THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, POlSTXAND, MAY 1, 1910. 13 NEW TODAY. ttm rr f r r A full quarter block VI llll I If II I with substantial 3 JJlUU.VfUU tory buildin. on t,wwJvv'v' Third street. near -Biirnside, belonging- to a nonresident; Brings elegant revenue on old lease; "Will produce immense income when lease expires January 31. 1911. Prop erty a bargain at $125,000. 4ft fr f f f A IU,1 corner lot on Vkk I II II I Third street, near new DJtJ.UUU bridge, with three- 7 story building, always rented; a great snap. $40,000 50 feet frontage on Third street, between Burnside and Glisan. with arood two-storv brick building: pays 10 per cent net on money invested: $15,000 cash, balance long time. This price for a few days only. These Are Oar Three Great Money-Makers We Recommend Goldsmith & Co. 103 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oak Sts. A SCENIC PARK WITH RUNNING WATER is what I -would call this 8 acres on Johnson Creek. One of the most beau tiful and secluded spots around Port land, with its numerous varieties of shade trees and grassy slopes. An Ideal location for a suburban or SUMMER HOME County road; convenient to car; school; electric lights and phone; 10c fare. Price 4000. for a short time. W. L. GREEN 4Ht Lmuhermrnii Rulldlnfg. 1'lioiie .Main 8787. Near Portland. 65 acres 40 in cultivation and crop, level, well fenced, all real river bot tom, fine sandy loam, good house and barn. This is the neatest, cheapest lit tle ranch we have on our books, and the price is only $3700: $2500 cash. Electric line soon to run adjoining place. A sacrifice. Chapin & Herlow 333 Chamber of Commerce. Ladd's Addition HOME $1000 Swell modern, brand-new 7 - room house, just finished, has furnace, nice fireplace, gas and electric lights, nice den, sleeptng-porch, laundry trays. In fact, all latest improvements, on a lot 40x128. with alley in rear, all street Improvements and cement sidewalks in and paid. On l.add Avenue, near Haw thorne Avenue, on 80-foot street. Price a bargain, $6000; $1000 cash, balance on terms to suit. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4h and Oak. No. 30. 21 6 Acres at Eagle Greek " W. P. station and switch at one end of tract; liagle Creek flows through lti land heavily timbered; the timber and wood will pay for the land; the soil is exceptionally good and lies nearly level. For a short time we are authorized to take $60 an acre on terms. all and see plat of it. It Is way below real value at the present price. Columbia Trust Company Board of Trade Bids. An up-to-date 5-room bungalow Owner, 587 Vancouver ave. If you are looking for a home first-class in every respect, call. "We can arrange terms so easy it will surprise you. stowe ralty CO. 508 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5124. A 3789. HEADQUARTERS F0R Klamath Falls Property Improved and unimproved City and Farm Lands. Our selected list of properties offers exceptional oppor tunities to buyers. Branch office at Klamath Falls. Deal direct with us. SHEFFIELD-RIELY 23 Russel Bldg.. 4th and Morrison Sts. trnnn Apartment house site on 2d POUUU st. south. 60x106. C1 T.fin Ime $2100; $11,500 JA t )UUU wm hRnd,e thlg SX.finn ,ne brick building, OOfUUU Albina; good income. In XKn.finn J-story brick hotel. In .www .onn i-oniana; g good income. MARTIN J. HIGLEY 132 Third St. JUST THINK OF IT! S acre. near Mllwaukie; 1 acre In chicken yard, with house and (scratching shd; V acre In brai-ln strawberries. lots ct all smaJl fruits; fenced and cross-fenced: plenty of shade; pood six-room house, splendid well; fine view; close to electric line, half hour service all for 13250; small payment down. CP. MILLER WaahJni-toa 6, NEW TODAY. Opportunity Is Knocking AtYourDoor Still have a few 10-acre tracts in Beautiful Tualatin, where the soil speaks for itself. To look at one of these tracts is to buy it. "We will sell one tract at $240 per acre and the other at $250 per acre, which is easily $50 be low the market price. We will be in our office from 7 to 12 o'clock Sunday morning, ready to take you out to look the tracts over. These tracts are improved and most of it in crop. Valley Realty Co. 41 North 6th Street. WHAT IS YOUR OPINIQN? roes It pay to bu V a house and lot In the suburbs, pay ) biff price for it, contend with poor jr service, depend on truck gardeners pr your fruit and vegetables, buy mil if from indifferent dairymen, have a little 2x4 flower gar den and your children have to borrow some of the neighbors lawn to get to play on the ground? Or Buy for the same price 2 Mi acres in high state of cultivation, a fine young bearing orchard of 75 trees, including apples, pears, prunes, plums, cherries, walnuts, butternuts, quinces and straw berries, logans, raspberries, currants, etc; 214 vines of Concord, Worden and Niagara grapes, all in fine condition, trees pruned and sprayed and all cul tivated, and flowers and shade trees. A good 6 -room bouse, stone founda tion and cellar; a good little barn and chicken yard; all fenced; one acre in vetch and oats. Say, the view is great. Price is only $5500, with easv terms. This is at Oak Grove; fare, 8c. Two blocks from stores, churches and school. Thirty minutes out of Portland. Good car service and right on the carline. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. A VERY CHOICE RESIDENCE If you are taking your Sunday's 'walk or car ride, you will certainly not miss and visit one of the most beautiful suburbs of Portland, Walnut Park, and stop and see the elegant residence No. 1100 Rodney ave., -which can be bought for $5500 on very liberal terms. It is the best buy In. Walnut Park, without question. Otto & Harkson Realty Co 133 First St. Fine Farm Buy 215 acres, fine soil, no rock or gravel; over 100 acres cleared; three miles to It. R.; good house and barn, fine orchard, plenty of water; fine place for dairy or stock. If you want a bargain, come in and ask about this. Terms. Goodnough & Seitz . 718 Board of Trade. LongTerm Lease A BARGAIN 110x135 corner, 16th and Jefferson; fine location for stables, garage, laun dry or similar business. Apply to Owner. 403 DEKDM BUILDING Main 1371. A 1371. Portland Heights Investment New, modern bungalow, roomy, fire place, furnace; good view. Also 4-room cottage on the adjoining lot, has fire place, gras, etc Real value of both places is every cent, of $7200. Owner needs money at once and is forced to sell at a sacrifice. Let us khow this Property to you. then make us an offer. 2500 cash would handle. Will sell to gether or separately. . HEXRY C. PRl'DHOMME CO.. 636 Chamber of Commerce. LO.W8 AXD IXStRAXCE. Willamette Heights New house for sale on Wilson St.: 5 rooms, hardwood floors; evervthing modern and up to date; full lot." Price $4250, and terms. RUSSELL & BLYTH Commonwealth Building, Nob Hill 60x50 at southeast corner of 20th and Northrup. Comfortable 6-room house. Choice buv. Price, $6500; terms. Excellent apartment site. WALKER A REED, S23 Chamber of Coumem. ALBERTA SNAP! New seven-room California bungalow, bullt-ln bookcases and buffet, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, laundry tubs and tray. Full 60x100 lot. House alone cost J4000. Take it all for quick sale at 4250. Terms. Gray & Buell. 719 Board of Trade Bldg. SEW TODAY. HARRISON ST. CORNER 50x100. "Well improved with modern flats. In a location always rented. "Will pay 10 per cent. PRICE $20,000 A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg. Third and Stark. Free Rent FOR 6 MONTHS To fully appreciate the value of this offer, figure up your rent money for a pe riod of six months. Stay where you are and it is a dead loss; join us and it is a net gain. Opportunity is knocking at your door; make the most of it by tak ing advantage of the fine offer now made you in GREGORY HEIGHTS The addition of many homes. Quite a few of these homes are direct results of this fine offer, which proved itself sp successful during the past season. Our high, healthful altitude will make life worth living. Come today. We have a home for all. Call at our office in Gregory Heights. End of Rose City Park carline. Gregory Investment Go. ORCHARD From $40 to $60 per acre; on good county road, less than two miles of R. R. sta tion. Finest of soil, splen did hill land for apples. Come in if you want something good for little money. Easy payments to assist you to get a home. BRONG-STEELE GO. Ground Floor, Lewis Bldg. Phones: Main 1743, A 1743. One of the best buys in the city; fine, close-in location; income $300 per month. Very liberal terms. Square Deal Realty Co. 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. Irvington Home Fine 8-room house, all modern, cor ner, 100x100, located on Tillamook street, close to carline. This is a beautiful place, and at the price is a good bargain. Very easy terms. GoodnongFi S Seitz 718 Board of Trade A full quarter block with mansion thereon, built of stone, very spacious, all modern appliances, best of surround ings and moderately priced. Call for particulars. Jackson & Deering 24a Startc St. APARTMENT SITE 60x75, close in. bringing In $600 a year as it stands; fine corner; price $15,000; terms. SQUARE DEAL. REALTY CO, 84 4th St.. 619 Board of Trade- Bldg. u mon 94350. House and 50x100 lot In Highland business district. All street Improve ments In. Address F 934. Oregonian.' APARTMENT HOUSE NEW TODAT. A SNAP 55x100 Yamhill corner $100,000 Half cash. East of 10th st. THERE'S In this before many months. 100x100 I Corner, on Clay I and 13th sts., g $25,000 1 Easy terms. A BARGAIN I Johnson-street lot, near 24th, 1 only FIFTH ST. I 50x100, near Jefferson, I ! $20,000 I ! I West Park I Corner, I 1UUX155 ! s S This is a winner, and is north I of Clay street. 1-5 S NET ! New brick apartment, lease for four years, netting 15 per cent on i $40,000 Half cash. I Portland Trust Company I BANK I I S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 1 I i A SNAP. 80 acres within 5 miles of Courthouse, 1 1-4 miles from end Fulton car; 40 acres of good timber, on which we have an offer; 40 acres in stumps. Land is rolling and the soil of the very best. Price $250 Per Acre Surrounding land is selling from $350 to $500 per acre. See us about this at once. BANK & TRUST COMPANY Real Estate Department, 235 Stark Street. Apartment Sites $3000 S3800 $1750 $1800 $2000 50x100 on B. Main, near E. 13th street. 60x100 on E. 13th, near E. Morrison street. 40x100 lot, E. Yamhill, near E. 25th. Terms. 35x138, on Belmont, near E. 23d: street on both ends. Corner 40x100, on E. 25th and E. Yamhill. Easy terms. F. W. TORGLER lOO Sherlock Bids. Warehouse Property 50x100, trackage, Thirteenth Street Close in. S 10,000 HALF CASH TRILIYUUDDs -COMPANY-, 310 Iewis Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. GEORGE BLACK. 7CBUC ACCOUXTAJfT. (AH Branches ) ISS Worcsstsr Bid. PbocM Main mi. a sols. SEW TODAT. Riverfront Bungalow West Side 20 minutes from Portland. Railway station on the property. No more ar tistic or modern home in Portland. Water, phone and electric lights; 255 feet frontage on river. Four acres land. Sites for two more homes. Must sell at once. No better investment possible. "Value will double within a year. Price $11,000 cash. Come out Sunday; take the train at foot of Jefferson street; get off at Rook Spur; or address AF 927, Oregonian. 100x100 Northwest corner 23d and York, On Railroad Switch Income-bearing. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 233 Stark Street, Near Second. Half block on East Yamhill, facing O. R. & N". track. Th is is $ ( 500 less than any other half block in the East Side w a r e h ouse district. Half cash. W. H. Grindstaff 510 Commercial Block. Phone Main 6009. WASHINGTON COUNTY ACRES Close in, near electric line. Only 40 minutes' ride from Portland. All clear and level. Rich soil and in high state of cul tivation. 5 and 10-Acre Tracts Small payment down and easy terms. Call at our office Monday and our representative will take you to the land. Lambert - Whitmer Company 70 Fourth St. 1-3 of a mile this side of Gates Cross ing. 2 tracts of 5 acres each. One under fine cultivation. The other one In the rough. For the cultivated one, .$2700: For the rough one, $2300. J.O.EO West Side Home S20.000 100 feet frontage on Johnson street, with modern 11-room home; the house occupies only a portion of ground; im provements all paid for. The ground alone is worth $225 per front foot. Terms. RAND. READ & CO., 316 Board of Trade Building. 50x100 lot, with modern 8-room house, in fine condition. This is located on 7th st., near Mill and is absolutely the best buy in this district and will pay you fo investigate this. Terms. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ 718 Board of Trade. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 9-room Tiouse and 5 bungalow sites, with grand unobstructed view; 15 min utes' walk to P. O. Corner 14th and College sts. $12,500. Owner. Main 4740. I third real mm rw TODAT. Broadway Two full blocks, 16 lots, 50 by 100 each. This should interest the specu lator or builder; will sell all to gether or in quarter-blocks for much less than surrounding property is selling. Bounded by 24th and 26th; Broadway car line is being extended north on 24th; attractive surround ings make this gilt-edge property. Get prices on these. Multnomah St 72150 7 rooms, strictly modern, !t. cash, balance easy terms. You cannot get another in this choice ' district on these terms. Sunnyside $3150 Six-room, strictly modern house; the lot is worth $1650; Bel mont street; house could not be built for $2000. $350 O E. Yamhill, 7-room up-to-date house, lot 50 by 100. This would be a bargain at $4000. -f Haas & Ringler 211 Lewis Building. Phone Marshall 647. Why Not Invest In Alberta Wheat Lands which produce from 40 to 50 bushels of wheat, 60 to 100 bush els of oats and 40 to 60 bushels of barley. Where can you make a better -investment than to buy these lands for $12 to $18 per acre, and on such easy terms one-tenth down and the balance in nine equal annual payments, with interest at 6 per cent. Rich soil, a healthful climate, good wa ter, cheap fuel and low taxes. Arrange to go on one of our bi monthly excursions; low rates. Illustrated booklets descriptive of the country mailed upon request. IDE-MCCARTHY LAND CO. Colonization Agents Canadian Pacific Railway,. 425-26-27-28 Lumbermens Building. 1384 Acres $28 Per Acre Located 3V2 miles from Southern Pacific in the fruit and alfalfa dis trict in Southern Oregon. Most all first-class fruit, corn and alfalfa land. About 500 acres black silt loam equal to beaver-dam; soil 6 to 20 feet deep, can all be irrigated. The 500 acres will sell in ten-acre tracts for $200 per acre. A good set of farm build ings, good fences, on good roads. We have had a man examine this property, and know it to be a pick-up for the price. Buy this farm and let us subdivide it for you. See Mr. Morgan. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Irvington vicinity. Splendid view of entire city and Portland Heights. Gray & Buell 719 Board of Trade. STOP PAYING RENT Own your own. home, $265 cash, balance $25 a month; price $2650, for a modern new bungalow, five rooms and attic, full basement, modern plumbing, beam ceiling, woodlift and all other modern conveniences; sit uated one block from Union avenue, cars and school. Full particulars, see - F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. Bungalows A one-story of six rooms and a two-story with seven rooms. Take W-R ear to southwest corner of 33d and Clinton. The owner will be on premises from 1 to 4 today. MT. TABOR Two splendid lot on west slope of Aiounc laoor. iuu ieei norm or Haw thorne ave. Fine view of citv. "Prir $1875. Cash, $1000. Balance easy pay- men is. STEVENSON & TAYLOR $7 Fourth Sf View Lots NEW TODAY. SHIELDS' LITTLE FARMS Only NINE miles from Portland, 21' miles north west of Metzsrer Station on Salem Electric, 21,4 miles south or i3eaverton station on Hillsboro Electric and IVi miles from S. P. R. K. This soil' is the very best, no rocK or gravel. PRICE $125 AND UP PER ACRE J. H. SHIELDS, 205 Gerlinger Bldg. Second and Alder. Main 8430. Quarter Block On Glisan street, east of 17th $27,000. This can be handled with a small amount and the present income of $1500 a year can be increased at small cost. "R" Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. $2250 $2250 ACRE ON COUNTY ROAD RIVERDALE Royal View, Facing East. Is a snap. On very easy terms. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. To Avoid Foreclosure Proceedings The "Willamette Realty Company will offer for the coming week 2 modern 6-room bungalows, three 5-room mod ern bungalows, 4 combination cottage bungalows, two 1-acre tracts on Penin sula, and one full block on Portland Heights. Vacant lots in Railroad Ad dition, Reservoir Park Addition. The above and many other desirable prop erties will be sold at prices and terms to suit. This is an opportunity that inves tors and home-seekers cannot afford to miss. Call or phone WILLAMETTE REALTY CO. 420-422 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 3914. WEST PORTLAND PARK Lots $60 and $90. Call or phone. WILLAMETTE REALTY GO. Main 3914. 420-2 Board of Trade. BUNGALOW NEW, MODERN Bungalow, 5 rooms and attic, full basement, beamed ceiling; just com pleted, near Union ave., in Piedmont Park. Price $2650; on easy terms. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Building. California Bungalows Three of 'em, brand new, east face, carline one block. Rose City Park $3100, $3200, $3400. Terms lake rent. Further particulars Gray & Buell 719 Board of Trade. PORTLAND HEIGHTS For sale, finest corner on Height. Improved, near car. Owner, Mala 4995,