THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRTL 24, 1910. 4L . i , i in.""1 ? .Why not visit the property today? It's worth your while. Take the Sellwood car and get off at Tolman avenue. ? Columbia Trust Company Board of Trade Building. A FOR New motlei'n 11-room house, in Irvington; lot 100x100; bard-sur-facerl streets. Also vacant lots and other houses for sale by R. B. and F. T. Rice. Phone K. Co8, iu office at 16th and Brazee streets. Residence phone East 2432. FOR SALE OR rw 5 f-JS " A.... ..W, Yi - 1(ntrf y 1.1,1.11111, ,VW... -v. ; 'lhis fine 4u-ft. gasoline (-abm-lciuni li, wiui 1-rooi. lemJ'-r aiul launch nouse. jatin. decks and interior are of sona manogany. leciric-liglit-ed cabin, lavatory and berths; completely fitted for cruising1. Built In 1909. Could not "be duplicated for less than $6000. Will sell cheap or trade for Portland real estate or acreagre close In. ROSS KNOUSH INVESTMENT COMPANY. 328 Mohawk Bldgr. FOREIGN RULE FEAR Political Leader Says Spain Is Controlled by Powers. QUEEN-MOTHER IS BLAMED Senor Ivor rout Also Believes That Conservative Victory In Great Britain Might Lead to -War Involving All Europe. MADRID. April 23. (Special.) Senor Lerroux, the Republican leader, made . a powerful speech at a banquet In Barcelona In which he threatened the existence of the , monarchy itself. Re ferring to the political struggle in Great Britain, he spoke of England as the axle of the world. A Conservative victory mlgrht, he said, lead to a Euro pean war, into which even Spain might be dragged. Turning to Spanish politics, he de clared that the axle on which every thing turned was in Rome. The re cent fall of the government of Senor Jloret was due to Papal influence exer cised through the medium of the Nun cio in Madrid. It had been proved that Spain was not governed by a Span ish government, but by foreign powers who had their headquarters in Rome. This state of things, he said, would continue there would sbe no freedom 1n politics, no peace in the spirit of the people, of tranquillity In the home, until some one had the courage to con duct the Queen-Mother, with all due respect, to the frontier. Benor Lerroux thought Senor" Maura was still a powerful factor in politics, end had lately prevented the consoli dation of the Liberal forces while he rw&s preparing the way for the ascent to power 'of General Weyler, thinking that that commander would place his sword at the service of the Jesuits. At the end of his speech, Senor Lerroux eaid that the presence of women at the banquet proved that the opinions of the party were becoming a part of their social life, and he trusted that, if tomorrow they were obliged, as In July last, to fight in the streets, they might be able to count on the co-operation f women. Lerroux first became conspicuous In 1900. when he was summoned to Bar celona to organize the general strik provoked by the prolonged persecution of the anarchists. In 1901 he was elected to the Cortes for Barcelona as a Republican. In the Cortes he was a popular speaker, but his chief activ ity was outside and In the press. His style of controversy is violent and per sonal, full of appeals to envy and class SALE EXCHANGE S-w- MEETING NOTICES. THE M EMBERS OP COLUMBIA "RE BEKAH LODGE. NO. 8. I. O. O. F-, are requested at Oddfellows' Hall, cor. First and Alder streets, this (Sunday) evening at 7 P. M. to attend the 89th anniversary services at Taylor-Street M. E. Church. Vernetta Cox, N. G. ; Ella P. Suavely, Sec. HASSALO LODGE, No. 16. I. O. O. F. Members are requested to meet in our hall at 7 o'clock this evening to accompany Can ton Portland to Taylor-street M. H. church, to hear the anniversary sermon. F. COZENS, Sec. W. O. "W.. Mt Hood Circle No. 151. will give a military whlat Tuesday, April 26, in the East Side Woodmen's Hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. Prizes and re freshments; canvas removed for dancing. Admission 16c COMMITTEE. SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday. April 26. at 2:30 P. M-. at the Commons Hall. 22 Front street North. Subject. "Prison. Rescue .and Reform work. All women Interested are urged to be present. ORDER OF OWLS. ATTENTION. Social session Sunday evening. April 24 at 7:30 P. M. sharp In the Marquam Theater bldg. A. 3. WEYANT. Sec REGIMENTAL DANCE given under the auspices of Webfoot Company. No. 65, W. O. W.. Friday evening, April 29. in W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th. Lucas' orchestra. CENTENNIAL COUNCIL K & L OF 8 invites you to a social eventng. Whist and ice-cream. Wednesday evening. .April 27. at new hall over Laue-Davis drug store. Sd and Yamhill. Adm.. 15c. FRATERNAL. UNION OF AMERICA Rose City and Equity lodges will give a whist and dance Friday, April 29, Forasters' Hall. Marquam bldg. Frizes. Admission 15 cents NEW HALL A 2002. -For rant, 10 Second St. Phone BORN. NIXON At The Dalles Hospital, April 20. to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nixon, of Twin Falle, Idaho, a son. Mrs. Nixon was formerly Miss Rose Michel, of The Dal lea. FUNERAL NOTICES. DUCKETT In this city. April 23, at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Mary E. Durazo, 1060 Macadam St.. Mrs. Helen Duckett, aged 75 years. Funeral from the above residence at 8:30 A. M. tomorrow (Monday), April 25. thence to St. Michael's Church. 4th and Mill sts. Service at A. M. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery- OLSEN At the home of her parents. -755 East Burnside St.. April 22, Helen Olsen. aged 1-4 years 9 months. Funeral serv ices will be held today (Sunday!, at 2 P. M., at Ericson & Co.'s chapel, 40a Alder St. Friends respectfully invited. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. KING In this city. April 22, Susan King. late of Chenowith. Wash., aged 3t years. The funeral services will be held at Fin ley's chapel at 2 P. M. today (Sunday). Friends invited. Interment private. RODNEY The funeral of Miss Lydia Rod ney will take place from St. Mark's Church. 21st and Marshall, on Monday at 1 :.!0 P. M. Friends Invited. lunnlng A McKniee, funeral Director. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Laa m si utant. Office of County Ccroner. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Faneral Directors, 694 Williams ave.; both phones; lady attend snt; most modern establishment in the city. KllWARD UOLMAN CO.. Faneral Illrocl on, tiO 3d t. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. J. P. FIN LEY A SON. Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phono Main 9. A 1699. EAST SlOE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Punning, inc. E. 62. B 2525. EKIC'SON CO. Undertakers; lady assist ant. 4U9 Aider. M. 813. A 22SS. LERCH, undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. phones 781. B 1888. Ludy assistant. " TONSETH FLORAL CO.. MARQUAM BLDG. FLORAL DEslUNS. trboaeat jtlaUn, 6102. A ,1102. A DIED. WALDECKER At her late residence. 664 E. Alder -St., Mrs. Eliza A. Waldecker, aged 66 years ' 10 months and 20 days. Announcement of funeral later. RODNEY In this city, on Saturday. April 23. Lydia Rodney, daughter of the late Henry Fisher and Mary Burton Rodney, of Lewes, Dela.. aged 73 years. CALLAHAN April 23, J. J. Callahan, aged 78 years. Remains at Dunning A McEntee parlors. Funeral notice later. STARR In this city, April 23. Mrs. Poca hontas Starr, aged 6o years. Announce ment of funeral later. CLASSIFIED ADVE .TISING EAXE Dally or &uidv. Per Una. One time ! Same al two consecutive times. .,... .tm bimo ad three consecutive times ...S4l bame ad nix or seven consecutive times. . 6o six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, tutd no ad counted lor less than two lines. VVben an advertisement is not run consec utive times the one-time rate applies. On coarfe or boo .Advertisements the charge will be based on the sctuui number of lines appearing- In tbe paper, regardless of the number of wrds in eucb line. In New Xoday ail advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to the Inch. 'loe nbove rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other daesifion tions excepting the following (Situations Wanted, Male. . situations Wanted, lemale. lor Kent, Rooms, private families. Rooms and Hoard, private families. Housekeeping Kooms, Private k a mi lie. X he rate of the above class If lea t ion Is 9 .tents a line each insertion. XO Ol'T-Of-IOWJi PATRONS The Ore fronian will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for a def iulte number of Issues Is sent. Acknowledgment of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. iu case box office address Is required, nee regular form given, and cunt this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self -addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. If you have either telephone In your ho as we will accept your ad over the phone and send you the bill the next day. Phon Want A1. Dept.. Main 7070 or A 6005. Sit uation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. Krrora are more easily made tn telephoning advertise ments, therefore The Oregon lan will not hold itself responsible for such errors. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main tit. SECRETARY, Mala 699. HUMANE OFFICER. East 477. NEW TODAY. -(k6.iBaVAra Cos ON TUESDAY NEXT At Our Salesroom. 152 Park St. We have the furniture, etc., of pri vate home on East Madison st. removed to Bakers' Auction House for conveni ence of auction sale, comprising grenu Ine leather couch and Turkish rockers, mil h ok ii ti y library and center tables, quartered oak rockers, davenport, bookcases, quartered oak bedroom fur niture, Iron beds, spring and best mat tresses, prlnceu and . other dressers, chiffoniers, commodes, quartered oak dininpr-room furniture, alabaster vase, axminster and velvet rugs, portieres, box couch, drop-head sewing machine, syntphonium with harp and drum at tachment, heaters, kitchen utensils and other effects. Sale on Tuesday next at lO o'clock. ON THURSDAY NEXT We have consigned to ua from storage company and others a clean, useful lot of household goods. Sale at 10 o'clock. BAKER & SOX. Auctioneers. Preliminary Announcements The Pareliun Furniture Manufacture Insr C'o., who are reti.iin; from tbe fur niture trade, have consigned their whole stock of high-grade, well-manufactured furniture to us. with instruc tions to dispose of the same at public auction at our salesrooms, 152 Park St. MONDAY, MAY 2 comprising: genuine massive mahnttanT and mission library tables, writing desks, magazine racks, comfort rock ers, arm rockers, armchairs, dininq chairs, sewing and bedroom rockers, hat racks, etc. The rockers and chairs have the best genuine leather seats, and the whole of the goods are of the best workmanship and solid quartered oak and real mahogany. Tbe finishes are grolden. fumed early EnsrllKh and weathered oak. First-class furniture dealers, - hotel proprietors and parties furnishing their homes are especially invited to attend this sale. Such an auction of high class n'W furniture has never before occurred in our city. Intending pur chasers can see samples of this stock at our salesrooms any time this week. Sale starts on Monday, May 2, at lO o'clock. 4 Terms cash.) Full particulars will be announced in next Sunday's papers of Grand Auc tion for the furniture, carpets, etc., from the fine residence of the late Hon. . If. William. . This sale will be held at our spacious salesrooms, 352 Park st. JAKER & SOX. Auctioneers. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill ' Resmlar Sales Days. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. We show tbe largest and most com plete line of s;ood second-hand furni ture, carpets, ransres, etc.. to be found In the city, Including pianos, organs, davenports, couches, rockers, library and parlor tables, bookcases, desks, sewing machines, sideboards, buffets, china closets, extension tables, dining chairs, dinnerware, etc.; iron beds, dressers, commodes, steel ranges, kitchen cabinets, gas ranges, gas ovens, refrigerators of all sizes: also roll and flat-top office desks, revolving chairs, office chairs, typewriters, filing cab inets, etc. We sell at private sale at all times groceries, clothing, shoes, granltware, etc., at cost in our store, 171 Second st., next to auction room. J. T. WILSOX, Auctioneer. Cash paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Call Main 1626, A AUCTIONSALES Ford Auction Co. 211 First Street TUESDAY AND THURSDAY At 10 A. M. Each Day We will not attempt to itemize the furniture we have for these sales, for it would only take up too much of your time to read over a great long list, as we have almost everything to fur nish the home complete from cellar to garret and then some: We are crowded to the door and must sell at any price, as we still have more coming in all the time. so. If you are contemplating buying furniture of any kind, don't fail to see us before buying. If you cannot find it convenient to attend our sales, call at any time and our salesman will give you prices so low it will surprise you. FORD ArCTIOS CO. Phones Main 8951. A 2445. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer Office and salesrooms. No. 126 Sec ond street, between Washington and Aides. Sales days, Tuesday and Fri day. Attractive sale of household fur niture Tuesday at 126 Second street. Furniture at private sale all this week account of administrator. Cash for household effects. Main 2473. S. L. N. Ciilman, Auctioneer. SJ.-rtm. S4500. .".0O0. tio.oon. or to suit, to lend on improved property. K 020, Ore irnninn. $100. NKAR Patton ave.. ."OxlOO. $(isO, terms: cement walks down. paid. Zella Oossett, 7 West Killlngsworth. - FOR SALE Piano check for $L reasonable. d isu. iTrfta-n-n-" fkuttioiiSaleft NEW TODAY. N. B. N. B. Income Investments TO CONSIDERATE, CONSERVATIVE AND CAUTIOUS INVESTORS. WEST SIDE PROPERTY, US,0OO CASH, close in south of Morrison and west of Park, nets 10 per cent clear on money invested; leased to responsible partv for $250 per month! income can "be increased to 14 per cent on expiration of lease in 14 months. Price $30,000. cash $18,000, balance 2hb years, 6 per' cent, IX BEST SECTION OF PORTLAND. Will pay 9 per cent net on Invest ment of $15,000, $6000 cash, balance 6 per cent. ALSO AN IXVESTMEXT which will ?ay 8 per cent net on investment of 8750, cash $3750, balance 6 per cent. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. House was built by owner, who is a Scotchman who will only have the best. First floor lias a large beauti ful living-room, dinlrig-room, kitchen, lavatory and screened-ln porch. Second floor has 4 large, light, beau tiful bedrooms, sewing-room, chil dren's room, bath and toilet and sleeping porch; lots of large closets with windows that open, insuring perfect ventilation. View is perfecL Basement full concrete, has separate coal and wood bins, wood lift, stove with heater colls to heat water through Summer and doing away with use of furnace. Floor of base ment raised 4 inches above ground level, which insures perfect dryness. Lot 50x100. Price $8000, cash $3500, balance $50 per month. 6 per cent. NOB HILL HOME, SWEET HOME. Instead of a room in an apartment house, a lawn for the children to play on, 10 rooms, 5 bedrooms, toilets separate from bath, first and second floor lavatories; maid's quarters separate; inlaid tile fireplaces, in candescent lights, sidewall brackets. lights in parlor, dining-room and lavatories: large and numerous clos ets, three fireplaces in house; lower floor hardwood. If you want a place bunt dv qay laoor, ror a nome, wnicn you will find cheaper than the ex pense attached to building, come in and investigate this.- Lot 50x100. Price $14,600, cash $7500, balance 6 per cent, 4 years. . HARTMAN &TH0MPS0N Realty Dept., Chamber of Commerce Bldg:. Phone Private Ex. 20. N. B. N. B. AVENUi CORNER LOT TWO-STORY Brick $12,500 Handles. Dabney 8l Dabney 412 Commercial Block, Second and Washington. Turner Heights Portland Heights' newest subdivi sion, situated on carline and Ravens view Drive. To be placed on the mar ket Monday, April 25th. Prices $950 and up. Terms, 20 per cent down. Realty Syndicate 519 Henry Building. Southern Portland quarter blocks for only $1500. Royal view of Oaks, river and mountains. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. For Lease Two desirable close-in corners, on Taylor street; long term. An exceptional opportunity to get something possessing merit. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber Commerce. Street Corner, 100x100. Agents need not apply. Deal with the- owner direct. Address C940f Oregonian. GRAND I REALTY 1 I SYNDICATE f View Lo NEW IOBAT. a i $40,000 ; 100x100 on Park st.; a very choice hotel or ; I apartment site. J 1 $25,000 j ,50x100 on Washing- ; ton st. j j $22,500 100x100 on 12th and S Harrison. Z $20,000 i "Warehouse property Z -with 3-story brick with ; concrete foundation. A ; corner on 13th st., with I railway switch now in. I Z This cannot be dupli- ; cated either as a ware- Z house location or as a J Z speculative buy. Half Z I cash. J i $13,000 I : 40x110, with flats I Z bringing in $125 per J month, near 14th st. J : $8000 j Z 50x100 on Harrison. Z $5250 34x100 on 10th st. $5500 A business lot on Grand avenue near the bridge. This is below market. $4500 50x100 in Hill district. the Nob 425 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 8510 lUARTER APARTMENT SITE Close In. Nob Hill Price $17,500 Terms. Dabney & Dabney 412 Commercial Block, Second and Washington. IRVINGTON 75x100, East 20th near Tillamook, beautiful building site, only $3500 ; all improvements in. 304 McKay Bldg. 8 1-R ACRES, under cultivation, no better soil in Oregon, containing: set of buildings, 300 (variety) fruit trees bearing; on county road and efectric railway. In prosperous town; compelled to aell; $2100, terms. AE 618. Oregon lan. IN Ladd's Addition, near Hawthorne ave.. new 7 -room house; most modern, up-to-date home In city ; owner needs money ; must sell; $6500. some terms. CULVER. 623 Chamber Commerce. ALTERATION" hands on suits and coats and experienced salespeople for all depts. are wanted at the closing out sale of the Mc Allen & McDonnell store. 3d and Mor rison ; 3d street entrance. WANTED Two rooms and board In fam ily of adults by man and wife. No other boarders; must be first-class and in rood West Side location ; state terms. C 9rft. Oregonian. WANTED At once. 'janitor for night work; must furnish bonds; give reference, experi ence, age and your telephone number. F 020, Oregonian. PARTI desires a nice house in the Nob Hill district, not too expensive, but mod em; can pay MHH) cash down. C 993, Oregonian. WANT a business lot somewhere In the district between Stark and Taylor and not west of 20th ; part cash. C 991. Oregonian. WANT a nice little home, not much above grade, hnndy to car and modern, not to exceed $;i000; can pay $1000 cash. C 992. Oregonian. IN central residence district. East Portland, Mxo. $22A0: or .40x100. $2600; flat or bunirslow it- CULVEK. U3 Chamber Commerce. Archibald BLOCK NEW TODAY. Half block on East Yam hill, facing O. R. & N. track. This is $7500 less than any other half block in the East Side warehouse d i s t ri c t. Half cash. W. H. Grindstaff 510 Commercial Block. Phone Main 6009. 100X100 Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce HOMESTEAD We have the relinquishment of a choice homestead of 160 acres, located In the Klickitat fruit district In wasnington; bo or 70 acres of fine land ready to cultivate; plenty of water and on a railroad, close to the Columbia River. This land will raise apples as cnoice as inose at. HOOD RIVER, and will be worth big- money to the buyer. Price only $200. Remember, tnese opportunities ao not come often so gret busy. Wallace Investment Co. E17-K3 8 Oregonian Bldg. A IRVINGTOTT, one block from carline, double house. 9 rooma one side. 8 rooms on the other: all modern conveniences; cement walks and basements; hard surface pavements. All Included, $6000, terms. B) 160 ACRES fine land, rolling, with 5,000.000 standing timber, 28 miles from Portland, two miles from railroad and Columbia River; $40 per acre; terms. C) 10 ACRES, in tracts one to five acres, Milwaukie, $750 per acre; half cash. See OWNER, 405 Wells-Fargo Bldg. Look Portland Over From the swellest apartment site in Portland. 100x100. 1 .block from car and within 15 minutes' walk of Postoffice. This property Is on Wheeler street, between Clackamas and Halsey streets. WM. ADAMS. WM. A. APPERSOX, 251 Washington St. STOP PAYING RENT Own your own home, $2fl" cash, bal ance 925 a month, price $-HT0, for a modern new bungalow, five rooms and attic, fall basement, modern plunibins; beam eeillnyr. woodllft and nil other modern conveniences, altuated 1 block from Union avenue cars and school. Full p&rtlcnlaxs. see F. W. TORGLER I0 SHERLOCK BLDG. $15 Per Acre 840 acres, 75 acres cleared, large barn, 2 small houses, living water piped to buildings, some good timber, best of fruit land: county road through It; 3 miles to R. R. town in Washington DUBOIS S CROCKETT -Washington Bldg.. Room 3. INVESTMENT $102 per month rental Income, first class proposition, store buildlnjg and flats, close In on East Side. For prices and terms nee . F. W. TORGLER 108 SHERLOCK BLDG. IRVINGTON We have a few of the $1500 lots left, between Thompson and Brazee streets, all Improvements In and paid. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. Cor. 22d and Brazee Sts. Phone E. 935. FOR OREGON INVESTMENTS SEE HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE Piano check for 125. reaa . onabl. C 99s, Oregonian. Morrison St. NEW TODAY. Goldschmidfs Agency 253 V2 Washington, Cor. 3d THIRD STREET Full lot. brick build ing, guaranteed income 7 per cent net S50.000 FOURTEENTH STREET Four - storv apartments, 11 per cent net on S36.000 YAMHILL STREET Apartment-house, including furniture S17.00U SALMON STREET Apartment-house. Including furniture. 10 per cent net $ 11,000 THIRTEENTH STREET Splendid flat?, close in, 8 per cent net. . .816,000 S1S.OOO Property three blocks from Washington paying over 10 percent net on leawe. Positively the best apartment or hotel sites from $22.00(1 to $27,000. and situated close to Washington and Morrison respectively. NOB HILL Fine lot west of Twenty third, only S5000 Fractional lot for flats $ 1250 THIRD ST. Corner near Grant S5000 7th and Streets NORTHEAST CORNER TVe have a responsible ten ant who desires to lease a building on this prooerty for a term of years. Building to cost about $60,000. We can delive. this prop erty at a priee that will en able it to earn 7 per cent net on the price of J. ; land anil building, after establishing a v"reei- ion f. . Easy terms. ; i-! ; ; D. Parker Bryon & Co. 201-2-3-4 Commercial Club Building. Main 5008, A 2107. LOOK THIS UP 50x100 feet, ideal residence lot in IRVINGTON On Ninth, near Broadway, to be sacrificed at $1750 Choice residence district, and this is by far the cheapest lot and best investment in the neighbor hood. Owner left city and wants io sell quickly. THOMSON. MACLEOD & KEILL 429 Henry Bldg. Platting Proposition Corporation now forming to take over the finest platting proposition in Oregon. Large profits will be made on this. Money nearly all subscribed, but will take in one or two parties with from $1000 to $5000. This will bear the clos- est investigation. For full in formation address AH 019, Oregonian. STORES FOR RENT Choice new bricks on Wash ington, near 17th street. Will igive good lease. Tenth, near Washington; fine store; rent reasonable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Modern Bungalow NEW. 5 ROOMS and at,ttc, concrete basement, bath, stationary wash basin, gas and electricity and sun porch: price $2500: easy terms. 1193 Ivon street, Waverly and Richmond car. Open today. T.J. HAMMER 232 Vi Washington St. IRVINGTON We have completed and ready for sale three modern houses in this de sirable location. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. Cor. 22d and Brazee Sts. Phone E. 935. Bargain For Quick Sale Or trade for small improved farm. East Yamhill and 40th streets, large house. 9 rooms, full basement, largo attic, fireplace, gas, bath: grounds 100 feet square; fine- lawn, fruit and shrubbery; $5200. or house and one lot $4000. See OWNER, 1210 E. Yamhill, phone B 1582, Oak food Kiver