If JiEW TODAY. KEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. KEW TODAY. TfEW TODAY. JSXW TODAY NPW TODAY. TIIE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN. PORTLAND. MAY 1, 1910. MONEY TALKS B20.000 Apartment site, Hall and 2d; good dwelling on place. S13.000 Full business lot on WUJ iams ave., with frame build ing, stores below, wltn rooms over. Part cash han dles. S4.000 A splendid S-room home, corner lot, on East Davis, near Laurelhurst. VACANT LOTS S7.000 An especially desirable nuar , ter on East Couch, close in. Better see this. S5.500 85x100, on Williams avenue; frood business property. S4.000 Full quarter. East 24th and WaSco; all improvements paid. The very best buy of fering. $3,000 A lot on Savier near 25th: good flat proposition; half casli handles. fltl .2 OO 6 lots, all clear, corner Wav erly and Foster streets, Pen Insular No. 2, or a consid erable reduction for all cash. 81. 200 4 lots on northeast corner Waverlv and Richmond sts.. Peninsular No. 4, near Swift townsite. Half cash, or $1000 all cash. SI. OOO 4 lots. 2 corners, Fairfield Addition. 1 block to Penin sula Station; a fine building site. Will divide. S500 2 lots, north side Argyle, between Peninsula ave, and Burrage street. ACREAGE $4,200 An acre on West Side, close in, partially improved, but paying better than 9 per cent: easy terms. S2.850 Bungalow and one acre on county road, north of Lents; $500 cash handles. 62. 500 For each of two five-acre tracts, close in on Section Line road; fully Improved. JACKSON & DEERING 246 Stark Street. Main 345, A 3457. POWELTOH Just Platted. Situate on Powell street, be tween East 22d and East 26th sts., and diagonally opposite Clinton Kelly School. Deep, rich garden soil, free from stumps, rock or gravel. ONLY 2 MILES from Second and Stark streets. Take W. W. or Brooklyn car and get off at Powell street. Lots $600 and up, Easy Terms. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark Street. Country Residence One acre near Rlverdale, on Oswesro branch of S. P. Co., 1 7 minutes' ride from Portland. Location unsurpassed for beauty; view of Cascade Range and Willamette Valley. Grounds praded and terraced. Nine varieties of fruit trees. oesiaes wainuts, aimonas and filbert; strawberries, raspberries and black berries. Modern, seven-room bune-alow. complete in every detail, with private ras plant, furnace, etc Pure spring water piped to house. Two asceptic wuiks. fi.uuu. .terms. . ain vvi, ore .Cronlaxu Seaside Hotel For Sale lOroom hotel at Newton Station, be- n,AAn T r m UnoK A i.ln... completely furnished, with one' acre of ground: private water system; on rail road, with ocean frontage; plenty of Shade. One of the finest locations on s.ne Deacn. xeons. M.E. THOMPSON CO. Henry Bids;., Fourth and Oak Sts. Main tt4. A 3327. CLASS A By Itself Speculation or choice investment, Corner, 100x100, most desirable Quar ter block in Kings Addition; way be low tne market value. Price $21,000; ialf c&sTu Grand apartment site; pome income now. SHEFFIELD & MELT, 23 Russel Building. Entrance 162V Fourth Street. MILL SIT1 for sale; most desirable on Columbia River; 61 acres. Excellent facilities for rail, foreign and coast-wise sIud- Cing. Price very low. For particulars 1 quire of McCARGAR,BATES & LIYELY 315 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon- MORTGAGE LOANS t me and terms anlti ape rial rates and favorabl terms mm law loass os business properties. Funds Loaned for Private Ii tor A.H.BIRRELL CO 03 eKw Bite.. Sd Stark. 6 Mortgage Loans M ORG AX, FUEDNER BOTCB, 603-S0 Ablaa-ton BsUdlaaV A Good Piece of Land Means to the Owner What Sunshine Means to the Day 160 Acres Douglas County, 6 miles from depot. 150 miles south of Portland. Price $20 Per Acre "vTill trade for good building lota; cruise three million feet timber fir and cedar. 640 Acres 560 'or 680 good plow land, rest good pasture: fair house, good barn, stable room for 12 to 14 head of stock; lots good spring water, piped to the house; can irrigate 5 or 6 acres from one spring; land lies rolling. 1 miles from station, 1H miles Irom school. Price $40 Per Acre. Half Cash 1071 Acres Lane County. 4 miles from town; 2 good sets buildings; with in 3 miles of electric carline; lots of water. All extra fine fruit land. Price $40 Per Acre 700 Acres 2 miles from Southern Pacific R. R., A-No. 1 stock ranch; good living water; plenty of timber and cleared land: two-thirds of this land good fruit land. Price $20 Per Acre 80 Acres SB miles of Portland, Yamhill County. 30 acres in cultivation, 15 acres slashed; 1500 cords of wood on place; 4 mile from station on S. P.; 4-room house, fairly good barn and outbuildings, woven wire fence: good family orchard; water piped to the Bouse. Price $5600 875 Acres Lane County, good fruit land. Will trade for houses and lots with Income. Price $35 Per Acre Other good bargains, both In city and valley property. Brant on & Martin 40 Lewis Bids;., Fourth and Oak. Marshall 3S4, A 3187. One of the Choicest f Stock Farms On the Market 1485 acres, all fenced. There are 70 acres under cultivation, half of it in grain a. few acres in alfalfa, GO acres In oak tim ber: the remainder In -rood bunch irrass pasture ; there are six springe scattered over tne pia.ee, one or them large enough to run a small electric plant. The land could be used as follows: 3(0 acres of elegant fruit land. 500 acres of wheat land. 40 acres could be Irrigated if desired; it has also been demonstrated that part of the land Is elegant for small fruits and vege tables, grain of all kinds and alfalfa. The Improvements are. a good 7-room house with spring water connection, large barn and all necessary buildings. This place could easily be subdivided into three good farms. It is one of the best all around ranches ever put on the market $17 per acre; $8000 cash, balance at a reasonable time at 6 per cent Interest; this Includes a full line of Implements. It Is 6 miles from the Columbia River and the same distance from the railroad; good school facilities, telephone connection. This place is sit uated in Klickitat County. Wash. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 13SV4 First Street. ACRES WITH CITY WATER 5-cent fare, all cleared and level, pood soil; EASY TERMS, small monthly payments. Adjoining tract platted in lots and selling at twice onr price. Take Mount Scott car, get off at Lents, walk north on Main street 5 minutes to CadwelTs Acres Agent on the ground from 10 A. M. t5P. M. Lambert -Whitmer Co. 70 Fourth St., 404 East Alder St. A BARGAIN Corner lot, 24th and East Couch, modern 7-room dwelling and auto garage, in first-class condition, $4500 ; terms reasonable. CLARK-COOK COMPANY, Room 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5407, A S252. (Douglas County, Oregon) For Sale 1700 acres choice land, on good county road, S miles from railroad and good town: this land la very suitable for platting and Is at present In good con dition; price $2S per acre. For partic ulars and terms apply to William MacMaster M3 Worcester Block. Portland, Or. JOHESMORE Lots are 50x100 $5.0O TO $700 EASY PAYMENTS COMPLETE ABSTRACT WARRANTY DEED On Montavilla Carline Geo.D.Schalk 228 Stark Street Main 392 A 2392 Fruit and vegetable land ; fine rich black soil; well drained; level ; good well water. $150 PER ACRE ON CARLINE 214 to 20-acre tracts. Ten per cent down, balance 1 per cent per month. Call Up and Ask About These. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. 401-2-3 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 570, A 7570. THREE CLOSE-IN LOTS ALL SNAPS 60 by 100, main part of Irvington, be tween Broadway and Irving . car lines. Hard-surfaced streets. Ad joining lots have sold for much more. A good buy at $1400, terms. 75 by 100 in same vicinity. Ideal building site with excellent view. Trees, restricted district. Price $2200 if sold before May 20. 60 by 100 in Hawthorne Addition, choice location, all improvements in. ' Adjoining lot held at $2850, price $2750 until May 20. Net. For particulars call on OWNER, 413 Abington Bldg., IO6V2 Third St. Mt. Tabor A beautiful home site, large grounds, good dwelling, fine large fruit trees and shrubbery. This prop erty can be had at a bargain or would trade for unimproved property. CLARK-COOK COMPANY, Boom 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5407, A 3252. TRACKAGE SO feet on York street. Price very reasonable. See McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 Failing Building. MUST SELL 100x100 Price $13,500 100x100 on the northwest corner of 20th and Thurman; 3 small houses; Income about $40; $6500 cash, balance one year. MALL & VON BORSTEL 1Q4 Secoiid St., L. timber Eichange Bldg. 20 ACRES On Barr road, just east of city lim its. Eight acres cleared. Will sell for $25.00 les6 than the market price. GEO. D. SCHALK, 228 Stark St. TeL Main 392, A 2392, MULLOY ACRES Bank & Trust Co. REAL ESTATE DEPT 235 STARK, CORNER SECOND Apartment House Sites (20,00050x100. on the N. W. cor ner 7th and Clay. 33.ooo 100x100, corner 12th and Harrison. $10,500 50x106 Sherman. 3d and f 22,000 5 0x100, Clay. corner 5th and We have many others on our list, which we would be glad to submit to anyone Interested in the best apartment locations in the city. Irvington SSAP Modern 8-room, 2-story, house, new. East 13th St., $1900 cash, balance 6 per cent. Beautiful Irvington home, 2 hi story, 7-room, ne, on East 19th St., between Tillamook and Han cock. One of Irvington's finest homes. Modern in every re spect. Price $9000, terms. Modern Irvington home, 2-story, 7 room, in one of the nicest parts of Irvington. Modern in every respect. Snap, $4400; $1000 cash, balance 2 or 3 years. Holladay Addition, beautiful home, 2-story, 7-room, East 9th St., near Broadway. Price $6000, half cash, balance to suit. Holladay Park Beautiful home on Clacakamas St., bet. loth and 16th, facing south; modern, hot water heat, fireplaces, etc. Also many desirable vacant lots in Irvington and Holladay Park district at the very lowest prices. Portland Heights . VAC A NT. Finest lot in Greenway Addition, nearly 12,000 square feet. Beau tiful view. Only $6500, terms. One and two-thirds lots in Green way. Beautiful view of Tuala tin Valley. One $1200, terms. Four hillside lots in Greenway, all view property for $8000, terms. A fine lease. Apartment-house site on 10th and Salmon, 50x90. Lease for 20 years on very low terms. Income at present $160 per month. Business Property 100x100, corner 19th and Upshur, with, trackage. 100x100, corner 10th and Hoyt, across from North Bank depot. 75x100, corner 6th and Burnside; Improved. See our list for the best invest ments in the City of Portland. Let us handle your property; we do it in a business-like manner. Bank & Trust Co. Real Estate Department. 23S Stark St., Portland, Oregon. elgrade LOOK HERE The General German Aid Society will entertain bids for leasing its property 100x100 feet, southeast corner Morrison and Eleventh sts., for a term not to exceed fifty years. Will deal with principals only; Apply to ' H. C. BOHLMAX, Secretary. 44 North Kinth Sfc ID nrices Advance AT The price of every lot in University -Park between Lombard street and the . Willamette Boulevard will be advanced $50 on June 1, 1910. The price now is $450 EACH TERMS 10 CASH BALANCE $10 MONTHLY on each lot without interest to those who pay each installment when due. You can double your -cash payment within 30 days by buying before the advance. There will be big things doing at University Park ' '; before the Summer is over. Trancis I. McKenna 617 Commercial Block, Portland, Oregon. MOSIER Adjoining Hood River on the East The Mosier-Hood River .fruit belt is without ques tion the BEST APPLE DISTKICT in the world. If you are looking for a busi ness location, INVESTIGATE MOSIER If you are looking for an in vestment, INVESTIGATE MOSIER If you want a home with health ful climate, INVESTIGATE MOSIER If you want to raise Apples, SEE MOSIER HILLS. Mosier Commercial Club MOSIER, OREGOX. RIPE FOR PLATTING 35 Acres Patton and Portland Boulevard Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Holiday's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER go ana see tne many (JHUICE real dences under construction and the lm provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Compan GRAND AVE. AXO MIXTXOMAH ST. A GOOD BUY And your chance to make $1000. A block of 11 lots in Portsmouth, over looking the Willamette. 3 prettv good houses, with steady tenants. Sightly lo cation. Only $6500. with E-A-S-Y terms. IXTEBIRBAS INVESTMENT CO, 208 Henry Bldg. University Park Investments $25,000 Twenty-first street, within three blocks of Washington; full cor ner lot; good improve ments, with a good income. $20,000 Tenth st., full cor ner lot, 50x100, well improved and paving Sy2 per cent NET; choice location, south of Morrison. $ 17,500 Nob Hill flats, new and strictly modern; full size lot, choice lo cation; monthly rent al $170, or 11 per cent net on the investment. $ 12,000 Nob Hill flats, new and modern, full size lot, within four blocks of Washington st.; 10 per cent income. $11,000 Corbett street, full block, 200x200 feet; choice location. $10,500 Full comer lot, with two dwellings ; good business corner, two blocks from east ap proach of Steel bridge. $10,000 Twenty-third street, full, size lot, north of Washington; some in come. $3500 Union avenue, a few blocks north of Russell street, full lot, 50x100 feet. $2500 Macadam street, near Gibbs ; full size corner lot, east and north front. Warehouse Sites S6000 East side, 200 feet frontage on O. R. & N.; six full lots, all level with track. $10,OOO St. Johns, 450 feet frontage on O. R. & N track; just north of the woolen mills. $30,000 Fifteenth st., full quarter block, 100 by 100 ft.; close in, north of Glisan street, some income. $30,000 Full 7 acres, with 900 feet on the O. R. & N. ; ideal mill or manufacturing site; St. Johns, just nortli of the woolen mills. $65,000 Fifteenth st.; full half block, with 200 feet on track ; so 1 i d ground; some income. James J.FIynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. Houses and Lots I.OVKJOY STREET Modern 8-room house, choicest part of upper Lovejoy st. Can be sold on very easy terms. TACGHN STREET New, modern, 6-room bungalow. In perrect conaition, pleasant surround. ings; can oe sold on easy terms. FLAKDERS STREET Modern 8-room house, full 50x100 foot lot, on Flanders St., near 22d BROADWAY Modern 8-room house, very pleasat- ly situated. juu corner lot. 106S EAST MAIN ST. Good 7-room house, 33 1-3x100 lot. A bargain at price offered.. 30 SCHC1XER ST. Full 50xl00-ft. lot, with good 8-room house. EAST GLISAN ST. Corner lot, with good 6-room cot tage. EAST 17TH ST NEAR ANKENV. 40x50. with elegant 8-room bunsra low; sleeping porch; everything for Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth St. Beautiful Home in H OLLADAY'S ADDITION Corner East 11th and Clackamas, quarter block ; premises well kept ; 8-room house, modern and attractive ly arranged. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Price includes "Wilton car pets throughout, and 3-horsepower vacuum cleaning machine installed. If you are looking for an attractive home in a desirable location, see McCARGAR, BATES & LIVELY 315 Failing Building. WHEAT LAND SHERMAN COUNTY, OREGON". We have for sale some of the best wheat lands in Sherman County, in 160 to 1000-acre tracts, with or without stock, and farm implements. Terms to suit. Write or call on us. WASCO REALTY CO, Wasco, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 On central business property EDWARD E. GOVOEY JLawla Bids, 20 acres bottom land, some timber, all nice and level, mile from good town, on free delivery mail route and two hours' ride from Portland. Only $1100; $350 cash, balance easy terms. 75 acres splendid soil, all in wheat six inches high and looks fine; sure to make 40 bushels to the acre; mile o good town and railroad, 30 miles from Portland. Price $150 an acre; $3500 cash, balance long time. .You get all the crop. 83 acres, dandy farm, 80 in crop. 3 acres timber, all fenced and a good well water, rural delivery and school, all in the Willamette Valley, close to ; big town and several little ones. Price $80 an acre. 160 acres, 5 miles to town ; good land, all pasture; spring water, good soil and good title, and the price is only $8.50 an acre; $3 an acre down. 360-aere nice improved farm in the Valley' near Salem, on a fine road; fine buildings, running water; 200 acres clear land in crop, balance tim ber; no better fruit land in Oregon.. Yours for $50 an acre, and it's cheap.. 292 acres, good dairy and stock farm, mile and half to town; 150 acres timber, 70 acres can be farmed, plenty spring water; price $40 an acre; electric line from Salem to Al bany will be built through this place within eight months. 960-acre wheat farm in Morrow County; 450 in growing crops right now; good house and very fine large barn, two good wells, large granary and machine sheds; land all lies nice and can be worked with combined harvester over every acre. This place is 6 miles to good town, railroad and county seat, and can be bought for $22 an acre, and you get part of the crop. INVESTMENT CO. Rooms 517 and 518 Oregonian Bldg. ossmere Lots From $650 Up Have you seen the new homes built and being built in Rossmere? Do you know what a delightful residence dis- trict this is rapidly becoming? ; Eo you realize that more houses will be built in, this tract this year than the total number now completed, that, prices are rapidly advancing and that .-' your chance of securing a beautiful location for a home in this restricted and improved district at reasonable -' prices is becoming less with each day i you wait? f Buy now and reap the profits of In- creased value yourself. Agent on the ' ground every afternoon. V CLARK-GOOKCO.; Room 6, Board of Trade Bldg. ! . Main 5407. A 3252. ; Elegant New Irvington Home Below cost of building. Reception hall, large living-room, fireplace, book case, dining-room and den, beamel and paneled; buffet and breakfast-room, ! pantry and - kitchen, polished oak floors, fancy hardware, all hand-finished and rubbed, extra large sleeping- ' porch, bath, two toilets, 4 bedrooms, attic, beautiful tinting, square brass combination lighting fixtures, duplex shades, full cement basement, fruit- I room, furnace,- dust and clothes chutes; every possible convenience. Near the car. Terms to suit. OWner, N 909, 1 Oregonian. River Frontage If you are interested in a beautifully wooded Summer home site 85 feet Willamette River frontage by 327 feet i deep, run up the river to that sandy i beach opposite the Old Oswego Smelter and see my place or take Oregon City car to Oak Grove and walk to the toot j of Center avenue. It is a snap at $1500. HALF CASH. Phone P. H. M't'l.fRR, A 3961. 5 and 10 ACRE TRACTS 17 miles from Portland. i Close to railroad station. . $100 to $160 per acre. All or partly in cultivation. 20 acres with house and barn. Easy payments or 10 per cent for cash. Spring water, beautiful view. Electric line building. , : For particulars, see THE CROSSLEY COMPACT, (?8 and 709 Corbett Bids, LLACE