iO THE SUNDAY OREGOJVIAN. PORTLAND. MAT 1, 1910. STEETTVO XOXICES. THB FUNERAL OF G. 6T. Clare Segnr. s. veteran of the Civil War and member of George Wright Post, will be h$X at Klnley'a chapel on Monday. May 2. Com r axles Invited. A. W. MILLS, Commander. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. a A. F. AND A. M. A special meet ' lnff will be held In the Grand Lodge room, Masonic Temple, on Tuesday evening. May 3. at 8 o'clock. An address on '"The Travels of a Mason in Foreisn Lands' will t,e given by the Rev. Brother D. Buchanan, under the auspices of 'he combined Blue Lodees of the city. a cordial invitation is extended to all Masons i E. A. included) to attend this lecture. The lodge will be opened on the first degree. No examina tions. W. S. WEEKS, Secretary. W. O- W. Thirteenth anniversary commit tee Women of Woodcraft will give a five hundred, whint and dance in W. O. W. Temple. 12S Eleventh street, Friday even ing. May 6. Admission 15 cents. COMMITTEE. ROYAL CIRCLE will give a military whist and f0 social Wednesday, May 4, at 128 11th ru, w. O. W. temple. .Dancing. Ad mission 15c. ASTRA CIRCLE. Whist and 500 party, with prizes for both. Thursday, May 5. in the W. O. W. "building. 128 11th et. Re freshments and dancing. Admission 20c. Committee. MARGUERITE CAMP will give a May dance Thursday eve.. May 5, at 209 2d st., for the benefit of the M. W. A. Sanitarium at Colorado Springs; 25c. WOMEN OF WOOIX'RAFT. All members of Women of Woodcraft are invited to be pres ent Tuesday evening. May 3. at East Side Woodman Hall, E. Uth and Alder, to witness the initiation of 200 new members Into the ordfr. Oregon City guards will open the cln le. Astoria circle guards will Initiate and Mount Hood guards will close the meeting. M RS. J. LEACH, Pres. MRi. RUTLBDGB, Sec, 1 T w lit i i mm i jlmjm nm .SP-I ms DIED. HIGGIN9 In Fan Diego, Cal., April IS. Chas. W. Higglns. aged 17, years, an old resident of Portland. Or., and formerly a member of the firm of Hlggins & Hamilton. DROKE April 30, at St. Vincent's Hospital. Elizabeth Caroline Droke. age 49 years 11 months, of 268 Htanton street. Re mains at Zeller- Byrnes parlors. Funeral announcement later. GORTER In thte city. April 30, Richard J. doner. ag?d 42 years. Funeral notice later. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS dealers, office and yard lata &4 Marshall. Phones Main 931. A 8931. IVInriet Cut Fiowers always fresh frets 11,1 our own coofiervacorles. Martla l'orta MT WsiaiBtS si. Mt iVal Richmond and Wallnd Australia, v t Hi independent Coal A Ice Como eppuaite City Library. Bota pbooM. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY rKKSIOKNT. Main SIS. SECRETARY, Mnln S9S. HUMANE OFFICEK, Bast T. SEW TOI AT. Special Sale All the furniture and fittings of the lodging-house at No. 23 N. Sixth and Burnside will be sold by public auction on premises THURSDAY, MAY 5 At 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. K. GILMAX, Auctioneer. GILMAN Auction and Commission Co. OffJre and Salesroom No. 126 Second St. Great bargains this week In houiie- holrt furniture and rum in large quan tities, all dimensions. SALES TUESDAY. FRIDAY Will pell poods In nil line at private sale. We are Riving great barsalim in the Hssisnee stock of hosiery, handker- chicts, towels, spreads and blankets, etc. More than One-third off. Sales room 12ti 2d. near Washington. X. B. ratth for furnitxire, stocks of merchandise, etc. Main -43. S. L. IV. GILMAX, Auctioneer. RIVERFRONT Building sites on the West Side of the Willamette, just IS minutes' ride on pood car service: beautiful trees, run ning water, electric lights; fine neigh- Sengstake & Lyman 90 FIFTH STRKET. Holladay Addition k v i new ufiimiim nais, tun basement ; lot 50x100, facing- east; fine lawn with plenty of flowers; ' cn.riii iMcnniiv, wnttVIIlK UIH- tance; 3i block from Broadwav car. t'Jlnih r i 1. K 1 . , V It i tv , v'! vuii, naiain. icaia o per cent. A. J. ti ATKIL HIH Board or Trade Rlilg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUILPIXG SITE 110x115 feet, corner Sixteenth and Hawthorne Terrace, best view on the Heights, for a few days we have a price of ?7o00 CASH. Sengstake & Lyman P0 FIFTH STRKET. FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful home, on E. 15th st.. near Taylor; 8 rooms, 2 fireplaces; close to East Side High School. The best car service in the city 8500. Easy terms. Fhone E. 63S1. Auction Sale of Horses Twenty or more EASTERN OKWiON HORSES, broken ami unbroken, will be sold to the highest bidder tor cash or approved security. Ti o hlocks nor:h of car barns, Mtlwaukie. Sunday. May 1. at 1:30 J M. 82. BUYS Jt acrw of finest fruit land in county, unimproved; easily cleared ami riay loam; plat In level, an rods from ela tion on Salem Klectrie ltn, on county road; 22 miles from Portland by carline. Call or address lSti Clackamas St., Port land, ON E furnished and one unfurnished front room in private family, nodern conven iences, reasonable. 4S Flanders, near ldth. THRER lots, corner. 5-room house. Tremont Place, one lot in potatoes. Rirden in, fruit trees, barn, 1200 feet lumber; flSOO. Owner must sell. J '.'o'J. Oresonian. IO ACRES. On Orejton City car, s l-3-cent fare; a bargain; $10(1 per acre cheaper than any thing rs near; 5 minutes from car. W. I.arenre, Sir Lumber Kxohange bldg WKlA-Fi:RNISHEn larpe fmrt room, uit a.hle for two. with line shaded porch. IO blocks from Post office; also two smaller ones; prices reasonable; everything ir.od ern : private family. Phone Marshall $3o,Mo KINK income-bearing property in choice district of Portland, Oregon : will tnkfl (rood farm land to value $ 1 0.(wO. cah loo0- tim on balance. H si. Ore soman. n KEW TODAY. Sales kzS.&&sZ.Yj& '.Col' Unique Auction TOMORROW, MONDAY We have been instructed by the Pareliuat Manufacturing Co., who have relinquished this branch of their busi ness, to dispose of their stock of hlgh srrade new far nit are. which has been moved from their factory to our sales rooms, 132 Park st. for convenience of sale. This sale is unique, because such an opportunity has never before oc curred in t h is city to purchase well manufactured and hlgrh-class sroods at public auction to the bl&hest bidder. .Furniture dealers, hotel and apart ment proprietors, restaurant owners and parties furnish I ng should attend this great sale. This S4HH stock In cludes massive mahogany library tables, French deeijrn tables in mahogany and quartered oak, several mission design tables, parlor desks, comfort rockers, arm rockers, sewlnK rockers, bookcases, hall stands, serving tables, box-seat dining chairs, carvers to match. The above goods are select quarter-sawed oak, the rockers and chairs are- up- noisterea in trie very nest grraciea oi leather, and the finishes are fumed, early English and g-olden oak, all hand rubbed. The sale will start prompt at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Terms cash. BAKER A SOX, Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY AND THURS DAY NEXT We have been honored with instruc tions from MIm Williams to sell at pub lic auction the valuable fiirnlBblngH, carpets, etc., of the late lion. O. H. Williams, removed from the home to our spacious auction rooms, 152 Park street, comprising; very rich silk up holstered parlor furniture, solid mahog any rockers, center tables, lady's desk in mahogany and walnut ; beautiful mabojgrauy tea table, leather library furniture, library tables, secretary desk with bookcase top, in walnut; sev eral bronses, rare oil paintings and en grravlnKs, gas dropltghts, chandeliers, very flue walnut bookcase with glass doors, rattan rockers, couches, with easy chairs to match, Axminster and body EruNHclM carpet m throughout, in cluding hall and stairs; several small rugs, very heavy Imported velour por tieres, very massive walnut dining room suite, viz., sideboard, extension table and leather seat chairs with carv ers to match, a large quantity of im ported china and fclasawnre, bric-a-brac, vases, silverware, gilt-leaf tables and chairs, very elegant hall tree with large French plate mirror, high-class bed room suites, best springs, best white hair and other mattresses, goose-feather pillows, elder-down quilts, , iron beds, chiffoniers, brass tea kettles, alabaster vases, seitz bath, gas heaters, awnings, nearly new refrigerator. Majestic steel range, kitchen utensils and numerous other lots, all of which will be sold at auction on Wednesday and Thursday next. Sale starts each day at 10 o'clock sharp. BAKER A SOX, Auctioneers. Office 152 Park St. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Regular Sales Days. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A M. Our auction house Is full with almost anything you may need for furnishing a hotel, home or office. If you are look ing for furniture, carpets, steel or gas ranges, roll-top desks, office chairs. typewriters, fireproof safes, etc., we can save yon money. We sell goods at private sale at all times. Residence Sale We are instructed bv Mrs. Levi May to sell the entire furnishings of residence. No. 167 16th St. Near Morrison ON TUESDAY NEXT At 10 A. M. Comprising costly parlor chairs and rockers, mahogany parlor cabinet, siik portieres, lace curtains, draperies, oil paintings, large pier mirror in gold frame, Vienna settee and arm chair with embossed leather seats and baok, mission rockers, pictures, French clock, couches, dining suit in golden oak, viz., outlet, rouna peaestai extension table, set of box-seat chairs, first-class Ax minster and body Krussels carpets throughout the house, costly black wal nut bedroom suits. Iron beds, springs and mattresses, sanitarv couches bed ding, wardrobes, "Charter Oak" steel range, linoleum, gas plate, lamp tables, refrigerator, freezer and other miscel laneous ertects. Sale Tuesday at 10 -A. Al. J. T. WILSOX, , Auctioneer. Cash paid for furniture, stocks of, etc. Alain 1626, A. 4243. AUCTION SALES AT 211 FIRST ST. Tomorrow, at 2 P. M. Tou will see. If vou come, the reat est auction slaughter of all kinds of household groods ever witnessed in the i it- or foreland, b urnlture is cheap we know it so lon"t think we feel had We are prepared for the worst. These apoods muat be Mold, so come and wel come at the auction at 211 First St., Monday 2 P. M. Also look out for TUESDAY AND THURSDAY AUCTIONS At 10 A. M. Each Day At 211 First St. Please remember, we sell everything to furnish a home from the garret to the basement, and lots of things which are really new. All we ask vou to do Is come mnd hc at 211. First st. FORD AUCTION CO. Main S951. B 2445. FOR SALE A SNAP 7-roora house, modern, electric light, gas. furnace: located 204 East 20th. Price $4500 net. Inquire at above ad dress or of owner. BEN A. BELLAMY, GROCER 401 Hawthorne. Phone East 867 or B 161 a. A NICELY furnished front room, home priv ileges, two meals; furnace heat. roth phones, one block from streetcar, walking distance of PostofTice; gentlemen prefer red but mould rent to two ladies employed during day and who can play piano, fhone B 1745. 9 ?fr?W TODAY. DID Yon ever notice, that just about this time of year, before the Summer dullness comes on, bargains begin to crop up? NOTICE THESE!! 15,000 14 lots in one solid block in Irvingrton, the very cream of the tract. High, sightly, and near the cars. 932,500 Quarter block in North Portland, with a fine ho tel, rented for $2700 year ly, and -more rent to come. 90 rooms in it. $30,000 Attractive corner on 7th st., about 10 minutes' walk from Portland Ho tel; store, rooms, cottage and flats, all producing income of $2100 yearly. $157,500 A full, lot on Seventh sr., a stone s throw from .Washington st. The stream of people that will soon be travel ing to Olds, Wortman & King's new store will pass this lot. JQEODiTHEE I 882 OPPOSITE I THIRD (street CHAMBER On ESTATE COMMERCE! BUILDING To Lease October 1st, for a term of jTears, the Second Floor of the Iks' Temple Inquire at the Secretary's Office. Platting Proposition Adjoining MADRAS, the most prom ising town in Central Oregon; 160 acres. Most sightly property, adjoin ing this growing town. An opportu nity for an' immensely profitable in vestment in a section that is being ad vertised throughout the United States. CHEAP. For particulars see McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 Failing Building. River Apple Land 138 acres right on 6. R. & N. R. PL, 15 acres clear, 3 acres in straw berries, 12 acres in apples, pears, fieaches:. about 60 acres light clear ng, timber on place will pay for clearing: boat landing on place and Vi mile from R. R. station, only 3 miles from Hood River. Prices very low. Owner must have money. . A. J. GAXTKER, 618 Board of Trade Bide. TOU CERTAIMY WILL XOT OVER LOOK THE FACT THAT OXLT S30O0 IS NECESSARY TO HANDLE THIS 17,500 BARGAIN. LISTEN! 135xl00-foot corner With three five room cottages, one new 4-flat apartment-house and sufficient ground space on corner upon which 2 more houses or store buildings can be erected. Splen did income. See this property at pres ent time which can be greatly in creased. F. E. TAYLOR A COMPANY, 402-3 Lewis Building:, 4th and Oak Sts. Portland Heights New 7-room house and quarter block, $S7oO Fine view. KEASEY. HUMASON fVrM; and JEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Ten Miles From City Hall 10 acres, 6 acres la cultivation. 3-room cottage, small barn, fine road from city. Price $3000. $1000 cash, balance 2 years 6 per cent. A. X 6ANTXGR, 618 Board of Trade Bids:. WILLIAMS AVENUE, X EAR RUSSELL. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Three-story brick, full corner lot. Old lease now, expiring, pays 7 per cent. New lease will pay 13 per cent. We can tell you some good news on this property. THE S PA XTO X CCWIPAN Y, 2a OaJfc St" Hood XEW TODAY. SPECIAL Houses , for Sale SlOO down, balance $10 per month, at only 6 per cent, for a new modern, 5-room .cottage, ce ment basement, 100-ft. cement ' sidewalk, on corner. Can give immediate possession, $2500. $4100 A swell 8-room concrete house, 3 full lots; good orchard; gar den and berries enough for 2 or 3 families. Nothing better in the city. This is an excep tional buy If sold ttiis weeit, if not it will be taken off the market. Part cash, balance 5 years. 84000 Swell 6 - room house, 1 block from carline, new up-to-date. Rose ' City Park. Part cash. Owner wants good farm. S4500 C-room modern house on B. Couch, new barn, orchard, gar den, 120 frontage. A fine home.;o What do vou know about this? A $3000 lot, a 12000 house. If sold Monday, only $3950, $1275 cash, balance to suit. The In vestor that buys this home wBl make one thousand clear money. On E. 12tli St., In the center or the city. SHOO 5-room house in Eellwood. Part casn. "Well, say, we have dozens of them, from people that are sacrificing their property to go away or go into Dusiness. B usmess Chances PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY .Will ill voice near fittOU- must sell be fore the 5th of May. Now, I will give you a snap on this. Just come in and make me an offer. Nothing reasonable re fused. Located on Washington street. DELICATESSEN Here is a genuine snap. Sales $20 to $30 a day. Kine locality and a cash trade , at a Dargain. LOTS XV t hflvp n few Rnans in eaui ties where people have bought and are will ing to discount to get part of the money back, and the lots have Increased in price. Farms! Farms! Farms! 325 A. S125 PER A. This Is the pride of the W illamette Valley in the Yamhill branch; $8000 worth of buildings. A fine 13 - room house, stone fouidation. A swell bank barn 80x82, con crete foundation, everything modern, hayslings and track and Btore room for 150 tons of loose hay; fine bearing or chard and a new one set out; 3 good farm teams, 2 colts one 2-year-old; 7 cows, 30 sheep, 17 lambs; all kinds of farming implements, buggies, wagons, machinery, farm scales; fine 14-ft. wind pump on large tankhouse, water piped through the house with hot water connection, and to barn. All level valley land; 91 acres in wheat, 62 in oats, 44 in hay. the balance, except 50 acres of timber, is in pasture, garden, orchards and yards; Sheridan 6 miles, Amity 4 miles, McMinn ville 8 miles, Vz mile to school, fine creek running through place; 3 springs, 3 wells. This valuable crop and all the stock, all go with the farm at only $125 per acre. The bare land is worth more than that money; cash. Come in and see photographs of buildings. 202 A. AT S120 PER A. Level valley land, same district, with crop and improvements; also a bar gain. 11 A. ORCHARD SB?lOOO All planted 2 years with 240 Newtowns, 240 Spitzenbergs. balance as sorted trees; all fenced with woven wire; only one mile from Sheridan. A 10x16 cabin. This Is certainly a snap. A fine location for chickens. 81500 3 A. House, barn and 3 A. of choice onion and garden Tand. The finest you ever saw. Right in Sheridan. This is an auction sale price wth terms. S500 1 A. House, barn, 1 A. garden land, some fruit. A fine place for chickens. In town, of Ballston. S29O0 l A. 9 A. in cultivation, IS miles from Portland; nice house, barn, horse, 2 sets of harness, full set farming im plements, top buggy (rubber tires 5 good cows, all will be fresh in May; dairy outfit com plete; orchard, garden and crop all in.- A pick up and fine house. Terms. We have garden and fruit lands on easy payments in i. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10-a. tracts. The best in Oregon, level and all clear. We have farms of" all kinds. Just come in and tell us what you want and we will treat you right. Biokage Co. Sll Fourth St. Phone Main 1174. Res Phone Sell. 1631. The Globe NEW TODAY. Investments S150.000 50x100, near the Yeon sky scraper. 130,000 ' 100x100 in the heart of the speculative district of the city, paying 7Ys per cent net on the total purchase price; $50,000 cash will handle. This is gilt edge. Apartment Sites, Etc. 827,000 100x150, a few blocks south of Salmon street. 22,500 100x100 on Twelfth st., well improved, but with room for further improvements. $22,500 55x80, only four blocks from Postoffice; a splendid store or hotel site. S18.0Q0 A warehouse, with trackage facilities. $16,000 A corner on Clay street, well improved; half cash. $15,000 Flats near Jefferson, paying 10 per cent. $13,000 Flats near 14th,' bringing in $125 per month. Sll.OOO 40x100 on Jefferson St.; first class for flats. $8500 50x100 on Tenth street, close in. This is a fine flat location and under market. S8000 100x100, Nob Hill district, a choice residence site. S8000 A corner on East Eighth st., close in. 55500 . Lot on Grand ave., in the busi ness section. Adjacent quarter blocks held at $25,000. $5250 34x100, on Tenth st., adapted for flats. Archibald 425 Failing Building. Phone Main 8510. GRAND AVE. NEAR OREGON STREET, 75x90 feet, $ 1 6,500 When the new railroad bridge is fin ished, this will be one of the best prop erties on Grand avenue. Louis Salomon & Co. 233 Stark St., near Second. DID YOU EVER HEAR OF" SUCH A BARGAIN AS THISt 145 ACRES OF" Fl'LL BEARING Prune Orchard Near R- R. station, sure of a big- crop this year; a large fruit dryer on place. Fair buildings. $6000 cash will handle it. Price 20,000. . Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor. Lewis Building. MODERN iungalow NEW. 5 KOOM3 AND ATTIC, con crete basement, fireplace, bath, station ary wash basin, sun porch, bath and electricity; price $2500, easy terms. 1193 Ivon street. Waverly and Richmond car. Open today. T. J. HAMMER, 232 WuKactca St. today. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. $16,000 South Portland corner, 50x 100 feet, admirably located for flats. $35,000 Half block, 120x200 feet, on trackage, close in on East Side. $35,500 23d St., corner 150x100 feet, within three block of Wash ington street. $41,000 Income $300 per month, for 2-story brick building, 50x 100 feet, on Front street, be tween Washington and Al der streets. $50,000 Tenth and Yamhill sts., cor ner, 60x50 ft., within a block of Olds & King's new store. This property offers the best investment on the street. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-13 Commercial Club Bid .Corner 5th and Oak Streets Main 8699 Phones A 2653 -mere The most beautiful- home, by nature and cultivation around Portland. On the Foster Road, gently sloping to a pretty lake. The hill is decorated by a natural grove of firs, at the head of the lake is another natural grove of alders, maples and ash, a pretty lawn and a neat little Summer home. From an artistic point of view this little home cannot be beat, and from a practical standpoint it is a bar gain. There are 6 acres in all, 5 acres in cultivation, an orchard of 4 acres, consisting of English, walnuts, chest nuts, pears, peaches, apples, cherries, plums, prunes the best varieties a vineyard of Concord and Worden grapes, 2 acres of strawberries, soon be ripe; currans, gooseberries, black berries, all small fruits, a garden all in; beautiful flowers, a nice little 6 room Summer cottage overlooking the lake, rustic boathouse and bridge; a new boat. A private water system all in. Words fall to give you an idea of this place, but if you can appreciate natural beauty, aided by years of labor and lov ing interest, if you are looking for a bargain, for congenial neighbors, a beautiful view, a well Improved place, here it Is, only 3 blocks from Lakewood Station. Come In RTonday and let us tell you more about this. Price is $12,000 andtrms are one-fourth cash. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. (C) $10,000 Home for $ssoo 9 rooms and large sleeping porch, extra large furnace, fireplace, se lected grained woodwork, hand polished. All seasoned lumber and lined with waterproof and airproof paper. A BEAUTY. .We also have smaller ones that are cheaper. Come out today and see them. S. D. VINCENT & CO. Branch Office, E. 43d and Sandy Road. Open Sundays. Take Rose City Park car; get off at E. 43d st. A CHOICE BUNCH OF 11 Beautiful Large Lois Close to two carlines, nice homes around them, street rraded, witer Id and sidewalks down. Will give you a good money-maker if you get to our office quick enough. Easy terms. BRONG-STEELE CO, Ground Floor, Lewis Bnlldlns ' Near Williams ave. and Knott, 40x 135; suitable location" for bakery or grocerv and flats above, $3500. CILV'ER, 623 Chamber ot Commerce. Alder XIW TODAY.' BARGAIN US! MOOO SOxAS. 25th near Marshall, apart ment site. vofl toxino. Northrup near 26th, re stricted district. . . CAi-oo, isth near Marshall; a good corner, rental $43.50. 7S4Mt 100x100, 26th, near Thurman; snap. S.HOOO riftxlOO, Lovejoy. between list and 2-d: rental $40; easy trms. msson "Oxioo. loth st., near College: rental $58 per month. 8T.10 soxioo, 24th. between Kearney and Lovejoy; rental $60 per month. HO.OOO SOxlOO. 21st near Glisan, faces east: rental $o0 per month, 595 Williams ave.. briclc building; rental $100 per month. 21.000 73x100. 13th. near Main; good apartment-house site. 2.-1,000 100x100, 13th and Clay. Have party to lease The building. 2K,OflO lOOxloo. 16th and Thurman: rental. $148 per month. 931.000 TSxloo. 21st st., corner, near .Davis; rental $15 per month. f 42,rmi .10x100. Grand ave., near Mor rison St.; a snap. f50,OOO SOxlOO. corner Madison, near 1st; rental $275 per month. 4 f 1 2,ooo Swell new bungalow on West Park st. M.' THOMPSON CO. Henry Bid.. Kourlh and Oak Sts. Main 60 84, A 3327. Investments A very choice corner, 100x100. In fine neighborhood In Nob Kill. Can be ' made big: income producer. Buy and improve and let it pay for itself. $1000 down and balance for a term of years at 6 per cent. Income Property Fractional corner within a few min utes' walk of Third and Washington streets; income $90 a month; priie $12,500. Portland Heights A very fine tract on the Lower Heights, with unsurpassed and unob structed view. Can be divided and sold at a handsome profit- Well lo cated with reference to car and easy walking- distance to Postoffice. Kirst payment small and balance to suit the purchaser. R. F. BRYAN A 1227. S05 Cbam. of Com. Main 1963. ! 20 PER CENT. NET, : In-come on money invested. TJp- to-date apartment-house corner near 14th and Morrison PRICE 35,0O0. - 12th Near Main Good Income. . PRICE COROO. DON'T Ask for this next week, Mr. Bar gain Hunter, positively, off, the market after Tuesday. Goldschmidt's Agency 2534 IVashinKton. Cor 3d. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE IRVINGTON HOME New 6 -room house; hardwood floors, built-in book cases, china closet and buffet. Window shades, gas and elec tric fixtures complete. Full cement basement and furnace. Ixt 50x100, on pavea street. & oiockb irom nroaawny and Irvington cars. Price $6000. Very easy terms. Call 529 E. 19th St., N.. or phone East 4904. FRED MERRILL DISGUSTED XOT COLD FEET, A chance for speculators. The entire Merrill holdings in Port-' iana, xviuii.noma.ii county, ana wregon will be offered for sale or lease to the. highest bidder, circular letter later. Oregon has treated us kindly and we have done our share in advertising and building up Portland and Oregon. No deception, we want to become footloose. Write for particulars if you are inter ested In Farms.1 Road-Houses. Automo biles, Horses, Cattle, etc., etc. MERRILL ESTATE, Fred T. Merrill, Mgr., office 7th and Oak, afternoons. Pays 7 12 Per Cent No w When leases expire will pay 10 per cent. f 50,000 CASH WILL HANDLE. 100x100 corner, 6th St.. south of Flan ders, west side of street; improved three-story brick; adjoining property held at double the figure. Immense fu ture; for 10 days -onJy. FH A fl K , .BOLL A M, 128 Third St. : lzth Mreet tuarter 100x100 corner 12th and Hall. 20,000.: Four houses bring fair returns. Look at the price and then see what prop erty In this neighborhood is selling for. Sengstake & Lyman 90 FIFTH STREET. Elegant district. East Portland. 50x 60. $2550: or 40x100. 2B00. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce.