HIE SUNDAY OKKGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 1, 1910. POULTRYSHQWENDS Thousand Boys Are Interested in Economic Aspect. CROWING RECORD BROKEN Twelve Times in Ten Minutes .Makes TPew Mark Von nest Dreeder Shows Pair Valued at $250. Kxhibit Proves Success. Chickens of almost ev ery variety , at?e and value have been on exhibit at the poultry show conducted under the 71 rt- : 7 V r AJIATIOIIl 1'OILTRT auspices of the V. M. C- A. in the as sembly hall of the new building dur ing the past two days. There were big chickens and little chicks, and there were fine specimens of poultry which cannot be bought for less than $r,0. To stimulate interest in the raising of good poultry, officials of the Y. M. ('. A. have been working in conjunc tion with the poultry department of the Oregon Agricultural College for several months. One thousand boys of Portland are taking a course of in struction in poultry raising, which is Issued each month by the Agricultural College and sent out by the Y. M. C. A. "We believe that within 10 miles of the V. M. C. A. building enough poultry produce enn hp raised to supply the TT ..a. ......... t H Aw ' -V ..tX.' . ' I personally guarantee to you to every man, woman and child, that "Make-Man Tablets" contain no opiates, narcotics or habit-forming drags whatever. It is a beneficial and safe tonic for you and every mem ber of your family. They are guaranteed by the Make-Man Tablet Co., under the United States Pure Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906. Serial No. 3215. 50c A Box; No More, No Less M:iko-Man Tablets me sold at .")0 cents per box, under a bindmjr gruaran tce to jrivc satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. Make-Man Tablets art price-protcded and must tie sold by retail druirjrists at 50 cents a box. J.'his price affords tin? dealer ouly a fair-living profit entire State of Oregon." said General Secretary Stone yesterday. "From an investigation which we have conducted we have learned that nearly $ 1.000,000 wo r tli of pou I try produce is shipped here each year from the East and Mid dle West. We contend that Oregon should be independent of other states in this regrard, and' we are trying to prove this througii the work of our boys." Attracting attention through tha United Stat-s and various parts of Eu rope, a poultry-growing- contest, in which 40 boys are entered, is now be ing conducted by the Y. M. C. A. Each boy has more than five hens entered in the contest and a daily record re garding each hen is kept. The record shows how many eggs are laid, how the chickens are taken care of, what they are fed, etc. Telegrams for par ticulars of the contest have been re ceived from the department of the Rus sian government having to do with poultry, and also from fanciers and of ficials in England. A well-known East ern magazine has requested that in formation sufficient for a page story be sent. The poultry-growing contest will close on November 1, 1910. In the meantime officials of the poultry de partment of the Oregon Agricultural College- receive monthly reports regard ing the progress of the contest, and ilifM 3 .43 -.,-.-f :WM - ' ; - jhtiiMii; RAISERS WHO ATTENDED THE Y. make personal examinations of the work of the various contestants. A prize of $100 In gold is offered for the winner, while those taking second and third prizes will receive $50 each. One of the proudest exhibitors at the show, which ended last night, was lit tle Richard T. Kelly, of No. 5 West avenue. He has a pair of chickens on exhibition which are worth $250, and he is known as the youngest poultry breeder on the Pacific Coast. A feature of the show was the roos ter crowing contest to discover which rooster would crow the most times in 10 minutes. One rooster crowed 12 times in 10 minutes, which broke all records. The exhibit of white and brown eggs all of large size was' an other feature. ine reopi CJ President -Make-Man Tablet Co HISTORIC SPOT-SCENE CHAMPOEG CELEBRATIOX BE HELD TOMORROW. TO J. M. IVArcy Will Preside a nil W. S. Dunlway Will Deliver Ora tion of Day. The 67th -anniversary of the birth of American civil government west of the Rocky Mountains will be celebrated to morrow at Champoeg, under the aus pices of F X. Matthieu Cabin, No. 12. Native Sons of Oregon. This will be the tenth anniversary of the dedication of the monument erected by the state to perpetuate that noteworthy event. P. H. IVArcy. vice-president of the Ore gon pioneer Association, will act as president of the day. and "Willis S. Dun iway will be the orator. Good music will be provided. The festivities of the day will close with a ball in tlitj evening at Butteville. This occasion ought to draw a large number of people. Over 2000 were lui&iSti & i ill. M. C. A. CONVESTIOX. present at the celebration last year. In order to reach Champoeg one can take the O. C. T. Co. boat, which leaves the foot of Taylor street at 6:45 A. M., and arrives at Champoeg about 11 A. M. Returning, the boat will leave Champoeg at 4 P. M. Those who pre fer going by the Oregon Electric, start ing from the foot of Jefferson street, should take the car not later than 9:15 A. M. This will connect with the boat at Wilsonville for the rest of the trip, about six miles. The boat will return all car passengers to Wilsonville in time for close connection for Portland or Salem. While refreshments may be secured on the boat and on the ground, it will be well for all who go to take a well, stored lunch basket. Pioneers, sons e People To The Great Blood-Purifier and Tonic for Men, Women and Children I am giving away regular full-size 50-cent boxes of the wonderful "Make-Man" Tablets to prove that they are the greatest all-round tonic, nerve and blood remedy ever known for men, women and children. I say that Make-Man Tablets are the most remarkable tonic that this world has ever produced, and I am going to let you be the sole judge whether or not it is true. I want you to cut out the coupon below, fill it out, and send it by first mail to The Make-Man Tablet Co., Chicago, 111., and you will receive a regular full-size 50c box of Make-Man Tablets free. When you get the free regular size 50c box, take them as directed, and you will gladly say that they are the most satisfying livener, nerve-rouser, blood purifier, lasting tonic and strengthener that you have ever heard of or taken in all your life. Ior Men, Women anal Children. Make-Man Tablets act directly on the blood supply and the nerve centers. They take effect quickly tuid their re sults last. Nearly every man. woman and many children are In need of a reliable. Invig orating: blood purifier and tonic. Make Man Tablets represent the most effec tive combination for these purposes now known. They are the best for men be cause they g-Ive splendid energy, ambi tion, strength, clearness of mind. They are best for women because they are a foe to anemia, headaches, exhaustion and kidney troubles. Children need them because of their splendid blood-purifying powers. Peevish children will be made rosy and happy by taking Make Man Tablets. If you suffer especially from Nerv ousness. Nervous Prostration, Kidney or Liver trouble, faisomnia. Catarrh or other Blood or Nerve Disease, Make Man Tablets will open your eyes at the remarkable change they will produce. Look for the "MAKE-MAN" Window Displays at the following up-to-date and enterprising retail druggists, who sell and recommend the famous Make-Man Tablets at 50c a box, on an absolute guarantee. Skldmore Dmj Co., 151 3d t.. and Morrison and West Park. Woodard-Clarke Co.. 4th and Washington. G radon & Koehier. cor. 1st and Main sts. Acme Pharmacy, cor. 3d and Burnslde sts. Laue-Davis rrrujr Co., Gd and Yamhill sts. Albert Bern!. 233 Washington st.. near 2d. Bridge Pharmacy. 180 Morrison St. Imperial Pharmacy. 48 X Sixth street. A. W. Allen, cor. lth and Marshall sts. Knight Drug Co., 307 Washington st. Chan. M. Brink, cor. 13th and Washington streets. W. S- Love. cor. Grind ave. and Burnslde street. Joaeph M. Rlcen, S15 First sr.. cor. Clay. Duncan Drug Co., cor. 35th st. and Haw thorne ave. Foster Drug Co.. 1008 Belmont st. The janche Drug Co., Hawthorne and Grand avenues. Model Drug Co., 1 Oft Grand ave. Union Drug Co., 651 Union ave. Murphy Drug Co., 293 Richmond st - ' It Takes Very Little Money to. On the West Side. 12 Minutes to Business Center. Bull Run Water. Building Restrictions. AGENTS ON THE GROUND ALL DAY and daughters of pioneers, and citizens generally, particularly strangers in the city, are urged to take advantage of this opportunity, as the excursion up the "Willamette River at this sea And I ervuu ProHtratlun. Have you ever had nervous prostra tion? You will then appreciate the ter rible despair and feeling of hopeless collapse that takes hold of you. Rouse the nerves. Infuse them w-ith new vig or and strength. Take Make-Man Tab lets and .you will bless the day you read this article. Brain Fag. Brain Fag is a collapse of normal brain function, the brain refuses to work because the brain - nerves are overworked. Strengthen them with Make-Man Tablets. You will marvel at the change in yourself. iDHomnii. A The average length of time a person can live without sleeping is three weeks. That shows the short limit be tween life and death for the victim of insomnia. This affliction Is due to over worked, oversensitive nerves which are not strong enough to overcome excite Williams & Brink man. Brooklyn Pharmacy. cor. Powell and Milwaukie st. B. F. Jones A Co.. Front and Gitbs sts. M. R. Schloth. Rupert's Fhy.. 468 Jefferson street. Watta-Matthieu Co.. 275 Russeil at. F. J. Clarke. The Highland Pharmacy. R. K. Nichols & Co., E- 4th and E. Burn slde sts. Phimmer Drug Co., S. E. cor. 3d and Madi son streets. Auaplund Drug Co., 110 X. 6th st. OREGON. Ashland F. B. Mix. Depot Drugstore.. Albany Foshay & Mason. Astoria Charles Rogers & Son, 459 Com. st. Baker City Grace & Bodinson. Cottage Grore Benson's Pharmacy. The Dulles Geo. C. Blakely; Conrad Stafrin. Eugene Bowers Drug Co.. S. W. cor. flth and Willamette; Dillon Drug Co., Hotel Smeede building. Forest Grove Dr. Chas. Htne. Grants Pass National Drugstone; M. Ci m- Mieve oy a It is almost a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity. The terms enable every salaried man and wage-earner to become the proud possessor of a lot that will make him independent. Best JBuildim Lots in Portland ONLY- EASIEST tJsSr Never again will you get a chance like this. Never again can you buy a close-in West Side lot for $600. l$5s And such terms! Come out today and ask about them. TAKE FULTON CAR AT SECOND AND MORRISON AND GET OFF AT SOUTHPORT. The Spanton. Co. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg., 269 Oak Street son of the year is one of the most en joyable that can b-e imagined. "When I arose to speak," related a statesman, "someone hurled a ba se. MAKE ment. Strengthen them with Make-Man Tablets and sleep a sweet sleep. Thinness. Nearly every nervous person, or one afflicted with nervous disease or weak nerves, is thin. All the nourishment is wasted by too much nervous energy. The result is nervous dyspepsia, indi gestion, gas on the stomach, loss of ap petite, loss of flesh, flabby muscles, hang-dog expression and general dis satisfaction with one's self. If allowed to continue the sufferer is bound to lose flesh and a terrible case of dyspepsia results. Prevent all this, and cure your nervous dyspepsia and put meat on your bones by taking Make-Man Tablets, the greatest tissue builder and nerve invigorator on earth. Anemia. Anemia is lack of blood-quality. You may have enough blood, but the quality is mighty poor. It is more white than red. Anemia is found more often in women than men. Take Make-Man Tablets, the greatest pure, rich blood-maker known. You'll say so yourself after you have used them. Hood River Chas. X. Clarke. Glacier Phar macy. Huntington H. H. Mack & Co. Hiilboro Def ta Drugstore. La Grande A. T. Hill. Eents Arthur Geisler: Mt. Scott Drug Co. Med ford Eagle Pharmacy. 7th street; Med- ford Pharmacy, near Post office. McMmnville Rogers Bros., Third street. MontavlUa Ernest Warren. Newberjr C. F. Moore, next door to P. O. Oregon City Geo. Harding. Ontario Geo. Candland. Pendleton F. J. Donaldson. 730 Main st. Rofeeburg Fullerton & Richardson; Red Cross Pharmacy; W. F. Chapman. Salem S. C. Stone; Capital Drugstone; Z. J. Riggs. ' St. Johns B. S. Smith. Springfield M. M. Perry. Wholesale Distributors. Bluma'jer-Frank Drue Co.. Portland; Clarke Woodward Drug Co., Portland. Lot im. OF TERMS cowardly egg at me and it struck me in the chest." "And what kind of an egg mi- t that be?" asked a fresh young man. A base, cowardly egg," explained the statesman, if one thrtt Uibausiiou ; Shaky Xervr. Lawyers, doctors, clerks, brain work era, stenographers, salespeople, me chanics, professional men are all subject to that extreme nervous weakness brought n by overwork.. If vou are thoroug-hly exhausted and feol tired most of the day, or continuall y, or if your hands and bones are shaky from over-exertion, or from the use of too much tobacco or liquor, or from shock, you can take nothing" so wonderful as Make-Man Tablets. They will rouse your nerves and keep them on a high level of strength and vigor. Rfaeumatlmu. Rheumatism is an excruciating dls- 1 the blood. Just what Make-Alan Tablets correct. The disease once in the sys tem lasts until driven out by correct treatment. Brinfc this about quickly bv beginning to take Make-Man Tablets now. It will knock rheumatism quick by purifying your blood. Kidney Troubles. Kidney Troubles are always danarer ous. Pains In the back are usually nature's warning. Bright's Disease is often the result and is alarmingly fatal. Take my warning and take Make Man Tablets. Start today. -You'll not regret it. and you will feel yourself getter better at once. L.lver Trouble. The liver, just like the kidneys and other organs. Is controlled by nerves. MM1-TMFT FREE (Full Size) 5Qc-Box Coupon NAKE-MAN TABLET COMPAXV, 1K4 Make-Man Bide, Prpl. O. Chicago. 111. Aa I have never lined Make-Man Tabletn before, plear send me through nty drugritlMt DrugglNt'i ame . . Address . A 7 City State a ream In r fnll-slxe AAe box of Make-Man Tablet: also your valuable book let. I enclose 4 cesti to partially pay mailing; expeuHe. My Name la Address , . . , i Write plainly. Only one box to each family. No matter where you live in the tTnited States, eend this coupon and I will honor it. L.OCIS KAMINSKY, President. Make-Man Tablet Co. ' . You Will Double Your Money in a Year Hurry! Hurry! AGENTS ON THE GROUND ALL DAY hits you and then runs.' (Kansas City Star. One million dollar Removal Sale at the Olds, Wort man King store. 1 f these nerves a re weak, t he organs will not do their work properly. Make-Man Tablets not only clean out the liver, but strengthen the nerves whih run tne brain, purify your bloo'd of bile, and there you are cured, bale and hearty. Catarrh. Cat;i rrb may appear wherever there is mucous membrane. Make-Man Tab lets can stop it by invigorating your nervous system and ridding your blood of catarrhal germs. Simple, isn't it? Try it, and you will be surprised at the change. Wasted Vitality; Melancholy. To every man and woman who has lost ambition, courage and vitality, and . who imagines that he or she is down ' and out, and is Jiving in the "dumps," I have a word of assurance and en couragement. All I ask is that you have energy enough to do just one thing, go down and get a box of Make Man Tablets and take them. I leave the rest for you to say and you will thank me. Start Today. Every day op this earth is precious. Every day's delay is a day lost, for ever. You will never realize what it is to live,, the luxury there is in having strength, powerful, vigorous nerves and pure blood until after you have tried Make-Man Tablets. So cut out the coupon below and mail it today, and start in. Make a mark on the wall, put down the date and you will soon look back to that day as your day of deliverance.