12 ST7703AT OREGOMAX, PORTLAND , MAY 1, 1910. yinY TODAY. XKW TODAY. JTEW TODAY. JTEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NIW TODAY. NEW TODAY. White Salmon Apple Lands Our ILLUBTRiTED BOOKLET will give yon the fullest information about the town of "WHITE SALOMON; on the COLUMBIA BIVEK, opposite HOOD RIVER, and its attractions for a home ; the WHITE SALMON VAL LEY, its scenery, climate, transportation facilities, soil, products, land values, cost of bringing an orchard into bearing. Others starting on small capital are making $500.00 PER ACRE NET PROFIT from apple grow ing. The opportunity is yours to do the same, if you buy now, when values are still low. Here are a few especially desirable tracts, either for investment or im mediate development. 80 acres 8V2 miles from White Sal mon; 8 acres cleared and 7 acres plashed; good apple soil and right slope for fruit; homestead buildings and plenty of water; in center of de velopment, where values are advanc ing rapidly. Uncleared land adjoin ing, in no respect better, selling for $100 per acre. Price for immediate sale, 5000 160 acres, 10 miles from White Sal mon ; all good soil and right elevation for fruit ; about six miles from Colum bia River. This is a choice tract, and the buyer -will make a good profit on this at the price now offered, $9600. 40 acres, 5y2 miles from White Sal mon; 10 acres in 1-year-old orchard; 10 acres in 2-year-old trees, Spitzen bergs and Newtowns; scientifically planted and well cared for; 20 acres uncleared; all rich soil; ideal slope and one of the choicest places in the valley, $ lO.OOO. A number of tracts of 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 acres, all good values and steadily advancing. The fullest in formation furnished on request. NORTHWESTERN COMPANY Suite 320, Lumbermens Buildng, Portland, Or. Phones A 2456, Marshall 156. ' Street Corner $15,000 Income $1500 Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of 160 Acres On account of poor health I offer my farm near Milwaukie for sale in whole or in part; also 10 acres near city and car, all improved; house, barn, fruits of all kinds: can be made an ideal home or subdivided. Call on or address W. A. GARNER Milwaukie, Or. Phone, Milwaukie, Black 502. Irvington Heights High and sightly quarter block at northeast corner of Seventeenth and Skidmore streets. Fine view west and south. Price $2000. WILL H. WALKER, HENRY E. REED. S23 Chamber of Commerce. Beautiful Suburban Home Well arranged and well built, modern in every particular. Klght rooms and large attic Klght lots, high and stght ly, with good view. Fortlon of grounds with native trees and shrubbery, bal ance well improved. Located in Or chard Homes Addition. Good car serv ice. Price $9000. half cash. McCargar, Bates S Lively SIS Fafllnir Building;. WANTED to bi:y LOT CONTRACTS FOR CASH. Must be cheap. AN 919, Oregonian. 7 THAYER THAYER RESTRICTED RESIDENCE DISTRICT JUST PLATTED IMPROVED STREETS LOTS 50x100 WATER MAINS IN EVERY STREET EASY TERMS Most desirable close-in residence district now on the market In the City of Portland Ex-Governor Thayer's old home site. High and sightly lots, with view of city and mountain a. Finest solL No rock or gravel. JTrult trees. Take W-W car to East 41st and Holgate streets, 1 block east. "Branch office on grounds. Open for business. Sundays In cluded. The Dunn -Lawrence Co. 248 ALDER ST.. UNION AVENUE 7-room house, lot 62x100, on Union ave., near Morris; price $6000. Corner Union ave. and Rose lawn, 62i2x70, price $3300 a fine business site. Goddard 6 Wiedrick 243 Stark St. A SPECIAL OFFER S5500 One of the choicest and most com plete 7-room modern houses in Wal nut Park: $1200 will handle this. $6000 The choicest 8-room modern house. with large grounds; halt cash. S1500 Lot on E. Couch St.; basement dug ready to buna; reasonable terms. S2000 100x100 on 13th at., near Going; half cash. OTTO & HAHKSOV REALTY CO, - First St. " . NOW 100x100, CORNER $25,000 Front and Montgomery, SACRIFICED TO SETTLE ESTATE Easy terms. Ross-Endish Investment Co. 822 Mohawk. Bid?., 3d and Morrison St. Willamette Heights Splendid home of 7 rooms and large attic, fireplace, furnace and lots of porches. View is unsurpassed, one block from car, full lot. You will be surprised when you see it for the price is only $bJOO, part cash. J. R. STIPE 720 Chamber of Commerce. UMPQUA RIVER SNAP 600 acres, suitahle for subdivision, plenty water, fine fruit land, at station on S. P. R. R. Owner will sell part in terest and co-operate with purchaser in subdivision ana suie or iruit rancnee, or will sell all. GRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade HI (Ik., 4th and Oak. WESTPARKSTREET 50x100, east facing, near Colum bia. Elegant home goes with it. $10,000 TVill handle. Let us show you something worth looking at. The Standard Realty Co. 421 Mohawk Bldg. IRVINGTON So'O 100x100 S. E. cor. E. 19th and Thompson sts., choicest close - in H block In this very desirable dis trict, surrounded by beautiful homes, only one block to carline. See SHEFFIELD & RIELY S3 Ruaael Bids., Entrance 162fc 4th St. HoodRiver Is claimed to be the best apple land in the world. River is merely a "name." "Drop the name call the same lands the Chehalem Mountain Or chards; the same would grow on the same trees. "We have a number of 5-acre tracts in the Chehalem Moun tain with every requisite for satisfactory apple-growing. 1 Location. 2 Soil. 3 Water and drainage. 4 Elevation. 45 Climatic conditions. 6 Railroad connections. If you haven't time to tend the orchard yourself, we have an expert engaged for that purpose. "We will show you conclu sively that CASH and $15.00 monthly will pur chase an income of from $1500 to $5000 per year. See us to day. Purse & Company 818 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Fourth and Stark Sts. Main 7309. OVERLOOKING WILLAMETTE RIVER Fine View All Mountains This beautiful addition now on the market. Take Sell wood car to Cay wood Bt., 12 minutes' ride from Mor rison Bridge. Streets graded, sewer assessmeint paid, water m, cement sidewalks contracted. Lots selling fast. $650 to $850 for inside, 50x100. Corner lots, 67x100. Agents on Ground Sundays. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO. 508 GERLIKGER BLDG. S. W. COR SECOND & ALDER STS Large and small close-in tracts from $500 to $2500 per acre. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club " Bldg., 5th and Oak streets. Will be only 10 minutes from Sev enth and Washington streets when the Broadway bridge is completed. We have some excellent single lots and quarter blocks in this splendid residence district. See us Monday for price and terms. WILL H. WALKER, HENRY E. REED. 823 Chamber of Commerce. S800O BUYS IT Two-story brick buildinfir on Rrlmnn near 33d St., in the heart of Sunnvside. This Is a dandy buy. David LcwIk, II IF flood Goodwood Addition ACREAGE Irvin0on Grussi&Zadow Bargain List $1250 B-room cottage, lot 40x100, bet. Hamilton ave. and Seymore. West Sid e, $350 cash, $15 per- month. Nice 4 rooms and large attic, cottage completely furnished, at Seaside. 8-room house and -barn, plenty fruit, 82d. near Villa ave. Nice B-room cottage. E. Yam hill, near 35th; terms. B-room cottage. East Salmon St.. near 34th; $500 , cash. $16 per month. New bungalow. West Side, walking distance; $500 cash. 8-room house, E. Taylor, near 35th; $300 cash. $20 per mo. New 5-room cottage, E. 15th, near Prescott, $500 cash. New modern 5-room bungalow, corner 28th and Rhone; $500 cash. $1600 $1650 $2300 $2350 $2400 $2500 $2550 $2650 57 Qnn Nice 6-room, 2-story house, E. )0UU Salmon, near 35th; bargain. fOOfin l'ne new 8-room house, 28th )uUU near Halsey; part cash. jOCn 6-room cottage, Glenn ave., DuZUU near Hawthorne; part cash. POCnri 7-room house, 2 lots. Macadam 90JUU and Idaho sts; snap. QCnn Modern 5-room bungalow, E. )03UU Yamhill and 32d; $500 cash. tOCnfl New 2-story, 7-room house. PuJUU furnished; full lot. on Minne sota ave.. near Mason; terms. fcOTftft 5-room cottage, Qulmby. near POIUU 19th, "West Side; part cash. Q7Kn Swell new 6-room house, cor- DulUU ner E. Lincoln and 37th sts.; $1000 cash; a fine home. tQ7Efl Fine 6-room. 2-story house, B. Id full Yamhill, near 25th, walking distance. MOnn 7-room brick veneered house puOUU in Alblna; easy terms. CAOKn "Very fine 6-room new house. East 15th. near Alberta. CylOKr! Fine 6-room house on 100x100 corner. East Taylor St.; swell. PACnn Corner store, Sunnyside, rent- ed for $35 per month. C!Knf5 70x156. with 2 houses. Hamll 0f UUU ton Ave., near Corbett CRnn 7-room nice house. E. Taylor ifOUU near 23d; $1000 cash. $25' mo. CRnnn Swell modern 7-room house, iPUUUU lot 64x100. East Couch St., near 23d; part cash. CKfifin Swell 6-room modern house, ijaUUU full lot, E. Yamhill, near 28th. Fart cash. (COfin Swell modern new 7-room 0UUUU house, cor. E. 'Yamhill and 28th st; full lot. CCfinn Modern fine house corner, on iDOUUU Clackamas st.; half cash. CCnnn Good 8-room modern house, E. 0DUUU 11th, near Weidler. A bargain. CCnnn New swell 7-room modern iDUUUU house in Ladd's Addition. $1000 cash. Balance monthly. CCOnfl H-room house on 6th St., near wDZuU Grant: terms. PPCnn Modern 8-room house, corner OUuUU lot, 70x85; Rodney ave. and Tillamook; worth $7500. frOnnn Your choice of 5 new, modern iDUJUU 9-room houses in Irvington; $zuuo cash, balance to suit. CR7Hfl Very swell bungalow, 8'rooms, OOluU on 100x100 in Irvington; some thing rich. COCOf! Swell home, with corner view JOUU lot, Willamette Heights. tQCnn 100x100 corner with 9-room WuulIU house. Front and Meade. t11 finnVerv swell modern 8-room D I I UUU residence - pnrnpr 100-rlOO nn Hancock St., includes 300 yards carpet. C1C finnOne of the finest homes in iPIU UUU Irvington; 100x100 corner. LOT, BARGAINS $ 350 $ 500 Lot 35. block 44, Peninsular Addition. BOxlOO lot on, Hlbbard St., near business center Monta villa; easy terms. Lots 34 and 35. block 14. Pen S 650 insular No. 2, near Swift's; Beautiful lot in Waverleigh $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 850 $ 850 $1400 $1500 $1500 $2000 $2000 $2500 $2700 $3000 $3000 $5000 ieignts, nail cash. snap. 50x100, on Virginia st.. Southern Portland; easy terms. 50x100, E. 33d St.. near Clinton; easy terms; snap. Choice of 2 lots, Waverleigh, 27th and Brooklyn; easy terms. 60x100 on E. 14th, near KarL Bargain; half cash. Over 4 lots, business corner, at Milwaukie Heights. 60x100 lot. E. 30th, near Pine. hair cash, bargain. 60x100 business corner, 22d and Division; fine for flats or three houses. 60x100 east front lot on E. 22d near K.nott; nne location. Swell large lot on Patton road, Portland Heights. Bargain. Fine 50x100 lot on East Yam hill, bet. 28th and 29th; easy terms, b per cent. Fine corner, 90x93, B. 31st and Tillamoojc; improved St., cement walk, easy terms. Fine corner for flats, 82x93, E. Oak and 22d. Beautiful view lot, 60x100 Water and Lane sts., South Portland. 100x100 on Kelly St.; cheapest quarter in South Portland; $zuuu cash. Grussi & Zadow S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. i t iv i M. I the Market l 20 ACRES J ucujt ivaug. This is $250 per acre under value. , Price $1000 per acre. I Portland Trust Company S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. Park QDARTER BLOCK V $40,000 CHAP1N& HERLOW S32 Cbamber of Commerce. $13 PER ACRE 250 acres fruit and stock land, in Yamhill County; finest soil, easily cleared. Owner. Phone Sellwood 264. BUSINESS 50x100, well improved, good in come, on Washington st. ; fine corner and most central. 100x100, opposite North Bank Depot, cor.ner 10th and Hoyt. CANNOT .ADVERTISE SOME GOOD PIECES. PLEASE CALL. Apartment Sites 100x100, cor. 23d and Everett. 100x100, cor. 12th and Harrison. 66 2-3x100, cor. 7th and Harrison. 50x100, cor. 7th and Clay. 50x100, cor. 13th and Taylor. 50x65, cor. 10th and Clifton. 50x106, cor. 3d and Sherman Warehouse Sites Several on York st., on R. R., for sale or lease. 19 th and Upshur Fine corner on R. R. switch, next Carman Manufaet'g Co.'s warehouse. Will sell, lease or put up building for good tenant. PROPERTY POR SALE AND FOR LEASE IN BEST PARTS OF CITY. Donald Macleod 821 Electric Building. Subdivide This 84 Acres Two miles back from the Willam ette River; United Railway and the Astoria & Columbia River Railway, at a point five miles down the river from the Lewis and Clark Fair Grounds, Portland; 12,000 cords of wood; soil very fertile. The growth of the city and the industrial devel opment is tending in this direction; an opportunity for big money in a very short time. Look this up. Price only Jj5X50 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245V2 Stark Street. Main 35. A 3500 11th STREE APARTMENT Choice corner, paying 15 per cent net on money invested. This prop erty must be sold this week, so the sacrifice price of j14,000 has been made, half cash. This is a choice investment in choice locality. JOS. C. GIBSON 304-5 Gerlinger Bldg. FOR LEASE 13TH AND STARK Quarter block for long period at very reasonable rent, with good terms. IRVINGTON SPECIAL Fine new modern 8-room resi dence on Schuyler st., close in ; extra well built and finished, hot-water heating, most modern in every way. Price $10,000. Donald Macleod : 821 Electric Bldg. Z Grand Avenue ENTIRE BLOCK, 200x200, NEAR MADISON-ST. BRIDGE. Price $32,000 Now Will be worth much more when bridpre is completed. Easy terms on this. Let us show you. THE STANDARD REALTY CO. 421 Mohawk Bldg. 3SOOO A 7-room bungalow, all modern, Dutch kitchen, book-cases, china closets, extra fine bath, cement walks, furnace. A fine home on Capitol ave., near Shaver, Overlook. Owner at house Sundays. Any reasonable terms. STOWE REALTY CO. 508 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5124. A 3789. Gantenbein Ave. S200 Choice lot, only Z blocks from business center Williams ave. and RuGsell st.: all Improvements in and paid. Klars or apartment-house site. Will pay 20 per cent on Invest ment. Be quick it you want this. SHEFFIELD & RIELY 23 Ruaael Bids;.. Entrance 1624 4th at. Quarter Block 100x100 3 Story Modern Brick Monthly Income $815 Earns Over 6 Per Cent Net WILL PRODUCE MORE ames j. riynn 512 Chamber cf Commerce FRUIT LAND CLARK COUNTY, WASH. We have for sale 220 acres of ex cellent land, 6 miles from Orchards and 12 miles from Vancouver, with stream running; through it. Can be sold In tracts any size from 20 acres up or as a whole. This land can easily be put under cultiva tion and is particularly adapted for fruit, grains or berries. Either of the 40-acre pieces would make an unexcelled poultry ranch, and all that one man could handle. Pub lic road passes on two sides. Rural delivery and telephone line also pass the property. The electric line now running to Orchards has been surveyed through this land. Prop erty between this tract and Van couver is highly improved and is selling now from $100 to $300 per acre. No reason why this should not bring the same figure. This is an opportunity worth investi gating. If sold as a whoTe, we can deliver the entire 220 acres at $40 per acre, on easy terms. If sold in 20 or 40-acre pieces, prices will range from $45 to $60 an acre, ac cording to location. Let US SHOW YOU. THE STANDARD REALTY CO. 41-420 Mohawk BIdte. 34-3SO ElEGANT HOME New, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, china closets, com bination gas and electric fixtures, sewer in; also improved street and cement walks; $500 down. On East 28th street, near Belmont. Sunny side car. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 Alder Street. East Taylor Street Fine high lot, 43x142 feet, y East Taylor street, near East 41st. All improvements in. $1100 Terms $350 cash, balance $14 per month. WALKER 6 REED 823 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTMENT $ 1 02 per month rental income, first-class prop osition, store building and flats, close in on East Side. For prices and terms see F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. THE HYLANDS OF YAMHILL We invite attention of interested par ties to one of the best fruit and nut districts in the world. Climate, soil. Air and water drainage unsurpassed An up-to-date organization of scientific horti culturists, practical fruitgrowers and business men is pledged to the develop ment of this district. THE! Hl'LAND FR11TT.ROWERS OF YAMHILL COINTY. A GIVEAWAY I am pressed for money and yet I will give away (1200. Listen. I own a fine building site on Portland Heifrhts, 100x150, and 2 blocks from the carline, with a fine view of Mount Hood. The owner of a smaller piece exactly across the street from me has refused J3500 for his lot. I will sell mine for 1300. There are a dozen homes close bv that all cost over $3000. Address W 929, Oregonian. Beaverton Reedville Acreage 3800 ACRES Subdivided into small tracts and accommodat ed by both the Oregon Electric, with 8 cars each wa', and the Fourth Street line with 5 trains each way per day and only 45 minutes' ride. 8V2 miles west of Court house. Each tract fronts on a completed road; roads all cleared, plowed, graded and traveled. Rural Delivery of mails and free delivery of mer chandise, also good tele phone service through out the entire tract. Stores, churches, schools and stations convenient. A few acres here. in fruit, berries, vegetables or poultry means INDEPENDENCE Stump and timber land $125 and up; cleared land ready for crop $200 and up. With buildings or orchards $350 and up. Small cash payment, bal ance monthly. The Shaw-Fear Company 24512 Stark St. Main 35. A 3500. I IVER FRONT One acre on the West Side, front ing on the river, with new modem 7-room bungalow, large porch, fire place, electricity, etc. A most ex clusive neighborhood, good homes surrounding, 20 minutes up on Os wego line, station right at the ground. This will not be offered again at this price. jj5oOOO, part cash. J. R. STIPE 720 Chamber of Commerce. A BEAUTIFUL .COUNTRY HOME COLUMBLA BOULEVARD We have 7 acres, with a good 11 room house, barn and large chicken house: property all under cultivation, including 70 fruit trees. 2 acres straw berries and balance in various other kinds of berries. Has a lake on the border. In which there is good fishing and boating-. This property is located on Columbia boulevard, Just outside the city limits. For price and terms, see us. MALL 6 VON BORSTEL 104 Second St., Lumber Exchange Bids. BARGAIN LOTS We offer 65x100 corner lot. on Pa cific st., 2 blocks from car; $550. $iro cash, balance easy terms. 50x100 on K. 41st St.. Lexington Heights, on carline. Price. $550; 1250 cash, balance $10 per month. 60x100 on Kelly, near E. 12th St. Price, $1000; half cash. Four lots in Berkeley: price, $600; half cash on four lots or $160 cash on two lots. Sellwood. 50x100. 2 blocks from car. Price. $950; half cash. Lot in Brainard Add., 2 blocks from car. Price, $150. tee us for bargains. THE STANDARD REALTY CO. 421 Mohawk Bids;. $11,500 60x100 on Gllsan St., near 23d, 8-room modern house. For particulars see GEO- D. S CHALK Main 3U2, A 2302. 22S Stark