SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 24 vol. XXIX. if The Blossoming In a Monster Sale The Tennis Girl, the Athletic Girl, the Motor Girl, the Summer Girl, the Yachting Girl, the Picnic Girl, the Baseball Girl, the Saddle Girl, the Golf Girl all the Girls rmake their debut this month in Summer Frocks. The selection of her summer frocks is made very easy and economical in this monster sale of Wash fabrics. - You see it's like this: .We have a tremendous stock of tub goods in every style and at every price, ranging from the modest domestic gingham to the highest price, imported novelty. Business conditions brought to us vast assortments in the most desirable material at away under the market prices. This advantage goes all to you; our benefit comes from the increased number of customers. Here's an under price chronicle of tub goods that you can expect to find tomorrow morning on our wash goods counter. . See our display in three 3d street windows. Special, 10c the Yard "SUNSHINE" STRIPED VOILE. A sheer summery fab ric, mercerized finish, solid col ors, self stripes, all the standard and new colors of the season. Special, 10c the Yard P RINTED BRAZILIAN BATISTE. White and tinted grounds over which are printed floral and figured neat designs of various hues. Special, 12c the Yard PRINTED FRENCH BA TISTE. A beautiful sheer dainty Summer material. Choice de signs and colorings. Special, 19c the Yard PLAIN SILK MULL. A sheer silk and cotton material used extensively for evening dresses, also auto veils and scarfs. Special, 19c the Yard WASH TUSSAH SILK. A silk and cotton Summer wash dress goods of superior worth. In all the leading colors of the season. Especially strong in tan. Special, 29c the Yard AUTO CRASH. An all linen rough weave, 36 inches wide. Natural color only. IMPORTANT Read our additional advertisement on page 11, section 1 of todays paper It contains news of interest and vital economic weight concerning sales in silk dresses, waists, dress goods and millinery. 5000 Yards Natural Color All, Silk Pongee, Special at 75c and PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1910. Special, 24c the Yard MERCERIZED RClUGH WEAVE. This is one of the most sightly as well as durable fabrics of the season. Its simi larity to and superior quality to a widely advertised "branded cloth makes this cloth a general favorite. In all the standard and pastel shades. Special, 58c the Yard IMPORTED FRENCH LINEN Suiting with a style peculiar to itself. Is more at tractive than ever this season, many new shades being added to the color line. 47 inches wide. All pure linen. Special, 29c the Yard DOTTED CHIFFON COS TUME CLOTH. A silk and mercerized cotton mixed mate rial of exceptional beauty. Es pecially adapted for evening and party dresses. Comes in 50 dif ferent shades. Solid colors, with self dots. Special, 42c the Yard VASSAR CLOTH. A rough weave silk and cotton mixture. Can scarcely be detected from the all silk fabric of same weave. Launders beautifully. In all shades. JWA1UKAI.COLOKEO 27-INCH PONGEE. It is regular $1 quality. It has a body and a sub stance that will commend itself to the hardest usage. It is woven closely and firmly, insuring the best of wear. When it comes to plain fabrics of this sort, manufactured on hand looms, these Orient als, who for centuries have made this fabric their principal article of wear, maintain their supremacy in the spinning and weaving of pongees. Oriental pongee offered on Monday at 75 cents the yard. - ROYAL QUALITY. Sterling value in every yard. The most desirable and fashionable fabric of the year. Mere's a quality that sells regularly at $1.35 a yard and in many stores at $1.50. It is a full yard wide, with a soft but firm texture, strong enough to retain shape and fit. An ideal fabric for two-piece suits, coats and separate skirts. A great bargain, Monday only at $1.00 per yard. of Summer Buds of Wash Fabrics Special, 32c the Yard OTTOMAN CLOTH. A cord woven suiting. In all shades in cluding strong assortment of tan and pongee shades. Special, 33c the Yard RAMIE LINEN SUITING. Especially adapted for outing suits. We show 35 appropriate shades. 36 inches wide. Special, 21c the Yard SILKED FOULARDS. A beautiful mercerized cloth. The same name both in design and ' colorings. Special, 24c the Yard ORKNEY TISSUE. A sheer Summer woven costume cloth resembling the imported zephyrs, only lighter weight. Corded stripes and. plaids. Beau tiful combination of colors. Special, 24c the Yard E MBROIDERED IM PORTED SWISS. White grounds, colored e.mbroidered stripes with embroidered neat colored designs intermingled. Very nobby. Special, 21c the Yard POPLINS IN PLAIN, self stripes and figures. In 50 dif ferent shades. Special, 15c the Yard PACIFIC CRASH SUIT ING. The best cotton ramie weave suiting in the market. In all colors found in French linen suitings. 27 to 32 inches wide. Special, 12V2C the Yard MERCERIZED PONGEE SUITING. Woven and fin ished similar to the famous soi sette .cloth in all the leading colors. Special, 15c the Yard LINEN DE FRANCE. A white suiting 32 inches wide, an exact imitation of the French all linen goods. Special, 19c the Yard FANCY EMBROIDERED STRIPE and plaid novelties. This lot consists of about. 2000 yards of new fresh up-to-date white goods. India Linen This, the queen of white goods, - needs no introduction. Every woman knows India linen is used more than any other cot ton fabric. 1214c quality, sale, yard 11 15c quality, sale, yard. 12 l-2 20c quality, sale, yard. .....16 25c quality, sale, yard. .. ...19 Mm Special, 9c the Yard D R E S S GINGHAMS in great variety of checks and stripes in tan, blue, green and gray. The choice of patterns is very great from the smallest lit tle pin check to broad stripes and checks. These ginghams are all reliable makes and a very superior quality. Special, 12i2C the Yard PERCALES of the very best quality, 36 inches wide, for wash suits, children's wear and wo men's waists, dresses, etc. In all the desirable styles, espe cially selected designs. The as sortment is broader than shown by any other house in Portland. An opportunity for supplying your entire season's needs at a very special price. Special, 21c the Yard ZEPHYR GINGHAMS. We will sell all our collection of these extra fine ginghams which are so well known to our patrons as being the best of ginghams consisting of fine checks, stripes and plaids, all of the newest designs. Our collection of patterns is selected with greatest of care and no undesirable colors, nor ugty figures will be found in the lot. IMPORTANT Read our additional advertisement on page 11, section 1 of todays paper It contains news of interest and vital economic weight concerning sales in silk dresses, waists, dress goods and millinery. $1.00 Per Yard