THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRTL 24, 1910. "Land of Opportunity" Ten Years' War on Moslem Chieftain Generally Regarded as Failure : Hi ....... ,,, ... ,,'. ,. ,.,,.' J y t IF1 v ' 1 Til Vl-b ' 11 - .v 1 ILL .JrxiAv '""JK'JYj ? V - H -Jf )K 11 A-- V fi&if Afjfef (.-4 I lie JTJi: 1 y IRn r J 1 iJ 1 f , i iX' ' V IC i J l:'r . - iV'4 . .v - -t! -r I il n - f r v, rr i - t'' JIM VZkWla ffetf if i II t j4f 1 I tl m " ' 4JTy tisate and after their report came the I AO MiTT.T.ATfrJ treacherous, over- tearing, 'cruel chieftain of the tor Tiii ' rtert n Tifi ld ftitfmT of the tenglteh, has, if recent foreign dispatches fcre to be relied on, won .' triumphal vic- tory over, the Brilisb. John Bull's red oated soldiery are said to be evacuating feomaJIla.nd, thus .bringing to an ,end a mar of 10 years duration that has cost (threat Britain millions of dollars . and khousands of 'men's lives. , Within a. few Wnonths, it Is believed, the British flag ll fly-over but one port In that section Vf Africa.. ' , The present disagreeable state of af fairs is, of course, extremely discouraging Ho the Britons. London newspapers voice Jpublic sentiment as regards the situation by announcing that "the outlook of Brit ish rule in Sonraltl&nd is very dismal." England's trouble with Mad Mullah, or he is called by his followers Moham ned Bui Abdullah, commenced- In 1893. toiepatches told of an uprising In the in ferior of Somallland. and a small troop of 'isoldJers were sent to arrest the crafty tehieftaln. The wily Moslem led the red icoats a. long chase acroBS the dreary des iwrt, and finally defeated them in a sharp '(decisive battle. , For three 'years Mad Mullah fought .iflesperately. Many ' times he' was cor nered and it was though escape for the Itfanatlc was impossible. His. knowledge -of the desert and his influence with the ;neighboring tribes invariably, however, 'enabled him to elude arrest. The principal reason why the. country ,-ias been so difficult to hold in the face Itof Mad Mullah's opposition has been its natural defenses and the Moslem's know ledge of how to take advantage of them. fJn the Summer Somaliland Is a pitiless idesert; and the only water Is in wells 10 'or 15 miles apart. In their pursuit of the chieftain the British have had to carry their supplies I overland, and at every well they were I forced to fight for water, i When Mad Mullah met defeat it was pits usual practice to flee into the desert, (riestroying walls as he went. .When the kpursulng soldiers lost their way or ba les m exhausted by heat and frantic with thirst, he returned and butchered them. ' Throughout the long war Oreat Britain fhas been encouraged by the friendly atti rtude of other religious chiefs of the coun Wry. It was hoped that with their aid KMad Mullah would eventually- be taken flnto custody and his devastating career Ushecked. I The fanatic, however, was a religious Coealot of persuasive qualities. He began (among his own tribe, and then reached out to neighboring tribes preaching war gfor the glory of Islam. His power in creased rapidly, and his following as well. iHis crusade with the help of the dervishes extended over ell Somaliland. . Friendly 6heJks, who had sworn fealty to the British, soon became subjects of tMad Mullah's wrath. Their flocks were fctolfln, their fe.milles and tribeswomen rer murdered, and before their protec tors, the British soldiers, could reach the Bcene. their foe would be far away into fth deswt. Mad Mullah, has broken truce after truce, and Is regarded as one of the most treacherous, foes with whom England has ever dealt. In 1906 England thought their troubles had ended when, from Moslem church au thorities at Mecca, came the announce ment that the leaders of the sect con sidered Mad Mullahr's crusade pre sumptuous. Through these leaders a sort of three-cornered treaty was - abrogated between Italy, England and the desert chief. The fanatic -promised faithfully at that time to abstain from raiding In either British or Italian territory. He broke his truce within a few days. and since that time the interior of the country has been almost constantly in a state of strife. When he was taxed with bad faith he blamed his followers, arfd said ho could not restrain them. Great Britain, if she pulls down the flag in Somaliland, will do so because of the craft of this one dusky-skinned war rior. The vast sums that Parliament has authorized spending in the past have been used with but one end in view, the capturing of Mad Mullah. It iff believed by the British that with out the religious leader's influence the various tribes would speedily become friendly. Expedition after expedition has been sent into Somililand ' in the past two years. Brave officers and soldiers have been killed without result. Mad Mullah is as active as ever. A few weeks ago the subject was again discussed in Parliament. Some member suggested building a railroad across the desert, but this scheme was laughed at when another member askedif it was ex pected of Mad Mullah to be at the other end waiting to give himself up. John Dillon, in the House of Commons, set the pace for the members of Parlia ment by going into the war conditions in detail. He described! the fearful cost the campaign was entailing, and . showed, without question, that during the 10 years of battle the Moslems have had the bet ter end of It. Soon after this representa tives were sent to Somaliland to inves tigate and after their report decision to withdraw troops country. Mad Mullah has decidedly made the torrid section of Africa, that is washed by the Gulf of Aden, Joo hot for the British. It Is now the intention of the government to retain posts at Gaila and Bulhar for a. limited time, but-eventually the British flag will fly over but one post, Berbera. which Is to be provided with a suitable coast defense. All of the soldiers now in the interior are to be ordered to the coast. Fanati cism and Mad Mullah have won the long fight. A problem, however, with which the British government is still wrestling is ."What shall be done with the tribes, which, throughout the 10-years'- war have continued friendly to the red coats?" With the protetction of the soldiery re moved it 4s feared Mad Mullah may weak vengeance on these tribes. The Sixth King's African Rifles, which is a regiment composed largely of Som alia, is to be disbanded. These are to be given their arms for self protection. The "Friendlies" are. however, to be allowed to shift for themselves. If these tribes were armed, it is argued, as protection against the onslaughts of Mad Mullah, that crafty personage would. In all probability, seek to win them over to his way of thinking. Should such a state of affairs come to pass any Euro pean power who becomes involved In a quarrel with the religious enthusiast would find him well supplied with the VSinews of War." Recent raids of Mad Mullah are attract ing widespread attention in Europe. A week or so ago 800 tribesmen in the in terior supposed to be under British pro tection, were murdered by the chieftain's fanatical followers. Prominent men have many times de clared that the desert chief is a serious menace to European interests in North eastern Africa. Judging from the present condition of affairs they seem to be right. JAPAN AMAZES EUROPE AT SPLENDOR OF GARDENS SHOWN AT EXPOSITION Royalties Give Aid in Making Event Success Progress of Orient Shown by Displays Everything from Aborigines' Village to Latest Type of Dreadnought Shown. ONDON, April 23. (Special.) All the try of the East are to be packed into the grounds of London's "White City" this year. Japan's social and economic development, ranging in scope from the weaving of a beautiful fabric to the latest Dreadnought, will be depict ed, side by side with examples of Brit ish achievement in commerce and art. "The Land of the Rising Sun" is to surpass the show she made in 1904 at the St. Louis World's Fair, where an area of 130,000 square feet was occu pied by practical demonstrations of her modern civilization. Nearly double this area is now required to exemplify her progress. The keenest Interest has been taken in this exhibition by . the Japanese, from the Emperor down to the land scape gardener. The Imperial Diet granted 1,800,000 yen toward the cost of the show. Count Hirokichl Mutsu, the Japanese Government Commission- ; t JAPANESE GARDEN, REPRODUCED WITH MARVELOUS 1 I FIDELITY IN JAPANESE EXHIBITION IN LONDOl-F. I if - ""T - v ' -' - " v-" ' r5TTS! I M LJ HJ y sJ I , ' ' t SCBKE3 IS WORK OK MIKADO'S GARUDNEHS. 1 er, has been working hard at the or ganization for many months, support ed by Prince Arthur of Connaught, the honorary president. King Edward will himself perform the opening ceremony early In May. No tetter opportunity has been of fered Westerners to enable them to como lrto close touch with the far Eastern nation that has caught the secret of Western progress, while re taining its artistic heritage. Strange and beautiful sights will greet the eye. Temples, fairy-like gardens, with or namental waters and tea houses, have been created. Graceful tendrils of wistaria, with their heliotrope-colored blossoms, cover the buildings. The glow of azaleas and brilliant splashes of color provided by native costumes will brighten the scene, the whole at mosphere being that of a spectacular world, ' where ceremonial usage gov erns everything, from the way to enter a house to the correct cutting of finger nails. The first-thing to be seen on enter-lng-the exhibition is the famous Tem ple Gate of Nara,' the ancient capital of Japan, with dark cedars and ancient stone lanterns In the . locality. The great. Daibutsu of Kajnakura has' also been reproduced on a reduced scale In another part of the- grounds. The orig inal model of the god Amlra, over 800 years old, and 49 feet 7 inches high, is a work of supreme art. Japanese history can be taken in tabloid form in the Great Hall, divid ed into 12 sections, each containing an historic tableau of life-size figures. How things happened along from 25 centuries ago down to the present day. Js pictorially represented. The first tableau depicts a scene in 20th-century Toklo, near the Imperial palace. All the great art collections of Japan have been laid under contribution for the embellishment of these tableaux. Exhibits Illustrating the growth and expansion of the Japanese navy are an important feature of the exhibition. Three hundred years ago Will Adams, a Britisher from the county of Kent, was teaching the Japs how to build ships. Today she possesses 93 ships of the newest stype, with a total ton nage of 370,000, and her power In the Pacific has enabled her ally. Great Britain, to reduce the size of her China station squadron. . By means of mod els, diagrams and in other ways visi tors can gain a good idea of how the great achievement in the way of navy building came about. Japanese art is represented on a hitherto unprecedented scale. Contribu tions from national and private collec tions, as well as from the principal temples, are on show in a gallery shared by a representative series of works by British artists. In addition to paintings, sculpture, architecture and models, the Japanese exhibits include metal work, arms and armor, textile fabrics, needlework, pottery and lac- Japan eee t rranced Y Count Hirokklehl Mutnu, Commissioner, Mho Has . Wonderful Japan-Brit it4t Exposition in IiOndon. 'APOSUIOU A This is the accepted slogan for Oregon, and according to records of sales of farm lands made in the last few years, investors and home seekers show their faith in the prediction. A tract of 2000 acres, located most favorably in the line of rapid development in the Willam ettet Valley, 30 miles east of Portland, 15 miles from Gresham, is offered for sale by the Port land Railway, Light & Power Company at a low price per acre on favorable terms. A projected railroad line is to pass through or near this tr&ct, a county road already furnish ing means of entry and exit for vehicles, includ ing automobiles. ' In the'wooded portion 22,000,000 feet of good saw timber stand ready for the woodsman's ax, and the timber at present prices would go far toward paying for the entire tract. There is a lumber mill within three miles in operation. There axe fully 900 acres of level or gently sloping farming land, available when cleared, and from 700 to 800 acres of fine grazing land now waiting the farmer or dairyman. Two good-sized creeks, with numerous tribu taries, furnish an abundance of water. The tract will be disposed of as a whole, though a new comer could subdivide to great advantage. For terms and full particulars call on or ad dress Land Department, Room (523, Electric Building, Portland. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. quer work. Side by side will appear the creations of the past and of the present day, affording an opportunlty of comparison between the one and the other. Every object shown comes from Japan and no loans have been used from collectors or dealers. Although no clamor has been raised as yet by Japanese women for the vote, woman's influence has, of course, been affected by the advent of Western Ideas. One of the most Instructive sec tions is devoted to women's work. What Japanese ladies are doing in connection with the Red Cross Society of Japan win be demonstrated, as well as th attention paid to female education; while by means of the exhibits visitor may get some Idea of the work of the daughters of Nippon In the household, and in the practical organization of charity. Demonstrations in the art of floral decoration, fine samples of lace work, gold and silver ornamentation, em broideries and brocades, together with richly wrought costumes will delight feminine sightseers. Another interesting feature to be shown is the production of silk from the cocoon to the graceful fabric and pictorial representations of Japan as she appears in each of the four seasons. Among the shows is a Japanese Fair with craftsmen at work, a village of Formosans, the once famous head hunt ers, and also .a village of the Ainu, Japan's original Inhabitants, who still, retain the primitive habits and customs of their ancestors. Japanese theaters will present plays according to the Oriental style. Deft Japanese workmen have been busy for weeks preparing the gardens and structures, bringing about a trans formation scene, which for quaint and beautiful effects can hardly be sur passed. Queen Alexandra visited the Gardens the other day and was so pleased she sent for the head gardener. When he came he was so nonplussed at being in the Royal presence he for got all his English and stammered in Japanese till Count Mutsu came to his aid. East and West meet at the "White City, in spite of Kipling's assertion that the junction is impossible. Visi tors will find themselves in the midst of a cosmopolitan crowd, as they wan der about the spacious grounds and in and out of the various side shows. Making tracks for. the Mountain Rail way from the Formosan village, the globetrotter may rub shoulders with as motley a crowd as ever assembled together in one place. Having taken part in a quaint East ern tea ceremony and had the memory wafted away by an aerial excursion In the Flip-flap, a long English drink, can be enjoyed before a dizzy trip on the Spiral Toboggan, or a peep into the Cave of the Children's Ghosts a splash of pathetic Japanese local color. Evils in Masks. There is no rose Without Its cruel thorn. No pleasure glows Without some grief to fill us. In words of bliss There still lurk, tones of scorn In every kiss Hides some doggoned bacillus! Cleveland Leader. New Electric Treatment Thin metal insoles copper and zinc worn inside shoes. One foot rests on positive, the other on negative Electropode. Body becomes battery nerves the connecting -wires. Every part of each organ is fed a mild and continuous current of life giving electricity all day long. Electropodes restore circulation. Increase nerve force. Strengthen heart action. Purify entire system and -ward off impending disease. A perfect preventive and positive cure. m EVr. RrtPlimnt ?em Nervousness, Neuralgia, Headache, Tor rUieUmaUSm Backache, Cold Feet, Insomnia. Lumbago, Liver and Kidney complaints. Price only $1.00 at all good druggists. , - Electropodes are not an experiment. You take absolutely no chance. Our every claim is based on actual cures. Read the following liberal offer: No Cliff Nfr. Pav Merely deposit $1.00 with vour m O VUre no ray druggist. He signs a positive guarantee to return your money if Electropodes fail to cure or if they should, on 30 days' trial, prove unsatisfactory. Could any offer be fairer T A trial will convince you. Over 150 -000 pairs sold in last few months. Nearly all have found them ex tremely beneficial. So will you. Electropodes are mailable. If not at your druggists, send us $1 00 State whether for man or woman. We will see fhat you are supplied! Western Electropode Co. 253 Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Cal.