The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 01, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Greater Meier Frank Store
WSm. The
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foivmS DSectionof the Store
Ribbons, Gloves,
'Kerchiefs, Veilings
Night telegrams, day messages and un
limited correspondence with the greatest
factories in the world, both foreign and
domestic, have culminated in the launching
of one of the greatest sales ever attempted!
5Q.OOO Pieces Women's Neckwear at 1 6c
50,000 pieces "Women's Neckwear, Dutch collars,
stocks, rabats, jabots, tabs, cascades, Princess tabs
and embroidered linen collars. All new desirable
goods, not cheap goods just made for sales, but
all regular stock goods. Regular 25c, 35c fl ftg
and 50c values. Special for this sale only "C
50,000 Yards Taffeta and Moire Ribbon
See Additional Announcements, Page This
Section and Pages 5, 6 and T of Section 3
;ota:iiuiiiui. iiwoiuiv M '';or-',V-''V.;
Fiie Hosiery
QfOUflPSp IN 1857 II
50.000 yards Ribbon, fancy warp print, taffeta and
moire, 3Y2 to 6 inches wide, black, white and all
colors. All new goods, never shown before.
Regular Joe to oOc values, special sale at
50,000 Pair Women's Kid Gloves at 83c
50,000 pairs women's Kid Gloves, pique overseams,
Mocha, chamois and cape, black, white and all
colors; sizes 5Y2 to 7. All new, desirable mer- QO
rhandise; reg. $1.25 and $1.50; special, pair 05C
50,000 Women's Handkerchiefs 1 2c Ea.
50,000 women's Handkerchiefs, initial, embroidered
all around and embroidered corner effects, all with
quarter-inch H. S.; beautiful new patterns, all linen.
This is a lot of goods that we contracted for last
September, jiist for this sale, and are won- O
derAil values. Regular 25c and 35c: special AC
Silk Mesh Veiling 16c
A lot of silk mesh Veilin?s
in Tuxedo, complexion, mag
pie, Russian meshes; plain
and dotted. Shown in black,
white and all self-color com
binations. A big as- "I (if,
sortment; special, yd. A OC
$2.25 Auto Veils $1.19
A new lot of these desirable
kinds at a price within reach
of all; full sizes, 2 yards by
1 yard, in a splendid range
of staple and soft shades.
AVorth $2.25 ea. 4"t 1Q
Extra special, ea, p X A
: t
Our great Millinery Section is making a delightful showing for these bright and cheerful
May days Decorated in a wealth of the prettiest flowers and garbed in the finest of
gala attire, m honor 01 the Greater Meier &. Frank
it is doubly interesting to visit All the best makes of
Store's Fifty-Fourth Anniversary
hats from the world's' most
renowned producers are here in the greatest variety and all priced within reachofthose
desiring the best at the least possible cost For the starting of our 54-Day Wonder
Sales in this department we are offering three exceptionally interesting specials 1 he
third one, wherein we have reduced our $16.5Q and $ 18.QO trimmed Leghorn Hats to
sell at $10.QO, is decidedly unusual You may look for remarkable jtmiqnncements
from day to day in this alive and up-to-date Section of the Greater Meier &. FrankStore
Misses' and Women's Sailor and
Shirtwaist Hats for Summer Wear
$2.5Q and $4 Values $ 1 .95
Very Exceptional Offering
Sj1.95 for misses' $2.50 to $4.00
stylish rough straw Sailors, with
bands . of assorted colored velvet
or patent leather. This is an ex"
ceptional offering in newest shapes
at the commencement of the season.
$4.5Q and $6 Values $3.9Q
A Good Substantial Value
$3.90 for women's $4.50 to $6.00
Phipp's & Burgesser's high-class
Sailors and Shirt Waist Hats, in
new fancy straws, trimmed with
corded silks and wide velvet bands.
They are bargains at this price.
$ 1 6.5Q to $ 1 8.Q0 Trimmed
Leghorns Now for $10.00
10.00 for women's $16.50 to
$18 trimmed Leghorn Hats. These
hats are trimmed with flowers,
fancy ribbons and popular colored
velvets. Wide choice is offered
from a variety of newest shapes.
in 54 -Day Wonder
& Anniversary Sale
Women's, Misses' and Children's Hosiery
in grand array for this Anniversary Sale
from the largest and most complete stock
in the West, covering all the newest styles
and shades Direct from the large hosiery
centers of Europe and the UnitedStatesl
We introduce in this Anniversary
Wonder Sale two distinct linesATT
tractive bargains First ; Our regular
numbers that have been tried and gjvethe
very best qualities for the price asked .
Second: Our special numbers, which offer
exceptional qualities at great reductions
$1.5Q Pure Silk Hose, the Pair, only 98c
1.50 value, women's pure silk thread Hose, with
mercerized lisle top and sole, full fashioned. QQ
Colors in black, white, pink. All sizes; sp"l ?OC
Three Pair Women's Lisle Hose for 79c
Women's fine thread silk finish cobweb lisle nose
full fashioned, extra wide doubl welt top, in OC
black onlv: sp'l at 3 pair for 79 or. r:iir OO
Women's silk ingrain gauze lisle Hose, with fancy
banded lavender gartered tops, crow foot, OQ
spliced heels; dainty Summer hose; reg. 50c 02C
Boys and Girls School Hose 19c
Boys' and girls,, 2x1 and 1x1 ribbed, me
dium weight school Hose, in black only;
seamless, durable and stainless, " O
a 20c quality. Special, per pair A iC
Infants Cashmere Hose 1 8c Pair
Infants' cashmere Hose, with silk heels
and toes, soft finish, fast dyes; colors
in black, white and colors. Reg.
25c quality. This sale, per pair
Women's Plain Black Silk Hose
Best Hose on the Market $ 1 .50
Women's plain black silk Hose, with 4
ineh double welt, lisle lined top; also
double lisle split foot. The best silk
Hose on the market at this tfl Cn
price; guaranteed perfect, at ? A Ou
Other Hosiery Bargains
c FI1s?m
Fifty-Fourth Anniversary Shoe Sale
Put your Summer wardrobe on a good footing. All the .new shoes for Spring and Summer are
here for men, women and children. It will be impossible to record here a list of all the new' ar
rivals, but our head shoemaa has planned to celebrate this Anniversary 54-l5ay Wonder Sale
with, some of the greatest values that the Meier & Trank shoe section has ever put forth. The
approved models, best qualities and the lowest prices go hand in hand. A few of our specials:
Women's $4.00 Oxfords $2.65 Pair
As this is to be a decided tan season, we will
put on sale Oxfords, elite ties and strap pumps
in mahogany brown, tan Russian calf and tan
and brown vici kid, with Goodyear or hand
turn soles, stylish short vamps and fiJO
Cuban heels. Values $4, special at Wnw
Men's Summer Footwear in button and
ilucher Oxfords, tan or brown calf, patent
colt, velour calf or glazed kid leathers, with
sin or mecuum toes ana welt soles; sizes
and styles tor all. Regular $4.00
and $4.50 values. Special sale at
250Q Pairs of Tan Barefoot Sandals
Sizes 4 to 8, priced for this sale at 49
Sizes 9 to 11, priced for this sale at 59
Sizes 12 to 2, priced for this sale at 6B&
2000 pairs of misses' and children's tan and
black Oxfords and ankle strap Pumps. The
Oxfords are made in blucher and button styles,
with extension or light soles, spring or very'
low heels. Ankle strap pumps of patent colt,
gun-metal kid or tan Russian calf, with flex
ible sole and natural shape and plain toes.
Sizes 8V2 to 11 for this sale at, pair $1.29
Sizes 11 to 2 for this sale at, pair $1.49
Sale Leather Goods and Belts
To complete the toilette of milady, she must carry one of our ultra-smart purses. The newest
conceit is the black velvet bag with handle of silk cord and tassels, which makes a most
charming combination for any frock or suit. For Summer, the shapes and sizes'" are modified,
except in auto bags, which come very large. They come in all colors, in seal, walrus, pigskin
and the ever popular buffed aligator. Our assortments of Belts are unequalled in quality.-
Leather Goods
Anniversary Sale in Belt Department
Wash Belts, plain white stitched patterns and
fancy embroidered designs, with pearl 1Q
buckles to match. Special price at AC
Children's Buster Brown patent leather
Belts, our 35c values, special sale at "3C
The new Chantecler elastic Belts, special 39J
Wash Belting. Special line of plain white
and colored beltings, pretty Spring de- 1
signs. Special price this sale, per inch A C
Children's Bags, with single -or double j Q
strap handles, fitted with coin purses
Ladies' Hand Bags, vals. to $2, special $1.19
-Wonder Sale Values
The greatest assortment of Hand Bags ever
given our friends. Large variety of styles
1 1 J 1 1 ( . : 1 -,, .
10 seiect xroin anu an iiitea witn com purses.
fro.uu genuine horned Alligator
Bags, 9 and 10-inch frames, special
Our great $4.49 Special. In this l'ot we show
the finest assortment of real seal, walrus, seal
goat, morocco and fancy calf leathers. All
the new effects in metal frames and No Sag
Bags. All leather lined, fitted with coin purses
and in some cases with card cases CI AQ
and vanities. See these specials at P'
Anniversary and Wonder Sale in the Men's Furnishing Department
50c Light Underwear 29c
Wen's Summer weight Underwear,
just like "Porosknit. " Shirts are
made either long or short OA
sleeves; regular 50c values
50c Ribbed Underwear 38c
Men's ribbed form-fitting Under
wear in the medium weights ; colors
are blue and ecru; reg
ular 50c values, sale price OOC
75c Balbriggan Shirts 59c
Men's French Balbriggan Shirts in
' long or short sleeves, short drawers
and ankle length. Reg- CQ
values. Drice this s'ale
Lisle ThreadUnderwear75c
Men's $1.00 lisle thread Under
wear in fancy stripes, long or short
sleeves, combination colors of blue
and white, pink with white stripe
and tans. Special for this
sale at low price, garment C
25c Wash 4-in-Hands 12Vc
Washable four-in-hand Ties, all
fine cmalities, in plain and fancy
colors, stripes, figures and polka
dots; our regular 25c 1
value, for this sale at A
12 I -2c Linen Collars at 5c
Men's linen Collars, broken lines
of the celebrated Ti Easy Collars,
the close-littmg shapes. C
sen at liiv-c price
5Qc Elastic Suspenders 29c
Men's 50c lisle and elastic webbed
Suspenders with calfskin ends,
plain and fancy colored OQ.
webs, guaranteed, 50c vals.
75c Muslin Nightshirts 49c
Men's 75c muslin Night Shirts, in
plain or fancy trimmed, low or
military collar, made full
size and very roomy, for 7C
Mercerized Underwear $1.19
Men's $1.50 mercerized form-fit
ting Underwear, in colors of blue
or pink, fine quality.
sale at, per garment
35c 4-in-Hand Ties at 17c
A great lot of men's and boy's
beautiful four-in"hand Ties. A
thousand different styles and
colors to select from; some re
versible, some with larsre French
fold. Regular values to
35c, 3 for 50 or, each
- :
Since the inauguration of our busi
ness, 54 years ago, we have con
stantly maintained our reputation
of having the most complete Men's
Store in Portland Not only from
the standpoint of service, but also
from the class of merchandise we
carry in all our Men's Departments
$ 1 Soft Collared Shirts 63c
Men's soft collared Shirts in plain
colors of sateen chambray and
Madras cloths ; made with but
toned down collar; reg- 13
ular $1.00 values; priced OOC
$1.75 Mercerized Shirts 95c
Men's $1.75 Soisette and mercer
ized Shirts with buttoned down
collars; the ideal SummerQC
shirt; for this sale at only ?OC
$1.00 Men's Belts for 45c
About 1000 men 's Belts ; some
have beautiful black, oxidized or
pearl buckles; in solid colors of
black, gray, tan or brown.
Values to" $1.00, this sale "OC
$1.00 Golf Shirts for 55c
Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts, made of
chambrays, in plain and fancy
colors, percales, plain and pleated
bosom, cuff attached; some CP.
have coat style; this sale "C
Men's Kerchiefs at 5c Each
Fancy Mercerized Handkerchiefs
just the thing or kimonos or fancy
work; regularly sold at 12c C
ea., special for this sale, only
20c Plain-Fancy Hose 1 2V2C
Men 's plain colored and fancy mer
cerized stripe Half Hose, the
guaranteed quality and beautiful
shades of tan, gray, brown, black,
green and blue. Al- 1 n
ways 20c pair, price A 2C
50c Hosiery 1 7c, 3Pair 50c
About 500 dozen Men's Hosiery;
fancy stripes, fancy plaids, em
broidered "and jaequard effects.
There are plain colors, broken
sizes. A .great lot of Hose that
sell up to 50c a pair, this
sale 3 pair 50 or. pair
Men's Linen 'Kerchiefs 17c
Pure linen Handkerchiefs, with
1-4 or 1-2-ineh hem, nicely hem
stitched, splendid quality pure lin
en; regular price 5c each: 1 7
special for this sale at, ea. A C
Men's Nainsook Underwear
Shirts and drawers; the shirts are
made sleeveless; drawers are knee
length; ideal Summer garments;
special values for this great jP
sale at the very low price of "OC
Sole Portland Agents for the
"NULlKJk" Shoulder Braces
Boys' Blouse Waists, K. & E.
make, fast color materials, madras
and chambray, in stripes, figures,
etc Agts from 5 to 16 years and
regular 50c values ; on
' sale at this special price
Fifty-Fourth Anniversary and Wonder Sale of Men's and Boys
Clothing Starts Tomorrow Clothing Dep't on Third Floor
Onr Men's Section of Suits plays an important part in the Anniversary Parade and Wonder Sales. Almost every section of the store is entitled to first place in the triumphant entry of
the Meier & Frank Store's celebration of its fifty-fottrth year in business, but our Men's Clothing Section on the third floor of our annex will attempt to revolutionize the clothing "bnsi
ness in this city, beginning tomorrow morning. We have planned for this event for some time past, and in support of this statement we are offering three great specials at one-third off.
$2Q Suits. Special $12.65 $25 Suits, Special $16.85 $3Q Suits $21.15
Every one of these three lines of Suits are this season's garments, made by Rochester. (N.
Y.) and Caicago's foremost wholesale tailors, perfect fitting and up-to-date models. Suits
for the average man, suits for short, stout men, suits for tall men; $20 suits, special at
X2.Go. consist of fancy worsteds and fancy cassimeres in grays, tans and dark mixtures.
$25.00 Suits, special at $16.85, are made of fancy Cheviots, fancy Tweeds, and fancy
silk mixed worsteds. $30.00 Suits, special at $21.15. are made of high quality worsteds,
velours and cheviots. Patterns and styles exclusive. Every garment is made for men of
fashion; fit and finish are perfect and of wearing quality. The patterns are very handsome.
2QO Young Men's Suits Our Regular $25.00 Values, Special at $16.85
The materials
Each garment is hand-tailored, made by New York's leading manufacturers.
are of the richest, softest and most fashionaable shades, grays and blues pre
dominating; latest models in conservative or college cuts; high grade $25 vals.
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits Regular $5.00 and $6.0Q Values for $3.65
Come in fancy wool cheviots, fancy tweeds and cassimeres; materials selected from good
fabrics in proper shades for boys' school suits. Made in double-breasted coat and with one
or two Knickerbocker trousers. You pay double the price from exclusive 2?0 CZC
clothiers. These suits are sold regularly at $5.00 and $6.00. Special sale, suit P5.05
Boys' Suits, made of fast eolor fab
rics; Russian blouse or sailor styles,
light or heavy weight, in stripes.
enecKS or plain colors; regu
lar $-2.00 and $2.50 values for