The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 01, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 25

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Famous Robbery of "Lyons
Mail" Recalled in Court
Madame Behagae, ' Great-Grand-Daughter
of Jean Lesurques, Lays
Claim to Pension From French
Treasury-.Bitter Fight Due.
PAR'S, May 4. ( Special.) One of the
most terrible judicial errors in the his
tory of Brance Has suddenly been trans
ported to the dignity of an up-to-aate
eeneation by a curious claim lodged
ttgalnst the .French Treasury.
The claimant is Mme. Behagye, whose
maiden name as Lesurqucs. She is the
great-granddaughter of Jean LesurqiTes.
wrongfully guillotined in 1796 on the charge
of robbing the Iyons mail, his innocence
being recognized when it was too late.
Mme. Behague bases her claim to a
pension on the assertion that one of Le-surque-j
descendants, Marie " Lesurques,
was awarded a pension of reparation in
iStio by the Empress Eugenie, to be con
tinued to the daughters or widows , de
scending in direct line from the victim.
Few People Know Facts.
Every one has heard of the "Lyons
Mail." immortalized by the genius of ,
Henry Irving, but the story has been so
mutilated by legend and melodrama that
few people know the real facts.
At half-past five in the afternoon of
I) floreal. in the year IV of the Repub
lican reckoning, that is to say, on April
27, 1796, the Lyons mail started from 326
Rue Saint-Martin, Paris, the headquarters
of the letter-post of those days. These
premises are now occupied by the parcels
office of the Northern Railway Company.
It carried 112 packets of dispatches, 16.000
francs in coin and 7,792,000 francs in as
signats. a large portion of which was for
the pay of the troop? then fighting in
One solitary traveler was in the coach.
Ha bad given the name of Pierre La-borde.
but his real name was Durochat. Toward
8 o'clock at night the mail left Lieursaint,
in the forest of Senart, with a txesh re
lay of horses, and three-quarters of an
hour later was attacked by a band of
highwaymen. The postillion and the
guard .were killed, and the mall was ran
racked. During the day four horsemen
had passed through Montgeron and Melun,
and had inquired after the mail. They had
supped at Montgeron, and one of the men
anked a serving-girl to tie one of his spurs
with some string. There was no other
Affair Creates Sensation.
The affair, of course, created a tremen
dous sensation, and a hue and cry was
raised through the whole countryside.
The police finally learned that a man
named Couriol had on 8 floreal stabled
with a. jobmaster in the Rue des Fosses
Saint Germain-l'Auxerrols four horses
answering to the description of those rld
den by the men who had supped at Mont
geron. Couriol, with his mistress, a girl
named Brenant, had already left Paris,
hut he was quickly traced to Chateau
Thierry and arrested.
On him was found a portion of the
stolen asslgnats. With him was one
Guenot. a Douai carrier. This man was
left at liberty, but hia papers were
seized. About a fortnight later the wit
nesses were assembled at the Central
Ttureau, which was where the facade of
the Palais de Justice now stands in the
Place rauphine.
Guenot presented himself for the pur
pose of fetching his papers. A friend was
with him. These two men happened to
be in the judge's antechamber at the very
moment when the serving-women from
the inn at Montgeron arrived to give
their evidence. Suddenly the girls gave
a. start, grew pale with emotion, whis
pered to one another, and then Informed
the usher that they had grave and urgent
revelations to make.
They were at once introduced Into the
presence of the Judge, to whom they de
clared that tn the man with Guenot,
Couriers friend, they had just recognized
one of the horsemen who had supped at
their Inn on the day the mail was at
tacked. One of the women added: "It's
the very man whose spur I tied up with
Ijosurques Gives Xante.
The man was at once questioned. He
gave his name as Jean Lesurques. for
merly sergeant 1n the Auvergne regiment
and now- employed in the district of
Xouai. Lesurques, who bore a bad char
acter for his dissolute habits, but was a
cousin of Merlin, Minister of Justice, de
clared that on the evening of the 8th
floreal he dined with 7VI. Legrand. a Paris
jeweler: that after dinner he had visited
a young washerwoman named rargence,
and that on leaving her he had spent the
night with a cousin.
Unfortunately for Lesurques. his alibis
were not convincing. The jeweler swore
that Lesurques was speaking the truth.
"I am all the more certain." he said, "be
cause on that day I did an excellent
stroke of business, which is noted in my
books." "Let me see the book." said the
"Quite so." remarked the judge, on scru
tinizing the ledger. "There Is no doubt
you sold a pair of earrings, but they are
entered under date of the 9th, and the
date has been written over and made into
an S. so that you did not see Lesurques
on the day of the crime, but on the mor
row." The jeweler attempted to explain, but
hlR explanation was confused, and he too
.was arrested. Strangely enough, no one
seems to have thought of examining the
purchaser. There remained the second
witness, the washerwoman. She was cer
tain she had received Lesurques on the
Rth floreal. "Do you know the Repub
lican calendar? What is the month that
precedes floreal, and the one that fol
lows it?"
The unfortunate woman hesitated, be
came embarrassed, and gave a wrong an
swer. Lesurque's doom was sealed. As
for the cousin, his evidence was not ac
cepted on account of the relationship.
Two Sentenced to Death.
Couriers mistress declared that Guenot
and Lesurques were both innocent. Oue
not was acquitted the 18 thermidor, but
Couriol and Lesurques, with a third man
named Bernard, were sentenced to death.
On the day of execution Couriol cried. "I
am guilty, but Lesurques is innocent."
. Lesurques himself protested up to the last
moment that he was Innocent and that he
.was the victim of an error of identity
Two years later the horrible truth be
came manifest. A man named Dubosc,
closely resembling Lesurques. was arrest
ed. . and the serving-girls recognized in
him th.3 highwayman whose spur had
been fastened with a piece of string. One
of them was so overcome by the knowl
edge of the fatal error she had committed
in causing the execution of an innocent
man that she went mad. Dubosc was, of
course, executed.
Such, Is the terrible story of Leaurquea.
His widow and eldest daughter became
insane with grief, his son enlisted and
was killed in the Russian campaign, and
his youngest child threw himself into the
Seine. All the property of the family
was confiscated to the State. . It fetched
J18.500. Only a scrap of ground was left
to the widow for her support.
State Never Justified Act.
The State never attempted to justify the
iniquity of the verdict by which Lesur
ques was judicially assassinated. At va
rious times compensation was awarded to
the heirs of the victims, though an at
tempt to have the case revised in recent
years failed for want f incontrovertible
proof. In the reign of Louis Philippe the
total amount had reached nearly 50,000.
Mme. Behague, the present claimant, as
serts that the Empress Eugenie Interested
herself in the affair, and caused a pen
sion to be granted. Unfortunately for
her, this is not easy of proof, for the
dossier, or a large part of H, was de
stroyed during the Commune, when the
Court of Cassation was burnt down.
M. Barthou, Minister of Justice, de
clares that no trace of such a pension is
to be discovered; but Maitre Cousin, the
claimant's counsel, will not take nay, and
intends to prosecute his demand to the
utmost limits of the law. Such is the po
sition of this interesting case at the pres.
ent moment.
Back of National Education System,
Which Really Is Ancestor Wor
ship, Lies Oriental's Success.
LONDON, April 30. (Special.) Maj
or Sir Alexander Bamierman, of the
British General Staff, has delivered an
illuminating lecture on "The Creation
of the Japanese National Spirit."
The lecturer, who was one of the
foreign attaches with the Japanese arm
ies in the field in Manchuria, instead
of supporting the popular belief that
the ethics of Bushido were the founda
tion of Japan's national spirit, pointed
out "that the principles of Bushido had
as much influence upon modern Japan
ese spirit as the principles of the Ser
mon on the Mount had at the present
time in England."
He then went on to show that Jap
anese history could support no claim
that Japan had been "a nation of sol
diers" until of recent date. He ' said
that the great asset of tradition which
had enabled the Japanese to create
their modern national spirit lay in the
acceptance of the doctrine of divine
It was not until 38 years ago that
universal military service was intro
duced. There was no popular opposi
tion. Far from looking upon soldiering
as an onerous duty, the people real
ized that they were suddenly to be
admitted to a privilege which for cen
turies had been denied to them.
Dealing with the results of educa
tion In Japan was supposed lo be pure
ly secular, the religion of the country
bore a close relation to the everyday
life of the people and could not be
completely ignored. Briefly, it was an
cestor worship, in which the Emperor
was recognized as of divine descent.
Prom Infancy a Japanese was taught
to regard life merely as a stage in a
Journey and death as a natural event
that could not be avoided. The dread
of death and after-punishment, which
formed so prominent a feature In most
Western doctrines, found no place in
Japan. Heaven consisted only in the
knowledge that duty had been done.
The part of the child's education that
was usually translated into "morals"
should really be translated into "duty."
The lecturer then showed how the
educational department was kept clear
of party Ti?Utlcs and how It maintained
a rigid coutrol of all education that
dealt with "duty." for which only text
books authorized by the department
were allowed. He said that the word
"rights" did not appear in the sylla
bus. Even when speaking of the fran
chise, it was not "right to vote, but
"duty of voting."
It was universal discipline which
had brought Japan to her present pitch
of efficiency. - All the courage in the
world could never have carried the
armed forces of Japan to success, had it
not been for the discipline of the na
tion behind them.
Scott i sh Mirlti-Maker AVr i tes Racy
Anecdotes of American Trip.
LONDON, April 30. ( Special.) Harry
Ijauder provides a feast of good things
in his little book, "My American Trav
els." This great laughmaker has a
knack which novelists might envy of
conveying Ideas of human nature in a
vivid and racy medium. He makes the
essentials his own, like the canny Scot
he Is, and British readers reap the ben
efit in a series of inimitable vignettes
of American character.
Amongst other good things, Lauder
tells a story of a new conductor on a
New York streetcar to whom the in
spector said, "How are you getting on,
my lad?"
-FIne," said the conductor, a young
chap from Oorbals, Glasgow.
"So I think' drily observed the in
spector. "I see you've only registered
eight fares since starting your journey,
and there's 15 people on the car."
"Is that so?" coolly remarked the
conductor. "We'll soon make that
right. Then, looking inside the car,
he shouted out, "Here, you chaps in
there, seven of ye haven a paid yer
fares, an'll hae to get aff."
Whilst at Boston, Lauder visited
Bunker Hill in a taxfcab driven by an
Irishman. "Yes, sor" he unctuously
exclaimed, looking me in the face and
smiling a 'smirk 'this is the shpot
where we gave yez a batin'! I couldn't
help laughing, especially as you could
have cut the Irish brogue w4.h a knife.
I laughed all the hea. cier when, in
answer to my queries, our chauffeur
admitted that he had Just come over
from Limerick nine months previously."
Dental Hospital Provided for British
Middle Classes.
LONDON'. Arri! sn. (Special.) An
anonymous British philanthropist, with a
long bank balance, is worried over the
defective molars of the middle classes of
his native land. So he has sent in
n.000.000 to the British Dental Associa
tion to establish first-class dental hos
pitals up and down the country.
This ardent sympathizer with the nerve
wracked sufferers from toothache re
mains in obscurity, but gets his views ex
plained by the secretary of the associa
tion. At present, he says, only the rich
and the very poor have their teeth prop
erly looked after. The rich pay big fees
to expert jaw repairers; the poor go to
hospitals and are fixed up efficiently for
"But those who belong to social grades
between these two extremes are worst
off in all our nation." he says. "They
are the prey of the quack and the tooth
destroyer. They can't afford the expert
fees and they can't go to the free dental
hospital. I calculate there are 30.000.000
patients who could be included in the
class I want to reach'
Facilities in Coos County Are
Being Extended.
Every Company Operating In Dis
trict Reports Good. Business and
Is Spending Money on Elab
orate Improvements.'
MARSHFIELD. Or.. April 30. (Special.)
More activity is seen now in the lumber
mills and loaclng camps of Coos County
than at any time for many months past.
During- the dull lumber season many of
the mills were closed, but they are all
running now excepting those on which
repairs are being made. Many of the
mills have been extending their facilities
and the increased demand for logs has
caused several new camps to be opened
In the woods. These conditions exist in
both the Coos Bay ami Coquille River
districts of the county.
One of the most important improve
ments is the C. A. Smith Lumber & Man
ufacturing Company's new mill, in Marsh
field, .which will be ready to operate
about June 1. The company has rebuilt
the old Dean mill, which was purchased
when the Eastern firm located here, but
so extensive are the improvements that
it is practically a new plant. The mill
will have a capacity of cutting 150,000 feet
of lumber a day and will be used especial
ly to handle the better grade of spruce,
cedar and fir and will turn out the finer
grade of lumber produced by the firm.
It will be different in arrangement from
any other mill in the country and Is de
signed to get the finest lumber possible
from the best grade of logs.
Capacity- Increased,
The big mill operated by the Smith com.
pany now has a capacity of 300,000 feet a
day and with the new mill running, the
company will turn out 450,000 feet of lum
ber in a 10-hour day.
The Simpson Lumber Company, at
Xorth Bend, is making improvements at
the Porter mill. New machinery is being
put in and the capacity of the plant will
be increased to about 175,000 feet a day.
The company's old mill is shut down.
whl'.e the wharves are being rebuilt, but
will be operated again soon.
The Simpson company has opened a new
logging camp near Empire and will soon
start to build a big steam schooner which
will carry S00.C00 feet of lumber and be
used in the Coos Bay trade, in addition to
the fleet of sailing vessels which tho com
pany now operates. The firm will also
build at once a new tug to be used for
towing over the "Coos Bay bar.
The North Bend Lumber Company has
spent $20,000 in improvements on its sash
and door factory. New machinery has
been installed and the firm has built a
warehouse which connects with the fac
tory by a private track. The warehouse
is on the North Bend waterfront, conve
nient to shipping.
Warehouse for Waterfront.
The North Bend Hardware Company
will also build a large warehouse on. the
waterfront to make room for housing log
ging machinery which will be handled by
the firm. The North Bend Lumber Com
pany, in which San Francisco lumbermen
are interested, has opened a new logging
camp near Sumner and the box factory
has sufficient orders to keep a full force
going for some time.
The new mill of the Cody Lumber Com
pany, at Bandon. will be the largest plant
of the kind on the Coquille River. The
old mill of the company was destroyed by
fire last Summer and has been replaced
by one of the best mills of the size in
this part of the state. It will have a ca
pacity of at least 80,000 feet a day and
is equipped with the most modern ma
chinery. The plant of the Coquille Mill & Mer
cantile Company which was closed, has
been leased by Aason Brothers, who op
erate logging camps, and is running and
turning out a large amount of lumber.
Several new logging camps have been
opened in the Coquille River district and
all of the mills up and down the river are
Queen of England, Dowager Em
press of Russia and Czar to
Call at Scandinavia.
CHKISTIANIA, April 20. (Special.)
This is a busy year for Scandinavia."
Not only does the Spring and Summer
stream of tourists promise to be great,
but a whole string of notable visitors
are in prospect.
Colonel Roosevelt leads off immedi
ately, and his reception will surely ex
ceed all others In heartiness, for all
classes are delighted to have the oppor
tunity of greeting the ex-President of
the United States. The streets are deco
rated in Christlanla and Copenhagen in
honor of the visit, and the announce
ment has had to be made that no more
tickets can be issued for the National
Theater in Chrlstlania to hear his lec
ture on peace questions on the occasion
of his receiving the Nobel Prize for
Queen Alexandra, of England, comes
shortly to stay with her sister, the
Empress-Dowager of Russia, in their
villa on the sound, near Copenhagen.
Extensive alterations have been made
in this holiday home for the royal sis
ters, but the life there will be on strict
ly simple lines, as before.
Then In Summer the Czar is expected
aboard his magnificent yacht, the Stan
dart, on a round of calls to the Scandi
navian capitals. His family will accom
pany him, but there is ample accommo
dation for them on this, the second
largest yacht in the world, including
two sumptuously appointed nurseries
for the children. The annual cost of
keeping the vessel going is not less
than $150,000.
Before this visit. King Haakon of
Norway will visit the Russian capital,
for hehas not seen the Czar since his
accession to the throne.
Ella Wheeler Spreads Optimism In
Literary Circles.
LONOON, April 30. (Special.) No
poet in Britain can vie with Ella
Wheeler Wilcox in popularity. British
songsters are limited and academic in
comparison with her on the human
side. One has to go back to the days
of Felicia Hemans and Elizabeth Bar
rett Browning to find tier compeer in
the elements of wide appeal to the uni
versal heart of the people. During her
stay in London, Mrs. Wilcox spread a
cheery spirit of optimism wherever she
She is not one to think that because
we no longer wear the trappings of
romance, the spirit of beauty and pas
sion is therefore dead.
"I believe that we are preparing for
a great, awakening of art and for a
harvest of genius," she said. "Not
soon, perhaps, but as soon as this great
movement among modern women has
reached its fruition. The women of the
modern world are going to breed great
sons. Among them surely will be
great poets and artists, and the mas
ters of a new world.
No less a person than the veteran
W. M. Rossetti. in discussing the pros
pects of poetry, gave a partial and in
dependent support to this hopeful out
look. "It seems," he said, "as if we ere
waiting for a new poetic edifice, so to
speak, to begin to rear itself with new
forms, new .purposes, new materials.
Perhaps the new impulse may come
from America, where Walt Whitman
was, in our generation, a new and
great voice; though my brother, I
think wrongly, would call him "sub
limated Tupper.' I don't know whether
Whitman can be adapted to the future,
but I fancy the future will have to
adapt Itself to Whitman."
Station Needed to Care for Emi
grants Bound for America.
LONDON, April 30. (Special.) Port
authorities in England are facing a big
problem of what to do with the horde
of Continental emigrants calling here
en route for America and Canada. For
this year there is a tremendous rush
of Britishers to the West and trans
Atlantic liners are so crowded in their
steerage quarters that hundreds - of
low-class foreigners are held up here
for weeks at a time, for lack of room.
Not only are these stranded men and
women giving the officials much
thought; they are having a bad time
themselves. They are dumped .down in
London by. Continental emigration
agents and left to get along as best
they can. But for the assistance of
some charitable missions they would
have starved in scores or committed
desperate deeds to gain bread.
What the papers and social students
In London are demanding is a clearing
house or "transmigration" home in the
East End where these stranded aliens
may be passed on with the least possi
ble hardship. Also it would enable the
authorities to get a hold on unscru
pulous emigration agents in speciality
hard cases. ,
"Ellis Island, or one of the model
Continental emigration establishments
must be reproduced here if a huge
scandal is to be averted," said a dock
official. "If not, one of these days
there's going to be a starvation riot
that will make our system hideous in
the eyes of the world."
Turkish Ruler Takes Quiet Vacation
in Yachting Center.
VIENNA, April 30. (Special.) Fa
tigued by his state cares, sluggish Sul
tan Mahmud has betaken himself to
Ismidt, In Asia Minor.- for a rest, ac
cording to news from Constantinople.
It Is a place of mean attractions, but
the Turkish ruler can give himself
greater liberties there than at home
and enjoy a fuller portion of peace and
quietude. His personal attendants say
he needs this relaxation badly, for the
visits of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria
and King Peter of Servia taxed both
his patience and his strength.
Near by is the Armenian village of
Barchlcag. with an American mission
building as the chief edifice, but a
more favorite direction for the Sul
tan's outings is a beautiful little place
called Deirmendere, set In .deep cherry
orchards. Close by lives Ahmed Ihsan
Bey, one of the Turkish revolution
leaders, now withdrawn to horticult
ural pursuits.
American yachting men are seeing
more of the Sultan than usual dur
ing this holiday, for the Gulf of Ismidt
Is a favorite resort for Anglo-Saxons
fond of sailing, and just now the
weather Is tempting them to pursue
their pastime with zest,, under royal
Russia Revives Anti-Semitism In
Medical Corps.
VIENNA, April 30. (Special.) Judg
ing by recent events in Russia, there
is a revival of anti-Semitism. The
Duma has given sign of its influence,
by barring Jewish medical students
from the military schools, where army
surgeons are trained. This in spite
of the fact that in the Russo-Japanese
war a fifth of the medical corps were
Given this Influence at the head of
the administration for Premier Stoly
pin has refused, in offensive terms, to
interfere the Black " Hundreds and
other pogrom organizers are greatly
encouraged and are planning fresh
anti-Semitic outrages.
Jewish circles are disturbed by a
feeling of great Insecurity and as many
as can do so are moving across the
frontier. Jewish leaders here who are
In touch with their co-religionists in
Southern Russia, state that there will
be a tremendous flow of Russian Jews
to America this year. They will in
clude some of the best types in the
country, for there is a prospect of army
service in any capacity being barred
to them in Russia in accordance with
a i-esolutlon sent to the government by
the Congress of Nobles in St. Peters
burg a few weeks ago.
Temperament and Professional Jeal
. ousy Bring About Divorce.
LONDON. April 30. (Special.) The
old question as to the wisdom of mar
riage between a man and woman of
letters is raised once more by the ac
tion for divorce brought by Mrs. Kath
erlne Cecil Thurston against her hus
band. She, it may be remembered, won
wide and instant " popularity with her
novel, "John Chllcote. M. P." He. has
written novels that have achieved no
wide popularity.
Evidence tends to show that E. C.
Thurston w-as jealous of his wife's suc
cess. The time came when he told her
that for the - purpose of his literary
work, it was necessary that he should
go down "into the very depths of so
ciety." He therefore took a bachelor's
flat in Soho. It also transpired that he
felt his own personality dominated by
his clever wife, and in that he saw an
other reason why they should part.
Of course, Mrs. Thurston obtained a
decree nisi, for the rupture had the
result usuai in such cases misconduct
on the man's part. There's more in the
homely proverb that "two of a trade
can never agree" than meets the eye
where literary pursuits are concerned.
Temperament is part . of a novelist's
stock in trade, and when temperaments
conflict, unhapplness is sure to follow.
One million dollar Removal Sale at
the Olds, Wortman & Kins, store.
cieotif Ic Deotistiry
Practiced at our offices by our staff of skilled dentists.
You may now have your work done at
marvelously low prices by
Dr. Wythe's Dentists, 148 Fifth Street
A First-Class 22-k Gold Crown $3.00
All crown and bridge attachments are.
made of solid 22-K. gold and HAND
MADE, to fit each individual tooth. DR.
WYTHE'S DENTISTS make all gold
crowns to measure of solid 22-karat gold.
"We never use ready-made thimbles
(crimped in) tofit (t) crowns." We
make every crown right at the chair and
guarantee- all of our work with a protec
tive guarantee backed by the corporate
: Our large force of dentists, all graduates
of from 12 to 20 years' experience, must
be kept busy.
A full set of teeth, made by the Dr.
Wythe's system, Double Air Chamber,
Never-railing Plates, no fit, ffr ff
no pay, for PJ.OO
Our continuous gum, natural color un
breakable plates, formerly $15, for $8.
Remember, we do not charge for ex
aminations, whether or ' not you have
1 -"k 1 1 raj-.vlr' 7ATrtM knws
Do not wait for the crowds that always fill our offices during the Summer Festival, but come and get your
ieeth attended to early and save money as well as your teeth.
DR. WYTHE'S DENTISTS "Incorporated"
148 rifth St., Straight Across the Street From Meier & Frank's Fifth-St. Entrance
Hours, 8 :30 to 8 ; Sundays, 8 :30 to 2. Lady Assistant Always in Attendance.
French; Officer Declares Larger
Appropriation Should Be Made
for XJse of Military.
PARIS, April 30. (Special.) For the
last six months the question of military
airships in France has attracted a. good
deal of attention, and has been dis
cussed in and out of Parliament. On all
sides, it is admitted that France, after
being- in the lead as to steerable bal
loons, suddenly dropped to the second
rank, far behind Germany, and expla
nations are asked for without being
Commandant Renard, in an article
just published returns to the subject.
After the catastrophe to the Repub
lique. he says, there was a national
subscription, but If it had not been for
the liberal contributions of the con
structors, the sum collected would have
been a very small one. As it is, it
amounts to about $160,000. which is
only a trifle compared with the sub
scription raised in Oermany after the
Zeppelin airship disaster. A similarly
meager result has been obtained in
Parliament. Any number of speeches
were made, both in the Senate and the
Chamber, but when it came to practi
cal results, it all ended by voting a
sum of $100,000, instead of the $4,000,
000 required. France has the means
and the technical experience to build
all the airships it needs, but the money
is not forthcoming.
It is now understood that an airship,
to be of any real military utility, must
have a capacity of about 8000 cubic
yards. The cost of building such a ship
is $100,000, and a like amount is neces
sary for sheds, repair shops, supplies
and working expenses. To be abreast
of Germany; this country should in the
next four years have 20 such airships,
which would in round figures require
$4,000,000. The allotment, therefore, of
onely one-fortieth of that sum is ri
diculously Inadequate. Commandant
Renard goes on to say:
"We must be convinced of one thing
in France. It is that our inferiority is
not due to technical causes. It is not be
cause we had semi-rigid or supple bal
loons, because we employed straight
threaded instead of cross-woven cloth,
that we have lost the supremacy of the
air. Our inferiority is not of a techni
cal, but of an administrative and finan
cial order."
. Major Renard does not throw out
any hint as to why the government
has abstained from asking Parliament
for the recessary sum. Perhaps the
real reason is that the superior mili
tary officers are not yet convinced of
the utility of the airship, even if it
rises to a height of 4000 or 5000 feet.
London's Censorship Only Increases
Demand of Some Readers.
"LONDON. April 30. (Special.) At the
present time the best stroke of luck that
can befall a new novelist is to have his
novel banned by the Library Censorship.
Instantly there is a demand for that
book from readers who want dirty liter
ary goods.
A story is being told of a well-known
publisher who had a book turned down
by mistake. The libraries were bound to
admit the error, but declined to rectify
it for business reasons. Immediately the
book Jumped into some demand. Result,
disappointed readers, who hoped to be
scandalized, wrote to the publisher com
plaining that they had been induced to
part with their money under false pre
tenses. Owing, doubtless, to the public outcry
against Its methods, the Library Censor
ship is now less prominent. If its past
fulmlnations have put salutary terror into
the hearts of writers who would turn
quick dollars with poisonous books, it
will have done some . good.
Scheme to Control London Market Is
Barely Thwarted.
LONDON, April 30. (Special.) In
spite of denials It Is true the American
beef trust was behind a fruitless
scheme to control the Smithfield Mar
ket this City's central mart for chilled
This is the third attempt to corral
First-Class 22
the British markets, each effort being
made under cover of dummy organiz
ers. But just at the last moment in
each case the cat has been let out of
the bag and the scheme has failed.
This time the plan was to purchase
the leases of all the stalls in the Smith
field Market. Everything seemed
smooth for signing the contracts when
the Board of Governors of the market
stepped in and prohibited the deals.
French Papers Say American Opera
Will Be Sensation.
PARIS, April 30. (Special.) Is Paris
losing her place as a musical capital?
Now she has to go to New York for
the elements of an operatic s?ason. The
papers announce, with a frantio flourish
of trumpets, the coming invasion of Paris
by the Metropolitan Opera of New York.
An "Italian season" is to be held at the
Chatelet. from May 19 to June 33, entirely
under the management of that company.
The Metropolitan Opera-House will fur
nish the singers, the chorus, the corps
de ballet, the scenery, and even the
costumes. The orchestra, however, will
be recruited among French concert bands.
For the rest, the New York Opera
House Company wjll be brought bodily
over to Paris.
The conductor will be Arturo Toscanini.
The soloists are to include Mesdames
Emma Festtnn, Fremstad and Frances
Alda, Messrs. Caru-so (who has hardly
ever been heard here), Slezak, Pasquale,
Annato and Antonio Scotti. The operas
given will be principally Verdi's "Aida,"
Otello" and "Falstaff." Signor Puccini's
"Manon Lescaut," Signor Mascagni's
Cavalleria ftustlcana," and Signor
Leoncavallo's "Pagliacci." The under
taking is under the patronage of a
French, and Italian and an American
committee, the last including W. K.
Vanderbilt, J. Pierpont Morgan, and
George Gould. The French press enthu
siastically predicts that the New York
Opera performances will be the sensa
tion of the coming season here. The un
dertaking, at all events, marks the most
sensational American conquest of Paris
yet recorded.
Those Who Helped 'Liquidators Are
Denied Her Offices.
PARIS, April 30. (Special.) The
Catholic Church has taken her first re
venge against the liquidators of the
expelled religious congregations. The
marriage of the daughter of a rich local
solicitor was taking place, when the
cure of the church sent a messenger to
the bride to inform her that the Bishop
refused to let the cure celebrate her re
ligious marriage, on the ground that
her father had acted as liquidator of the
property belonging to a local expelled
religious order, and had been accord
ingly excommunicated. A few days ago,
in the same department, the church re
fused its prayers for the funeral of a
Catholic for the reason that he had
bought a religious property which was
put up for sale by a liquidator.
Most Ambitious Man in Europe Is
Sir Max Waechter.
VIENNA, April 30. (Special.) The
most ambitious man in Europe is Sir
Max Waechter. He seeks to federate
all .Europe.
Sir Max is a native of Ptettin, Oer-
citv In tha heart of a rich.
prosperous country. A division point of
a great Railway System. Roundhouses
and machine shops already established;
trains running on schedule, time. No
guesswork about this. .
Othello Improvement Co.
Portland, Or.
Please mail me your five-color illus
trated booklet, free.
Name. ....................... ...... .
Address .
- k Gold Bridge Teeth $3.00
many, but his successful career as
shipowner has run Its course in Eng
land. Last year he believed he had a
conference fixed in Rome, but It fell
through, so he is touring Europe, seek
ing converts enough to enable him to
make sure of it next time.
The center of his Idea is that the fed
eration should first of all be on an
economic basis. That is to say. he
would form a. vnllvirDn -
union of the nations, and after that
"everythina: else wnnln frtn ,..
He has in( prvlonjoH thA r.t... .1
Kings of Italy, Sweden, Denmark and
Norway, and his latest public announce
ment is that he has- roped in Prince
Nicholas of Montenegro. After that ac
cession of strength, who can say what
First Salmon Appears.
GOLDENDALE, Wash., April 30.
(Special.) The first fresh salmon of tha
season appeared at Goldendale todav,
having been brought from the Indian
fisheries at Celilo Falls. It sold readily
at 12 cents a pound.
Dally or Sunday.
Fer Una.
One time ........................ uja
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game ad three consecutive times 80a
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more easily made In telephoning advertise
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hold Itself responsible for auch errors.
HIGOINS Saturday morning at his mother'-
residence, 298 Wefdier st., Ambrose John
Hi -e Kins, son of Mrs. Alice HiKgins and,
brother of T. J. Higlns, city, and Mr-a. F.
I. Charleaon. of Telkwa. B. C. in his 2:d
year. Funeral from above address Monday,
May 2. at 8:0 A. M., at Holy Rosary
.Church. Interment in Rivexview ceme
tery. Friends Invited to attend. Kindly
omit flowers. Nebraska paper please copy.
HIGOINS At residence, 298 Wefdier at..
April 30. Ambrose J. Higgins, aged 2 3
years, son of Mrs. Alice Higgina and
brother of T. .T. Higgins and Mrs. F.
Charleson. of Telkwa, B. C. Funeral will
take place Monday. May 2. at 8:45 A. M..
from residence, thence to Holy Rosary
Church at 9 A. M. Interment Riverviewr
Cemetery. Friends Invited to attend.
YOUNGER At the family residence. Beaver
ton. Or.. April 30, Frances Stark Younger,
aged 59 years. Funeral services will b
held from the Beaverton Congregational
Church tomorrow (Monday), at 2 P.
Friend invited.
MOTTZER The remains of Dominick, Ron.
Mottuer are now being bmujarht from Santa,
Barbara, Cal.. to be interred in the Odd
fellows' Cemetery at Dayton. Or., on May
2. Services will be hrld at the grave at 11
o'clock or as -scion aa train arrives. Frieni4
CLIFF In this city, April 2. Theresa Cliff
aged 41 years 7 months 11 days. Funeral
will take place from -St. Francis Church,
today (Sunday , May . 1:30 P. M. Re
mains at private recepirton rooms of Ef
ide Funeral Directors, East Alder and
East Sixth streets.
GORDON In this city. April 29. at the
family residence, 716 Corbett St.. Har
riet Gordon, aged 01 years. wife oC
George W. Gordon. Friends invited to at
tend funeral services, which will be held
at the above residence at 2 p. M., to
morrow (Monday), May 2. Interment
Riverview Cemetery.
Dunntnx Se McKotee, Funeral ltreeor
Ttta and Jfne. I'bono Main 430. aLadj- ..
nthtant. Office of County Ccroner.
ZELLER-BYBNES CO., Funeral Directors.
594 Williams sve.; both phone ; lady attend--
unl; most modern establishment in the city.
EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral Direct
ara. 820 &d st. .Lady Assistant. Phone M. 601.
J, F. FIALEY SON, S4 and MadUon,
Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A l&tftt.
KAbT SIDE Funeral Directors, successor
to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. E, 58, B 5.5.
ERI( HON CO. Undertakers; lady assist)
ant, 403 Alder. M. 6133, A 2235.
LtKCH, undertaker, cor. Fast Alder antft
Ctb. Phones 781. B 1888. tady assistant.
Fbones: Main 610S: A 1101,