10 THE StTNTDAT OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. APRIL 24. 1910. KKVIi ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. H. P. PALMER-JOKES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bids- SMALL, BUYS AT SMLL PRICES. 650 Timer, r.Oxil feet, at East 53th end East Rurnslde St., good location for grocery store. 4 80060x100. comer Kast 16th St., near Alnsworth, a good buy. 3)110060x100, Irvlngton, lot on East 18th. near Fremont St., terms. $1100 tfOxlOO, piedmont, lot on Commercial St.. between Jarrett and Ainsworth; cheap Xor cash. $120060x100. Laurelhurst, lot near Kast 32d and East Gllsan St.; very Attrac tive terms. $1600 100x100. Rose City Park. corner, street Improvements paid. H. P. PALMER-JONES CC. 212-113 Commercial Club BUlg. Phones: Main 803-O; A 5653. THESE LOTS ARE BARGAINS. Read and be convinced. 3 lots on E. 43d and Lincoln, Including corner. 160 feet front ate by 100 feet deep, facing east. Good proposition for speculation or building-. Price $1500; easily worth US 00; Va cash. N. E. corner of Capital and Ma son ets.. In OVERLOOK, $1500; easy terms. Corners are hard to get In this desirable district and this one -will be on the market Just a lew days. Lot 50x100 on E. 47th. near Hawthorne, on th slope of Mount labor; cast front, $S0O; $300 cash. S lota in Rose City Park on E. 40th at., Vt block from Sandy Road; $700 each; $400 cash. Other lots selling on this street for $750 to $800. PORTLAND REALTY & CON STRUCTION CO., 902-903 Irf.wls.BldK., Phones: Marshall 646, A 71S3. BUILD YOUR HOME. READ CAREFULLY THIS LIST. 50x100 corner East Taylor, west of Sonnyside. 2 full lots near Woodstock station for $300. 2 lots In Swinton Addition for $1000; half cash. Choice home site on west slope Mt. Tabor; Improvements all in; near carline. 130x100. oontra.1 East Side; choice lo cation. 60x100 Business location; East Side. 50x100. on Rodney ave.; choice location. 100x125 West slope ML Tabor; improve ments all In; near car; easy terms if you - want to build. 60x100 on Hamilton ave.. West Side. Small lot near Hamilton ave, and one block from carllno; $800. 60x100 on Weidler street; a pood buy. HEXKLE : HARRISON, Gerllngcr Bids. HERE'S A PUESB-OPEXEK. A profit of $800 from the start should burst that strong string around your money bair. You can make $13:1.8;! a day oTor each working; dav till the first of the month by buying this 'A block in Irv lngton. The price Is $2S5o. The company's price for Inferior quarters on the wrong side of street Is $3250 and will be 36..0 May 1. This low price Is good only till April 80. but do not wait if you want a big bargain, for It is liable to be snapped up Monday. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. Tifotte bldg.. Washington and 6th. WESTERN SLOPE MOUNT TABOR. Seven view lots near Buehner mansion, with modern new house. 350 feet frontage, 180 feet deep, city view, two blocks to oar. There Is class to this district which is attracting the millionaires. This prop erty Is invaluable as a trulv beautiful homesite. and will be worth $3000 a lot Inside two years. Price for all $12,500. Will sell house and lot separate, $5000. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. B2-B Lafayette bldg., Washington and lth. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. We have .12 large lots in Whltwood Court on United Railway line. Gc fare. These lots are surrounded by nice homes, have magnlllcent view and are the cheap est buy on Lhe market at $1800. Adjoin ing lots In this tract have all been sold from $.!25 up. This Is a bona fide bar Bain. Easy terms. Let us show vou. THE STANDARD REALTY CO.. 421 Mohawk bldg. DON'T FORGET COOS BAY. Several railroads now making for Coos Bay will make lots there valuable. Get in early. $400 will buy five lots In South Harbor on the hay. These lots are likely to be worth $400 each inside a year. Half cash, balance one year without Interest. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON'. ?2-B Lafayette bldg., Washington and 0th. A. B. WIDNEY, 822 BOARD OF TRADE. For sale 12450 each 4 adjoining lots on Ladd ave., close to Hawthorne ave and B. lath; easy terms; or will sell sepa rately. A. B. WIDNEY, Main 6974. 8 22 Board of Trade. ROSE CITY PARK. Very choice lot 50x100 In Rose City Park. $100; commands fine vksw and looking into five streets; streets graded; cement sidewalks. J. O. Hanthom A Co., 540 Chamber of Commerce. ONLV 2 lota left at $225 each; $20 cash; $5 per month, 4 blocks to station, 5 lots at $325 each; $30 cash, $7 p-r month, at sta tion; all 5c fare. My auto Is ready to take you out. Riggs. M. 2712. Night and Sunday phone. C 1047. HOLLA DAY. $2730 50x100. s. W. cor. E. 19th and Clackamas. If you want something really tine see this. LEONARD BROS.. 317 Chamber Commerce. MONTGOMERY STREET. A splendid full lot at a bargain; also 40x100 near by. VAXDUTN & WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. EAST SALMON AND 23D Beautiful building site, on N E. cor. East 23d and Salmon; size 50x71; for sale by owner; price. $2400. Phone B 1709. Kast 4S50. ' TWO CHOICE ELMHURST LOTS On easy payment plan; owner must soil boat location In the addition. Address AC 912. Oregon lan. $320 EQUITY in two Westmoreland lots for $::00; this Is S200 below market price- good reason for selling. Owner. P 910 Ore gonlan. ' IF sold at once, $1750 buys excellent 4-5x100 ,. comer. Albina ave. and Stanton St., good location for rentable houses or apartments Phone owner, East 641. FOR SALE Two inside lots, on 53d st., one block from Hawthorne ave. Cement walks . and graded street. Eewlckly Add. N U2y Oregon ian. LOT 60x100. facing east, street and sidewalk In and paid; one block from car, Ports mouth. Price $700. $50 cash, balance $io month. Owner, 1127 Corbutt st. $600 ONE of the choicest Rose City Park lots; only half block from car. LEONARD BROS.. 317 Chamber Com merce. FOR SALE Choice Rose City Park lot near TheAtameda, $650; half cash. Owner, BARGAIN, for one week only, corner lot In Wleberg Heights, $800, half cash, bal ance terms. phone Main 1939. LAURELHURST lot. water InT high and sightly, east front; a beauty. 403 Couch bldg. HAWTHORNE. AV-BNUB. 100x100, choice building site. $2250 easv terms. 42Q Swetland bklg. SIXTH STREET SNAP. Full lot. fith and Jackson, $7000; $3350 cash. Call 420 SWetland bldg. Main T77B. $70O CASH buys from owner best building lot In Waverly. J. c. Stevens,- Tilford bldg. rhone B 24S2. LOT, 60x100. near Kenton, easy terms A W. Bagley E.( H. Hablghorst, 407-403 Gerllnger bldg. 5,,.,1j?T' tlne,v'p"w f the river and Oaks. $1200, terms; Sellwood car. A. R Ruter 220 Lumber Exchange bldg. ' """"V FINE corner on East Side, west of lth st .near Burnside; principals only. M 013" ' Oregonlan. IRVINGTON 2 sightly lots: one 100x100 corner; below value. Phone East 394. 7JT bargain, $750, on East 53d near Stark terms. Phone Tabor 2M1. THREE beautiful suburban lots In cultlva tlon, $750. H 915. Oregonlan. CORNER lot close in, cheap for quick sale E. 1035. I WANT to sell lot 27. block 18. Tremont Park ; bargain. SJM;Slough, Elgin Or. OWNER must sell lot In Westmoreland; leaving city. S 910. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON PARK SNAR ' $475 buys corner lot, close to car; terms 40 Swetland bldg. CLOSE-IN corner lot, 50x100, price $830; 350 cash. 838 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. P. S. DO YOU KNOW Last Sunday we promised to give prac tical and scientific reasons for investing In the district north of Burnside bridge, and on north to the Columbia boulevard be tween William and Union ave., and con tiguous thereto. We then stated that this district Is nominated, the Creme do Lis of Portland; the best place to invest, either for health or wealth. Health is the first and most desirable. The district rises from the Willamette and, like the ocean is wavy, gradually rising till it reaches a crest. This summit Is the highest divide between Oregon and Washington. To the west, it ends at the meeting of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. The ocean breeze up the Columbia naturally follows up the ridge of the summit. Here is where you get the ocean air and its ozone gentle ocean -breezes most of the year. This district has a good surface soil underlaid with sand and gravel to a gr-?at depth. It Is impossible for water to lie on the surface to sour, ferment, decompose and generate all kinds of malaria and Innumerable mi crobes Inimical to human health and life. This district also has a great and complete sewer system, thus an artificial - sewer and subterranean drainage. Now pure air Is absolutely necessary to the health of every human being here we have it. While Imperfect drainage means the sac rifice of human life, bringing too many deaths and family sorrows. Financial wealth Is somewhat desirable. Someone has said, that gold is the magnet that has attracted man since the days when the world was young. Where to get it Is the hunt of the race. Good business property today is the best investment in the world. 1h business future of Williams and Union avenues, Portland's two great business ar teries, are out of the guessing contest. The opportunity to make good and last ing investments here Is as young as ths morning. The home-owning population is here, and human-like they follow the lines of least resistance. They will patronize good business houses of every kind when establislred here. We have some choice residence lots, also houses and business locations that are fast ripening into big values. We will be only too glad to show them to you, and will not urge you to buy. Somebody is sleeping on their op portunities. See E. J. Haight, 969 Union ave. Phone Woodlawn 1780. A. B. WIDNEY, 822 BOARD OF TRADE. SNAP $950 each, easy terms, two lots between E. 24th and E. 25th. in addition adjoining Colonial Heights on the south and Ladd Addition on the east, where 40 foot lots are selling for $1900 up. These lots command a beautiful view of the city and are 25 minutes' walk from town. WHY CAN I SELL THEM SO CHEAP? Those lots are a pdrtion of a -tract of about 30 aores adjoining Ladd ' Addition which has been held for years under lease as a vegetable garden. Last year the work of improvement was commenced and finished over a portion of the tract and a few lots in the finished portion offered for sale. The hard Winter stopped the work for a few months but ft dozen teams are hard at it now, and within 60 days I will be offering the bal ance of the tract at $2000 per lot up. If this property had been platted 2 years ago, as It should have been, at the time the Ladd Addition was. these, lots would sell today at higher prices than the Ladd tract, as the property is higher and more desirable in every way. The purchaser of the few lots that I can still dellvwr at last year's prices will make $b00 to $1000 or more on the buy before the end of August. Arrange to see these unusual bargains at once. I cannot guar antee delivery Indefinitely. REMEMBER, graded streets. cement sldewalgs, curb, water, etc.. etc.. are all in now and paid for at above price. Noth ing to assume except a sewer assessment of about $22. $2600 building restrictions; many new homes now under contract to start Imme diately. , i A B. WIDNEY. Main 69,4. 822 Board of Trad. BEAUTIFUL CRESTON. An ideal spot jotted with fine houses and cozy cottages the homes of the .sort or citizens among whom you wish to live. Take the Mt. Scott car to Clarke Station then walk 130 feet north on car track and look east and you will be face to ii!?.wUn a bargaln. Lot 100x100. Price 5, ? .?aay terms will do better for cash. rV-SlT vaca,nt corners for comparison. . OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. iP flne 1o,s' University Park, east front Woolsley st., off Willis boulevard. Must sell, make offer. Two lots Clarenden st. and three lots ;a" Houghton St.. three, blocks from St. Johns Wall st. carline and near North Hank depot. These lots will be very val uable In the near future. Cash will se cure a bargain. .,, , JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. d--3 Lafayette bldg.. Washington and 6th. we have a few of the choicest lot in the entire tract at prices and on terms that cannot be equaled; these are in the first 3uaner on hlKh Rrund. within one block or Montavilla carline. where houses are "dy built and where the pavement will bo laid first. You wll find that these are the cheapest good lots in Laurelhurst. H- p. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. DO YOU WANT A HOME 7 or. ,J-el your money earn it. oi w paid on check accounts. iff?? int- paid on 10-day call certificates. ' Paid on 30-day call certificates. Vo Int. paid on 90-day call certificates. om cheek accounts received. .3 years' banking experience In Portland. ,W'H help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. . Third and Oak Sts NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland. Or- glvlnr new additions, electric lines, etc. 2. 23-mlle circle of Portland's surround ing, giving townships, ranges and section numbers, new electric lines and railroads. S-ifi v cf 50 cents each- Sena "tamps. The Crossley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. LOTS.. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irrlnc toa; near Broadway carline; best city Im provements; priced 25 per cent b-low the market. Inquire Alameda Land jfjznpaar $22 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE If you want to buy or sell real estate within the City of Port land kindly call and see me; have been handling property in Portland for the past 20 years. W. H. Grlndstaff. 610 Com morcial block. Phone Main 8009. ' TWO city lots in Bellingham. Wash., one block from carline. and one acre timber laud, easily cleared; can make a beauti ful home, level, on heights West Seattle, ail tor $1200. Address owner, AF 909 -Oregonlan. t MT. TABOR VIEW LOTS. Two good 50xl00-foot lots on Mt Tabor four and a half blocks from the carline: price $m0 each. $300 down, balance $10 a month. Phone B 2697, or Ac 903. Onego nlan. 20 ACRES, ville acres cultivated land near Tigard- VANDUYN & WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. v,rfio-o- lncludlnR t. Improvements: from $10 j0 up; easy terms. ( 1 "W riPTni pv 838 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE some excellent vacant residence lots, bota moderate and high price; property which must advance at least 50 per cent by January 1; investigate. O 925. Ore gonlan. ' FINE INVESTMENT. Very desirable close-in West Side cor ner. VAxmrvv je. witw Jj 15 Chl rn be r of Comiuerc'e. IRVTNrjTnv PATt- a t .6x100 for $750: 60x100. $650: these Jots are close to the car and near Kil llngsworth ave.; have beautiful dogwood . ... j two iuucn Plug CORNER lot 67x100. facing 53d St.. on East Madison; two carllnes; cement walks and graded streets. - Sewickly Addition- eas terms. Phone Woodlawn 690. P. c. Pjjcm, my c. OlHt St. JS. FOR SALE Finest lot in Waverly Heights worth $12O0: will sell for $1000; $320 cash, balance $10 per month. -Owner 511 Board of Trade. FOR KALE 2 lots in Westmoreland, comer lOOxloO, on proposed carline; best proposi tion in this addition if taken at once. Terms. Owner.' W 804, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Laurelhurst, lot 1. block 8- one of best lots In the addition; a real e'nao terms. 617 Board of Trade bldg. Main 4 675. FOR SALE 100x125. East Side; splendid view Reed Institute and Portland Heights on carline; very desirable homesite. $1400 half cash. Owner, 191 2d st. WHY buy a lot when you can get a halt acre Inside the city with all the advan tages lor the same prioeT 420 Lumbar mans Bldg. cor. 5th and Stark. CLOSE IN. walking distance, on West Side too. a lot with beauty; $1600: terms. P ' 902. Oregonlan. A SPECULATION WITH FAT Portland Heights, fine lot, full size; $1250. Terms 20 per cent down. P. 903. Oregonlan. ' FOR SALE A good lot in Westmoreland -owner, at California Ink Co., 41 1st st. ask for Mr. Brandes. ' $4o0 LOT 50x100; $145 paid, balance pay able $7.50 monthly: am compelled to sell this equity. AF 011, Oregonlan. AINS WORTH AVE. and 27th st Corner 100 xl07 feet, south and east frontage. $1175 cash. D 893. Oregonlan. MAKE me an offer. 50x150 at Berkeley station. Berkeley; must ,sell. Owner X 014. Oregonlan. SNAP in river frontage; beautiful home site Phone A 3961. Main 144 $M'i00 LOT on Mill st., for a few days onlv terms. Howard Land Co., 420 Sweltnd bjd"g! REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. EASY MONEY. If you want to make it buy here. Those who bought in my last addition have en Joyed a profit of $200 per lot in a few months. A Brand New Addition. Carpenter's Addition. Look at the prettiest addition on -the ML Soott carline, $37.50 cash, balance at $5 per month. Take ML Scott car to Firland station. See J. H. Dorman, office right at station. Pick out your lots while you can get the cream of it. The prices are from $100 to $20O cheaper than anything in the vicin ity, and will he raised soon. f Get in on the ground floor right now, before the prices are raised. Take a ride out on the tract today and you will never regret it. Or call on MARTIN J. H1GLEY. 132 3d St. FINB CORNER LOT. $2000, with easy term, for a corner lot. 50x115. on the S. W. comer of 23th and East Gllsan. There is no building site in the city more beautiful than thlai It is high, level and sightly; Is in a restricted district; only a few minute ride from the city, with excellent car service. Sewer, wa ter and gas are already in and paid for. There has been a few fir trees left standing, so your home will have an artistio and at tractive appearance. This lot should be seen to be appreciated. "D" CHAPIN t& HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Let us show you. IT'S WORTH YOUR WHILE. 100x100 Piedmont corner. A snap, $2500. 100x100 Alameda Park, faces park. $2500. 100x100 Rose City Park, only $1300. 100x100 (will divide if desired.) choice location, $-4000. 60xlOO Fair-port, near carline, only $000. 60x100 Falrport, extra fine lot, only $600. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade bldg. HERB IS A CHANCE To get a lot. on very easy terms, with small amount down. This lot is right on the carline; Bull Run water, piped through alley; graded streets, and a magnificent - view. The price is far cheaper than any thing in the neighborhood. Let us tell you more about it. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND 10 PER CENT DOWN and $10 TRUST ' per month buys you a choice CO ' homesite. Come in tomorrow and let us show you Willa- mead; it's Just beyond Laurel hurst. Lots $600 and up, in cluding improvements. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. corner 3d and Oak sts. SNAP Warehouse Bite. 100x100 S. E. cor. Reed and .B-Takestone sts. Only ;250o, cash or trade, to handle, balance $20,000 at 6 per cmL Will lease. Bargain in lot on Overton near 23d st. Cheapest lot on Union avenue, near Skidmore st. Three acres near Base Line road. Owner. 8T 5th Bt. SNAP. SELLWOOD LOT. Block 69. lot 15. 50x100. Sellwood. Ta coma ave.. 1V4 blocks from car; $900. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 84 4th St., Board of Trade. VANCOUVER AVE. lots, bet. Graham ave. and Stanton st. Price of one Is $2500 and the other Is $2750. This is the best block of the street the highest ground. Cement walk in and paid for. Look at these our sign there. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. (D) 100x100 SNAP, $140O. This 100x100 corner was obtained on a trade. It must be disposed of at once. It is 1 blocks to a good carline on the East Side, close in, all street improve ments in and paid for. Will sell half or all for $1400. cash. C U", Oregonlan. TWO lots. $325. on Mt. Scott or Rose City carllnes. One Belle Crest lot. bargain, $550. One Westmoreland lot. $650. One Laurelhurst bargain. Small pay ments on anv of these lots. BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. NOB HILL. 100x100, fine view, splendid location; there are only fine homes in this location; will sell one lot if desired (OoxlOll) ; price for l-OOxlOO olny $S00o; Krxloo $4000. Terms. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS selling fast at Ardenwald. The best on the market. A beautiful home site near the golf links. Graded streets, sidewalks and water to each lot. All paid for by us. Prices $400 to $000. Easy terms. KNAPP & MACKEY. 212-213 Board of Trade B ldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A fractional lot on the lower Heights, on good terms. two blocks from the car with a fine view R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227, Main 1963. IRVINGTON Fine building lot, only $300 down, bal. 6 per cent, close to car and Knott St., residences all around; lowest priced lot so close to Knott in this entire district; price will bo raised o nMay 1. Jas. C. Logan, sole agent, 826M Wash. st, room 404. LAURELHURST. The biggest snap and choicest lot in the first section that was placed on the market. I wish to sell at once. You can take over my contract. Owner, A923, Ore gonlan. $825 LOT 40x100 feet, block 15. Tremont " Park. $75 will handle, balance $20 per month. . THE CARD REALTY AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. HO 2d st. Phone Marshnll 1.jo7. A 1507. OVER an acre, near 41st and Richmond car, deep, rich soil; will make 7 large sightly lots; price Is' lower than acres miles farther out. See It at once; price only $2250; lots sell for $600 up. Jas. C. Logan. ?,20hi Washington St., room 404. IRVINGTON Quarter block, one of the best, near the Tennis Club, for only $3750; $1250 cash, bal. 6 per cent; quick sale only. Jas. C. Logan, 826 Wash. St.. room 404. EQUITY in lots. Original price when platted as follows; Two In Fairport, ad joining Swinton. Two in Whitwood Court. Owner can't meet payments. Investigate. B 024, Oregonlan. VERY choice hi block on Belmont St. and E. 55th. Hard-surface pavement, sewer, water and gas all in. For few days only, price $3000. Clark-Cook Co.. room 6 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5407, A 3252. LAURELHURST. If you are going to purchase a lot In the above addition, write me." K 915, Oregonian. SNAP IN RIVER FRONTAGE. Beautiful home site, opposite Oswego smelter; take Oregon Cltv car to Oak Grove. Phone McClure, A 3!61. A BARGAIN, 60x100 lot, at 30th and Han cock. This lot Is worth $1500, but will let It go for $1000 If taken at once. Phone East 721 for terms. A 60x100 CORNER lot in Sellwood, 3 blocks from car line, $750; half cash and bal ance to suit buyer. Phone East 721 for terms. BY owner, lot 50x100. all Improvements ex cept cement walks, east front. E. 8th and Mason. J. M. Davis. 200 2d St. PIEDMONT lot 60x100, for sale by owner; terms; no agents. Call 222 Alnsworth avenue. FOR SALE By owner, one lot, 60 ft. fronj Sandy road, on 47th st Price $650 cash. Phone Sellwood 1497. 100x100, Gladstone ave., Kenil worth: fine residence site. $1800. Terms. Owner. No agents. A 922. Oregonlan. MUST sell, 50x100 lot, cement sidewalks, streets graded; only $550. $100 cash, bal ance easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 2633. BEAUTIFUL lot, 50x100, Jefferson St., West side; a bargain for $5200; terms. Call at 305 3d st. FOR SALE Snap: 50x50. first-class comer, 17th and East Madison; cheap for cash. Call East 234. LOTS for sale by owner in Rose City and 1 Blauemer Additions. Forced to sell. Phono: Main 8155. FOR SALE Equity in two fine lots at Harborton, on the United Railways line. J 1)18, Oregonlan. MAGNIFICENT view, close-in lot near Acad emv, with small bungalow; a bargain for cash. Main 3008. TWO east front view lots on 24th st. in Vernon; easy terms. Owner, 1108 E. 21st st. N. SANDY road, 60x100, near Laurelhurst. $1100: $2O0 cash, balance $20 monthly. C 002, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL, piece woodland, fir. dogwood, Oregon grape; city view, 3 blocks from car. Tabor 271. IRVINGTON LOTS for sale $150 down and $20 per month. K 919, Oregonlan. For Pale Houses. 4 LOTS and 4-room house, must sell; fine place for berries and chiekert; will make sacrifice price, less than $1400. Call 5'3 Chamber Commerce. 7-ROOM bungalow, fine view and close in, only $2700. terms. Best bargain in the city. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. $200o, WITH terms, or discount for cash, modem 6-room house, lot 2fxl00. Owner, 761 Albina ave., 1 block from L car. BUNGALOWS, bungalows, bungalows every where, any price and terms. 403 Couch bldg. . GOOD Investment, improved, central, owner; 10 per cent: $1500 cash. B 922, Oregonlan. REALTY bringing $360 yearly rental selling for $2400, terms. C S59, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. Tor Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL HOME. RIVBRDALE. One of the handsomest homes la the Riverside district; seven beautifully de signed and artistically finished rooms, a reception hall, a full-length living-room, with large fireplace, built-in bookcases, casement and French windows, paneled and beamed ' dining-room, with artistic buffet. convenient kitchen, 3 bedrooms, each in separate color scheme; large bath, attlo apace for 8 rooms, full cement base ment, extra large furnace. private water system under heavy pressure. The grounds cover about acre In extent and command a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. If you are seeking a real home in the most exclusive residence dis trict, see R. F. BRYAN, A 1227. 505 Chamber of Com. Main 1963. FOR SALE, $9000. Handsome new, 9-room residence on beautiful terraced view lot. lnoxlOO cor ner in Alameda Park. Was built for a home and contains every modern conven ience. Unique den. glass breakfast room, built-in book cases, art paneling, beamed ceilings, oak floors, ' two broad fireplaces, tiled bathrooms, broad, cement verandas, pergolas and driveway. Rich, artistio ex terior. Exceptional buy, easy terms. See owner, 423 New Lumbermens bldg. Phone office. Main 60O0; residence. Main 5379. PORTLAND Let us show you something dlf TRUST ferent. You have been looking at CO. hou?s: we will show you a HOME). 6 room Is what you want a real buniralow. See it today, on 45Lh, between Hancock Broadway. It's a beauty. Only $3600, terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. B. corner Sd and Oak ala. WALKING DISTANCE. Close in on East Taylor St. : 6 rooms, modern, all improvements. $45 00: $2400 cash, balance good terms; this is a good, clean home, close to public and high school, in a fino neighborhood, and very desirable district. This property will al ways be in demand and you can resell any time at an advance. S. D. STOUFER. 428 Lumbermens Bldg-. B52 East Taylor St. HAVE A LOOK ! At this beautiful home, built to suit your taste; priced to fit your pocket book, and on easy terms: has seven rooms, oak floors, bulit-ln bookcase and buffet, will finish in color and style to suit; all street improve ments In and included in price of $3750, $1000 cash, bal. by month. Call or phone OREGON BUILDING- & TRUST CO., S08-9-10 Henry Bldg. SOME BUNGALOW SNAPS. E. Main, new steel furnace, gas range; modern, $3500. M. Madison. 6 rooms, new, $.1800. Holllday Park, new, 6 rooms, 3500. Wasco street. 6 rooms, new $36 K. Terrace Park, 6 rooms, new. $2400. Any of these on very easy terms. THE SPANTON CO., 269 Oak Street. PORTLAND Let us build you a home. We TRUST have some choice lots near the CO. car, in the Rose City Park dis trict. Will build to suit. Let us show, you some homes that are ready to move Into, from. $3200 to $4700. . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. F1. corner 3d and Oak sts. $3650 TERMS 6 ROOMS. Surely the best buy In Portland: street Improved, paid; cement walks and base ment; double floors and walls; new; close to 4 carllnes; 15-mlnute service; swell hall seat, buttresses, etc.; artistic fix tures; paneled dining-room. 10-ft bay, buffet, shades, tinted, 2 windows in every room: will sure suit you. Call 210 Fail Ing st- . LARGE, CLOSE-IN HOME ft rooms, furnace, fireplace, 2 toilets. 2 lavatories, bath, bedroom downstairs, 1 block from Ankeny; lot 100x120: prettiest lot on East 91de; roses, foliage, fruit; owner must have money for big contract; grounds alone worth $6000; will sell house and 100x120 for $7O0. Phone East or B 1894. I $4o00 23d AND East Salmon, 10-room house, nice location, worth more money; will make terms. RAND, READ & CO., 816 Board of Trade. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 87 Texas st.. 50x100 feet, 4-room cot tage, pantry, bathroom complete, hot and cold water, wired for lights, new and mod ern; block from Fulton car, S from Oregon Electrio line, l block from train service; prioa $2000; H cash, balance to suit. Phone Tabor 1439. ONLY $200 DOWN buys new 5-room bungalow on 50x122 lot, graded street, city water, fine soil, near good carline. 12 minutes' ride from new bridge; complete plumbing, beat fixtures, south view. Balance of $1800 pay able $15 monthly. Complete abstract, per fect title. Call 616 Ablngton bldg. HALSBY ST.. NO. 658, NEAR 17TH. Would you buy this very desirable little home from the owner, who Is leaving, if the price was very low? A modest payment down, you make terms on balance; the house has surprisingly large rooms and the lot ample space for garage. Call. SNAPS. PIEDMONT LOTS. 5Oxl00. corner. $1100. IOOx'IOO, east face. $1900. 100x100. corner, $2250. PERLEY B. LENT. 417 Corbett Bldg. FOR SALE Fine home of 2 acres on Peninsula, right on carline; house, barn, chicken-houses and run; Bull Run; over 1O0 large bearing fruit trees and fine gar den; this Is a snap at $9000; no agents. 2Q8 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 2 acres fronting Columbia boulevard, at Woodlawn; house, barn, etc.; bearing orchard, berries, garden and fine home; price $7500; no agents. 2o8 Couch bldg. $300 WILL HANDLE Beautiful bungalow; furnace. fireplace, polished floors, cement basement, buffet, window seat. tinted; east facing, high ground: best carline; attic; balance monthly. Call 516 Ablngton bldg. SUNNYSIDE home, must be sold, large roomy house, comer lot, 50x100, furnace, fireplace, fruit trees and flowers, one block to carline. See owner, 252 13th. Phone A 7292. MODERN house, 7 rooms, brick basement, barn; some fine cherry trees: lot 60x100; on carline, few blocks south of Hawthorne ave.; price $3000. half cash. W. H- Lang Co., 414 Abington bldg. $3600 Union avenue, 8 rooms: lot 50x125; well - built and ta worth $500 more than asked. Let us show you. RAND. READ & CO.. 316 Board of Trade. DEAL with owner and builder; beautlful 6 room house, 1 block to Union ave car; will be finished In 10 days: I will make extraordinary good terms or take trade as first payment. Phone evenlngs, B 2767 or call 126 E. 28th st. ' SEVERAL attractive building sites of vari ous sizes, one whole block West ave. and East Taylor sts. Half cash. Beautiful view unobstructed. Restrictions. 40 ft. north of Belmont car. BKB. Oregonlan. ONLY $860 down buys a splendid Sunnyslde home, two blocks from Ladd Park, store, church and schoel, 2 lots, fruit, T rooms. AK 919. Oregonlan. $lO0 CASH, $35 monthly, 5 -room bungalow: fireplace. 2 woodlifts, china closet, linen closet, medicine closet In modem bathroom, cement floor and wash trays in basement. Fast 2741. ' 160x175 ON west slope of Mt. Tabor, ad Joining new city park. High and very sightly. All Improvements In this year. Surrounded by fine houses, restricted dls trlrt. F 924. Oregonlan. 100x217 OR less In . restricted district of fine homes, near city park at Mt Tabor Hard-surface street and other lmprove ments. ACB. Oregonlan. $1650. 6-room house, lot 25x100, on East 28th St., south of E- A. car line. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. IRVINGTON PARK. 5 choice lots in this beautiful tract; all close to the car, lhe price and terms will surprise you. Call 403 Couch bldg. 100x100. ONE block from carline. East Taylor, near West ave,; seven-room houee. cost $6000; will sell for $4500, $1500 cash; no agents. D 924; Oregonlan. IRVINGTON. Modem home six rooms, attio and sleeping-porch: hardwood floors; price $6100. 450 E. 17th N. Phone C 1489. $2750 Modern Vemon bungalow, 50xlOO corner, full basement, fine lawn, one block to car. Worth $3500. Must sell this week. 430 Worcester bldg. SMALL store building, comer Taylor and Chapman sts: new 4-room bungalow. , O. M. SMITH, 221 Commercial Club Bldg. CHOICE suburban home. 7 rooms. 5 lots. In high state of cultivation; 3 blocks from car: $O00. easy terms. J. J. McCarthy, Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE 5-room cottage 2 lots. Alberta district: roses, fruit, garden; terms if de sire dj$32 501PlioneJWooyawn 8 0 6. FINE home one block Broadway car. close In; BOxIOO; 7-room house, new and modern. G 922. Oregonlan. FOR sale on Instalments, with small cash payment, house and fractional lot in South Portland. Address N 917. Oregonlan. AT a bargain. 5-room strictly modern cottage, comer, east front; just being completed: trms. 22d and Sumner sts. Alberta car. LAURELHURST I have a lot that will lift vour hat off when you hear the price and terms. 403 Couch bids. REAL ESTATE. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. $ 3,500 5-room bungalow, new and modern. handsomely finished, furnace and fireplace: a beautiful little home in , Irvington Park, terms. $ 8,700 6-rocm house, on fractional lot at southwest corner East 19th and Eas. Everett streets, on most at tractive terms. $ 4,000 6-room bungalow, new and com pletely furnlshel built-in book cases and large attic, one block and and a half from carline in Rose City Park, terms. $ -4,230 6-room bungalow Just being com pleted, intended for home and will he sold on very attractive terms; ' near East Burnside street. $ 6.00O 8-room new house on Wlberg Lane; ' furnace, full cement basement, fire place, built-in bookcases and buf fet, completely furnished. $1000 cash will handle it. $ 6,000 7-room bungalow In Irving ton; Just being completed: a most delightful home, one block from carline, on paved street, terms. $ 6.500 7-room Irving-ton house, hot -water heated. 2 fireplaces, sleeping porch, on lot 50x100, all Improvements paid, faces east. 1 block from car line. Can be handled on $1000 cash. $ 6.750 7 rooms, new and modem, on lOOx 100 in Rose City Park within one block of car: built for a home and is handsomely finished; a bar gain at the price, terms. $ T.300 8 rooms, modern, beautiful view, on paved street, one block from ear; garage; situated In the best portion of Willamette Heights. $10.000 10 rooms, hot water heat; modem and has every convenience: located at 515 Tillamook St., corner East 11th street, take a look at It your self. $15,000 Large new home Just completed, in the heart of Irvington. faces east, all improvements in and paid garage; must be seen to be appre ciated; see us for further partic ulars. H. P. PALMER-JONES- CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699 2653. OWNER'S HOME AT A BARGAIN. Business necessitating absence from home. I find I shall have to sell my resi dence on Commercial street. I built it myself and can vouch tor honesty of con struction and convenience for the family. .'It is an 8-room house, with large recep tion hall and beautiful parlor and living room thrown together; bedroom on first floor if desired; large, well-lighted bath room and toilets on two floors. Every thing is in first-class condition and all the modern conveniences; furnace heat; 60x100 terraced lot with alley and gar age, or if preferred will sell adjoining lot. making 100x100; all in beautiful lawn, with roses and shrubbery and two bear ing fruit trees. Being out of town so much, I have left the matter with Mr. Walker, office 604 Corbett building, who will arrange as to price and terms, and show the property. It's like parting with an old friend to give it up, but Is un avoidable, and Borne one will step into a nice home and reap the fruits of my labor. A. B. WIDNEY. 822 BOARD OF TRADE. BEAUTIFUL HOME. $6250. Ladd Addition, close to Hawthorne ave.; best construction, large rooms, fireplace, tinted walls, handsome fixtures, etc., etc. Owner built to live in but Is going away and wants to sell at once; can make easy terms. This Is a genuine snap, and from the full cement basement to the garret la complete in every particular. A. B. WIDNEY. Main 6974. 822 Board of Trade. CORNER 80x66 2-S. Modern, beautiful, new, 8-robm house, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, paneled dining-room, fine lawn, plenty flowers, facing east and north; price only $5500, half cash, balanoe to suit; owner must have money: this Is a bargain. A. J. GANTNER. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. CHEAP HOME Only $13O0; 7 rooms; lot 50 X3 00. on 14th, near Alberta, carline; $700 cash, balance terms. New. all modern 6-room house, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, wood lift, gas and electricity, numerous roomy clos ets, ' water and street improvements all in, 50x100 lot; nice neighborhood, on East Harrison st., 12 minutes' car ride; very cheap at $3250: half cash. D. R. Hand, 315 Couch bldg. SWELL BUNGALOW. On corner lot, nice shade trees, full cement basement, large reception hall, large living room with fireplace, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, white enam eled: three bedrooms, sewing room, large bathroom, fine sleeping porch, gas ana electricity: look at this, at East Grant st. and Marguerite ave. $550 will handle this. Owner. 517 Cham, of Commerce. MT. TABOR HOME. 9-room modern and conveniently ar ranged house on corner, SoxlOO, high and sightly; one block from car, view that cannot be shut off; built for home by owner, who Is leaving city; price $8O00, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-218 Commercial Club bldg. Phones: Main 8699. A 2653. SNAP BARGAIN SNAP CLOSE-IN HOME. 7-room house, large rooms, fine lot, 50 foot frontage, south front: everything in first-class condition; house built 3 years; good basement, bath, etc.; near East 22d and Gllsan: price $2750. terms. E. R. MARKHAM. 205 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A modern, artistic home, close In, with unobstructed view; hardwood floors, hot water heat; 2 fireplaces; 4 bedrooms; sleep ing porch; built-in sideboard and bookcases. For price and terms see AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 2K Chamber of Commerce. NEW SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. Modern throughout. Holiday park Addi tion. No. 814 Clackamas st. Large porch, hail living-room, dining-room, pass-pantry. 4 large bed-rooms, full attic and cement basement with cement floor. Price $3700; H cash. G. De Konlng. owner. Phone: E. 4604. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, with brick ' fireplace; comer lot 60xlOO; 3 blocks from car; forced to sell for $2000; half cash, balance 3 years; will rent for $15 per month. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 2oo Chamber of Commerce. A COZY LITTLE BUNGO. On 51x100 lot. about 4 blocks south of Hawthorne; not far out, very pretty and only $2275. Can be handled with $775 cash, balance monthly. S. T. WALKER, 004 Corbett Bldg. aSO EAST lOTH N, N. W. corner lot. all fenced. 5-room modern house. 24x34, barn 16x30, with cement floor; chicken-house 6x8. with netting: price $2800. IRVINGTON Bargain. well-built home, modern conveniences. Only $500 cash re quired.' balance monthly. Phone: East 804. No agents. ACRES, high and sightly, 6-room house and bath; vineyard, orchard and near car; $4O00. terms: fine country home. A R. Rlt ter. 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. ' FOR SALE Good 5-room house, full lot, good garden and lawn, near cat. St. Johns' car to Riverside Station. 34 W. Jarrett st. Price. 19iX: easy terms. FOR SALE 4-roomed house, lot 40x125. woodshed, etc. $800; terms; take Mount Scott car to Millard ave., walk 6 blocks west to Lewis St.; ask, for W. Cruikshank. $3500 BUYS this 8-room residence suitable ror two families; on Thurman at.; 16th-st. carline. Apply 688 Wilson St., near 21st. SEASIDE For sale or rent, new modern slx Toom cottage. The Jas. Peterson Co., Sea slde. Or. $350 TERMS to suit yourself. 8-room house, 50x100 lot. Woodstock, near car. A. R. Rit ter 226 Lumber Exchange bldg.- $12,500 QUARTER block, close In. Income, terms. Owner, Fuhr, 387 East Burn side. , I WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. 1618. A 1984; all covered wagons ' and experienced men. IF you have some money, will build on your lot Eastman Co., Inc. 303 Ablngton bldg. Main 3236. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. 496 East 20th, at. North. Call and see it. 9000 65xl0T, close In; five cottages on prop erty; Income $75 month; terms. Owner. Fuhr. 3S7t4 East Burnside. MUST sell at once. 5-room modern house, near car. $2000 for quick sale. 1122 East 27th St.. North. NEW 5-room house for sale, with large attic, for $2860; terms If desired. Sell wood 198. $4500 7 rooms. Holladay Park: terms. Phone mornings. East 5058. $100 CASH. $20 monthly, beautiful new bun- galow. East 51st st.. $2700. Tabor 1768. . - . - An E.rnnm i-ntta, fx.nl.k.J 11 . OWItCl ' 1 " v . ' , or unfurnished. 63 East Flinders. REAL ESTATE. For 6ale HERE ARE A NUMBER OF BARGAINS. $2250 6-room cottage on a lot 50x . 85, 2 4 blockB to carline. close to school; $500 cash; easy terms for the balance. $4550 Walnut Park, near Piedmont. Queen Anne. 6 rooms, den and bath, gas and electrio lights, full cement basement, laundry trays, comer lot 52x 100. beautiful roses and lawn; right on the "U" carline; lots alone In this location sell for $2000; this price Includes all street Improvements; terms can be had. $3650 Hoiiw on Williams ave.. Va stories. 7 rooms, elegant bath, gas. electric lights, lot 50x 100. fruit, roses and lawn; $900 cash. $2750 New house. 6 rooms and bath. fireplace, gas. electric lights. 1 block from St. Johns line, 25 minutes to city; close to school; lot 50x100: $800 cash. $2700 Queen Anne, best buy on this carline. "L"; 6 rooms, bath, gas. electric lights, full ce ment basement, house well built, completed 4 years ago. newly painted outside and varnished. and walls all newly tinred; lot 33 1-3x90; 15 minutes to cltv. $2250 Just what you want: bun galow, 4 nice rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement: lot 50x100. good neighborhood; 3 blocks to car, walking dlstanoe to Jefferson High School. St. Johns line: $1000 cash. $3000 Queen Anne. 5 nice rooms. splendid neighborhood, beau tiful view, streets improved, city water, ekectrlc lights, ce ment walks, full cement base ment, corner lot 150x100; choice roses, garden, sll in fruit trees and berries: barn, chicken-house; 3 blocks to carlin: $1200 will handle it. Ask for Mr. Becker. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Lower Floor. 4th and Oak Sts. Phones: Main 6084, A 3327. EXTRA GOOD BUYS. HAWTHORNE. $5000 Large 2V4-story. beautiful resi dence, right in the district where par ticular people like to live; 7 rooms and pantry: strictly modern; 1 block from Hawthorne car; 44th st. $3100 Beautiful 6-room cottage bunga low, strictly modern throughout, cor. 30th and E. Lincoln; look at this yourselves: come in and buy it. o?oS2 .tXal nlc" 5-mm cottages from $2800 to $3000: In Hawthorne. WAVERLY. $3000 One of the most beautiful bun galows In this district; 5 rooms and den. near 35th and Clinton. $3500 California bungalow In Waverly Heights. 6 rooms and full basement; fur naoa and fireplace. MOUNT TABOR. $-90 We defy you to beat this for the price: 6-room modern bungalow. E. 63d st. We also have several large 2-story resi dences In Mount Tabor. SELLWOOD. $3000 For quick sale. $3850. See this at once; 2-story, 6 rooms, full basement, lovely home, bungalow style; surrounded with rose bushes. $2800 Here Is another in Sellwood: a story. 7 rooms, oak finish Inside; modern. M. E. THOMPSON & CO. (S) Lower Floor Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $2800 MODERN 6-room house and 60x 100-foot lot. 682 Crampton street. g $25003 lots 80x100 feet in bear ing fruit trees. S-room house and sleeping tent. Two blocks from Glenwood station on St. Johns car Or will sell one lot with house for 10oo. $io cash, balance $10 per month. S-31 $1735 Neat 5-room cottago with large reception hall at 314 Bryant street. s.18 These are only a few of the bar gains In homes we have to show you. tall and see us before buying. THE CARD REALTY & INVEST MENT CO.. 110 2d st. Phone Marshall 1507. A 1567. INVESTMENT EXTRAORDINARY Owner is leaving the city and as an in ducement for a quick sale has placed the low .price of $2600. with little cash down and $1250 per month payments, on his 7 room 1 -story house. This Is right on the corner, with lot 100x100; sewer and water are already in and gas Is to be connected In about a week. This house has full base ment, with laundry trays; four . pleasant rooms on first floor and three rooms on sec ond floor. If you should desire, we have a tenant who will rent this house for a year. Better come in and see us about this Monday. D" CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber cf Commerce. A SWELL LITTLE HOSIB. 5-room bungalow,- almost new; unusually well built by day labor; beautifully fin. lshed; fine bath and toilet, full attic ce ment basement, stationary wash trays' gas and electricity; this is a very SIGHTLY LOCATION: comer lot, adjoining one of the best restricted residence districts- 2 carllnes; 15 minutes out; $5O0 cash handles it. balance monthly. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 316-16-17 Ablngton Bldg. FINB VERNON HOME $600 Cash, Balance Easy. Ctrlctly modem, 5 large rooms, base- -ment, attic finLshed, sieeplng-porch, gas. electricity, hot and cold water, elegantly finished, on a corner lot and close to car; price $3200; worth $3O0 more; $600 cash, balance $25 month. McLaughlin. East 2646, at East Side Printing Co. afternoons. Res. phone B 1860. 980 EL 17th St. N. . LADD'S ADDITION. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LADD'S AD DITION. NEW. 2-STORY. 7-ROOM. ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES. Beamed living-room, paneled dining room, cork tiled floor In bathroom. If you. want a fine home, see this one. $6400 part cash. , COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 84 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 9-ROOM HOL'Sa.. Nice 9-room house on East Everett, only short dlstanoe from car and a few minutes ride from the heart of the cRy. House has fine cement basement, four large rooms on first floor and five bedrooms upstairs: nice wide porch, full width of the house, full-sized lot, la an excellent neighborhood. This can be handled on reasonable terms CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. ELEGANT HOME. 32 rooms, fine broad poiches. library, aunroora, sleeping porches. 4 baths, large closets, everything to make a complete home; grounds 200x100, garage, elegant fixtures, the best of material and work manship have been used throughout this tiome. There Is nothing better in the city. For price and particulars see ZIMMERMAN 621 Board of Trade bldg. FV3R SALEt BY OWNER. $270O. and terms to suit, for a modem up-to-date 6 rooms, with den, facing east, on comer, 1 block from Alberta car, com manding view of mountains, river and Vancouver; Just completed: can move right in; it's a bargain; investigate BLANCH A RD & CL B M SON, aio-iu bwetland Bldg. FINB HOME AT A GREAT BARGAIN $350 cash; 6-room bungalow, fine yard, roses and some bearing fruit: In good neighborhood: lot 50x100. with 20-ft. alley between 2 carllnes. Price only $2300 pay able $15 per month. F. J. STEINMETZ CO, 193 Morrison St. IRVINGTON DISTRICT BARGAIN. My 9-room residence and quarter block on Hanctck St., near carline; surrounding "im provements are of the very best, and I will sell at . a very low price, location consid ered. WILLIAM M. GREGORY. 635 Chamber of Commerce. A. H. Beautiful home near Hawthorns BIRRELL ave. and E. 24th St., 60x100- mod CO. ern and complete. Our price Is $5o0 less than actual value. If not sold Monday owner will take it off the market. Price $5500. 2Q2 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark Sts $3000 SWELL bungalow. lot 58x104; $300 down. $25 a month; brand new. RAND. READ & CO.. 816 Board of Trade. HAVE) some of the best bargains In Irving ton, improved; a fine 7-room modern bun galow, all latest improvements, close to car. $6000; worth $7000, and numerous others below value. CRAWFORD & BABCOCK. 5Q2 Swetland Bldg. $1850 $3O0 cash, $20 per mo.; 5-room modern bungalow: bath. toilet. sink, lavatory, linen and china closets, woodllft. wired base ment; lot 60x100. Flrland Add., restricted district; Bull Run water. F A. BEARD & CO.. 326!6 Washington St., Room 215. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. $7000 HOME IN THE BEST RESIDENCE SECTION, EAST SIDE. ( A GENUINE. POSITIVE BARGAIN; NO ONE HAS EVER SURMISED THIS PROP ERTY WAS FOR SALE. No guess work or promises of what ths section will be. for it's developed so com pletely that you can see for yourself what the surroundings are. This house was built upon a prominent corner for a home residence, and for personal reasons owner is going to sell, and has placed It in our hands at the low figure of $7000. This home is not 3 months old. In the immedi ate neighborhood are $40,000 and $25,000 homes. It Is positively the "Nob Hill of the East Side. Some of its features are: Reception hall with beamed celling. French plate mirror In sliding door, full size: living-room beamed celling, fireplace, mantle board full Vmgth of room, book cases with leaded glass both sides; dining room beamed celling, full window seat, built-in china closet with leaded glass doors, paneled 6 feet with 3 ply veneor panels: den that will please yon ad Joining; Dutch pantry with combination ice chest built in kitchen with woodllft: 3 bedrooms, one has special design skirt closet, largo bath, covered sleeping porch 9x24 feet: full attic, dust and clothes chutes. 2 linen closets, full cement base ment and floor, extra stse Quaker furnace; hardware throughout solid brass, special design combination gas and electric fix tures, reception hall, living-room solid oak floors: all Inside woodwork 4-coat finish: private stairway from kitchen to upstairs, ceiling lights in cross comers of beams, etc. These and many other fea tures will appeal to peopte of refined taste who wish a swell home in a select and re stricted district. $500 WILL HANDLE BRAND NEW BUNGALOW Of strictly modem architecture and ar rangement. 6 rooms and reception hall and large attic, woodwork beautifully grained and polished, largo closets, por celain bath. Dutch kitchen, cement side walk and cement walks around house, ce ment basement, laundry tubs, street im proved, positively 10 minutes out. 150 feet from car; lot 40x10$. splendid view; price $2760. In monthly pavments. WY.VN JOHNSON' CO.. Room $09 Gerllnger Bldg.. Cor. Alder and Second Sfs. $6500 An elegant home In Ladd's Addition, the closest In strictly residence district, walking distance of town and best of car service. 7 rooms all strictly modem, fur nace, fireplace, sleeping porch, etc. Streets all Improved with-hard surface pavement, sewer and gas mains in and paid for. Will consider lot In exchange as part payment. $43SO A swell new residence, beautifully finished, hardwood floors. furnace, flre plAce, latest, combination fixtures, shower effect, bullt-ln buffet, etc, on a corner, 28th and Belmont. Street Improvements, sewer and gas mains in and paid for. House will be open for Inspection Sundav from 2 to 8 P. M. $500 cash, balance easy payments. $2706 A beautiful Southern Portland home of six rooms, porcelain bath, patent toilet, lavatory, large porches, roses, fruit, lawn. 50x100 lot. Improved street, cement sidewalk, sewer and water mains In. range, shades. linoleum, stair carpets, etc. $400 cash, balance easy terms. This is right on carline. $2500 A fine 7-room modern home, with choice corner lot. ri.tht on carline. hearing fruit trees, apples, cherries, etc.. lawn and HO varieties of roses. West Side. No bridges to cross. $4O0 cash will handle. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder st. ssJUWJtoas 1 IN THE VERY HEART -OF IRVINGTON. Beautifully finished 6-room BUNG ALOW; exceptionally well built by owner, with day labor; nicely tinted, fine bath and toilet, extra lavatory, large sleeping porch, cement basement, stationary wash trays and fur nace Installled: everything complete and up to date: this is on a 60x100 lot, located close to both carllnes and In the best part of Irvington; price $5000. and 14 cash handles it. See this If vou want a cozy home. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 815-16-17 Abington Bldg. BUNGALOW. $3750 $750 cash, balance $25 per month. I must sell my new modern home; 5 large rooms down. 2 rooms and sleeping porch upstairs; fine reception hall, square col umns, fine fireplace with French plate mir ror, built-in window seats, heamed ceil ings and paneled Dutch kitchen: wood hoist, full cement basement, fine bath and toilet, cement walks, fine graded lawn: everything to mako a fine home: only H block from car in fine neighborhood; no agents seed apply. Phone C 25KS. AN 9t8. Oregonlan. SAY! Do you know a snap when you see it? IP you do. you will buv the 6-room house on full-size lot. with fiber plastered walls basement, part eoncerte. hot and cold water electrio lights and fixtures in. china closet clothes closets, porcelain hath, patent toilet etc.; natural wood finish and a fine home for only $20OO. end $6io cash will handle It. Balance very easy terms. Better see us about this at once. CHITTENDEN. OTTO & NBILT Both Phones. 31Q Oak St. FINE HOME. H-OxlOO corner on Hawthorne ave. 1-1-room house, rooms large, light and cheer ful. Rurid hot water heater, furnace, fire place, laundry room, fruit room, full ce ment basement. It's a beautiful home that you won't tire of. Price. Including all Im provements, $17,000. Good terms. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade bldg. GOING ABROAD For a number of years, will sell mv ele gant home and furniture new and "extra fine) 9 rooms and reception hall, two baths, hot water heat, corner lot In fine location. This will please the most fastidi ous, as everything Is of the best. Agents and curious will please not answer. AM 012. Oregonlan. $30O Nn$W Bungalow. ESast Salmon, walk ing d.s!Bs"e; modern. Let us show you: hanrllvil terms. RAND?"RE-D & CO.. 316 Board of Trade. TWO $600 SNAPS. 2 lots. 100x100. 29th and Clinton, $250 cash. New 4-room house and lot, Tremont, Mt. Scott line. $r.0 cash. $15 monthly. FRED W. GENNAU. 209 Commercial block. Main 9404. Call 10 A. M. to 12. BEAUTIFUL HOME On East Madison St.; 2-story. 10-room house, all first-class, modern improvements. OWNER MUST SELL. $10. 000 Part Cash. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 8i Fourth St,. Board of Trade Bldg. $2000 8-ROOM house, largo lot. Mistletoe Ad dition: terms. RAND. READ & CO.. 316 Board of Trade. MODERN 7-room house, hest part of Wasco St.. Holladav Park Lot 50x100. $6500; or with 100x100, $S500. Will sell on easy terms. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Abington Bldg. $30oo 34th AND East Main, large lot. 5-room house; $no down, easy terms on balance RAND, READ & CO.. 316 Board of Trade. MUST SELL, A SNAP. New 7-room house, modern, lot 40xlro. cash $1700. time $18no, 14 cash, balance $15 a month: take Mt. Scott car, get off at Tremont Station; 3 blocks south; for sale by owner. Frank Bockus. BY OWN-BR only by reduced price. 6-room modem cottage in Sunnyslde. 1 block from car. 12 minutes to Third and Morrison nice yard: $5000, balance on time. 1033 East Morrison st. Key next door. B 215 MODERN 5-room house, partly furnished, and lot 50x111, Anabel station. Mt. Scott car. $9O0 cash, balance $15 per month. 6 per cent interest. Price $2400. C 915. Oregonlan. A SPLENDID BUY. Two houses with lot 100x100, Garfield, near Shaver: price 5600; easv terms. 117) GODDARD WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. 100x1 00 WITH 6-ROOM COTTAGE. Corner 45th and E. Stark. $35O0, $500 cash, balance $' per month. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade bldg. $15 MONTH. $200 cash, price $1550; buvs nice 5-room cottage, lti blocks to Haw thorne and Mount Scott carline; lot a.rAiii. iuii particulars Jll 4th St. COTTAGE, bungalow style, new, 6 rooms, fine comer lot 50x100. faces south and east, few blocks from Woodlawn school; price .711..-.. ... i-i.ns i Aomgton Ding. $3000 WILL buy modern 6-room house on Siskiyou, near Union; lot 60x125. (126) GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. WE have several houses close to Union ave. See us. GODDARD WIEDRICK," 243 Stark Street. BARGAIN 5-room cottage, 60x100. corner, electric lights. Bull Run water. $120O; -same with 100x100. $1600. Call 715 Linn ave.. Sellwood. Owner. 8-ROOM cottage, lot 50x102 In -Rlverdale. See owner. G. W. Howie. Oswego, R. F. D 1. $3600 FOR sale, modem 6-room cottage. East, Davis St., 2Sth. Phone B. I5i.