The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 24, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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Toll Gibtos, Eoc. morrison at seventh Toll S: Gibbs, Mc. morrison at seventh Toll :Gibbs, Hoc
Portland Agents for Modart
Corsets, Lily of France Cor
sets, Madeleine Corsets,
Rengo Belt Corsets.
Corfc a. ira ninths
The advent of Spring is a re
minder of the redecoration of
the home the renewing of
the window and door hang
ings, floor coverings and other
things that give it a touch of
newness and brightness. The
Drapery and Upholstery De
partment is ready with a va
ried showing of fabrics up-to-date
for the most modest as
well as the finest home. Look
over the line of lightweight
materials for Spring and Sum
mer hangings, sixth floor.
Plain Scrims in ecru and ivory tints
and in white 25 to 1.50 yd.
Fancy Scrims in crossbar effects,
ecru and ivorv- tints, and in white
S5 yd. to $2.50 yd.
Figured Muslins in coin spots, cross
bar effects, stripes and figures
15o yd. to $1.25 yd.
Bungalow Nets in splendid assort
ment of designs, 40 to 48 inches wide.
Arabian eolor ajid white SO yd.
to $1.75 yd.
Sundour Fabrics for light over
hangings for windows. In a variety
of colors and guaranteed not to fade
$1.00 yd. to $1.25 yd.
Cretonnes French. English and do
mestic in pretty floral designs and
colorings 25 yd. to $1.25 yd.
Drapery Silks Plain and figured
Florentine Silk and plain fchaiki Silk.
All-colors-75 yd. to $1.35 yd.
Out-of-town requests for samples
given prompt attention.
Stylish Coats .for Spongg
aodl Soinmiroer-loimg 'Wear
All that is distinctively smart
and new in Women's and Misses'
Coats for Spring and Summer
wear is to be seen in our showing.
The plain Tourist Coats in co
verts and fancy mixtures, the new
'three-quarter models, as well as
the full-length, with both the me
dium and the large roll collar, are
among the new styles that are so
very popular. "Wonderful variety
shown in these coats at $9.50
and to $25.0O.
Silk Coats in every favored ef
fect and style, from the plainest
semi-fitted model to the more ex
treme. They're of the very best
quality of silk taffeta, some of
them beautifully lined.
A semi - fitted, three - quarter
length model of the best black silk
taffeta, at $9.75.
Another model, semi or tight-fitting,
and full length, also of best taf
feta, at $15.
At S20 is another full-length mod
el of black silk taffeta, extra wide,
with plaits from yoke or straight to
neck and stitched down to form yoke.
Another model, of black taffeta,
has wide plaits and is trimmed with
plain black braid, at $20.
Other models in black taffeta and
satin, also in crepe meteor, chiffon
and cashmere de soie, for afternoon or
evening wear, at $25 and to 895.
O Bevoise
. Fashion decrees that a brassiere shall be worn
iri place of a corset cover. The present-day style
of outer gowning makes this necessary.
Most women realize that many a beautiful gown
is marrea inrougn lacK ot correct underdress.
Thejirisightly ridges caused by the edge of even the best-fitting corset too
often shows through the outer gown, spoiling its beauty and the stylish con
tour of the figure.
The snug-fitting, figure-forming De Bevoise Brassiere hides this corset
ridge and does away with the wrinkles and gathers of loose-fitting corset cov
ers. It will give your figure correct lines and proper carriage, arid enable you
to secure the best possible effects in the fitting and draping of vour gowns.
De Bevoise Brassieres are priced from 50e to $2.50.
An Odd-Waist Sale
$7.50, $10-at
Lace Waists, Net Waists, Waists of Chiffon,
Messaline and Silk, in so many, different
shades that there should be no difficulty in
choosing. one in style and color to your par
ticular liking. Every odd Waist of the
above kinds in our Waist Section(and many
of them are imported models) are included
in the lot which we've grouped in Monday's
sale at $3.95. Some very plainly tailored :
others in fancy effects. Sleeves long or
snort. All sizes from 32 to 34.
Extraordinary values also in Black Net
Waists and in white and colored Blouses.
Waist So ction Main Floor.
Be among the first to share in this interesting Waist-bargain event.
BeaLTuttaf -mil Lace Coats
Are to Show a Ooe - Tlhirdl
Price-Reduction of
For the woman who desires to
add a distinctive touch of st3rle
to her lingerie dress or some
thing that she can appropria
ately wear over her dinner or
evening gown, nothing better
could be imagined or show as
much good taste than one of
these beautiful Lace Coats
Fashion approves of them
more now than ever.
Every Lace Coat in our stock
is to show the interesting reT
duction of one-third in tomor
row 's and Tuesday's sale.
Beautiful imported and hand
made Coats of crochet lace, embroid
ery and net; in black, white, cream,
ecru and natural linen, and in many
different lengths. Those in the white and natural can
be dyed to effectively match the shade of gown or dress.
Lace Coats, worth $18.50, $25, $35, $50 and
to $100 Underpriced One-Third.
Model 1002, at $1.50, is an
ideal light-weight Corset
for slender women. Made
of batiste and boned with
flexible, rust-proof steel
high bust
long hip.
Model 333, at $2.00 is an ex
cellent Batiste Corset for the
average, figure. Medium bust
and long hip.
Model 63, at $3.00, is adapted
to the short, full figure, is low
under arms and has low bust
and long hip. Made of excellent
quality coutil and double-boned
throughout. Embroidery trimmed.
Model 69, at $3.50, is a corset for the average
figure; has medium bust and extreme long hip. This
model is made of French coutil and boned with rust
proof steel. Three pairs suspender-web supporters
Model 14, at $1.50, is the correct Corset for young
girls. Very short and light weight. Steels are ab
solutely rustproof and very flexible. Lace trimmed.
From the Prairies of the
North to the Homes of the World
T3be GraLSs Rug
This hard-twisted prairie grass in its natural colors of soft green and brown makes an
ideal Summer rug and a good rug for general use where price is an important factor.
In the fimnmer cottage or tent, or on the porch, the grass rug adds the necessary touch
that completes the artistic ensemble so much sought after in our Summer camps and homes..
For the porch they are the best low-priced rug on the market, and are sightly, durable
and clean. " The. range of sizes makes selection easy for outdoor or indoor use.
$12 for the 9-foot by 12-foot size. You can 'see . them to advantage on our rug racks.
The Liberal Buying Terms of -
t Oowo, "$ 1 Week
Will Enable You to Enjoy
Summer Comfort and
Convenience by Placing
in Your Home a
ew Process
Gas JRa.oge
Gas is conceded to be one of the greatest conveniences that
the housewife enjoys, and especially during the hot Summer
months. And yet she does not realize the comfort and pleasure
of cooking without a good, gas range.
New Process Gas Ranges give the best and quickest results
with the least amount of fuel. The hundreds of people who are
using them in Portland will vouch for their economy.
There's every style and size in the New Process line to meet
the demands of every home. Allow us to, show you their points
of superiority. '
Priced from $14.50 up. Connections are free Basement
where gas stubs are conveniently located. Store
Specials ,
$2.25 Pair for Nottingham Lace Cur
tains in ecru and cream tints and in
white full curtain width and 3 3-ards
Jong regular values $3.50 pr. and $
5T.75 Pair for imported Duchesse Lace
Curtains in ivory tint. Pull width and
2y2 yards- long. Choose . from curtains
worth $13.50 pair, $14 pair and $15 pair,
at the low price of $7.75 pair.
$3.85 Each for Couch Covers that are
60 inches wide and 3 yards long, in Ori-'
ental designs and colorings. Worth $5.50
and $6.00 each.
$6.25 Pair for Portieres in mercerized
armure and art cloth, in red, blue, brown
and green. Regular width and length.
Worth $9.50 pr. and $10.50 pr.
85 1 Yard for Tapestry 50 inches wide
and in Oriental designs and colorings,
stritable for upholstery or hangings. Sells
regularly at $1.50 yard.
Monday and Tuesday 6th Floor
EHectric ILamps aiocR Domes A Special Sale
Monday and Tuesday Basement Store
$3.95 for Mission Electric Table Lamp, worth $6.50.
$9.60 for Fumed Oak Electric Table Lamp, worth $12.00.
$12.80 for Fumed Oak Electric Table Lamp, worth $16.00
$13.20 for Fumed Oak Electric Table Lamp, worth $16.50.
S22.80 for Electric Portable with art glass shade and bronze base,
worth $28.50.
$2S.0O for Electric Portable with art glass shade and bronze base.
worm ipoo.w.
$11.20 for Mission Electric Dome, worth $14.00.
$19.50 for Mission Electric Dome, worth $25.00.
S26.50 for Mission Electric Dome, worth $30.00.
Easy Payments
on Any of These
if Desired
Remarkable Reductions in Jfn7"?!!nlhtilgi!tf
and the most skillful craftsmanship.
The shades are firmly held by copper
bindings, which gives them a diirabilitv
The portables or bases are made of bell bronze metal, hand chased. The finishes are
Higlh Art L-iglhting Pieces
mostly Verde Green.
$45.00 for art glass electric dome, -worth $110.
$76.5 for Electric Potrable, art glass shade
and bell metal base , worth $163.00.
$162.50 for Electric Portable, art glass shade
and bell metal base, -worth $272. 50.
$100.00 for Electric Portable, art glass shade
and bell metal base , worth $280.00
$105. OO for Electric Portable, art glass shade
and bell metal base, worth $315.00.
$40 for Art Glass Electric Dome, worth $97.50.
HammocKs, Velocipedes, Tri
cycles, Coasters, Wagons, Toys,
etcin the Basement Store.
w imrnrrmft'i irriiir
air ii
Twelve Separate and Distinct Walls in the
ILeoinairdl Oeairaailblle Ref rigeraitor
The insulation or non-conducting supremacy of the Leonard casings is un
equaled, there being no less than twelve separate and distinct walls separating the
contents froBa. the outside air. . - -
No wonder that low temperature can be maintained with the least amount of
ice. In the Leonard line there's a refrigerator to meet the requirements of every
T i "htly deserves te name "Cleanable," because the irons which make one
side of the air passage, as well as the flues, can be easily and quickly removed and
washed as sweet and clean as new. "
It's true economy to buy a Leonard Cleanable there's a refceon. Allow us to
show you where they excel.
Priced from $26.50 up. Other makes as low as $8.00.
One in Your Home on the Liberal Buying Terms $1.00 Down and $1.00
$ 7.00
is the only one-motion' vehicle on the
market can be quickly and easily folded
with one arm while the child is held in
the other. Stands on end when folded.
An attractive little model, that is made in
three different styles.
The best of the season's models in Per
ambulators, Baby Carriages and Go-carts
shown in our line. Folding Carts as low
as $2.00.
Any vehicle offered on the buving
terms, $1 DOWN, $1 WEEK.
Order by Ivlail
You can do your
shopping: tbls way
wmiout anncuity
and with utmost satisfaction. Prompt and
careful attention grlven to every order and
Inquiry. Samples of carpets, drapery, up
holstery and curtain materials will be
cheerfully sent, free on request.
Uplhiolsteomijg aodl IRepaLioog
--is done at its best in our completely and modernly-equipped work shops by
skilled upholsterers, cabinetmakers and finishers. - You'll be surprised at the
results that can be accomplished in restoring old furniture to a serviceable and
attractive condition. We'll gladly furnish estimate on the cost of putting yonr
pieces in shape.
Good indow Shades Mean Good cloih M a fun3ation,
: : : ; : ; : good rollers and good work
manship. The last factor is as essential as the matter of materials, for the very
best materials will be completely spoiled by poor work. None but the best ma
terials are used in our Window . Shades none but the best workmanship and
methods in their making and hanging. We'll gladly furnish estimates on the
shades for your new home, or .the making over of your old shades. Sixth Floor.
Lawn Mowers, Oairdjera.
Monday and Tuesday Bargains Basement
Save by bu3'ing yours now and at the same time give your
lawn and garden the attention which it most needs at this sea
son. Monday and Tuesday in the Basement Store.
$2.80 for the 14-inch Capital Lawn Mower, parallel bearings
regular price $3.50.
$3.40 for the 16-inch Regal. Lawn Mower, parallel bearings
regular price $4.23.
$0.20 for the 14-inch Crown Lawn Mower, ball-bearing regu
lar price $6.50.
$5.60 for the 16-inch Crown Lawn Mower, ball-bearing; regu
lar price $7.00.
$680 for the 18-inch Crown Lawn Mower, ball-bearing regu
lar price $8.50.
$7.40 for the 16-inch Supreme Lawn Mower, ball-bearing
regular price $9.25. f
$8.10 for the 18-inch Supreme Lawn Mower, ball-bearing
regular price $9.75.
$6.60 for 50 feet of seven-ply i-inch Red Indian Hose regu
lar value $7.75.
$7.65 for 50 feet of seven-ply i-inch Red Indian Hose
regular value $9.00.
$5.55 for 50 feet of five-ply ijj-ineh Tortoise Hose regu
lar value $6.50.
$6.60 for 50 feet of five-ply 3i-inch Tortoise Hose regu
lar value $7.75.
$0.10 for 50 feet of three-ply Vinch Elk Hose value $6.00.
$4.70 for 50 ft, 2-inch Cotton Hose regular value $5.50.
$o.lO for 50 feet -inch Cotton Hose regular value $6.00.
$1.35 for the Pluvius Sprinklei" regular price $1.75.
80 for the Ring Sprinklei? nothing to get out of order.
Regular price $1.00.
30c for the Diamond Hose Nozzle regular price 40c.
Grass Shears at 50 The nox-em-all regular price 75c.
Grass Hooks or Sickles at 30 The Champion reg. price 40c.