TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, APRIL IT, 1910. 11 ROADS TO BE TRIED Trip Will Be Made From The Dalles to Klamath Falls. WEEK TAKEN FOR TOUR Actual Work Will Soon Be Started on Improvement of Road to Mount Hood Clackamas Fund Will Go Toward Project. On a EOO-mlle trip, part of which will be over roads that are usually consid ered Impassable at this time of the year, J. A. Gordon, of 1001 East Twentieth street North, and Judge Baldwin, of Klamath Falls, left yesterday morning. The run mapped out Is from here to Klamath Falls, two Buick "White Btreaks" being used aa conveyances. Mr. Gordon will be accompanied by his wife. She will not be a "passenger," In the automobile sense of the word, as she Is a capable driver, and will doubt less be at the wheel a good part of the Journey. Judge Baldwin, who is a promi nent resident of Klamath Falls, will carry two passengers in his car. The automobiles were chioped from here to The Dalles by boat yesterday, and the start on the motor journey will be begun tomorrow, rain or shine. From The Dalles the route mapped out leads to Shanlko, thence to Madras, snd from there to Silver Lake, a small Interior town. Here It Is probable that a stop ovey of several days will be made, as trfe tourists will combine business with f-leasure. From this point the final dash to Klamath Falls will begin. The tour will, in some respects, be a path-finding expedition, as It Is ex pected considerable trouble will be met when the motorists negotiate roads through the timber belt of Har ney County. The "roads" there are, as a matter of fact, little more than trails from an automobilist's viewpoint. Es pecially is this true during the rainy eeason. Notwithstanding this feature, both Mr. Gordon and Judge Baldwin believe that they will be able to cover the entire distance In a week's time. With the "touring-bug" awakening In the mind of every automobile owner In Portland, considerable attention Is being directed to the condition of the roads mostly frequented out of this city. Among the most important of these Is, of course, the Mount Hood highway. One of the worst places on this road, with the exception of Mclntyre's Hill, Is at the bridge across Whiskey Creek. The road makes a sharp turn where this bridge spans the mountain stream, which is approached by a sharp de scent from both directions. The place Is Just beyond Cherryville, and Is well remembered by all automobilists who have made the famous trip. Arrangements have been completed to do away with the present bridge at ' the lowest point of the road by the erection of a high bridge to the north. Thn will be 40 or GO feet long. L. G. Holden, of Rhododendron Tavern, who came in from his home last week on account of the death of his mother. Bald that work will be started on this bridge at once, in- order to do away tvith one of the worst features of the trip. Clackamas County "will pay a part of the expenses of the change, the re mainder to be met out of the fund which has been raised through the Ftrenuous efforts of E. Henry Wemms. The cost of the new bridge, including grading, etc., will be $1200. Plans have also been made to improve Mc Intyre hill by changing the grading and cutting the road down to the solid gravel. During the month of May it Is proposed to replace the bridge across Zigzag, which was washed away by a freshet last Winter. The Mount Hood trip is one of the most popular of all out of Portland, and improvements in the road leading to the famous snow-capped pile will be sincerely welcomed by motorists. Dr. Leo RIcen has purchased a 22-. horsepower Maxwell, which was de livered to him last week. Other Max well deliveries during the" week were to C. S. Russell, the Rosenf eld-Smlth Co. and the Pacific Paper Company. The Menzles-Dubols Company re ceived a carload of Franklins last week, two of-which were immediately forwarded to The Dalles. Messrs. Mc Coy and J. Yaager were the pur chasers. T.r a v i h r here last Thursday morning, Ellsworth Plckel ran down to Salem In his Model G Franklin. Before re turning to this city, Mr. Pickel will -make a number of side trips out from the Capitol City. Last ' Wednesday the Northwest Bulck Company unloaded its 60th car load of Buicks this season. Southern California has proven at tractive to a number of Portland au Xomobllists of late. I. Lang recently returned from the South, where he spent much of his time In his Fierce Arrow machine. C. E. Williams, a local real estate dealer, returned last week after a five weeks' automobile tour of Southeast ern Oregon. He used a Hudson "20" for the trip. Mr. Williams made -the Harney Valley run, where the roads were in pretty bad condition, but came out with flying colors. Highways and Byways BY CHARLES C ALBRIGHT. GOOD roads, if they mean anything at all, represent the key to general prosperity. The automobile is the greatest Influence In the country for de velopment in this direction. E. Henry Wemme acted for the best interests of the entire Northwest when he urged the members of the Automobile Club to, take n active part in the work of the Oregon Good Roads' Association. Devotees of cross-country touring are waiting eagerly the time when the tour book of the Portland Automobile Club Is Issued. Accurate maps will be one of the teatures, so that newcomers will have no txcuse for getting lost or mixed up on Dregon roads. m w w Dr. Ralph C. Matson Is planning to take party of friends on a week-end trip to Mount Hood in his Chalmers roadster lust as soon as the roads are in good condition. This run is a very popular one, notwithstanding the fact that gTeat deal of work must be done on the cenic highway before it will be In shape Tor fast driving. Dr. .Matson expects to leave Friday or Saturday afternoon of the t coming week, returning Sunday night. ravine Portland at S o'nlock in th aft- ernoon, the foot of Mount Hood may be reached by 6 in the evening if the mo torist has any kind of luck. D.r. Matson has given bis sturdy little machine num erous severe hlll-cllmblng and mud plowing tests, but It has never failed him yet. Of a striking design, the Cole "30," the latest car to be seen on local streets. is the subject of considerable favorable comment. The agency for the car' has been secured by the Twitchell Motor Car . Company, and a number of the machines have already been delivered to purchasers.- A shipment of Pierce-Racine ma chines arrived in Portland yesterday, consigned to the same agency. There are numerous excellent trout streams within driving distance of Portland, and advantage is usually taken of these early In the season, as they are essentially "early" strains. Last Sunday a couple of automobile parties went out to the Sandy River, but the weather was unfavorable for good results. A large number of streams which may be easily reached by motor will yield good bait-fishing during this month. In Washington County there are several cap ital trout streams, among them being Dairy Creek, Scroggins Creek and McKay Creek. Dr. Andrew C. Smith, elected a member of the board of directors of the Portland Automobile Club recently, has plans made for an automobile tour of Lastern Oregon this- Summer. Dr. Smith will ship his 60-horsepower Packard from here to The Dalles, from which point he will commence his motor tour. He -iu take plenty of time for the trip, as he ex pects to manipulate a fishing-rod and a shotgun on every favorable opportunity. The steel road signs which have been secured by the Automobile Club to place on the Oregon highways have proven so popular in design that they have been copied by three other Western state clubs. These signs are being placed on all roads out of Portland, and it is the plan of the club to have them set up all over the state. County and state of ficials are co-operating with the automo bile organization in this regard, and- Ore gon will be well marked with signs as a result. - . "Instead of walking we will travel In an automobile through the Old Country," said John MiUthlesen, proprietor of the Hotel zur RheVipfalz here, in New York the other day. Mr. Matthiesen ordered a big Locomobile touring car before he left Portland.- The first automobile has made Its ap pearance, in Raymond, Wash., the hustl ing little lumber town where they sell town lots "by the bucket." G. E. Gar rett, a grocer, has purchased a car with a demountable body that will be used both for pleasure and commercial work. E. Henry Wemme has announced that he will visit Europe during the coming Summer. Of course he will take his car with him. It is a safe gamble that Mr. Wemme will say scores of times during his European tours: "Yes, this is pretty good scenery but, say, you just ought to make that Mount Hood trip out In Ore gon!" s Florida now has a State Automobile Association, comprising. eight clubs. Ap plication will be made for affiliation with the A. A. A. With the same idea in view, the Portland Automobile Club is working among the smaller towns- of the state. The Long Beach, Wash., booster organ ization is at it again. For the "steenth" time it has asked for automobile races to be held there this Summer, and, in view of the fact that Pacific County has appropriated the sum of $15,000 for a beach boulevard there, prospects are very good for a series of races. No better place in the Northwest could be secured for the speed contests than on the ocean beach, where there Is a" straight-away stretch many miles long. Many promi nent Portland automobilists have their Summer homes at this beach. An automobile school has been organ ized in California, with 18 pupils. Every dealer in Portland conducts his own school, with drivers of practical knowl edge in constant attendance to teach pur chasers how to handle their machines, . As soon as Old Sol begins1 to get in his good work, automobile "week-enders" will be out In force. Let the automobilists and the farmers work together and Oregon will have the finest highways in the country. I It has been announced that a car equipped with a wireless telegraph outfit will take part In the Glldden tour this year, and the matter Is referred to as a novelty. Six or eight years ago Mar.' conl fitted up a car with his wireless and it worked well. i .... ' ' I Eleven hundred miles Is the total length of the state trunk road planned for Washington by Governor Hay. When the fine highway projected between Clje halls and South Bend Is completed, Port land automobilists will have an oppor tunity to make an interesting run direct from- here to the beautiful Willapa Har bor town. j . . . j The Los Angeles Motordrome, which opened April 8, marking a new epoch in automobile racing in America, has an Immense board saucer-shaped track 75 feet in width, built of the finest quality ! of Oregon pine. This Is said to be th very best wood to stand the sun's rays without warping or cracking. Lucky Is -the slugger who stands at the head of the major league hitters at the close of the 1910 baseball season! Hurt Chalmers, of the Chalmers-Detroit Au- I tomobile Company, has offered a dial- . mers "30" as a prize for the 1910 batting champion. Hans Wagner would better look to his honors now. A St The Lady's Choice udebaker Electric If you buy a poor automobile the memory of price will be the only thing in future automobile difficulty to act as a counter irritant to your troubled soul. Our STUDEBAKER ELECTRIC COUPE is a car for all seasons. Built strong and durable, guaranteed for one year. There is no car that offers so much real automobile value. Phone us for demonstration. Garage and Salesroom Chapman and Alder Streets. THE PIERCE-RACINE The Car With a Famous Engine. None Better at Any Cost. The Plerce Hacine Wlll'Cost You Nothing but Fuel for One Year. PRICE $2050 FULLY EQUIPPED Twitchell Motor Car Co. FIPTEEXTH AKD WASHINGTON STS. Phones Main 5408, A, 3208. several well known lads on his roster. Tracy, an old leaguer, will captain the team and cavort around the initial sta tion. Sam Dunn is a candidate in, the pitcher's box and Giebisch Is an nounced as one of the receivers. FRENCH PLOT IS EXPOSED Underhand Method of Anti-Clerical Partisan Is Exposed. PARIS, ' April 16. (Spclal.) A scandal which has caused much commotion in Lyons exhibits the degradation of the anti-clerical movement in France. After the confiscation of the presbytery of Ainay, vacated by the clergy of the par ish. M. ritiilhot. hflrrtr ard mpmlipr rf the Municipal Council, denounced at a public meeting of the Council the filthy condition of - the presbytery "as left by the cure and curates," and next day an indignant and sensational article appear ed in Le Progres, a . Radical-Socialist newspaper, of Lyons, giving horrible de tails, Illustrated from photographs, of the condition of the rooms and denouncing the "repulsive manners" of the priest hood. . -The Council cited the cure to appear, and officials were sent to investigate the place. The caretakers of the house. placed In charge by the Council, in formed the officials that M. Guilhot him self had prepared the scene and took photographs of It; that he had brought In several empty bottles and placed them about and Introduced the filth and smeared the walla and windows as ds- t-' rtny finil -pn In the pho- WHIT GAS CAR "THE QUALITY GAR" Made to stand up for every-day use not for one season, but many seasons. The White Gasoline Car is designed and built to run at a lower cost of up keep, mile for mile, than any car on the American market. FEATURES Long Stroke Motor, Heated Intake, Cooled Exhaust, En Bloc Motor, Three Point Suspensions, Four Speed Transmission, Valve Mechanism Enclosed, Accessibility of Every Working Part. th til 5V ; iSL-' -? tm-. truism MATERIALS Chrome Nickel Steel Axles, Gears, Frame, Crank Shaft, Steering Knuckles and Connections; Aluminum Body, Imported Engine Castings, Genuine Hand-Buffed Leather Upholstering, Pure Hair of Best Grade. The Satisfaction of Being "Up-to-Date" There is a certain real satisfaction which comes through the possession of any article which is, in every respect, thoroughly up-to-date. In fact, almost all "shopping" consists of a search for the goods of latest pattern and embodying the latest ideas. In purchasing a motor car, it is particularly important to secure the latest design. because the art has been advancing so rapidly that those cars, the design of which dates back two or three years, do not possess many of the desirable features which the present state of the are makes possible. The owner of a White gasoline car has the satisfaction of knowing that the design of his car is at least one year in advance of any other American machine, and that he will see the features which he now has in his car adopted by other makers next year and the year after. Among these up-to-date features are the "long-stroke" engine, the casting of the four cylinders en bloc with only about one-fourth of the usual amount of piping, the four-speed transmis sion, etc. The owner of a White gasoline car can be even more proud of its QUALITY than of its up-to-date design. There is no part of the car which could be made of any better material or could be constructed with more care, even if the selling price of the car were two thousand dollars greater. Licensed under Selden Patent. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES White M otoF Car Co. C. A. EASTMAN, Gen. Mgr. G. S. BRACKETT, Secy. SIXTH AND MADISON STREETS Now located in our new home, the finest motor car station in the West. Forty thousand square feet of space. Every modern convenience. tographs. The matter came top at last Friday's meeting of the Municipal Coun cil, when the conduct of Guilhot was se verely condemned, and after uttering a few Insults at priests and Liberals, he ended by avowing his conduct and mak ing excuses. Next day the Radical Socialist journal confessed its share In the trpnFactlnn. Semi-professional Gossip The semi-professional season was opened In Spokane last Sunday, when the City League played-to 2000 enthusi astic spectators. This attendance is good considering that the Spokane In dians were playing the Gonzaga Col legians -as a counter attraction at the league park. The Brownlees copped the first city league game from the Gold Coins by a score of 7 to 4, and the Hazelwoods trimmed the Varneys to the tune of 10 to 3. Double-headers are played at Spokane in jig time. The Portland fans should follow the action of the Inland Empire city and attend the Tri-City league contests. The Oregon youngsters play good ball and a number have graduated into fast company. Frank Turk is an example of how a youngster can rise and will come to the front fast. Enjoy the day at Vaughn street and see the West Slders in action against the Dllworth Derbies. The lads need encouragement, as the amateur of today Is the leaguer of tomorrow. Earl Wlnterbotham has accepted the management of the Portland Maroons baseball team and wpuld like to hear from out-of-town teams who have en tered Into negotiations for games with Wolfe Duncan, late manager of the local team, who has gone to the Dalles. Mr. Wlnterbotham wishes to avoid con fusion of dates in the schedule and urgently requests the managers to write him, as Mr. Duncan did not fur nish him with former correspondence. He may be addressed at his residence. East Third and Wasco streets. The Hop Golds have organized, for the season and invite offers from out-of-town teams for Sunday games. Mr. Lethrop Is handling the club and has Just the Automobile You Have Been Looking For A High-grade Family Car at a Reasonable Price 10 Mode irora $1050 F. O. B. PORTLAND Five-Passenger Touring Car, Fully Equipped With Top, Side Curtains, Wind Shield, Speedometer, Gas Lamps, Gas Generator Side Oil and Tail Lamps Think of it I A four-cylinder, roomy, powerful five-passenger touring car, having all the features of cars costing five times its price. Built of Vana dium steel, it weighs only 1200 pounds, which means low tire upkeep; Bmall gasoline consumption, long life and ability to negotiate the roughest roads, a great hill climber, so simple any girl can operate it. Every Model "T" is a duplicate of the winner of the Nqw York-Seattle race. One gallon of gasoline will take you 25 .miles. . Write for catalogue today. Phone for a demonstra tion. We have a surprise in store for you. Main 692. Standard Motor Car Co. &&ZZ H. 0. Barns Auto Co., McMinn- vllle, Or. W. M. Stewart, Hood River, Or. 0. L. Shattuck, Prinevffle, Or. AGENCIES: S. O. Miller & Son, Aurora, Cr. T. H.- Robertson, Stayton, Or. Ralston & Crawford, Albany. Eugene Jenkins, Tillamook, Or. Huntley Bros, Oregon City. T, L. Dunsmore, The Dalles, Or. Thornbrngh & Baldwin, Forest Grove, Or. AGENTS WANTED IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY LANE STEAM CAR BEATS THEM ALL --r'J' r i J N- 'i'iiuiMiipir SEVEN-PASSENGER, 65-H. P. PRICE Fl O. B. PORTLAND $2700. Goes anywhere other cars go and many places other cars cau't go. Runs quietly, easily operated. Very little expense for maintenance. A car that will please the most particular. Demonstration will re veal its true merit. Phone Marshall and A 1915 for a ride. The Lane Automobile Co. 86 Tenth Street. M M ONOGRA OIL STILL LEADS SALE QUALITY UNIFORMITY And in aiding: such famous drivers as De Paleus, Ilarroun, Robertson and others to establish world's records at Los Angeles in the recent speed car nival. , ALWAYS IN STOCK. BALLOU & WRIGHT 86 SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, OREGON Complete Auto Supply House