange bldg. 2d and Stark sts. Tele phones, Main 2279. A 2279. Andrews, F.v. Co.M.8349. 80 Hamilton bids. Beck, William O.. 812 Falling- bid-. Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg-. Real estate. Insurance, mortgage, loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict. 602 McKay bldg. M. 549 CARD REALTY INVESTMENT CO.. 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL 1587. A 1587. Chapln & Her'.ow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. A Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. Jennlrgs & Co.. Main 208 Oregonlan. JONES A SHERMAN, Sl2-8 Lewi bldg. PALMER-JONES CO. H. P.. 218 Commer cial Club bldg. Bchalk. Geo.D.. 228 Stark rt. Main 892. A 28M SH1NDLER & HALL, 205 Abington big. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. Multnomah t- (Holladay Addition). M. B. Thompson Co. cor. 4th and Oak eta. Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. Por Sale Lots. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. SMALL BUYS AT SMALL PRICES. 650 Comer 60x114 feet at East 6th aad Sast Burnside sis.; good location for grocery store. 8 750 90x75 feet on East 57th t., near East Ash st. This Is cheap. 8 800 SOxlOO corner. East 16th at., near Alnaworth. a good buy. 81100 SOxlOO Irvington lot on East ISth. near Fremont at. ; terms. SHOO 50x100 Piedmont lot on Commercial St., between Jarrett and Ainsworth; cheap tor cash. . 81200 50x100 Laurelhurst lot near East 32d and East Glisan sts.; very attractive term. 11500 100x100, Rose City Park, corner, street improvements- paid. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones: Main 8699. A 2003. TWO GOOD BARGAINS. East 54th st., near Hawthorne, south, fine view; also E. 2tnti su and Weidler; very low price and easy payments. See these today, as they will go quick. CI.ODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. CLOSE- TO UNION AND ALBERTA. TWO LOTS. $7O0 EACH. Only 120 feet from car; tt will be money in your pocket to buy them; good terms. See the owner, L. W. Matthews, 722 Cham, of Com. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. Fractional SO acres, close in on Salem Electric. Partly Improved; only $200 per acre. VANDUYN & WALTON, 53 5 Chamber of Commerce. $12,500. Nice quarter block 100x100 close In, East Side. J. J. OEDER, - Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. A SNAP ' IN TERRACE PARK. Lot 50x111. on Villa Hill, near carline; beat view ehort of Portland HeiKhts: easy terms; buy of owner; save commission. D 934, Oregonlan. 40 ACRES, on electric line, only one hour's ride from Portland first-class for a home or for subdividing. BAIRD & BROWN, S12 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. Corner, 100x100, one block from carline, on 45th street, 81500; H cash. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade Bldg. DIVISION AND E. 13TH STS. Snap 100x100; price for few days only. 83000. . GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ELEVEN lots In Peninsula; sell 2 or the 1L easy terms. BOGGESS CO.. 221 Morrison, Room 5. LARGE LOTS, EASY TERMS. TABOR 1916. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 50x100, 17th and Flanders, Income 863 monthly; J12.50O, cash. Howard Land Co., 420 Swetland bldg. 82000 WILL buy, near Kenton Townstte, excellent bustness corner, 100x125. M. E. Thompson Co. kf), 4th and Oak sts. ' Phones. Main 6084. A 3327. KENSINGTON PARK, VANCOUVER. Lot 50x100, McLaughlin 27th) St., near Patula st. : owner a non-resident. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. CANNON BEACH LOTS. -Swell Cannon Beach lots, best location, full size. 8125 and up. your own terms, no Interest. 171 Third St. ALAMEDA PARK lot. line location, splen did view, all improvements, near carline. East 4350. Owner. AL 922. Oregonlan. NOTHING DOWN. $15 per month; Peninsula lot; Portland boulevard one block. P 933. Oregonlan. IF you have some money, will build on your lot. Eastman Co.. Inc. 803 Abington bid. Main 3236. CHOICE Laurelhurst lot for $850; one of the best for Investment in Laurelhurst; 8ST, cash necessary. A B 9:i. Oregonlan. LOT 50x100. Wasco St., near East 29th St.: price 10O0. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. CORNER Ainsworth and E. 9th, 100x100 prloa $150; terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. AT ALMOST ACREAGE PRICE A splendid lot on the Penineula, near large achool and car. Owner. R 933. Oregonlan. QUARTER BLOCK on Rodney ave. and Go ing St.; price $2500; a genuine snap. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK bargain; sightly lot near brick store building. $350; all lmprove ments: cleared; terms. L 932. Oregonlan. BARGAIN 86 by 100, corner East 2 2d and Pine sts., walking distance: fine for flats Jr nuu,-B. v aw-,, oregonlan. $320EQCITY in two Westmoreland lots for ...... 4. ...1, l v. r .M. uregoman. 100x105. TILLAMOOK ST.. $1800; terms, rtoom -s wasnington bldg. easy FINE quarter block East 28th and Hoyt 837r.O. terms. Room 8 Washington bldg. LAURELHURST lot; splendid buy. evenings. East 5654. Phono WILL sell my equity In Piedmont lot at bargain. Call 222 Ainsworth. Piedmont. OWNER must sell lot In Westmoreland; $12, .-.00 QU ARTER block, close in. Income terms. Owner. Fulir. 387 Mi E. Burn side.' CORN BR lot In best location In Laurelhurst Owner. A-Hrei-w J 933. Oregonlan. OWNER must sell lot m WeetrnoreL-uidJ leaving city. L 925. Oreaoniar-