The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 17, 1910, SECTION FIVE, Page 5, Image 65

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Obadiali Oldway's Joyful
Outing at Salem Horse Show
With Sundry Comments on Prize Animals Exhibited There and Elsewhere ;
Alscr Social, Gustatorial and Religious Events in Connection.
HOAXV1LLE. Or., April 13. Mr. Edi
tor: Shakespeare say?, "Every dog
lias Ills day." The horse had his'n
down to Salem last week.
llanner got on one of her contrary
spell when I mentioned goln" to the
Horso'Show, and -wouldn't hear to It.
She said it wasn't the place for women
anyhow, and like as not it would rain
and spoil all the hats there. She 'lowed
there was plenty to do to home a-takln"
care of our own stock, without golii"
down to Salem to see what other folks
has been doin' with theirn. I knew
right off that she had somethin' else
in her mind and that there was no
use- tryin' to get her to go. She's ter
ribly sot in her way, llanner is. So I
gor!i over to Elder Jones' and, after
talkin' awhile, we got around . to the
subject of the Horse Show.
The Elder, he's a clever man. He's
a-writin' a book called "The Evils of
Modern Tendencies." When I spoke of
goin' to Salem, he up and says, says
he: "Brother Oldway, I'd like to go
down there. I'm sure I could find some
new thoughts for my book."
"Well," says I, "come and go with
me. llanner won't go, so me'n you can
take old Selim and the top buggy and
drive down as slick as a whistle."
"I'll do it. Brother Oldway," says he.
"My brother Samuel lives some few
miles out of Salem, back off the main
road a piece. We can go there to stay
all night on the way goin' and comin
and it won't cost a cent."
And so it was agreed between me
and him. Hanner, she done considerable
kickin', but there was a undercurrent
in her manner that betokened rejoicin'
because of my lmpendin" absence. I had
a notion to give It up and stay to
home, but bcin' as I didn't like to dis
appoint the Elder I went as we had
We started Thursday noon, and along
about supper time we turned in at Sam
uel Jones' for the night. .Well, say,
they was most tickled to death to see
us. There don't many people visit that
neighborhood on account of its out-of-thc-wayness.
We had a good supper
and then set by the fireplace and vis
ited with the family until nigh 11
o'clock. One of the neighbprs heard
we'd come, and happened to drop in,
ant! when he found that wc was comin"
back that way, nothin' would do but
the Elder must promise to preach at
their schoolhouse on Sunday mornin'.
Friday mornin' bright and early
found us on our ay, and we arrove
in town in time to see the shilly-shally
in' that is always the forerunner of a
horse race or a parade of any kind.
In the course of time, however, they
got a good start, and you'd ought to
a-seen "em. Horses and men and wom
en and children, all a-lookin so proud
and prancin', and the band a-playin'.
Men afoot and men ahorseback. Wom
en with hats like washtubs, adrivln"
their high steppers riht in the rain.
Children a settin" on top of little woolly
ponies and aholdin' their heads high
like they owned the earth. Oh, it was
great !
I ll bet my old hat that Roosevelt
in all his experiences in the dark con
tinents of Africa and' Europe never
seen nothtn grander than them stal
lions. Why, Mr. Editor, some of "em
must have weighed over a ton. Their
hair was as, shiny as a lookin'-glass,
and their manes was all decked out
with pretty strings and 'balls. They
snorted and sidestepped, and two
stepped and waltzed, and shook their
heads, and acted up generally just to
Show off.
Then there was a lot of smaller black
horses with bob tails. They looked
like they had been kept in a bandbox
and never let out only on special occa
sions. I didn't like that fashion of
bobbin' their tails, and I asked a by
stander the reason. He grinned and
said as how it was a queer coincidence
that when horses' tails were shorter
and more skimpy, the women seemed
to have about four times as much hair
as they used to. Not havin' paid much
attention to the women's heads except
for them derned hats, I didn't catch his
meanin' exactly.
There was a lot of slim legged trot
ting stock followin along in the pa
rade, and a good many ponies and rldln'
horses, but what took my eye was them
big teams that was apullin' heavy loads.
There was some sens? In that. They
showed, right there in public that the
world couldn't get along without them.
I was completely flabbergasted to
pee Abrams and his men in the parade,
walkin" along as big as life aleadin'
Rome of their horses and colts.' The
brass that some people has is amazin'.
Later on, at the place where they give
out the I seen him again with
that dude lookln colt o' his'n In the
ring. The judges was atryin' to decide
w hich was the best of the lot, and when
1 see they was agoin' to favor Abrams
I stepped up and says I: "That there
colt aint half as good as one I've got.
Abrams here has petted and curried and
blanketed that colt, and fed It eggs at
thirty cents a dozen for months. Just
to get It ready for this show. Mine's
bigger In every way, even If It has run
out the most of the Winter, and don't
need a blanket when It happens to be
in the sea breeze. This here colt can't
hold a candle to mine, and ain't deserv
ln" of no prize." 1
"Trot out your colt, Oldway," says
Abrams. "and we'll settle the question
right here."
"Iern ye:" says I. "You know my
colt's to home, where your'n ought to
be, or you wouldn't dare say that.
You ain't got a horse on your place
that can outpull old Sellm, and here
you are a settin" yourself up as a horse
Well, the crowd just hollered and
laughed, and the officer asked me to
step back, but I felt as if I had done
my duty in lettln' the public know
what a hypocrite that neighbor of mine
!. In spite of my warnin", them Judges
give Abrams two blue ribbons, and one
of these here silver-plated flower vases.
Now. In all candor, Mr. Editor, do you
think that was on the square?
The "high-livln " trap didn't catch
us down there. We'd read too much
about that before we left home. We
knowed better'n to pay thirty or forty
cents for an imitation slice of ham -and
a egg that's been set on. We come
from where them real articles grow
and have plenty of good fresh ones
every day. iJo we goes into a bakery
and I says to the clerk, says I. "Got
any doughnuts?"
"Yesterday's or today's?" says she.
"Whats the price?" says I.
"Ten cents a dozen for the fresh,
the others are cheaper." says she.
"Give me two-bits worth of the oth
ers then,'" says I.
Gosh! "She was certainly liberal. We
got five dozen and they lasted us all
the time we was down there. When
we got hungry, we'd go into a res
taurant with that bag of doughnuts,
and order a cup of coffee apiece. Then
w-e'd set there on them high stools and
soak the doughnuts in the coffee and
eat all we wanted.- The restaurant peo
ple didn't seem to like it much, and
some of them was overheard makin'
disrespectful remarks after we'd been
there a time or two, but we was asolv
ln' the question of "high prices." and
didn't care a dern for the opinion of
them little .whippersnapper waiters.
While we got along all right with
the eatin', we didn't fare so well in
gettin' a bed to slepp in. Sleep is ex
pensive in Salem. It cost us a dollar
and a half a night, but we didn't stay
more'n one night.
Saturday was a better day as to
weather, and we put in the mornin'
watchin' the judgin' and looking the
horses over at close range. They was
certainly handsome, but the question
in my mind !s: Do them pampered
horses do enough better than them that
is just common horse to pay for all
the extra trouble? It's my opinion
that a horse Is a horse if he'll do the
We heard music off on one of the
side streets, and both of us bein' un
common fond of it we went to see from
whence it come. We found a big tent
fixed with soie kind of machinery that
made a platform in the middle go round
and round. There was some artificial
horses on it for people to ride on while
they listened to the music that was
bein' played. It was a very pleasin'
idea, and the Elder and me enjoyed it
very much. I don't know how there
could have been a more appropriate
contraption for a Horse Show.
The big parade for the prizewinners
come off in the afternoon, and then the
prancin' and caperin' and driving of
the day before was repeated, with some
picter takin" added to it. Abrams was
as proud of his blue ribbons and his
band of high-strung, spindle-shanked
mares an.d colts as a boy with a new
suit of store clothes.
AVhile they was gettin' ready to pa
rade, me'n the Elder set in the buggy
and looked on. There was several other
rigs around, so the street was pretty
well filled. I heard a "Honk! honk!"
behind us, and there was a feller with
one of them derned automobiles, atryin'
to get through that crowd.
"Honk! honk!" and be derned," says
I. "This ain't no devil wagon show."
Though old Selim wagged his ears
and looked somewhat nervous, I held
him to the spot, till one of them of
ficious fellers with a sash aflyin rode
up to his head and. grabbin' the bits,
turned him round so's the infernal ma
chine could pass.
After the parade we drove out around
the state's prison and the lunatic asy
lum, so's the Elder could get Rome
pointers- for his book. There was a
dance in the skatin' rink that night,
but we only peeped in, as we had some
miles to go before we could get to
rest for the. night. As we left the
place where the dancin was agoin' on,
the Elder he says to me, "Yea, verily,
all is vanity, Brother Oldway."
"Yea, verily." says I.
Samuel's folks was asettin' up for us
and had kept somethin' hot to warm
us, so we was soon comfortably set
tled for the night. Eleven o'clock Sun
day mornin' found us and a crowd
fillin' the schoolhouse to the utmost.
That was a meetin' long to be remem
bered. I was called on to lead in prayer,
and though I ain't' prayed in public
since the Elder and me drawed out of
the home church years ago, when they
hired that hifalutin' preacher, I must
say I made quite a creditable prayer.
I prayed for the preacher and the con
gregation and the county officers and
the state and the Governor and the
President and Roosevelt and the Gov
ernment and Congress and the foreign
nations in particular, and everybody In
general, as is the custom on such occa
sions. You could hear the "amens" all
over the house when I quit.
The Elder took for his text the first
half of Zacharlah xil:4: "In that day
saith the Lord I will smite every horse
with astonishment and his rider with
That was a powerful sermon. I never
knew before that prophecy spoke so
plain, tellin' about streetcars and auto
mobiles. It showed Elder Jones to-- be
a; man of deep thought, and the col
lection that was took up at the close
of the meetin' proved that the people
appreciated his effort.
Goin' home that afternoon, he Insisted
on payin' me back all I'd spent at the
Horse show, out of the collection. I
kinder hated to take It, but I reckon it
"was all right and proper, bein as I
furnished the horse and buggy for the
I don't know when I've had such a
good time.
Yours truly.
P. S. I found out why Hanner was
so anxious to stay to home. Her and
Sammie went to work and planted the
garden to suit some new ideas they've
been agettin'. I ll bet we don't have
anything worth hoein'. O E O
) INC f
mm gowa
Tomorrow morning inaugurates the greatest Drug Store event this city has ever known, to celebrate the completion of our grand, new, up-to-date
store the handsomest, best-equipped, most elaborately stocked store jof its kind on the Pacific Coast. The artisans have finished and gone, our stock
is all shelved, show cases filled and the ideal drug store of Western America is open for your inspection. Our big chain of fourteen finely equipped
stores has met with tremendous success, owing to an unswerving policy that enables us to undersell every competitor, whatever his prices ; at the
same time furnishing a quality that is, always the very highest. . . ' . . .
Theatrical Cold Cream, full pound, best quality,
cleansing and soothing. Regular 50c 37
Veda Rose Rouge, an ideal cosmetic 29 ?
RubberseJ Lather Brushes. These bristles do not
come out. Regular 50c, special .33
Sozodont Tooth Paste, mnfrs' size. 25e 127
Powder Puffs, all wool, regular 25c. 15J
Castile Soap, genuine French imported, 21,.-;-poiiiid
bars, special at '2,'J.C
Florida Water, 50c size, special at 29
Rubifoam for the teeth and gums. The genuine
article, special .... 13
"Woodbury's Facial Soap, known everywhere as
ideal for the skin. Two bars for -25
La Blache Face Powder, made special at. . . .27?
Calox Tooth Powder, special X3
Raymond's Complexion Cream. This is a liquid
beautifier in white and flesh tints. The regular
35c size, special for 23?
Rose Cold Cream, a pure and soothing applica
tion. Regular 25c, special 15
Hay's Hair Health. Try it. Special 29
Iloubigant's Ideal Face Powder. The best. Regu
lar value $3.50. Special ..'..$3.19
Xile Blossom Perfume, new and lasting, regular price,
per ounce. $1.00; special 60
Rojer & Gallett's Vera Violetta Extract, original bot
tles, regular $1.25 1.05
Piver's Le Trifle Extract, in original bottles; regular
$1.25; special-
Koger & Gallet's- I'eau d 'Espagne , Extract, original
bottles, regular $1.25; special : $1.05
Coitv's La Rose Jacqueminot, original bottles, regular
$3.00; special .$2.45
Houbijrant's Mes Delices. in original bottles. lTirular
$5.50; special '.$4.85
Houbigaut's Perfume Koyal, original bottles, rccrular
$4.50; special 3.85
Roger & Gallett's fine Toilet Soaps, assorted odors;
special, per cake 24
$1.00 HAIR BRUSHES 59c
Those are exceptional
values. They are the
regular manufacturers'
size and regularly sell
for $1.00. Special Mon
day and Tuesday Rfl
You will find the best and largest assortment of brushes
nf all kinds in the OWL Dlll(; 'tl'ANY'S STOHKS.
We import direct from French manufacturers for all of
our FOi:RTEEX STORES. You save the . middleman's
profit. Buy at retail and secure wholesale price. Splen
did values... . . 5)Oi Tb to So.OO
ABDOMINAL $3. so values $2.78
Here Is a splendid value. Silk
elastic and made 'in all sizes.
Regular value $3.50. SPIX'IAI, 82.78
Fellow's Syrup Iiyphosphites, the greatest consti
tutional tonic. Special..... $1.05
Bicarbonate of Soda, absolutely, pure, full pound
box, .regular 10c ; special o
Burton's Blood Purifier. This is the time to take,
it. Special y73&
Cream of Tartar, full lb., best quality, spec'l, 20
1-iiebig's Malt Extract. Aids digestion. Good for
the stomach. Special, two for 25?
Spirit of Camphor. Regular OWL quality ; which
makes it the best. Regr. 25c si.e . .17
Borax, full pound box, best quaLity 7"
Lister's Antiseptic Fluid. Best mouth wash. Full
pint, special at..... I ............... ,ZQc
Powdered Alum, full pound, special . . - - '. ... i . 57
Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. You know it Well.
Special, two cans for. . .. , ............ .252
Sulphur, finest qualitj-, pound box. ........ ,5.
Merck's Sugar Milk. Full pound box.'. . . . .17?
Sweet Aromatic Castor Oil, pleasant to take. Reg.
25c size, special . ..15p
Moth Wax. Put in supply now. Pound 5
Bon Ami. still it hasn't scratched, two for. . ,1J
Cedar Creek Barley Malt "Whiskey; has the strength and
vigor of the grain itself; an unusual value at our special
price .69
Glyco-Thymoline, in large size: special value at Monday and
, Tuesday price ... ., 68
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Monday and Tuesday,
special at 59
Sal Hepatica, the regular $1.00 manufacturer's size :spe-
cial at .77&
ITorlick's Malted Milk; this is the hospital size and is made
special at $2.77
Charcoal Tablets, pure willow, regular 25c box ; special
Bell's Honey and Tar; just the season; regular 25c size 17
Antikamnia Tablets, 12 in a box; special at ...... 15
Warner's Safe Cure, manufacturer's size; special at..6J)
Dioxogen, regular '25c size; s61d everywhere at that price;
special at .i- ? - 15(
Doan's Kidiiey Pills, made special Monday find Tuesday 33
Hall's Catarrh Remedy. 'Try it and be convinced; spec. 55
Peruna. special Monday and Tuesday at, 59
Fulton's Renal Compound, special at. 63
D. D. D. for Eczema; worth while trying; special at 69
We do not handle goods we cannot
guarantee. Prices speak for themselves :
Tyrian Combination Syringe and Hot
Water Bottle. -Heavy white rubber.
Rapid flowing tube and four hard rub
ber attachments. Two-year guarantee.
Three-quart. Special .... .$1.87
Premium Combination Syringe and Hot
Water Bottle. This is a splendid value
at regular price of $2. Special, $1.39
Hygeia Hot Water Bottles, made of
strong, pure rubber. Guaranteed for
two years. Reg. $1.25. Special 98
Barclay Spray Springe, regular $2.50.
Special $1.95
Pape's Dia pepsin, special 29
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, manufactur-
$1.00 size, special 5
Duffy's Malt Whiskey, special 69c
Hunyadi Water, special 19
Gude'a Peptomangan, special , 69
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, sp'l 2T
Laxative Bromo Quinine, special .... X2
Mile's Nervine, special TJ
Meliin's Food, la rfre size, special 40c
Aqua Ammonia, full pint bottle, sp'l 7o
Danderine, 25c size, special 15c
IHaby Rattle, regular 2oc, special 15c
Wyeth's Llthia Tablets, 5 grains, special.
bottle 23
Holmes' FYostilla, special
California Syrup of Figs, special. .. .29c
The Owl Drug Store
The physician knows that OWL prescriptions are
pure, reliable and fresh" and it is safe for you to have
yours filled here. Our prescription department has
created a great deal of favorable comment since our
opening. Nothing but the purest and best drugs and
chemicals are used in compounding. Have your next
prescriptions filled at THE OWL DRUG STORE and
you will become a regular customer.
Only 73c
. These are strong,
well - made, dur
able and light.
Splendid for
shopping. V e r y
neat and useful.
Special 73
Suit Cases. We have a large stock of
124 a iid 26-inch Suit Cases. Ileal cow
hide. Also some heavy matting cases,
bound in leather. Brass trimmings. On
sle, Monday and Tuesday, regular
$5.00 and $5.50 values for $4.4:5
Owl Corner
Owl Corner
Fifty Acres of Fine Beach That Has Been Used for Private Gain Will Be Opened as Public Park Bungalows
Will Be Built in Air to Protect Owners.
NEW YORK, April 16. (Special.) Of
the many good things that have
been accomplished by the present
city administration, probably the best is
the discovery that a certain part of
Coney Is-land belongs to the taxpayers
of our city.
fnder the MeClellan administration It
was proposed to establish a. so-called
City Park at Rockaway, but the fact
that it would cost at least $3,000,000 rather
dulled civic enthusiasm, and the scheme
was allowed to lapse. But Mayor Gay
nor and Controller Prendergast, who
although of different parties, are work
ing hand in hand to advance the city's
interests, have discovered that they can
give the citizens a pleasure ground, and
at no cost to the people.
Investigations which have been under
way for some time, establish that there
are at least 50 acre6 of perfect beach
lands directly to the east of Ocean Park
way, that belong to the city, although
for many years they have been occupied
by private individuals, for private pur
poses. The titles have been searched,
and these prove that the city Is in undis
puted possession, having acquired the
beach by condemnation over 20 years
ago. And the people now in possession
have not paid one cent in rental during
all that period.
A city owned bathing- pavilion would
be a real boon to the people of New
York, who for years have been robbed
by the proprietors of the private resorts.
Frequently on Sunday as high as $2 'is
charged for a bathing Buit, the price
depending on the ize of the crowd.
There are 44 Municipal Court Justices
in Greater New York. Their duty is to
dispose of the minor civil cases, and their
salaries ara $7000 a year each. As they
are scattered all the way from the
upper end of the Bronx to Staten Island
and Rockaway, many of them have,
never met.
Some of the Manhattan jurists thought
it would be a. good idea to get acquainted.
So they arranged for a beefsteak party
in a restaurant uptown, and Invited every
judge. There was only one absentee, and
he was ill in bed. The affair was so suc
cessful, that the Brooklyn judges de
cided to invite their colleagues to an
entertainment and shore dinner early in
the Summer.
Atthi banquet, means were found to
limit oratory. The announcement was
made tlia-t each guest was privileged to
speak for five minutes and no longer.
The toastmaster held the watch and
called time. When the allotted period
was up. the signal was given to the
leader of the orchestra, and the band
played loudly and discordantly. This
stopped even the worst of the talkers,
and we have some mighty tiresome men
on the bench, as is no more than to
be expected.
Aerial Bungalows Built.
The Aerial Bungalow Club has been or
ganized in this city, and will practice
what they preach early this Summer.
One of the principal officers is Captain
B. S. Osbon. ex-secretary of the Arctic
Club, and Dr. Cook's warm friend.
"The scheme is to build bungalows
that will oe away from the earth, and
its tramps, bugs and burglars." eays
Captain Osbon. "Columns will rise in the
air 40 feel, and on top of these a plat-
form. On the platform will be the
bungalow. A spiral staircase will run
down to earth, the lower end hinged so
that it may be pulled up at night. Thus
no animals or bad men can reach us."
The "Aerial Bungalows" will be located
at Great River, L. I., .near the famous
estate of William K. Vanderbilt.
Mr. Vanderbilt only occupies his place
during the early Spring and the late Fall.
During the Summer, swarms of mo
squitoes make life In and about Great
River almost unbearable.
Oh you Bungalowfers!
Tipping Law Enforced.
Few people realize that there is a
state law against tipping, but it is a
fact neve:-thelecs. And Jacob Klein, a
Harlem lawyer, has fallen a victim to It.
Dr. W. H. Smith, superintendent of
Bellevue Hospital, went to District At
torney Whitman the other day, and in
formed him that employes were selling
information to lawyers. He said that he
understood that lawyers paid $10 for In
formation relative to a patient who had
any sort of an amputation following an
accident, and $10 for information about
the death of a patient who had been ac
cidentally injured.
Frank G. Groves, one of the clerks in
the hospital, was then summoned to the
office of Mr. Whitman, and made a state
ment under oath. The lawyer's arrest
New Leader Seeks Jobs.
Daniel K. Finn, Jr., son of the lata
"Battery Dan" was installed as leader of
the First District the other day to suc
ceed his father. On assuming charge,
the young man said to his Tammany
constituents, with tears streaming down
his cheeks:
"If I am able to do as well as father
did, in the way of getting jobs for the
district, I will be satisfied."
Finn is affectionately alluded to as "a
chip of the old block." He is a typical
Tammany leader of the old school, the
kind that is going out of fashion. For
that- reason he is interesting, but with
Gaynor in the City Hall, the son is not
likely to realize his ambition on the
matter of patronage.
Dummy Musicians Used.
AU sorts of graft games were practiced
under the MeClellan administration.
Every day or so our competent city offi
cials have discovered new leaks, and
have taker, means to plug them. There
ara probably many more, but naturally it
takes time to locate them.
Controller Prendergast made one Im
portant discovery the other day. During
the Summer the city provides music in
the various parks. Of course union musi
cians are employed, and the highest pos
sible rate paid. But the Controller re
ceived a tip. made an investigation
and verified the charge that "dummies"
had been rung in on the city.
These dummies do not know one note
of music from another. But they are
supplied with instruments and go through
the motions, of playing. The bandmaster
is paid the full union rate for each of
his men, but the understanding is that
he holds out half the pay of the dummies
as his personal "rakeoff."-
Under MeClellan the volume of music
became weaker from year to year, and
had it not been for the success of the re
formers, in a year or so we would prob
ably be- playing for strictly pantomime
Controller Prendergast has taken up the
matter with the Musical Mutual Pro
tective Union and calls the attention of
Its officers to the fact that not only is
the cits' robbed, but good. - competent
union musicians are deprived of work.
Mr. Prendergast suggests that the union
aid him in a system of inspection, de
signed to eliminate the dummies, and the
Indication is that this will be done.
Another interesting development oc
curred in the Bureau of Water Registry
In Queens. There a clerk was placed on
trial, convicted and removed. The evi
dence established that he had the han
dling of the city money and made a nice
little income by loaning it at Interest to
his fellow employes. Several who were
"fired" went away In his debt and this
caused a deficit he could not make good
on short notice.
Cafe de l'Opera I'aiU.
Experienced New Yorkers were not sur
prised when the Cafe de L'Opera, which
opened with a flourish, closed with a
bang. For New York is not London yet,
and it will probably be many years be
fore the resemblance becomes in any
way marked.
Henry Pruger, .imported as manager of
the restaurant at great expense, proved
his unfitness on the opening day by de
creeing that no man should be admitted
to the ground floor after 6 P. M. unless
he was arrayed In full evening dress.
And the patronage went to the bad right
at the start.
In London every man who has the price
wears a silk hat all day and dons evening
dress religiously. The average American
hates what he calls "dress clothes," and
dodges wearing them as often as he can.
In fact they are little in evidence at our
best theaters nowadays, apparently be
ing confined for use at the opera, recep
tions and big dinners.
The idea of a foreigner coming over
here and ordering New York's business
men to be uncomfortable rather got the
town's "goat." So everybody stayed away
from the Cafe de L'Opera, and the finest
restaurant In New York did not do the
business of the average cheap hashery.
New Yorkers go to restaurants after
the play, partly to eat and partly to en
joy themselves. And they do not pro
pose to allow anybody to tell them what
they shall wear in their hours of relaxa
tion. Life Sentence for Theft.
A sentence that seemed all out of pro
portion to the crime was inflicted in the
County Court in Long Island City the
other day.
Philip Render was convicted of steal
ing a set or harness from a stable in
Queens Borough. The judge jcih him to
Sing Sing for life.
Render is 70 years old and has beeT in
prison before. He was adjudged an.
habitual criminal. Harry S. Britton
went with him to Sing Sing, also on a
life term. Britton had earned his living
through advertising for a governess tt
take care of two children in a distant
city and skipping with tha money given
him by the victim to buy her railroad
ticket. He Is 59 years old.
Town's Name Causes How.
The row on Staten Island over tho
change in the name of Tottenvlllo to
Bentiy Manor has reached a stage where
friends of years' standing are now bitter
enemies. All sorts of charges are bolns;
made and factions have sprung up'iu the
local churches and secret societies.
The advocates of the old name claim
that the Tottens, after whom the village
was called, were well-known patriots
during the War of the Revolution, while
Bentiy was a Tory, who had to flee to
Canada. This statement was made on
the authority of Mrs. Donald McLean,
honorary president of the D. A. R.
Recently the other side got busy and
have submitted affidavits from experts
who have looked the matter up. These
men declare that history proves that tL
only member of the Totton family who
served during the Revolution was Gilbert
Totten, and he deserted to the enemv.
Furthermore, no family named Bentiy
ever lived In Tottenville prior to the Rev
olution. The Government has changed the name
of the postoffice to Bentiy Manor, but
the old residents refuse to recognize It.
and still send their letters to the old town.
They also hope in time to have the ac
tion of the authorities reversed.
I.nw Into Himself.
Washington Herald.
Kings. princes, diplomats. poten
tates, et al. may as well paste it in
their hats right now that . Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt is a law unto himself.