TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. TORTLAND. APRIL 24, 1910. CHANGING STREET NAMES WORRIES KES A REAL Join the Excursion YE PEMEBJ TO THE Much Comment, Pro and Con. Heard Relative to Pro posed New System. rlylaods of Yamhill. A straight-from-the-shoulder statement regarding the value of piano con test checks and the reason for the vicious and antagonistic attitude of a certain branch concern. In a certain window the following card has been appearing: We will sell you ten acres of the best fruit land in Yamhill County, lying five miles north of Sheridan. Our offer. CITY COUNCIL IS IN FAVOR HE Ol lint Major Is Still Opposed to Plan 8 AVcll as Postorriee Officials, Opinion as to Merits and Demerits Being Divided. Prospective "wholesale change in the names of Portland's streets is causing much comment throughout the city. As proposed by City Engineer Morris anil recommended unanimously uy the street committee of the Council, every thoroughfare running east and west, many of which bear historic names and names of pioneers, will be num bered and known as avenues. As example of the change proposed, , taking Burnside street as the dividing line for north and south and East Wa ter street as the dividing line east and west, the district south of Burn side and west of East "Water will be "Southwest." Running south of Burnside, which will be known as "Central avenue," the streets will be changed to avenue, "southwest," in the district west of East Water street. Coming south, therefore, Ankeny will become "First avenue, southwest," and thus renam ing (or numbering) all existing thor oughfares. Washington street would become "Sixth avenue. Southwest," un der this plan. City Cut Into Quarters. East of East Water street and south of Burnside, Washington stceet- would he "Sixth avenue, southeast," ' with East Water as the dividing line, the city being cut into quarters. Streets running north and south would not be changed,; they would bear their present numbers, but would be subject to the designation of "southwest" or "southeast," as the case might be. A person living at "320 East Twelfth street" now, would be addressed at "320 Twelfth street, southeast," or "320 Twelfth street, northeast." If living at the same num ber on the west side of East Water, the reverse would apply, the designa tions then being "northwest or south west." There will be wholesale changing of street names for numbered avenues, running east and west, if the plan is adopted. Ankeny, Ash, Pine, Oak, Stark, Washington, Alder, Morrison. Vammll, Taylor and on out south will be. changed to First, 'Second, Third, fourth. Fifth. Sixth, Seventh, Eighth. Ninth and Tenth avenues respectively. The same would apply north of Bum side (Central avenue). North of Burnside, Couch, Davis, Everett, Flanders, Glisan, Hoyt, Irv ing would become First, Second. Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh avenues. Kast "Water to lie "Division" Street. East Water street would become "Division street," where the dividing Itne would be for the designations as to districts. Some very short streets along the riverfront, where there are curves in the stream, would necessarily have to be left under their present names. There are other similar places. The only change in names on the East Side would be Union and Grand avenues, which would become "Fourth and Fifth streets." The ordinance will go to the City Council Wednesday morning, and' may be passed. It is recommended favor ably by the street committee. Mayor Simon is opposed to the plan. The local postoffice officials are against the plan, also. As a matter of fact, it has a good many opponents and likewise a good many supporters, opin ion being divided as to its merits or demerits. Portland High School Notes Jefferson. MID-TERM examinations over, the students have again settled them selves down to routine work. Regular classes are now held, and the various t lubs are again busy at their work. The school building itself has had its share of attention. The library is ready, and will be opened as soon as enough books are installed. I. N. Fleischner, chair man of the Board of Education, pre sented the school with several beau tiful pictures, with which the teachers and students were very much pleased, and which will greatly add to the at tractiveness of the rooms. The South ern Pacific Company also donated Kume pretty views. Dr. Briggs' classes in botany and zoology went out on an excursion on Thursday for the purpose of finding any kind of wild flowers. Insects or other subjects used in their study. They were very successful, for many interestsing plants were fpund and added to their already large collec tion. The fourth term classes are iden tifying plants and flowers, and the third term classes are studying leaves. Salamanders have been the principal objects of interest and study to the zoology students. The physiology classes have devoted the entire week to a thorough study of ttie senses. The students have found the subject more than interesting. Various rocks and minerals have been thoroughly examined by the first term physical geography classes. Each stu dent Is provided with a drawer in which to keep his rocks. These are about 40 in number. After thoroughly Rtudying the specimens they have, they must be able to recognize any ordinary rock. An anemometer to register the velocity of the wind has been Installed. This Instrument is used by the advanced class, which is also making weather maps. Locks and keys for each indi vidual desk have been made. The la boratory is now entirely complete. The sewUig classes are making rapid progress. The first term girls are de signing, cutting and making dainty aprons, trimmed with Insertion and lace. The advanced classes are making prin cess slips, petticoats and nightgowns. As many of the girls devote two pe riods to sewing, while others only one, some finish their garments more rap idly than others. Some are already planning the dresses which they are to make. A large three-piece mirror has been Installed in the fitting-room. This is a great help to the students, as they can now see for themselves whether their clothes fit properly or not. The drawing classes have been sketching insects and flowers, and from this they plan and make designs. They bave also been making landscape 10 AC $750 $10 CASH AND $10 PER MONTH Did you ever have such an offer t Excursion leaves Fourth and Yamhill April 30 at 7 A. M. Call early in the week and make reservations. Chapill & Herlo W 332 Chamber of Commerce sketches. The students, too, have gone to the auditorium for the purpose or drawing windows, stage, chairs and other objects. Pen and ink drawings have been the main feature of study of the advanced classes. The English classes are industriously and excitedly at work on novels. Each student is to write a story seven chap ters long, one chapter a week, and is to read it. in class. Naturally, . each stu dent is trying to write the best novel, and the work does not require much urging. , The regular meeting of the Ger mania Club was held Tuesday, April 19. After the roll call a very interest ing programme was given, which in cluded a good story by Zelma Palmer, a song by Lillian Etchells, Clara Giule and Marian Neil. After these a piano solo was given by Beatrice Luzer. At the close of the programme, old Ger man songs were practiced and games played. A new game, "Taler, Taler, der Wandernde Taler," proved very amusing. As the first president has resigned, a new one will be elected at the next meeting. The Girls' Bible Club met Thursday, April 21. Rev. Mr. Pratt addressed the girls, and first discussed the interest, use, authorship, history and Influence of all books in general, andithen of the New Testament. Concerning the latter, he spoke of the authors, their reasons for writing It, and then made a general sketch of the whole book. The meet ing adjourned at 3:30 o'clock, having decided to meet again In three weeks with the intention of studying the book of Matthew. On account of Rev. Mr. Pratt's absence from the city, there will be no meeting for the next two Thursdays except for business pur poses. The regular meeting of the Aora Club was held Thursday, April 21. Mr. Clar ence Sprague gave ' a short talk on the lesson, which was followed by a busi ness meeting. At this the boys decided to postpone their next meeting until Friday. May 13, as so many of the boys are either on the track or baseball teams, which prevents their attending meetings for the next few weeks. On the evening of May 13 the Federated Bible Association will meet and go for a boatrlde up the river. A good time is assured, and the boys are looking forward to this. The Camera Club has been hard at work, and turned out excellent exanir pies of its accomplishments. The club has so often planned excursions, and the weather has prevented them, but all enjoyed a picnic Wednesday. Miss Holman chaperoned the photographers. Monday Professor Jenkins called an assembly of all the students, and spoke to them upon school spirit and the In terest all should take in athletics. The students were much aroused and ex cited, and many enthusiastic boys and girls attended the baseball game Fri day afternoon between Jefferson High School and Portland Academy. At this game Jefferson High made her debut in athletics. Although the team is young and lacks the experience of the older schools, the boys could not have played better. The game ended favor ably for Jefferson, with a score of 7 to 2. Washington. In athletics, Washington Is right in line. It has made a good beginning for its baseball career for the season and Its victory over' Lincoln will stim ulate it to win other laurels. The next game for Washington is next Friday with Columbia and every one knows that when two such strong teams come together there is bound to be a close contest. There is a plan, oa foot for holding a track meet between two parts of the school which will serve as a tryout for the interscholastlc meet. The pre liminary meet will probably take place in two weeks. In the botany laboratory the sec ond term girls are studying ferns and "horsetails." and have just completed one experiment on ferns. The sub jects are proving very interesting. The first-term students are studying stems. The Initlum Society is progressing SALESMEN WANTED We want several high-class real estate salesmen live, energetic, red-blooded men, who believe the world is good and that there are good things in it. Dis couraged men and "down and outs" need not appl For the right kind of a man a man who can sell we have an Al proposi tion in suburban property. We are not the biggest firm on earth . not yet but we carry gilt-edge goods in the realty line, and that is what you want. -i This may be the chance you are looking for. Better see us Monday. . . Carter-Dugan Company 820 Chamber of Commerce. with remarkable rapidity. Prepara tions are now under way for a very interesting as well as amusing play which will be given in the near fu ture. Many of the club members have parts and much interest- has been aroused. The club has decided upon a light play, accompanied by a musical and literary programme rather than a long, deep play which- would be be-, yond their power to produce properly. The club gave a very enjoyable picnic at City Park last Friday week. Nloe lunch was served and games were played -ty some, while others roamed over the hills. Mrs. Kiggins and Miss Lucky are continuing their work with the club. In. the manual training department a great many valuable things have been accomplished. .The first-term students are through making joints and are now at work on a small cabi net, which embraces the joint con struction they have previously learned. The second-term students have made many useful articles, such as desks, tables, a piano bench and a music cabinet, all out of soft wood, such as fir, cedar and spruce. The third-term is engaged in wood turning, and the members are far enough advanced to take up face plate work. The fourth-term students are taking cabinet work. They prefer to work in hard wood, such as oak and ma hogany, and are using the skill they acquired in the first three terms in making such articles as settees, musio cabinets, writing desks, electric lamp stands, china closets and wall cabinets of hard wood. The fifth-term students are taking instruction in pattern work and are showing great interest in it. They have made many simple patterns and are getting a knowledge of how they are molded. Added Interest was given the Phre nodlken programme Friday by the presence of two old members of the society who have attended college and who gave entertaining talks. Many others were also present. The exer cises were opened by two recitations. "The New Feller" anii "In the Usual Way," by Norma Dobia. They were CITY ENGINEER MORRIS' PLAN OF RENUMBERING AND RENAMING STREETS OF PORTLAND U U'UiUlJ'LJ'LJ a n : LL J I " T I I r I I X Z r OZ la" t I rWOMPr $ r MM-. UW ' i 1 1 j ooooq QlEMHOD oaaj .aHA'Sft CfrAi. AV I nnnn .fTTVA- S J r Iff OT. I EDO DO Am s-. I IDDDPOO UUMMO 1 r- DIAGRAM SHOWS HOW THOROI OHFARKS WII.I. BR DIVIDED, EAST AM) WEST A.D NORTH AND SOUTH, INTO AVE.MES A'D STRKKTS. WHICH IS THE RIGHT WAY? The Other Way. $350 value (marked).. .$600 Prize - contest credit check. .r.,.r.T. 175 Net . . . j. Real value . $425 350 Overcharge -.-. ..$ 75 You cannot beat a man at his own game. Sherman Clay's Way. One Price Policy Full Value $350 Pianos for $350 Dollar for Dollar While tliey mention no names, it is obvious that their insinuating references are aimed at our great publicity contest now being conducted at 111 Fourth street. Scarcely a day passes that numbers of persons do not call our attention to the slanderous attacks made upon our methods of these jealous people, who so far forget themselves in their endeavor to make big profits as to call a fair and square compaign for business "a fake," "a fraud," etc., etc. There are always two sides to every question; there are likewise several ways of conduct ing a business. A firm having a reputation at stake cannot afford to engage in questionable undertakings. Graves Music Company has been identified with the musical life and the business life of the community too long to be found engaged in any enterprise that is not thoroughly honorable and fair. We believe in giving the most for the money, and if another house is com pelled to adopt a policy meaning few sales but large profits on each sale, consequently higher price to the buyer, and if by reason of this situation it finds it difficult to compete with us that's no reason why the malicious calling of names should be indulged in. , WHAT OUR CONTEST IS FOR. -:-rrTlnrrTiT,r The real object of our piano contest is publicity. We want people to know that we nave good pianos, as good as anybody's and that we sell them at right prices. Now, if we see fit to donate to thevbuyer of one of our pianos $50 or $100 or $150 or any amount to help, pay for the instrument, that is our business and it is unwarranted for any "Holier than thou" branch establishment to decry and belittle our efforts and say that our prices are raised so that the amount of the manufacturer's check, when deducted from our price does not mean a saving to the buyer. LOOK AT THESE FIGURES. To demonstrate the real value of these credit cheeks, and to also show the motive for the attacks upon us by this concern, we offer next Wednesday morning four of the latest styles of the best pianos that this concern handles. The Steinway so-called verti-grand upright, in mahogany case, Is priced $625.00 by them. A few years ago this verti-grand was $500.00. A lady told us the other day that a salesman had offered her a new Steinway upright, on which some other party had made a substantial pay ment, for $100.00 less, r $525.00.; We don't believe that a Steinway Style K mahogany verti grand can be bought for much less than $525.00 from this concern. Our price Wednesday morning for tile same thing will be $485.00. It is all the same to us whether you pay cash or buy on'time, and if you have a manufacturer's check we accept it at its face value toward payment of this Steinway at $485.00. We shall have another verti-grand so-called ebony case. It is not an ebony case, but the woodwork is painted black and then varnisned. This piano will be sold for $445.00 by us. Else where they ask $575.00 for it J ' The Style N Mahogany is priced by this San Francisco branch house at $700.00 We offer a Style N Monday, latest catalogue style, for $535.00. Bring a cash certificate, pay 'the balance at $10.00 or $15.00 a month, if you like. , The biggest saving in price we can offer is in a Steinway grand piano. It is not what is called the little Miniature grand, but a regulation grand. You are asked $1000.00 for this grand by them, less a little discount on the sly of maybe $100.00 or $150.00, but here Wednesday morning ' this identical grand is for sale at $785.00. Cash or payments, and, as stated above, we take manufacurer's credit check toward its payment for any amount it may call for. Bear in mind that these are not second-hand Steinways if a second-hand Steinway piano is wanted, we will supply an upright in good condition for $265.00. We have also a very nice looking used Knabe upright for $290.00. This is the music store of the people. We don't believe in exorbitant prices. We stand for a fair profit, and the greatest value for the money to the buyer . We are an Oregon concern, have no profits to divide up with San Francisco houses, and don't have to pay. any middleman's or jobber's commissions. Of course, we can sell for a great deal less money than San Francisco and other branch houses that are thus handicapped. We do not pass our piano contracts out of our hands. We believe in carrying out every promise that we make. In dealing here you can deal with the head of the house, and not with an instructed branch manager or clerk, who of necessity has no further interest in the satisfaction received by a customer other than enough to draw his salary. We want every one of our customers a satisfied customer and we want to say again, most emphatically, that every check, little or big, issued by the manufacturers to Graves Music Company, represents an actual cash saving to the fortunate possessor of exactly the amount it calls for. All we ask is careful comparison of our makes of pianos and our prices with what is offered by San Francisco and other branch houses and the 6aving that we can offer will be plainly ap parent to ny careful investigator. , Graves Music Co 111 FOURTH STREET Oregon's only complete wholesale and retail music establishment. excellently given. A well written paper on conservation was read by Ruth Young:. The question for debate was. Resolved. That the United States should reclaim the vast lands within lt territory." The arguments by both sides were to. the point and forcible. The affirma tive was upheld by Nina Herman and May Rogers and won over Grace Grls- wold and Grace Goodal of the negative. Lincoln. THE continued fair weather has en abled Coaches Nevlson and Druhot to accomplish much with the ath letes. At the Columbia meet Saturday the Lincoln men made the highest num ber of points in the academic events. Baker got first in the 60-yard dash; Crlckmore, first and Baker second in the 220. CHWng to their unfavorable posi tion the relay team did not make the showing that it probably will make in the tryouts, soon to be held by the In terscholastlc League, for the purpose of choosing a team to enter in the Wash ington state meet to be held at Seattle, May 21. , The track and field, men are working steadily. Crickmore and Baker in the sprints; McKay, McCabe, Beach, Nash In the distance events; Caufield and Cochran in the weights and Minslnger In the hurdles will make a good team. Coach Drubot has succeeded In work ing his recruits Into pretty good shape, even though they did lose the opening game of the series Wednesday by a score of 3 to 6 in favor of the Washing ton team. The game was close and clean. Voss, Vosper, Patterson, Per ham and Keep did good work. Thomp son did some pretty work in fanning bat ters with men on third base. - A feature of the game was the band which is composed of Washington and Lincoln students. They paraded the streets before the game. The band is composed of 20 pieces. It meets weekly for practice. A. Lowny is leader and George Olsen, drummajor. The cornets are A. and G. Lowny, Pardue. Kautz, Hyde and Robin; clarionets, Ashwerth. Harkson, Street and Graham: trombone, Nesbit, S. Harkson, Girard, Olcott; altos, Helgesson and Rassmussen; baritone. Day; basses, Abbott and Anderson; snared rum, Townsend; bassdrum. Dickey. Earl Latourette. the snappy quarter back, followed with, a speech on ath letics at Oregon. Miss Dobie. In a well pointed speech, showed why the Oregon's spirit wins. Jenny Lilly, from the view point of a senior gave an insight Into student life at the university. The at tendance of a large number of other U. of O. students helped to make the oc casion one that may well be repeated with the passing years. The Tologeions held their quarterly election of officers Thursday afternoon. The choice for president fell upon Don Rice. Gaylord Godfrey was elected vice president; Victor Earl, secretary; Vernon Smith, assistant secretary; Albert Gent, ner. treasurer; Wtllard Houston, ser-geant-at-arms; Ernest Attix, editor. The tryout for the intersociety debate will be held next Thursday. MP A new city in the heart of a rich, prosperous country. A division point of a great Railway System. Roundhouses and machine shops already established: trains running on schedule time. No guesswork about this. JUST TEAK OUT AXD MAIL THIS COUPON. NOW. Othello Improvement Co. 319-220 COM. CU B DLDG, Portland. Or. Please mall me your five-color lllus- Name ......... ...... Address